Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 1 of 19
`Cedar Lane Technologies Inc.,
`Case No. 1:20-cv-3159
`Patent Case
`Jury Trial Demanded
`Aspiro, Inc.,
`Plaintiff Cedar Lane Technologies Inc. (“Plaintiff”), through its attorneys, complains of
`Aspiro, Inc. (“Defendant”), and alleges the following:
`Plaintiff Cedar Lane Technologies Inc. is a corporation organized and existing
`under the laws of Canada that maintains its principal place of business at 560 Baker Street, Suite
`1, Nelson, BC V1L 4H9.
`Defendant Aspiro, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
`Delaware that maintains an established place of business at 540 W 26th Street, 8th Floor, New
`York, NY 10001.
`This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
`United States, Title 35 of the United States Code.
`This Court has exclusive subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 2 of 19
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant because it has engaged in
`systematic and continuous business activities in this District. As described below, Defendant has
`committed acts of patent infringement giving rise to this action within this District.
`Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) because Defendant has
`committed acts of patent infringement in this District, and has an established place of business in
`this District. In addition, Plaintiff has suffered harm in this district.
`Plaintiff is the assignee of all right, title and interest in United States Patent Nos.
`6,452,609 (the “’609 Patent”); 6,502,194 (the “’194 Patent”); 6,526,411 (the “’411 Patent”);
`6,721,489 (the “’489 Patent”); 6,806,889 (the “’889 Patent”); 7,173,177 (the “’177 Patent”);
`7,610,394 (the “’394 Patent”); 8,549,097 (the “’097 Patent”); 8,805,830 (the “’830 Patent”);
`(collectively the “Patents-in-Suit”); including all rights to enforce and prosecute actions for
`infringement and to collect damages for all relevant times against infringers of the Patents-in-
`Suit. Accordingly, Plaintiff possesses the exclusive right and standing to prosecute the present
`action for infringement of the Patents-in-Suit by Defendant.
`The ’609 Patent
`The ’609 Patent is entitled “Web application for accessing media streams,” and
`issued 9/17/2002. The application leading to the ’609 Patent was filed on 11/06/1998. A true and
`correct copy of the ’609 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by
`The ’609 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’194 Patent


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 3 of 19
`The ’194 Patent is entitled “System for playback of network audio material on
`demand,” and issued 12/31/2002. The application leading to the ’194 Patent was filed on
`4/16/1999. A true and correct copy of the ’194 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and
`incorporated herein by reference.
`The ’194 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’411 Patent
`The ’411 Patent is entitled “System and method for creating dynamic playlists,”
`and issued 2/25/2003. The application leading to the ’411 Patent was filed on 11/15/2000. A true
`and correct copy of the ’411 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by
`The ’411 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’489 Patent
`The ’489 Patent is entitled “Play list manager,” and issued 4/13/2004. The
`application leading to the ’489 Patent was filed on 3/8/2000. A true and correct copy of the ’489
`Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 4 and incorporated herein by reference.
`The ’489 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’889 Patent
`The ’889 Patent is entitled “Interactive applications,” and issued 10/19/2004. The
`application leading to the ’889 Patent was filed on 12/3/1999. A true and correct copy of the ’889
`Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 5 and incorporated herein by reference.
`The ’889 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’177 Patent


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 4 of 19
`The ’177 Patent is entitled “User interface for simultaneous management of
`owned and unowned inventory,” and issued 2/6/2007. The application leading to the ’177 Patent
`was filed on 10/29/2003. A true and correct copy of the ’177 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit
`6 and incorporated herein by reference.
`The ’177 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’394 Patent
`The ’394 Patent is entitled “Web application for accessing media streams,” and
`issued 10/27/2009. The application leading to the ’394 Patent was filed on 7/31/2002. A true and
`correct copy of the ’394 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 7 and incorporated herein by
`The ’394 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’097 Patent
`The ’097 Patent is entitled “Web application for accessing media streams,” and
`issued 10/1/2013. The application leading to the ’097 Patent was filed on 8/30/2006. A true and
`correct copy of the ’097 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 8 and incorporated herein by
`The ’097 Patent is valid and enforceable.
`The ’830 Patent
`The ’830 Patent is entitled “Web application for accessing media streams,” and
`issued 8/12/2014. The application leading to the ’830 Patent was filed on 6/16/2009. A true and
`correct copy of the ’830 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 9 and incorporated herein by
`The ’830 Patent is valid and enforceable.


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 5 of 19
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’609 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’609 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’609 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’609 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’609 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`Exhibit 10 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’609 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’609 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’609 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 10.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 6 of 19
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’194 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’194 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’194 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’194 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’194 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`The service of this Complaint upon Defendant constitutes actual knowledge of
`infringement as alleged here.
`Despite such actual knowledge, Defendant continues to make, use, test, sell, offer
`for sale, market, and/or import into the United States, products that infringe the ’194 Patent. On
`information and belief, Defendant has also continued to sell the Exemplary Defendant Products
`and distribute product literature and website materials inducing end users and others to use its
`products in the customary and intended manner that infringes the ’194 Patent. Thus, on
`information and belief, Defendant is contributing to and/or inducing the infringement of the ’194
`Induced Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally has
`been and continues to induce infringement of the ’194 Patent, literally or by the doctrine of


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 7 of 19
`equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to their customers for use in end-user
`products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the ’194 Patent.
`Contributory Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally
`has been and continues materially contribute to their own customers’ infringement of the ’194
`Patent, literally or by the doctrine of equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to
`their customers for use in end-user products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the
`’194 Patent. Moreover, the Exemplary Defendant Products are not a staple article of commerce
`suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Exhibit 11 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’194 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’194 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’194 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 11.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’411 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’411 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’411 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 8 of 19
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’411 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’411 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`The service of this Complaint upon Defendant constitutes actual knowledge of
`infringement as alleged here.
`Despite such actual knowledge, Defendant continues to make, use, test, sell, offer
`for sale, market, and/or import into the United States, products that infringe the ’411 Patent. On
`information and belief, Defendant has also continued to sell the Exemplary Defendant Products
`and distribute product literature and website materials inducing end users and others to use its
`products in the customary and intended manner that infringes the ’411 Patent. Thus, on
`information and belief, Defendant is contributing to and/or inducing the infringement of the ’411
`Induced Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally has
`been and continues to induce infringement of the ’411 Patent, literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to their customers for use in end-user
`products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the ’411 Patent.
`Contributory Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally
`has been and continues materially contribute to their own customers’ infringement of the ’411
`Patent, literally or by the doctrine of equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to
`their customers for use in end-user products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 9 of 19
`’411 Patent. Moreover, the Exemplary Defendant Products are not a staple article of commerce
`suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Exhibit 12 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’411 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’411 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’411 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 12.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’489 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’489 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’489 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’489 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’489 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 10 of 19
`Exhibit 13 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’489 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’489 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’489 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 13.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’889 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’889 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’889 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’889 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’889 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`Exhibit 14 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’889 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 11 of 19
`practice the technology claimed by the ’889 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’889 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 14.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’177 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’177 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’177 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’177 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’177 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`The service of this Complaint upon Defendant constitutes actual knowledge of
`infringement as alleged here.
`Despite such actual knowledge, Defendant continues to make, use, test, sell, offer
`for sale, market, and/or import into the United States, products that infringe the ’177 Patent. On


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 12 of 19
`information and belief, Defendant has also continued to sell the Exemplary Defendant Products
`and distribute product literature and website materials inducing end users and others to use its
`products in the customary and intended manner that infringes the ’177 Patent. Thus, on
`information and belief, Defendant is contributing to and/or inducing the infringement of the ’177
`Induced Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally has
`been and continues to induce infringement of the ’177 Patent, literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to their customers for use in end-user
`products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the ’177 Patent.
`Contributory Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally
`has been and continues materially contribute to their own customers’ infringement of the ’177
`Patent, literally or by the doctrine of equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to
`their customers for use in end-user products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the
`’177 Patent. Moreover, the Exemplary Defendant Products are not a staple article of commerce
`suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Exhibit 15 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’177 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’177 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’177 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 15.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 13 of 19
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’394 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’394 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’394 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’394 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’394 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`Exhibit 16 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’394 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’394 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’394 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 16.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 14 of 19
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’097 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’097 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’097 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’097 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’097 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`The service of this Complaint upon Defendant constitutes actual knowledge of
`infringement as alleged here.
`Despite such actual knowledge, Defendant continues to make, use, test, sell, offer
`for sale, market, and/or import into the United States, products that infringe the ’097 Patent. On
`information and belief, Defendant has also continued to sell the Exemplary Defendant Products
`and distribute product literature and website materials inducing end users and others to use its
`products in the customary and intended manner that infringes the ’097 Patent. Thus, on
`information and belief, Defendant is contributing to and/or inducing the infringement of the ’097
`Induced Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally has
`been and continues to induce infringement of the ’097 Patent, literally or by the doctrine of


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 15 of 19
`equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to their customers for use in end-user
`products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the ’097 Patent.
`Contributory Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally
`has been and continues materially contribute to their own customers’ infringement of the ’097
`Patent, literally or by the doctrine of equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to
`their customers for use in end-user products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the
`’097 Patent. Moreover, the Exemplary Defendant Products are not a staple article of commerce
`suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Exhibit 17 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’097 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’097 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’097 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 17.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`Plaintiff incorporates the above paragraphs herein by reference.
`Direct Infringement. Defendant has been and continues to directly infringe one
`or more claims of the ’830 Patent in at least this District by making, using, offering to sell,
`selling and/or importing, without limitation, at least the Defendant products identified in the
`charts incorporated into this Count below (among the “Exemplary Defendant Products”) that
`infringe at least the exemplary claims of the ’830 Patent also identified in the charts incorporated
`into this Count below (the “Exemplary ’830 Patent Claims”) literally or by the doctrine of


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 16 of 19
`equivalents. On information and belief, numerous other devices that infringe the claims of the
`’830 Patent have been made, used, sold, imported, and offered for sale by Defendant and/or its
`Defendant also has and continues to directly infringe, literally or under the
`doctrine of equivalents, the Exemplary ’830 Patent Claims, by having its employees internally
`test and use these Exemplary Products.
`The service of this Complaint upon Defendant constitutes actual knowledge of
`infringement as alleged here.
`Despite such actual knowledge, Defendant continues to make, use, test, sell, offer
`for sale, market, and/or import into the United States, products that infringe the ’830 Patent. On
`information and belief, Defendant has also continued to sell the Exemplary Defendant Products
`and distribute product literature and website materials inducing end users and others to use its
`products in the customary and intended manner that infringes the ’830 Patent. Thus, on
`information and belief, Defendant is contributing to and/or inducing the infringement of the ’830
`Induced Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally has
`been and continues to induce infringement of the ’830 Patent, literally or by the doctrine of
`equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to their customers for use in end-user
`products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the ’830 Patent.
`Contributory Infringement. Defendant actively, knowingly, and intentionally
`has been and continues materially contribute to their own customers’ infringement of the ’830
`Patent, literally or by the doctrine of equivalents, by selling Exemplary Defendant Products to
`their customers for use in end-user products in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 17 of 19
`’830 Patent. Moreover, the Exemplary Defendant Products are not a staple article of commerce
`suitable for substantial noninfringing use.
`Exhibit 18 includes charts comparing the Exemplary ’830 Patent Claims to the
`Exemplary Defendant Products. As set forth in these charts, the Exemplary Defendant Products
`practice the technology claimed by the ’830 Patent. Accordingly, the Exemplary Defendant
`Products incorporated in these charts satisfy all elements of the Exemplary ’830 Patent Claims.
`Plaintiff therefore incorporates by reference in its allegations herein the claim
`charts of Exhibit 18.
`Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate for Defendant’s
`100. Under Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff respectfully
`requests a trial by jury on all issues so triable.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests the following relief:
`A judgment that the ’609 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed one or more claims of the ’609 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’194 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed, contributorily infringed, and/or induced
`infringement of one or more claims of the ’194 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’411 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed, contributorily infringed, and/or induced
`infringement of one or more claims of the ’411 Patent;


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1 Filed 04/21/20 Page 18 of 19
`A judgment that the ’489 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed one or more claims of the ’489 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’889 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed one or more claims of the ’889 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’177 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed, contributorily infringed, and/or induced
`infringement of one or more claims of the ’177 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’394 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed one or more claims of the ’394 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’097 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed, contributorily infringed, and/or induced
`infringement of one or more claims of the ’097 Patent;
`A judgment that the ’830 Patent is valid and enforceable;
`A judgment that Defendant has infringed, contributorily infringed, and/or induced
`infringement of one or more claims of the ’830 Patent;
`An accounting of all damages not presented at trial;
`A judgment that awards Plaintiff all appropriate damages under 35 U.S.C. § 284
`for Defendant’s past infringement and, with respect to the ’194 patent, the ’411
`patent, the ’177 patent, the ’097 patent, the ’830 patent, any continuing or future
`infringement, up until the date such judgment is entered including pre- or post-
`judgment interest, costs, and disbursements as justified under 35 U.S.C. § 284;
`And, if necessary, to adequately compensate Plaintiff f

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