`on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
`Gerber Products Company (“Gerber”), respectfully submits this Memorandum of Law in
`support of its Motion to Intervene in this action (the “Action”) for the sole purpose of opposing
`Plaintiffs’ pending motion to consolidate (the “Consolidation Motion”) (Dkt. No. 6) as it relates
`to Gerber.
`The Consolidation Motion seeks to consolidate all of the actions pending against Hain
`Celestial Group, Inc. (“Hain”) in the Eastern District of New York stemming from a report issued
`by a Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives on February 4, 2021 (the “Subcommittee
`Report”), relating to the alleged presence of heavy metals in certain baby food products. Gerber
`is an interested party in this Action because the Consolidation Motion, if granted, would
`consolidate at least three actions in which Gerber is a named defendant with the actions pending
`(largely only) against Hain in this Court. See Walls v. Beech-Nut Nutrition Co., et al., No. 1:21-
`Case 2:21-cv-00678-JS-AYS Document 33 Filed 03/15/21 Page 2 of 7 PageID #: 128
`cv-00870 (“Walls Action”); Albano, et al. v. Hain Celestial Group, Inc., et al., No. 2:21-cv-01118
`(“Albano Action”); and Lawrence v. Hain Celestial Group, Inc., et al., No. 21-cv-01287
`(“Lawrence Action”). Gerber files this motion to inform the Court that it intends to move to sever
`the claims asserted against it, in this and other districts, stemming from the Subcommittee Report,
`including in the Walls, Albano, and Lawrence Actions, and to transfer those claims to the District
`of New Jersey where there currently are five cases stemming from the Subcommittee Report
`pending against Gerber. Gerber opposes the Consolidation Motion to the extent it seeks to
`consolidate the claims asserted against Gerber in the Walls, Albano, and Lawrence Actions, and
`any subsequently filed or transferred action against Gerber that the Consolidation Motion requests
`to consolidate with the actions pending against Hain in this Court.
`The Hain EDNY Cases. The Consolidation Motion seeks to consolidate this Action with
`the Walls Action, the Albano Action, and at least six other cases,1 as well as any subsequently filed
`or transferred related actions, including the Lawrence Action (together, the “Hain EDNY Cases”).
`Gerber is not a party to any action that is subject to the Consolidation Motion, other than the Walls,
`Albano, and Lawrence Actions.
`Allegations in the Hain EDNY Cases. The Hain EDNY Cases all allege that Hain’s baby
`food products are tainted with toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury.
`These allegations resulted from the Subcommittee Report, relating to the alleged presence of heavy
`metals in certain baby food products. There have been numerous lawsuits filed around the country
`1 The other cases are captioned: Bredberg et al. v. The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., No. 2:21-cv-00758; Mays v. Hain
`Celestial Group, Inc., No. 2:21-cv-00805; Boyd v. Hain Celestial Group, Inc., No. 2:21-cv-00884; McKeon et al. v.
`Hain Celestial Group, d/b/a Earth’s Best Organics, No. 2:21-cv-00938; Baumgarten v. The Hain Celestial Group,
`Inc., No. 2:21-cv-00944; and Willoughby v. Hain Celestial Group, d/b/a Earth’s Best Organics, No. 2:21-cv-00970.
`Case 2:21-cv-00678-JS-AYS Document 33 Filed 03/15/21 Page 3 of 7 PageID #: 129
`against various baby food manufacturers based on the same allegations contained in the
`Subcommittee Report.
`The Walls, Albano, and Lawrence Actions are the only Hain EDNY Cases that also allege
`claims against Gerber. In fact, the Consolidation Motion does not even mention any of the
`complaints’ allegations against Gerber, instead describing the Hain EDNY Cases as “alleg[ing]
`that certain of Hain’s baby food products (the ‘Tainted Baby Foods’) are and were tainted with
`significant and dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals,” and that “Hain misrepresented or omitted
`disclosure of this fact from consumers.” (Dkt. No. 6 at 1-2 (emphases added).)
`Sever and Transfer Motions. The first-filed action against Gerber related to the subject
`matter of the Subcommittee Report, to the best of Gerber’s knowledge, was filed on February 5,
`2021, in the District of New Jersey, and is pending before Judge Claire C. Cecchi. Shepard v.
`Gerber Products Company, No. 2:21-cv-01977 (D.N.J.) (“Shepard Action”).2 At least four other
`cases since Shepard have been filed against Gerber in the District of New Jersey and are all
`pending before Judge Cecchi. (Moore v. Gerber Products Company, No. 2:21-cv-02516 (“Moore
`Action”); Wallace et. al. v. Gerber Products Company, et. al., No. 2:21-cv-02531 (“Wallace
`Action”); Cantor, et. al. v. Gerber Products Company, No. 2:21-cv-03402 (“Cantor Action”); and
`Pierre-Louis v. Gerber Products Company, No. 2:21-cv-4791 (“Pierre-Louis Action”) (together,
`the “New Jersey Gerber Actions”)).
`The plaintiffs’ joinder of Gerber in the Walls, Albano and Lawrence Actions is improper.
`By asserting claims against all of the defendants in each of those actions, those plaintiffs have
`failed to comply with Rule 20(a)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which provides, in
`2 On March 12, 2021, plaintiffs in the Shepard Action filed a motion to consolidate the New Jersey Gerber Actions
`before Judge Cecchi in the District of New Jersey.
`Case 2:21-cv-00678-JS-AYS Document 33 Filed 03/15/21 Page 4 of 7 PageID #: 130
`relevant part, that claims that do not arise out of the same transaction or occurrence should not be
`joined in one lawsuit. None of the plaintiffs in any of the Hain EDNY Cases that are subject to
`the Consolidation Motion allege any facts that could establish that the defendants acted pursuant
`to a common scheme or plan. Nor do they allege that defendants are jointly and severally liable
`for the plaintiffs’ alleged damages. The plaintiffs fail to allege any facts that show a necessary
`relationship between the defendants; if anything, the plaintiffs’ allegations make clear that their
`claims against each defendant are separate and distinct. For that reason, Gerber intends to sever
`the claims made against it in those and other cases where it is joined with other defendants and
`transfer those claims to the District of New Jersey.3
`Multidistrict Litigation. On March 8, 2021, plaintiffs in the Albano Action filed a motion
`with the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation for consolidation and transfer of
`the various cases stemming from the House Subcommittee Report (“JPML Motion”). The JPML
`Motion seeks to transfer all of the “Related Actions”4 to the Eastern District of New York. This
`Action, along with the Walls, Albano, and Lawrence Actions, are subject to the JPML Motion. In
`its order issuing a briefing schedule on the JPML Motion, the JPML ordered the parties to “address
`what steps they have taken to pursue alternatives to centralization (including, but not limited to,
`engaging in informal coordination of discovery and scheduling, and seeking Section 1404 transfer
`of one or more of the subject cases).” In Re: Baby Food Marketing, Sales Practices and Products
`Liability Litigation, MDL No. 2997 (Dkt. No. 3) (J.P.M.L.).
`3 Gerber is prepared to brief this issue in more detail at the Court’s direction and convenience.
`4 The JPML Motion involves at least 43 actions, including 38 proposed class actions, pending in 12 different federal
`district courts.
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`A motion to intervene may be granted under Fed. R. Civ. P. 24(b)(1)(B) for anyone who,
`on timely motion, “has a claim or defense that shares with the main action a common question of
`law or fact.” In exercising its discretion, the court should consider factors that include
`[T]he nature and extent of the intervenors’ interests, the degree to which those
`interests are adequately represented by other parties, and whether parties
`seeking intervention will significantly contribute to [the] full development of
`the underlying factual issues in the suit and to the just and equitable
`adjudication of the legal questions presented.
`Berroyer v. United States, 282 F.R.D. 299, 302-03 (E.D.N.Y. 2012) (internal quotations omitted).
`The test is “flexible and courts generally look at all of the factors rather than focusing narrowly on
`any one of the criteria.” Mass. Bricklayers and Mason Funds v. Deutsche Alt-A Secs., 273 F.R.D.
`363, 365 (E.D.N.Y. 2011).
`The requirements for intervention for the limited purpose of opposing the Consolidation
`Motion as to Gerber are satisfied here. First, given that Gerber is a party to the Walls, Albano, and
`Lawrence Actions, which are the subject of the pending Consolidation Motion (Dkt. No. 6), the
`question of whether consolidation is appropriate as to Gerber presents a “common question of law”
`and procedure in this Action. In addition, all of the Hain EDNY Cases, including the Walls,
`Albano, and Lawrence Actions, appear to stem from the Subcommittee Report. (Albano Compl.
`¶¶ 4, 29; Walls Compl. ¶¶ 5, 6, 19-28; Lawrence Compl. ¶¶ 1, 28-31; Bredberg Compl. ¶¶ 2-5, 23-
`25, 31; Mays Compl. ¶¶ 23, 25; Boyd Compl. ¶¶ 7, 8, 27, 30-32; McKeon Compl. ¶¶ 9-11, 34-36;
`Baumgarten Compl. ¶¶ 7-11, 15; Willoughby Compl. ¶¶ 9-11, 34-36.)
`Second, Gerber has an interest in this Action because, if the Consolidation Motion is
`granted, it will consolidate claims asserted against Gerber with claims that do not pertain to Gerber
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`in any way and instead apply only to Hain. The Walls, Albano, and Lawrence Actions, in which
`Gerber is a defendant, contain Gerber-specific allegations and causes of action that are not present
`in the other EDNY Actions. (Albano Compl. ¶¶ 7, 25, 108-123; Walls Compl. ¶¶ 14, 31, 32, 40,
`54; Lawrence Compl. ¶¶ 19, 37, 42.) Moreover, as noted, Gerber is not a defendant in this Action,
`or any of at least six other Hain EDNY Cases subject to the Consolidation Motion, which therefore
`do not pertain to Gerber. In fact, almost all of the underlying alleged facts outlined in the
`Consolidation Motion relate only to Hain—not to Gerber. Given the absence of claims against
`Gerber in at least seven of the pending Hain EDNY Cases, consolidating the claims asserted
`against Gerber in the Walls, Albano, and Lawrence Actions with the claims predominantly asserted
`against Hain in the Hain EDNY Cases will not result in efficiencies. This is especially true in light
`of the fact that Gerber intends to move to sever the claims asserted against it in those (and other)
`actions and transfer them to the District of New Jersey where there are currently five actions
`pending against it, all before the same judge, and all currently the subject to a motion to consolidate
`there. Consolidation of the claims asserted against Gerber in the Walls, Albano and Lawrence
`Actions with the other Hain EDNY will not result in efficiencies where Gerber will regardless be
`defending itself in the District of New Jersey.
`Third, because Gerber is not a party to this Action, its interests with respect to the
`Consolidation Motion are not adequately represented by any other party.
`Finally, allowing Gerber to intervene for the sole and limited purpose of opposing the
`Consolidation Motion as it pertains to the claims asserted against Gerber will enable Gerber to
`inform the Court regarding the procedural implications of the Consolidation Motion. Given that
`Gerber is not a party to this Action, it lacks a mechanism to otherwise apprise the Court of its
`intentions with respect to severing and transferring the claims asserted against it in other cases,
`Case 2:21-cv-00678-JS-AYS Document 33 Filed 03/15/21 Page 7 of 7 PageID #: 133
`including the Hain EDNY Cases. In addition, because this Motion to Intervene is timely filed, as
`the Motion to Consolidate was filed only 15 days ago, this limited intervention similarly will not
`prejudice any of the named parties and will not cause undue delay.
`Gerber requests to intervene for the limited purpose of (i) opposing the Consolidation
`Motion to the extent it seeks to consolidate the claims asserted against Gerber in the Hain EDNY
`Cases with the claims asserted against Hain and other defendants in those cases, and (ii) alerting
`this Court to the New Jersey Gerber Actions and Gerber’s intention to move to sever the claims
`asserted against Gerber in the Hain EDNY Cases and transfer them to the District of New Jersey.
`March 15, 2021
`New York, New York
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Geoffrey W. Castello, III
`Geoffrey W. Castello, III
`Glenn T. Graham
`3 World Trade Center
`175 Greenwich Street
`New York, NY 10007
`(212) 808-7800
`Bryan A. Merryman (pro hac vice motion forthcoming)
`Catherine S. Simonsen (pro hac vice motion
`555 South Flower Street, Suite 2700
`Los Angeles, CA 90071-2433
`T: (213) 620-7700
`F: (213) 452-2329
`Attorneys for Gerber Products Company