Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 1 of 12
`810 Third Avenue, Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340 | Phone
`Local Counsel for Plaintiff
`[Pro Hac Vice Application Pending]
`810 Third Avenue, Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 504 3459 | Phone
`Attorney for Plaintiff
`This citizen suit, brought under the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”), 16 U.S.C.
`§ 1540(g), seeks to enjoin the Defendants to implement measures to eliminate “take” of Southern
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340
`Case No.
` Q


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 2 of 12
`Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho Salmon (“Southern Oregon Coast Coho”) at Pomeroy
`Dam and its associated water diversion system on the Illinois River in Oregon.
`Pomeroy Dam (the “Dam”) and its associated water diversion system is owned,
`operated, and/or controlled by each of the Defendants, jointly and singly.
`The Pomeroy Dam and its associated water diversion system on the Illinois River
`is causing “take” of Southern Oregon Coast Coho, which are listed as threatened under the ESA,
`in violation of Sections 4(d) and 9 of the ESA. 16 U.S.C. § 1533(d) & 1538(a)(1)(B). The Dam
`is causing take of Southern Oregon Coast Coho by among other things: blocking or impeding
`adult salmon migration and access to spawning and rearing habitat; harming or killing adult
`salmon in their efforts to traverse the Dam to migrate or spawn; causing conditions that raise
`temperatures in the stream to levels that stress and/or injure, and/or kill Southern Oregon Coast
`Coho; causing conditions that pool and slow down the river upstream of the Dam that increase
`predation of juvenile Southern Oregon Coast Coho; and unscreened and/or inadequate screening
`of water diversions from the Dam, causing salmon to be stranded and be injured or die in
`irrigation canals and ditches.
`This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to the ESA citizen suit
`provision, 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g).
`As required by 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(2)(A)(i), plaintiff WaterWatch of Oregon
`provided the Defendants with notice of the violations described in this complaint by letter dated
`January 11, 2022 (with an amended carbon copy list of recipients on January 12, 2022). Plaintiff
`sent both notices to Defendants by regular first class and by certified U.S. mail, return receipt
`requested. Plaintiff also provided a copy of each notice to the Secretary of Commerce, to the
`National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, and to the Oregon Department of Fish and
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 3 of 12
`Wildlife. Plaintiff also provided a copy of the notice to the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the
`Department of Homeland Security. More than 60 days have passed since Defendants received
`both the original and amended notice and no Defendant has responded to the notice.
`Venue in this District and Division is proper under 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(3)(A), 28
`U.S.C. § 1391, and Local Rule 3-2(a)(3), because the Illinois River and Pomeroy Dam are
`located in Josephine County, Oregon.
`WaterWatch of Oregon (“WaterWatch”) is a non-profit conservation organization
`dedicated, since 1985, to the protection and restoration of streamflows in Oregon’s rivers and
`streams in order to sustain native fish, wildlife, and aquatic ecosystems as well as the people and
`communities who depend on healthy rivers. WaterWatch is incorporated and has its
`headquarters in the State of Oregon. WaterWatch has worked for over 35 years in river basins
`around the State of Oregon to restore salmon and stream flows, including work to remove
`significant fish passage barriers such as dams. A number of those dams have been in the Rogue
`River and tributaries of the Rogue River. WaterWatch has been instrumental in dam removal
`and flow improvement throughout the State, using voluntary agreements, education, and where
`necessary, litigation in order to protect rivers, their tributaries, and fish. WaterWatch funds at
`least one staff member almost full time and funds other staff members part time, to work on
`matters related to dams and other fish passage barriers in the State of Oregon. Dam and barrier
`removal is an integral part of WaterWatch’s overall work as an organization.
`The Illinois River is a federally designated wild and scenic river and is, in turn, a
`major tributary to the wild and scenic Rogue River. The Illinois and Rogue are both important
`salmon rivers. There are 100 miles of high-quality spawning and rearing habitat above the
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 4 of 12
`Pomeroy Dam. Southern Oregon Coast Coho, listed as threatened under the ESA, are present in
`the Illinois River.
`WaterWatch has approximately 1,000 members in Oregon. WaterWatch
`members participate in recreational activities such as hiking, backpacking, fishing, wildlife-
`viewing, and river and lake boating and kayaking throughout Oregon, including in and along the
`Illinois and Rogue Rivers. More specifically, WaterWatch members fish and boat in the Rogue
`River and some of its tributaries. Members fish for all types of salmon as well as steelhead.
`Fishing has been and is negatively affected by threats to salmon including to Southern Oregon
`Coast Coho, especially since the Southern Oregon Coast Coho have been listed as threatened.
`WaterWatch has standing based upon injuries to its members’ interests caused by the Pomeroy
`Dam’s impacts on salmon.
`Defendants Jacqueline Doherty, Mary Andrade, Janine Pfohl, and William Pfohl
`(collectively the “Individual Defendants”) are individual residents of the State of Oregon with an
`address of 900 West Side Road, Kerby, Oregon, and they are owners and operators of the
`Pomeroy Dam and some, or all, are principals of Defendant Q Bar X Ranch.
`Q Bar X Ranch is the business entity owner of Pomeroy Dam and/or operated by
`the Individual Defendants. Q Bar X Ranch is licensed and registered under the laws of the State
`of Oregon with a principal place of business address of 900 West Side Road, Kerby, Oregon and
`an authorized representative mailing address of P.O. Box 3210, Kerby, Oregon.
`Southern Oregon Coast Coho Salmon are listed as a threatened species under the
`Endangered Species Act. 50 C.F.R. § 223.102. Southern Oregon Coast Coho were first
`proposed for listing in July of 1995, 60 Fed. Reg. 38,011 (July 25, 1995), and first listed as
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 5 of 12
`threatened in May of 1997. 62 Fed. Reg. 24,588 (May 6, 1997). The listing was reaffirmed in
`June of 2005. 70 Fed. Reg. 37,160 (June 28, 2005).
`Southern Oregon Coast Coho populations have overall declined precipitously
`over the past several decades. Habitat degradation, including blocked or decreased access to
`habitat and blocked or decreased ability to migrate to and from spawning grounds in tributary
`streams due to man-made or man-caused obstacles, has been a major factor in the decline. In
`proposing to list Southern Oregon Coast Coho as threatened under the ESA, the National Marine
`Fisheries Services (“NMFS”) found that dams and the effects associated with dams such as
`sedimentation, loss of habitat connectivity, impairment of juvenile and adult migration, injury
`during migration, impairment of juvenile rearing, and increased stream temperatures were all
`factors contributing to the decline and supporting the listing of Southern Oregon Coast Coho as
`In its 2014 Final Recovery Plan for Southern Oregon Coast Coho, NMFS
`identifies barriers such as dams as having a highly negative impact on Southern Oregon Coast
`Coho recovery.
`The Illinois River is a federally-designated wild and scenic river and a tributary to
`the also federally-designated wild and scenic Rogue River. Most of the Illinois River lies in
`National Forests, including its headwaters above the Pomeroy Dam. The Illinois River is a
`popular fishing and recreation river and an important river of Southern Oregon Coast Coho.
`Areas of the Illinois River above the Pomeroy Dam and its reservoir are prime
`salmon habitat, with up to 100 miles of high-quality spawning and rearing habitat above the
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 6 of 12
`The Illinois River is critical habitat for Southern Oregon Coast Coho, including
`the river surrounding Pomeroy Dam. 64 Fed. Reg. 24,062 (May 5, 1999).
`Pomeroy Dam is located at approximately river mile 56, near West Side Road on
`the Illinois River. Pomeroy Dam is an approximately 7 feet tall concrete structure whose sole
`function is to divert water into a canal system for irrigation purposes. Pomeroy Dam completely
`spans the Illinois River and it has no fish passage.
`Pomeroy Dam is operated to divert water into canals and ditches located on Q Bar
`X Ranch.
`Pomeroy Dam’s diversion function could be replaced by modern fish-friendly
`methods of diverting water to canals and ditches located on Q Bar X Ranch.
`The Pomeroy Dam is a passage impediment and hazard for migrating adult and
`juvenile Southern Oregon Coast Coho on the Illinois River. The passage impediment and Dam
`hazards impede migration and spawning as well as causing direct harm to Southern Oregon Cost
`The Pomeroy Dam also harms Southern Oregon Coast Coho by creating stream
`conditions that cause increased temperatures.
`High stream temperatures stress and harm, and if high enough, can kill Southern
`Oregon Coast Coho.
`The Pomeroy Dam also harms Southern Oregon Coast Coho by creating pool
`conditions that lead to increased predation on juvenile outmigrating salmon.
`Defendants’ operation of Pomeroy Dam and its associated water diversion
`infrastructure, including the attendant series of water diversions, inadequately screened, poorly
`designed and/or poorly maintained canals and/or ditches, and return flows, is falsely attracting,
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 7 of 12
`injuring, diverting, and stranding Southern Oregon Coast Coho, causing harm to Southern
`Oregon Coast Coho.
`The Pomeroy Dam does not meet the criteria, rationale, and guidelines for design
`of adequate safe, timely, and efficient fish passage published by NMFS and as set forth in
`Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (“ODFW”) Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR),
`Section 635-412-005 et seq., particularly OAR 635-412-0035.
`Due to this harmful impact, in 2019, the most recent update of the Statewide Fish
`Passage Priority List, ODFW listed Pomeroy Dam as the highest priority for fish passage
`correction among privately-owned dams in Oregon (Group 1).
`Oregon’s fish passage statutes, ORS 509.585(2) and ORS 509.610(3), require that
`Defendants remove or provide adequate fish passage over Pomeroy Dam.
`The problems with Pomeroy Dam that harm, injure, and kill fish are continuing in
`nature, with WaterWatch having observed the conditions described as recently as April of 2022.
`Over the course of the preceding several years, WaterWatch has attempted to
`engage Defendants to reach a voluntary agreement to remove Pomeroy Dam. Specifically,
`WaterWatch has requested a voluntary agreement by Defendants to allow WaterWatch to engage
`funding and contractors to remove the Pomeroy Dam and provide adequate and safe replacement
`for the Dam’s diversion function, at no cost to Defendants.
`31. WaterWatch has extensive experience with obtaining funding and working with
`expert contractors on dam removal throughout Oregon.
`32. WaterWatch’s experience with reaching out to Defendants causes WaterWatch to
`be concerned that Defendants will refuse and fail to respond to this Complaint and/or to any
`order of this Court to remove or fix the Pomeroy Dam.
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 8 of 12
`Take Of ESA-Listed Species
`33. WaterWatch restates and realleges all preceding paragraphs.
`The ESA prohibits any person from “taking” an endangered species. 16 U.S.C. §
`1538(a)(1)(B). The ESA defines “take” as “to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill,
`trap, capture, or collect or attempt to engage in any such conduct.” 16 U.S.C. § 1532(19).
`By regulation, NMFS has defined “harm” to include:
`Significant habitat modification or degradation which actually kills or injures fish
`or wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including,
`breeding, spawning, rearing, migrating, feeding or sheltering.
`50 C.F.R. § 222.102. “Harassment” includes unintentional acts that make it more difficult for an
`endangered species to breed, feed, shelter, reproduce or raise its offspring. H.R. Rep. No. 412,
`93rd Cong. 1st Sess. At 11 (1973); 50 C.F.R. § 17.3.
`NMFS has also determined that its definition of “harm” is consistent with the
`definition of “harm” in regulations promulgated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which
`definition includes failure to act where a person has a duty to do so in order to avoid or prevent
`the harm.
`Under Section 4(d) of the ESA, 16 U.S.C. § 1533(d), NMFS has the authority to
`issue regulations extending the take prohibition to threatened species. NMFS has adopted a
`regulation pursuant to Section 4(d) making the take prohibition applicable to Southern Oregon
`Coast Coho. 50 C.F.R. § 223.203. Under 16 U.S.C. § 1538(a)(1)(G), it is unlawful to take
`threatened Southern Oregon Coast Coho in violation of the Section 4(d) regulation.
`NMFS regulations define “harm” that is a take of listed species to include
`significant habitat modification or degradation which actually kills or injures fish or wildlife by
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 9 of 12
`significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including, breeding, spawning, rearing,
`migrating, feeding or sheltering. 50 C.F.R. § 222.102.
`The ESA take prohibition applies to all “persons.” 16 U.S.C. § 1538(a)(1). The
`ESA defines a “person” to include an individual, corporation, partnership, trust, association or
`any other private entity. 16 U.S.C. § 1532(13). The defendant in this case is a “person” as
`defined by the ESA.
`The ESA citizen suit provision authorizes suits to enforce the ESA and its
`implementing regulations against any person who is alleged to be in violation of any provision of
`the ESA or regulations implementing the ESA. 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g).
`Oregon’s fish passage statute requires that Defendant remove or provide adequate
`fish passage over Pomeroy Dam. See ORS 509.585(2) & ORS 509.610(3).
`The Pomeroy Dam and its associated water diversion system is causing take of
`Southern Oregon Coast Salmon by one or more of the following:
`• blocking and/or delaying adult salmon migration and access to spawning habitat;
`• harming or killing adult Southern Oregon Coast Coho in their efforts to traverse
`the Dam to migrate or spawn;
`• harming or killing juvenile salmon by blocking and/or delaying out-migration
`from spawning and rearing areas;
`• harming or killing adult Southern Oregon Coast Coho by creating conditions that
`raise stream temperatures;
`• harming or killing juvenile Southern Oregon Coast Coho by creating a reservoir
`pool that increases predation; and
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 10 of 12
`• through the operation of the Pomeroy Dam and its attendant series of water
`diversions, poorly designed and/or maintained canals and/or ditches, and return
`flows, is falsely attracting, injuring, and stranding Southern Oregon Coast Coho.
`Defendants, as the owners and operators of Pomeroy Dam and its associate water
`diversion system, have individually and together violated and continue to violate the take
`prohibitions in Section 9 of the ESA by failing to remove the Dam or provide adequate fish
`passage at the Dam and operate it and its associated water diversion system in a manner that
`avoids take, which failure has caused and continues to cause harm, harassment, injury and death
`to Southern Oregon Coast Coho.
`Defendants’ failure to either to remove Pomeroy Dam or provide adequate fish
`passage and safe operation of the Dam and its associated water diversion system is the proximate
`cause of unlawful take of Southern Oregon Coast Coho.
`Defendants are liable for the unlawful take of Southern Oregon Coast Coho in the
`Illinois River and WaterWatch is entitled to an Order enjoining Defendants from continued take
`of Southern Oregon Coast Coho, requiring either removal of the Dam or provision of adequate
`fish passage with repairs to the Dam and associated diversion system adequate to end and
`prevent ongoing harm to fish.
`46. WaterWatch is entitled to recovery of their attorney fees and litigation expenses
`for preparing and bringing this litigation, pursuant to 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(4).
`WHEREFORE, plaintiffs request an order from this Court:
`Declaring that Defendants have, individually and together, violated the salmon
`4(d) rule, 50 C.F.R. § 223.203 and the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1538(a)(1)(G), and
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 11 of 12
`1538(1)(B) by failing to provide adequate fish passage and safe operation at the Pomeroy Dam
`and its associated water diversion system and/or by failing to remove the Pomeroy Dam;
`Enjoining Defendants from continuing to maintain or operate the Pomeroy Dam
`and its associated water diversion system in a manner that violates section 9 of the Endangered
`Species Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1538(a)(1)(G) and 1538(1)(B), because of Defendants’ failure to
`provide adequate fish passage, and requiring Defendants to exercise due diligence in either
`removal of Pomeroy Dam or construction of adequate fish passage as defined by the most recent
`NMFS and ODFW criteria and the best commercially available fish passage science and
`engineering criteria with repairs to the Dam and the associated water diversion system adequate
`to end and prevent ongoing harm to fish, within the immediately next available in-water work
`window, as defined by ODFW and NMFS;
`Ordering Defendants to report to the Court and WaterWatch on the progress of
`the work ordered in subpart B above, on the following schedule:
`• Within 30 days of the Court’s order, proof of retention of an engineer with
`experience and expertise in dam removal and fish passage;
`• Within 90 days of the Court’s order provide plan and a design from the engineer
`of the proposed work sufficient to commence project permitting;
`• Within 180 days of the Court’s order, in consultation with the engineer, secure a
`construction contractor with experience and expertise in dam removal and fish
`passage and provide copies of applications for all permits needed to implement
`the work;
`• Report every 30 days thereafter on the progress of securing the necessary permits
`and progress of the work until it is completed;
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340


`Case 1:22-cv-00907-CL Document 1 Filed 06/22/22 Page 12 of 12
`• Within 360 days of the court order, complete removal of the Dam and
`modification and/or replacement of the Q Bar X diversion and canal system to
`protect Southern Oregon Coast Coho.
`Should Defendants fail to timely comply with any requirement under subparts B
`and C above, ordering Defendants to allow WaterWatch and WaterWatch’s employees, agents,
`and contractors access to the Pomeroy Dam, the associated diversion system, and Q Bar X Ranch
`property for the purposes of removing the Dam and eliminating harm caused by the diversion
`and canal system to protect Southern Oregon Coast Coho;
`Awarding plaintiffs their costs and attorneys’ fees pursuant to 16 U.S.C. §
`1540(g)(4); and
`Granting such other and further relief as the court deems just and equitable.
`Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of June, 2022.
`[Pro Hac Vice Application Pending]
`810 Third Avenue, Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 504 3459 | Phone
`Attorney for Plaintiff
`810 Third Avenue, Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`Local Counsel for Plaintiff
`810 Third Ave., Suite 610
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(206) 343-7340

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