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`Case 5:20-cv-01756—NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 1 of 49


`USOO7681 124B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Gunn et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Inventors: Harold David Gunn, Vancouver (CA);
`John Chapman, Vancouver (CA)
`Assignee: 602531 British Columbia Ltd. (CA)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1120 days.
`Appl. No.: 11/134,810
`May 19, 2005
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2005/0210O2O A1
`Sep. 22, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Division of application No. 09/631,101, filed on Aug.
`1, 2000, now Pat. No. 7.293,231, which is a continua
`tion of application No. PCT/CA00/00285, filed on
`Mar. 15, 2000, which is a continuation-in-part of appli
`cation No. 09/272,700, filed on Mar. 18, 1999, now
`Int. C.
`G06F 7700
`U.S. Cl. ....................... 715/256: 715/261; 715/268;
`715/760; 34.5/179; 382/187
`Field of Classification Search ................. 715/.530,
`715/531, 534,541, 255, 256, 261,268, 760;
`365/189.01; 34.5/156, 173, 179; 382/187
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`Primary Examiner Doug Hutton
`Assistant Examiner James H Blackwell
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Townsend and Townsend and
`Crew LLP
`In one aspect, the user can rapidly enter and search for text
`using a data entry system through a combination of entering
`one or more characters on a digitally displayed keyboard with
`a pointing device and using a search list to obtain a list of
`completion candidates. The user can activate the search list to
`obtain a list of completion candidates at any time while enter
`ing a partial text entry with the data entry system. When the
`search list is active, a list of completion candidates is dis
`played on a graphical user interface for the user to select from
`and the user can perform one of several actions. When the user
`deactivates the search list, the user can continue adding to or
`modifying the current partial text entry being entered, and
`may re-invoke the search list to further search for completion
`candidates based on the modified partial text entry.
`41 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 2 of 49


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`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 5 of 49


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 1 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Display Device
`Data entry system
`Computer-readable medium
`Processing Unit
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 6 of 49
`FIG. 1


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 2 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Data Entry System
`Digital Keyboard System
`Candidate Prediction
`Logic for interactive
`FIG. 2
`Span to it
`Candidate Field 22
`Field 24
`Dictionary Data
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 7 of 49


`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 8 of 49
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 8 of 49
`US. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 3 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 4 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 9 of 49
`FIG. 5


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 5 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Potential completion candidates
`in the dictionary for apartial text
`entry made up of a single
`Potential Candidate 1
`Potential Candidate 2
`Potential Candidate 3
`Potential Candidate 4
`Potential Candidate 5
`Potential Candidate 6
`Potential Candidate 7
`Potential Candidate 8
`Potential Candidate 9
`Potential Candidate 10
`Potential Candidate 11
`Potential Candidate 12
`Potential Candidate 13
`Potential Candidate 14
`Potential Candidate 15
`Potential Candidate 6
`Potential Candidate 17
`Potential Candidate 18
`Potential Candidate 1
`Potential Candidate 5
`Potential Candidate 2
`Potential Candidate 16
`Potential Candidate 18
`partial text entry set to
`Potential Candidate 5
`Portion of
`in the
`Search list
`Potential completion candidates
`in the dictionary when the
`partial text entry equals
`Potential Candidate 5
`Potential Candidate 5
`Potential Candidate 6
`Potential Candidate 9
`Potential Candidate 10
`Potential Candidate 11
`Potential Candidate 12
`Potential Candidate 5
`Potential Candidate 10
`Potential Candidate 6
`Potential Candidate 9
`Potential Candidate 12
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 10 of 49
`List of completion candidates
`obtained by the candidate
`prediction system from the
`above 18 potential candidates
`in the dictionary
`List of completion candidates
`obtained by the candidate
`prediction system from the
`above 7 potential candidates in
`the dictionary
`FIG. 5A


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 6 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 11 of 49
`120 if the user
`gestures towarda
`candidate in the refined
`candidatest, that
`Candidate is Selected
`and the user can use
`he refined list in the
`Sarne?anner as with
`the previous candidate
`list (at 112 above).
`124: The usercar.
`continue building or modifying
`partial text entry or
`) initiate a further search on the
`partial textentry or
`cance the search string of
`revert to last candidate list of
`revert to the last search string Of
`carry out another operation
`Search string empty.
`Search string =
`FIG. 6


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 7 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`102: User selects the
`key containing'e' on
`the keyboard. The
`Selection forms part
`of the partial text
`the Search string.
`10: if the user
`gestures to a dead
`ZOne, the Selected
`Candidate is de
`Selected and the list
`of Candidates
`remains displayed.
`18: With a
`Candidate selected, if
`the user gestures to
`another candidate,
`the Selection
`104; if the user does not
`release the keyboard
`Selection in less than time
`limit L1, the Candidate
`Prediction System obtains a
`Candidate list based on the
`displayed in an interactive
`search list.
`Monitor pointing
`108; if usergestures
`toward a candidate
`(without lifting), that
`candidate is hi-lited
`and becomes the
`106: if pointing
`device is tifted up
`without significant
`movement, the
`interactive Search list
`is cleared and the
`keyboard is enabled.
`110: if the user
`gestures to a dead
`Zone, the Selected
`Candidate is de
`Selected and the list
`of candidates
`remains displayed.
`16: if the user continues to
`keep a candidate selected for
`more than defined time limit L2,
`a refined list of candidates is
`obtained using the selected
`Candidate and displayed in the
`interactive search list.
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 12 of 49
`120: if the user gestures toward
`a Candidate in the refined
`candidate list, that candidate is
`Selected and the user can use
`the refined list in the same
`manner as with the previous
`Candidate list.
`114: if the userlifts up
`the pointing device in
`less than time limit L2
`With a candidate
`Selected, the selected
`Candidate is added to the
`text in place of the partial
`text entry, the list is
`cleared and the
`keyboard is enabled.
`122: if the pointing device is lifted up
`without significant movement, the
`interactive Search list is cleared, the
`keyboard is enabled, the search is
`terminated and the most recently
`Selected candidate is added to the text
`in place of the partial text entry.
`FIG. 6A
`124. The usercan:
`continue building or
`modifying partial
`text entry or
`initiate a further
`search on the partial
`text entry or
`cancel the search
`string Or
`revert to last
`Candidate list Of
`revert to the last
`search string or
`carry out another


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 8 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`initiatization of
`Data Entry
`is user input
`a character
`data entry?
`Carry out
`Corresponding to
`user input
`(eg. terminate
`Cu?tent search)
`pointing device been
`eleased within time
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 13 of 49


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 9 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Display interactive
`list containing
`Candidate st
`Wait for user input
`Clear Candidate
`List but preserve
`search sting.
`Display interactive
`List containing
`Candidate list
`Wait for user input
`input a gesture
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 14 of 49
`asSociated with a
`Select the
`Startner 2
`Stop Timer T2.
`Set search sting
`= selected
`Deselect currently
`candidate in list.
`Disable timer T2.
`is gesture
`asSociated with a
`dead zone
`Selection from list.
`Restart timer 2
`gesture associated
`with a different
`FIG. 8
`Accept candidate
`and add to text.
`Clear Search


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 10 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Retrieve reference to the first
`entry in the dictionary beginning
`with the search string and
`allocate it to the first entry in the
`Search Span
`Retrieve reference to the last
`entry in the dictionary beginning
`with the search string and
`allocate it to the last entry in the
`Search Span
`Search SpanS
`predetermined maximum
`FIG. 9
`Search through the range of
`entries defined by the Search
`Span for the most common
`entries based on the weight
`value assigned to each entry
`Retrieve all entries within
`Search Span from the
`dictionary and compile into a list
`of completion candidates
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 15 of 49
`Set the tist of completion
`candidates to the dictionary
`entries retrieved having the
`highest weight values, up to the
`predetermined maximum


`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 16 of 49
`rall pump we
`ry as ala CE
`FIG. 10


`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 17 of 49
`20 Page 17 of 49
`US 7,681,124 B2


`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 18 of 49
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 18 of 49
`US. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 13 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 14 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Candidate 1
`Candidate 2
`Candidate N
`FIG. 14
`Candidate 2
`Candidate 5
`Candidate 1
`Candidate 3
`Candidate 4
`Candidate 9
`Candidate 5
`Candidate 8
`Candidate 2
`Candidate 4
`Candidate 6
`Candidate 3
`Candidate 7
`FIG. 15
`FG 16
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 19 of 49
`Candidate 5
`Candidate 2
`Candidate 1
`Candidate 4
`Candidate 3
`Candidate 2
`Candidate 1
`idate 4
`Candidate 3
`F.G. 17
`Candidate N
`FIG. 18


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 15 Of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Search String
`Box 40
`Display Area
`for interactive
`Search tist
`Toolbar 42
`F.G. 19
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 20 of 49


`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 21 of 49
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 16 0123
`US 7,681,124 B2
` “anal."“Infill!
`FIG. 20


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 17 Of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Initialization of
`Data Entry
`Display Initialized
`User interface
`Wait for user input
`user inputa
`Add character to
`search string
`data en
`Carry Out
`Corresponding to
`user input
`(eg. terminate
`Current search)
`Display indicator
`of Candidate List
`Size. Display
`indicator of total
`asSociated with
`the search string.
`Has pointing
`device been released
`thin time limit 12
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 22 of 49


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 18 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`Display interactive
`Search List
`Wait for user input
`Clear Candidate
`list but preserve
`Search String.
`sy a
`Select the
`Start timer T2
`Deselect currently
`candidate in list.
`Disable time? T2.
`Stop Timer T2.
`Set search string
`a selected
`is gesture
`asSociated with a
`dead zone?
`Selection fromist.
`Restart timer T2
`gesture associated
`With a different
`Display interactive
`List containing
`Candidate List.
`Display indicator
`of total potential
`candidates for the
`search string.
`Wait for user input
`input a gesture
`or if
`asSociated with a
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 23 of 49
`Accept candidate
`and add to text.
`Clear Search


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 19 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`data entry?
`Carry out
`Corresponding to
`user input
`(e.g. terminate
`current search)
`initialization of
`Data Entry
`Display initialized
`User Interface
`Wait for user input
`user inputa
`Add character to
`search string
`Display interactive
`Search List
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 24 of 49
`Has pointing
`device been released
`ithin time limit L12
`Keyboard and
`display search
`mode indicator.
`FIG. 23


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 20 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`t Wait for user input
`input a gesture
`or if
`associated with a
`Select the
`Start timer 2
`Clear Candidate
`list but preserve
`search string.
`Deselect currently
`candidate in list.
`Disable timer T2.
`is gesture
`associated with a
`dead ZOne?
`Display interactive
`list containing
`Candidate list.
`Wait for user input
`No->Monitor user input
`Selection fromist.
`Restart timer T2
`Stop Timer T2.
`Set search string
`= selected
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 25 of 49
`FIG. 24
`Accept candidate
`and add to text.
`Clear search
`string. Display
`keyboard mode


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 21 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`data entry?
`Carry out
`corresponding to
`user input
`(eg. terminate
`current search)
`Initialization of
`Data Entry
`Display initialized
`User Interface
`Wait for user input
`Add character to
`Search string
`List from
`Display indicator
`of Candidate List
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 26 of 49
`device been
`eleased within time
`limit 12
`FIG. 25


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 22 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2
`l Wait for user input
`input a gesture
`Clear Candidate
`list but preserve
`search string.
`Display interactive
`list containing
`Candidate list.
`Wait for user input
`is user
`input a gesture
`asSociated with a
`associated sh a
`Select the
`Start timer 2
`Stop Timer T2.
`Set search string
`F Selected
`Deselect currently
`candidate in list
`Disable timer 2.
`is gesture
`associated with a
`dead zone?
`selection from list.
`Restart timer T2
`gesture associated
`with a different
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 27 of 49
`FIG. 26
`Accept candidate
`and add to text.
`Clear Search


`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 28 of 49
`Case 5:20-cv-01756-NC Document 1-2 Filed 03/11/20 Page 28 of 49
`US. Patent
`Mar. 16, 2010
`Sheet 23 of 23
`US 7,681,124 B2


`US 7,681,124 B2

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