Federal Court Analytics
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Did you know...
with Docket Alarm, you can get email updates whenever there is a major decision from the PTAB in any IPR or CBM?
Click here to view recent orders and decisions from the PTAB (building statistics won't be interrupted).
Have you tried...
our advanced boolean search operators? Docket Alarm supports the advanced search operators that you are used to.
Click here to see what operators are available, with examples to see how they are useful (building statistics won't be interrupted).
Have you ever...
researched an expert's litigation history? With hundreds of millions of documents in our database, chances are your expert is in there. Find out the full story before putting him or her on the stand.
Under flat-rate billing, searches are free, so try searching for your expert today.
Are you tracking...
Did you know that the first petition for post grant review (PGR) was filed? With Docket Alarm, you can easily track all of the new PGR petitions.
Click here to see and track new PGRs (building statistics won't be interrupted).
Checked out our blog?
Docket Alarm's blog has the latest news of all the new features. Take a look.
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Feel free to email us at support@docketalarm.com if you would like some help.
We're Upgrading!
We're currently upgrading our search system to bring you the latest and greatest analytics available.
When we're done, you'll be able to group companies, law firms, and judges and collect analytics on them as a group. But to get there, we have to run through all of our documents again. Please stay tuned.
Feel free to at email us if you would like some help.