

`CLINICAL Irnvnazw1
`505 b (2) NBA
`Application Type
`Submission Number 22196
`Submission Code
`000 .
`Letter Date November 20, 2007
`Stamp Date November 20, 2007
`PDUFA Goal Date September 19, 2008
`June Cai, MD
`Reviewer Name
`Review Completion Date August 6, 2008
`Established Name Zolpidem tartrate
`(Proposed) Trade Name ZolpiMistTM Lingual Spray
`Therapeutic Class Hypnotics
`Applicant NovaDel Pharmaceuticals Inc.
`Priority Designation
`Formulation Oral Spray
`Dosing Regimen
`5mg per spray:
`-Adults: 10mg immediately before
`-Elderly: 5mg
`-With hepatic impairment: 5mg
`Indication Short-term treatment of insomnia
`Intended Population Adults and elderly


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, M.D.
`NDA 22196 5-0“)
`Table of Contents
`Recommendation on Regulatory Action..........................................................................................4
`Risk Benefit Assessment ............................................................................
`Recommendations for Postmarketing Risk Management Activities...
`Recommendatiom for other Pom Marketing Study Commitments ........
`Other Phase IV Commitments ............................................................
`* Product Information..................................................................................................................................4
`Availability of Proposed Active Ingredient in the United States..............................................................5
`Currently Available Treatments for Proposed Indication and Important Safety Issues with Consideration
`Summary of Preeubmission Regulatory Activity Related to Submission..................................................6
`Other Relevant Background Information ...................................................................................................6
`ETHICS AND GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICES..................m..................._..-....«........................'...7
`Submission Quality and Integrity ...................
`.... ..
`. ..
`Compliance with Good Clinical Practices...
`Financial Disclosures........................................................................................................................7
`Chomstry' Manufacturing and Controls ....u........................7
`Preclimcal' Pharmacology/row.....................
`Clinical Pharmacology .......................................
`Pharmacodymics .................................................................
`Table of Clinical Studies .........................................................................
`Review Strategy.......................................
`Discussion of Individual Studies ............................................................................................................ lo
`Methods ................................................................................................................................................. ll
`7. i. 1
`Clinical Studies Used to Evaluate Safety.....
`. .
`7. l .2
`Adequacy ofDan.............................................................................. 12
`Pooling Data Across Studies to Estimate and Compue Incidence................ .............. 12
`Adequacy of Safety Assessments.................. ....
`................_............................. ................
`7.2.1 mamawmmmafiurm
`Explaatiorn for Dose Response ........................................................................................13
`Ramble Clinical Tampa...”................................................................................. 13
`7.2.4 Metabolic, Chance, and Interaction Workup ..........................................................14
`Evaluation forPotentialAdverseEvutsforSimichrupian; Class ................................ 14
`Major Safety Results .............................................................................................. 14
`7.3.1 Deans.................................................................................... 14
`...-.............................. 14
`7.3.2 Noam! Serious Adverse Evens ......
`7.3.3 Dropoutsmd/or Discontinuaione..- ................................................................................................14
`(idler Significant Adverse Evans”:............................................................................14


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22196 8-000
`' Submission Specific Primary Safety Concerns...................................................................................14
`Supportive Safety Results............................................................. 15
`Common Adverse Events"
`................... 15
`74. 1
`Special Safety Studies....................... 17
`lmmmmeity ............................
`......................................... 17
`Other Safety Exploration ............................................................
`Doee Dependency for Adverse Evens........................................................
`Time Dependency for Adverse Events ...............................................
`Drug-Demographic Interactions”................................
`7.5.4 Dug-Disease Interactions...............
`Drug-Drug interactions................
`..................... 18
`Additional Safety Explorations......
`Human Carcinogenicity ..................................
`............. 18
`Human Reproduction and PregnaneyData... . ..
`Pediatrics and Effect on Growth ..............................
`Overdose, Drug Abuse Potential, Withdrawal and Rebomd.................
`Additional Submissions ............................................................................................................... l9
`. .
`Literature Review/Reference: ...-.........................................................................................................20
`Labeling Recommenduions ..............
`Advisory Committee Meeting .................
`Appears This Way
`On Original


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22196 8.000
`1 Recommendations/Risk Benefit Assessment
`1.1 Recommendation on Regulatory Action
`From clinical perspective, I recommend the Division taking an approval action for this NDA
`supplement if other aspects of data are sufficient, including inspection fiom the Agency Division ‘
`of Scientific Inspection.
`1.2 Risk Benefit Assessment
`Despite potential risks, this application appears to demonstrate sufficient benefit outweighing
`risks ifthe data quality and reliability are sufficient
`1.3 Recommendations for Postmarketing Risk Management Activities
`In addition to Medication Guide, periodic poshnarketinn surveillance for adverse events and
`abuse potential
`em..."rm" :seeaistm‘legitimise
`1.4 Recommendations for other Post Mariana: Study Comments
`None from clinical point of view. -
`1.5 Other Phase IV Commitments
`None from clinical point ofview.
`Introduction and Regulatory Background
`2.1 Product Information
`ZohiMist‘n' isamdosnpmdfosmulntioncfaolpidemtutmflAmbienMWRkhehanH
`. name is MMG—trinwtltyl—ZynolylimidueflJ-a] pyridine~34cemide L-(+)-tarttate (2:1), a non-
`benaodiuapine hypnotic ofthe imidazopyridine class.


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22196 8-000
`2.2 Availability of Proposed Active Ingredient in the United States
`Zolpidem We isthe active ingredientond itisan FDA approvedand marketed drugand
`readily available in the US.
`2.3 Currently Available Treatments for Proposed Indication and Imports-t Safety Issues
`with Consideration
`Below is a list ofproducts that have been approved for dais indication since 1970.
`Benzodiapapincs -EME- Paradoxical effect
`_rnm:- wimalooholandoromérCNs
`_t:z_ «MAmionandm
`Ambieu CR zolpidem
`disinhibitive behaviors, changesIn
`slow release
`’Brand more manuficmring discontinued by he sponor, Abbott for cornrnercialtenors. V
`Chloral hydrate (one ofthe brand names is Noctec) has also been used from very old days for
`treannernofinsomniaaswellassedation. lthnbeenusedinbotlradultsardchildtethsmain
`issues include cardiac arrhythmias of all forms including prolonged QT, torsodes de points, and
`cardiac arrest when used in combination with other drugs that have the some cardiac toxicities,
`hallucinations or confirsion, and prolonged bleeding when interacting with comedin.
`sedetivelhypnotic drugs in elderly mid/0t debiliwedpoiients.
`Merry off-label treatments are also used clinically, such a antihistamines, certain entipsychotin,
`andsonreantidepreseems. MmyofdrnecnryvaionsimifiMsideefl'eemNoneofme
`avoilobletreonnentforproposed mdicationnasonlsprey fortnulation.


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22196 8000
`b 2
`.4 Summary of Presuhnsission Regulatory Activity Related to Salli-laden
`The sponsor conducted studies under 1ND #71290. A pro-1ND meeting was held on August 31,
`2005. The meeting addressed the product development progran including issues of CMC, non-
`clinical and clinical pharmacology as well as labeling.
`For the clinical program, the Division informed the sponsor the following:
`0 Either strict bioequivalence or a bracketing appromh using the approved 5 and 10 mg
`doses ofAmbien with PK values that fall between the approved ranges at all times was
`0 Evaluation ofthe PK profile ofthe recommended dose (5mg) for the geriatric population
`is expected.
`o For a claim of acute use for short-term insomnia, a single placebo—controlled study with
`a lower dose (3-4 mg) of zolpidem lingual spray should be considered, in which both
`subjective time to falling back to sleep at home and the objective time to fall back to
`sleep alter artificial awakening in the sleep lab arecvaluated simultaneously.
`O A standard evaluation ofthe next morning residual drug effects should also be conducted
`including evaluation ofefl‘ect on driving behavior, which could be achieved by measure
`of pre- and poa- treatment simulated driving eye-land coordination
`Additionally, the Agency informed the sponsor ofthe responsibility to look at combinations of
`drugs, specifically a study ofthou patients who take chronic medications for sleep maintenance,
`but with mid-insomnia. For this, our requests are as follows:
`0 The lingual spray wouldbeusedtomanagethebreaktluough effects.
`0 Standardmeasuresofnext-dayresidual efl'ectsshouldbeincluded, esp.observationsfor
`potential residual effects on driving behavior, which could be evaluated by establishing
`the subjects’ simulated driving eyeolmrd coordination, then measuring it alter study drug
`0 This could possibly be approached a operhlabel safety study in outpatients ifa labeling
`claim for efficacy of sublingual zolpidem in combination is not considered.
`Afterwards, on Sept. 22, 2006, the Division. commie-wed some concerns regarding dosage used
`in non-clinical studiesandtiming ofexarnine aninrsloralmucosa, some issues intheClB, and
`revisions needed in clinical pharmacology perspective. The sponsor responded to the Division
`letterenNovember?‘,2006andagreedtoallelinicalconunents. No firrtherrelateddiscussion
`wasmadebetweenthen andNDA submission.
`1hisNDAnumberwasassignedonMeyl4,2007. Mwasnopre-NDAmeet'mg.
`2.5 mmmnumu-dm


`Clinicid Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22l96 8-000
`On Oct. 30, 2007, the sponsor communicated to the Agency regarding video submission fix oral
`irfitafionstudyhnrasaspatofflnefinalstudynpomhowever, itdidnotsatisfyflneAgency
`pharm-tox review (verbalcommunication with Melissa Banks, PhD) Further clarification was
`made'in the 74-day letter.
`3 Ethics and Good Clinical Practices
`3.1 Submission Quality
`Generally speaking, the submission quality is acceptable.
`3.2 Compliance with Good Clinical Practices
`Review fi'om BS] is still pending (Please see 08] review for details.)
`Thae'ns no financial disclosure for the two Principal Investigator, Luis Angles, M.D.
`(responsible for Study 001) and Evin Henderson Sides, III. MD. (responsible for Studies 002,
`003, and 004)- See Section 5.1 Table of Clinical Stndifi for details.
`4 Significant Efficacy/Safety Issues Related to Other Review Disciplines
`4.1 Chenktry Manufacturing and Controls
`There is no problematic issue fi'om chemistry point of view. For details, please see chemistry
`review conducted by the Agency Chemistry Reviewer, Shastri Bhamidipati, PhD.
`4,2 Preclinical Pharmacology/Toxicology
`Nonoclinical PK daa are mentially from three studies: MVRvMI, MVR-042, mm.
`For detniis, please m phamacology-toxieolofl review condncud by the Agency
`Phalnacology-Toxieoiogy Reviewer Melissa Banks, PhD.
`4.3 CWPhermacology
`Below are briefsnnnmayofpharmacodynmnicendphermaeokm information submitted by
`thesponsor. Fordetailednview,pleasembiophamecoiogynviewconductedbyflneAgency
`Biopharnaeeufieal Science Reviewer, Japeg Pnrepeily, PhD.


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22196 $000
`Zolpidem induces sleep through GABA—benzodiazepine receptor complexes. In pilot Studies
`001 and 2, ZolpiMist was evaluated with Stanford Sleepiness Sealer (SSS) and Digital Symbol
`Substitution Test (DSST) before and after treatments that showed similar sleep effect compared
`to that ofzolpidem; Study 003 and 004, DSST and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were
`administered before and after neannents as assessment to show similar effect to that of zolpidem.
`After oral administration, zolpidem tablets absorbed rapidly and extensively and then undergoes
`hepatic first--pass embolism. The oral bioavailability ofzolprdemin human'rs reported as
`approximately 70%.
`The sponsor reports that the first pilot study (00]) demonstrated linearity of PK in the dose range
`of2.5m: to 10mg; The second pilot study (002) demonstrated that food delays absorption of
`ZolpiMist; The two definitive PK studies (003 and 004) demonstrated comparable PK
`parameters to those of zolpidem tablets, in both adults and elderly.
`The key PK parameters from definitive PK studies are displayed in the following table.
`Table 2. Comparisonof Key Pharmaeoklnetle Parameters of ZolpiMist
`in Young Versus Elderly Subjects (mbmitted by the sponsor)
`_.39&60m§) marina)
`, 11.2“ “1.1411; ”momma,
`With ngardtomaaboliumZoipidanmissubmmflymetabolbedmainlyfiuuCYP
`metabolism smdieausingbunanfivermierosomesmdieaediatthebiomnsformafionof
`zolpidern by cytochrome P450 (CY?) isoenzymes mainly involves CYP3A4 isobrms, which
`appeartoaeeountforapproximflelyéfiofzolpidun chance. Amongotherisoforms,
`CWisesfinmdtoaeemmformofzolpidem elearanee, CYP1A2 for 14%,and


`Clinical Review
`June Cai, MD.
`NDA 22196 8-000
`29 iMist
`5 Sources of Clinical Data
`5.1 TableofClinieal Studies
`'l‘hctablcbelowpresentsthefourPKsmdieesubmittedforthisNDAwithatotalof96 subkcts.
`A Phase I study ofPK
`ofZolpidcm Lingual
`Spray compared tooral
`2.5, 5, and 10
`mg ofzolpimist year-old)
`Dose ranging, open-label,
`A pilot PK study of
`5-way crossover, 5 dosing
`zolpidcm lingual spray
`compared to oral tablet with 7:3 days washout
`in healthy male
`period, in both fed and
`fastin conditions
`A definitive PK Study
`Dose ranging. randomized,
`ofzolpidcm lingual
`open-label, 4-way
`spray compared to oral
`crossover, 4 dosing with
`tablet in healthy male
`. 7:1:3 days washout period,
`and. female volunteers
`under fastin condition
`A PK study of
`Randomized, open-label, 2-
`. zolpidem lingual spray way, 2 single treatment
`compared to oral tablet with 7:3 days washout
`in healthy elderly
`period; under fasting
`5 and 10 mg of
`zolpimist or 5
`and 10 mg
`Ambien tablets
`5 and 10 mg
`zolpimist or 5
`and 10 mg
`Ambien tablets
`14 (18-45
`48 (18-45
`These studies evaluate PK parameters over the different Studied doses and abo provide safety
`and tolmbility infonnan‘on about administrations of ZolpiMiat 'm healthy volunteers. Among
`them, Studies 003 and 004 are the two definitivelpivotal studies.
`Since this application mainly involves open-label PK- studies, the clinical review will focuson
`safetyofth‘isNDA, whiehwillbeachievedbymiewinsallfcwstudiesin Section7and
`Efficacyanddiscuss individual studiasmore indcpth innextsuhseetion 5.3.

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