`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 1 of 40 PAGEID #: 1
`In the United States District Court
`for the Southern District of Ohio
`Western Division
`Reuben West,
`On behalf of himself and those similarly
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc.; Best Pizza,
`LLC; DW & KV Pizza, Inc.; Milford Pizza,
`Inc.; Sandeaver, Inc; Symmes Pizza, Inc.;
`TGD Food Group, Inc.; Weaver Dream
`Team, Inc.; MaryLu Weaver; John Doe 1-
`10; Doe Corporation 1-10
`Case No.
`Magistrate Judge
`Jury Demand Endorsed Hereon
`Class and Collective Action Complaint
`Reuben West, on behalf of himself and all similarly-situated individuals, brings this
`action against Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc.; Defendants Best Pizza, LLC; DW & KV Pizza, Inc.;
`Milford Pizza, Inc.; Sandeaver, Inc; Symmes Pizza, Inc.; TGD Food Group, Inc.; Weaver Dream
`Team, Inc.; MaryLu Weaver; John Doe 1-10; Doe Corporation 1-10 (“Defendants”). Plaintiff seeks
`appropriate monetary, declaratory, and equitable relief based on Defendants’ willful failure to
`compensate Plaintiff and similarly-situated individuals with minimum wages as required by the Fair
`Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), the Ohio Constitution, Article II, Section 34a (“Section 34a”),
`O.R.C. § 4113.15 (Ohio’s “Prompt Pay Act”), and O.R.C. § 2307.60, and unjust enrichment.
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`Defendants operate several Jet’s Pizza franchises in Ohio and Michigan (the
`“Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores”).
`Defendants repeatedly and willfully violated the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Ohio
`Constitution, and the Ohio Prompt Pay Act by failing to adequately reimburse delivery drivers for
`their delivery-related expenses, thereby failing to pay delivery drivers the legally mandated minimum
`wage for all hours worked.
`Defendants maintain a policy and practice of underpaying their delivery drivers in
`violation of the FLSA, Section 34a, and the Prompt Pay Act.
`All delivery drivers at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores, including Plaintiff, have
`been subject to the same employment policies and practices, including policies and practices with
`respect to wages and reimbursement for expenses.
`Plaintiff brings this action on behalf of himself and similarly situated current and
`former delivery drivers nationwide who elect to opt in pursuant to FLSA, 29 U.S.C. § 216(b) to
`remedy violations of the FLSA by Defendants.
`Plaintiff also brings this action on behalf of himself and similarly situated current and
`former delivery drivers in Ohio, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, to remedy violations
`of Section 34a, the Prompt Pay Act, O.R.C. § 2307.60, and for unjust enrichment.
`Jurisdiction and Venue
`Under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), this Court has jurisdiction over
`Plaintiff’s FLSA claims.
`Under 28 U.S.C. § 1367, this Court has supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s
`Ohio law claims.
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`Venue in this Court is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because the parties reside in
`this district, and a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claim herein occurred in this district.
`Reuben West
`Plaintiff Reuben West is a resident of Ohio and, at all material times herein, Plaintiff
`worked within the boundaries of Southern District of Ohio.
`Plaintiff is an “employee” of all of the Defendants as defined in the FLSA and
`Section 34a.
`Plaintiff has given written consent to join this action.
`Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores are owned and/or operated by a number of entities and
`individuals, each of whom employ Plaintiff and the delivery drivers.
`Defendants operate the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`Defendants operate the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores out of their headquarters in
`Clinton Township, Michigan.
`The Entity Defendants—Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc.; Best Pizza, LLC; DW & KV
`Pizza, Inc.; Milford Pizza, Inc.; Sandeaver, Inc; Symmes Pizza, Inc.; TGD Food Group, Inc.; and
`Weaver Dream Team, Inc.—are all part of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza franchise operation.
`18. MaryLu Weaver is the owner and operator of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores and the
`Entity Defendants.
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`19. MaryLu Weaver has entered into franchise agreements with Jet’s Pizza to operate
`Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`20. MaryLu Weaver has entered into franchise agreements with Jet’s Pizza whereby she
`agrees to ensure that any Jet’s stores operated pursuant to the franchise agreement will comply with
`all laws, including wage and hour laws.
`21. MaryLu Weaver has the authority to and does hire and fire employees, supervise and
`control the work schedules and conditions of employees, determine the rate and method of pay,
`and/or maintain employee records.
`Defendants form a “single employer” as they are part of a single integrated enterprise
`and/or they are joint employers as they jointly operate a chain of Jet’s Pizza franchise stores and
`maintain interrelated operations, centralized control of labor relations, common management,
`common ownership, and financial control. Because the work performed by Plaintiff, and all other
`delivery drivers, benefited all Defendants and directly or indirectly furthered their joint interests,
`Defendants are collectively the joint employers of Plaintiff and other similarly situated employees
`under the FLSA’s definition of “employer.”
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc.
`Defendant Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do
`business under the laws of Ohio.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise
`stores in Ohio.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
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`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. was the entity name on Plaintiff’s paystubs as of
`February 2021.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly
`situated employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. applies, or causes to be applied, substantially the same
`employment policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including
`policies, practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of
`automobile expenses.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and
`conditions of Plaintiff’s work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. maintained control, oversight,
`and direction over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring,
`firing, disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees as that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged
`in “the production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`Unlimited Potential Pizza, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
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`Best Pizza, LLC
`Defendant Best Pizza, LLC is a domestic limited liability company authorized to do
`business under the laws of Ohio.
`Best Pizza, LLC’s principal place of business is in Ohio.
`Upon information and belief, Best Pizza, LLC owns and operates one or more Jet’s
`Pizza franchise stores in Ohio.
`Upon information and belief, Best Pizza, LLC is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`Upon information and belief, Best Pizza, LLC is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`Best Pizza, LLC had substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`Best Pizza, LLC applied or caused to be applied substantially the same employment
`policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including policies,
`practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of automobile
`Best Pizza, LLC had direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions of Plaintiff’s
`work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, Best Pizza, LLC maintained control, oversight, and direction
`over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing,
`disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
`Best Pizza, LLC was an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated employees as
`that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, Best Pizza, LLC has been an enterprise engaged in “the
`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 7 of 40 PAGEID #: 7
`production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`Best Pizza, LLC’s gross revenue exceeded $500,000 per year.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc.
`Defendant DW & KV Pizza, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do business
`under the laws of Ohio.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise stores in
`Upon information and belief, DW & KV Pizza, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`Upon information and belief, DW & KV Pizza, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc. applies or causes to be applied substantially the same
`employment policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including
`policies, practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of
`automobile expenses.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions of
`Plaintiff’s work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, DW & KV Pizza, Inc. maintained control, oversight, and
`direction over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing,
`disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated employees
`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 8 of 40 PAGEID #: 8
`as that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, DW & KV Pizza, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged in “the
`production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`DW & KV Pizza, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
`Milford Pizza, Inc.
`Defendant Milford Pizza, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do business under
`the laws of Ohio.
`61. Milford Pizza, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`62. Milford Pizza, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise stores in Ohio.
`Upon information and belief, Milford Pizza, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`Upon information and belief, Milford Pizza, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`65. Milford Pizza, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`66. Milford Pizza, Inc. applies or causes to be applied substantially the same employment
`policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including policies,
`practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of automobile
`67. Milford Pizza, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions of
`Plaintiff’s work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, Milford Pizza, Inc. maintained control, oversight, and direction
`over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing,
`disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
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`69. Milford Pizza, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated employees as
`that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, Milford Pizza, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged in “the
`production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`71. Milford Pizza, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
`Sandeaver, Inc.
`Defendant Sandeaver, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do business under the
`laws of Ohio.
`Sandeaver, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`Sandeaver, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise stores in Ohio.
`Upon information and belief, Sandeaver, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`Upon information and belief, Sandeaver, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`Sandeaver, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees’
`working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`Sandeaver, Inc. applies or causes to be applied substantially the same employment
`policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including policies,
`practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of automobile
`Sandeaver, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions of Plaintiff’s
`work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, Sandeaver, Inc. maintained control, oversight, and direction over
`Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing, disciplining,
`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 10 of 40 PAGEID #: 10
`timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
`Sandeaver, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated employees as that
`term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, Sandeaver, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged in “the
`production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`Sandeaver, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc.
`Defendant Symmes Pizza, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do business under
`the laws of Ohio.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise stores in Ohio.
`Upon information and belief, Symmes Pizza, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`Upon information and belief, Symmes Pizza, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc. applies or causes to be applied substantially the same employment
`policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including policies,
`practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of automobile
`Symmes Pizza, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions of
`Plaintiff’s work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, Symmes Pizza, Inc. maintained control, oversight, and direction
`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 11 of 40 PAGEID #: 11
`over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing,
`disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated employees as
`that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, Symmes Pizza, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged in “the
`production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`Symmes Pizza, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
`TGD Food Group, Inc.
`Defendant TGD Food Group, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do business
`under the laws of Ohio.
`TGD Food Group, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`TGD Food Group, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise stores in
`Upon information and belief, TGD Food Group, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`100. Upon information and belief, TGD Food Group, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`101. TGD Food Group, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`102. TGD Food Group, Inc. applies or causes to be applied substantially the same
`employment policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including
`policies, practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of
`automobile expenses.
`103. TGD Food Group, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions of
`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 12 of 40 PAGEID #: 12
`Plaintiff’s work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, TGD Food Group, Inc. maintained control, oversight, and
`direction over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing,
`disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
`105. TGD Food Group, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated employees
`as that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, TGD Food Group, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged in “the
`production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`107. TGD Food Group, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
`Weaver Dream Team, Inc.
`108. Defendant Weaver Dream Team, Inc. is a foreign corporation authorized to do
`business under the laws of Ohio.
`109. Weaver Dream Team, Inc.’s principal place of business is in Michigan.
`110. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. owns and operates one or more Jet’s Pizza franchise stores
`in Ohio.
`111. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. is owned by MaryLu Weaver.
`112. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. is operated by MaryLu Weaver.
`113. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. has substantial control over Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees’ working conditions, and over the unlawful policies and practices alleged herein.
`114. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. applies or causes to be applied substantially the same
`employment policies, practices, and procedures to all delivery drivers at all of its locations, including
`policies, practices, and procedures relating to payment of minimum wages, and reimbursement of
`Case: 1:22-cv-00007-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 01/05/22 Page: 13 of 40 PAGEID #: 13
`automobile expenses.
`115. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. has direct or indirect control of the terms and conditions
`of Plaintiff’s work and the work of similarly situated employees.
`At all relevant times, Weaver Dream Team, Inc. maintained control, oversight, and
`direction over Plaintiff and similarly situated employees, including, but not limited to, hiring, firing,
`disciplining, timekeeping, payroll, reimbursements, pay rates, deductions, and other practices.
`117. Weaver Dream Team, Inc. is an “employer” of Plaintiff and similarly situated
`employees as that term is defined by the FLSA and Section 34a.
`At all relevant times, Weaver Dream Team, Inc. has been an enterprise engaged in
`“the production of goods for commerce” within the meaning of the phrase as used in the FLSA.
`119. Weaver Dream Team, Inc.’s gross revenue exceeds $500,000 per year.
`MaryLu Weaver
`120. Defendant MaryLu Weaver is the owner of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`121. Upon information and belief, MaryLu Weaver is a Jet’s Pizza franchisee.
`122. Upon information and belief, MaryLu Weaver has entered into franchise agreements
`with Jet’s Pizza relating to each of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`123. MaryLu Weaver is an operator of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation and Defendants’
`Jet’s Pizza stores.
`124. Upon information and belief, MaryLu Weaver is the owner of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza
`125. MaryLu Weaver operates and owns multiple Jet’s Pizza stores across Ohio and
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`126. MaryLu Weaver is individually liable to the delivery drivers at Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza
`stores under the definitions of “employer” set forth in the FLSA and Section 34a because she owns
`and operates Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores, serves as an owner and officer of the Defendants’ Jet’s
`Pizza stores, ultimately controls significant aspects of Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores’ day-to-day
`functions, and ultimately controls compensation and reimbursement of employees. 29 U.S.C. §
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores, MaryLu Weaver has had
`financial control over the operations at each of the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores, MaryLu Weaver has had a
`role in significant aspects of the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores’ day to day operations.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had control over the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores’ pay policies.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had power over personnel and payroll decisions at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza
`stores, including but not limited to influence over delivery driver pay.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had the power to hire, fire, and discipline employees, including delivery drivers
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`at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had the power to stop any illegal pay practices that harmed delivery drivers at
`the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had the power to transfer the assets and liabilities of the Defendant entities.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had the power to declare bankruptcy on behalf of the Defendant entities.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had the power to enter into contracts on behalf of each of the Defendants’ Jet’s
`Pizza stores.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has had the power to close, shut down, and/or sell each of the Defendants’ Jet’s
`Pizza stores.
`At all relevant times, by virtue of her role as an owner, officer, and operator of the
`Defendant Entities, the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation, and the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores,
`MaryLu Weaver has authority over the overall direction of each of Defendants’ Jet’s stores and is
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`responsible for their operations.
`138. The Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores function for MaryLu Weaver’s profit.
`139. MaryLu Weaver has influence over how the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores can run
`more profitably and efficiently.
`Doe Corporation 1-10
`140. Upon information and belief, Defendants own, operate, and control other entities
`and/or limited liability companies that also comprise part of the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores, and
`qualify as “employers” of Plaintiff and the delivery drivers at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores as
`that term is defined by the FLSA and Ohio wage law.
`141. Upon information and belief, MaryLu Weaver owns and/or operates, in whole or in
`part, a number of other entities that make up part of the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza operation.
`142. Upon information and belief, the franchisor, Jet’s Pizza, may also be liable as an
`employer of the delivery drivers employed at Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`143. Upon information and belief, a sale of the store or stores took place at or around
`February 2021, and that the details of that transaction could reveal that other entities are liable for
`some or all of the claims asserted here (the “Predecessor Entities”).
`144. The identities of these additional Defendants should be revealed as discovery
`progresses and can be named at that time.
`John Doe 1-10
`145. Upon information and belief, there are additional individuals who also qualify as
`“employers” of Plaintiff and the delivery drivers at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores as that term is
`defined by the FLSA and Ohio wage law.
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`146. Upon information and belief, MaryLu Weaver has entered into co-owner relationships
`with a number of her managers and business partners, and those individuals might also qualify as
`“employers” of Plaintiff and the delivery drivers at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores as that term is
`defined by the FLSA and Ohio wage law.
`147. Upon information and belief, a sale of the store or stores took place at or around
`February 2021, and that the details of that transaction could reveal that other individuals are liable for
`some or all of the claims asserted here (the “Predecessor Individuals”).
`148. The identities of these additional Defendants should be revealed as discovery
`progresses and can be named at that time.
`Class-wide Factual Allegations
`During all relevant times, Defendants have operated the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza
`The primary function of the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores is to sell pizza and other
`food items to customers, whether they dine in, carry out, or have their food delivered.
`Some or all of the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores employ delivery drivers.
`Plaintiff and the similarly situated persons that Plaintiff seeks to represent are current
`and former delivery drivers employed by Defendants at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`All delivery drivers employed at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores over the last three
`years have had essentially the same job duties—to deliver pizza and other food items to customers.
`Drivers at the Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores work “dual jobs”.
`At all relevant times, Plaintiff and similarly situated delivery drivers have been paid
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`minimum wage, slightly above minimum wage, or minimum wage minus a tip credit for the hours
`they worked while completing deliveries.
`At all relevant times, Plaintiff and similarly situated delivery drivers have been paid
`minimum wage or slightly above minimum wage for the hours they worked inside the restaurant.
`Defendants require delivery drivers to maintain and pay for operable, safe, and legally
`compliant automobiles to use in delivering Defendants’ pizza and other food items.
`Defendants require delivery drivers to incur and/or pay job-related expenses,
`including but not limited to automobile costs and depreciation, gasoline expenses, automobile
`maintenance and parts, insurance, financing charges, cellphone costs, GPS charges, and other
`equipment necessary for delivery drivers to complete their job duties.
`Pursuant to such requirements, Plaintiff and other similarly situated employees
`purchase gasoline, vehicle parts and fluids, automobile repair and maintenance services, automobile
`insurance, suffered automobile depreciation and damage, financing charges, and incur cellphone and
`data charges all for the primary benefit of Defendants.
`160. Defendants require delivery drivers at Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores to provide
`cellphones to use while completing deliveries for Defendants.
`161. Defendants require delivery drivers to maintain and pay for operable cellphones to use
`in delivering Defendants’ pizza and other food items.
`162. The Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores do not reimburse the delivery drivers’ cellphone
`163. The Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores do not track or record the delivery drivers’
`cellphone expenses.
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`164. Defendants reimburse delivery drivers’ automobile expenses based on a set amount
`for each delivery they complete.
`165. Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores do not track or record the delivery drivers’ actual
`automobile expenses.
`166. Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores do not collect receipts from their delivery drivers
`related to the expenses they incur while completing deliveries.
`167. Defendants do not collect receipts of delivery drivers’ gasoline purchases during
`weeks when the delivery drivers worked for Defendants.
`168. Defendants do not collect receipts of delivery drivers’ automobile maintenance,
`repair, and parts purchased or paid for during weeks when the delivery drivers worked for
`169. Defendants do not collect receipts of delivery drivers’ monthly or annual automobile
`insurance costs.
`170. Defendants do not collect receipts of delivery drivers’ automobile registration costs.
`171. Defendants do not collect receipts of delivery drivers’ automobile financing or
`purchase costs.
`172. Defendants do not collect any other receipts from delivery drivers related to the
`automobile expenses they incur as delivery drivers at Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza stores.
`173. Defendants’ Jet’s Pizza s