`Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2201 and Rule 57 of the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure, Plaintiffs Foundation Food Group, Inc. and Prime-Pak Foods, Inc.
`(collectively, “FFG”) file this Complaint for declaratory judgment, attorney’s fees,
`and demand for jury trial against Defendant Selective Way Insurance Company
`(“Selective”), and allege as follows:
`FFG owns and operates four poultry production plants in Gainesville,
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 2 of 27
`On and around January 28, 2021, a freezer in one of the poultry
`production plants, Plant 4, suffered physical damage and malfunctioned, causing a
`liquid nitrogen (LN2) overflow in the Plant 4 freezer room.
`FFG employees were forced to evacuate Plant 4.
`Six (6) FFG employees died as a result of the freezer incident (the
`“Incident”), and several others suffered physical injuries.
`The Hall County Fire Department (“HCFD”) responded to the Incident
`and took control of Plant 4.
`Federal government agencies launched investigations into the Incident
`and took control of Plant 4 from the HCFD.
`Plant 4 was deemed an accident and crime scene; no one was allowed
`to enter for several days, and FFG was prevented from operating for several weeks.
`As a result of the Incident, FFG suffered over $2,000,000 in property
`loss, business income loss, and extra expense.
`FFG maintains commercial general property insurance for Plant 4 with
`10. FFG maintains the Selective Policy to cover risks like the January 28,
`2021 Incident.
`11. FFG promptly reported the Incident and its losses to Selective.
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`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 3 of 27
`12. For the eight (8) months following the Incident, Selective has failed to
`pay any amount to cover FFG’s losses.
`Instead of paying covered losses, Selective has drowned FFG in
`requests for information and further explanations.
`14. FFG has complied with all of Selective’s requests and produced over
`2400 pages of Bates-labeled documents to Selective.
`15. FFG also submitted sworn Proofs of Loss for its claims, as well as
`follow-up narratives and further explanations requested by Selective.
`16. Selective rejected FFG’s Proofs of Loss in total and continues to request
`additional information from FFG.
`17. By repeatedly failing to pay any amount towards FFG’s over
`$2,000,000 in losses, Selective has breached its duties to FFG under the Policy.
`18. Selective’s dilatory failure to pay FFG’s covered losses has caused
`additional damage to FFG, including a forced sale of the company.
`19. Without coverage from Selective, FFG continues and will continues to
`suffer additional damages.
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`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 4 of 27
`20. Plaintiff Foundation Food Group, Inc. is a Georgia corporation with its
`principal place of business in Gainesville, Hall County, Georgia. Foundation Food
`Group, Inc. is a citizen of Georgia.
`21. Plaintiff Prime-Pak Foods, Inc. is a Georgia corporation with its
`principal place of business in Gainesville, Hall County, Georgia. Prime-Pak Foods,
`Inc. is a citizen of Georgia.
`22. Defendant Selective is a New Jersey corporation with its principal place
`of business in New Jersey. Selective is a citizen of New Jersey.
`23. Selective is registered with the Georgia Secretary of State to transact
`business in Georgia and does in fact transact business in Georgia. Selective may be
`served through its registered agent Corporation Service Company, 2 Sun Court,
`Suite 400, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092.
`24. The amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.
`25. The Court has diversity jurisdiction of this case under 28 U.S.C. § 1332.
`26. A substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims in
`this action occurred in this district and this division.
`27. Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction in this district and this
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`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 5 of 27
`28. Venue is proper in this district and this division pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§ 1391.
`29. FFG owns and operates four poultry processing plants in Gainesville,
`Hall County, Georgia.
`30. One of FFG’s processing plants, Plant 4, is located at 2076 Memorial
`Park Drive, Georgia.
`31. Plant 4 houses five (5) production lines (“Lines 1-5”).
`32. Before 2020, FFG utilized an ammonia-based system in Plant 4 to
`freeze poultry products.
`In 2020, FFG decided to switch from an ammonia-based freezer system
`to a liquid nitrogen (“LN2”) freezer system.
`34. FFG made this decision because LN2 freezer systems are more efficient
`than ammonia-based freezer systems.
`35. FFG hired Messer, LLC (“Messer”) to assist with its transition to an
`LN2 freezer system.
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`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 6 of 27
`36. Messer manufactures, installs, and maintains LN2 freezers for
`production plants like FFG.
`37. FFG worked with Messer for several months to investigate and prepare
`for the transition to LN2 freezers.
`38. On November 13, 2020, Messer installed LN2 immersion and spiral
`freezers on Line 4 in Plant 4.
`39. FFG started using the LN2 freezers on December 16, 2020.
`40. FFG reported problems with the LN2 immersion freezer to Messer on
`December 21 and 29, 2020, and January 4, 18, 26, and 27, 2021.
`41. FFG’s reports about problems with the LN2 immersion freezer include
`complaints that the “nitrogen dip level control [was] not working correctly,” the
`freezer belt jammed, the LN2 “bath wasn’t right,” and the alarm activated because
`the bath “was really low.”
`42. On January 26 and 27, 2021, Messer sent a technician to work on the
`immersion freezer issues.
`43. On January 28, 2021, FFG began operating Line 4 at 7:00 AM.
`44. At 8:14 am, Line 4 operation was stopped because of a report of “soft
`product freezer down.”
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`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 7 of 27
`45. The “soft product” complaint meant that the chicken product was not
`fully frozen by the LN2 equipment on Line 4.
`46. FFG expected a Messer delivery truck to refill exterior LN2 tanks that
`fed the Line 4 freezers between 8:30 and 9:00 am.
`47. Between 8:20 am and 10:00 am, the Line 4 immersion freezer
`overflowed with LN2.
`48. The LN2 overflow killed six FFG employees and injured several others.
`49. The Hall County Fire Department (“HCFD”) responded to the Incident
`and took control of Plant 4.
`50. Plant 4 was deemed an accident and crime scene; no one was allowed
`to enter and FFG was prevented from operating.
`51. On January 29, 2021, HCFD passed control of Plant 4 to the U.S.
`Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) and the U.S. Chemical
`Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (“CSB”).
`52. OSHA and CSB asked FFG to secure Plant 4 as an active accident
`53. FFG was not allowed to reenter Plant 4 until February 3, 2021, and even
`then, FFG was only allowed inside Plant 4 with OSHA supervision.
` 7
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 8 of 27
`54. FFG was not allowed to enter Plant 4 without supervision until after
`signing an Evidence Site Control Agreement (“ESCA”) with OSHA and CSB on
`February 5, 2021.
`55. After reentering, FFG was forced to dispose of condemned chicken
`inventory from Line 4 and the other Lines in Plant 4.
`56. After February 5, 2021, FFG spent several days disposing of the
`condemned chicken inventory and sanitizing the facility, in preparation to reopen
`57. The HCFD did not conduct their annual inspection in September 2020.
`58. After responding to the Incident, the HCFD asked to perform its
`inspection before Plant 4 reopened.
`59. The HCFD completed the annual inspection on February 4, 2021, citing
`several violations.
`60. The Fire Chief told FFG that normally FFG could continue operations
`while correcting the violations. However, HCFD would not let FFG do so because
`of the freezer Incident.
`61. FFG corrected the HCFD violations and passed the annual inspection
`on February 11, 2021.
` 8
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 9 of 27
`62. As FFG approached being able to resume Plant 4 operations, the State
`Fire Marshal took the position that nearly all boiler and pressure vessel certificates
`were out of date.
`63. FFG disputed the State Fire Marshall’s allegations. However, in an
`effort to mitigate losses, FFG paid $8,000 in penalties and allowed the State Fire
`Marshall to inspect the boilers and vessels on February 17 and 18, 2021.
`64. The State Fire Marshal approved production to resume after the
`65. FFG notified the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) and the
`State Department of Agriculture that it planned to resume production on Monday,
`February 22, 2021.
`In order for FFG to resume production, USDA had to agree to provide
`an inspector.
`67. On February 19, 2021, USDA told FFG that they were unwilling to
`conduct inspections until they received certain reports from local and State Fire
`Marshall and assurances from OSHA that the facility was safe.
`68. FFG worked quickly to provide USDA with all requested information.
`USDA agreed to provide an inspector on February 23, 2021.
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`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 10 of 27
`69. FFG resumed operation of three out of the five lines in Plant 4 on
`February 24, 2021.
`70. FFG determined that the Line 4 LN2 immersion freezer suffered
`damage to the dip tube and Resistance Temperature Detector (“RTD”).
`71. The dip tube controls the flow of LN2 to the immersion freezer and
`indicates via alarm when the LN2 is too high and at risk of overflowing.
`72. An expert inspection after the Incident revealed that the dip tube was
`bent, creating the overflow and release of LN2 on January 28, 2021.
`73. At an April 10, 2021 inspection, the bent dip tube was replaced with a
`new one.
`74. FFG is still unable to use the LN2 immersion freezer.
`75. On August 9, 2021, FFG resumed operation of Line 4 with using an
`ammonia-based freezer system.
`76. FFG obtained Commercial Property Coverage Insurance, Policy No. S
`2407451, from Selective for the Policy Period January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 11 of 27
`(the “Policy”). [A true and correct copy of the Policy is attached hereto as Exhibit
`77. The Policy provides Business Personal Property (BPP) Coverage of up
`to $19,435,551 and Business Income (BI) and Extra Expense (EE) Coverage up to
`78. Per the Policy, Selective “will pay for direct physical loss of or damage
`to Covered Property . . . caused by or resulting from any Covered Cause of Loss.”
`Exhibit A, at 67.
`“Covered Property” includes “Business Personal Property.” Id.
`80. And Business Personal Property includes “Stock.” Id.
`“Stock” means “merchandise held in storage for sale, raw materials and
`in-process or finished goods, including supplies used in their packing or shipping,”
`Id. at 82.
`82. Per the Causes of Loss—Special Form, a Cause of Loss is covered
`unless specifically excluded or limited by the Policy. Id. at 97.
`83. The Policy also covers Business Income (BI) loss and Extra Expense
`(EE) incurred to “[m]inimize the ‘suspension’ of business.” Policy, at 83.
`Business Income means the:
`Net Income (Net Profit or Loss before income
`taxes) that would have been earned or incurred; and
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 12 of 27
`Continuing normal operating expenses incurred,
`including payroll.
`Id. at 83.
`84. The BI coverage section provides:
`We will pay for the actual loss of Business Income you
`sustain due to the necessary “suspension” of your
`“operations” during the “period of restoration”. The
`“suspension” must be caused by direct physical loss of or
`damage to property at premises which are described in the
`Declarations . . . . The loss or damage must be caused by
`or result from a Covered Cause of Loss.
`85. Per the Policy:
`Extra Expense means necessary expenses you incur during
`the “period of restoration” that you would not have
`incurred if there had been no direct physical loss of
`damage to property caused by or resulting from a Covered
`Cause of Loss.
`86. The Policy contains Extended BI Coverage that begins “on the date
`property . . . is actually repaired, rebuilt or replaced and ‘operations’ are resumed;”
`and ends on the earlier of:
`The date you could restore your “operations”, with
`reasonable speed to the level which would generate the
`business income amount that would have existed if no
`direct physical loss or damage had occurred; or
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 13 of 27
`[180] consecutive days after the date determined in (1)(a)
`Id. at 85, 90 (indicating that the number “60” in the Extended BI Coverage Section
`should be replaced by the number shown on the Declarations for this Optional
`Coverage), 64 (showing that the ElitePac Schedule Extended Period of Indemnity is
`180 days).
`87. The Policy defines “period of restoration” as the period of time that:
`(1) 72 hours after the time fo direct physical loss or
`damage for BI Coverage; or
`(2) immediately after the time of direct physical loss or
`damage for EE Coverage;
`caused by or resulting from any Covered Cause of Loss at
`the described premises; and
`Ends on the earlier of:
`(1) The date when the property at the described
`premises should be repaired, rebuilt or replaced with
`reasonable speed and similar quality; or
`(2) The date when business is resumed at a new
`permanent location.
`Id. at 91.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 14 of 27
`88. The Business Income Coverage section includes a Coinsurance
`Condition. However, the Coinsurance Condition does not apply if the Insured
`activates the Business Income Agreed Value (“BIAV”) Optional Coverage. To
`activate the BIAV Optional Coverage:
`A Business Income Report/Work Sheet must be submitted
`to [Selective] and must show financial data for your
`During the 12 months prior to the date of the Work
`Sheet; and
`Estimated for the 12 months immediately following
`the inception of this Optional Coverage
`The Declarations must indicate that the Business Income
`Agreed Value Optional Coverage applies, and an Agreed
`Value must be shown in the Declarations. The Agreed
`Value should be at least equal to:
`The Coinsurance percentage shown
`Declarations; multiplied by
`The amount of Net Income and operating expenses
`for the following 12 months you report on the Work Sheet.
`Id. at 90.
`If the BIAV Optional Coverage is activated, the Coinsurance Condition
`is suspended. But Selective will reinstate that Additional Condition, Coinsurance,
`automatically if the insured does not submit a new Work Sheet and Agreed Value
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 15 of 27
`within 12 months of the effective date of the BIAV Optional Coverage or when the
`insured requests a change in the BI limit of insurance. Id.
`90. FFG submitted a BI Worksheet to Selective in January 2020.
`91. The Policy Declarations indicate that the BIAV Optional Coverage
`applies. Id. at 46.
`92. FFG submitted an updated BI Worksheet to Selective on June 2, 2021.
`93. The Policy also contains a Systems Power Pac Endorsement. Id. at 107.
`94. The Systems Power Pac Endorsement provides Additional Coverage
`for Equipment Breakdown. Per the Systems Power Pac Endorsement:
`The term Covered Cause of Loss includes the Additional
`Coverage Equipment Breakdown as described and limited
`We will pay for direct physical damage to Covered
`Property that is the direct result of an “accident.” As used
`in this Additional Coverage, “accident” means a fortuitous
`event that causes direct physical damage to “covered
`equipment.” The event must be one of the following:
`a. Mechanical breakdown, including rupture or bursting
`caused by centrifugal force.
`“Covered equipment” includes “Covered Property” that “generates,
`transmits or utilizes energy; . . . . Id. at 110.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 16 of 27
`96. The Systems Power Pac Endorsement provides Spoilage coverage as
`We will pay:
`For physical damage to “perishable goods” due to
`For physical damage to “perishable goods” due to
`contamination from the release of refrigerant, including
`but not limited to ammonia;
`Any necessary expenses you incur to reduce the
`amount of loss under this coverage to the extent that they
`do not exceed the amount of loss that otherwise would
`have been payable under the coverage.
`If you are unable to replace the “perishable goods” before
`its anticipated sale, the amount of our payment will be
`determined on the basis of the sales price of the
`“perishable goods” at the time of the “accident,” less
`discounts and expenses you otherwise would have had.
`Otherwise, our payment will be determine in accordance
`with the Valuation condition.
`The most we will pay for loss, damage or expense under
`this coverage is $250,000 unless otherwise shown in a
`Schedule or the Spoilage Limit endorsement.
`Id. at 107-08.
`97. The System Power Pac Endorsement further provides that the BI and
`EE coverages also apply “to the direct result of an ‘accident.’” Id. In other words,
`the System Power Pac Endorsement extends the BI and EE coverages in the Policy
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 17 of 27
`to include coverage for BI and EE losses caused by the mechanical breakdown of
`covered equipment.
`98. The Policy also contains an ElitePac Property Extension Endorsement.
`Id. at 113.
`99. The ElitePac Endorsement includes $25,000 coverage for Spoilage as
`You may extend the insurance provided by Your Business
`Personal Property to apply to direct physical loss or
`damage to Covered Property caused by or resulting the
`Breakdown or Contamination, meaning:
`Change in temperature or humidity resulting from
`mechanical breakdown or mechanical
`failure of
`refrigerating, cooling or humidity control apparatus or
`equipment, only while such equipment or apparatus is at
`the described premises;
`Power Outage, meaning change in temperature or
`humidity resulting from complete or partial interruption of
`electrical power, either on or off the described premises,
`due to conditions beyond your control.
`Contamination by the refrigerant.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 18 of 27
`Id. at 121.
`100. The ElitePac Property Extension Endorsement also includes extended
`BI coverage and EE coverage. Id. at 116, 125.
`101. FFG promptly reported the Incident to Selective, and Selective
`acknowledged receipt of the claim by letter on February 26, 2021. [A true and correct
`copy of the February 26, 2021 Letter from Jasmine Bruce and Ron Rudow
`(Selective) to Kathy Ford (FFG) is attached hereto as Exhibit B.]
`102. Selective also provided FFG with Proof of Loss (POL) forms to use for
`the claim and asked FFG to provide any information regarding government orders
`or communications to temporarily close the plant and/or dispose of product.
`103. Selective also requested information from FFG in a February 10, 2021
`email from Ron Rudow and a February 24, 2021 letter from Larry Stine.
`104. On March 18, 2021, Selective, through counsel, issued a supplemental
`request for information (RFI) to FFG. [A true and correct copy of the March 18,
`2021 RFI Letter is attached hereto as Exhibit C.]
`105. In the March 18, 2021 RFI, Selective requested seventy (70) additional
`categories of documents and information about FFG’s claim.
`106. FFG responded to all of Selective’s RFIs.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 19 of 27
`107. Between the Incident and May 2021, FFG provided over 2400 Bates-
`labeled documents to Selective in response to Selective’s RFIs.
`108. On May 24, 2021, FFG provided Selective with sworn POLs for its BPP
`and EE claims. [True and correct copies of the POLs for the BPP and EE claims are
`attached hereto as Exhibit D and Exhibit E.]
`109. In the May 24, 2021 POLs, FFG claimed $465,711.48 in BPP for
`condemned and disposed chicken product inventory.
`110. FFG also claimed $1,247,062.84 in EE incurred from January through
`April 2021.
`111. On May 28, 2021, Selective issued a Reservation of Rights (ROR)
`Letter with its preliminary coverage analysis. [True and correct copies of the May
`28, 2021 ROR and attached Exhibits A-F are attached hereto as Exhibit F and
`Exhibit G.]
`112. On June 15, 2015, Selective issued a letter to FFG, rejecting FFG’s BPP
`and EE POLs. [A true and correct copy of the June 15, 2021 Rejection Letter is
`attached hereto as Exhibit H.]
`113. On July 16, 2021, FFG responded and provided additional information
`to Selective. [True and correct copies of FFG’s July 16, 2021 Response Letter;
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 20 of 27
`Attachment 1 to that Letter; and Responses to Exhibits A-F are attached hereto as
`Exhibit I, Exhibit J, and Exhibit K.]
`114. With its July 16, 2021 Response, FFG provided a narrative regarding
`the condemned and disposed chicken inventory, as well as detailed responses to
`Selective’s coverage analysis. See Exhibits J & K.
`115. FFG also submitted a sworn POL for $1,648,873 in BI Losses incurred
`from February 2021 through April 2021. [A true and correct copy of the BI POL is
`attached hereto as Exhibit L.]
`116. On August 10, 2021, Selective issued a response letter to FFG. [A true
`and correct copy of the August 10, 2021 Response Letter is attached hereto as
`Exhibit M.]
`117. Selective also rejected FFG’s BI POL by separate letter on this same
`date. [A true and correct copy of the August 10, 2021 Rejection Letter is attached
`hereto as Exhibit N.]
`118. The Business Personal Property Coverage in the Policy provides
`coverage for FFG’s losses incurred from the physical loss of the chicken inventory.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 21 of 27
`119. FFG suffered direct physical loss of and damage to Covered Property
`caused by and resulting from a Covered Cause of Loss.
`120. In particular, FFG suffered the direct physical loss of and damage to
`chicken inventory that was on Line 4 and on the other Lines in Plant 4 at the time of
`the Incident.
`121. FFG’s loss of the chicken inventory was caused by and resulted from a
`Covered Cause of Loss.
`122. FFG’s loss of the chicken inventory does not fall within any of the
`exclusions in the Policy.
`123. The System Power Pac Spoilage Coverage also provides coverage for
`up to $250,000 of FFG’s losses incurred from the physical loss of the chicken
`124. In particular, FFG suffered the direct physical loss of and damage to
`chicken inventory due to an accident, or mechanical breakdown, of the LN2
`immersion freezer.
`125. The ElitePac Property Extension Endorsement Spoilage Coverage also
`provides coverage for up to $25,000 of FFG’s losses incurred from the physical loss
`of the chicken inventory.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 22 of 27
`126. In particular, FFG suffered direct physical loss of and damage to the
`chicken inventory due to a “change in temperature or humidity resulting from
`mechanical breakdown or mechanical failure of refrigerating, cooling or humidity
`control apparatus or equipment, only while such equipment or apparatus is at the
`described premises” and/or a “[p]ower outage, meaning change in temperature or
`humidity resulting from complete or partial interruption of electrical power, either
`on or off the described premises, due to conditions beyond your control.” Exhibit A,
`at 121.
`127. FFG submitted a POL for the lost chicken inventory to Selective and
`complied with all other conditions precedent for Coverage.
`128. Selective wrongfully rejected the BPP POL and has refused to pay any
`amount to cover FFG’s loss of the chicken inventory.
`129. FFG suffered business income losses as a result of a necessary
`suspension of its operations caused by direct physical loss of and damage to FFG’s
`property that was caused by a Covered Cause of Loss.
`130. Specifically, FFG was forced to suspend its operations due to the
`physical damage and mechanical breakdown of the LN2 immersion freezer on
`January 28, 2021.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 23 of 27
`131. After the Incident, FFG worked diligently and with reasonable speed to
`resume operations.
`132. FFG was able to partially resume operations on February 26, 2021.
`133. After the Incident, FFG worked with reasonable speed to repair the
`physical damage to the LN2 immersion freezer.
`134. The physical damage to the LN2 immersion freezer was repaired on
`April 10, 2021.
`135. The period of restoration for purposes of determining FFG’s covered
`BI losses runs through at least April 10, 2021.
`136. The Co-Insurance Condition does not apply to FFG’s BI claim.
`137. FFG submitted a POL for the BI losses it incurred as a result of the
`Incident and complied with all other conditions precedent for coverage.
`138. Selective wrongfully rejected the BI POL and has refused to pay any
`amount to cover FFG’s BI losses.
`139. During the period of restoration, FFG incurred expenses that FFG
`would not have incurred if there had been no direct physical loss of and damage to
`Covered Property caused by and resulting from a Covered Cause of Loss.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 24 of 27
`140. FFG submitted a POL to Selective with line item Extra Expenses that
`FFG incurred as a result of the Incident and complied with all other conditions
`precedent for coverage.
`141. FFG provided explanations of the expenses, as well as supporting
`invoices and other documentation.
`142. Selective rejected the POL and refused to pay any amount to cover extra
`expenses that FFG incurred as a result of the Incident.
`143. FFG repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1
`through 144 of this Complaint as if fully restated herein.
`144. An actual controversy of a justiciable nature presently exists between
`FFG and Selective regarding Selective’s obligation to reimburse FFG for losses FFG
`incurred as a result of the Incident.
`145. FFG seeks a declaratory judgment pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2201 to
`resolve the controversy.
`146. FFG seeks a declaration that Selective is required to reimburse FFG for
`business personal property losses, business income losses, and extra expenses that
`FFG incurred as a result of the Incident.
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 25 of 27
`147. The issuance of a declaratory judgment by this Court will terminate the
`existing controversy between the parties.
`148. FFG repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1
`through 149 of this Complaint as if fully restated herein.
`149. Per the Policy, Selective has a contractual duty to pay FFG for business
`personal property losses, business income losses, and extra expenses that FFG
`incurred as a result of the Incident.
`150. FFG submitted sworn POLs for its losses and complied with all other
`conditions to receive payment under the Policy.
`151. Selective has breached its duty to pay FFG rejecting the POLs in total
`and failing to pay any amount towards FFG’s claimed losses.
`152. FFG has suffered damages as a result of Selective’s breach.
`153. FFG repeats and realleges the allegations in paragraphs 1 through 154
`of this Complaint as if fully restated herein.
`154. Selective has acted in bad faith, caused FFG unnecessary trouble and
`expense and been stubbornly litigious. Accordingly, FFG is entitled to recover from
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 26 of 27
`Selective reasonably attorney’s fees and costs, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-6-11, and
`as otherwise permitted by law.
`FFG hereby demands a jury trial on all issues so triable.
`WHEREFORE, FFG prays for relief as follows:
`a. FFG requests that this Court enter judgment in favor of FFG and against
`Selective on all of FFG’s claims;
`b. FFG requests a declaration that Selective must reimburse FFG for
`losses that FFG incurred as a result of the Incident;
`c. FFG requests that the Court hold the Selective has breached its
`obligations under the Policy by failing to reimburse FFG for any of the
`losses that FFG incurred as a result of the Incident; and
`d. FFG requests such other and further relief as this Court deems just and
`Respectfully submitted, this 17th day of September, 2021.
`/s/D. Austin Bersinger
`D. Austin Bersinger
`Georgia Bar No. 144792
`3475 Piedmont Road N.E., Suite 1700
`Case 2:21-cv-00207-RWS Document 1 Filed 09/17/21 Page 27 of 27
`Atlanta, Georgia 30305
`Tel. (404) 264-4082
`Fax (404) 264-4033
`Email: austin.bersinger@btlaw.com
`Attorneys for Plaintiff