`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 1 of 13 Page ID #:13
`John@jtrlawl .com
`750 B Street, Suite 1760
`San Diego, California 92101
`T: (619) 237-9800
`Attorneysfor Plaintiff?
`upggfllltyogf Rivergildgrma
`A. Flu ker
`Electronically Filed
`Case No.: CVR|2100440
`ADT, INC., A California Corporation;
`PROTECTION 1, A California
`Corporation; and DOES 1 through 50,
`inclusive, W
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 2 of 13 Page ID #:14
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 2 of 13 Page ID #:14
`Venue and Jurisdiction is proper in this court as the tortious acts alleged herein all
`occurred in the City of Temecula, in the County of Riverside, in the State of California. In
`addition, all DEFENDANTS and/or DEFENDANT corporations are conducting business in the
`City of Temecula, in the County of Riverside, in the State of California. Furthermore,
`DEFENDANTS reside in the City of Temecula, in County of Riverside, in the State of
`California. Lastly, the real property at issue is located in the City of Temecula, in County of
`Riverside, in the State of California.
`PLAINTIFFS, and each of them, complain against ADT, INC., A California
`Corporation; PROTECTION 1, A California Corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive
`(hereinafter collectively “DEFENDANTS”), inclusive, as follows:
`At all times relevant herein, TEMECULA GOLD AND JEWELRY; ALFY
`SHENOUDA, (collectively “PLAINTIFFS”) owned and were operating a jewelry store and
`business located at 27487 Jefferson Ave, Temecula, California 92590 (hereinafter “SUBJECT
`DEFENDANT ADT, INC. is a California Corporation and security company
`operating and doing business in the County of Riverside, in the state of California.
`DEFENDANT PROTECTION 1 is a California Corporation and security
`company operating and doing business in the County of Riverside, in the state of California.
`At all times herein, DEFENDANTS, and each of them, were acting as agents,
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`Case 5:21-cv-00Q35 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 3 of 13 ! Page ID #:15
`DEFENDANTS DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, are sued in this Complaint under
`fictitious names. Their true names, capacities and involvement, if any, are unknown to
`PLAINTIFFS. When their true names, capacities and involvement are ascertained, PLAINTIFFS
`will amend this Complaint by inserting their true names and capacities herein. PLAINTIFFS are
`informed and believe, and on that basis allege, each of the fictitiously named DEFENDANTS is
`responsible in some manner for the occurrences alleged in this Complaint, that PLAINTIFFS’
`damages as alleged in this Complaint were proximately caused by such DOE DEFENDANTS
`and/or that such DOE DEFENDANTS have or claim some interest in or claim against the real
`property described in this Complaint.
`At all times relevant herein, PLAINTIFFS owned and operated a jewelry stor
`and business located at 27487 Jefferson Ave, Temecula, California 92590.
`At all
`times herein, DEFENDANTS were under contract wit
`PLAINTIFFS to provide PLAINTIFFS with security services for the jewelry store.
`DEFENDANTS are in the business of owning, operating, installing, maintaining
`and/or providing security services and security systems for homes, commercial structures, an
`businesses. In this case, DEFENDANTS sold and provided security services and a securi
`system to PLAINTIFFS prior
`to June 2019. The purpose of said security system 0
`PLAINTIFFS SUBJECT PROPERTY was to deter, prevent, and/or mitigate damages in th
`event of a break-in, robbery, theft, vandalism, or the like. This includes, but is not limited to
`alerting the proper authorities for immediate dispatch to the SUBJECT PROPERTY in the even
`of a break in.
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`Case 5:21-cv-00635 chument 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 4 of 13 Page ID #:16
`At all relevant times herein, DEFENDANTS were to provide security and
`functioning security system to PLAINTIFFS for the SUBJECT PROPERTY for protection in th
`event of a break-in, robbery, theft, or the like. Said security services include, but are not limite
`to, alerting the authorities for immediate dispatch in the event of a break in, robbery, or theft. I
`the event
`that there is a break-in or robbery,
`there is a silent alarm that
`is supposed t
`immediately alert authorities in the event of a break in and robbery.
`PLAINTIFFS business is a jewelry store which carries expensive, high-end item
`such as gold, jewelry, diamonds, emeralds, and other previous metals. As such, it is more likel
`to be a target for a break in, theft, robbery, and/or vandalism. As such, PLAINTIFFS contracte
`with DEFENDANTS to provide security and security services to prevent and/or mitigate suc
`events from occurring. DEFENDANTS knew that the purpose of their contract and providin
`security and security services to PLAINTIFFS’ SUBJECT PROPERTY was to protect and/o
`mitigate damages from an attempted break in, robbery, vandalism, theft, or the like. As such
`DEFENDANTS knew, or should have known, that a proper, functioning security system wa
`required for the SUBJECT PROPERTY.
`On or about July 14, 2019 there was a break in, robbery, and vandalism at th
`SUBJECT PROPERTY. PLAINTIFFS suffered extensive property damage and destruction t
`their business when DEFENDANTS’ faulty security system failed, allowing PLAINTIFFS t
`suffer from a break in, robbery of valuables, and vandalism. Specifically, DEFENDANT
`security and security system failed because the silent alarm failed, and DEFENDANTS failed t
`alert the authorities for immediate dispatch as they are required to under their contract wit
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 5 of 13 Page ID #:17
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 , Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 5 of 13 Page ID #:17
`Immediately prior to and during the July 2019 INCIDENT, DEFENDANT
`security system broke down and/or failed. DEFENDANTS’ security system failed to alert th
`authorities in the event of a break in which would have prevented, or mitigated, the vandalism
`theft, and destruction of PLAINTIFFS’ business. Said failure was also a breach of contract f0
`which PLAINTIFFS have been paying DEFENDANTS for. Authorities were not contacted b
`DEFENDANTS, as contracted, under the July 2019 incident to prevent said INCIDENT.
`Immediately after the July 2019 break in, PLAINTIFFS alerted DEFENDANT
`of the break in, robbery, and vandalism to the SUBJECT PROPERTY and their failure to ale
`the authorities.
`After the July 2019 break in, DEFENDANTS came to the SUBJECT PROPERT
`and maintained, operated, installed, and/or updated their security and security system on th
`SUBJECT PROPERTY to prevent another such break in from occurring. DEFENDANT
`guaranteed that, in the event of another attempted break in, that DEFENDANTS abide by th
`terms of their contract with PLAINTIFFS, including, but not limited to, having a silent al
`become triggered, and by alerting the authorities immediately for dispatch.
`After the July 2019 break in, and on or about February 24, 2020, PLAINTIFFS’
`jewelry business was broken into and robbed again. Most, if not all, valuables in PLAINTIFFS’
`business were subsequently stolen.
`Immediately prior to and during the February 2020 break in, DEFENDANTS
`security system broke down and/or failed, again. DEFENDANTS security system failed to ale
`the authorities, again, in the event of a break in which would have prevented, or mitigated, th
`vandalism, theft, and destruction of PLAINTIFF8’ business. Said failure was also a breach 0
`contract for which PLAINTIFFS have been paying DEFENDANTS for. Authorities were no
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 6 of 13 Page ID #:18
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21} Page 6 of 13 Page ID #:18
`contacted by DEFENDANTS, as contracted, under the July 2019 incident
`to prevent sai
`During the February 2020 break in, DEFENDANTS’ security services an
`security system were not triggered, in part, because the vandals turned off the power to th
`building. DEFENDANTS security system, for a gold and jewelry store containing expensive
`high-end valuable jewelry, gold, and diamonds, and by which easily failed, in part, by having th
`power turned off, is a grossly deficient and faulty security system that was installed, maintained
`and/or operated below the standard of care by DEFENDANTS.
`PLAINTIFFS’ entire business was robbed and destroyed when DEFENDANT
`security and security system failed to trigger the silent alarm and alert authorities multiple times.
`PLAINTIFF8’ jewelry and monies were stolen, casings were broken, and the entire interior an
`framework was destroyed.
`entire business was burglarized and destroyed
`PLAINTIFFS were unable to operate their business. PLAINTIFFS experienced a busines
`interruption because of DEFENDANTS faulty security services and security system.
`As a result of the acts and omissions of DEFENDANTS, and each of their, lack o
`maintenance, faulty operation, and/or inspection (or lack thereof) of their security syste
`PLAINTIFFS business was robbed multiple times, and the contents contained inside wer
`destroyed. In addition, the robberies and destruction which DEFENDANTS allowed to occu
`caused extreme annoyance and discomfort, effecting PLAINTIFFS’ right to quiet enjoyment 0
`Further, DEFENDANTS failed to properly maintain their security system, an
`failed to mitigate damages by properly maintaining and/or operating their security system afte
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 7 of 13 Page ID #:19
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 7 of 13 Page ID #:19
`the July 2019 break in. Instead, DEFENDANTS left the security system in an utter state of
`disrepair prior to the February 2020 break in and robbery. DEFENDANTS knew of their securi
`system was
`in a state of disrepair and purposefully failed to notify PLAINTIFFS.
`DEFENDANTS operation of their security services and security system caused damages t
`PLAINTIFFS. PLAINTIFFS are entitled to damages as a result.
`As a result of DEFENDANTS allowing PLAINTIFF S to operate their business
`with a defective and/or faulty security system in place, DEFENDANTS two break ins and
`robberies occurred because DEFENDANTS security system, at a minimum, failed to trigger the
`silent alarm and alert authorities of said break ins. Because of this, PLAINTIFF S business and
`property were destroyed.
`DEFENDANTS, and each of them, are responsible and liable to PLAINTIFFS,
`and each of them, for at least the following reasons:
`Failing to properly manage and inspect their security system they
`Failing to maintain, operate, and/or inspect their security system in a
`manner that would allow PLAINTIFFS to avoid multiple break ins and robberies within a year
`and/or mitigate damages by properly alerting the authorities;
`Failing to maintain, operate, and inspect their security system according
`to applicable and required Best Management Practices (“BMP’s”) to withstand vandals from
`entering PLAINTIFFS’ business foreseeable break ins that could negatively jewelry store
`Failing to have a proper maintenance plan and inspection regimen for their
`security system at PLAINTIFFS business so as to prevent and/or mitigate break ins, robberies,
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`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 8 of 13 Page ID #:20
`and vandalism.
`PLAINTIFFS suffered property damage, loss of use, and loss of business
`income/profits substantially and proximately caused by DEFENDANTS, and each of them. The
`inadequate and negligent ownership, management, maintenance, operation, and/or inspection of
`their security and security system were deliberate choices made by DEFENDANTS. The cost to
`properly maintain, operate, and inspect the security system is miniscule relative to the amount of
`damage suffered by PLAINTIFF S.
`PLAINTIFFS repeat and reallege each and every allegation made above, fully
`incorporating those allegations as though full set forth herein.
`There is a valid and existing insurance agreement between PLAINTIFFS and
`DEFENDANTS whereby PLAINTIFFS would pay DEFENDANTS monthly and/or quarterly
`installment payments for security and security services to their jewelry business.
`PLAINTIFFS performed under the agreement, yet DEFENDANTS did not
`perform, and failed to provide PLAINTIFFS with the security and security system PLAINTIFFS
`compensated DEFENDANTS for.
`DEFENDANTS breached the agreement by, inter alia, refusing to provide
`PLAINTIFFS with properly functioning security and security system, whereby, at a minimum,
`the authorities would be alerted and dispatched in the event of a break in and/or robbery.
`Under the terms of the contract, DEFENDANTS owed PLAINTIFFS a duty and
`guarantee to provide PLAINTIFFS with security and security services in the event of a break in,
`including, but not limited to, alerting and dispatching authorities in the event of a break in and/or
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`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 9 of 13 Page ID #:21
`robbery to prevent and/or mitigate a robbery and damage to PLAINTIFF8’ jewelry store
`business. DEFENDANTS did not provide any form of security services during the July 2019
`break in or the February 2020 break in, nor were the authorities timely alerted that break ins and
`robberies were alerted, as DEFENDANTS were obligated to under the contract.
`DEFENDANTS breached their contract with PLAINTIFFS by failing to
`adequately provide security services, a functioning security system, and failing to alert the
`authorities for dispatch in the event of an attempted break in and/or robbery as contracted.
`As a legal result of DEFENDANTS breach of contract, PLAINTIFFS have
`suffered damages in excess of the jurisdiction of this court.
`PLAINTIFFS repeat and reallege each and every allegation made above, fully
`incorporating those allegations as though full set forth herein.
`DEFENDANTS were enriched by PLAINTIFFS paying a monthly and/or
`quarterly fee to DEFENDANTS for security services and a security system for PLAINTIFFS
`jewelry business which PLAINTIFFS never received.
`DEFENDANTS’ enrichment was at PLAINTIFFS’ expense, as PLAINTIFFS
`provided monies to DEFENDANTS for the performance of DEFENDANTS security services
`and security system and obligations under the terms of their contract, but DEFENDANTS neithe
`performed their obligations nor returned the monies paid to PLAINTIFFS.
`It is unjust for DEFENDANTS to retain PLAINTIFFS monies for security
`services and a security system which was never provided to PLAINTIFFS.
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`For such unjust enrichment, PLAINTIFF S claim damages for reimbursement of
`all funds paid to DEFENDANTS arising out of their contract and or payment for security
`services and security system which was not provided to PLAINTIFFS. PLAINTIFFS seek
`reimbursement for all fees paid to DEFENDANTS whereby they were unjustly enriched as
`alleged herein.
`PLAINTIFFS repeat and reallege each and every allegation made above, fully
`incorporating those allegations as though fully set forth herein.
`At all times relevant herein, PLAINTIFFS were operating their jewelry and gold
`business at 27487 Jefferson Ave, Temecula, California on or about July 1, 2019.
`All all relevant times herein, DEFENDANTS were responsible for the
`maintenance and operation of security services and security system at the SUBJECT
`PROPERTY, including, but not limited to, alerting and dispatching the authorities in the event 0
`a break in and/or robbery.
`At all relevant times, DEFENDANTS, and each of them, had a duty to apply a
`level of care commensurate with and proportionate to the danger of maintaining, operating,
`and/or inspecting their security services and security system at the SUBJECT PROPERTY.
`DEFENDANTS, and each of them, failed to take reasonable precautions to
`protect PLAINTIFFS against the foreseeable risk of harm, including, but not limited to, a break
`in and/or robbery, specifically created by their activities, including PLAINTIFFS and their
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`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 11 of 13 Page ID #:23
`requirements for their security services and security systems for businesses containing high-end
`valuables such as jewelry, which require a heightened level of security, including heightened risk
`factors that ajewelry store is more likely to suffer from a break in and/or robbery than the
`average business which does not carry expensive precious stones. DEFENDANTS violated their
`own standard of care by allowing their security services and security system to fail, and by
`allowing two successful robberies to PLAINTIFFS business within a year, and by failing to
`respond and/or dispatch authorities to prevent or mitigate damages of the break ins and robberies
`to PLAINTIFFS business.
`DEFENDANTS, and each of them, were aware, or should have been aware, that
`the standard of care for their security services and security system was, at a minimum, to have a
`silent alarm and to immediately dispatch authorities to the business where said break in and/or
`robbery was occurring. DEFENDANTS, while also having a contract to provide these services to
`PLAINTIFFS, had a duty to provide said services to PLAINTIFFS as well. DEFENDANTS
`failed to provide said services and acted below the standard of care.
`It was foreseeable that DEFENDANTS, by acting below the standard of care, and
`by failing to property install, monitor, maintain, and/or operate their security services and
`security system at PLAINTIFFS jewelry business would lead to a break in, robbery, and/or
`vandalism. DEFENDANTS breached their standard of care to PLAINTIFF S.
`As a direct and proximate result of these breaches of standard of care,
`DEFENDANTS caused reasonably foreseeable harm to PLAINTIFFS.
`The negligence of DEFENDANTS mentioned herein were each substantial
`factors in causing PLAINTIFFS’ damages. DEFENDANTS failure to comply with their duty of
`care proximately caused damage to PLAINTIFFS’ property and business, and caused
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`Case 5:21-cv-006i35 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 12 of 13 Page ID #:24
`PLAINTIFFS to incur additional out of pocket expenses, including, but not limited to, labor
`costs, remediation fees, and special damages to be proven at trial.
`The negligence of DEFENDANTS mentioned herein were substantial factors in
`causing PLAINTIFFS’ damages. DEFENDANTS failure to comply with their duty of care
`proximately caused damage to PLAINTIFFS, and each of them, including but not limited to
`mental anguish, discomfort, worry, anxiety, annoyance, and emotional and physical distress, all
`to their general damage.
`WHEREFORE, PLAINTIFFS, and each of them, pray for judgment against
`DEFENDANTS, and each of them, in amount according to proof at the time of trial as follows:
`The cost of repairing damaged and/0r destroyed property and/or replacement of damaged,
`destroyed, and/or lost personal property according to proof;
`Loss of the use, benefit, and enjoyment of PLAINTIFFS’ personal property;
`Loss of wages and/or any related displacement and/or out of pocket living expenses;
`All Special damages according to proof;
`All General damages including but not limited to worry, grief, distress, annoyance,
`anxiety, discomfort, and emotional damages according to proof;
`Prejudgment interest from July 2019, according to proof;
`Post judgment interest;
`Loss of business income/business profits;
`All reasonable costs of litigation;
`All monies paid to DEFENDANTS for which they were unjustly enriched;
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 13 of 13 Page ID #:25
`Case 5:21-cv-00635 Document 1-5 Filed 04/09/21 Page 13 of 13 Page ID #:25
`All costs of suit, including attorneys’ fees, appraisal fees, engineering fees, expert fees,
`and all related fees incurred in proving PLAINTIFFS’ case and related reasonable litigation
`For such other and further relief as the Court shall deem just, all according to proof.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Dated: January 15, 2021
`By: fégggfiIQLkg
`Attorneysfor Plaintiffs TEMECULA GOLD AND
`750 B Street, Suite 1760
`San Diego, California 92101
`T: (619) 237-9800