`Richard Smith
`Savannah Rose
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.
`This action is a citizen suit brought under Section 505 of the Clean Water Act
`(“CWA”) as amended, 33 U.S.C. § 1365. Plaintiff, Twin Harbors Waterkeeper (“Twin
`Harbors”), seeks a declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, the imposition of civil penalties, and
`the award of costs, including attorneys’ and expert witnesses’ fees, for Defendant BWC
`Terminals LLC’s (“BWC”) repeated and ongoing violations of Sections 301(a) and 402 of the
`CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1311(a) and 1342, and the terms and conditions of its National Pollutant
`Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit authorizing certain stormwater discharges of
`pollutants from BWC’s Hoquiam, Washington facility to navigable waters.
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 2 of 27
`The Court has subject matter jurisdiction over Twin Harbors’ claims under
`Section 505(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a). Sections 309(d) and 505(a) and (d) of the
`CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319(d) and 1365(a) and (d), authorize the relief Twin Harbors requests.
`Under Section 505(b)(1)(A) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(b)(1)(A), Twin
`Harbors notified BWC of Defendant’s violations of the CWA and of Twin Harbors’ intent to sue
`under the CWA by letter dated and postmarked January 18, 2022 (“Notice Letter”). A copy of
`the Notice Letter is attached to this complaint as Exhibit 1. The allegations in the Notice Letter
`are incorporated herein by this reference. In accordance with section 505(b)(1)(A) of the CWA,
`33 U.S.C. § 1365(b)(1)(A) and 40 C.F.R. § 135.2(a)(1), Twin Harbors notified the Administrator
`of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), the Administrator of EPA
`Region 10, the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology (“Ecology”), and BWC’s
`registered agent of its intent to sue BWC by mailing copies of the Notice Letter to these
`individuals on January 18, 2022.
`At the time of the filing of this Complaint, more than sixty days have passed since
`the Notice Letter and copies thereof were issued in the manner described in the preceding
`The violations complained of in the Notice Letter are continuing and/or are
`reasonably likely to re-occur.
`At the time of the filing of this Complaint, neither the EPA nor Ecology has
`commenced any action constituting diligent prosecution to redress the violations alleged in the
`Notice Letter.
`The source of the violations complained of is in Grays Harbor County,
`Washington, within the Western District of Washington, and venue is therefore appropriate in
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 3 of 27
`the Western District of Washington under Section 505(c)(1) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §
`1365(c)(1), and 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b).
`Twin Harbors is suing on behalf of itself and its members.
`Twin Harbors is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of
`Washington. Twin Harbors is dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment of
`Washington State, especially the quality of its waters. Twin Harbors is a membership
`organization and has at least one member who is injured by BWC’s violations.
`Twin Harbors has representational standing to bring this action. Twin Harbors’
`members are reasonably concerned about the effects of discharges of pollutants, including
`stormwater from BWC’s facility, on water quality and aquatic species and wildlife that Twin
`Harbors’ members observe, study, use, and enjoy. Twin Harbors’ members are further concerned
`about the effects of discharges from BWC’s facility on human health. In addition, discharges
`from BWC’s facility lessen Twin Harbors’ members’ aesthetic enjoyment of nearby areas. Twin
`Harbors has members who live, work, fish, and recreate around or use Grays Harbor which is
`affected by BWC’s discharges. Twin Harbors’ members’ concerns about the effects of BWC’s
`discharges are aggravated by BWC’s failure to record and timely report information about its
`discharges and pollution controls in a timely manner. The recreational, scientific, economic,
`aesthetic, and/or health interest of Twin Harbors and its members have been, are being, and will
`be adversely affected by BWC’s violations of the CWA. The relief sought in this lawsuit can
`redress the injuries to these interests.
`Twin Harbors has organizational standing to bring this action. Twin Harbors has
`been actively engaged in a variety of educational and advocacy efforts to improve water quality
`and to address sources of water quality degradation in the waters of Western Washington,
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 4 of 27
`including Grays Harbor. As detailed herein and in the Notice Letter, BWC has failed to comply
`with numerous requirements of its NPDES permit including completing corrective actions,
`compliance with water quality standards, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
`As a result, Twin Harbors is deprived of information necessary to properly serve its members by
`providing information and taking appropriate action to advance its mission. Twin Harbors’
`efforts to educate and advocate for greater environmental protection, and to ensure the success of
`environmental restoration projects implemented for the benefit of its members are also
`obstructed. Finally, Twin Harbors and the public are deprived of information that influences
`members of the public to become members of Twin Harbors, thereby reducing Twin Harbors’
`membership numbers. Thus, Twin Harbors’ organizational interests have been adversely affected
`by BWC’s violations. These injuries are fairly traceable to BWC’s violations and are redressable
`by the Court.
`BWC is a corporation authorized to conduct business under the laws of the state
`of Washington.
`BWC owns and operates a bulk liquid storage terminal located at or about 3128
`Port Industrial Rd, Hoquiam, WA 98550-4211 (referred to herein as the “facility”).
`Section 301(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1311(a), prohibits the discharge of
`pollutants by any person, unless in compliance with the provisions of the CWA. A discharge of a
`pollutant from a point source to waters of the United States without authorization by a NPDES
`permit, issued under Section 402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342, is prohibited.
`The state of Washington has established a federally approved state NPDES
`program administered by Ecology. Wash. Rev. Code § 90.48.260; Wash. Admin. Code ch. 173-
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 5 of 27
`220. This program was approved by the Administrator of the EPA pursuant to Section 402(b) of
`the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342(b).
`Under Section 402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342, Ecology has repeatedly issued
`Industrial Stormwater General Permits, most recently on November 20, 2019, effective January
`1, 2020, and set to expire December 31, 2024 (the “2020 Permit”). The previous permit was
`issued December 3, 2014, became effective January 2, 2015, and expired December 31, 2019
`(the “2015 Permit”). The 2015 Permit and 2020 Permit (collectively, “the Permits”), contain
`substantially similar requirements and authorize those that obtain coverage thereunder to
`discharge stormwater associated with industrial activity, a pollutant under the CWA, and other
`pollutants contained in the stormwater to waters of the United States subject to certain terms and
`The Permits impose certain terms and conditions on those covered thereby,
`including requirements for monitoring and sampling of discharges, reporting and recordkeeping
`requirements, and restrictions on the quality of stormwater discharges. To reduce and eliminate
`pollutants in stormwater discharges, the Permits require, among other things, that permittees
`develop and implement best management practices (“BMPs”) and a Stormwater Pollution
`Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”), and apply all known and reasonable methods of prevention,
`control, and treatment (“AKART”) to discharges. The specific terms and conditions of the
`Permits are described in detail in the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Ecology granted BWC coverage for the facility under the 2015 Permit under
`Permit Number WAR306512. Ecology granted subsequent coverage under the 2020 Permit
`under the same permit number, WAR306512.
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 6 of 27
`BWC discharges stormwater and pollutants associated with industrial activity to
`Grays Harbor.
`BWC’s facility is engaged in industrial activities including the transportation and
`storage of bulk liquids such as methanol, magnesium oxide, among others and is approximately
`16 acres. BWC’s facility has multiple distinct points of discharge where stormwater and other
`pollutants leave the facility and eventually enter Grays Harbor.
`BWC has violated and continues to violate the Permits and Sections 301(a) and
`402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1311(a) and 1342, by discharging pollutants in violation of an
`NPDES Permit. BWC’s violations of the Permits are set forth in sections I through VI of the
`Notice Letter attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and are incorporated herein by this reference. In
`particular, and among the other violations described in the Notice letter, BWC has violated the
`Permits by failing to comply with water quality standards, failing to comply with AKART
`standards, failing to implement BMPs to control water quality, failing to implement corrective
`actions, failing to establishing an adequate SWPPP, failing to collect or analyze quarterly
`samples, failing to submit correct sample data on DMRs, failing to correctly and timely submit
`Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), failing to correctly and timely submit Annual Reports,
`failing comply with visual monitoring requirements, failing to record information, failing to
`retain records, and failing to report permit violations.
`BWC discharges stormwater from the facility containing levels of pollutants that
`exceed the benchmark values established by the Permits, including the days on which BWC
`collected samples with the results identified in Table 1, and is likely to continue discharging
`comparably unacceptable levels of pollutants in its stormwater:
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 7 of 27
`Table 1: Monitoring Point 002 Benchmark Exceedances
`Quarter in which
`pH (Benchmark: 5.0 -
`sample was
`9.0 Standard Units)
`(Benchmark: 14 µg/L)
`Third Quarter 2018
`Third Quarter 2019
`Fourth Quarter 2019
`First Quarter 2020
`Third Quarter 2020
`(Benchmark: 117 µg/L)
` The stormwater monitoring data provided in Table 1 shows benchmark
`exceedances included in the stormwater monitoring results that BWC submitted to Ecology.
`The Permits requires BWC’s monitoring to be representative of discharges from
`the facility. The stormwater monitoring results that BWC routinely submits to Ecology are not
`representative of the facility’s stormwater discharges, as described in detail in section III.A in the
`Notice Letter attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
`BWC’s stormwater discharges are causing or contributing to violations of water
`quality standards and therefore violate the Permits. Discharges from BWC’s facility contribute to
`the polluted conditions of the waters of the state, including the water quality standards of Grays
`Harbor. Discharges from BWC’s facility contribute to the ecological impacts that result from the
`pollution of these waters and to Twin Harbors and its members’ injuries resulting therefrom.
`These requirements and BWC’s violations thereof are described in detail in section I of the
`Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by this reference.
`BWC’s exceedances of the benchmark values indicate that BWC is failing to
`apply AKART to its discharges and/or is failing to implement an adequate SWPPP and BMPs.
`BWC violated and continues to violate the Permits by not developing, modifying, and/or
`implementing BMPs in accordance with the requirements of the Permits, and/or by not applying
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 8 of 27
`AKART to discharges from the facility. These requirements and BWC’s violations thereof are
`described in detail in section I.B and section II of the Notice Letter, attached as Exhibit 1, and
`incorporated herein by this reference.
`BWC has violated and continues to violate the monitoring requirements of the
`Permits. For example, the Permits require BWC to sample its stormwater discharges once during
`every calendar quarter at each distinct point of discharge offsite except for substantially identical
`outfalls. However, BWC has failed and is failing to monitor discharges from the multiple distinct
`points of discharge. Instead, BWC is collecting samples from at least five different monitoring
`locations and mixing them, despite being told not to multiples times by Ecology as described in
`section III.A of the Notice Letter. BWC also failed to submit correct sample data on its DMRs as
`required by Condition G20 of the Permits by submitting sample data from all discharge points as
`discharge from Monitoring Point 002 in its DMR despite being aware that this practice is
`incorrect; BWC failed to comply with sample timing and frequency prescribed by the Permits by
`failing to sample from all discharge points as described in section III.A of the Notice Letter;
`BWC failed to collect and analyze stormwater samples for all parameters at Monitoring Point
`002 during the first quarter 2019 and second quarter 2019; BWC failed to submit timely DMRs
`for the third quarter 2018, fourth quarter 2019, and second quarter 2020; BWC failed to submit
`timely Annual Reports for 2019, and 2020; BWC failed to submit a complete and accurate
`Annual Report in 2019 and 2020; and BWC failed to comply with visual monitoring
`requirements by failing to conduct Industrial Stormwater Monthly Inspection Reports by
`qualified personnel, including each and every month since May 3, 2018. The monitoring and
`inspection requirements and BWC’s violations thereof are described in section III of the Notice
`Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by this reference.
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 9 of 27
`28. BWC has not conducted and/or completed the Level One Corrective Action
`responses as required by the Permits. These requirements of the Permits and BWC’s violations
`thereof are described in section IV.A of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and
`incorporated herein by this reference.
`Condition S8.B of the Permits require a permittee to undertake a Level One
`Corrective Action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value identified in Condition S5.A, Table 2
`of the Permits and Condition S5.B.2, Table 3 of the 2015 Permit. A Level One Corrective Action
`comprises of conducting an inspection to investigate the cause, review of the SWPPP to ensure
`permit compliance, revisions to the SWPPP to include additional operational source control
`BMPs with the goal of achieving the applicable benchmark values in future discharges, signature
`and certification of the revised SWPPP, summary of the Level One Corrective Action in the
`Annual Report, and full implementation of the revised SWPPP as soon as possible, but no later
`than the DMR due date for the quarter the benchmark was exceeded. Condition S8.A of the 2020
`Permit requires that the permittee implement any Level One Corrective Action required by the
`2015 Permit.
`BWC triggered Level One Corrective Action requirements for each benchmark
`range exceedance identified in Table 1 above. BWC has violated the requirements of the Permits
`described above by failing to conduct a Level One Corrective Action in accordance with the
`Permits’ conditions, including the required inspection to investigate the cause; review, revision,
`and certification of the SWPPP; the required implementation of additional BMPs; and the
`required summarization in the Annual Report, each time during the past five years that its
`quarterly stormwater sampling results were greater than a benchmark, including the benchmark
`exceedances listed in Table 1 above. These corrective action requirements and BWC’s violations
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 10 of 27
`thereof are described in section IV.A of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are
`incorporated herein by this reference.
`Condition S8.C of the Permits require a permittee to undertake a Level Two
`Corrective Action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value identified in Condition S5.A, Table 2
`of the Permits and Condition S5.B.2, Table 3 of the 2015 Permit during any two quarters during
`a calendar year. A Level Two Corrective Action comprises review of the SWPPP to ensure
`permit compliance, revisions to the SWPPP to include additional structural source control BMPs
`with the goal of achieving the applicable benchmark values in future discharges, signature and
`certification of the revised SWPPP, summary of the Level Two Corrective Action in the Annual
`Report, and full implementation of the revised SWPPP as soon as possible, but no later than
`August 31st of the year following the triggering of the Level Two Corrective Action. Condition
`S8.A of the 2020 Permit requires that the permittee implement any Level Two Corrective Action
`required by the 2015 Permit.
`BWC triggered Level Two Corrective Action requirements for each benchmark
`exceedance identified in Table 1 above that occurred in any two quarters of a calendar year.
`BWC has violated the requirements of the Permits described above by failing to conduct a Level
`Two Corrective Action in accordance with Permit conditions, including the required review,
`revision, and certification of the SWPPP, the required implementation of additional structural
`source control BMPs, and the required summarization in the Annual Report, each time during the
`past five years that its quarterly stormwater sampling results were greater than a benchmark, for
`any two quarters during a calendar year, including the benchmark exceedances listed in Table 1
`above. These violations include BWC’s failure to fulfill these obligations for zinc triggered by its
`stormwater sampling during calendar year 2019 and 2020. These corrective action requirements
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 11 of 27
`and BWC’s violations thereof are described in section IV.B of the Notice Letter, attached hereto
`as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated herein by this reference.
`BWC has failed and continues to fail to comply with recording and record
`keeping requirements of the Permits. These requirements and BWC’s violations thereof are
`described in section V of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Condition S9.E of the Permits requires BWC to take certain actions, including
`reporting to Ecology, in the event BWC is unable to comply with any terms and conditions of the
`Permits which may endanger human health or the environment. BWC has failed to comply with
`these requirements of the Permits by failing to report and subsequently correct permit violations,
`including each and every time BWC failed to comply with corrective action requirements as
`described above in paragraphs 28-32, each and every time BWC failed to sample a stormwater
`discharge as described above in paragraph 27, and each and every time BWC discharged
`stormwater with amounts of pollutants in excess of the Permit benchmarks as described in
`paragraphs 22-23 above. These requirements and BWC’s violations thereof are described in
`section VI of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by this
`Each of BWC’s violations of the Permits and the CWA are ongoing in that they
`are currently occurring or are likely to re-occur at least intermittently in the future.
`A significant penalty should be imposed against BWC pursuant to the penalty
`factors set forth in 33 U.S.C. § 1319(d).
`BWC’s violations were avoidable had BWC been diligent in overseeing facility
`operations and maintenance.
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 12 of 27
`BWC has benefited economically as a consequence of its violations and its
`failure to implement stormwater management improvements at the facility.
`In accordance with Section 505(c)(3) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(c)(3), and 40
`C.F.R. § 135.4, Twin Harbors is mailing a copy of this Complaint to the Administrator of the
`EPA, the Regional Administrator for Region 10 of the EPA, and the Attorney General of the
`United States.
`The preceding paragraphs and the allegations in the Notice Letter attached hereto
`as Exhibit 1 are incorporated herein.
`BWC’s violations of the Permits described herein and in the Notice Letter
`constitute violations of violations of “effluent standards or limitations” under the CWA per 33
`U.S.C. § 1365(f)(7).
`No agency has taken an enforcement action constitution diligent prosecution or
`otherwise precluding claims under 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319 or 1365(a).
`Prior notice of violations and claims was provided to Defendant and others as
`These violations committed by BWC are ongoing or are reasonably likely to
`continue to occur. Any and all additional violations of the Permits and the CWA which occur
`after those described in Twin Harbors’ Notice Letter, but before a final decision in this action,
`should be considered ongoing violations subject to this Complaint.
`43. Without the imposition of appropriate civil penalties and the issuance of an
`injunction, BWC is likely to continue to violate the Permits and the CWA to the further injury of
`Twin Harbors, its members, and others.
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 13 of 27
`Wherefore, Twin Harbors respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:
`Issue a declaratory judgment that BWC has violated and continues to be in
`violation of the Permits and Sections 301 and 402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1311 and 1342;
`Enjoin BWC from operating the facility in a manner that results in further
`violations of the Permits and the CWA;
`Order BWC to immediately implement a SWPPP that complies with the 2020
`Order BWC to allow Twin Harbors to participate in the development and
`implementation of BWC’s SWPPP;
`Order BWC to provide Twin Harbors, for a period beginning on the date of the
`Court’s Order and running for three years after BWC achieves compliance with all of the
`conditions of the Permits, with copies of all reports and other documents which BWC submits to
`Ecology regarding BWC’s coverage under the Permits at the facility at the time these documents
`are submitted to Ecology;
`Order BWC to take specific actions to remediate the environmental harm caused
`by its violations;
`Order BWC to pay civil penalties of $59,973 per day of violation for each
`violation committed by BWC, pursuant to Sections 309(d) and 505(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§
`1319(d) and 1365(a), and 40 C.F.R. § 19 and 19.4;
`Award Twin Harbors its litigation expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ and
`expert witness fees, as authorized by Section 505(d) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(d), and any
`other applicable authorization; and
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 14 of 27
`Award such other relief as this Court deems appropriate.
`RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 8th day of April, 2022
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`By: By: s/Richard A. Smith
`Richard A. Smith, WSBA #21788
`By: s/Savannah Rose
`Savannah Rose, WSBA #57062
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`2317 E. John St.,
`Seattle, WA 98112
`Tel: (206) 860-2124
`Fax: (206) 860-4187
`E-mail: richard@smithandlowney.com,
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 15 of 27
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 15 of 27
`Exhibit 1
`Exhibit 1
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 16 of 27
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883, Fax (206) 860-4187
`January 18, 2022
`Via Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested
`Managing Agent
`BWC Terminals LLC
`3128 Port Industrial Rd
`Hoquiam, WA 98550-4211
`Managing Agent
`BWC Terminals LLC
`1111 Bagby St STE 1800
`Houston, TX 77002-2586
`Dear Managing Agent:
`We represent Twin Harbors Waterkeeper, P.O. Box 751, Cosmopolis, WA 98537,
`(206) 293-0574. Any response or correspondence related to this matter should be directed to
`us at the letterhead address. This letter is to provide you with sixty days’ notice of Twin
`Harbors Waterkeeper’s intent to file a citizen suit against BWC Terminals LLC formerly
`Contanda Terminals LLC (“BWC”), under section 505 of the Clean Water Act (“CWA”), 33
`U.S.C. § 1365, for the violations described below. This letter is also a request for a copy of
`the complete and current stormwater pollution prevention plan (“SWPPP”) required by
`BWC’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit.
`BWC was granted coverage under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit (“ISGP”)
`issued by the Washington Department of Ecology (“Ecology”) effective May 3, 2018 and
`expired on December 31, 2019, under NPDES No. WAR306512 (the “2015 Permit”).
`Ecology granted BWC coverage under the current iteration of the ISGP effective January 1,
`2020, set to expire on December 31, 2024 (the “2020 Permit”), which maintains the same
`permit number: WAR306512.
`BWC has violated and continues to violate the CWA (see Sections 301 and 402 of the
`CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1311 and 1342) and the terms and conditions of the 2015 Permit and
`2020 Permit (collectively, the “Permits”) with respect to operations of, and discharges of
`stormwater and pollutants from its facility, located at or about 3128 Port Industrial Rd,
`Hoquiam, WA 98550-4211 (the “facility”) as described herein, to the Chehalis River and
`Notice of Intent to Sue - 1
`Case 3:22-cv-05233 Document 1 Filed 04/08/22 Page 17 of 27
`eventually Grays Harbor. The facility subject to this notice includes any contiguous or
`adjacent properties owned or operated by BWC.
`A. Compliance with Water Quality Standards
`Condition S10.A of the Permits prohibits discharges that cause or contribute to
`violations of water quality standards. Water quality standards are the foundation of the CWA
`and Washington’s efforts to protect clean water. In particular, water quality standards
`represent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and Ecology’s determination,
`based on scientific studies, of the thresholds at which pollution starts to cause significant
`adverse effects on fish or other beneficial uses. For each water body in Washington, Ecology
`designates the “beneficial uses” that must be protected through the adoption of water quality
`A discharger must comply with both narrative and numeric criteria water quality
`standards. WAC 173-201A-010; WAC 173-201A-510 (“No waste discharge permit can be
`issued that causes or contributes to a violation of water quality criteria, except as provided for
`in this chapter.”). Narrative water quality standards provide legal mandates that supplement
`the numeric criteria. Furthermore, the narrative water quality standard applies with equal
`force even if Ecology has established a numeric water quality standard. Specifically,
`Condition S10.A of the Permits requires that BWC’s discharges not cause or contribute to an
`excursion of Washington State water quality standards.
`BWC discharges to the Chehalis River via storm drain and then to Grays Harbor.
`BWC discharges s