Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 1 of 14 Page ID #:1
`Marina Lang, Cal. Bar No. 251,087
`Steven C. Sereboff, No. 156,731
`Brian S. Tamsut, No. 322,780
`310 N. Westlake Blvd., Suite 120
`Westlake Village, CA 91362-3788
`Phone: (805) 230-1350 • Fax: (805) 230-1355
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Bragg Live Food Products, LLC
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC, a
`Delaware limited liability company,
`National Fruit Product Company, In-
`corporated, a Virginia Corporation,
`and Does 1-10,
`No. 2:22-cv-584
` Complaint for Damages and Injunction:
`FRINGMENT [15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)(3)];
`U.S.C § 501];
`TION [15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)];
`Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200];
`Demand for Jury Trial
`Plaintiff Bragg Live Food Products, LLC (“Plaintiff” or “Bragg”) for its com-
`plaint against National Fruit Product Company, Incorporated (“White House"), and
`Does 1-10, alleges on information and belief as follows:
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 2 of 14 Page ID #:2
` [15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)(3)]
`1. Plaintiff Bragg Live Food Products, LLC (“Plaintiff” or “Bragg”) is a Dela-
`ware Limited Liability Company registered to do business in California with its pri-
`mary business located in this District, in Santa Barbara, California and a business ad-
`dress of PO Box 7, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, and it brings this action for federal trade
`dress infringement, federal copyright infringement, federal unfair competition, Cali-
`fornia unfair business practices, against National Fruit Product Company, Incorporated
`(“White House") and Does 1-10 (White House and Does 1-10 referred to herein sin-
`gularly as "Defendant" and collectively as "Defendants").
`2. Defendant, White House, is a Virginia corporation with a business address
`of 701 Fairmont Ave, Winchester, VA 22601, and it operates and does business
`throughout the United States, including in this District, under its trademarked name
`"White House."
`3. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action under 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1121 and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a) and (b) because Plaintiff’s federal claims
`arise under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq. and the Copyright Act 17 U.S.
`Code § 501 et seq. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s related
`common law of California claims under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1338(b) and 1367 because the
`state law claims relate to claims for unfair competition.
`4. This court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendants because they con-
`duct business in the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Central Dis-
`trict of California by offering goods for sale in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara
`counties, California.
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 3 of 14 Page ID #:3
`5. Bragg does not know the true names and capacities, whether individual,
`corporate, associate or otherwise of defendants Does 1–10. Therefore, they are sued
`by these fictitious names. Bragg will amend this pleading when the true names and
`capacities have been ascertained.
`6. Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b), because each De-
`fendant is a corporate entity subject to personal jurisdiction in this district.
`7. For over 100 years, Bragg has developed a reputation as an industry leader
`in organic foods, specifically Apple Cider Vinegar (“ACV”).
`8. For many decades, Bragg has used distinctive and novel features on its
`trade dress that were designed to distinguish Bragg's products from others in the mar-
`9. Founder Paul Bragg designed the Bragg labeling and trade dress to stand
`out from competing products. His inspiration for the Bragg labeling was drawn from
`event promotions popular in the early 1900s, including circus banners and similar
`commercial copy. This unique trade dress includes the distinctive use of the colors
`yellow, red, white, and black to construct certain labels consumers have come to
`know and love. For example, many Bragg labels include a distinctive yellow back-
`ground, a red bordering on labels and specific phrases such as the term “organic”
`written in white surrounded by red, the words “APPLE CIDER VINERGAR” written
`in bold, the phrase “with the mother” written in white and surrounded by red.
`10. Consumers have come to readily identify Bragg products by spotting the
`bright yellow coloring scheme on store shelving and in other commercial contexts
`such as on the web and in social media posts. The core elements of red, yellow,
`white, and red, and the arrangements of elements on the package has remained the
`same for several decades. Because of Bragg's extensive use of this distinctive trade
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 4 of 14 Page ID #:4
`dress on its products, and on its website and in advertising, Bragg enjoys national
`recognition and goodwill in this trade dress.
`11. Defendant White House is a relative newcomer to the ACV industry and
`first started selling ACV goods in or around 2016 using a predominantly green label
`as shown below:
`12. In or around 2019, White House launched new product labels and advertis-
`ing that demonstrate undisputed trade dress, trademark, and copyright infringement
`necessitating the instant lawsuit. White House intentionally adopted the same design,
`features, shape, colors, and configuration as Bragg's ACV products. The similarity be-
`tween essential features of both party’s designs is obvious, as evidenced by one, of
`many, examples shown below, and therefore this court must enjoin the defendant from
`offering such egregious competing trade dress meant to cause consumer confusion:
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 5 of 14 Page ID #:5
`13. Through its counsel, Bragg has sent numerous letters to Defendant White
`House demanding they cease developing and promoting similar product labels and ad-
`vertising campaigns. White House continues to infringe Bragg’s trade dress without
`14. White House ACV products are likely to cause consumers, the public and
`the trade to erroneously believe the goods they sell emanate or originate from Bragg,
`or that Bragg authorized, sponsored, or approved the goods. This confusion causes ir-
`reparable harm to Bragg and weakens the distinctive quality of Bragg's brand and prod-
`ucts. Defendant engages in trade dress infringement, federal copyright infringement,
`federal unfair competition, unlawful California business practices, and federal trade-
`mark infringement, by imitating and copying Bragg's products, advertising, packaging,
`and other unique designs, layout, color schemes, and wording that make up the distinc-
`tive total image and appearance of Bragg, and Bragg seeks injunctive relief, damages,
`treble damages, and its attorney’s fees and costs, and other relief authorized under fed-
`eral and state law.
`15. Bragg’s name, other logos and trade dress have been registered with the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office. Bragg’s mark has been used in commerce
`and associated with its ACV for many decades, and that mark is registered with the
`USPTO as shown below:
`tion date
`tion No.
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 6 of 14 Page ID #:6
`16. Bragg's copyrights for its label and packaging designs include its unusual
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`packaging configuration, artistic graphical choices, unique color blocking, cleverly
`placed and uniquely shaped banners, original photorealistic illustrations, and intention-
`ally and creatively arranged and sized frames, shapes, borders, font, color, designs,
`stylization, display, and impression that are original and create a unified original and
`creative work.
`17. White House's acts violate 15 U.S.C. § 1114, and Bragg has been and is
`likely to be damaged by these acts. Thus, Defendant is liable for the acts alleged herein
`directly, vicariously, and/or contributorily. Because Defendants' infringement, as al-
`leged herein, was intentional, willful, malicious, and done with full knowledge of
`Bragg’s marks, trade dress, and copyrights, with intent to trade on the goodwill therein
`and cause consumer confusion and deception, this action qualifies an exceptional case
`within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1117. Bragg is entitled to exemplary damages, at-
`torneys’ fees, costs, and pre-judgment interest pursuant to the Lanham Act.
`18. As a result of White House's acts as alleged herein, Bragg incurred damages
`in an amount to be proven at trial consisting of, inter alia, the diminution in the value
`and goodwill associated with its trademarks and trade dress, lost sales, and Defendants'
`profits attributable to infringement.
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584


`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 7 of 14 Page ID #:7
`[17 U.S.C. § 501]
`19. Bragg re-alleges and incorporates by reference its previous allegations.
`20. Bragg owns valid federal copyrights for its original, distinctive, unique, cre-
`ative, and artistic product packaging at Copyright Registration No. VA 2-100-029,
`Registration No. VA 2-261-376, Registration No. VA 2-261-365, Registration No. VA
`2-261-368, Registration No. VA 2-264-374, Registration No. VA 2-261-380, Registra-
`tion No. VA 2-261-379, copies of which are attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by
`21. Defendants committed copyright infringement by copying constituent ele-
`ments of Bragg's original protected works.
`22. Defendants' infringement was willful, because it copied Bragg's original
`work knowing that its conduct constitutes an act of infringement.
`23. Slight differences in color or size and uncopyrightable wording/lettering is
`no defense to Defendants' infringing conduct.
`24. At the time of Bragg's publication of its original creative works, the designs
`and labels used by Defendants did not resemble, copy, or look like Bragg's protected
`original works.
`25. After publication of Bragg's protected works in the public marketplace, de-
`fendants, without permission, intentionally and knowingly reproduced, counterfeited,
`copied, displayed, altered, and manufactured Bragg's protected work by offering, ad-
`vertising, promoting, retailing, selling, and distributing its ACV in product packaging
`and related promotional and advertising content copying the artwork and protected
`copyrightable material in Bragg's original work.
`26. Defendants copied Bragg's artwork protected under copyright commercial
`gain, and placed the artwork on its own labels, packaging, and advertising to be con-
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 8 of 14 Page ID #:8
`fusingly similar to Bragg's copyrighted artistic graphical choices, unique color block-
`ing, arbitrarily placed, stylized, sized and uniquely shaped banners, original photoreal-
`istic illustrations, and intentionally placed in differently sized frames, borders, texts
`and shapes that are original to Bragg and protected under their federal copyright regis-
`27. Plaintiff suffered damages. Because of Defendant’s copyright infringement,
`they earned profits they otherwise would not have earned.
`28. Plaintiff is also entitled to statutory damages under 17 U.S.C. § 504 of at
`least $30,000 per infringing work. Because Defendants’ infringement was willful, they
`are liable for statutory damages of $150,000 under 17 U.S.C. § 504(c)(2).
`[15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)]
`29. Bragg re-alleges and incorporates by reference its previous allegations.
`30. Defendant manufactures, distributes, sells, and/or offer for sale in commerce
`the White House ACV products, which unfairly compete with Bragg's ACV goods by
`offering, advertising, promoting, retailing, selling, and distributing ACV product that
`copy Bragg's marks, trade dress, copyrights, artwork and related protected material
`with the intent to dilute, blur, and tarnish the distinctive quality of Bragg marks, trade
`dress, and copyrights, cause confusion in the marketplace amongst consumers, and
`trade on Bragg’s reputation and goodwill created through more than a century of prod-
`uct sales.
`31. Defendant’s actions as alleged herein, individually and in combination, vio-
`late section 43(c) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a).
`32. Defendant’s conduct has weakened the ability of Bragg’s mark to readily
`identify and distinguish Bragg’s goods in the market. The White House products have
`blurred and tarnished Bragg’s mark by introducing an inferior yet confusingly similar
`product in stores and online.
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 9 of 14 Page ID #:9
`33. Because Defendant acted willfully and intentionally to trade on Bragg’s rep-
`utation and/or to cause dilution of Bragg’s trademarks and trade dress, Bragg is entitled
`to damages, exemplary damages, fees, and costs pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c)(2).
`34. As a result of Defendant’s acts, Bragg incurred damages in an amount to be
`proven at trial consisting of, inter alia, the diminution in the value and goodwill asso-
`ciated with its trademarks and trade dress, lost sales, and Defendant’s profits attributa-
`ble to infringement.
`35. Bragg re-alleges and incorporates by reference its previous allegations.
`36. Defendant has engaged in unfair competition under the Cal. Bus. & Prof.
`Code § 17200 by engaging in unlawful and unfair conduct, as described above and in
`this claim for relief. Defendant consciously redesigned its product packing and labels
`to imitate and copy that of Bragg's to create a likelihood of confusion in the health
`foods and gourmet grocery marketplace. Defendant’s acts are calculated to blur the
`distinction between their company and products and Bragg's well-known company and
`famed ACV products.
`37. By misappropriating and using Bragg’s protected marks, trade dress, copy-
`rights, label, artwork, design, and related protected works, Defendant misrepresented
`and falsely described to the public the origin and source of the products and created a
`likelihood of confusion by ultimate purchasers as to both the source and sponsorship
`of such product.
`38. Bragg has been and will continue to suffer damages and irreparable harm
`because of Defendant’s unfair competition unless defendants are enjoined from engag-
`ing in further such acts. As a proximate and foreseeable result of Defendant’s violations
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 10 of 14 Page ID #:10
`of the California unfair competition law, Bragg has been damaged in an amount pres-
`ently unknown. Defendants have unjustly earned profits that but for their acts com-
`plained of here, they would not have earned
`39. Defendant’s conduct was willful, because it copied Bragg’s original works
`knowing that its conduct constituted an act of infringement for its own commercial gain
`and placed it on its own labels, packaging, and advertising to be confusingly similar to
`Plaintiff Bragg’s copyrighted artistic graphical choices, unique color blocking, styl-
`ized, sized and uniquely shaped banners, and intentionally placed and differently sized
`frames, borders, texts and shapes that are original to Bragg.
`Request for Relief
`WHEREFORE, Bragg respectfully requests that the Court order judgment
`against Defendant for:
`An injunction ordering Defendant, their agents, servants, employees, and
`all other persons in privity or acting in concert with them be enjoined and restrained
`(a) using any reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation of
`the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and related packaging and logos, to
`identify any goods or the rendering of any services not authorized by Bragg;
`(b) engaging in any course of conduct likely to cause confusion, decep-
`tion or mistake, or injure Bragg’s business reputation or weaken the distinctive
`quality of the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and related packaging and
`(c) using a false description or representation including words or other
`symbols falsely describing or representing Defendants’ unauthorized goods as
`being those of Bragg or sponsored by or associated with Bragg and from offer-
`ing such goods in commerce;
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 11 of 14 Page ID #:11
`(d) further infringing the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and re-
`lated packaging and logos by manufacturing, producing, importing, distrib-
`uting, circulating, selling, marketing, offering for sale, advertising, promoting,
`displaying or otherwise disposing of any products not authorized by Bragg
`bearing any simulation, reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation
`of the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and related packaging and logos;
`(e) using any simulation, reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable im-
`itation of the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and in the promotion, ad-
`vertisement, display, sale, offering for sale, manufacture, production, circula-
`tion or distribution of any unauthorized products in such fashion as to relate or
`connect, or relate or connect, such products to Bragg, or to any goods sold,
`manufactured, sponsored or approved by, or connected with Bragg;
`(f) making any statement or representation, or using any false designa-
`tion of origin or false description, or performing any act, which can or is likely
`to lead the trade or public, or individual members thereof, to believe that any
`products manufactured, distributed, imported sold or offered for sale, or rented
`by Defendant is associated or connected with Bragg; or is sold, manufactured,
`licensed, sponsored, approved or authorized by Bragg;
`(g) engaging in any conduct infringing the Bragg marks, trade dress,
`copyrights, and, of Bragg’s rights in, or to use or to exploit, the Bragg the
`Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and related packaging and logos, or con-
`stituting any weakening of Bragg’s name, trade dress, reputation or goodwill;
`(h) using or continuing to use Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and
`or trade names or trade dress or any variation thereof on the Internet (either in
`the text of websites, as a domain name, or as a key word, search word, metatag,
`or any part of the description of the site in any submission for registration of
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 12 of 14 Page ID #:12
`any Internet site with a search engine or index) in any goods or services not di-
`rectly authorized by Bragg;
`(i) hosting or acting as internet service provider for, or operating any
`websites, that offer for sale any products bearing the Bragg marks, trade dress,
`(j) using any email addresses to offer for sale any nongenuine products
`bearing counterfeits of the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights;
`(k) using any e-commerce site under any seller name, connected with
`any websites, that offer for sale any merchandise bearing counterfeits of the
`Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights;
`(l) secreting, destroying, altering, removing, or otherwise dealing with
`the unauthorized products or any books or records which contain any infor-
`mation relating to the importing, manufacturing, producing, distributing, circu-
`lating, selling, marketing, offering for sale, advertising, promoting, or display-
`ing of all unauthorized products which infringe the Bragg marks, trade dress,
`copyrights; and
`(m) effecting assignments or transfers, forming new entities or associa-
`tions, or utilizing any other device to circumvent or otherwise avoiding the pro-
`hibitions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (l).
`2. Within 10 days of judgment, Defendant must take all steps necessary to
`remove from all websites it owns or controls all text or other media offering for sale
`any merchandise bearing counterfeits of the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights.
`3. Within 30 days of judgment, Defendants must file and serve Bragg with
`a notarized sworn statement under 15 U.S.C. § 1116(a) detailing the manner and form
`in which Defendants complied with this injunction.
`Order for Defendants to deliver up for destruction to Bragg all unauthor-
`ized products and advertisements in its possession or under their control bearing the
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 13 of 14 Page ID #:13
`Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and related packaging and logos or any simula-
`tion, reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation thereof, and all plates,
`molds, matrices, and other means of production under 15 U.S.C. § 1118.
`Directing such other relief as the Court may deem appropriate to prevent
`the trade and public from deriving any erroneous impression that any products manu-
`factured, sold, or otherwise circulated or promoted by Defendants is authorized by
`Bragg or related to Bragg’s products.
`Defendant to pay to Bragg damages Bragg sustained from Defendant’s
`infringement of the Bragg marks, trade dress, copyrights, and related packaging and
`logos and unfair competition and to account for all gains, profits and advantages de-
`rived by Defendants from the sale of their infringing merchandise bearing the Bragg
`marks, trade dress, copyrights, and that the award to Bragg be trebled as provided for
`under 15 U.S.C. § 1117; that Bragg be awarded statutory damages under 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1117(c) of up to $2 million for each trademark or trade dress Defendants willfully
`counterfeited and infringed.
`Defendant to pay Bragg’s costs with reasonable attorneys and investiga-
`tors fees and prejudgment interest under 15 U.S.C. § 1117.
`Awarding punitive damages to Bragg for Defendants’ willful, malicious,
`and bad faith conduct.
`Directing this Court retain jurisdiction to enable Bragg to apply to the
`Court at any time for such further orders and interpretation or execution of any order
`entered, for the modification of any such order, for the enforcement or compliance
`therewith and for the punishment of any violations thereof.
`10. Awarding to Bragg such other and further just and proper relief.
`Plaintiff demands a trial by jury on all issues triable to a jury.
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
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`Case 2:22-cv-00584 Document 1 Filed 01/26/22 Page 14 of 14 Page ID #:14
`January 26, 2022
`/s/ Marina Lang
`Marina Lang
`Attorney for Plaintiff Bragg.
`Bragg Live Food Products, LLC v. National
`Fruit Product Company, Incorporated, et al
`Case No: 2:22-cv-584
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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