` Charles K. Verhoeven (Bar No. 170151)
` charlesverhoeven@quinnemanuel.com
`50 California Street, 22nd Floor
`San Francisco, California 94111
`(415) 875-6600
`(415) 875-6700
` David A. Nelson (pro hac vice application forthcoming)
` davidnelson@quinnemanuel.com
`191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2700
`Chicago, Illinois 60606
`(312) 705-7400
`(312) 705-7401
`Attorneys for GOOGLE LLC
` CASE NO. 3:20-CV-3845
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Plaintiff Google LLC (“Google”), by and through its attorneys, and for its
`Complaint against Sonos, Inc. (“Sonos”), hereby alleges the following:
`Google brings this action against Sonos for infringement of U.S. Patent No.
`7,899,187 (the “’187 patent”), U.S. Patent No. 8,583,489 (the “’489 patent”), U.S. Patent No.
`10,140,375 (the “’375 patent”), U.S. Patent No. 7,065,206 (the “’206 patent”), and U.S. Patent No.
`10,229,586 (the “’586 patent”) (collectively, the “Patents-in-Suit”).
`Case No. 3:20-CV-3845
`Case 3:20-cv-03845 Document 1 Filed 06/11/20 Page 2 of 28
`Google was founded in 1998, and has a mission to organize the world’s
`information and make it universally accessible and useful. Over the past two decades, in service
`of that mission, Google has become one of the world’s most innovative technology companies.
`Google’s revolutionary advances in search, software, mobile computing, wireless
`networking, content streaming, machine learning, and voice-assisted technologies including
`speech recognition and advanced audio processing, have changed and improved millions of lives.
`As part of its commitment to innovation, Google has invested significantly in
`extensive research and development efforts, including its own research, as well as investments in
`and acquisitions of other cutting-edge technology companies. Google is the current assignee of
`tens of thousands of patents worldwide.
`Google partners with other companies to bring Google’s innovations to millions of
`shared customers. In particular, Google has long had a continued partnership with Sonos. In these
`collaborations, Sonos has repeatedly asked Google for assistance, so that Sonos could employ
`Google technology to improve Sonos’ products.
`In 2013, Sonos asked for Google’s assistance to integrate with Google’s popular
`Play Music service. Google gave Sonos that assistance, and provided significant engineering
`resources, technical support, and other resources to integrate Sonos’ products with Google’s Play
`Music service in 2014.
`In 2016, Sonos again asked for Google’s assistance–this time to integrate with
`Google’s innovative Assistant software. And again, Google was willing to help. Google gave
`Sonos significant assistance in designing, implementing, and testing a solution that would bring
`Google’s voice recognition software to Sonos’ devices. This effort again involved substantial
`Google engineering resources, including significant months of employee work time, for the initial
`launch of Google’s Assistant on Sonos’ products in May 2019.
`Google is proud of its more than five-year partnership with Sonos, and has worked
`constructively with Sonos to make the companies’ products work seamlessly by building special
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`integrations for Sonos. For instance, when Google rolled out the ability to set a Sonos speaker as
`the default option for Google Assistant, it was the first time Google had done that for any partner
`Sonos has made false claims about the companies’ shared work and Google’s
`technology in the lawsuits that Sonos filed against Google earlier this year. While Google rarely
`sues other companies for patent infringement, it must assert its intellectual property rights here.
`Sonos is using substantial volumes of Google’s technology, including patented
`Google innovations in search, software, networking, audio processing, and digital media
`management and streaming, both in Sonos’ hardware products and in Sonos’ software and service
`offerings, including the current-generation Sonos controller application (hereafter “S2 App”),
`prior-generation Sonos controller application (hereafter “S1 Controller App ”), and the Sonos
`Radio service.
`Google has patents on innovative technologies that allow networked digital audio
`devices to create robust wireless communications networks, access and play copy-protected
`media, adaptively control echo and ambient noise, and search multiple music libraries
`simultaneously. Sonos is using, without permission, these Google technologies in Sonos’ products
`to enable multiple commercially-desirable features, for example, to allow for easier configuration
`of and extensions to multi-speaker networks; to facilitate the management and use of multiple
`music services with Sonos speakers; to permit playing copy-protected digital media, including
`Sonos’ new Sonos Radio service; and to allow Sonos to use noise suppression and echo
`cancellation to obtain accurate audio input. Sonos uses these technologies to offer a number of
`products and services, including, inter alia, the Sonos One, One SL, Five, Play:1, Play:3, Play:5,
`Playbar, Playbase, Beam, Arc, Move, Connect:Amp, Amp, Connect, Sub, and the Sonos S1
`Controller App and S2 App (collectively, the “Accused Products”).
`Sonos is actively infringing Google’s intellectual property. Sonos has no license to
`use Google’s patents. Because Sonos refuses to cease its infringement, and is unwilling to
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`recognize the value of Google’s technology through a license, Google has filed this suit to protect
`its intellectual property.
`Plaintiff Google LLC is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. with its principal place of
`business located in Mountain View, California 94043.
`Defendant Sonos, Inc. is a Delaware corporation with headquarters at 614 Chapala
`Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101.
`This is a civil action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
`United States, Title 35 of the United States Code. This Court has exclusive subject matter
`jurisdiction over this Complaint pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sections 1331 and 1338(a).
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Sonos. Sonos is registered to do business
`in the State of California (Registration No. C2465272), has its headquarters in the State of
`California, and has offices in this District. Sonos, directly and through agents, regularly does,
`solicits, and transacts business in this District and elsewhere in the State of California. Those acts
`have caused injury to Google, including within this District.
`Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. Sections 1391 and 1400(b). Sonos
`has a regular and established place of business in this District—specifically, offices and employees
`located at 550 Montgomery Street, Suite 750, San Francisco, CA 94111. Sonos lists this
`San Francisco office on its website (https://www.sonos.com/en-us/contact, a true and correct copy
`of which is attached as Exhibit 1), and the Sonos office at this location is advertised by Sonos as a
`current place of business (including in the building’s directory in the public lobby). Sonos has
`also committed acts of infringement in this District by selling, using, importing, and/or offering
`for sale the Accused Products in this District.
`For purposes of intradistrict assignment under Civil Local Rules 3-2(c) and 3-5(b),
`this Intellectual Property Action will be assigned on a district-wide basis.
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`(Infringement of Patent No. 7,899,187)
`Google incorporates all of the above paragraphs as though fully set forth herein.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,899,187, titled “Domain-Based Digital-Rights Management
`System with Easy and Secure Device Enrollment,” was duly and lawfully issued by the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office on March 1, 2011. A true and correct copy of the ’187 patent
`is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit 2.
`Google is the owner by assignment of all rights, title, and interest in the ’187
`patent, including the right to bring this suit for past and future damages and/or injunctive relief.
`The ’187 patent is valid and enforceable.
`Sonos infringes one or more claims of the ’187 patent, including but not limited to
`claim 10 (the “Asserted ’187 Claims”), directly and/or indirectly via induced infringement and/or
`by contributory infringement. Sonos infringes the Asserted ’187 Claims by making, using,
`importing, selling for importation, and/or selling after importation into the United States at least
`the Sonos One, One SL, Play:1, Play:3, Play:5, Playbar, Playbase, Beam, Move, Connect:Amp,
`Amp, Connect, Port, and Sub products (the “Accused ’187 Products”) in violation of 35 U.S.C.
`Sections 271(a)-(b). On information and belief, the Accused ’187 Products satisfy all claim
`limitations of the Asserted ’187 Claims at the time of their importation into and/or sale in the
`United States.
`Sonos had actual knowledge of the ’187 patent or was willfully blind to its
`existence at least as early as October 25, 2016, and no later than the filing of this action.
`Sonos directly infringes the Asserted ’187 Claims by making, using, offering to
`sell, or selling the Accused ’187 Products in the United States and by importing the Accused ’187
`Products into the United States in violation of 35 U.S.C. Section 271(a). Sonos infringes at least
`claim 10 of the ’187 patent for at least the following reasons:
`To the extent the preamble is limiting, the Accused ’187 Products each constitute
`an apparatus.
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`On information and belief, the Accused ’187 Products comprise communication
`circuitry that is capable of receiving domain information from a device existing within a domain
`of devices, which share rights associated with a common account, for use in accessing protected
`digital content within a digital-rights management system. For example, the Accused ’187
`Products can connect directly to other products via an ad hoc or infrastructure WiFi network
`connection or a wired, Ethernet connection. The Sonos User Guide explains how the Accused
`’187 Products can be added to a current Sonos “household” that has already been configured using
`the “Add Product” feature in the “System” settings of a Sonos controller application, e.g., the
`Sonos S1 Controller App or the Sonos S2 App. Sonos User Guide at 4-5 (Sept. 2019)
`(https://www.sonos.com/support/en/pdfs/sonos-user-guide.pdf), a true and correct copy of which
`is attached as Exhibit 3. On information and belief, when an Accused ’187 Product is introduced
`into a prior configured network, it is capable of receiving information pertaining to devices
`previously configured within the “household” domain, such that access to protected music from a
`common music streaming account can be shared amongst the Accused ’187 Products that
`comprise that domain.
`On information and belief, the Accused ’187 Products include storage for storing
`the domain information. For example, each of the Accused ’187 Products include storage (e.g.,
`random access or flash memory) that, on information and belief, stores at least information
`pertaining to the domain of devices, such as a household identifier.
`On information and belief, the Accused ’187 Products comprise logic circuitry for
`providing the domain information stored therein to a key issuer, which is separate from the
`domain of devices (e.g., a Sonos “household”). For example, on information and belief, the
`Accused ’187 Products include logic circuitry that is used to provide information pertaining to the
`domain of devices, such as household identification, to an external server, or key issuer, that is
`separate from the Sonos household. On information and belief, this information is provided by the
`Accused ’187 Products in order to obtain security information from the key issuer necessary to
`play back encrypted or encoded digital content transmitted from third-party sources.
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`On information and belief, the Accused ’187 Products’ provision of domain
`information to the key issuer causes the key issuer to responsively issue a private key to the
`Accused ’187 Products for use in accessing protected digital content provided thereto, wherein the
`private key is based on the domain information and is utilized by all devices within the domain of
`devices. For example, on information and belief, in response to an Accused ’187 Product
`providing information identifying the domain of which it is a part—e.g., its “householdID”—to an
`external server, the server will respond with a certificate and/or private key that allows the
`Accused ’187 Product to play back encrypted or encoded digital content. On information and
`belief, this security information is provided based on domain information supplied by the Accused
`’187 Products. On information and belief, this provided security information is the same security
`information used by all members of the domain.
`Sonos actively, knowingly, and intentionally induces the infringement of the
`Asserted ’187 Claims by actively encouraging others to make, use, offer to sell, or sell the
`Accused ’187 Products in the United States and/or import the Accused ’187 Products into the
`United States in violation of 35 U.S.C. Section 271(b). Sonos knows (or should know) that its
`actions will induce users of the Accused ’187 Products to directly infringe the Asserted ’187
`Claims. Those users then directly infringe the Asserted ’187 Claims. For example, Sonos
`promotes and advertises the use of the Accused ’187 Products, including the Sonos One, One SL,
`Five, Play:1, Play:3, Play:5, Playbar, Playbase, Beam, Arc, Move, Connect:Amp, Amp, Connect,
`Port, and Sub products, on its website (https://www.sonos.com/en-us/home, a true and correct
`copy of which is attached as Exhibit 4) and in other promotional materials like user manuals and
`user guides. Sonos advertises and instructs its customers and potential customers to purchase and
`set up one or more of the Accused ’187 Products to directly infringe the Asserted ’187 Claims by
`creating a household with connected Accused ’187 Products to “[l]isten in any or every room” to
`music or other content by “group[ing] all your speakers to play music in sync.” Sonos Website
`“Listen Your Way” (https://www.sonos.com/en-us/listen-your-way), a true and correct copy of
`which is attached as Exhibit 5. By instructing its customers and potential customers to create a
`household and configure the Accused ’187 Products to stream DRM-protected third-party content,
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`Sonos induces its customers and potential customers to use at least the invention of Claim 10 of
`the ’187 Patent. Additionally, Sonos instructs its customers and potential customers to use the
`invention of Claim 10 to allow the Accused ’187 Products to play encrypted music from service
`providers, including but not limited to Sonos’ own Sonos Radio music service, within a Sonos
`“household” configuration. See, e.g., “Listen Your Way” (https://www.sonos.com/en-us/listen-
`your-way), Exhibit 5. Sonos also provides customer support on its website where Sonos
`employees instruct customers to directly infringe the Asserted ’187 Claims by joining the Accused
`’187 Products to a prior configured Sonos household that is configured to play encrypted music
`using. See, e.g., Sonos Community, Move: Using across multiple Sonos systems, January 12,
`2020 (https://en.community.sonos.com/advanced-setups-229000/move-using-across-multiple-
`sonos-systems-6835368), a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit 6.
`Based on Sonos’ instructions, users of the Accused ’187 Products directly infringe
`the Asserted ’187 patent. See, e.g., id.; Sonos Community, Spotify skips to next song or stops
`playing, other sources work just fine meanwhile (https://en.community.sonos.com/
`meanwhile-6806367?postid=16342847#post16342847), a true and correct copy of which is
`attached as Exhibit 7.
`Sonos contributorily infringes the Asserted ’187 Claims by offering to sell or
`selling within the United States or importing into the United States the Accused ’187 Products
`(where each of the Accused ’187 Products is or contains a component of a patented machine,
`manufacture, combination or composition, or a material or apparatus for use in practicing a
`patented process, constituting a material part of the invention), knowing the same to be especially
`made or especially adapted for use in infringing the ’187 patent, and not a staple article or
`commodity of commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use in violation of 35 U.S.C.
`Section 271(c).
`Sonos’ infringement of the ’187 patent has been willful and deliberate because it
`knew or should have known about the ’187 patent and the infringement of that patent at least as
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`early as October 2016 but acted despite an objectively high likelihood that such acts would result
`in infringement of the patent.
`As the direct and proximate result of Sonos’ conduct, Google has suffered and, if
`Sonos’ conduct is not stopped, will continue to suffer, competitive harm, irreparable injury, and
`damages in an amount to be proven at trial. Because Google’s remedy at law is inadequate,
`Google seeks, in addition to damages, permanent injunctive relief. Google’s business operates in
`a competitive market and will continue suffering irreparable harm absent injunctive relief.
`(Infringement of Patent No. 8,583,489)
`Google incorporates all of the above paragraphs as though fully set forth herein.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,583,489, titled “Generating a Media Content Availability
`Notification,” was duly and lawfully issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on
`November 12, 2013 and assigned to Google Inc. A true and correct copy of the ’489 patent is
`attached to this Complaint as Exhibit 8.
`Google is the owner of all rights, title, and interest in the ’489 patent, including the
`right to bring this suit for past and future damages and/or injunctive relief.
`The ’489 patent is valid and enforceable.
`Sonos infringes one or more claims of the ’489 patent, including but not limited to
`claim 15 (the “Asserted ’489 Claims”), directly and/or indirectly via induced infringement and/or
`by contributory infringement. Sonos infringes the Asserted ’489 Claims by making, using,
`importing, selling for importation, and/or selling after importation into the United States at least
`the Sonos S1 Controller App and S2 App for storage in non-transitory memory (the “Accused
`’489 Products”) in violation of 35 U.S.C. Sections 271(a)-(b). On information and belief, the
`Accused ’489 Products when stored in non-transitory memory satisfy all claim limitations of the
`Asserted ’489 Claims at the time of their use in the United States.
`Sonos had actual knowledge of the ’489 patent or was willfully blind to its
`existence at least as early as October 25, 2016, and no later than the filing of this action.
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`Sonos directly infringes the Asserted ’489 Claims by making, using, offering to
`sell, or selling the Accused ’489 Products in the United States in violation of 35 U.S.C. Section
`271(a). Sonos infringes at least claim 15 of the ’489 patent for at least the following reasons:
`To the extent the preamble is limiting, the Accused ’489 Products are designed to
`be installed on, and are in fact installed on (by Sonos directly, and by Sonos customers based on
`instructions and directions received from Sonos), devices with one or more non-transitory
`computer-readable media having instructions therein, the instructions being executable by one or
`more processors.
`On information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products include instructions that are
`executable by one or more processors to execute a method comprising receiving, at the one or
`more processors, a selection of media content and content delivery preferences, wherein the
`content delivery preferences comprise a selection of a plurality of unique online content sources
`specified by a user interface and user account data for each of the plurality of unique online
`content sources. For example, on information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products include
`instructions executable by one or more processors to add music services to Sonos and to search
`those services for specific media content using a universal search feature. On information and
`belief, the Accused ’489 Products specify “Music & Content” services on a user interface using
`user account data for each respective unique online content source. See, e.g., Sonos Support “Add
`a music service to Sonos” (https://support.sonos.com/s/article/2757?language=en_US), a true and
`correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit 9; Sonos Website “Listen Your Way”
`(https://www.sonos.com/en-us/listen-your-way), Exhibit 5. On information and belief, the
`Accused ’489 Products also include instructions that are executable to receive a search query to
`search selected Music & Content services for a selection of media content via the universal search
`feature, and may present a subset of the online content sources that can fulfill the universal search
`query for content.
`On information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products comprise instructions that
`are executable by one or more processors to execute a method comprising requesting, over a
`network, content availability data from the plurality of unique online content sources based at least
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`in part on the selection of media content and the user account data, wherein the content availability
`data indicates whether the selection of media content is available to a user account in the user
`account data. For example, on information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products request content
`availability data from unique online content sources in response to a search inquiry in the
`universal search feature seeking a selection of media content. On information and belief, content
`availability data are based at least in part on the selection of media content, the user account data,
`and specified “Music & Content” services. On information and belief, the content availability data
`indicates which services have the selection of media content available to the user account in the
`user account data.
`On information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products comprise instructions that
`are executable by one or more processors to execute a method comprising receiving, at the one or
`more processors, the content availability data. For example, on information and belief, the
`Accused ’489 Products receive the content availability data and display on a user interface unique
`online content sources that fulfill the universal search inquiry.
`On information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products comprise instructions that
`are executable by one or more processors to execute a method comprising using the content
`availability data to generate a notification for an electronic device, wherein the notification
`indicates that the selection of media content is available to at least one user account in the user
`account data from at least one of the plurality of unique online content sources. For example, on
`information and belief, the Accused ’489 Products use the content availability data to generate a
`notification indicating that media content sought via the universal search feature is available to at
`least one user account in the user account data from at least one of the plurality of unique online
`content sources.
`Sonos actively, knowingly, and intentionally induces the infringement of the
`Asserted ’489 Claims by actively encouraging others to make, use, offer to sell, or sell the
`Accused ’489 Products in the United States and/or import the Accused ’489 Products into the
`United States in violation of 35 U.S.C. Section 271(b). Sonos knows (or should know) that its
`actions will induce users of the Accused ’489 Products to directly infringe the Asserted ’489
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`Claims. For example, Sonos promotes and advertises the use of the Accused ’489 Products,
`including Sonos’ software application for iOS, Android, and desktops, in conjunction with Sonos’
`products like the Sonos One, One SL, Play:1, Play:3, Play:5, Playbar, Playbase, Beam, Move,
`Connect:Amp, Amp, Connect, Port, and Sub products, on its website (https://www.sonos.com/en-
`us/home, Exhibit 4) and in other promotional materials, such as user manuals and user guides.
`Sonos advertises and instructs its customers and potential customers to set up and control one or
`more of Sonos’ products, like the Sonos One, One SL, Five, Play:1, Play:3, Play:5, Playbar,
`Playbase, Beam, Arc, Move, Connect:Amp, Amp, Connect, Port, and Sub products, using the
`Accused ’489 Products, including Sonos’ software application for iOS and Android. Sonos
`further advertises to and instructs its customers’ use of the Accused ’489 Products to search
`different content sources (including Sonos’ music service and other third party services) and
`provide the selected content to one or more of Sonos’ products. See, e.g., Sonos Blog
`(https://blog.sonos.com/en/sonos-spotify-better-stronger/), a true and correct copy of which is
`attached as Exhibit 10. By instructing its customers and potential customers to add additional
`content providers to the account associated with the Sonos products, Sonos induces its customers
`and potential customers to use the Accused ’489 Products to receive content delivery preferences
`like a selection of a plurality of unique online content sources specified by a user interface and
`user account data for each of the plurality of unique online content sources, with knowledge that
`the same results in infringement of the Asserted ’489 Claims. See, e.g., Sonos Support “Add a
`music service to Sonos” (https://support.sonos.com/s/article/2757?language=en_US), Exhibit 9.
`Additionally, Sonos instructs its customers and potential customers to use the universal search in
`the Accused ’489 Products to search for content across multiple connected music content
`providers. See, e.g., Sonos Blog (https://blog.sonos.com/en/sonos-spotify-better-stronger/),
`Exhibit 10 (“How do you bump A$AP Rocky, Alabama Shakes, or Ryan Adams Radio in your
`living room? Simply, go to universal search on the app and type in the artist that you want listen
`to. In the Spotify search results, click on the artist and select the first square on the next screen for
`artist radio.”). Based on these instructions by Sonos, users of the Accused ’489 Products directly
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`infringe the Asserted ’489 Claims. See, e.g., id.; Sonos Blog (https://blog.sonos.com/en/listen-on-
`sonos-five-new-music-services/), a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit 11.
`Sonos contributorily infringes the Asserted ’489 Claims by offering to sell or
`selling within the United States or importing into the United States the Accused ’489 Products
`(where each of the Accused ’489 Products is or contains a component of a patented machine,
`manufacture, combination or composition, or a material or apparatus for use in practicing a
`patented process, constituting a material part of the invention), knowing the same to be especially
`made or especially adapted for use in infringing the ’489 patent, and not a staple article or
`commodity of commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use in violation of 35 U.S.C.
`Section 271(c).
`Sonos’ infringement of the ’489 patent has been willful and deliberate because it
`knew or should have known about the ’489 patent and the infringement of that patent at least as
`early as October 2016 but acted despite an objectively high likelihood that such acts would result
`in infringement of the patent.
`As the direct and proximate result of Sonos’ conduct, Google has suffered and, if
`Sonos’ conduct is not stopped, will continue to suffer, competitive harm, irreparable injury, and
`damages in an amount to be proven at trial. Because Google’s remedy at law is inadequate,
`Google seeks, in addition to damages, permanent injunctive relief. Google’s business operates in
`a competitive market and will continue suffering irreparable harm absent injunctive relief.
`(Infringement of Patent No. 10,140,375)
`Google incorporates all of the above paragraphs as though fully set forth herein.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,140,375, titled “Personalized Network Searching,” was duly and
`lawfully issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on November 27, 2018 and
`assigned to Google. A true and correct copy of the ’375 patent is attached to this Complaint as
`Exhibit 12.
`Google is the owner of all rights, title, and interest in the ’375 patent, including the
`right to bring this suit for past and future damages and/or injunctive relief.
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