`Case No. 19-C-1491
`Plaintiff Fidias Torres alleges that her former employer, Children’s Medical Group,
`Inc., violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and the Family and Medical
`Leave Act (“FMLA”). She contends that Children’s discriminated against her on the basis
`of disability when it terminated her employment after failing to reasonably accommodate
`her mental-health conditions. She also contends that she was subjected to a hostile work
`environment. Finally, she contends that Children’s retaliated against her for seeking a
`reasonable accommodation and/or for applying for FMLA leave. Before me now is
`Children’s motion for summary judgment.
`General Background
`Children’s Medical Group, Inc., is an affiliate of Children’s Hospital and Health
`System, Inc., a non-profit health-care system based in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, that
`provides medical care to children and their families. In 2002, the plaintiff began working
`as a medical assistant at a clinic within the Children’s system. From 2002 to 2017, she
`worked part-time at several different Children’s locations. On September 10, 2017, she
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`began working at Franklin Pediatrics in Franklin, Wisconsin, a pediatrics clinic that is part
`of Children’s Medical Group, Inc.
`During her time at Franklin Pediatrics, the plaintiff held the position of medical
`assistant. She was classified as a part-time employee who was expected to work 24 hours
`per week. (Children’s describes her position as “0.6 FTE,” which means that she worked
`60% of a full-time position.) Generally, the clinic scheduled her to work three eight-hour
`shifts per week, for a total of 12–13 shifts per month. The clinic was open Monday through
`Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
`As a medical assistant, the plaintiff’s primary responsibility was to “room” patients
`after they had checked in at the front desk. The process of rooming a patient involves
`escorting the patient to an exam room, taking the patient’s vital signs, starting a progress
`note for the visit, asking the patient questions about medications and allergies, and
`eventually informing the physician that the patient is ready to be seen. Medical assistants
`also perform other clinical tasks, such as filling out electronic health records,
`administering certain medical tests, and collecting and labeling specimens. Franklin
`Pediatrics generally had one medical assistant and one physician work together for an
`entire shift. During the plaintiff’s employment, Franklin Pediatrics employed four medical
`assistants to assist the five physicians who treated patients at the clinic. The plaintiff was
`supervised by Debra Danowski, the clinic’s practice manager.
`The plaintiff suffers from bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and
`anxiety and attention deficient disorder. These conditions cause her to become severely
`depressed, to feel isolated, and to have panic attacks. To treat her symptoms, the plaintiff
`takes several medications that make her extremely drowsy and sedated.
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`Background to Claim of Failure to Accommodate/Termination on the Basis
`of Disability
`On January 26, 2018, Danowski met with the plaintiff to discuss several issues
`with her job performance, including Danowski’s observation that the plaintiff had
`frequently been arriving late for her scheduled shifts. When the plaintiff explained that the
`side effects of her medications caused her to oversleep, Danowski asked her whether it
`would help to move her scheduled start time from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The plaintiff said
`that it would. The plaintiff also expressed interest in starting even later, at 10:00 a.m. She
`believed that some of the physicians at the clinic did not start seeing patients until 10:00
`a.m., and she asked to be the medical assistant assigned to the later-starting physician
`each day. However, the meeting ended with Danowski’s agreeing to move the plaintiff’s
`scheduled start time to 9:00 a.m.
`Besides requiring her to take medications that caused her to oversleep, the
`plaintiff’s mental conditions interfered with her ability to work in other respects. The
`plaintiff would experience “flare ups” of her conditions while at work that would cause
`severe anxiety or depression. Sometimes, when these flare-ups occurred, the plaintiff
`would have to abruptly leave work for the day. See Torres Dep. at 69–72. On other
`occasions, the plaintiff would experience depression or anxiety before work and be unable
`to report for her shift at all. Id. at 74–75.
`On February 16, 2018, the plaintiff submitted a request to Children’s third-party
`administrator to take intermittent leave, as needed, when she experienced flare-ups of
`her conditions. The plaintiff included a certification from her psychiatrist, Dr. Raymond
`Moy, with her request. Under Children’s policy for administering family and medical leave
`and requests for accommodation of a disability, this was the first step in receiving such
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`leave or an accommodation. Under the policy, the third-party administrator could grant
`leave under the FMLA (or Wisconsin’s version of the FMLA) without consulting Danowski
`or anyone else at the clinic. However, the third-party administrator could not grant a
`reasonable accommodation without receiving input from Danowski or other Children’s
`On March 2, 2018, a meeting was held to discuss the plaintiff’s request for
`intermittent leave. The plaintiff and Danowski attended this meeting, as did Christine
`Prud’Homme (from Children’s human-resources department) and a representative from
`Children’s third-party administrator. After discussing the plaintiff’s need for an
`accommodation beyond her 9:00 a.m. start time, the meeting participants agreed that the
`plaintiff would be permitted to arrive late for, or miss entirely, up to eight of her shifts each
`month without penalty when her health conditions prevented her from working. With this
`accommodation in place, the plaintiff could arrive late for work, leave early, or be absent
`for an entire shift, up to eight times per month, provided that Children’s third-party
`administrator determined that the absence or late arrival was related to her medical
`condition. Under the terms of the accommodation, the plaintiff was expected to notify both
`Danowski and the third-party administrator each time she needed to use her leave.
`Further, the plaintiff was expected to inform Danowski at least one hour prior to the
`scheduled start of her shift that she would be using leave so that Danowski could attempt
`to reassign the plaintiff’s responsibilities to other employees. Children’s agreed to provide
`this accommodation to the plaintiff until August 8, 2018. It was hoped that, by then, the
`plaintiff would no longer need the accommodation because a revised treatment plan that
`Dr. Moy had started her on would be successful.
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 4 of 33 Document 35
`While Children’s employed the plaintiff, it maintained an attendance policy under
`which an unexcused absence or late arrival qualified as an “occurrence.” The policy
`recommended that the employee receive corrective action after accruing certain numbers
`of occurrences. For example, after the fourth occurrence, the employee should receive
`counseling about his or her attendance. The recommended corrective action increased
`in severity as the employee accrued more occurrences. The policy recommended that
`the employee be suspended or terminated after accruing 9 or more occurrences in a
`rolling 12-month period.
`Once the plaintiff’s leave program was approved, Danowski did not count the
`plaintiff’s absences or late arrivals as occurrences under the attendance policy so long as
`the third-party administrator deemed them to be within the scope of the plaintiff’s medical
`leave. However, Danowski continued to track the plaintiff’s attendance, and she assessed
`occurrences for any absences or late arrivals that the third-party administrator did not
`Danowski found it very difficult to manage the plaintiff’s leave. She found it hard to
`properly staff the clinic when the plaintiff could miss up to 75% of her 12–13 shifts per
`month. Further, the plaintiff consistently failed to provide Danowski one hour’s notice of
`when she would be late or not coming in at all. According to Danowski’s records, the
`plaintiff failed to provide one hour’s notice for her absences and late arrivals on 40
`occasions. Often, Danowski had to call the plaintiff after the scheduled start of her shift to
`determine whether the plaintiff intended to report for work at all. When the plaintiff did
`inform Danowski of her need to use leave, she often was unable to indicate when she
`would arrive. Danowski did not count the plaintiff’s late notices as occurrences under the
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`attendance policy, but she did keep track of them so that she could factor them into any
`future evaluation of whether the leave program would be continued.
`On July 6, 2018, Danowski and Prud’Homme met with the plaintiff to discuss her
`accommodations. Danowski informed her that her leave was proving very difficult to
`manage in large part because of how little notice she provided when she was not able to
`work, which made it difficult for Danowski to properly staff the clinic. Danowski and
`Prud’Homme informed the plaintiff that she could reapply for intermittent leave after it
`expired on August 8, 2018. But Danowski stated that, if the plaintiff reapplied, Danowski
`would have to evaluate the reasonableness of the request and that she would be unlikely
`to recommend continuing to grant the plaintiff up to eight excused absences per month.
`Danowski stated that she could, however, continue to provide the plaintiff with a 9:00 a.m.
`start time.
`By the middle of August 2018, the plaintiff had accrued 10 occurrences under the
`attendance policy. None of these occurrences were assessed for absences that were
`excused under the plaintiff’s leave program; instead, each occurrence represented an
`instance in which the plaintiff was late or absent and the third-party administrator did not
`certify that the attendance violation was related to her mental condition. Because the
`attendance policy recommended termination after 9 absences, Children’s could have
`terminated the plaintiff at this time. However, on August 14, 2018, Danowski and
`Prud’Homme met with the plaintiff and delivered a performance warning in lieu of
`termination. But they made clear that if the plaintiff continued to accrue occurrences, the
`next step would be termination.
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 6 of 33 Document 35
`On September 19, 2018, Children’s third-party administrator renewed the plaintiff’s
`intermittent leave program in modified form. Under the renewed leave program, which ran
`from September 18, 2018 through December 31, 2018, the plaintiff was granted a total of
`48 hours’ leave that she could use as needed. The renewal of the plaintiff’s leave came
`as a surprise to Danowski, who had not been consulted. On September 20, 2018,
`Danowski wrote an email to the third-party administrator in which she asked why the leave
`was approved without her input. The administrator told her that because the plaintiff had
`become eligible for leave under Wisconsin’s version of the FMLA, the administrator could
`approve such leave without supervisor approval. The administrator stated that, after
`December 31, 2018, when the plaintiff exhausted her FMLA-style leave, Children’s would
`reassess whether to grant the plaintiff additional leave as a reasonable accommodation.
`Danowski stated in response that, because of the difficulty in managing the plaintiff’s
`leave, she intended to “lobby not to approve any additional leave” once the plaintiff
`exhausted her FMLA-style leave. See Danowski Dep. Ex. 24.
`From September through December 2018, the plaintiff continued to be frequently
`late or absent. Many of these attendance infractions were excused under the leave
`program, but the plaintiff also accrued several absences that were not excused and thus
`qualified as occurrences under the attendance policy.
`On January 10, 2019, the plaintiff contacted Children’s third-party administrator to
`seek another extension of her leave program. At this time, the plaintiff was not eligible for
`leave under either the Wisconsin FMLA or the federal FMLA, and thus any additional
`leave would have to come in the form of a reasonable accommodation under the ADA.
`On January 11, 2019, the third-party administrator sent the plaintiff a letter stating that,
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 7 of 33 Document 35
`before it could evaluate her request for an accommodation, it would need to receive an
`updated certification from her medical provider. It advised her that it must receive the
`certification by January 26, 2019. The plaintiff then contacted Dr. Moy’s office and was
`told that the doctor had received the certification request from the third-party
`administrator. But on January 19, 2019, the third-party administrator contacted the plaintiff
`and told her that it had yet to receive the certification from Dr. Moy. On January 23, 2019,
`the third-party administrator sent a letter to the plaintiff in which it extended the deadline
`to receive the certification until January 30. But the certification was never received, and
`on January 31, 2019, the third-party administrator sent a letter to the plaintiff informing
`her that her request for an accommodation was denied because the medical certification
`was not received. On February 4, 2020, the plaintiff contacted Dr. Moy’s office and was
`told that the doctor did not fill out the paperwork because he was in the process of closing
`his practice.
`Because the plaintiff’s request to extend the intermittent leave program was denied
`for failure to submit the medical certification, the third-party administrator never contacted
`Danowski to obtain her input on extending the leave program. However, the record
`indicates that, had the administrator asked for Danowski’s input, she would have opposed
`extending the program. As noted above, Danowski informed the administrator in
`September 2018 that she was likely to lobby against an extension of the program when
`the plaintiff’s FMLA-style leave expired. Further, Danowski drafted an internal document
`known as an “SBAR” in which she detailed the difficulties she experienced in properly
`staffing the clinic while the plaintiff was using intermittent leave, and in which she
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 8 of 33 Document 35
`recommended not approving additional leave once the plaintiff’s FMLA-style leave
`expired. See Danowski Dep. Ex. 22.
`Beginning in January 2019, when the plaintiff’s leave expired, all her late arrivals,
`early departures, and unexcused absences began to be counted as occurrences under
`the attendance policy. By February 14, 2019, the plaintiff had accrued eleven occurrences
`over a rolling 12-month period. At that point, Danowski met with Prud’Homme, and they
`decided to terminate the plaintiff’s employment. They intended to inform the plaintiff of
`her termination in person when she arrived for her shift on February 19, 2019. However,
`the plaintiff did not report for her shift that day, thus incurring a twelfth occurrence.
`Because the plaintiff did not report to work, Danowski called the plaintiff to inform her that
`she had been terminated. Danowski gave the plaintiff the option of resigning in lieu of
`The next day, the plaintiff sent an email to Danowski stating that her absence the
`day before was caused by her bipolar disorder. The plaintiff asked Danowski to
`accommodate her by granting her time to see her new psychiatrist and allowing the
`psychiatrist to submit the paperwork necessary for the third-party administrator to process
`her leave request. The plaintiff said that her appointment with the psychiatrist was
`scheduled for March 4, 2018. After receiving this email, Danowski attempted to call the
`plaintiff, but the plaintiff did not answer. Instead, she texted Danowski and said that she
`was not available to talk over the phone.
`In a letter dated February 21, 2019, Danowski informed the plaintiff that her
`employment was terminated because of her history of poor attendance. The letter stated
`that the plaintiff had accrued 12 occurrences over the past 12 months and identified each
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`occurrence. None of the cited occurrences involved a late arrival or absence that had
`been excused under the plaintiff’s leave program.
`Background to Claim of Hostile Work Environment
`The plaintiff contends that her coworkers subjected her to a hostile work
`environment because of her disabilities while she worked at Franklin Pediatrics. On March
`26, 2018, the plaintiff asked to meet with Danowski. During the meeting, the plaintiff told
`Danowski that she thought she was being “nitpicked” by her coworkers and that they were
`“bullying” her. Torres Dep. at 76–77. By “bullying,” she meant that her coworkers would
`look at her social media account and then criticize her for making posts about her other
`part-time job, which was bartending. Id. at 77. The plaintiff told Danowski that she
`understood that some of her coworkers were not aware that she had a mental disorder,
`but that she felt like they were “shunning” her or “looking down on” her because she used
`so much leave. Id. at 78. Danowski told the plaintiff that her coworkers were frustrated
`with her because they felt like they must work harder and with less assistance due to her
`attendance. Danowski told the plaintiff to look at the shadow she cast, by which Danowski
`apparently meant that the plaintiff should pay attention to how she portrayed herself to
`her coworkers. See Danowski Decl. Ex. 2. Danowski told the plaintiff that she expected
`all employees to maintain professional relationships with each other but that being friends
`or even liking each other does not have to be part of that relationship. Id. Danowski then
`asked the plaintiff what she wanted to see changed or how she would like to see the work
`environment improve. Id. The plaintiff said that she was not sure but that she felt like she
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 10 of 33 Document 35
`was doing her job correctly. Id. The plaintiff asked Danowski what Danowski could do to
`help her, and Danowski said that she would think about it and identify her next steps. Id.
`That afternoon, Danowski contacted Prud’Homme to tell her about her
`conversation with the plaintiff and to discuss how she might address the plaintiff’s
`concerns. They decided that Danowski should speak with the plaintiff’s coworkers about
`appropriate workplace behavior and work with them on how to manage their frustrations
`over the plaintiff’s unreliable attendance. Danowski also intended to follow up with the
`plaintiff to clarify what she considered to be bullying and to solicit feedback from her about
`what might alleviate her concerns. Danowski Decl. ¶ 28 & Ex. 2. Thereafter, Danowski
`had one-on-one conversations with the plaintiff’s coworkers “to discuss communicating
`with respect and maintaining professional relationships in the workplace as it relates to
`their interactions with [the plaintiff], regardless of her work attendance or any other
`issues.” Id. ¶ 29.
`On June 26, 2018, Danowski asked to meet with the plaintiff to discuss concerns
`about her job performance. The concerns included a family’s complaint about her bedside
`manner, and physicians’ concerns regarding delays in performing labs and rooming
`patients and their not being able to find the plaintiff during her shifts. During the meeting,
`the plaintiff reiterated her belief that she was being nitpicked and bullied by her coworkers.
`She also said that she thought that her position at Franklin Pediatrics was not a good fit
`and expressed interest in finding other employment options in the Children’s system.
`Danowski advised the plaintiff to contact Prud’Homme, who managed human resources
`for Children’s, to see whether other employment options were available.
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 11 of 33 Document 35
`Later that day, the plaintiff called Prud’Homme and expressed interest in applying
`for a different position. Prud’Homme advised the plaintiff that she could search for open
`positions on the Internet. The plaintiff also told Prud’Homme that she felt like she was
`being bullied by her coworkers at Franklin Pediatrics. See Torres Dep. at 91. When
`Prud’Homme asked the plaintiff what she meant by “bullying,” the plaintiff was unable to
`elaborate. Id. But then when Prud’Homme asked for an example of bullying, the plaintiff
`said that her coworkers “make comments about mental disease,” “shun” her, and refuse
`to help her do her job. Id. at 91–92. The plaintiff also told Prud’Homme that her coworkers
`“nitpick” the way she does her job and sometimes fail to say good morning to her or
`otherwise acknowledge her presence in the office. Id. at 92. Prud’Homme told the plaintiff
`that the behavior she was describing sounded more like incivility than bullying. Id. At this
`point, the plaintiff became irritated and felt like her concerns were being dismissed. Id. at
`During the following months, Danowski gave several presentations to staff
`members regarding bullying and proper treatment of coworkers. On July 19, 2018,
`Danowski conducted an all-staff meeting during which she provided training and guidance
`about bullying and incivility. She explained that Children’s would not tolerate bullying in
`the workplace and would address any instances of bullying that came to management’s
`attention to prevent it from recurring. On September 17, 2018, at another all-staff meeting,
`Danowski gave a presentation entitled “Bullying Prevention: Creating a Professional
`Working Environment.” The presentation explained how to treat co-workers with
`professionalism, ways to create a positive work environment, and identified available
`resources for those who might be subject to bullying. Finally, at an all-staff meeting held
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 12 of 33 Document 35
`on November 15, 2018, Danowski spoke about integrity and reiterated Children’s
`expectation that employees treat others with respect and compassion.
`The plaintiff does not describe any incidents in which her coworkers made insulting
`comments to her about mental disease or any other disability or health condition.
`However, she points to two instances in which she thought her coworkers expressed
`disdain for people with mental conditions. First, the plaintiff describes a staff meeting
`during which an employee indicated that she would sometimes have panic attacks before
`coming to work. When Danowski asked whether anyone else had a similar experience,
`the plaintiff said that she did. She then said that she wakes up every morning wondering
`whether she should come to work or kill herself. Torres Dep. at 96. Someone in the
`meeting responded to her comment by saying, “Well, that’s a little extreme.” Id. The
`plaintiff considered this comment demeaning. Second, the plaintiff describes an instance
`in which coworkers were gossiping about one of the clinic’s physicians. The physician
`had what the plaintiff described as a “meltdown” in the clinic one day earlier. Torres Dep.
`at 78–79. The plaintiff believed that this doctor had bipolar disorder, and she thought that
`her coworkers were insulting people with mental disease by describing the doctor as
`having “flipped out.” Id.
`Background to Retaliation Claim
`The plaintiff also alleges that Children’s retaliated against her for either seeking
`reasonable accommodations or applying for FMLA leave. Primarily, she claims that
`Children’s retaliated against her by terminating her employment, but she also points to
`other alleged retaliatory acts. In this regard, she notes that Danowski often questioned
`the validity of the plaintiff’s leave requests and that this worked to dissuade her from
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 13 of 33 Document 35
`enforcing her rights under the ADA and the FMLA. Id. Finally, the plaintiff accuses
`Danowski of falsifying attendance records to make it appear as though the plaintiff
`reported late to two shifts when she had actually arrived on time. Id.
`* * *
`Children’s now moves for summary judgment on all the plaintiff’s claims.
` Summary judgment is required where “there is no genuine dispute as to any
`material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ. P.
`56(a). When considering a motion for summary judgment, I view the evidence in the light
`most favorable to the non-moving party and must grant the motion if no reasonable juror
`could find for that party. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 248, 255 (1986).
`Failure to Provide a Reasonable Accommodation
`Section 12112(a) of the ADA prohibits employers from discriminating “against a
`qualified individual on the basis of disability in regard to job application procedures, the
`hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training,
`and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.” 42 U.S.C. § 12112(a). To
`prove a violation of § 12112(a), a plaintiff must show that: (1) she was disabled; (2) she
`was otherwise qualified to perform the essential functions of the job with or without
`reasonable accommodation; (3) she suffered an adverse employment action; and (4) the
`adverse action was caused by her disability. See, e.g., Kurtzhals v. County of Dunn, 969
`F.3d 725, 728 (7th Cir. 2020).
`In the present case, the parties agree that the plaintiff’s mental conditions are
`disabilities. The defendant moves for summary judgment on the ground that the plaintiff
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 14 of 33 Document 35
`was not qualified to perform the essential functions of her job with or without reasonable
`accommodation. The defendant contends that regular attendance and punctuality were
`essential functions of a medical assistant at Franklin Pediatrics, and that the plaintiff could
`not perform those functions with or without reasonable accommodation.
`The plaintiff does not dispute that regular attendance and punctuality were
`essential functions of her position. And the Seventh Circuit has repeatedly recognized
`that regular attendance is an essential function of most jobs. See, e.g., Whitaker v. Wis.
`Dep’t of Health Servs., 849 F.3d 681, 684–85 (7th Cir. 2017); Preddie v. Bartholomew
`Consol. Sch. Corp., 799 F.3d 806, 813–14 (7th Cir. 2015); Taylor-Novotny v. Health
`Alliance Med. Plans, Inc., 772 F.3d 478, 489–90 (7th Cir. 2014); Basden v. Prof’l Transp.,
`Inc., 714 F.3d 1034, 1037 (7th Cir. 2013). There is no evidence in the record suggesting
`that the job of medical assistant is an unusual one in which regular attendance is not an
`essential function. Indeed, because a medical assistant meets with patients and assists
`physicians in a clinical setting, it would be impossible to perform the job without coming
`into work when scheduled. Thus, regular attendance and punctuality were essential
`functions of the plaintiff’s position.
`The plaintiff contends that she could have performed the essential functions of her
`job if Children’s would have accommodated her in various respects. In her brief, she
`identifies several potential accommodations: (1) allowing her to arrive late, leave early, or
`miss shifts entirely when her disability or medications prevented her from working, (2)
`scheduling her shifts to begin at 10:00 a.m. or allowing her to work exclusively half-days
`in the afternoons, and (3) transferring her to a position in which she worked at the front
`desk. I address each potential accommodation in turn.
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 15 of 33 Document 35
`Permitting sporadic attendance
`The plaintiff first contends that Children’s should have accommodated her by
`continuing to excuse her absences and late arrivals when her mental conditions flared up
`or her medications caused her to oversleep. The plaintiff does not specify the number of
`absences or late arrivals she would have required each month, and she submits no
`evidence from a psychiatrist or other medical provider indicating how often she could have
`been expected to miss work. But based on her track record during her tenure at Franklin
`Pediatrics, the only reasonable conclusion is that the plaintiff would have required a
`substantial number of late arrivals and absences per month. During the six months in
`which she was allowed up to eight excused attendance infractions per month, the plaintiff
`used medical leave to arrive late or be absent for 25 of her 79 shifts. ECF No. 28-8 (report
`stating that between February 9, 2018 and August 8, 2018, plaintiff used medical leave
`to cover 25 of 79 shifts). Further, during the same period, the plaintiff was absent or late
`for reasons unrelated to her medical condition nine times. See ECF No. 28-7 (list of
`occurrences showing absences or late arrivals occurred on nine dates between March 9,
`2018 and July 27, 2018). Thus, it appears that the plaintiff would have needed enough
`sporadic leave to cover at least one-third of her shifts each month. And because there is
`no indication that the plaintiff’s mental condition is temporary, her need for this leave
`would likely have continued for as long as she held the job.
`Another aspect of the plaintiff’s proposed accommodation is that she be excused
`from providing notice to the clinic when she needs to use leave. Recall that when
`Children’s initially allowed the plaintiff to miss shifts up to eight times per month, the
`company asked her to provide the clinic with one hour’s notice whenever she intended to
`Case 2:19-cv-01491-LA Filed 11/30/20 Page 16 of 33 Document 35
`use medical leave. The purpose of the notice requirement was to enable the clinic to
`reassign the work the plaintiff was expected to perform. But the plaintiff seldom provided
`one hour’s notice, and often Danowski would have to call her after her shift began to
`determine whether she would be coming in. In her brief, the plaintiff now contends that
`Children’s should have accommodated her further by excusing her from having to provide
`one hour’s notice of her absences and late arrivals.1 See Br. in Opp. at 18. The plaintiff
`notes that she was given a late start time precisely because her medications caused her
`to oversleep, and she contends that it was impossible for her to consistently provide one
`hour’s notice of her absences. Essentially, then, the plaintiff contends that the ADA
`required Children’s to have allowed her to arrive late or miss shifts several times per
`month without informing the clinic ahead of time so that it could attempt to reassign her
`duties to other employees.
`Clearly, however,
`the ADA did not require
`this result. “A
`accommodation’ is one that allows the disabled employee to ‘perform the essential
`functions of the employment position.’” Severson v. Heartland Woodcraft, Inc., 872 F.3d
`476, 481 (7th Cir. 2017) (quoting 42 U.S.C. § 12111(8)). In this case, as discussed, the
`essential functions of the plaintiff’s position included regular attendance and punctua