Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 1 of 11 PageID #: 8
`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 1 of 11 PageID #: 8
`13, CT Corporation
`fierviceftf rmcess
`06/01 /2020
`CT Log Number 537727195
`Faith Frey
`4666 Faries Parkway
`Decatur, IL 62526
`Process Served in Kentucky
`Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (Domestic State: DE)
`None Specified
`Case # 20C|00285
`C T Corporation System, Frankfort, KY
`By Certified Mail on 06/01/2020 postmarked on 05/26/2020
`None Specified
`None Specified
`CT has retained the current log, Retain Date: 06/01/2020, Expected Purge Date:
`Image SOP
`Email Notification, Faith Frey
`Email Notification, BRENDAN GARDINER
`For Questions:
`C T Corporation System
`1999 Bryan St Ste 900
`Dallas, TX 75201 -3140
`Page 1 of 1 / PK
`Information displayed on this transmittal is for CT
`Corporation's record keeping purposes only and is provided to
`the recipient for quick reference. This information does not
`constitute a legal opinion as to the nature of action, the
`amount of damages, the answer date, or any information
`contained in the documents themselves. Recipient is
`responsible for interpreting said documents and for taking
`appropriate action. Signatures on certified mail receipts
`confirm receipt of package only, not contents.


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 2 of 11 PageID #: 9
`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 2 of 11 PageID #: 9


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 3 of 11 PageID #: 10
`Case 4:20-cv-OOlOl—JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 3 of 11 PageID #: 10
`Sum Code:Cl
`Commonwealth of Keniudry
`Court ofJusiioe
`on 4.02; c: Official Fermi
`~ v
`Case #2 Mum-00285
`SUITE 512
`The Commonwealth of Kentucky to Defendant:
`You are hereby notified that a legai action has been filed against you in this Court demanding raliefas shown on
`the document delivered to you with this Summons. Unless a written defense is made by you or by an attorney
`on your behalf within twenty {20) clays following the day this paper is deii'rered to you, iudgment by default may be
`taken against you for the reiief demanded in the attached complaint
`The name(s) and addressies) of the party or parties demanding relief against you or hislher (their) attomeyis} are shown on the
`document delivered to you with {his Summons
`Is! Herbert McKee, Jr.
`Henderson Circuit Clerk
`mate: 5128:2020
`Proof of Service
`This Summons was:
`D Served by delivering a true copy and the Complaint (or other initiating document)
`[:1 Net Served because:
`Summons ID: 2‘M851?331332@08000139940
`ClRCUIT: 20-0-0028!) Claim Mail
`Page 1 0”
`F I I d
`e I e


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 4 of 11 PageID #: 11
`Case 4:20-cv-OOlOl—JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 4 of 11 PageID #: 11
`Herben‘ McKee, Jr. Henderson Circuit. C lerk
`Electronicolbz Filed
`Steve Pritchett, Registered Agent
`9851 US Highway 60 West
`Henderson, KY 42420
`Bryan Wellmeier, Registered Agent
`344 Chimney Hill Lané
`Henderson, KY 42420
`4666 Patios Parkway
`Decatur, IL 62525
`Serve: CT Corporation System
`306 West Main Street
`Suite 512
`Frankfort, KY 40601
`Serve by Registered Mai}
`Plaintiffs, Steve Primhett Farms, LLC and 3&1. Stock Farm, LLC, by and through
`counsel, for their complaint against Defendant, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, state
`as follows:
`PARTIES, JuiusolcrION, 8: VENUE
`Plaintiff; Steve‘Pritchett Farms, LLC (“Pritohett”) is, and was at all times
`pertinent hereto, a limited liability corporation formed under the laws of the
`Herbert M cKee, Jr. Reno emu: Cirtuit Clerk


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 5 of 11 PageID #: 12
`Case 4:20-cv-OOlOl—JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 5 of 11 PagelD #: 12
`Herbert M dice, Jr. Henderson Circuit. Clerk
`Commonwealth ofKentucky, with its principal piaee ofbusiness in Henderson,
`Plaintiff, 8&1. Stock Farm, LLC (“BELL”) is, and was at all times pertinent
`hereto, a limited liability corporation formed under the laws of the Commonwealth of
`Kentucky, with its principal place of business in Henderson, Kentucky.
`Defendant, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (“ADM”) is, and was at all times
`pertinent hereto, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, having
`its principal office in Decatur, Iltinois, and doing business in the Commonwealth of
`This Court has jurisdiction of this matter as Plaintiffs, Pritchett and B&L, are
`residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Defendant, ADM, conducts business in the
`Commonwealth of Kentucky, and the claims arise out of the business ADM conducts in
`the Commonweaith Kentucky. Plaintiffs allege damages in excess of thejurisdictional
`minimum for this Court.
`Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to KRS 452.450 as the commute that are
`the subject of this action were made in Henderson County, Kentucky and were to be
`~ performed in Henderson County, Kentucky.
`On or about August l6, 20l9, Pritehett and ADM entered into contract no.
`FSC] 12300, a true and accurate copy of which is attached hereto.
`Pursuant to the Pritchett contract, ADM agreed to sell to Pritchett during the term
`ofthc contract certain animai feed at a price of $435.60 per ton.
`Herbert McKee, Jr. Henderson Cirmit Clerk


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 6 of 11 PageID #: 13
`Case 4:20-cv-OOlOl-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 6.0f 11 PageID #: 13
`0512532020 .
`flatbed: M cKee, Jr. Henderson Circuit. Clerk
`In September 2019, ADM breached and repudiated the contract when it informed
`Pritchett that ADM would not sell the said animal feed to Pritchett thereafter.
`As a direct and proximate result ofADM’s breach and repudiation ofthe connect,
`Pritchett covered by purchasing the said animal feed from a different supplier, end the
`cost of that feed was greater than that at which ADM agreed to sell the said feed to '
`10. ~
`The Pritchett contract further provides that in the event ADM breaches the contact
`ADM shall be liable for the attomey fees that Pritchett incurs herein.
`l J.
`On or about August 16, 20$. B&L and ADM entered into a contract for the
`purchase and sale of certain animal feed, which is identical in its terms to the contract
`attached hereto.
`Pursuant to the B&L contract, ADM agreed to sell to BSZL during the term ofthe
`contract certain animal feed at a price of $435.60 per tort.
`In September 2019, ADM breached and repudiated the centmct when it informed
`8&1. that ADM would not sell the said animal feed to B&L thereafter.
`As a direct and proximate result of ADM’s breach and repudiation of the contract,
`8&1. covered by purchasingthe said animal feed from a different supplier, and the cost ‘
`of that feed was greater than that at which ADM agreed to sell the said feed to 3361..
`The 8&1. contract further provides that in the erect ADM breaches the contact
`ADM‘shall be liable for the attorney fees that B&L incurs herein.
`WHEREFORE, Ptaintiffs demand:
`Judgment against ADM in such amount as Pritchett proves are its damages;
`- Filed
`Herhert McKee, Jr. Henderson Circuit Clerk


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 7 of 11 PageID #: 14
`Case 4:20-cv-OOlOl-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 7 of 11 PagelD #: 14
`Herbert M cKee, Jr. Ifeu'demn Circuit Clea-k
`Judgment against ADM in such amount as 3&1. proves are its damages;
`. Pritchett’s costs herein expended, including a reasonable attorney’s fee;
`B&L’s costs herein expended, including a reasonable attorney’s fee;
`A trial byjury; and
`Any and all other relief to which it may appear to the Court, Plaintiffs are entitled.
`l 10 South Court Street
`P. 0. Box 210
`Morganfield, KY 42437
`(270) 389-1200
`(2?0) 389-1226 (fax)
`Isl Charles E. Moore
`Charles E. Moore
`,. Attomey for Plaintiff‘s
`Mark A. Brittingham, Esq.
`224 Fail-Way Vista Road
`Murphysboro, IL 62966
`(638) 967~8144
`(g! Mark A. Brittingham
`Mark A. Brittingham
`Attorney for Plaintiffs
`11mm M cKee. Jr. Heud'exson Circuit Clerk


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 8 of 11 PageID #: 15
`Case 4:20-cv-OOlOl-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 8 of 11 PageID #: 15
`_\ Herbert M cKee, Jr. Henderson Circuit. Clerk
`. 1,“-
`mm mm comm
`number: 299391
`am Mimi Nutrition. Quincy. munch
`mum; Wm wen-an:
`contract. enact“: betwen Ship 1PM Bezel»! and Ship 1'0 meets) shown helm: for each item.
`”am: am “RIMS?! W
`Address: 9851 US 80 W
`(15:39: W '
`State: RY
`319. “no
`Sale Representative um: W. CHRIS 1!.
`Payroll Harmer: 212986

`m mm mama. a division of arm: 00.31010 manna may, a misuse corporation {wetter-x. hereby sells to any“. and
`Buyer hunky purchases from Seller, 31!. at the lanolin: «dined amalgama- I'Peed'l a: the 'prtcelal' a. set out herein. town .5
`contract 17pm Name 1
`Pace bin: Inn-momma:
`Pinata «swarm. Ill
`.........._............................................................t............................................................ g
`Wu Conn-acne!
`ship Pm
`Ship 1V:
`9316!! "won
`My: ‘
`1: 39 “as.
`a: «mu- 2919
`av-nm- 2020
`as . so
`minimum cam-inc: sue .. :0 was.
`product ӣ33m - an em.
`mu: m: moo
`W The parties age: that Buyer shall purchase m: numbet onus of Feed as set out out the Shipmm Period shown above at the. above
`manned Meats). Bnya shall fumisltm shipping mansions to the Seller in ml: 3 mm as in canal: tin: Seller to Male the shipments wally
`ova-me cum paid. 11:: final shipping instructions mus: he mmlslmd at has: ten (10) calendar days prim to the end offlle mm period.
`0!: mm Wad FOR the shipping location. this!“ mics and fuel surcharges will be Med on rules in effect an the date of shimmt.
`rm: mammals:
`Maximal $6 omen contracted M that will be shipped per 30-day period
`Maxim '56 ofmh unvaried feed that will be shipped duringmc
`Iast ten (‘0) «mar days affix: contract petiod:
`21m mm W wad
`FdenmSELm aimmm Win a maufledm. wammm “RUYER’Smflm (tank: ”55me my.
`“mate m.mqmd by: SEWER.
`n is rm understood me “Terms and commas» m the :c'um Sid: mrshau constitute: a part massM and may we morning; incorporawd
`Date Signed:
`Seller: mm MimiNutrition, a division ol’Archet Daniels Midland (Emmy. a
`Brad Duke. Dim, us Feed Business
`20-(21430285 -
`flatten :‘l‘lclsIée2 Jr. Henderson Cirtuit Clerk


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 9 of 11 PageID #: 16
`C 4: 20- cv
`HM- HBB Document 1- 2 Filed 06/26/20 Pa
`e9 of 11 PageID #: 16
`.Wiilir s
`Herbert McKee, Jr. Heatrefit
`Circuit Clerk
`Office U ~.
`W All shipments ofcontracted feeds made to Buyer within the period covered by this contract will be applied against this
`comet until it is completed.
`W Ifthe Sayer has selcaed the Futures Contract, the Seller hereby gmnnteee the Pricefl'on or Unit shown for each listed Fwd product
`timing the Contract Tenn. The price shall be adjusted for any discount to which Buyer is entitled at the time of shipment.
`W. The Buyer shall pay Seller fer Feed purchased and deliveredipieked-up in accordance with the terms and conditions ofeach
`order placed. Failure ofBuyer to accept delivery of; or pity. for any portion of. airy leech covered by this contract or default it any
`indebtedness to Seller, shall at Seller‘s option release Seller liotn making humor deliveries. in case ofdefault in payment ofany invoice when
`due. the whole sum owed by the Buyer shall at the Seller‘s option become due at once.
`4. Suhedtmlgg, Should Boya’s livestock require a variance in a particular feed mix to ocemnodste necessary diet requirements of Buyer's
`livestock, Buyer may request at the time of my order there he a subsitute witldn the me product group for any item specified in the
`schedule above. Additional charges may apply.
`,g Comm Bulgarian. Seller’s obligations to sell Feed pursuant to the terms herein terminate upon the end ofsaid Contract Term, or
`whenever total torts commend have been delivered to fiuyer. whichever comes first.
`WM”?sohligation totakethebflnneeaofeontraetedibedshetemdwmay berelessedbymutnalugreement ofthe parties,
`provided, that’or nah case the Buyer shall immediately pay Seller a cancellation fee equal to Seller's market loss if loomed at the time of
`correellntion. Should either party breach this conduct or any agreement in emotion herewith, the breaching party shall be liable to the non-
`breaching party for the non-breaching party’3 reasonable attorneys fees and costs ofsuit
`W. lntheevent Buyer failsrofirmish shipohtginsnuetiortnwithindteperiodorpefiodsspeeifiedinthis mdeeSeller
`shall have the discretionary right to cancel on any whipped moons tltmof.m which case Buyer shall 'umoediately pay to Seller a sum equal
`toelthertheSeller’s market losserS S.tlllpcrton, foreachtonofconoaetedproductsnot shipped. whichevermnotortisgreeter. ForItems
`contracted byunita emcelletiorr fee of 15% tar-$10000 whicheveramount'to greater willnpply ’meparties nyeethnteuchchmges
`represent afnlrmeasure ofSeller‘sdnmageebased on Buyer3 foihoetoperform anddonotconstitrnenpenahy
`W. Shouldtheperformmrceofthis Cometbyeimerpnrtybeprevemedordeloyedby Actoi‘God. war, fire, flood storm,
`strikes. lockouts. or by any law. regulation, or we: of federal. state. com, or municipal authority, or by my other cause beyond the sonnet
`ofaparty andpartysperfomrancetodteextentitissoprevmtedor delayed shallbeexeused
`W. Neither Seller nor any representative ofSeller offers any advice relative to when this purchase ot‘ Feed can be charged
`as an expense to the Buyer
`1!; minute Law. This Coronet shall be govemed by the laws of the Stun: of lllinois, both as to interpretation and performance. Any action for
`the enforcement ofrhis Contract or any provision hereofmey be maintained in the counts of the State of Illinois at the sole discretion of Seller.
`W This Contract shall inure to the benefit ofand be binding on the parties hereto, their heirs, legal representatives,
`successors, and assigns.
`W This Contract is subject to approval and acceptance by the Seller at Quincy. lllinois. and along with any ptuehase
`orders, shall continue the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer and supersodee any other agree-tent Ming the subject matter herein.
`The Seller and Buyer agree that no other representations have been made except as set forth herein. Verbal agreements will not be recognized
`unless serneareeonfirmed inwritingbythe Seller. lfthereerecontlietiugterms endeonditioosbetweenthiscontrectendanypmeltaseorder
`placed, the terms and conditionsofthis contract will gown.
`‘l'he parties agree that, other than as set out herein, SELLER MAKES NO
`PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. Under no circumstances will Seller be liable for consequential damages including but not
`limited to lost profits. loss chime. and lees of goodwill. even if Seller has been made aware ot‘Ihe possibility of such damages.
`lg, glances. Any notices pwsuant to this Agreemem shall be sent by certified mail return receipt requeswd, postage prepaid, as follows: ifto
`Seller, send to ADM Animal Nutrition, lOllll N. 30‘ St,Quincy, ll. 62305—31 15 ifTo Buyer then to Buyer’3 address set out above.
`1W If any term or provision ofthis Agreement shell, to any extent, he invalid or tmenfomble, the minder ofthis
`Agreement shall not be aliected thereby and each otherterrri and provision ofthis figment shall be valid and be enforced to the fullest
`externpcrtnittedhy law. Enchpenymprcmnndwarmntsthmdteoifieerexecrmngthisdgreenmuonitabehnlfisdulynuthurizedtoso
`execute this Agreement, and this Agreernern, when executed and delivered by Such party, shall constitute the valid and birding moment of
`such party, enforceable'in accordance withits terms. No waiver with respect to any provision ofthis Agreement shallIn any event be
`reflective unmtheseme ehallheinwritingandsigmdhythe psrtieshereto. andtltertsuchweiver shallbeefictiveonly intheemcific
`instance and for the specific propose for which given. This Agreement shall not be assigned by Buyer without Seller‘5 prior mitten consent,
`which may be withheld at Seller‘s sole discretion.
`Herbert M cKee, Jr. Henderson Circuit Clerk


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 10 of 11 PageID #: 17
`C??? 4 ZO-cv-99c101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 10 of 11 PageID #: 17
`Hewett \Idfiee. Jr. Henderson Circuit Clerk
`I f 'n
`.1 :
`amen 230091
`Name: 511?: mm rm
`address: 9833 as 66 my:
`City: mason
`W m me:-
`m mm Suzanna. Macy. 11113915
`90mm: mm: rscnzauo
`Cams-ace “team: batman ship 9m mum and ship To one“) show halos tor each tum.
`Stan: I?
`up: 42‘”;
`Sale macaw mm: m. mm 3.
`Payroll umber: “3985
`m 831ml Nutrition, 5 divides: at m nuiela film may a 0:1an mum l‘aanor') . bushy gene to 33292,“:
`Buyer hereby gunmen (m seller. an at the haunting feedlieed supplemeata um" a: the 'yticetai'u not our. heroin. toad:
`cunts“: Typo: Futures X
`Price Hun: m74~m-1~wm
`Plant: 23=W. TIT
`sup m
`ship h
`Pace 9m
`W Contract am - no a». 3m mm a 20 cans.
`mu. m: woo
`minim kinds) Mawmmmmmngmmmmmmainswammmmmemwmmmmemmmmy
`mummmmmu mmmumioasmummmmuammdmmmmautumnal.
`W W m m m
`Mum96afadlmtmcdmmawfllbesmppedw3fl-MW ”96.10056
`hand! commands)! utfl‘cwnnmpa'iod:

`52.11:: ADMMSmnINumfiomadivision ofArchcr DanidsMidland Campany.a
`Date Signed:
`Brad Dame. Director. US Fed Business
`mmmwzmmmimnmmmmxmr mmw
`Hefben M cKee, Jr. Henderson Cirqnit (Stark


`Case 4:20-cv-00101-JHM-HBB Document 1-2 Filed 06/26/20 Page 11 of 11 PageID #: 18
`Cawflo—cvi‘amzléM-Hfiézaflmmem 1'fiexfi'1‘3919figf3fiqiafiaéwéifilfijtfige'D #: 18 ‘1:
`OflieeUse(g Dan:M ' ”rig;
`indehtahess ”Seller, shall a: 8:11er option release Seller MMgfium deliveries. In ease ofdefault inW ofmy invoice when
`breaching my tank: nun-breaching M’s reasonable attorney’s fees and m ofsuit.
`Why mammu‘on fee «259532310030, whicheveremountiegtwer, willapply. 'l‘hepmfiesemeethatsuehelmges
`unleammmfimedhwflfingbyfiefiellfl. lfmmmflimmmmmmmisWMmypmhmm
`.n- 11-,
`ME AND MERCHANTABILITY. Underno e'neumsnnces will Sella- be liable fox conseqmtial wages including hm nut
`limited to lost profits, lass offline. and loss ofgoodwill, even ifSeller has been made mm ofihe possibility ufsneh damages.
`Seller, “3de!!! Animal Nuuifian. 1000M 30*St.,Quincy,lL623llS-3lls. lf’l‘oBuyemhentoBuyer’sadmmomabove.
`W; IfanytemorpmvisinnoffiisAyeememMmmyembeinmidormfomeable,themmfiMaof&is
`whichmaybewifiheldatSella’s sole disueu’un.
`Helium M cKee, Jr. Hemlezson CircuieClerk

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