Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 1 of 18
`Exhibit 6


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 2 of 18
`US007 173177B1
`(12) United States Patent
`Gould et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,173,177 B1
`Feb. 6, 2007
`1/1999 Cook .......................... 705/26
`5,860,068 A
`6/1999 Bernard et al. ............... 705/26
`5,918,213 A
`9, 1999 Liu ..................
`... 345,302
`5,953,005 A
`5,963,916 A 10/1999 Kaplan ..........
`... TOS/26
`5,970.474. A 10/1999 LeRoy et al. ................. 705/27
`6,023,683 A
`2/2000 Johnson et al. ............... 705/26
`6,026.366 A
`2, 2000 G
`rube ..............
`... TO5/10
`6,026,376 A
`2/2000 Kenney ..
`... 705/27
`6,026,403 A
`2/2000 Siefert ....
`... TO7/10
`6,055,513 A
`4/2000 Katz et al. .................... 705/26
`6,055,516 A
`4/2000 Johnson et al. ............... 705/27
`6,055,573 A
`4/2000 Gardenswartz et al. ..... TO9,224
`6,061,691 A
`5/2000 Fox ............................ TO7 104
`6, 131,088 A 10/2000 Hill ............................. 705/27
`6,151,643 A 1 1/2000 Cheng et al. ................. T10.36
`g: R 398- BSA et al i.
`- - - - -7 o'sb
`6,230,199 B1
`5/2001 Revashetti et al. ......... TO9,224
`UMG Recordings, Inc., et al. v, Sep. 6, 2000, U.S. District
`Court of Southern District of New York.
`4- 4 W
`Il Gal. .....
`- - -
`(75) Inventors: Eric J. Gould, San Jose, CA (US);
`Nick West, Austin, TX (US); Donald
`McCaskill, Austin, TX (US); Alice
`Cark, Austin, TX (US); Paulus
`Trisnadi, Austin, TX (US)
`(73) Assignee: Blue Dolphin Solutions LLC, Las
`Vegas, NV (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 326 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/696,379
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 29, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/473,901, filed on
`Dec. 28, 1999, now Pat. No. 6,693,236.
`(51) Int. Cl
`GIOH 7/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ........................ 84/615: 84/477 R; 705/26:
`(58) Field of Classification Search ............ 705/26–29;
`434/307 A: 84/477 R. 600, 615,653; 700/214,
`700/234; 369/30.08, 30.09: 715/744. 748
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,734,719 A
`3, 1998 Tsevdos et al. ................ 380.5
`5,794.206 A
`8, 1998 Wilkinson et al. ............. 70.5/1
`Primary Examiner Jeffrey W Donels
`The present invention provides a user configurable computer
`in pr
`interface for managing inventory. The interface provides a
`list, generated according to a user-defined organization. The
`list includes both owned and un-owned items and provides
`a means for sampling and purchasing the un-owned items
`directly from the list. The present invention contemplates a
`user interface for managing an entertainment play lists Such
`as music play lists, video play lists etc. In addition the
`present invention contemplates management of vehicle
`maintenance and goods such as groceries, toys, or books.
`26 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`open user interface -134
`notice item need
`to be purchased
`- 306
`select item
`to be purchased
`purchase item
`automate search
`for item from


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 3 of 18
`US 7,173,177 B1
`Page 2
`6,232,539 B1
`6,233,682 B1
`6,236,974 B1
`6,236,978 B1
`6,243,375 B1
`6.243,725 B1
`6,246.997 B1
`52001 Looney et al................. 84.609
`5/2001 Fritsch .......
`5/2001 Kolawa et al.
`... 705/7
`5/2001 Tuzhilin .....
`... 705/26
`6/2001 Speicher.
`6/2001 Hempleman et al. ....... 707/530
`6/2001 Cybul et al. .................. 705/27
`6,446,080 B1
`6,473.738 B1
`6,618,753 B2
`2002/0059120 A1
`9/2002 Van Ryzin et al. ......... TO7 104
`10/2002 Garrett ..........
`... 705/26
`9/2003 Holland et al.
`5/2002 Milton ........................ 705/28
`“My FAQ”, printed Nov. 6, 2000.


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 4 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 1 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`determine that
`goods are needed
`1 O2
`add to shopping list
`1 O4
`search for ith item
`items infth store
`according to vendor
`add to cart
`available at
`fth Store
`NO complete
`purchase goods
`at fth store
`hase goods
`fth store
`Tigure 1 (Prior Art)


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 5 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 2 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`214 O O
`212 Ju-y
`Tigure 2


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 6 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 3 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`notice item need
`to be purchased
`select item
`to be purchased
`automate search
`for item from
`user preferred
`Pigure 3


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 7 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 4 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`World Tour
`Album Cover
`figure 4


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 8 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 5 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`British Isles
`Irish Celtic
`* - Irish Celtic
`; 418
`figure 5


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 9 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 6 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`S2.39 per b
`Italian ?
`S3.13 per Ib
`Pigure 6


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 10 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 7 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`Baking Goods
`8. 8
`Sk Baking Soda
`Sk zo 8
`e. 7O8
`Pigure 7


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 11 of 18
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2007
`Sheet 8 of 8
`US 7,173,177 B1
`k Oil Change
`Oil Filter
`Easy Oil
`Ball Joint Lube
`(Pgure 8


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 12 of 18
`US 7,173,177 B1
`This is a Continuation application of copending prior
`application Ser. No. 09/473,901 filed on Dec. 28, 1999 now
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,693,236, the disclosure of which is incor
`porated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates to management of inventory.
`More particularly the present invention relates to maintain
`ing an inventory of items through use of a user interface
`incorporating a user customized organization wherein both
`owned and un-owned items can be processed simultaneously
`and wherein un-owned items can be purchased directly from
`the user interface.
`With reference to FIG. 1, the traditional processes of
`maintaining a Supply of goods or services, and purchasing
`those goods or services involves several discrete steps.
`While most people do not consciously think about it, the
`process of shopping for goods involves a complex procedure
`which is understood more clearly with reference to FIG. 1.
`First, in a step 102, a shopper must determine certain goods
`are needed and then, in a step 104, must either remember
`that the goods are needed, or must add them to a list of Such
`needed items. In a step 106 the shopper must determine
`whether either of two conditions are met. First, are there
`Sufficient articles in the list to justify traveling to a store, and
`second is there at least one item in the list which is needed
`with Sufficient urgency to justify a trip to the store regardless
`of the size of the list. If the answer to either of these
`questions is no then the shopper returns to the step 102 of
`determining that further items are needed and adding them
`to the list. However, if the answer to either of these questions
`is yes, then the shopper, in a step 108, determines a first item
`to search for and a first store in which that item is most likely
`to be found.
`Once at the first store, in a step 110 the shopper searches
`for the first item. As any shopper will appreciate, in a
`traditional shopping experience, the process of searching a
`store for a particular item is dictated by the vendor's
`organization of goods. For example, while the shopper may
`have compiled a shopping a list in which all of the items
`necessary to make a spaghetti dinner may be grouped
`together, the store may have items arranged in any number
`of organizations. The sauce may be in one isle with canned
`vegetables, while spaghetti noodles are in another isle, and
`red wine in yet another. Finding the Parmesan cheese is
`always a problem. To further exacerbate the problem one
`store often organizes its stock differently from another store.
`With continued reference to FIG. 1, in a step 112, once the
`item is found it is placed in a cart. Then in a step 114 the
`shopper directs his or her attention to the next sequential
`item on the list. At this point, in a step 116, the shopper must
`check the list to determine whether all of the items have been
`obtained. If the answer is yes then, in a step 118, the shopper
`proceeds to the check out counter and purchases the item or
`items in the cart. If the answer to the step 116 is no, then the
`user proceeds to step 120 to determine whether the remain
`ing article or articles can be purchased at that store. If it can,
`the shopper returns to the step 110 to search for that item. If
`the item cannot be found there, then in a step 122, the
`shopper proceeds to the checkout stand to purchase any
`items accumulated in the shopping cart. Then in a step 124.
`the shopper travels to the next store to resume the search step
`110. This process continues until all of the items on the list
`have been obtained.
`It will be appreciated that the traditional method of
`shopping is somewhat cumbersome and time consuming.
`The process becomes still more difficult if the shopper has
`a small child to attend to or has a physical impairment which
`makes travel to and movement within the stores difficult.
`With the advent of the Internet and on-line shopping, the
`process has been made somewhat easier. However, the
`Internet shopping has essentially maintained the traditional
`shopping model, with the only real difference being that the
`shopper does not have to physically travel from one store to
`another. The online shopper still must compile a list of goods
`needed and then in a separate step, must go to various
`Internet sites to shop for those goods. Once at the site the
`shopper must search for the goods which are organized
`according to the vendor's chosen organization, which can
`vary from vendor to vendor. The on-line shopper fills a
`virtual shopping cart with goods and, when the items
`remaining on the shopper's list are not available at that
`Internet site, the shopper must proceed to another site to
`finish the list.
`Another system which has been developed in an attempt
`to streamline the shopping experience is the use of bridal
`registries. Such a registry contains a list of items which a
`couple desires to own. As friends and family purchase items
`on the list, the list is constantly updated to indicate which
`items have been purchased and which items remain to be
`purchased. However, such a system suffers the drawback
`that it is only useful for one store and the buyer must go to
`the store to access the system. In addition, the once an item
`has been selected from the list, the buyer must purchase the
`item as a separate, discrete activity. This purchase is gen
`erally performed as according to the conventional shopping
`experience in which the shopper must find the item in the
`store, using the stores inventory organization, and then must
`make the purchase in a conventional manner at check out
`stand or the like.
`From the forgoing it is apparent that there remains a need
`for a new shopping paradigm. Such a shopping paradigm
`would preferably include a system which would take full
`advantage of the vast power of computers and of the Internet
`to eliminate many of the steps required to maintain an
`inventory of goods or services. Such a system would also
`preferably provide a tool allowing the shopper to organize
`goods in a manner most useful to the shopper, would identify
`for the user which items need to be purchased and would
`allow the user to purchase each item individually directly
`from the user customized organizational tool.
`The present invention provides a system method and
`apparatus for allowing a computer user to maintain an
`inventory of goods or services in an organization which is
`customized to the users individual needs. The organized
`items include both those items owned by the user and those
`which need to be purchased, and the user is provided with
`an indication of which items fall into which category,
`allowing the user to easily determine which items remain to
`be purchased. Purchase can be made directly by selecting the
`needed item without requiring the user to compile a list of
`items and without visiting different vendors to purchase all
`needed items.
`More particularly, the invention includes a user interface
`which displays a plurality of category icons each of which


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 13 of 18
`US 7,173,177 B1
`represents a user defined grouping of items. These items and
`groupings are organized in any manner designed by the user.
`Selecting one of the category icons causes the items within
`that group to be displayed with an associated Status icon. The
`status icon associated with each item indicates to the user
`whether the item is currently owned by and available to the
`user, whether it needs to be purchased, or whether it has been
`purchased but has not yet been received.
`Selecting an item having a status icon indicating that it
`needs to be purchased will cause a window to be displayed
`which includes a description of at least one Such item
`available for purchase along with a mechanism for purchas
`ing the item. The item window can include information Such
`as price, availability, size, graphics, etc. The purchase
`mechanism can be in the form of a button which the user can
`select to initiate an on-line purchase. The selection of
`vendors can be preprogrammed, determined in real time, or
`can be by default, however, the system automatically deter
`mines which stores Supply the item and provides a link to
`only those stores.
`One embodiment of the invention provides a mechanism
`for managing a music portfolio. The system can be directly
`connected with the user's stereo system and includes user
`defined play lists. The play lists can be organized in any
`manner chosen by the user for example genre, artist, instru
`ment, etc. A selection of lists identified by list icons is
`displayed from which the user can select a desired list.
`Selecting a desired list causes the musical titles within that
`list to be displayed. Each title includes a status icon which
`indicates whether the title is currently owned or needs to be
`purchased. By selecting an item to be purchased, the user
`accesses a window containing information regarding the title
`and a button for initiating a purchase of the musical title. The
`purchase can be, for example, in the form of downloaded
`MP3 music or can be on compact disc delivered via a
`conventional carrier. The lists are transferable so that a user
`can receive from a friend a list of, for example, party music.
`When the list is displayed in the user interface, it will
`indicate which of the items are already owned by the user
`and which have yet to be purchased.
`In another embodiment of the invention, the user interface
`can be used to maintain a stock of groceries. Again the
`groceries can be organized in any manner chosen by the user.
`The groceries are displayed in user customized lists with an
`indication of which items remain to be purchased. Selecting
`an item to be purchased opens an item description window
`and provides for a direct on-line purchase.
`In yet another embodiment of the invention, the user
`interface allows a user to easily manage vehicle mainte
`nance. Each vehicle owned by the user is provided with its
`own icon, selection of which will provide the user with
`information regarding the maintenance schedule of that
`vehicle. The system keeps track of maintenance already
`performed and alerts the user when maintenance is due. The
`system also provides the user with a selection of service
`stations from which Such service can be provided and also
`provides the user with links to the service station to schedule
`Such maintenance.
`These and other advantages of the invention will become
`apparent to those skilled in the art upon a reading of the
`following descriptions of the invention and a study of the
`several figures of the drawing.
`FIG. 1 is a process flow chart illustrating a shopping
`method of the background art;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic view of a computer system useful
`with the present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a process flow chart illustrating a shopping
`method of the present invention;
`FIG. 4 displays a user interface according to an embodi
`ment of the present invention;
`FIG. 5 displays a user interface according to an alternate
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 6 displays a user interface according to an alternate
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 7 is a perspective view of an electronic checklist for
`use with an embodiment of the present invention:
`FIG. 8 displays a user interface according to yet another
`embodiment of the present invention.
`The present invention provides a system, method and
`apparatus for managing, organizing and purchasing items
`using a personalized user interface on a computer system.
`The user interface includes one or more customized lists,
`capable of displaying a selection of items of mixed owner
`ship. More particularly, the list provides an indication of
`whether or not the item is already owned by the user and the
`user interface provides a mechanism for purchasing those
`items that are not.
`With reference to FIG. 2, the present invention includes a
`software-based set of computer executable instructions for
`use with a computer system 210. The computer system 210
`is preferably connected for communication with a computer
`network 212 including a plurality of remote agents 214. The
`computer network can be for example a local area network
`(LAN) or can be Internet based.
`With continued reference to FIG. 2 the computer system
`preferably includes a computer 216 including a central
`processing unit, random access memory (RAM) (not
`shown), read only memory (ROM) (not shown) and one or
`more drives 218 which can be in the form of a magnetic
`floppy disk drive, laser disk etc. The computer system 10
`also includes a video monitor 220 for visually displaying
`data to the user, a keyboard 222 for manually entering data,
`and a computer mouse or trackball 224 for manipulating
`data in coordination with the visual display provided by the
`monitor 220. A set of speakers 226 can also be provided and
`connected with the computer 216.
`The software based computer executable instructions can
`be loaded into the computer 216 through the drive 218 or can
`be accessed through the network 212 from one or more of
`the remote agents 214. Once loaded the software instruc
`tions can be stored in the RAM, ROM, on a magnetic or laser
`disk accessed by the drive 216 or can be maintained on one
`of the agents 214. While the invention has been described in
`terms of use a personal computer, those skilled in the art will
`recognize that the present invention can be used in connec
`tion with other similar electronic equipment such as a hand
`held device, a laptop computer, etc.
`With reference to FIG. 3, an improved shopping method
`302 will be described. The process 302 begins with a step
`304 in which the user opens the software. Upon activation,
`the software will provide the user with at least one user
`defined list of items. The list includes and indication to the
`user of which items are already owned and which need to be
`purchased. Therefore, after activating the Software, in a step
`306, the user will readily notice which items, if any, need to
`be purchased. In a step 308, the user selects an item to be
`purchased. In a step 310, the software automatically


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 14 of 18
`US 7,173,177 B1
`If the title 410 selected is already owned and possessed by
`the user, selection of the title 410 will initiate play of the
`title. On the other hand if the status of the title is that it has
`been purchased but not yet received, then selection of the
`title will initiate a delivery information window (not shown)
`which might include data Such as carrier, estimated time of
`arrival, whether it will be delivered C.O.D., etc.
`The present embodiment can be used with music which
`can be downloaded directly from a network such as the
`Internet using MP3 or similar technology. In such an appli
`cation, a status of condition of “purchased but not received
`would have limited applicability. Alternatively, the present
`embodiment can be used with music recorded on compact
`discs or the like which must be purchased and delivered. In
`such a situation, the “purchased but not received status
`condition is useful in indicating that while the title can not
`be played no purchase is necessary. It should be noted that
`the present embodiment contemplates that the term “title'
`applies to either a single song or an entire album as deter
`mined by user preference.
`The present embodiment is an integral part of the user's
`home entertainment system. Selecting the list heading 416 in
`the second window region 412, will activate play of all of the
`titles 410 of the list which are currently in the possession of
`the user. These titles 410 can be played through the user's
`Stereo system (not shown) or through the user's computer
`system 216 through speakers 226 (FIG. 2).
`With reference to FIG. 5, to further illustrate the organi
`zational flexibility of the user interface, a particular list can
`have nested in it other lists. For example, a list entitled
`“British Isle' might include other nested lists 502 such as
`“Irish Celtic”, “Scottish Celtic”, “British Invasion and
`“London Philharmonic'. Selecting the British Isles list icon
`408 (FIG. 4), would cause the nested list icons 502 to appear,
`selection of which would generate an array of titles 504
`falling within that nested list 502. The titles 504 would have
`corresponding status icons 418 and purchase or play of the
`titles would be provided for as previously described.
`With reference again to FIG. 4, a list 408 can be trans
`ferred between the user and one or more of the remote agents
`214 (FIG. 2). For example, the user can request from and
`receive from a friend a list 408 of party songs. The titles 410
`on the list 408 will appear with an indication of which titles
`are already owned and which need to be purchased.
`Similarly, with reference to FIG. 5, the user can send one
`of his embedded list titles 508 to a music dealer as an empty
`list with a request to fill the lists with titles matching those
`categories. The music dealer can then fill the user's embed
`ded list 502 with a list 504 that matches the user's catego
`rization. This dealer supplied list 504 could include all
`inventory in that category or a filtered subset thereof. From
`this list, the user can contract the list to show just those items
`which are already owned by the user, only those which are
`not owned or some user defined combination thereof. There
`fore, upon receiving the filled list from the music dealer, the
`user can, upon a simple inspection of the status icons 504,
`determine whether he or she already owns each of the items
`Suggested by the dealer. The user can then select an un
`owned title 504, listen to a sample of the music, and, if
`desired, purchase the title 504.
`With reference to FIG. 4, the transferability of the lists
`408 can also be useful in other ways. For example, if a user's
`friend has compiled a list of music he likes to listen to while
`driving he or she can transfer that list to the user. Upon a
`quick inspection of the status icons 418, the user can
`determine whether any of the items are already owned and
`which remain to be purchased.
`searches for on-line vendors from among the agents 14 (FIG.
`2) which can provided the item, preferably focussing on
`certain user preferred vendors 312. Then, in a step 314, the
`user purchases the item. In a step 316, the user checks the
`software to determine whether additional items remain to be
`purchased. If so then the user returns to step 308, if not then
`the user is done.
`With reference to FIG. 4, an embodiment of the invention
`includes a user interface 402 which can be displayed on the
`computer monitor 220 (FIG. 1) and can be considered to
`include three basic window regions. In the first region 404,
`a selection of lists is displayed. The nature of the lists is
`indicated by a heading 406, which can be an expression
`generated by the user or can be a default heading.
`Each list is represented in the first window region 404 by
`a list icon 408, and the heading 406 corresponds to the
`category of lists displayed. The organization and categori
`zation of lists can be tailored by the user to fit with his or her
`mindset and experiences. For example if the user had just
`returned from an extended vacation in which several coun
`tries had been visited, the user might generate a heading
`entitled “World tour'. Under this heading there could be a
`set of lists 408, in the form of play lists or libraries, each
`containing music reminding him or her of specific locations
`visited. In Such a case, the lists falling under the heading
`“World Tour” might have names such as “British Isles”.
`“polka”, “Greece’, etc. The user interface 402 is very
`flexible so that the organization need not be consistent and
`need not make sense to anyone other than the user. For
`instance, in the example above the lists seem inconsistent
`because "British Isles” and “Greece' are locations while
`“polka' is a style of music. While this organization might
`seem inconsistent to most people it might make sense to the
`With continued reference to FIG. 4, the user can select one
`of the lists 408, in which case a selection of items 410
`contained in that list will be displayed in a second window
`region 412. Selection of list can be made using a pointer icon
`414 controlled by the mouse 224 (FIG. 2) or can be by
`another method such as Scrolling through the list icons using
`the keyboard 222 (FIG. 2) or a remote control (not shown).
`When a particular list 408 is selected in region 412, the name
`of the list appears at the top of the second window region as
`a list heading 416. A selection of items 410 in the form of
`musical titles making up the selected list 408 will appear
`below the list heading 416.
`With reference still to FIG. 4, a title status icon 418
`appears next to each listed title 410 displayed in the second
`region 18. These icons 42 indicate the status of the item in
`the list. For example a check mark, might appear next to an
`item to indicate that the item is already in the possession of
`the user. Another icon, for example a dollar sign, might
`appear next to items which have not yet been purchased.
`Another possible icon, for example mail package symbol,
`might appear next to an item which has been purchased but
`not yet received.
`With continued reference to FIG. 4, selecting one of the
`title icons 410 will initiate various activities depending upon
`the status of the item. For example, if a title has not yet been
`purchased, selecting that title will cause information regard
`ing that title. Such as artist, record label, and album cover
`graphics, etc., to be displayed in a title description window
`420. A “sample icon 422 will be displayed which will
`initiate a sample play of the music, and a “buy' icon 424 will
`also be displayed, selection of which will initiate a purchase
`of the title.


`Case 1:20-cv-03159-AKH Document 1-6 Filed 04/21/20 Page 15 of 18
`US 7,173,177 B1
`used to maintain an inventory of virtually any kind of items,
`Such as for example toys or books.
`The present invention contemplates that the status of each
`item might not be merely binary (i.e. owned or un-owned)
`but may be some intermediate state. For example, the item
`410 (FIG. 4) of the previously described embodiment might
`be licensed for a limited time or might be licensed on a
`particular platform. Or, the user might have only a small
`amount of an item 610 (FIG. 6), such as, for instance, 4 cup
`of sauce. The present invention can be adapted to provide an
`indication of Such an intermediate status.
`It will be appreciated that the activity of purchasing each
`item can be done directly from the user interface each time
`an item is used up. The purchases can be tallied in an
`account (not shown) which can be checked at any time to
`determine the amount charged. By way of example, a user
`can periodically select and purchase items as they are used
`up, and schedule a delivery for a predetermined time. The
`delivery will then include all items purchased up to that
`point. This avoids the difficulty and embarrassment, some
`times experienced with traditional grocery shopping
`wherein a grocery cart is filled and brought to a checkout
`stand only to find that the amount exceeds that which the
`buyer is willing or able to pay. The present invention allows
`purchases to be made incrementally and directly without the
`use of a physical or electronic grocery cart.
`With reference to FIG. 7, a portable electronic checklist
`can be used to maintain the inventory of groceries in the user
`interface 602 (FIG. 6). The portable user interface can be
`hung on a pantry door or incorporated into a refrigerator
`door so as to be easily accessible when supply of an item is
`found to be low. The electronic checklist 702 includes a
`category heading 704 which corresponds to the headings
`608 of the user interface 602 (FIG. 6). When the user touches
`the heading 704, it changes from one heading to another in
`series until a desired heading is found. Each heading display
`generates a corresponding list of items 706 there below
`corresponding to the items 610 in the user interface. When
`supply of an item is found to be low or the item is used up
`all together, the user simply touches that item in the screen.
`The screen is linked with the user's computer system 210
`(FIG. 2), or directly to a vendor supply database, so that the
`user interface 702 will be updated to indicate that the item
`needs to be purchased. The link can be a remote link or can
`simply be through the manual transfer of a computer read
`able medium, Such as a floppy disk, between the electronic
`checklist 702 and the computer system 210. The checklist
`702 may also include status icons 708 indicating the own
`ership status reflected in the user interface 602.
`In yet another embodiment of the invention, inventory can
`be kept automatically. Various sensors in a pantry and/or
`refrigerator (not shown) can sense when an item needs to be
`replaced. This sensed condition is then delivered to the
`computer system 210 RIG. 2) whereby the interface 602
`(FIG. 6) is automatically updated to reflect the changed
`ownership status of the item.
`With reference again to FIG. 6, the list categorizations are
`transferable from one remote user to another. For example,
`the user may have a friend who has a recipe that the user
`wants to try. The friend can email the recipe to the user as
`a grocery category 606 with all of the ingredients

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