`HOWARD B. SAMUELS, solely as
`Chapter 7 Trustee of the estate of
`Civil Action No.: 21-cv-05883
`Jury Trial Demanded
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 2 of 60 PageID #:2
`NATURE OF ACTION ......................................................................................................... 4
`JURISDICTION AND VENUE ............................................................................................ 6
`PARTIES ............................................................................................................................... 7
`Plaintiff ...................................................................................................................... 7
`Defendants ................................................................................................................. 8
`Agri Stats .................................................................................................... 8
`Clemens ......................................................................................................... 8
`Hormel ........................................................................................................... 9
`JBS ............................................................................................................ 10
`Seaboard ...................................................................................................... 10
`Smithfield .................................................................................................... 11
`Triumph ....................................................................................................... 11
`Tyson ........................................................................................................... 12
`Co-Conspirators ........................................................................................... 13
`FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS .............................................................................................. 13
`Agri Stats’ Detailed Reports Enable the Producer Defendants to
`Accurately Assess and Monitor their Competitors’ Production Levels ................. 17
`The Producer Defendants’ Control Over the Production and Supply of
`Pork in the United States....................................................................................... 22
`Vertically-Integrated Companies and the Control of Hog-Raising through
`Contract Growing .................................................................................................... 22
`A Highly-Concentrated Industry........................................................................... 26
`Barriers to Entry .................................................................................................... 27
`Inelastic Demand and Standardized, Commodity Products Where Competition
` is Principally on Price .......................................................................................... 28
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 3 of 60 PageID #:3
`Opportunities to Collude at Industry Conferences and Trade Association
`Meetings ................................................................................................................ 29
`PRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 35
`Smithfield .................................................................................................... 37
`Tyson ........................................................................................................... 38
`JBS ............................................................................................................ 38
`Hormel ......................................................................................................... 38
`Seaboard ...................................................................................................... 39
`Triumph ....................................................................................................... 39
`Clemens ....................................................................................................... 39
`Co-Conspirator Indiana Packers ................................................................. 40
`OF HIGHER PRICES.......................................................................................................... 48
`PRICES PLAINTIFF PAID ................................................................................................ 49
`IN PORK………………………………………………………………………………..50
`TOLLING OF THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ......................................................... 52
`American Pipe Tolling…………………………………………………………...52
`Fraudulent Concealment…………………………………………………………52
`ANTITRUST INJURY ........................................................................................................ 56
`VIOLATION OF SECTION 1 OF THE SHERMAN ACT ............................................... 57
`XII. REQUEST FOR RELIEF .................................................................................................... 58
`JURY TRIAL DEMANDED ............................................................................................ 59
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 4 of 60 PageID #:4
`Plaintiff Howard B. Samuels, solely as Chapter 7 Trustee of the estate of Central Grocers,
`Inc., (“Plaintiff”) by and through its undersigned counsel, files this Complaint against the
`Defendants identified below, for their illegal conspiracy, which increased the prices of pork sold
`in the United States beginning at least as early as 2009 and continuing through the present. Plaintiff
`brings this action against Defendants for treble damages and for such other damages to the
`maximum extent allowed under the antitrust laws of the United States, and demand a trial by jury.
`The pork producer defendants are the leading suppliers of pork in an industry with
`approximately $20 billion in annual commerce in the United States. The United States pork
`industry is highly concentrated, with a small number of large companies controlling the supply.
`Defendants and their Co-Conspirators collectively control over 80 percent of the wholesale pork
`Defendants Agri Stats, Clemens, Hormel, JBS USA, Seaboard, Smithfield,
`Triumph, and Tyson entered, along with Co-Conspirator Indiana Packers Corporation, into a
`conspiracy from at least 2009 to the present (the “Conspiracy Period”) to fix, raise, maintain, and
`1 The defendants, other than Agri Stats, are referred to here collectively
`stabilize the price of pork.
`as the “Producer Defendants.”
`1 For the purposes of this Complaint, “pork” includes, but is not limited to, a variety of meat products from
`pigs (also referred to in the industry as porcine or swine) purchased fresh, frozen, processed, rendered or non-
`rendered, including but not limited to any and all processed pork products, (e.g., smoked ham, sausage, bacon,
`pepperoni, lunch meats), and other processed products and by-products containing pork. “Pork by-products”
`can include, but is not limited to, offal and individual parts or organs from pigs used in pet foods (e.g., livers,
`kidneys, lungs, hearts, cheeks) and/or rendered products (e.g., meat meals and bone meals). From time to
`time in this complaint, “pork” and “swine” are used interchangeably, particularly when referring to the pork
`or swine industry. See, e.g. DPP Class Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for
`Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement between Direct Purchaser Plaintiff and Defendant JBS at 2, n.2, In
`re: Pork Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 0:18-cv-01776 (D. Minn.).
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 5 of 60 PageID #:5
`One method by which Defendants implemented and executed their conspiracy was
`by coordinating output and limiting production with the intent and expected result of increasing
`pork prices in the United States.
`In furtherance of their conspiracy, the Producer Defendants exchanged detailed,
`competitively sensitive, and closely guarded non-public information, such as prices, capacity,
`production, sales volume, and demand, including through their co-conspirator, Defendant Agri Stats.
`Beginning in at least 2009, Defendant Agri Stats began providing highly sensitive
`“benchmarking” reports to the Producer Defendants. Legitimate benchmarking allows competitors to
`compare their profits or performance against that of other companies. Yet Agri Stats’ reports are unlike
`those of lawful industry reports; rather, Agri Stats gathers detailed financial and production data from
`each of the Producer Defendants and their Co-Conspirator Indiana Packers, standardizes this
`information, and produces customized reports and graphs for the conspirators. The type of information
`available in these reports is not the type of information that competitors would provide each other in a
`normal, competitive market.
`On at least a monthly basis, and often far more frequently (e.g., weekly or every other
`week), Agri Stats provides the Producer Defendants with current and forward-looking sensitive
`information (such as profits, costs, prices and slaughter information), and regularly provides the keys to
`deciphering which data belong to which participant. The effect of this information exchange was to
`allow the pork producers to monitor each other’s production, and therefore control supply and price in
`furtherance of their anticompetitive scheme.
`The data exchanged through Agri Stats also bears all the hallmarks of the
`enforcement and implementation mechanism of a price-fixing scheme. First, the data are current and
`forward-looking— which courts have consistently held has “the greatest potential for generating
`anticompetitive effects.” Second, information contained in Agri Stats reports is specific to pork
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 6 of 60 PageID #:6
`producers—including information on profits, prices, costs, and production levels—instead of being
`aggregated as industry averages to avoid transactional specificity and the easy identification of
`specific producers. Third, none of the Agri Stats information was publicly available. Agri Stats is a
`subscription service that required the Co-Conspirators to pay millions of dollars over the Conspiracy
`Period—far in excess of any other pricing and production indices. Agri Stats ensured that its detailed,
`sensitive business information was available only to the co-conspirators and not to any buyers in the
`market. Defendants utilize the information exchanges through Agri Stats in furtherance of their
`conspiracy to fix, raise, stabilize, and maintain artificially inflated prices for pork sold in the United
`Defendants’ purposeful restriction of pork supply had the intended effect of
`increasing pork prices to Plaintiff. As a result of Defendants’ unlawful conduct, Plaintiff paid
`artificially inflated prices for pork during the Conspiracy Period. Such prices exceeded the amount
`Plaintiff would have paid if the price for pork had been determined by a competitive market. Thus,
`Plaintiff was injured in its businesses or property by Defendants’ unlawful conduct.
`This action arises under Section 1 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1, and Section 4
`of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 15(a), and seeks to recover treble damages, costs of suit, and
`reasonable attorneys’ fees for the injuries sustained by Plaintiff resulting from Defendants’
`conspiracy to restrain trade in the pork market. The Court has subject matter jurisdiction under
`28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1337(a), 1407, and 15 U.S.C. § 15.
`Venue is proper in this District under 15 U.S.C. §§ 15(a); 22 and 28 U.S.C. §§
`1391(b); (c); and (d) because during the relevant period, Defendants resided, transacted business,
`were found, or had agents in this District, and a substantial portion of Defendants’ alleged
`wrongful conduct affecting interstate trade and commerce was carried out in this District.
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 7 of 60 PageID #:7
`Defendants are amenable to service of process under Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(k)(1)(A)
`and the Illinois long-arm statute 735 ILCS 5/2-209, because each Defendant has transacted business
`in this state and because the Illinois long-arm statute extends jurisdiction to the limits of Due
`Process, and each Defendant has sufficient minimum contacts with the state of Illinois to satisfy Due
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over each Defendant because each Defendant –
`throughout the U.S. and including in this District and the state of Illinois -- has transacted
`business, maintained substantial contacts, or committed overt acts in furtherance of its illegal
`scheme and conspiracy. The alleged scheme and conspiracy have been directed at, and had the
`intended effect of, causing injury to persons and entities residing in, located in, or doing business
`throughout the U.S., including in this District and the state of Illinois.
`The Trustee, Howard B. Samuels, acting solely in his capacity as Chapter 7 trustee
`for the bankruptcy of the estate of Central Grocers, Inc., brings this action on behalf of Central
`Grocers. Central Grocers is a privately owned Illinois Corporation with is principal place of business
`at 2600 Haven Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60453. From 2009 to the present, Central Grocers and its
`predecessors in interest purchased pork at artificially inflated prices directly from various Defendants
`and their affiliates and co-conspirators and suffered injury to its business or property as a direct and
`proximate result of Defendants’ wrongful conduct. Central Grocers brings this action on its own
`behalf and on behalf of its respective subsidiaries, affiliates, and other owned or controlled entities
`and predecessors in interest (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Central Grocers” or “Plaintiff”).
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 8 of 60 PageID #:8
`Agri Stats
`Agri Stats, Inc. is an Indiana corporation located in Fort Wayne, Indiana and was, for
`a portion of the Conspiracy Period, a subsidiary of Eli Lilly & Co., a publicly-held corporation
`headquartered in Indianapolis. Agri Stats is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Agri Stats Omega
`Holding Co. LP, a limited partnership based in Indiana. Agri Stats is a co-conspirator of the
`Producer Defendants and has knowingly played an important and active role by participating in and
`a facilitating the Producer Defendants’ collusive scheme detailed in this Complaint. Agri Stats has
`a unique and deep relationship with the pork industry generally, and specifically with each of the
`Defendants identified below, all of which are Agri Stats’ primary customers. Defendants Clemens,
`Hormel, JBS USA, Seaboard, Triumph, Smithfield, and Tyson, and Co-Conspirator Indiana
`Packers, are all Agri Stats subscribers and report a wide variety of information to Agri Stats, which,
`according to a 2016 Eli Lilly earnings call, is used by “over 90% of the poultry and pig market”
`in the United States.
`All of Agri Stats’ wrongful actions described in this Complaint are part of, and in
`furtherance of, the unlawful conduct alleged herein, and were authorized, ordered, or engaged in by
`Agri Stats’ various officers, agents, employers, or other representatives while actively engaged in
`the management and operation of Agri Stats’ business affairs within the course and scope of their
`duties and employment, or with Agri Stats’ actual apparent or ostensible authority. Agri Stats
`used the instrumentalities of interstate commerce to facilitate the conspiracy, and its conduct was
`within the flow of, was intended to, and did have a substantial effect on the interstate
`commerce of the U.S., including in this District.
`Clemens Food Group, LLC is a limited-liability company headquartered in Hatfield,
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 9 of 60 PageID #:9
`Pennsylvania. During the Conspiracy Period, Clemens Food Group, LLC and/or its predecessors,
`wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or
`through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including
`in this District.
`The Clemens Family Corporation is a Pennsylvania corporation headquartered in
`Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and the parent company of Clemens Food Group, LLC. During the
`Conspiracy Period, The Clemens Family Corporation and/or its predecessors, wholly owned or
`controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its
`wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in this District.
`The Clemens Food Group, LLC and the Clemens Family Corporation are referred to
`here collectively as “Clemens.” Clemens reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats,
`including, without limitation, highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production
`and sales of pork.
`Hormel Foods Corporation is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Austin,
`Minnesota. During the Conspiracy Period, Hormel Foods Corporation and/or its predecessors,
`wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates, including but not limited to Hormel Foods,
`LLC sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly owned or controlled
`affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in this District.
`Hormel Foods, LLC is a Minnesota corporation headquartered in Austin,
`Minnesota. Hormel Foods, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Defendant Hormel Foods
`Corporation. During the Conspiracy Period, Hormel Foods Corporation and/or its predecessors,
`wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or
`through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 10 of 60 PageID #:10
`this District.
`Hormel Foods, LLC and Hormel Foods Corporation are referred to here
`collectively as “Hormel.” Hormel reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats, including,
`without limitation, highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production and sales of
`JBS USA Food Company is one of the world’s largest beef and pork processing
`companies and a wholly owned subsidiary of JBS USA Food Company Holdings, which holds a
`78.5 percent controlling interest in Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation, one of the largest chicken-
`producing companies in the world w h i c h recently plead guilty to antitrust violations in the
`broiler chickens market. JBS USA Food Company is a Delaware corporation, headquartered in
`Greeley, Colorado, and reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats, including, without
`limitation, highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production and sales of pork.
`During the Conspiracy Period, JBS USA Food Company and/or its predecessors, wholly owned
`or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “JBS USA”) sold pork
`in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers
`in the United States, including in this District.
`Plaintiff timely opted out and excluded itself from the DPP class settlement with JBS
`USA, which was preliminarily approved by the Court in In re: Pork Antitrust Litigation, Case No.
`0:18-cv-01776 (D. Minn.).
`Seaboard Foods LLC is a limited-liability company headquartered in Shawnee
`Mission, Kansas, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Seaboard Corporation. During the
`Conspiracy Period, Seaboard Foods LLC and/or its predecessors, wholly owned or controlled
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 11 of 60 PageID #:11
`subsidiaries, or affiliates sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly owned or
`controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in this District.
`Seaboard Corporation is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Merriam,
`Kansas, and is the parent company of Seaboard Foods LLC. During the Conspiracy Period,
`Seaboard Corporation and/or its predecessors, wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates
`sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to
`purchasers in the United States, including in this District.
`Seaboard Corporation and Seaboard Foods LLC are referred to here collectively
`as “Seaboard.” Seaboard reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats, including, without
`limitation, highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production and sales of pork.
`Smithfield Foods, Inc. is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and an
`indirect wholly owned subsidiary of WH Group Limited, a Chinese company. Smithfield Foods is
`headquartered in Smithfield, Virginia, and reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats,
`including, without limitation, highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production
`and sales of pork. During the Conspiracy Period, Smithfield Foods, Inc. and/or its predecessors,
`wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or
`through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in
`this District. Smithfield Foods has entered into an agreement to settle with the DPP class in In re:
`Pork Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 0:18-cv-01776, ECF 815, (D. Minn.).
`Triumph Foods, LLC is a limited-liability company headquartered in St. Joseph,
`Missouri, and reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats, including, without limitation,
`highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production and sales of pork. During the
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 12 of 60 PageID #:12
`Conspiracy Period, Triumph Foods, LLC and/or its predecessors, wholly owned or controlled
`subsidiaries, or affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Triumph”) sold pork in interstate
`commerce, directly or through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United
`States, including in this District.
`Tyson Foods, Inc. is a publicly traded Delaware corporation headquartered in
`Springdale, Arkansas. During the Conspiracy Period, Tyson Foods, Inc. and/or its predecessors,
`wholly owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or
`through its wholly owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in
`this District.
`Tyson Prepared Foods, Inc. is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Springdale,
`Arkansas and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tyson Foods, Inc. During the Conspiracy Period,
`Tyson Prepared Foods, Inc. sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly-
`owned or controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in this District.
`Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Springdale,
`Arkansas and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tyson Foods, Inc. During the Conspiracy Period,
`Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly-owned or
`controlled affiliates, to purchasers in the United States, including in this District.
`Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc., Tyson Prepared Foods, Inc. and Tyson Foods, Inc. are
`referred to here collectively as “Tyson.” Tyson reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats,
`including, without limitation, highly-detailed, confidential information regarding its production
`and sales of pork.
`Indiana Packers Corporation
`is an
`Indiana corporation
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 13 of 60 PageID #:13
`headquartered in Delphi, Indiana, and reports a wide variety of pork data to Agri Stats, including,
`without limitation, highly detailed, confidential information regarding its production and sales of
`pork. During the Conspiracy Period, Indiana Packers Corporation and/or its predecessors, wholly
`owned or controlled subsidiaries, or affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Indiana
`Packers”) sold pork in interstate commerce, directly or through its wholly owned or controlled
`affiliates, to purchasers in the United States. Indiana Packers Corporation’s parent companies are
`Itoham Foods, Inc., Mitsubishi Corporation, and Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas).
`Various other persons, firms, and corporations not named as defendants have
`performed acts and made statements in furtherance of the conspiracy. Defendants are jointly and
`severally liable for the acts of their Co-Conspirators whether or not named as defendants in this
`Complaint. Throughout this Complaint, Indiana Packers and the other persons, firms, and
`corporations not named as defendants that performed acts and made statements in furtherance of the
`conspiracy are collectively referred to as “Co-Conspirators.”
`Starting in at least 2009 and continuing to the present, each of Defendants and
`their Co- conspirators conspired to fix, raise, maintain and stabilize pork prices. To effectuate and
`ensure the stability of their anticompetitive agreement, e a c h o f the Producer Defendants
`relied on a unique industry data sharing service provided by Defendant Agri Stats, Inc. Agri
`Stats provided a means for e a c h o f the Producer Defendants to obtain and monitor critical
`and competitively sensitive business information regarding each other’s production metrics, thereby
`serving as a central and critical part of each of the Defendants’ price-fixing scheme, resulting in a
`stable and successful anticompetitive cartel.
`The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (“CME”), the U.S. Department of Agriculture
`(“USDA”), and various other entities publish publically available aggregated daily, weekly,
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 14 of 60 PageID #:14
`monthly, and annual supply and pricing information concerning the U.S. pork industry, including:
`the CME Lean Hog Index, which reflects prices paid for hogs in the U.S.; the CME Pork Cutout
`Index, which reflects the prices paid for pork (a “cutout’ is the approximate value of a hog
`calculated using the prices paid for wholesale cuts of pork); and USDA’s National Daily Hog
`and Pork Summary. The pricing and production information in those reports and indices is
`completely anonymous and aggregated (or averaged), and indeed the USDA reports clearly state
`that certain prices are “not reported due to confidentiality.”
`Only Agri Stats receives from each of the Producer Defendants, and then provides
`to a l l o f the Producer Defendants, detailed information to accurately determine producer-
`specific production, costs, and general efficiency. Agri Stats is a company that generates
`confidential pork industry data considerably more detailed than any similar types of available
`reports, and the Agri Stats reports include the following data categories:
`Performance Summary;
`Feed Mill;
`Ingredient Purchasing;
`d) Weaned-Pig Production;
`g) Wean-to-Finish;
`h) Market Haul; and
`Financial information, including profits and sales.
`Much of the information shared by Agri Stats and the Producer Defendants was
`unnecessary to achieve any benefits for pork producers. Exchanging individual company data
`(particularly current data on prices and costs) is not required to achieve major efficiencies. In a
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 15 of 60 PageID #:15
`competitive market, the participants would closely protect such proprietary information from
`disclosure as providing it to competitors would be disadvantageous—unless, of course, there is an
`agreement that the competitors will use the information to the joint benefit of each other as was the
`situation in the pork industry.
`Agri Stats describes itself as a “benchmarking” service that “allows organizations
`to develop plans on how to adopt best practice, usually with the aim of increasing some aspect of
`performance.” But describing Agri Stats as a “benchmarking” service does not accurately reflect its
`critical role in the pork industry and the fundamental importance Agri Stats has to the
`Producer Defendants.
`Beginning in 2008, after two decades focusing primarily on the poultry industry,
`Agri Stats began selling its so-called “benchmarking” services to pork producers, including to
`each of the Defendants.
` Pork producers were told by Agri Stats’ Greg Bilbrey that
`“benchmarking in the swine industry could range from simple production comparisons to elaborate
`and sophisticated total production and financial comparisons. Each and every commercial swine
`operation is encouraged to participate in some benchmarking effort.”
`Agri Stats emphasized to pork producers that sharing information through
`“benchmarking” could help achieve the “ultimate goal [of] increasing profitability— not always
`increasing the level of production.” Agri Stats told the industry that each pig producer “should be
`participating in some type of benchmarking. To gain maximum benefit, production, cost, and
`financial performance should all be part of the benchmarking program. . . . Producer groups could
`design and operate their own benchmarking effort,” and, most importantly, “[e]ach participant
`has to commit” to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected and submitted to Agri
`Agri Stats collects data from e a c h o f the Producer Defendants, audits and
`Case: 1:21-cv-05883 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/03/21 Page 16 of 60 PageID #:16
`verifies the data, and ultimately reports back to the Producer Defendants detailed statistics on
`nearly every operating metric within the industry. Agri Stats’ survey methodology involves—from
`and to the Producer Defendants—direct electronic data submissions of financial, production, hog
`placement, size and weaning age, capacity, cost, and numerous other categories of information by
`each pork producer on a weekly and monthly basis. At each of the Producer Defendants’ pork
`facilities, certain employees, typically in the accounting department