Case 1:15-cv-00842-RGA Document 271 Filed 05/24/18 Page 1 of 2 PageID #: 10722
`C.A. No. 15-842 (RGA)
`IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto and
`subject to the approval of the Court, that the following deadlines are hereby extended as set forth
`in the attached Exhibit A.
`ls/Stephen <B. <Brauerman
`Stephen B. Brauerman (#4952)
`Sara E. Bussiere (#5725)
`222 Delaware A venue, Suite 900
`P.O. Box 25130
`Wilmington, Delaware 19899
`(302) 655-5000
`Attorneys for Plaintif!ChanBond, LLC
`May 22, 2018
`Isl 1ennifer rtin9
`Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)
`Jennifer Ying (#5550)
`1201 N. Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899-1347
`(302) 658-9200
`Attorneys for Defendants
`IT IS SO ORDERED this J;j__ day of+· 2018.
`United States District Judge
`Patent Owner Ex. 2043
`ARRIS International PLC v. ChanBond LLC
`Page 1


`Case 1:15-cv-00842-RGA Document 271 Filed 05/24/18 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 10723
`Exhibit A
`!Close of fact discovery1
`Opening Expert Reports for party that bears burden
`of proof
`!Rebuttal Expert Reports
`!Reply Expert Reports
`!close of Expert Discovery
`Current Deadline
`Proposed New
`June 1, 2018
`July 6, 2018
`July 2, 2018
`August 8, 2018
`August 13, 2018 I September 19, 2018
`August 31, 2018
`October 8, 2018
`September 28, 2018 November 7, 2018
`!opening SJ/Daubert Briefs
`October 19, 2018 December 1, 2018
`!Answering SJ/Daubert Briefs
`November 19, 2018
`January 4, 2018
`January 25, 2019
`!Reply SJ/Daubert Briefs
`Trial scheduling conference, with parties to submit a
`joint status report with their proposal(s) one week in
`advance. 2
`!SJ/Daubert Hearing
`!Pre-trial Conference
`!First 5-day jury trial
`II December 7, 2018
`October 31, 2018@ bf ctr\'\t>et llf,
`n ) ;t.() ('1
`,.- - • -1
`~i- c
`8:30 am
`The parties agree that the close of fact discovery is extended for 30 days to complete
`already served discovery. The parties agree that no new discovery shall be served without the
`consent of the other party, except that the parties shall be permitted to serve new Requests for
`Admissions up through thirty days prior to the close of fact discovery. Nothing in this provision
`shall prevent a party from supplementing its response to any discovery request.
`Plaintiff intends to include a proposal regarding trial consolidation at least in view of
`identical accused products and common factual questions across defendants, per 35 U.S.C.
`§ 299. Defendants believe consolidation for trial is not appropriate, for at least the reason that
`the parties cannot be properly consolidated under 35 U.S.C. § 299 and Fed. R. Civ. P. 20.
`Patent Owner Ex. 2043
`ARRIS International PLC v. ChanBond LLC
`Page 2

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