`CIVIL ACTION No. ___________
`the District Court of
`Montgomery County, Texas, 457th Judicial
`District, Cause No. 21-11-15221)
`company operating in Texas as Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (“HCSC”), and hereby
`removes Cause No. 21-11-15221, Texienne Physicians Medical Association, PLLC v. Health Care
`Service Corporation d/b/a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, from the 457th Judicial District
`Court of Montgomery County, Texas (the “State Action”), pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331, 1332,
`1441, and 1446. Removal of this action is proper because diversity jurisdiction exists and the
`amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, and also because federal question jurisdiction exists.
`Plaintiff’s Petition and Allegations
`On November 1, 2021, Texienne Physicians Medical Association, PLLC
`(“Plaintiff”) filed the State Action.1
`1 See Plaintiff’s Original Petition (the “Petition”), attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 2 of 10
`In the Petition, Plaintiff, a physician group practice with numerous offices in
`Texas,2 asserts two claims against HCSC, a health insurer, for breach of contract3 and liability
`under Section 502(a)(1)(B) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”),
`29 U.S.C. § 1132(a)(1)(B).4
`Plaintiff seeks to recover actual damages, costs, pre- and post-judgment interest,
`statutory penalties and interest, and attorneys’ fees, among other things.5
`Plaintiff’s Failed Attempts to Serve HCSC
`On January 25, 2022, HCSC received a citation dated January 5, 2022, and a copy
`of the Petition via certified mail from the Texas Secretary of State.6
`For the reasons stated herein, this attempt at service of process was defective under
`Texas law, and it is HCSC’s position that it has not been properly served in the State Action.
`Because HCSC has not yet been served by valid formal process, its time to remove has not begun
`to run.7
`Nevertheless, HCSC is filing this Notice of Removal within thirty (30) days of its
`receipt of the Petition on January 25, 2022, in an abundance of caution.
`Plaintiff’s attempt at service through the Secretary of State is defective under Texas
`law for the following reasons.
`2 Id. ¶ 6.
`3 Id. ¶¶ 8-14.
`4 Id. ¶ 15-21.
`5 Id. ¶¶ 13-14, 19, 21-22, 24.
`6 See Return Receipt, Letter from Secretary of State, Citation, and attached Petition, attached hereto as Exhibit B.
`7 28 U.S.C. § 1446(b); Murphy Bros. v. Michetti Pipe Stringing, Inc., 526 U.S. 344, 347-48 (1999) (holding that a
`defendant’s time to remove is not triggered “by mere receipt of the complaint unattended by any formal service”).
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 3 of 10
`The Petition alleges that HCSC “does not maintain an agent in the State of Texas
`for the service of process and therefore may be served via the Texas Secretary of State with service
`forward to 300 East Randolph, Chicago, Illinois 60601.”8 This allegation is incorrect.
`Foreign insurance companies doing business in Texas are required to appoint an
`agent for service of process “[a]s a condition to being issued a certificate of authority to engage in
`the business of insurance in” Texas.9 Consistent with this statutory requirement, HCSC’s
`registered agent in Texas is Corporation Service Company, 211 East 7th Street, Suite 620, Austin,
`Texas 78701.
`The Texas Department of Insurance (“TDI”), and not the Texas Secretary of State,
`maintains the list of registered agents for insurers who operate in Texas. The identity and address
`of HCSC’s registered agent is publicly available and searchable on TDI’s website.10
`Under certain circumstances,
`the Texas Insurance Code designates
`Commissioner of Insurance as the agent for service of process to insurance companies.11 Pursuant
`to Section 804.103(c) of the Texas Insurance Code, the Commissioner is a foreign insurance
`company’s agent on whom process may be served only if: (1) the foreign company fails to appoint
`or maintain an agent for service of process; (2) the appointed agent cannot with reasonable
`diligence be found; or (3) the company’s certificate of authority is revoked.12
`8 See Petition, at ¶ 2.
`9 Tex. Ins. Code § 804.103(b).
`10 Guidelines for Service of Process, TEX. DEPT. OF INS., https://www.tdi.texas.gov/consumer/attyforservice.html (last
`updated Apr. 21, 2020) (providing searchable link “[t]o find the agent for service of process for an insurance
`11 Id. (stating that “[t]he Commissioner of Insurance is the agent for service of process for these types of companies
`and organizations,” and listing such types).
`12 Tex. Ins. Code § 804.103(c).
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 4 of 10
`Here, HCSC is a foreign insurance company doing business in Texas under a valid
`certificate of authority, and maintains an agent for service of process that can be found by searching
`the TDI’s publicly available records.
`Given that HCSC maintains a registered in Texas whose identity and contact
`information is on file with TDI, Plaintiff would have to demonstrate reasonable diligence in
`attempting to serve that agent before effectuating service via the Commissioner of Insurance under
`Section 804.103(c). Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate that it acted with any diligence, let alone
`reasonable diligence, in attempting to identify or serve HCSC’s registered agent. Instead, Plaintiff
`unreasonably failed to contact the TDI, review the TDI’s publicly searchable records, or otherwise
`investigate whether HCSC maintained a registered agent in Texas. Therefore, none of the
`circumstances set forth in Section 804.103(c) of the Texas Insurance Code are present here.13
`For these reasons, Plaintiff’s attempt to serve HCSC – a foreign insurance company
`operating in Texas pursuant to a certificate of authority under the Insurance Code – by serving the
`Texas Secretary of State did not constitute valid service. Even assuming arguendo that insurers
`were subject to service via the Secretary of State and not via the process set forth in the Insurance
`Code, Plaintiff failed to offer sufficient prove that it acted with reasonable diligence in identifying
`and attempting to serve HCSC’s registered agent for the reasons already stated, and thus has failed
`to meet the statutory requirements to even seek that method of service.14
`13 See also Copeland v. Bonner, No. 3:13-cv-02440-P, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 203881, at *5 & n.1 (N.D. Tex. Mar.
`11, 2014) (finding that service of process on insurance company was defective, though the insurer was on notice of
`the suit because it had received a copy of the complaint and summons, where the plaintiff did not attempt to serve the
`insurer’s registered agent, and stating that “[f]oreign insurance companies doing business in Texas are also required
`to appoint an agent for service of process” under Section 804.103 of the Texas Insurance Code).
`14 Tex. Bus. Orgs. Code § 5.251 (“The secretary of state is an agent of an entity for purposes of service of process,
`notice, or demand on the entity if: (1) the entity is a filing entity or a foreign filing entity and: (A) the entity fails to
`appoint or does not maintain a registered agent in the state; or (B) the registered agent of the entity cannot with
`reasonable diligence be found at the registered office of the entity[.]”); see also Paramount Credit, Inc. v. Montgomery,
`420 S.W.3d 226 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2013) (“The law requires strict compliance with the[] conditions
`[set forth in Section 5.251(1) of the Texas Business Organizations Code; ‘[o]nly after the registered agent of a
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 5 of 10
`According to a purported affidavit of service filed in the State Action on December
`7, 2021, Plaintiff had previously attempted to serve HCSC on December 7, 2021, by having an
`Illinois process server deliver unspecified documents to HCSC’s Illinois headquarters on
`November 30, 2021.15 HCSC did not learn of the State Action or receive a copy of the Petition at
`that time.
`This attempt at service was likewise defective under the Texas Insurance Code
`because it was not directed to HCSC’s registered agent in Texas.16 It was also facially defective
`for several additional reasons, including that the purported affidavit of service was not verified or
`signed under penalty of perjury and was not signed by a sheriff, constable, or court clerk.17
`Accordingly, though Plaintiff’s attempts at service of process were facially
`defective and improper, HCSC became aware of the State Action and received a copy of the
`Petition on January 25, 2022.
`This Court possesses original jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
`1332, and removal is thus proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1441(b) and 1446. Under 28 U.S.C. § 1332,
`federal courts have original federal jurisdiction over “all civil actions where the matter in
`controversy exceeds the sum or value of $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs, and is in between
`citizens of different States.”
`corporation cannot be found with reasonable diligence at the registered office can the Secretary of State act as agent
`of the corporation for service of process.’” (citation omitted) (alteration in original)).
`15 Affidavit of Service, attached as Exhibit D, p. 12.
`16 Tex. Ins. Code § 804.103(b).
`17 See Tex. R. Civ. P. 107; Green v. Evans, No. 14-20-00054-CV, 2021 Tex. App. LEXIS 3832, at *5 (Tex. App.—
`Houston [14th Dist.] May 18, 2021) (holding such deficiencies were “fatal to effective service”).
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 6 of 10
`The Amount in Controversy Exceeds $75,000.
`The amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs.
`The Petition states that “Plaintiffs [sic] seek damages within the jurisdictional limits
`of this Court, including monetary relief between $250,000 and $1,000,000.”18
`Accordingly, “it is apparent from the face of the petition that the claims are likely
`to exceed $75,000[,]” and removal is appropriate under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because the amount in
`controversy exceeds the jurisdictional amount.19
`Plaintiff Is a Texas Citizen.
`Plaintiff alleges that it is a professional limited liability company.20 The citizenship
`of a limited liability company is based upon the citizenship of each of its partners.21
`According to both its Certificate of Formation and its most recent public filing,
`Plaintiff has one organizer/general partner, its CEO and Manager Asit Choksi. Because Dr. Choksi
`resides in Spring, Texas, Plaintiff is a citizen of Texas for diversity purposes.22
`HCSC Is an Illinois Citizen.
`“[A] corporation shall be deemed to be a citizen of any State by which it has been
`incorporated and of the State where it has its principal place of business.”23
`18 See Petition, at ¶ 5.
`19 Manguno v. Prudential Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co., 276 F.3d 720, 723 (5th Cir. 2002).
`20 Id. ¶ 1.
`21 Harvey v. Grey Wolf Drilling Co., 542 F.3d 1077, 1079 (5th Cir. 2008).
`22 See Declaration of Courtney Bedell Averbach, attached hereto as Exhibit C, ¶¶ 3-5; see also Certificate of Formation
`for Texienne Physicians Medical Association, PLLC (Oct. 24, 2016), attached hereto as Exhibit C-1; Texas Franchise
`Tax Public Information Report for Texienne Physicians Medical Association, PLLC (June 15, 2021), attached hereto
`as Exhibit C-2.
`23 See 28 U.S.C. § 1332(c)(1).
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 7 of 10
`HCSC, a mutual legal reserve company organized under the laws of the State of
`Illinois with its principal place of business in Chicago, Illinois, is an Illinois resident and citizen
`for diversity purposes.24
`Accordingly, because there is complete diversity of citizenship between Plaintiff
`and HCSC, and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, this action is properly removed under
`28 U.S.C. § 1332, 1441, and 1446.
`In addition to diversity jurisdiction, this Court has jurisdiction over this case under
`28 U.S.C. § 1331 because Plaintiff asserts a claim against HCSC under Section 502(a)(1)(B) of
`the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), 29 U.S.C. § 1132(a)(1)(B).25
`See Caterpillar, Inc. v. Williams, 482 U.S. 386, 392 (1987) (“Only state-court actions that
`originally could have been filed in federal court may be removed to federal court by the
`defendant. . . . The presence or absence of federal-question jurisdiction is governed by the ‘well-
`pleaded complaint rule,’ which provides that federal jurisdiction exists only when a federal
`question is presented on the face of the plaintiff’s properly pleaded complaint.”).
`The United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas thus has original
`jurisdiction of this action under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because federal question jurisdiction exists, and
`this action is one that HCSC may remove under 39 U.S.C. § 1441.
`24 See Petition, at ¶ 2; see also, e.g., Fisher v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Tex., 879 F. Supp. 2d 581, 587 (N.D. Tex.
`2012) (finding that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, an unincorporated division of Health Care Service
`Corporation, is a citizen of Illinois for diversity purposes); Hesse v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tex., No. 4:11-CV-362,
`2011 WL 4025453, at *1-3 (E.D. Tex. Aug. 15, 2011) (same), report and recommendation adopted, 2011 WL
`4025514, at *1 (E.D. Tex. Sept. 9, 2011); Coghlan v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tex., No. H-12-2703, 2013 WL
`150711, at *1-3 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 14, 2013) (same);
`25 See Petition, at ¶¶ 15-21.
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 8 of 10
`29. Moreover, because this suit sets forth a claim involving a federal question, the entire
`suit is removable.26
`This Notice of Removal is properly filed in the United States District Court for the
`Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446(a), because the District
`Court of Montgomery County, Texas, is located in this federal judicial district.27
`Though HCSC maintains that Plaintiff’s attempt at service of process was defective
`and invalid for the reasons stated above, and therefore that its time to remove has not yet been
`triggered, this Notice of Removal is timely because it is being filed with this Court within thirty
`(30) days of the date of HCSC’s receipt of the citation and Petition.28
`32. Written notice of the filing of this Notice of Removal will be provided to Plaintiff
`and filed in the appropriate state court as required by 28 U.S.C. § 1446(d).
`Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446(a), a copy of all process, pleadings, and orders is
`The undersigned has signed this Notice of Removal pursuant to Rule 11 of the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1446(a).
`In compliance with Local Rule 81, HCSC attaches the exhibits referenced below:
`26 See 28 U.S.C. § 1441(c)(1).
`27 See also 28 U.S.C. § 1441(a).
`28 See 28 U.S.C. § 1446(b); see also Thompson v. Deutsche Bank Nat’l Tr. Co., 775 F.3d 298, 306 (5th Cir. 2014)
`(recognizing a defendant’s right to remove in the absence of proper service of process).
`29 See Docket Sheet and Accompanying Case File, attached hereto as Exhibit D.
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 9 of 10
`All documents associated with Plaintiff’s attempts to serve HCSC with
`process,30 attached as Exhibit B;
`Pleadings asserting causes of action, e.g., petitions, counterclaims, cross
`actions, third-party actions, interventions, and all answers to such pleadings,
`attached as Exhibit A;
`The docket sheet and accompanying case file, attached as Exhibit D;
`An index of matters being filed, attached as Exhibit E; and
`A list of all counsel of record, including addresses, telephone numbers, and
`parties represented, attached as Exhibit F.
`WHEREFORE, Defendant Health Care Service Corporation, a mutual legal reserve
`company operating in Texas as Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, removes this action from the
`457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, to the United States District Court
`for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, and requests that this Court retain jurisdiction
`for all further proceedings in this matter.
`30 Local Rule 81 requires that the removing party attach “[a]ll executed process in the case,” among other things, to
`the Notice of Removal. For the reasons stated above, HCSC disputes that Plaintiff’s attempts at service complied with
`Texas law.
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`Case 4:22-cv-00599 Document 1 Filed on 02/24/22 in TXSD Page 10 of 10
`Dated: February 24, 2022
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Martin J. Bishop_______
`Martin J. Bishop
`State Bar No. 24086915
`811 Main Street, Suite 1700
`Houston, Texas 77002-6110
`Telephone: (713) 469-3800
`Telecopier: (713) 469-3899
`I hereby certify that on February 24, 2022, a true and correct copy of the foregoing
`document was served according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on the following counsel:
`Steven J. Mitby
`State Bar No. 24037123
`Kelly D. Clark
`State Bar No. 24094781
`Michael K. Barnhart
`State Bar No.
`2700 Research Forest Drive, Suite 100
`The Woodlands, TX 77381
`Telephone: (281) 419-7770
`Telecopier: (218) 419-7791
`/s/ Martin J. Bishop ___________
`Martin J. Bishop
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