`Exhibit 10
`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-10 Filed 04/21/20 Page 2 of 4
`displaying multiple
`sources of streaming
`content to a user in a first
`area of a web page;
`receiving user input to
`select a playing order for
`the sources of streaming
`Tidal Music Streaming Service and Entertainment Platform (Streaming Platform)
`Infringement of the ‘609 patent
`Claim 28
`28. A method of operating
`The Tidal Streaming Platform performs a method of
`a web page, comprising:
`operating a web page.
`For example, the Tidal Streaming Platform provides a Web
`Client. The Web Client has functionality perform operations
`for creating and playing streaming content. A respective
`area of a Web page is used for each of: displaying the
`source of the streaming content, displaying the playing
`order, and presenting the streaming content. [A] [B]
`The Tidal Streaming Platform displays multiple sources of
`streaming content. This is displayed to a user in a first area
`of a web page.
`For example, the Tidal Web Client groups sources of
`streaming content into playlists, which are displayed in one
`area of the Streaming Platform display. Other sources
`include “Collections” which are broken down into various
`sources such as: Albums, Tracks, Videos and Artists. [B] [E]
`The Tidal Streaming Platform receives user input for
`selecting a playing order of the sources of streaming
`For example, Tidal Web Client enables a user to select a
`particular playlist to play immediately. This can be done by
`clicking on the text/link of the selected playlist. Further, the
`playing order of content within a given playlist can be
`changed by the user. [C] [D]
`storing the playing order; The Tidal Streaming Platform stores the playing order.
`For example, the Tidal Web Client supports editing and
`saving playlists. [D]
`The Tidal Streaming Platform displays the playing order in a
`second area of the web page. Multiple sources of streaming
`content and the playing order are simultaneously viewable
`in non-overlapping areas.
`For example, Tidal Web Client displays the playlists and the
`content that belongs to the playlist that is being played in
`respective areas of the Streaming Platform display. [A] [B]
`and displaying the playing
`order in a second area of
`the web page, wherein
`the multiple sources of
`streaming content and
`the playing order are
`simultaneously viewable
`in non-overlapping first
`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-10 Filed 04/21/20 Page 3 of 4
`and second areas;
`receiving user input to
`start delivering the
`streaming content to the
`user; and
`presenting the streaming
`content to the user in the
`stored playing order in a
`third area of the web
`The Tidal Streaming Platform receives user input to initiate
`the delivery of streaming content to the user.
`For example, Tidal Web Client has a play button for each
`item of content. Clicking on the play button for the first
`item in a playlist will cause that content item to be played,
`followed automatically by the next item, and so on. [A] [B]
`The Tidal Streaming Platform presents the streaming
`content to the user in the stored playing order in a third
`area of the web page
`For example, Tidal Streaming Platform has a “playing now”
`area of the Streaming Platform that displays the content
`item currently being played. [A] [B] [E]
`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-10 Filed 04/21/20 Page 4 of 4
`[A] Web Client: https://support.tidal.com/hc/en-us/sections/115001636665-Web-client-
`[B] What is Tidal? The hi-fi streaming music service fully explained:
`[C] Play Queue: https://support.tidal.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004182777-Play-Queue
`[D] How Do I Create Playlists?: https://support.tidal.com/hc/en-us/articles/201314721-
`[E] 25 Tidal tips, tricks and features: https://www.whathifi.com/us/advice/25-tidal-tips-