`Case No. ___________
`Plaintiff, ZO Skin Health, Inc. (“ZOSH”), by and through its counsel of record, for
`its Complaint against Defendant Skincare Market, Inc. (“Defendant”), hereby states and
`alleges as follows:
`ZOSH is a California corporation registered to do business in the State of
`Nebraska, with its principal place of business located in Irvine, California, and its main
`distribution center located in Omaha, Nebraska.
`Defendant is a California corporation, with its principal place of business
`located in Walnut, California.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28
`U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338, 28 U.S.C. § 1367 and 18 U.S.C. § 1964. ZOSH’s federal
`claims are predicated on 15 U.S.C. § 1114 and 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) and (c), and its claims
`arising under California and Nebraska state law are substantially related such that they
`form part of the same case or controversy under Article III of the United States
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`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant because Defendant has
`expressly aimed its tortious activities toward the State of Nebraska, purposely availed
`itself of the privilege of doing business in Nebraska, and engaged in significant contacts
`with Nebraska, including significant and regular sales, shipments, and distribution of
`products bearing ZOSH’s trademarks in Nebraska and to Nebraska residents. In addition,
`upon information and belief, the products at issue in this proceeding originated from
`ZOSH’s distribution center located in Omaha, Nebraska. Defendant has engaged in
`tortious activities with the knowledge that ZOSH will be harmed by Defendant’s actions in
`Given Defendant’s significant activities in Nebraska as outlined herein, the
`exercise of jurisdiction over Defendant is proper.
`ZOSH ensures the quality of its products and polices its trademarks through
`a network of Authorized Account Customers that operate throughout the United States.
`From 2017 to present, ZOSH has engaged in considerable sales through
`its Authorized Account Customers, totaling more than two hundred million in sales by said
`Authorized Account Customers.
`Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1965 and 28
`U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2)-(3), because Defendant is subject to personal jurisdiction in this
`judicial district and a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims
`occurred in this District.
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`Background of ZO Skin Health, Inc.
`ZOSH researches, develops, designs, manufactures, markets and sells
`scientifically formulated cosmeceutical products (“ZO Products”). ZO Products are
`regulated by the U.S. Drug and Food Administration (“FDA”).
`10. Various ZO Products are medical grade products.
`11. Pursuant to FDA regulations, only licensed physicians are allowed to
`prescribe, recommend and sell these medical grade ZO Products. All ZO Products pose
`a potential risk to individuals who have not sought a consultation from a licensed physician
`regarding ZOSH’s recommendations for ZO Products and their skin type, and skin care
`12. As such, all ZO Products are exclusively sold through a network of licensed
`ZOSH only adds licensed physicians to its network once the licensed
`physician consents to and signs ZOSH’s Anti-Diversion Policy.
`The Anti-Diversion Policy prohibits any licensed physician, or anyone
`associated with the licensed physician, from selling ZO Products online.
`ZOSH has the exclusive right to sell ZO Products online.
`ZOSH devotes a significant amount of time, energy and resources toward
`protecting the value of the ZOSH brand, products, name and reputation. By distributing
`ZO Products exclusively through these licensed physicians and its online marketplace,
`ZOSH is able to ensure the safety and satisfaction of consumers and safeguard the
`reputation and integrity of ZO Products and the ZOSH brand.
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`In addition, to promote and protect the ZO Skin Health, Inc. brand, ZOSH
`has registered numerous trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`including but not limited to ZO and ZO Skin Health (collectively, the “ZO Trademarks”).
`The registration for the ZO Trademarks are valid, subsisting and in full force
`and effect, and constitute prima facie evidence of the validity of the ZO Trademarks and
`of the registration of the ZO Trademarks, of ZOSH’s ownership of the ZO Trademarks
`and ZOSH’s exclusive right to use the ZO Trademarks in commerce in connection with
`the goods specified in the registrations.
`ZOSH actively uses, advertises, and markets all of the ZO Trademarks in
`commerce throughout the United States.
`20. Consumers and licensed physicians recognize the ZO Trademarks as being
`associated with cutting edge, medically advanced cosmeceutical products with
`unparalleled results.
`21. Because of the cutting edge, medically advanced technologies and results
`of ZO Products, consumers trust the ZO Skin Health, Inc. brand and associate the ZO
`Skin Health, Inc. name with high quality, scientifically formulated and advanced products.
`For the above stated reasons, the ZO Trademarks are widely recognized
`by the general consumer of the United States, and ZOSH is recognized as the source of
`products bearing the ZO Trademarks.
`23. Due to the superior quality and exclusive distribution of ZO Products, and
`because ZOSH is recognized as the source of these high quality products, the ZO
`Trademarks have considerable value.
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`ZOSH’s ability to exercise these quality controls is essential to the quality,
`safety and integrity of the ZO Products, as well as the value of the ZO Trademarks and
`related intellectual property.
`25. By conducting all sales through licensed physicians and its exclusive online
`storefront, ZOSH maintains strict quality controls over its ZO Products.
`ZOSH requires the licensed physicians to adhere to ZOSH’s policies,
`procedures and agreements (“ZO Policies”).
`The ZO Policies govern the manner in which licensed physicians sell ZO
`Products. To prevent unauthorized third-parties from acquiring and reselling ZO
`Products, the ZO Policies achieve objectives of setting prices, prohibiting discounted
`prices, issuing product protocols, define the guidelines for use of ZO Trademarks and
`copyrighted materials, and ensure that the seller relationships are consistent and value
`based across the supply chain.
`28. As part of the ZO Policies, licensed physicians are prohibited from selling
`ZO Products on any online platform, including third-party marketplaces such as eBay and
`29. Various measures are taken to track the manner and quantity in which
`licensed physicians sell ZO Products. These and other restrictions contained within the
`ZO Policies allow ZOSH to exercise strict quality controls over the ZO Products. In the
`event that a quality issue occurs, ZOSH can readily identify the chemical supplier, facility,
`distributor and batch of the ZO Products and address any quality issues with parties
`immediately. Unauthorized resellers pose a significant risk to ZOSH’s quality controls,
`since ZOSH cannot trace the ZO Product back to the chemical supplier, facility and/or
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`distributor, or determine if the item Unauthorized resellers are selling are genuine ZO
`Product, preventing ZOSH from issuing a necessary product recall.
`ZOSH performs various inspections of ZO Products prior to placing ZO
`Products into its supply chain, including but not limited to distributors and licensed
`physicians. Those inspections, along with ZO Policies, ensure that ZO Products
`purchased by consumers are free from defect, damage or other issues by virtue of quality
`control that ZOSH is able to perform on the ZO Products. The ZO Policies also set forth
`requirements relating to storage, handling, inspection, usage and prescription of the ZO
`ZO Policies provide for inspection of ZO Products by distributors and
`licensed physicians for defects in packaging and product, which serves to ensure that
`end-user consumers receive genuine ZO Products in conformity with ZOSH’s quality
`control standards.
`32. As part of the ZO Policies, ZOSH prohibits distributors and/or licensed
`physicians from relabeling, repackaging, modifying and/or tampering with ZO Products.
`Accompanying written information regarding the usage protocols of each ZO Product
`and/or administering instructions for medical grade ZO Products are provided to the
`licensed physicians. In this way, ZOSH can ensure that end-user consumers receive
`genuine and safe products. Licensed physicians must also familiarize themselves, and
`in some occasions receive certified training from the developer of ZO Products, Dr. Zien
`Obagi, so that they are able to provide a high level of medical care and customer service
`to consumers.
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`ZOSH’s quality control measures, including but not limited to, ZO Policies,
`are substantial and have been implemented to control the quality of products sold and
`manufactured using the ZO Trademarks, which protects licensed physicians, consumers,
`and the value and good will associated with ZO Trademarks.
`ZOSH’s quality control measures and requirements are material, as they
`are designed to protect consumers and prevent them from receiving poor quality products
`that may be damaging to their health. Consumers would find it material and relevant to
`their purchasing decision to know whether a ZO Product they contemplated buying was
`sold by a licensed physician and subject to the ZO Policies and related quality control
`measures versus a product sold by an unauthorized seller who is not subject to, and does
`not abide by, ZOSH’s quality controls and over whom ZOSH is unable to exercise its
`quality controls.
`Licensed physicians are vetted by ZOSH to ensure that they meet ZOSH’s
`standards and criteria for representing and selling ZO Products. Among the criteria
`considered, ZOSH confirms the status of the physician’s license, credit, sales history,
`market, business reviews and related information regarding the licensed physician’s
`ability to adhere to ZO Policies and quality control requirements.
`ZOSH’s overall strategy concerning quality control and protecting value and
`goodwill associated with the ZOSH brand are significant and material. These measures
`ensure that consumers receive high quality, genuine and safe ZO Products from licensed
`ZOSH’s ability to exercise quality controls over ZO Products sold turns on
`ZOSH’s knowledge of which licensed physician is selling which products. To ensure
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`ZOSH’s awareness of this information, consumers must visit a location of one of ZOSH’s
`Authorized Account Customers to receive a consultation. The products sold by ZOSH’s
`Authorized Account Customers are tracked by lot and batch numbers. This allows ZOSH
`to control the distribution of ZO Products and address quality issues that may arise.
`38. Authorized Account Customers must also adhere to data security,
`accessibility, and privacy requirements.
`39. Authorized Account Customers must also use a tracking mechanism
`relating to their sale of ZO Products and also have a means to obtain consumer
`feedback/reviews. Authorized Account Customers must inform ZOSH of any negative
`product reviews or client experiences. This is a key part of the ZO Policies and ZOSH’s
`quality-control efforts, as it gives ZOSH a method to address quality issues immediately;
`this is not possible with unauthorized sellers, such as Defendant.
`ZOSH’s overall strategy concerning quality control and protecting value and
`goodwill associated with the ZO Skin Health, Inc. brand are significant and material.
`These measures ensure that consumers receive genuine, high quality ZO Products from
`licensed physician sources that adhere to the ZO Policies and related quality-control
`measures. Consumers purchasing ZO Products find it relevant to purchasing decisions
`to know that the product being purchased is from an Authorized Account Customer that
`adheres to ZOSH’s quality controls.
`41. Additionally, ZO Products purchased from Authorized Account Customers
`come with a Limited Warranty (“ZO Warranty”).
`The ZO Warranty warrants ZO Products against defects in manufacturing,
`workmanship, or materials under normal use and service for the applicable warranty
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`period, subject to conditions contained therein. The warranty period ranges from one to
`ten years from the original date of purchase of a ZO Product by an end-user purchaser
`from an Authorized Account Customer depending on the product.
`43. Under the ZO Warranty, a customer can receive a refund or replacement
`product if a ZO Product has a defect in manufacturing, workmanship, or materials under
`normal use and service for the applicable warranty period.
`The ZO Warranty is not available for ZO Products sold by unauthorized
`sellers, because ZOSH cannot ensure the quality of products sold by such unauthorized
`sellers. Unauthorized sellers, like Defendant, do not comply with ZOSH’s quality controls.
`This ZO Warranty is a key component of genuine ZO Products, as consumers purchasing
`ZO Products with the ZO Warranty have assurances that they are receiving a high quality
`product supported by the ZO Warranty if an issue arises.
`Defendant Is Not an Authorized Account Customer
`45. Due to risks to consumers and reputational concerns associated with the
`illegal sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks by unauthorized sellers, ZOSH tracks
`and polices the sale of its products online.
`In the course of monitoring unauthorized online sales of ZO Products,
`ZOSH has discovered products bearing the ZO Trademarks being illegally sold by
`47. On information and belief, Defendant illegally sells products bearing the ZO
`Trademarks on its affiliated website, www.skincaremarket.net (“Website”), and possibly
`other online marketplaces.
`ZOSH has not approved Defendant to sell ZO Products, because Defendant
`does not comply with ZOSH’s quality-control measures and ZO Policies.
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`49. Defendant has not provided ZOSH with business information or an
`opportunity to evaluate its suitability to meet ZOSH’s high standards set for Authorized
`Account Customers.
`50. Defendant also conducts its illegal sales on its Website, and possibly other
`online marketplaces, which violates the quality controls implemented by ZOSH. This
`prevents ZOSH from addressing quality issues or negative reviews that arise out of
`Defendant’s illegal sales of products bearing the ZO Trademarks. It is also unclear how
`or where Defendant has acquired products bearing the ZO Trademarks, which prevents
`ZOSH from determining if any such products are subject to recall or consumer safety
`information efforts.
`51. Defendant is infringing the ZO Trademarks by selling products bearing the
`ZO Trademarks that are not subject to, do not abide by, and interfere with ZOSH’s quality
`controls and customer service requirements.
`52. Defendant’s illegal conduct fails to meet the quality controls implemented
`by ZOSH, which harms the ZO Skin Health, Inc. brand’s goodwill and also circumvents
`safeguards intended to protect consumers. Because Defendant’s illegal sales operate
`outside of ZOSH’s quality controls, Defendant’s products are materially different from
`genuine ZO Products. Thus, Defendant’s products are not genuine ZO Products.
`53. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to, and does, create customer confusion because customers who purchase
`products from Defendant believe they are purchasing genuine ZO Products, when in fact,
`they are not.
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`54. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks
`infringes on the ZO Trademarks and diminishes their value.
`55. Defendant has sold and continues to sell products bearing the ZO
`Trademarks without ZOSH’s consent.
`56. On information and belief, through its Website, and possibly other online
`marketplaces, Defendant has advertised and marketed infringing products bearing the
`ZO Trademarks to consumers in Nebraska.
`57. On information and belief, Defendant has accepted and fulfilled significant
`orders of infringing products bearing the ZO Trademarks from consumers in Nebraska.
`58. On information and belief, Defendant has shipped significant amounts of
`infringing products bearing the ZO Trademarks to Nebraska.
`59. As described herein, genuine ZO Products purchased from ZOSH and its
`Authorized Account Customers that comply with ZOSH’s quality controls come with the
`ZO Warranty.
`60. Because Defendant is not an Authorized Account Customer of ZO Products
`and does not comply with the related quality controls, the products it sells bearing the ZO
`Trademarks do not come with the ZO Warranty.
`61. Due to the lack of the ZO Warranty on Defendant’s products, the products
`it sells bearing the ZO Trademarks are materially different from genuine ZO Products.
`62. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to, and does, create customer confusion because customers who purchase
`products from Defendant believe they are purchasing genuine ZO Products when, in fact,
`they are not.
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`63. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks
`infringes on the ZO Trademarks and diminishes their value.
`64. Defendant has sold and continues to sell products bearing the ZO
`Trademarks through its Website, and possibly other online marketplaces, without ZOSH’s
`65. Defendant is engaging in false advertising by falsely representing that the
`products it sells come with the ZO Warranty.
`66. On information and belief, Defendant’s unauthorized listings of products
`bearing the ZO Trademarks purport to be covered by the ZO Warranty; Defendant also
`represents that the unauthorized products sold bearing the ZO Trademarks are “new.”
`To the contrary, products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks do
`not come with the ZO Warranty. By making such inaccurate representations to
`consumers, Defendant is falsely advertising the products that it sells.
`68. On information and belief, Defendant has acquired ZO Products, in whole
`or in part, from ZOSH’s Authorized Account Customers for purposes of unlawfully
`infringing upon and materially damaging the value of the ZO Trademarks by reselling the
`products online.
`The ZO Policies and related quality controls prohibit ZOSH’s Authorized
`Account Customers from selling ZO Products to third parties who intend to resell the
`70. By acquiring ZO Products from Authorized Account Customers for purposes
`of resale, Defendant is causing a breach of the agreement between ZOSH and Authorized
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`Account Customers. Defendant is also interfering with ZOSH’s agreements and business
`relationships. Defendant’s tortious interference continues to this day.
`71. On information and belief, Defendant has willfully and knowingly induced
`presently unknown Authorized Account Customers to breach their agreements with
`ZOSH, so that Defendant can acquire ZO Products and unlawfully infringe on the ZO
`Trademarks by reselling those products.
`ZOSH Has Suffered Significant Harm Due to Defendant’s Conduct
`72. Defendant’s unauthorized resale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks
`through unauthorized resellers has caused significant harm to the ZO Skin Health, Inc.
`73. When a consumer receives one of Defendant’s products from an
`unauthorized reseller that lacks the ZO Warranty, the consumer associates that negative
`experience with ZOSH and the ZO Skin Health, Inc. brand. Defendant’s ongoing sale of
`unauthorized products bearing the ZO Trademarks causes substantial harm to the ZO
`Skin Health, Inc. brand.
`ZOSH has suffered and will continue to suffer significant monetary harm as
`a direct result of Defendant’s misconduct, including, but not limited to, loss of sales,
`damage to reputation, erosion of intellectual property rights, and damage to existing and
`prospective business relationships.
`ZOSH has suffered and will continue to suffer irreparable harm to its
`reputation, goodwill, business and customer relationships, intellectual property rights, and
`brand integrity.
`ZOSH is entitled to injunctive relief, because Defendant will continue to
`unlawfully resell products bearing the ZO Trademarks and infringe on the ZO
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`Trademarks, causing continued irreparable harm to ZOSH’s reputation, goodwill,
`relationships, intellectual property, and brand integrity.
`77. Defendant’s conduct was intentional, willful, knowing, malicious, wanton,
`and in violation of applicable laws.
`Trademark Infringement
`15 U.S.C. §§ 1114, 1125(a)(1)(a)
`ZOSH hereby restates and incorporates by reference the allegations
`contained in the preceding paragraphs as though set forth fully herein.
`ZOSH is the owner of the ZO Trademarks.
`ZOSH has registered the ZO Trademarks with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office.
`The ZO Trademarks are valid and subsisting trademarks in full force and
`82. Defendant unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly used and continues to use the
`ZO Trademarks in interstate commerce for purposes of selling products bearing the ZO
`Trademarks without ZOSH’s consent.
`The products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks are not
`authorized for sale by ZOSH.
`The products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks do not come
`with the ZO Warranty.
`ZOSH has established and implemented substantial and material quality
`controls with which genuine ZO Products must comply.
`ZOSH abides by these quality controls, and requires all of its Authorized
`Account Customers to abide by these quality controls.
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`ZOSH’s quality controls are material, as they protect consumers and
`prevent them from receiving low quality, damaged, and defective products.
`The products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks are not subject
`to, do not abide by, and interfere with ZOSH’s quality controls and customer service
`89. Since products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks do not come
`with the ZO Warranty and are not subject to, do not abide by, and interfere with ZOSH’s
`quality controls and customer service requirements, Defendant’s products are materially
`different from genuine ZO Products.
`Thus, Defendant’s products are not genuine ZO Products.
`91. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks
`interferes with ZOSH’s quality controls and ability to exercise quality control over products
`bearing the ZO Trademarks.
`92. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to cause confusion, cause mistake, or deceive consumers, because Defendant’s
`conduct suggests that the products Defendant offers come with the ZO Warranty and are
`subject to and abide by ZOSH’s quality controls when, in fact, they do not.
`93. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to cause confusion, cause mistake, or deceive consumers because Defendant’s
`conduct suggests that the products Defendant offers for sale are genuine ZO Products
`when, in fact, they are not.
`94. Defendant’s unauthorized sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to cause confusion, cause mistake, or deceive consumers because Defendant’s
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`conduct suggests that the products Defendant offers for sale are otherwise related to
`ZOSH when, in fact, they are not.
`95. Defendant’s unauthorized use of the ZO Trademarks has infringed upon
`and materially damaged the value of the ZO Trademarks, and also cause significant
`damage to the ZO Skin Health, Inc. brand and ZOSH’s business relationships.
`96. As a proximate result of Defendant’s misconduct, ZOSH has suffered and
`continues to suffer immediate and irreparable harm. ZOSH has also suffered and
`continues to suffer damages, including but not limited to loss of business, goodwill,
`reputation, and profits in an amount to be proven at trial.
`ZOSH is entitled to recover its damages caused by Defendant’s
`infringement of the ZO Trademarks, and disgorge Defendant’s profits from its willfully
`infringing sales and unjust enrichment.
`ZOSH is entitled to injunctive relief under 15 U.S.C. § 1116, because it has
`no adequate remedy at law for Defendant’s infringement; unless Defendant is
`permanently enjoined, ZOSH will suffer irreparable harm.
`ZOSH is entitled to enhanced damages and attorney fees under 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1117(a) as this is an exceptional case, because Defendant willfully, intentionally, and
`maliciously infringed on the ZO Trademarks in bad faith.
`False Advertising
`15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)(1)(b)
`100. ZOSH hereby restates and incorporates by reference the allegations
`contained in the preceding paragraphs as though set forth fully herein.
`101. ZOSH is the owner of the ZO Trademarks.
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`102. ZOSH has registered the ZO Trademarks with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office.
`103. The ZO Trademarks are valid and subsisting trademarks in full force and
`104. Defendant has willfully, intentionally, and knowingly used, and continues to
`use, the ZO Trademarks in interstate commerce for purposes of advertising, marketing,
`promoting, and selling Defendant’s products bearing the ZO Trademarks without ZOSH’s
`105. Defendant’s advertising, marketing, and promotional efforts regarding its
`products unlawfully use the ZO Trademarks, and has been disseminated to the relevant
`purchasing public, including Nebraska consumers.
`106. Defendant has used and continues to use the ZO Trademarks to falsely
`advertise by implication that the products it sells come with the ZO Warranty when, in
`fact, they do not.
`107. ZO Products purchased from ZOSH and its Authorized Account Customers
`who comply with ZOSH’s quality controls come with the ZO Warranty.
`108. ZOSH cannot exercise quality controls over products sold by unauthorized
`sellers, such as Defendant. Thus, products bearing the ZO Trademarks that are sold by
`unauthorized sellers who do not comply with ZOSH’s quality controls do not come with
`the ZO Warranty.
`109. The products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks are not
`authorized for sale by ZOSH.
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`110. The products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks do not come
`with the ZO Warranty.
`111. Defendant falsely advertises by implication that the products it sells bearing
`the ZO Trademarks come with the ZO Warranty. This representation is false because the
`products sold by Defendant bearing the ZO Trademarks do not come with the ZO
`112. Defendant’s use of the ZO Trademarks in connection with unauthorized
`advertising, marketing, promotion, and sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks
`misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, and origin of Defendant’s products,
`because it suggests that the products come with the ZO Warranty when, in fact, they do
`113. Defendant’s use of the ZO Trademarks in connection with unauthorized
`advertising, marketing, promotion, and sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to cause confusion, cause mistake, or deceive because such use suggests that the
`products Defendant sells are genuine ZO Products that come with the ZO Warranty when,
`in fact, they are not.
`114. Defendant’s use of the ZO Trademarks in connection with unauthorized
`advertising, marketing, promotion, and sale of products bearing the ZO Trademarks is
`likely to cause confusion, cause mistake, or deceive because such use suggests that the
`products Defendant sells are sponsored by, authorized by, or otherwise connected with
`ZOSH when, in fact, they are not.
`115. Defendant’s unauthorized and deceptive use of the ZO Trademarks is
`material and likely to influence consumers to purchase the products it sells, as consumers
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`are likely to believe that products Defendant advertises using the ZO Trademarks are
`genuine ZO Products that come with the ZO Warranty when, in fact, they are not genuine
`ZO Products and do not come with the ZO Warranty.
`116. Defendant’s unauthorized use of ZO Trademarks in advertising and the like
`infringes on the ZO Trademarks.
`117. As a proximate result of Defendant’s misconduct, ZOSH has suffered and
`will continue to suffer damage to its business, goodwill, reputation, and profits in an
`amount to be proven at trial.
`118. ZOSH is entitled to recover its damages caused by Defendant’s false
`advertising and infringement of the ZO Trademarks and disgorge Defendant’s profits from
`its willfully infringing sales and unjust enrichment.
`119. ZOSH is entitled to injunctive relief under 15 U.S.C. § 1116, because it has
`no adequate remedy at law for Defendant’s false advertising and infringement, and unless
`Defendant is permanently enjoined, ZOSH will suffer irreparable harm.
`120. ZOSH is entitled to enhanced damages and attorney fees under 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1117(a) as this is an exceptional case, because Defendant has willfully, intentionally,
`maliciously, and in bad faith infringed on the ZO Trademarks.
`Unfair Competition
`15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)
`121. ZOSH hereby restates and incorporates by reference the allegations
`contained in the preceding paragraphs as though set forth fully herein.
`122. ZOSH is the owner of the ZO Trademarks.
`123. ZOSH has registered the ZO Trademarks with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office.
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`124. The ZO Trademarks are valid and subsisting trademarks in full force and
`125. Defendant has willfully, intentionally, and knowingly used, and continues to
`use, the ZO Trademarks in interstate commerce for purposes of advertising, marketing,
`promoting, and selling Defendant’s products bearing the ZO Trademarks without ZOSH’s
`126. The products Defendant advertises and sells bearing the ZO Trademarks
`are not authorized for sale by ZOSH.
`127. The products Defendant advertises and sells bearing the ZO Trademarks
`do not come with the ZO Warranty.
`128. ZOSH has established and implemented legitimate and substantial quality
`controls covering and applicable to all genuine ZO Products.