Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 1 of 13
`YOUTUBE, LLC, et al.,
`Case No. 20-cv-04423-JD
`This matter has been reassigned to the Honorable James Donato. It is hereby ordered,
`pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(b) and Civil L. R. 16-10, that a Case Management Conference shall
`be held in this case on October 8, 2020, at 10:00 A.M., in Courtroom 11, 19th Floor, United
`States Court House, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102.
`Counsel shall meet and confer as required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f) prior to the Case
`Management Conference with respect to the subjects set forth in Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(c). Not less
`than seven (7) calendar days before the conference, counsel shall file a joint case management
`statement in compliance with the “Standing Order for Civil Cases Before Judge James Donato”
`and the “Standing Order For All Judges of the Northern District -- Contents of Joint Case
`Management statement,” both of which are attached to this order and can also be found on the
`Courtʼs website. A proposed order is not necessary. Following the conference, the Court will
`enter its own Case Management and Pretrial Order.
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 2 of 13
`For all other matters pertaining to the Case Management Conference, including who must
`attend and how the parties may make a request to reschedule the date, the parties are directed to
`this Courtʼs Civil Standing Order. Parties are expected to be familiar with that order, and to
`comply with it fully.
`Dated: July 20, 2020
`United States District Judge
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 3 of 13
`This Standing Order is a guide to counsel and parties on pretrial practices in civil cases
`before Judge Donato. Counsel are required to read and comply with this order, this Court’s
`Standing Orders for Discovery in Civil Cases and Civil Jury Trials, and the Northern District’s
`Civil Local Rules.
`The parties are reminded that this Standing Order is included in the
`“Supplementary Material” that must be served in accordance with Civil Local Rules 4-2 and 16-2.
`Civil case management conferences are held on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in
`Courtroom 11, 19th Floor, United States Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco,
`The parties must file a joint case management statement addressing the
`standardized items required by the Standing Order for All Judges of the Northern District of
`California: Contents of Joint Case Management Statements. The joint statement must be filed at
`least seven calendar days prior to the case management conference. Failure to file a joint
`statement must be accompanied by a signed declaration explaining the grounds for that failure.
`Absent good cause, the parties may be subject to sanctions. If either party is not represented by
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 4 of 13
`counsel, separate statements may be filed, but only after the parties have made a good faith effort
`to prepare a joint statement.
`In proposing a case schedule, the parties should agree on a trial date and work
`backward from that date to ensure adequate time for dispositive and Daubert motions, class
`certification motions, expert discovery and other events. As a general rule, counsel should budget
`no more than 18 months between the initial case management conference and trial. Counsel
`requesting longer pretrial periods must be prepared to justify that request at the initial case
`management conference. A trial date typically will be assigned at the initial case management
`conference. Once assigned, the trial date will not be changed or continued absent good cause in
`the interest of justice. Counsel and parties should assume that the trial date will not be moved.
`For parties with counsel, each party must be represented at the case management
`conference by lead counsel prepared to address all pertinent matters and with authority to enter
`stipulations and make admissions. Failure of lead counsel to appear may result in sanctions. For
`parties without counsel, the party is expected to appear.
`Telephonic appearances are rarely permitted at case management conferences
`or motion hearings, except in exceptional circumstances and with the Court’s prior approval
`issued at least three court days before the appearance date. A conflict with another court date
`scheduled after a date set by this Court is not an exceptional circumstance. If a party or counsel
`has a good-faith basis for making a request to appear by telephone, it should file the request on the
`docket. Do not call the Court’s Courtroom Deputy with those requests.
`Any request to reschedule a case management conference must be made in writing,
`by stipulation if possible, not less than 10 calendar days before the conference date. Good cause
`must be shown. The conference date will not be rescheduled unless the Court grants the request.
`Parties cannot change the date by stipulation.
`Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(d)(1), formal discovery should not
`be served or initiated by any party until after the parties have conferred as required by FRCP 26(f),
`except by stipulation or court order, or as provided for in FRCP 26(d)(2) or other rules. The Court
`expects that as soon as any party reasonably anticipates or knows of litigation, it will take the
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 5 of 13
`necessary, affirmative steps to preserve evidence related to the issues presented by the action,
`including, without limitation, interdiction of any document destruction programs and any ongoing
`erasures of e-mails, voice mails, and other electronically-recorded material.
`In addition to filing papers electronically, the parties are required to lodge for
`chambers one paper copy of the following: (a) complaints; (b) notices of removal; (c) case
`management conference statements; (d) stipulations; (e) all motion papers, including the opening,
`opposition, and reply briefs, as well as any supporting declarations and exhibits; and (f) discovery
`dispute letters that are filed pursuant to this Court’s Standing Order for Discovery in Civil Cases.
`Counsel should not submit chambers copies of any other documents that are electronically filed.
`All chambers copies must be double-sided, three-hole punched at the left margin
`and marked with the ECF stamp (case number, document number, date and page number). These
`printed copies should be marked “Chambers Copy -- Do Not File” and placed in an envelope
`clearly labeled with the judge’s name and case number. The copies must be delivered in
`accordance with Civil Local Rule 5-1(e)(7). For voluminous filings, chambers would appreciate
`the use of binder clips rather than staples, or submission in three-ring binders. For documents
`with multiple attachments (e.g., declarations with exhibits, requests for judicial notice and so on),
`please use side tabs that clearly separate each attached document. For pretrial materials, please
`follow this Court’s Standing Order for Civil Jury Trials.
`The civil law and motion calendar is called on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in
`Courtroom 11. Counsel need not request a motion hearing date and may notice non-discovery
`motions for any Thursday (excepting holidays) at 10:00 a.m. consistent with the 35-day notice
`period in Civil Local Rule 7-2(a) or other appropriate timeline. The Court may vacate the hearing
`and rule on the papers, or reset the hearing date as its calendar requires.
`Counsel typically will have up to 15 minutes of oral argument time per side. The
`Court generally uses argument to ask questions and counsel are expected to be fully prepared to
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 6 of 13
`discuss applicable law and the facts in the case. Argument time will likely be extended for more
`complex cases and motions.
`The Court has a strong commitment to supporting the development of our next
`generation of trial lawyers. Parties and senior counsel are encouraged to give newer practitioners
`the opportunity to argue in court. To that end, the Court will typically guarantee oral argument on
`any motion handled by a lawyer with 6 or fewer years of experience. The Court should be advised
`that a newer lawyer is doing the argument well in advance of the hearing date.
`On summary judgment motions, joint statements of undisputed facts are not
`required but are helpful if completely agreed upon. Separate statements of “undisputed facts” may
`not be filed. See Civil L.R. 56-2.
`Reply papers should not raise new points that could have been addressed in the
`opening motion or brief. Sur-replies are not permitted. See Civil L.R. 7-3(d).
`The title of a submission must be sufficiently descriptive to alert the Court to the
`relief sought; for example, please do not bury a request for continuance in the body of a
`All submissions filed with the Court must include the date and time of the hearing
`or conference on the cover sheet.
`Except for summary judgment and class certification motions, opening and
`opposition briefs may not exceed 15 pages, and reply briefs may not exceed 10 pages. For
`summary judgment and class certification motions, opening and opposition briefs may not exceed
`25 pages, and reply briefs may not exceed 15 pages.
`The parties should not ask the Court for an order where one is not needed, e.g.,
`stipulations of dismissal under FRCP 41(a)(1). Those requests will be disregarded.
`The parties are reminded that they must inform the Court of any potentially related
`actions pending in this District or any other federal or state court in accordance with Civil Local
`Rules 3-12 and 3-13.
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 7 of 13
`Counsel should use their best judgment in deciding whether and when to bring a
`motion. Not every case warrants a motion to dismiss or summary judgment. For summary
`judgment in particular, counsel should carefully evaluate the extent to which fact disputes are
`genuine and material. Summary judgment motions that involve disputed material facts will
`usually be denied promptly in a short order.
`As effective lawyers know, persuasive written advocacy is focused, plainly stated
`and supported by accurate and reliable authority. Counsel should spare no effort to ensure that
`their papers are succinct and clear, and should present their arguments in descending order of
`strength. Arguments buried in footnotes or raised with little authority or discussion will generally
`not be considered by the Court. For example, an argument that the Court lacks personal
`jurisdiction over a defendant or that a party lacks standing should not be raised in a footnote or a
`short paragraph at the end of a brief. If counsel believes a serious question or issue should be
`decided by the Court, counsel should argue it appropriately.
`All case citations and factual statements must be completely accurate. A citation to
`a case, statute or other authority is counsel’s representation to the Court that the authority stands
`for the proposition asserted and is good law. A quotation of a case or other authority is counsel’s
`representation that the quoted language is complete and present in the authority cited. Counsel
`must ensure that use of ellipses or elisions in quotes does not mislead the Court or misrepresent
`the substance of the holding or other authority. Counsel’s representations of facts are subject to
`the same requirements of completeness and accuracy. Misrepresentations of law or fact, however
`subtle, may result in sanctions and a referral to the District’s Standing Committee on Professional
`FRCP 26 requires certain automatic disclosures and requires them to be made in a
`timely manner. Under FRCP 37(c), materials that are undisclosed or disclosed late will likely be
`excluded from use at trial or summary judgment unless permitted otherwise by the Court.
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 8 of 13
`Any party seeking to file a document under seal must carefully review and comply
`with Civil Local Rule 79-5, except as that Rule is modified here for civil cases before Judge
`The declaration and proposed order required by Civil Local Rule 79-5(d)(1) must
`establish, with reference to appropriate authority, that each of the following requirements is met:
`The document or document portion is “privileged, protectable as a trade
`secret or otherwise entitled to protection under the law.” Civil L.R. 79-5(b). (Note that
`“[r]eference to a stipulation or protective order that allows a party to designate certain documents
`as confidential is not sufficient to establish that a document, or portions thereof, are sealable.”
`Civil L.R. 79-5(d)(1)(A).)
`The “strong presumption of access to judicial records” may be rebutted
`under the appropriate legal standard, i.e., the “good cause” or “compelling reasons” standard. See
`Kamakana v. City and Cnty. of Honolulu, 447 F.3d 1172, 1178-82 (9th Cir. 2006) (discussing
`“good cause” and “compelling reasons” standards with respect to dispositive and non-dispositive
`motions). The declaration and proposed order must identify the appropriate standard and
`articulate why the materials to be sealed satisfy that standard. The reasons provided must be
`specific to the portions of the document sought to be sealed; “[s]imply mentioning a general
`category of privilege, without any further elaboration or any specific linkage with the documents,
`does not satisfy the burden.” Id. at 1184. Generic, non-specific reasons are not sufficient under
`either standard. See id. at 1180.
`Any proposed order under Civil Local Rule 79-5(d)(1)(B) must include in the table
`for each item sought to be sealed the filer’s reasons for seeking sealing of the material, along with
`citations to the relevant declarations.
`Any declaration by a Designating Party under Civil Local Rule 79-5(e)(1) must
`include a new proposed order in the tabular format required by Civil Local Rule 79-
`5(d)(1)(B) that includes the Designating Party’s reasons for sealing the material. In addition, any
`declaration by a Designating Party under Civil Local Rule 79-5(e)(1) that seeks less extensive
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 9 of 13
`sealing than its associated administrative motions to seal must be accompanied by revised
`redacted and unredacted versions of the documents sought to be sealed that comply with the
`requirements of Civil Local Rule 79-5(d)(1)(C) and (D), including the requirement that the
`portions sought to be sealed must be clearly marked on the unredacted version.
`Any declaration, whether under Civil Local Rule 79-5(d)(1)(A) or (e)(1), that
`claims confidentiality obligations to a non-party as a basis for sealing a document or a portion of a
`document must be served on the non-party as set forth in Civil Local Rule 79-5(e). The non-party
`must also be notified that it must comply with the procedures set forth in that rule for Designating
`Parties, except that the non-party will have four days from service of the declaration -- rather than
`four days from the filing of the administrative motion to seal -- to file a declaration under Civil
`Local Rule 79-5(e)(1).
`All portions of documents sought to be sealed must be clearly marked on the
`unredacted versions of documents submitted to the Court, as required by Civil Local Rule 79-
`5(d)(1)(D). The Court emphasizes this requirement, because it is usually ignored.
`For cases where voluminous or multiple administrative motions to seal would be
`filed if normal procedures were followed, parties (and any non-parties with potentially sealable
`information) must, upon the completion of briefing, jointly file a new, combined administrative
`motion to seal for all requests where sealing is unopposed. If any requests to seal are opposed,
`each party or non-party making an opposed request should file a single combined administrative
`motion to seal covering all of their opposed requests. If the parties anticipate that this paragraph
`will apply to a round of briefing, they may indicate in the initial motion to file under seal that
`accompanies a brief or other document as it is lodged under seal on the docket, that a more
`fulsome and revised motion to seal will be forthcoming after the completion of briefing pursuant
`to this paragraph of the Standing Order. The later combined motion to seal that is filed should
`clearly identify the docket numbers of the prior motions to seal that are superseded by the
`combined motion. If the Court determines that the parties should have followed this procedure but
`did not, it will deny the motions to seal without prejudice.
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 10 of 13
`Please do not send any letters to the Court except for discovery disputes as detailed
`in the Court’s Standing Order for Discovery in Civil Cases. When corresponding with the Court
`by letter, always identify the party you represent. Do not messenger anything directly to
`chambers. Deliveries must be directed to the Clerk’s office and are never accepted by chambers
`You may contact the Courtroom Deputy, Lisa Clark, at (415) 522-2066 with
`appropriate inquiries. Except for the letters described above, please do not attempt to make
`contact by telephone or any other ex parte means with chambers staff.
`Counsel and parties are required to conduct themselves with the highest level of
`decorum and respect for each other and Court and chambers personnel while in the courtroom.
`Cell phones and all other electronic devices must be turned off; no texting, e-mailing, or other
`electronic communications are permitted. While sitting in the gallery, counsel and parties should
`avoid conversation unless absolutely necessary for the appearance. Once a case is called and
`counsel appear, all communications must be directed only to the Court. Counsel shall not address
`each other directly unless the Court expressly permits them to do so. All statements and citations
`made to the Court during oral argument will be held to the same standards stated above in
`Paragraph 23.
`The Court has separate standing orders for civil jury trials, discovery in civil cases,
`and patent cases. They are available for review at the website for the United States District Court
`for the Northern District of California at
`Dated: January 5, 2017
`United States District Judge
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 11 of 13
`All judges of the Northern District of California require identical information in Joint Case
`Management Statements filed pursuant to Civil Local Rule 16-9. The parties must include the
`following information in their statement which, except in unusually complex cases, should not
`exceed ten pages:
`Jurisdiction and Service: The basis for the court’s subject matter jurisdiction over
`plaintiff's claims and defendant’s counterclaims, whether any issues exist regarding personal
`jurisdiction or venue, whether any parties remain to be served, and, if any parties remain to be
`served, a proposed deadline for service.
`Facts: A brief chronology of the facts and a statement of the principal factual issues in
`Legal Issues: A brief statement, without extended legal argument, of the disputed points of
`law, including reference to specific statutes and decisions.
`Motions: All prior and pending motions, their current status, and any anticipated motions.
`Amendment of Pleadings: The extent to which parties, claims, or defenses are expected to
`be added or dismissed and a proposed deadline for amending the pleadings.
`Evidence Preservation: A brief report certifying that the parties have reviewed the
`Guidelines Relating to the Discovery of Electronically Stored Information (“ESI Guidelines”), and
`confirming that the parties have met and conferred pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f) regarding
`reasonable and proportionate steps taken to preserve evidence relevant to the issues reasonably
`evident in this action. See ESI Guidelines 2.01 and 2.02, and Checklist for ESI Meet and Confer.
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 12 of 13
`Disclosures: Whether there has been full and timely compliance with the initial disclosure
`requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26, and a description of the disclosures made.
`Discovery: Discovery taken to date, if any, the scope of anticipated discovery, any
`proposed limitations or modifications of the discovery rules, a brief report on whether the parties
`have considered entering into a stipulated e-discovery order, a proposed discovery plan pursuant
`to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f), and any identified discovery disputes.
`Class Actions: If a class action, a proposal for how and when the class will be certified.
`Related Cases: Any related cases or proceedings pending before another judge of this
`court, or before another court or administrative body.
`Relief: All relief sought through complaint or counterclaim, including the amount of any
`damages sought and a description of the bases on which damages are calculated. In addition, any
`party from whom damages are sought must describe the bases on which it contends damages
`should be calculated if liability is established.
`Settlement and ADR: Prospects for settlement, ADR efforts to date, and a specific ADR
`plan for the case, including compliance with ADR L.R. 3-5 and a description of key discovery or
`motions necessary to position the parties to negotiate a resolution.
`Consent to Magistrate Judge For All Purposes: Whether all parties will consent to have a
`magistrate judge conduct all further proceedings including trial and entry of judgment. ___ Yes
`___ No
`Other References: Whether the case is suitable for reference to binding arbitration, a
`special master, or the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation.
`Narrowing of Issues: Issues that can be narrowed by agreement or by motion, suggestions
`to expedite the presentation of evidence at trial (e.g., through summaries or stipulated facts), and
`any request to bifurcate issues, claims, or defenses.
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


`Case 3:20-cv-04423-JD Document 22 Filed 07/20/20 Page 13 of 13
`Expedited Trial Procedure: Whether this is the type of case that can be handled under the
`Expedited Trial Procedure of General Order No. 64 Attachment A. If all parties agree, they shall
`instead of this Statement, file an executed Agreement for Expedited Trial and a Joint Expedited
`Case Management Statement, in accordance with General Order No. 64 Attachments B and D.
`Scheduling: Proposed dates for designation of experts, discovery cutoff, hearing of
`dispositive motions, pretrial conference and trial.
`Trial: Whether the case will be tried to a jury or to the court and the expected length of the
`Disclosure of Non-party Interested Entities or Persons: Whether each party has filed the
`“Certification of Interested Entities or Persons” required by Civil Local Rule 3-16. In addition,
`each party must restate in the case management statement the contents of its certification by
`identifying any persons, firms, partnerships, corporations (including parent corporations) or other
`entities known by the party to have either: (i) a financial interest in the subject matter in
`controversy or in a party to the proceeding; or (ii) any other kind of interest that could be
`substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.
`Professional Conduct: Whether all attorneys of record for the parties have reviewed the
`Guidelines for Professional Conduct for the Northern District of California.
`Such other matters as may facilitate the just, speedy and inexpensive disposition of this
`Rev. August 25, 2014
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court

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