`Matthew M. Mahoney, Esq. (SBN 211184)
`Dwayne H. Stein, Esq. (SBN 261841)
`Erin L. Crane, Esq. (SBN 323278)
`401 B Street, Suite 2220
`San Diego, California 92101
`Telephone (619) 407-0505
`Attorneys for Plaintiff PHAMATECH INCORPORATED,
`a California corporation
`a California corporation
`Case No.
`WALGREEN, CO., an Illinois
`Corporation, and DOES 1-10, inclusive
`PROC., § 17200)
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.2 Page 2 of 18
`- 10 as follows:
`Plaintiff Phamatech, Inc. is a California corporation headquartered in
`San Diego, California.
`Defendant Walgreen Co. is an Illinois corporation, headquartered in the
`state of Illinois, but registered as a California Corporation, Corp No. C0365922.
`Walgreens conducts extensive business in the State of California, including
`operating at least 586 stores in California and selling products to California residents
`via ecommerce.
`Plaintiff is unaware of the true names and capacities of Defendants
`and therefore sue them by those fictitious names. Plaintiff
`reserves the right to amend this Complaint to identify those defendants by their name
`and capacity after that information is ascertained.
`DOES 1 through 10 are the servants and/or agents of Defendant and
`every act or omission alleged in this Complaint was committed within the course
`and scope of that service and/or agency. Accordingly, DOES 1 through 10 may be
`held liable for the acts and omissions alleged in this Complaint.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to
`28 U.S.C. §1332(a)(2) because it is a dispute between citizens of different states and
`the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.00, exclusive of interest and costs.
`The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California has
`personal jurisdiction over the Defendants because Defendants conduct significant
`business in the Southern District of California and maintains offices and/or stores in
`the Southern District of California, and many of the acts complained of and giving
`rise to the claims alleged herein occurred in California.
`Page 1
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.3 Page 3 of 18
`Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because a substantial
`part of the events and omissions giving rise to the claims alleged herein occurred in
`this district.
`A. Walgreens and Phamatech Enter into Agreement to Purchase and Sell
`Phamatech Goods.
`Phamatech is a manufacturer of home drug-testing kits among other
`products, and is a testing laboratory, located in San Diego. Historically, one of
`home. Phamatech manufactures these kits and sells them to merchants who then sell
`these products to their customers. The relationship between Walgreens and
`Phamatech goes back nearly twenty years when Phamatech began acting as a
`As to the current dispute, in or about March 2017, the Walgreens and
`Walgreens to sell to its customers.
`terms of
`the Agreement, Walgreens sold certain Phamatech products in its stores. The
`Agreement set forth that Phamatech would be compensated on a "consignment"
`basis, meaning Walgreens would pay Phamatech once products were sold to
`In practice, the relationship between the Parties usually took the
`stating the type of product and number of units Phamatech was to provide.
`Phamatech would then fulfill the Purchase Orders by sending the requested items to
`Walgreens to various distribution centers designated by Walgreens.
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`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.4 Page 4 of 18
`Pursuant to the Agreement, Walgreens agreed to only sell Phamatech
`home drug-testing kits in its stores. Additionally, certain products were to be
`manufactured by Phamatech and sold exclusively to Walgreens. For example,
`Walgreens sought an "At Home Nicotine Test" that would be manufactured
`exclusively for Walgreens stores. Walgreens and Phamatech agreed that this
`exclusivity would last for all of 2019 and 2020.III.
`The Agreement Specifies Walgreens is to Track Phamatech Sales
`Utilizing "Scan" Accounting.
`compensation on a "scan basis." This meant that Walgreens would order and be in
`possession of Phamatech goods, and then would place the Phamatech goods on
`display for sale in its stores. When a customer purchased a Phamatech good, the
`Phamatech at the contract price, less the contract amount for marketing and
`promotional fees, for each item sold. Walgreens was required to make payment for
`For tracking purposes, Walgreens was required to provide Phamatech
`with documentation of what products were sold, the sales amount, and any
`applicable marketing and promotional fees. This documentation would provide a
`backup of how much Walgreens owed to Phamatech and was to be the basis for the
`compensation paid by Walgreens to Phamatech under the Agreement.
`14. However, starting in or about July 2017, Walgreens stopped providing
`this documentation to Phamatech. Instead, Walgreens claimed the underlying sales
`information was available through a vend
`Walgreens was difficult if not impossible to access/navigate, and it failed to provide
`Page 3
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`understandable information whereby Phamatech could meaningfully trace the sale
`of its goods.
`C. Walgreens Demands Increased Production and Supply of Phamatech
`In or about March 2020, Walgreens notified Phamatech that Walgreens
`needed to increase its orders because it intended to display "double facings" of
`Phamatech products meaning Walgreens would be displaying twice as much
`Phamatech products than it had been previously. Walgreens even sought assurances
`from Phamatech, in writing, that Phamatech would be able to manufacture and
`timely ship to meet Walgreens' increased demand for additional Phamatech goods.
`Phamatech adjusted its production of raw materials to meet this increased demand.
`The result of Walgreens' requests was Phamatech being required to
`timely ship any increased orders from Walgreens. Phamatech complied with
`items ready to ship. Phamatech was required to increase production because the
`Agreement contained penalties for Phamatech not being able to timely fulfill orders.
`Further, Walgreens also provided Phamatech with documentation
`showing increased ordering of Pham
`production of these items.
`Then, Just Weeks Later, Walgreens Inexplicably Cancels the
`18. On or about April 6, 2020, approximately two weeks later, while
`Walgreens was demanding Phamatech ramp up production, Walgreens also sent
`notification it was cancelling the entire scan-based Agreement without any warning
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`or explanation, effective August 21, 2020. The termination notice stated that the
`"exit date" would occur on or about October 9, 2020.
`19. Nonetheless, despite the cancellation, Phamatech continued to receive
`regular purchase orders from Walgreens until July 2020.
`Per the Agreement, Walgreens Failed to Pay Phamatech for Items It Had
`Already Sold.
`Even though Walgreens failed to substantiate its sales documentation,
`documentation by matching payments
`to shipments and recorded sales.
`Accordingly, Phamatech was able to establish that Walgreens has failed to pay it for
`a significant amount of Phamatech goods sold by Walgreens.
`21. Between July 2017 and December 2020, Walgreens sold approximately
`$22,531,129 worth of Phamatech products pursuant to the Agreement. Walgreens
`deducted $6,792,038 in contractual deductions and promotional fees, leaving a total
`22. During this period, Walgreens paid Phamatech $13,069,310, leaving a
`balance of approximately $2,699,781 owed and unpaid to Phamatech pursuant to the
`terms of the Agreement.
`23. Beginning on or about October 30, 2020, Phamatech provided notice to
`Walgreens of the remaining unpaid $2,699,781 owed to Phamatech pursuant to the
`Agreement. However, Walgreens never acknowledged this money owed to
`Phamatech. Phamatech continued to pursue these delinquent payments through
`regular correspondence, without any response from Walgreens.
`/ / /
`/ / /
`/ / /
`Page 5
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.7 Page 7 of 18
`F. Walgreens Returned Unusable Goods in Bad Faith.
`Per the Agreement, once the contract was terminated, the parties were
`required to work together to sell the remaining inventory of Phamatech goods in
`ined the right to return unsold goods to Phamatech.
`25. Nonetheless, instead of following the process to resell the remaining
`units that Walgreens returned to Phamatech were items that had been ordered at least
`four years earlier and was not part of the scan-based agreement, and these items were
`well past the product expiration date. Further, most of the goods returned by
`Walgreens were so damaged and/or destroyed as to render them unusable and
`Thus, the goods returned by Walgreens were worthless, as they could
`not to be resold or repurposed by Phamatech due to their damaged/destroyed
`condition and/or age resulting in damages not yet ascertainable.
`Further, Pham
`pay for all the Phamatech goods it sold. Instead, an estimated 600,000 units of
`Phamatech goods were shipped, delivered, and sold but not paid for by Walgreens.
`The Parties Engaged in Required Informal Dispute Resolution.
`required to notify the other of any potential claims prior to commencing a lawsuit.
`The Parties further agreed to use good faith efforts to resolve the matter and negotiate
`for a period of thirty days. If the claim is still not resolved, the Parties agreed to then
`days. If the Parties have still not reached a resolution, either Party may pursue legal
`recourse at its option.
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`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.8 Page 8 of 18
`In or about October 2020, Phamatech began corresponding with
`Walgreens regarding its claim that Walgreens had not paid for all the goods sold
`pursuant to the Agreement. To date, the Parties have been unable to resolve their
`dispute following the previously mentioned Dispute Resolution procedure.
`(Breach of Contract Against Defendant Walgreens and Does 1 through 10)
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 29, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`31. Walgreens and Phamatech entered into a written agreement for
`Walgreens to sell certain Phamatech products in its stores. The Agreement called
`for Walgreens to pay Phamatech a set price for each item once Walgreens sold said
`item, less any applicable promotional and marketing charges set forth in the
`Per the Agreement, Walgreens provided Phamatech with Purchase
`Orders for the amount of each product it was purchasing from Phamatech. Each
`time Walgreens initiated a Purchase Order for Phamatech products, an offer was
`made. The terms of the offer were expressly contained in that Purchase Order. By
`fulfilling the Purchase Order and sending Walgreens the ordered products,
`Phamatech accepted the offer contained in the Purchase Order.
`For each Purchase Order, Phamatech sent Walgreens the conforming
`goods stated in the Purchase Order. Per the Agreement, Walgreens agreed to sell
`the Phamatech products in its stores and pay Phamatech the agreed-upon price for
`each product sold.
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`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.9 Page 9 of 18
`34. Walgreens did not object to the terms contained in the Agreement or
`corresponding Purchase Orders, nor did it ever refuse a shipment of goods from
`Phamatech performed all, or significantly all the acts required by
`Agreement or was excused from performing such acts, in that Phamatech fulfilled
`the Purchase Orders by delivering the ordered goods to Walgreens at the time and
`place agreed upon by the parties.
`were excused.
`37. Walgreens breached the agreement by selling Phamatech products and
`then refusing to pay Phamatech for all the products sold.
`38. As a result, Phamatech was harmed in that Walgreens refused to pay
`for all Phamatech goods it obtained and sold at its stores.
`Phamatech has suffered damages as a direct and proximate result of
`be approximately $2,699,781.
`(Breach of Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Against
`Defendant Walgreens and Does 1 through 10)
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 39, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`Phamatech and Walgreens entered into contracts whereby Walgreens
`purchased Phamatech products on consignment and agreed to pay Phamatech a set
`price for each item sold in its stores. In fulfilling its duty to act in good faith as a
`Page 8
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.10 Page 10 of 18
`merchant, Walgreens must act honestly and observe reasonable commercial
`standards of fair dealing in the trade. (Cal. Com. Code, § 2103(1)(b).)
`42. Walgreens was required
`take certain steps regarding
`goods in its stores and then pay Phamatech the contract price for each item sold.
`Further, Walgreens was
`to act
`communications regarding the products for which Walgreens required would be
`44. Walgreens knew or should have known that Phamatech would
`manufacture these goods based on the representations, expectations, and demands
`made by Walgreens.
`In or about March 2020, Walgreens demanded Phamatech increase the
`number of products it manufactured and provided to Walgreens. To that end,
`Walgreens stated it would begin displaying twice as much Phamatech product and
`would be ordering more Phamatech goods to meet this additional display.
`Walgreens even repeatedly sought assurances from Phamatech that it would be able
`to manufacture and timely ship good to meet this increased demand.
`demand that it needed to ramp up production of these items so it could meet the
`stated increased demand through 2020. These and other representations were
`material to Plaintiffs' decision to increase manufacturing products for sale to
`Walgreens. Absent these and other material representations, Phamatech would not
`have increased the production of goods for the sole purpose of selling them to
`Phamatech performed all, or significantly all of the acts required by the
`Purchase Agreement or were excused from performing such acts.
`Page 9
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.11 Page 11 of 18
`were excused.
`49. However, as alleged above, Walgreens took affirmative steps to keep
`Phamatech from realizing the benefit of the Agreement.
`50. Walgreens breached
`of the Agreement by, among other things, inducing Phamatech to increase its
`production of items it knew Phamatech was manufacturing to meet Walgreens stated
`demand for increased ordering, when in fact, Walgreens knew it was about to cancel
`its contract with Phamatech.
`Then, after Walgreens cancelled the Agreement with Phamatech,
`Walgreens failed to pay Phamatech for the goods it sold, attempted to return goods
`that were damaged, destroyed, or past its expiration date, and failed to account for
`nearly 600,000 units of goods Phamatech provided to Walgreens.
`52. Accordingly, Phamatech demands judgment against Walgreens and
`faith and fair dealing and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem
`proper under the circumstances.
`(Negligent Misrepresentation Against Defendant Walgreens and Does 1
`through 10)
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 52, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`In or about March 2020, Walgreens approached Phamatech and
`demanded Phamatech increase the number of products it provided to Walgreens
`Page 10
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.12 Page 12 of 18
`Walgreens stated it would begin displaying twice as much Phamatech product.
`Walgreens even repeatedly sought assurances from Phamatech that it would be able
`to manufacture and timely ship this increased demand. Further, Walgreens provided
`Phamatech with documentation which showed this increased demand and ordering
`would continue at least through the end of 2020.
`55. Walgreens knew these representations and demands, coupled with
`providing documentation showing this increased demand would continue for a year,
`would cause Phamatech to increase its production of products for the purpose of
`Phamatech reasonably
`demands that it needed to ramp up production of these items so it could meet the
`stated increased demand through 2020. These and other representations were
`material to Plaintiffs' decision to increase production of raw materials needed to meet
`for increased production of products for Walgreens and had these items ready to
`ship. Absent these and other material representations, Phamatech would not have
`increased the production of raw materials for the sole purpose of producing goods
`57. However, Walgreens made these representations without a reasonable
`basis to believe they were true. In fact, at the same time Walgreens was making
`these representations to Phamatech, Walgreens was actively negotiating with a
`competing vendor. Two weeks after Walgreens induced Phamatech to double its
`production of raw material needed for production
`terminated its contract with Phamatech, and stated it would not be purchasing any
`of the recently demanded items, and began a new contract with this competing
`Page 11
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.13 Page 13 of 18
`58. At the time Walgreens made these misrepresentations to Phamatech,
`Walgreens was aware of their falsity.
`59. Had Phamatech known the truth behind these misrepresentations, it
`would not have increased its production of raw materials exclusively for the purpose
`60. As a direct and pro
`Phamatech was damaged in an amount to be determined at trial.
`(Conversion Against Defendant Walgreens and Does 1 through 10)
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 60, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`Phamatech manufactured and owned the goods it produced, at the
`to the Agreement.
`Per the terms of the Agreement, Walgreens would provide Phamatech
`with Purchase Orders, stating the type of product and number of units Phamatech
`was to provide. Phamatech would then fulfill the PO by sending the requested items
`to Walgreens.
`64. Over many years, Walgreens ordered Phamatech goods, and Phamatech
`fulfilled each of these orders.
`knowingly or intentionally taking possession of an estimated 600,000 units of
`Phamatech goods, and then either refusing to return or paying for the goods after
`Phamatech demanded its return.
`Page 12
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.14 Page 14 of 18
`destroying the goods, Phamatech was damaged in an amount to be determined at
`(Common Count Goods Sold and Delivered Against Defendant Walgreens
`and Does 1 through 10)
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 68, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`70. During the period between 2017 and 2020, Walgreens became indebted
`to Phamatech in the amount of $15,739,091 for goods sold and delivered to
`Walgreens at the price set forth in the Agreement.
`71. Walgreens has paid to Phamatech only the amount of $13,069,310,
`though demand for payment in full has been made, and there is now due, owing, and
`unpaid from Walgreens to Phamatech the amount of $2,699,781, with interest on
`that amount at the rate of 10% from November 1, 2020.
`(Common Count Account Stated Against Walgreens and Does 1 through
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 71, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`Page 13
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.15 Page 15 of 18
`Following the Termination of the Agreement, Walgreens owed
`Phamatech money from the goods Phamatech delivered and Walgreens sold
`pursuant to the Agreement.
`74. By the terms of the Agreement, Phamatech and Walgreens agreed that
`Walgreens would pay a certain price for each good delivered by Phamatech and sold
`by Walgreens.
`75. During the period between 2017 and 2020, Walgreens became indebted
`to Phamatech in the amount of $15,739,091 for goods sold and delivered to
`Walgreens at the price set forth in the Agreement.
`76. Walgreens has paid to Phamatech only the amount of $13,069,310,
`though demand for payment in full has been made, and there is now due, owing, and
`unpaid from Walgreens to Phamatech the amount of $2,699,781, with interest on
`that amount at the rate of 10% from November 1, 2020.
`77. Walgreens promised to pay the contract price for each Phamatech
`product sold pursuant to the Agreement.
`78. Walgreens has not paid Phamatech all the amount owed under the
`79. Walgreens owes Phamatech the amount of $2,699,781, with interest on
`that amount at the rate of 10% from November 1, 2020.
`(Unfair Competition, California Business and Profession Code §17200
`Against Defendant Walgreens and Does 1 through 10)
`Plaintiff repeats, repleads and realleges the allegations contained in
`paragraphs 1 through 79, inclusive, and incorporates the same herein by this
`reference as though set forth in full.
`Page 14
`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.16 Page 16 of 18
`81. Walgreens was engaged in the business practice of representing that it
`were sold in its stores, when instead, Walgreens was refusing to pay for all the goods
`it sold, and failing to provide the required documentation so Phamatech could track
`the sale of its goods.
`82. California Business & Professions Code section 17200 (the Unfair
`Competition Law or "UCL") prohibits any "unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business
`act or practice."
`established public policy or is immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous or
`substantially injurious to consumers, and that unfairness is determined by weighing
`the reasons, justifications and motives of the practice against the gravity of the harm
`to the alleged victims.
`84. Walgreens has violated Section 17200's prohibition against "unfair"
`business acts or practices by, inter alia, inducing Phamatech to provide it with goods
`once the goods are sold in its stores.
`injured in fact. 66.
`injury to Phamatech.
`86. Additionally, pursuant to California Business & Professions Code
`§17203, Phamatech seeks an order requiring Walgreens to immediately cease such
`acts of unfair business practices and requiring Walgreens to fully pay its vendors for
`all the goods it has sold on consignment.
`/ / /
`/ / /
`/ / /
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`Case 3:21-cv-01234-AJB-RBB Document 1 Filed 07/08/21 PageID.17 Page 17 of 18
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment as follows:
`General and special damages, in excess of $2,699,781, in an amount
`to be proven at trial;
`Equitable relief in the form of an injunction prohibiting the unfair
`business practices alleged herein;
`to the Agreement;
`Award Plaintiffs pre- and post-judgment interest as requested herein;
`Provide such other relief as the Court deems equitable and just and
`DATED this th of July 2021.
`By: /s/ Dwayne H. Stein
`Matthew M. Mahoney, Esq. (SBN 211184)
`Dwayne H. Stein, Esq. (SBN 261841)
`Erin L. Crane, Esq. (SBN 323278)
`401 B Street, Suite 2220
`San Diego, California 92101
`Email: mahoney@wmalawfirm.com
`Tele: (619) 407-0505 / Fax: (619) 872-0711
`Counsel for Plaintiff PHAMATECH,
`INCORPORATED, a California corporation
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`Pursuant to Rule 38(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff
`PHAMATECH, INC. hereby demands a jury trial as to all issues.
`DATED this
`h of July 2021.
`By: /s/ Dwayne H. Stein
`Matthew M. Mahoney, Esq. (SBN 211184)
`Dwayne H. Stein, Esq. (SBN 261841)
`Erin L. Crane, Esq. (SBN 323278)
`401 B Street, Suite 2220
`San Diego, California 92101
`Email: mahoney@wmalawfirm.com
`Tele: (619) 407-0505 / Fax: (619) 872-0711
`Counsel for Plaintiff PHAMATECH,
`INCORPORATED, a California corporation
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