Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 1 of 85 Page ID #:614
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 1 of 85 Page ID #:614


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 2 of 85 Page ID #:615
`Ca868=20-CV'°049° ”0°“mem 1'9 FllllllllfllllllllfllIllll’llll'lllllllfll|llll|Ill’lllfllllllfilll‘llllllll
`US 8,797,490 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`(12) Unlted States Patent
`Kataoka et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 5, 2014
`USPC ........... 349/143; 349/130; 349/139; 349/142;
`349/ 144
`(71) Applicant: Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka (JP)
`Inventors: Shingo Kataoka, Osaka (JP); Arihiro
`Takeda, Osaka (JP); Takahiro Sasaki,
`Osaka (JP); Tsutomu Seino, Osaka (JP);
`Yoshio Koike, Osaka (JP); Hidefumi
`Yoshida, Osaka (JP); Yuichi Inoue,
`Osaka (JP); Kazutaka Hanaoka, Osaka
`(JP); Seiji Tanuma, Osaka (JP);
`TakatOShi Mayama, Osaka (JP);
`Kimiaki Nakamura, Osaka (JP); Hideo
`Chida, Osaka (JP); Seiji Doi, Osaka
`Hiroyasu Inoue, Osaka (JP); Takashi
`Takagi, Osaka (JP)
`(73) Assignee: Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka (JP)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent 15 extended or adjusted under 35
`U'S'C‘ 15403) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 14/030,881
`Sep. 18’ 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014/0016066 A1
`Jan. 16,2014
`Related U.S.Application Data
`(60) DWISIOH Of applicat1on NO' 13/613’83.6’ filed 0.11.8731).
`13, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,570,477, wh1ch1s a d1V1s1on
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Sep. 27, 2000
`Int Cl
`(JP) ................................. 2000-295266
`G02F ”133 7
`G02F ”139
`(52) U-S- Cl-
`CPC ........ G02F 1/133 7 (2013.01); G02F 1/133 707
`(2013.01); G02F1/139 (2013.01); G02F
`1/1393 (2013.01)
`(58) Field Of Classification Search
`CPC """ G021: “139’ G021: 1/1337683132131/31337987’
`349/130 139 1427144
`.1.....t. ..... .fi....1.f.............1 t
`Lh’ t,
`ee app 1ca 1on
`e or comp e e searc
`1s ory.
`References C1ted
`4,834,509 A
`5/1989 Gunjima et al.
`C t'
`( on “me )
`. 6/1988
`G01denViewDisplayInc.,webpage, http://wwwgoldenviewdisplay.
`com/lcdiexplainedhtml, pp. 1-3, downloaded Mar. 7, 2013.
`Primary Examiner 7 A. Sefer
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm 7 Greer Burns & Crain, Ltd.
`A liquid crystal display deVice including first and second
`substrates, with a liquid crystal layer sealed therebetween.
`The deVice also includes a first electrode formed on the first
`substrate, a second electrode formed on the second substrate,
`a first molecule orientation film formed on the first substrate
`so as to cover the first electrode, a second molecule orienta-
`tion film formed on the second substrate so as to cover the
`second electrode, and a plurality of micro structures associ-
`ated with at least one of the first and second electrodes,
`between the first and second electrodes, liquid crystal mol-
`ecules ofthe liquid crystal layer are oriented such that no dark
`line occurs in a Vicinity ofthe plurality ofmicro structures and
`no dark line occurs between adjacent micro structures.
`8 Claims, 65 Drawing Sheets


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`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 3 of 85 Page ID #:616
`US 8,797,490 B2
`Page 2
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`ofapphcatlon No. 13/051,386, filed on Mar. 18, 2011,
`now Pat. No. 8,471,994, which is a division of
`application No. 12/268,722, filed on Nov. 11, 2008,
`Pat No 7 952 675 which is a continuation of
`x " a
`apphcatlon No. 11/542,308, filed on Oct. 2, 2006, now
`Pat. No. 7,486,366, which is a division of application
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`2004/0075798 A1
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`2004/0095538 A1
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`4/2004 Song et 31.
`5/2004 Kim e_t al.
`6/2005 Sasakl et a1~
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`800% Nada.
`“/2009 Sasaki et 31.
`2/2013 Koma ........................... 349/139
`6/2013 KataOka et al~
`0 884 626
`Liquid crystal display, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, webpage,
`http ://en .wikipedja. org/wiki/Liquidicrystalidisplay,
`downloaded Mar. 7, 2013.
`* cited by examiner
`References Cited
`Yoshida et a1.
`Nakamura et a1.
`Bozler et a1.
`Yamanaka et a1.
`Abe et a1.
`Petscheck et a1.
`Song et a1.
`Takeda et a1.
`Doi et a1.
`Kataoka et a1.
`Kataoka et a1.
`Kataoka et a1.
`Kataoka et a1.
`Kataoka et a1.
`Yoshida et a1.


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 4 of 85 Page ID #:617
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 4 of 85 Page ID #:617
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 1 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2
`QMy"‘ ,
`.1“ 0) O
`I 1


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 5 of 85 Page ID #:618
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 5 of 85 Page ID #:618
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2


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`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 3 of 65
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
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`US. Patent
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`FIG. 7B


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`US. Patent
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`Sheet 7 of 65
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`US. Patent
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`FIG. 10
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`F l G. 16


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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`FIG. 21


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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`FIG. 22
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`U.S. Patent
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`FIG. 42


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`FIG. 46


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`Sheet 56 of 65
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`Sheet 57 of 65
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`FIG. 51


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`FIG. 52
`1 @55


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 62 of 85 Page ID #:675
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 62 of 85 Page ID #:675
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 59 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2
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`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 63 of 85 Page ID #:676
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 63 of 85 Page ID #:676
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 60 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2
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`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 64 of 85 Page ID #:677
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 64 of 85 Page ID #:677
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 61 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2
` FIG. 550
`FIG. 55D


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 65 of 85 Page ID #:678
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 65 of 85 Page ID #:678
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 62 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2


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`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 66 of 85 Page ID #:679
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 63 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 67 of 85 Page ID #:680
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 67 of 85 Page ID #:680
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 64 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 68 of 85 Page ID #:681
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 68 of 85 Page ID #:681
`US. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 65 of 65
`US 8,797,490 B2


`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1-9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 69 of 85 Page ID #:682
`Case 8:20-cv-00490 Document 1—9 Filed 03/10/20 Page 69 of 85 Page ID #:682
`US 8,797,490 B2
`This is a divisional ofapplication Ser. No. 13/613,836, filed
`Sep. 13, 2012, which is a divisional of application Ser. No.
`13/051,386, filed Mar. 18, 201 1,now US. Pat. No. 8,471,994,
`issued on Jun. 25, 2013, which is a divisional of application
`Ser. No. 12/268,722, filed Nov. 11, 2008, which is now US.
`Pat. No. 7,952,675, issued on May 31, 2011, which is a
`continuation of application Ser. No. 11/542,308, filed Oct. 2,
`2006, whichis now US. Pat. No. 7,486,366, issued on Feb. 3,
`2009, which is a divisional of application Ser. No. 09/903,
`010, filed Jul. 11, 2001, whichis now US. Pat. No. 7,145,622,
`issued on Dec. 5, 2006.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention generally relates to liquid crystal
`display devices, and more particularly to a liquid crystal
`display device applying a vertical orientation mode.
`The liquid crystal display device has been widely used for
`various portable information processing apparatuses, espe-
`cially, for laptop computers and cellular phones, as a display
`device that is minimized and requires lower power consump-
`tion. Recently, a performance ofthe liquid crystal display has
`been dramatically improved to be faster. Thus, recent tech-
`nology of the liquid crystal display achieving a faster
`response speed and a clearer contrast is realized to replace a
`CRT display device of a desktop computer or a workstation
`However, such a conventional liquid crystal display is
`needed to improve the response speed and the contrast in
`order to be especially applied to a flat display device of a
`desktop computer. Also, it is required to realize a wider angle
`of visibility to recognize information displayed on the con-
`ventional liquid crystal display device as much as a direct
`view angle to a front ofthe conventional liquid crystal display
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Conventionally, as a practical liquid crystal device, a TN-
`type liquid crystal display device that is normally in white
`mode has been widely used. In the TN-type liquid crystal
`display device, an orientation direction of liquid crystal mol-
`ecules is changed depending on an applied voltage signal. A
`transmission light is controlled to turn ON or OFF by the
`change of the orientation direction of the liquid crystal mol-
`However, in the TN-type liquid crystal display device, a
`ratio of contrast is limited because of an operation principle.
`Thus, it is diflicult to realize the wider view angle that is
`required for the display device of the desktop computer.
`On the contrary, the inventor of the present invention has
`already proposed a liquid crystal display device in which the
`liquid crystal molecules in a liquid layer are oriented to an
`approximate vertical direction in advance before a driving
`voltage is applied, so called a vertical orientation liquid crys-
`tal display device.
`A principle of a vertical orientation liquid crystal display
`device 10 that is proposed by the inventor of the present
`invention, called an MVA type, will now be described. FIG.
`1A is a diagram showing a non-driving state in that the driving
`voltage is not applied to the liquid crystal display device 10
`and FIG. 1B is a diagram showing a driving state in that the
`driving voltage is applied to the liquid crystal display device
`Referring to FIG. 1A, a liquid crystal layer 12 is clamped
`between glass substrates 11A and 11B. The glass substrates
`11A and 11B form a liquid panel with the liquid crystal layer
`12. Molecule orientation films (not shown) are formed on the
`glass substrates 11A and 11B. By effects of the molecule
`orientation film, in the state in which the driving voltage is not
`applied, the liquid crystal molecules in the liquid crystal layer
`12 are oriented in the approximate vertical direction to the
`liquid crystal layer 12. In the non-driving state in FIG. 1A,
`because a deflection angle of a deflection plate is not substan-
`tially changed, in a case in which a polarizer and an analyzer
`are provided on a top and a bottom surfaces in a crossed Nicol
`state, an incident light beam, which transmits through the
`polarizer and enters the liquid crystal layer 12, is interrupted
`by the analyzer.
`On the other hand, in the driving state in FIG. 1B, the liquid
`molecules are tilted by influence of the applied electric field.
`the deflection direction of the deflection plate is
`changed. As a result, the incident light beam, which transmits
`through the polarizer and enters the liquid crystal layer 12,
`transmits through the analyzer.
`Moreover, in the liquid crystal display device 10 in FIG. 1A
`and FIG. 1B, during the transmission from the non-driving
`state to the driving state, in order to suppress a tilt direction of
`the liquid crystal molecules and improve the response speed,
`extended projecting patterns 13A and 13B are alternately
`formed on the glass substrates 11A and 11B in parallel.
`By forming the projection patterns 13A and 13B, the
`response speed of the liquid crystal display device 10 is
`improved and simultaneously a plurality of domains are
`formed in different directions of tilting the liquid crystal
`molecule in the liquid crystal layer 12. As a result, the view
`angle of the liquid crystal display device 10 is greatly
`FIG. 2 is a diagram showing an orientation state of the
`liquid crystal molecules in vicinities ofthe projection patterns
`13A and 13B in the driving state in FIG. 1B.
`Referring to FIG. 2, the liquid crystal molecules are tilted
`in the driving state and an angle difference is about 180°
`between orientation directions of the projections 13A and
`13B. That is, the projections 13A and 13B are twisted. In FIG.
`2, a polarizer absorbent axis P and an analyzer absorbent axis
`A are shown.
`In liquid crystal display

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