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`case 1:16-cv—00041—CFC Document 1—1 llllllalllllllllflzllllllllllIllllellllllllllllfllllllllllllllllll Illlllll
`Case 1:16-cv-00041-CFC Document 1-1 Filed 01/26/16 Page 2 of 69 PageID #: 17
`[11] Patent Number:
`United States Patent
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Sep. 8, 1998
`[73] ASSlgnee‘
`James J_ Farrell, Orinda, Calif.
`fReal' FOOds’ LLC’ onnda’ cahf‘
`[21] App1~ No: 794,859
`Feb. 5, 1997
`10/1979 Kato ......
`11/1982 Ratcliff ..........
`.. 55/185
`4,544,277 10/1985 Schnellmann .
`.. 366/78
`10/1985 Maurer ..........
`................................. 366/206
`11/1987 Marshall
`9/1992 Nelson et al.
`.......................... 366/206
`7/1994 Neilson .........
`8/1995 Neilson .........
`5,580,007 12/1996 Caviezel et al.
`........................... 241 292.1 X
`5 599 103
`2 1997 L'
`Related US. Application Data
`5/1973 Germany .
`[62] Division of Ser. No. 649,534, May 17, 1996.
`Int. Cl.6 ..................................................... B02C 19/12
`[52] us. Cl.
`................... 241/36; 241/46.17; 241/199.12;
`Eggdulcgtggmamre for Hammo“ BeaCh MOdels 936 P and
`[58] Field Of Search .................................. 241/33, 36, 38,
`241/4617, 57, 19912, 292-1
`Primary Examiner—John M, Husar
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Limbach & Limbach L.L.P.
`References Cited
`5 1893 U b
`496 674
`I ac
`9/1909 Johnson .
`8/1919 Minsk
`1 313 830
`2,026,240 12/1935 Luxmore .
`5/1938 Goldman .
`2/1955 Love .
`6/1959 O’Neill, Jr.
`6/1960 Tomlinson .
`“1961 Ph1111P5~
`10/1964 TothSOH '
`3/1965 Haentjens et al’ ‘
`1/1967 Tomlinson et al.
`5/1970 Price et al.
`6/1973 Shirae ..................................... 259/108
`invention is a frozen drink machine and a
`The present
`method for making frozen drinks from a frozen substance
`Which has been frozen into a cup. According to the method
`and the machine of the present 1nvent10n, a cup c0nta1n1ng
`a frozen substance is positioned in a cup support located in
`the frozen drink machine. Arotatable blade having features
`for grinding the frozen substance and for aerating the ground
`frozen substance is lowered into the cup, grinding the frozen
`substance While a liquid is simultaneously introduced into
`the cup. In an alternative embodiment, a second blade is
`provided Which incorporates air into the liquid before the
`liquid is introduced into the cup
`27 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
` 1


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`US. Patent
`Sep. 8, 1998
`Sheet 1 0f 13
`FIG. 2


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`Sep. 8, 1998
`Sheet 2 0f 13


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`Sep. 8, 1998
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`US. Patent
`Sep. 8,1998
`Sheet 5 0f 13
`FIG. 53
`FIG. 5A


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` .1_.1SeOaU


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`Sep. 8,1998
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`FIG. 7


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` pm6Mn9%tumOS
`Case 1:16-cv-00041-CFC Document 1-1 Filed 01/26/16 Page 11 of 69 PageID #: 266
`69 woo,4P5
`FIG. 8A


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` 4tmnom


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`Sheet 11 0f 13
` 107


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`FIG. 10C


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`W “0 m
`3 4
`/ 326
`FIG. 11


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`This application is a divisional of application Ser. No.
`08/649,534, filed May 17, 1996 now pending.
`The present invention relates generally to the field of food
`processing methods and equipment, and particularly to
`apparatuses and methods for making milkshakes and other
`frozen drinks.
`The present invention relates to an improved means of
`making milkshakes and other frozen drinks. Currently the
`two commercially prevalent methods of making milkshakes
`and other frozen drinks are: 1) placing frozen ingredients
`such as ice cream scoops or ice or frozen fruit
`into a
`blending/mixing receptacle, then adding liquid such as milk
`or juice or water, and then blending them together, or 2)
`using a dispensing freezer of the type in which liquid
`ingredients are automatically fed into a freezing cylinder,
`agitated by a dasher in the cylinder during the freezing
`operation, and then dispensed when desired through a front
`discharge valve.
`The first method, while delivering an excellent quality
`milkshake or frozen drink, takes too much time and labor to
`be viable in high volume fast-food restaurants, where a
`major portion of the potential market
`lies. The second
`method, using a dispensing freezer, dominates the fast-food
`market, yet possesses several serious short-comings. The
`required dispensing freezer equipment
`is expensive to
`purchase, and very time consuming and expensive to clean
`and maintain. In addition, the quality of product this equip-
`ment produces, by its nature, does not recreate the “old
`fashioned” style lumpy/slushy texture that can only be
`achieved by blending frozen ingredients together with liquid
`ingredients and then serving immediately. Consumers do not
`respond nearly as favorably to the homogeneous texture
`produced by the dispensing freezer equipment as they do to
`the old fashioned texture, and therefore, these dispensing
`freezer drinks do not sell well, holding less than 3% market
`share of total restaurant beverage sales today.
`The overall goal of this invention is to enable the creation
`of a consumer preferred old fashioned texture milkshake or
`other frozen drink that will fit into the operational con-
`straints of today’s high volume fast-food restaurants. In
`order to meet the operational constraints of today’s fast-food
`restaurants this invention was developed to achieve three
`The first objective is to create a milkshake or other frozen
`drink in 30 seconds or less. In the fast-food market literally
`every second of preparation time is critical. By enabling
`preparation time to be reduced by even a few seconds, a
`number of features of this invention are significant improve-
`ments over the existing art.
`The second objective is to provide a frozen drink machine
`which requires very little labor for cleaning between serv-
`ings or at the end of the day, and which improves safety from
`bacterial concerns. Both of the existing methods of prepa-
`ration require excessive amounts of clean-up time, either
`between servings in the case of the blended method, or at the
`end of the day in the case of the dispensing freezer. In
`addition, because this cleaning is often poorly done, or
`neglected entirely, consumers are often put at risk of con-
`suming unsafe food products. This is a serious health risk
`which this invention addresses in new and novel ways.
`Athird object of the present invention is to achieve levels
`of whipping/aeration of the frozen drink of at least 15% of
`total volume. This level of whipping is important for two
`reasons. First, it is critical to keeping ingredient costs of this
`new method in competitive alignment with milkshakes and
`frozen drinks produced by dispensing freezers, which are
`whipped to this level of aeration and higher. Second, whip-
`ping also substantially improves flavor delivery of a frozen
`drink by improving a consumer’s ability to taste the drink as
`their sense of smell senses the frozen drink’s aroma trapped
`inside the tiny bubbles created by the whipping process.
`The present invention is a frozen drink machine and a
`method for making frozen drinks from a frozen substance
`which has been frozen into a cup. According to the method
`and the machine of the present invention, a cup containing
`a frozen substance is positioned in a cup support located in
`the frozen drink machine. A rotatable blade having features
`for grinding the frozen substance and for aerating the ground
`frozen substance is lowered into the cup, grinding the frozen
`substance while a liquid is simultaneously introduced into
`the cup. In an alternative embodiment, a second blade is
`provided which incorporates air into the liquid before the
`liquid is introduced into the cup.
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a milkshake cup according
`to the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a front elevation view of a frozen drink machine
`according to the present invention, in which a front panel is
`removed to expose the carriage and blade drive assemblies.
`FIG. 3 is a side elevation view of the frozen drink machine
`of FIG. 2.
`FIG. 4A is a front elevation view of the frozen drink
`machine of FIG. 2 in which the blending assembly housing
`has been pivoted to an open condition to expose the interior
`of the refrigerator housing and to further expose the back
`side of the blending assembly housing.
`FIG. 4B is a front elevation view, similar to the view of
`FIG. 4A, of a second embodiment of the frozen drink
`in which an assembly for pre-whipping milk
`before it is added to the frozen substance is included.
`FIG. 5A is a front elevation view of a portion of the
`carriage, the sleeve mounted to the carriage, and the blade
`shaft extending through the sleeve and the carriage. The
`sleeve and carriage are cut-away to more clearly illustrate
`the structure of the shaft and the contents of the sleeve.
`FIG. 5B is a front elevation view, similar to the view of
`FIG. 5A, in which the spring is in a compressed state.
`FIG. 6A is a front elevation view of the frozen drink
`machine of FIG. 2 showing the carriage at the end of its
`downward travel and showing the blade moving down-
`wardly within the serving cup.
`FIG. 6B is a front elevation view of the frozen drink
`machine of FIG. 2 showing the carriage and the blade at the
`ends of their respective downward travels.
`FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the cup housing according
`to the present invention.
`FIGS. 8A and 8B are side views of the cup housing of the
`frozen drink machine of FIG. 1, showing small and large
`cups, respectively, positioned in the cup housing.
`FIG. 9 is a front elevation view, similar to the view of
`FIG. 2, in which the cup support assembly is pivoted into the
`opened condition.


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`FIGS. 10A and 10B are a top plan view and a side
`elevation view, respectively, of a blade according to the
`present invention.
`FIG. 10C is a cross-sectional side view of the blade of
`taken along the plane designated
`FIGS. 10A and 10B,
`10C—10C in FIG. 10A.
`FIG. 11 is a simplified flow diagram showing the func-
`tions of the microprocessor of the present invention.
`the milkshake and frozen drink
`Generally speaking,
`machine according to the present invention allows milk-
`shakes and other frozen drinks to be quickly made by
`breaking up frozen blocks of ingredients into small frozen
`particles, and combining them with an added liquid. The
`ingredients to be frozen into frozen blocks are pre-mixed in
`liquid form, placed into serving cups which are the same
`serving cups in which the finished milkshake or frozen
`drinks are to be served, and then frozen into blocks con-
`forming to the insides of the serving cups and stored.
`When a milkshake or other frozen drink is to be made, a
`serving cup containing the frozen block is positioned in the
`machine. A rotating blade is lowered into the cup and bores
`through the frozen substance in the cup. Milk or another
`liquid is added to the cup for blending with the frozen
`substance, which is broken up into small frozen particles by
`the boring blade. The machine introduces air into the liquid
`or the liquid plus frozen particle mixture in order to give the
`milkshake or frozen drink its proper volume, texture, and
`flavor delivery.
`For the rest of this detailed description, the details of the
`machine and method will be provided with milkshakes as
`the end-product being produced, though it is to be under-
`stood that end-products such as smoothies or a variety of
`other frozen drinks can be made by the machine and method
`described herein.
`Cup and Ingredients
`A serving cup 200 of the type which may be used in the
`method and apparatus according to the present invention is
`shown in FIG. 1. The exterior surface of the cup 200
`includes a plurality of ridges 202.
`When ready for use in the machine according to the
`present invention, the cup 200 contains milkshake ingredi-
`ents which are frozen into a block 204 which conforms to the
`shape of the cup. The block 204 includes an upper surface
`206. The frozen substance preferably comprises all
`ingredients required to make a milkshake, with the excep-
`tion of the milk and the air (which gives the milkshake its
`volume and texture, and improves flavor delivery). Specifi-
`cally a cup which will yield a sixteen fluid ounce volume
`milkshake typically contains a frozen block of approxi-
`mately six fluid ounces of the same ingredients found in ice
`cream, but with no air incorporated. It should be pointed out
`that this differs from placing ice cream in the cup, because
`ice cream, by definition, contains air which is incorporated
`during freezing. For instance, the ice cream typically used in
`old-fashioned scooped type milkshakes typically contains
`approximately 45% air by volume.
`The ingredients are frozen into the cup 200 and form a
`block of frozen substance that typically fills the cup by less
`than 50% of its total volume. As will be appreciated below,
`the full volume of the cup is used to contain milkshake once
`the milk and air are introduced into the cup during a
`milkshake making operation.
`Milkshake and Frozen Drink Machine
`Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, the frozen drink machine 10
`according to the present invention is comprised generally of
`a refrigerator housing 12, a blending assembly housing 14,
`and a cup housing 16.
`The refrigerator housing 12 may be a commercially
`available self-service bulk milk refrigerator dispenser of the
`type commonly found in cafeterias. For example, the Norris
`Dispenser Company Model N-5 milk refrigerator may be
`used. Referring to FIG. 4A,
`the refrigerator housing 12
`includes a refrigerated compartment 18 having a shelf 20.
`Seated on the shelf is a box of milk 22 having a tube 24
`extending from its lower face. Tube 24 extends through a
`peristaltic pump 26 and has an open end 27 positioned
`within blending assembly housing 14.
`Refrigerator housing 12 includes a base portion 29 which
`lies below the refrigerated compartment 18. A block 31
`(FIGS. 3 and 4A) extends from the base portion 29 and
`supports a pair of limit switches 33a, 33b.
`A microprocessor 35 (FIG. 4A) is contained within the
`base portion 29 of the refrigerator housing 12. As will be
`discussed in detail below, the microprocessor 35 receives
`information from the limit switches 33a, 33b and other
`sensors which monitor operation of the milkshake machine,
`and manages the operation of the milkshake machine. A
`starting switch 37 is located on the front of the refrigerator
`housing 12 and is interfaced with the microprocessor 35 to
`deliver starting signals to the milkshake machine when
`triggered by a user.
`Referring to FIG. 3, blending assembly housing 14 is
`hinged to the refrigerator housing 12 so that blending
`assembly housing 14 can be pivoted into the open position
`shown in FIG. 4A in order to allow the milk box 22 to be
`replaced. A support frame 28 is mounted to the blending
`assembly housing 14. Upper and lower support members 30
`extend laterally from support frame 28.
`Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, two motors are mounted to
`frame 28 within the housing 14: a carriage motor 32 and a
`blade motor 34. Carriage motor 32 includes a shaft 36 which
`spins when the motor is activated. Shaft 36 is coupled to a
`first pulley 38 and a belt 39 is driven by first pulley 38.
`Carriage motor 32 is preferably a stepper motor capable of
`1500 RPM and 140 ounce-inches of torque.
`Blade motor 34 is preferably a one horsepower motor
`capable of up to 3400 revolutions per minute. It includes a
`rotatable shaft 40 which is coupled to a second pulley 42
`such that activation of the blade motor 34 results in rotation
`of the second pulley 42. Abelt 43 is driven by second pulley
`A carriage 44 is located within the housing 14. An
`elongated rod 46 (FIG. 2) extends through a bore 48 in the
`carriage 44 and is fixed to the support members 45. Rod 46
`is secured to the blending assembly housing 14 by a number
`of mounting blocks 50. The bore 48 is proportioned such that
`the carriage 44 can slide easily along the rod 46, and linear
`bearings (not shown) are pressed into the ends of bore 48 to
`aid the sliding motion.
`Referring to FIG. 2, carriage 44 includes a laterally
`extending member 52 having a bore 54. A ball nut 56 is
`secured within the bore 54, and a vertical screw drive 58
`extends through the ball nut 56. The screw drive 58 is
`mounted to the support frame 28 by a pair of mounting
`members 60.
`Athird pulley 61 is attached to one end of screw drive 58.
`Belt 39 is coupled to pulley 61 such that rotation of pulley
`38 results in corresponding rotation of third pulley 61. Thus,
`activation of carriage motor 32 results in rotation of screw


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`drive 58. When screw drive 58 is rotated in this manner, ball
`nut 56 is caused to travel vertically along the screw drive 58
`and to thereby move the carriage 44 vertically upward or
`downward, depending on the direction in which the screw
`drive is rotating.
`Carriage 44 is a substantially rectangular frame having a
`rectangular center opening 62. Abore 64 extends through the
`upper end of the carriage 44 and into the opening 62. A
`splined spindle shaft 66 is slidably disposed in the bore 64.
`Splined shaft 66 extends through a bearing 68 which is
`mounted to the support frame 28 by a support 69. A fourth
`pulley 71, which is internally splined,
`is attached to the
`bearing 68 and belt 43 is coupled to fourth pulley 71. Thus,
`rotation of second pulley 42, such as by activation of blade
`motor 34, causes resultant rotation of splined fourth pulley
`During rotation of splined pulley 71, the splines in splined
`shaft 66 and splined pulley 71 are rotationally engaged with
`one another such that rotation of splined pulley 71 causes
`rotation of splined shaft 66. This engagement, however, does
`not prevent
`the splined shaft 66 from sliding vertically
`within the splined pulley 71 and bearing 68 during vertical
`movement of the carriage 44.
`Splined shaft 66 includes a smooth section 70. A collar 72
`(FIGS. 5A and 5B) surrounds and is fixed to the smooth
`section 70 of shaft 66. Shaft 66 further includes a tapered
`section 74 and a blade 76 attached to the tapered section 74.
`Referring to FIG. 5A, smooth section 70 of shaft 66
`extends through a sleeve 78 mounted to the carriage 44
`within the opening 62 (opening 62 shown in FIG. 2). A
`shoulder 82 is formed at the top of sleeve 78.
`A compression spring 80 surrounds the shaft section 70
`and is housed within the sleeve 78. Spring 80 has a first end
`84 which abuts the shoulder 82 and a second end 86 which
`abuts collar 72. When carriage 44 advances downwardly in
`the direction indicated by arrow A1, and blade 76 reaches
`the surface 206 of the frozen substance 204 in the cup, spring
`80 becomes compressed between shoulder 82 and collar 72
`as indicated in FIG. 5B. Gradually, shaft 66 slides
`downwardly, as indicated by arrow A2 in FIG. 5B, through
`the sleeve 78 until spring 80 returns to its relaxed condition
`shown in FIG. 5A.
`Referring to FIGS. 6A and 6B, an optical detector 88 is
`mounted to the top of carriage 44. Optical detector includes
`a light source 90 and a receiver 92 which detects light
`emitted by light source 90. Optical detector 88 is positioned
`to detect whether the upper end of splined shaft 66 is
`extending above the carriage 44. When the upper end of the
`shaft 66 extends above the carriage 44, receiver 92 is
`prevented from receiving light emitted by light source 90.
`When the carriage 44 is lowered and the upper end of the
`splined shaft 66 can be detected by the optical detector 88,
`it indicates that the blade 76 has not yet reached the bottom
`of the serving cup 200 which contains the milkshake ingre-
`Optical detector 88 is electronically coupled to micropro-
`cessor 35 (FIG. 4A). When the blade 76 reaches the bottom
`of the serving cup 200 during use of the milkshake machine,
`this information is received by the microprocessor 35 and
`used to control the milkshake making operation as will be
`discussed below.
`Referring to FIGS. 3, 4A and 7, support frame 28 has a
`lower portion 94 positioned above the cup housing 16.
`Lower portion 94 includes a cooled recessed section 96
`which, when the blending assembly housing 14 is pivoted to
`the closed condition shown in FIG. 3, faces the portion of the
`refrigerated compartment 18 which lies below shelf 20.
`Because the refrigerated compartment 18 is cooled by its
`internal refrigeration unit, and because the recessed section
`96 is exposed to the refrigerated compartment 18,
`recessed section 96 is likewise cooled to a temperature of
`approximately 40° F. or below.
`Recessed section 96 is bounded by three side walls 98, a
`top wall 100 (FIG. 4A), and a bottom wall 102. Openings
`104a, 104b shown in FIG. 3, are formed in top and bottom
`walls 102. These openings permit the blade 76 to extend into
`the recessed section 96 and to pass from the recessed section
`into the cup 200.
`Asolenoid latch 103 having a plunger 105 (FIGS. 8A and
`8B) is attached to lower portion 94 of housing 14. The
`solenoid latch 103 works in a conventional manner. Plunger
`105 is spring biased in the elevated condition shown in FIG.
`9. When solenoid latch 103 is energized, plunger 105 slides
`vertically downward to the latched position shown in FIGS.
`8A and 8b.
`Referring to FIG. 9, cup housing 16 includes a side
`section 106 which is hinged to the rod 46. Cup housing is
`pivotable about
`the rod 46 between the closed position
`shown in FIG. 2 and the open position shown in FIG. 9. A
`handle 107 is provided to permit the cup housing to be easily
`pivoted between the closed and open positions. When the
`solenoid plunger 105 is in the latched position shown in FIG.
`8A, it prevents the cup housing from being moved to the
`open position.
`Referring to FIG. 9, cup housing 16 includes a tray 108
`which is provided with a cut-out 110 for receiving a serving
`cup 200. The portion 114 of the cup housing 16 above the
`tray is open.
`Cup housing 16 further includes an outer wall 112 which,
`when the cup housing is in the closed position, causes the
`cup 200 to be enclosed between the outer wall 112 and base
`portion 29 of refrigerator housing 12. Moreover, and as best
`shown in FIGS. 8A and 8B, when the cup housing 16 is in
`the closed condition,
`the block 31 which is attached to
`refrigerator housing 12 extends into the open portion 114 of
`the cup housing 16. The wall 112 and the block 31 are
`important because they prevent access to the cup during the
`processing cycle, when it would be very dangerous to
`disturb the cup due to the sharp blade spinning at high RPM
`inside the cup.
`Referring again to FIGS. 8A and 8B, when a cup is
`positioned in the cup housing and the cup housing placed in
`the closed condition, the cup depresses at least one of the
`limit switches 33a, 33b. A short cup 200b, shown in FIG.
`8A, will depress only lower limit switch 33b, whereas a tall
`cup 200a, shown in FIG. 8B will depress both lower and
`upper limit switches 33a, 33b. The switches 33a, 33b
`provide a means by which the presence of a cup in the cup
`housing may be detected. As will be described in detail
`below, when at least one of the switches 33a, 33b is closed,
`the microprocessor activates solenoid latch 103, causing the
`cup housing 16 to be locked in the closed condition and
`generates starting signals which cause the frozen drink
`making cycle to begin.
`The limit switches 33a, 33b also deliver information to
`the microprocessor 35 (FIG. 4A) concerning the size of the
`cup which is positioned in the cup housing. As detailed
`below, this will ensure that the appropriate quantity of milk
`is delivered into the cup for the size milkshake which is to
`be made. Also, because the surface 206 (FIG. 1) of the
`frozen block 204 is lower in a smaller cup than in a relatively
`larger cup, the microprocessor can ensure that the blade 76
`is lowered to the proper height before it is caused to begin


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`Referring to the perspective view of FIG. 7, cut-out 110
`includes ridges 116 around its perimeter. These ridges are
`designed to engage with like ridges 202 on the outside
`surface of the serving cup 200. This prevents cup 200 from
`rotating within the cut-out 110 as the rotating blade advances
`through the frozen substance.
`FIGS. 10A and 10B are top and side views, respectively,
`of blade 76. Blade 76 is preferably a 2.5 inch diameter
`stainless steel blade having a circular shape and a thickness
`of approximately 0.080 inches. Three-eighth inch diameter
`holes 118a, 118b and 118C are spaced 120° apart rotationally
`and at specific radiuses from the center of the blade such that
`as the blade makes one complete rotation, the entire surface
`area of the frozen substance will have been passed over by
`three holes. Holes 118a are centered 0.041 inches from the
`blade’s center, and holes 118b and 118C are spaced 0.062
`inches and 0.083 inches from the blade’s center respectively.
`Depressed regions 120, best shown in the cross section view
`of FIG. 10C, are formed immediately adjacent to each of the
`holes, located on their trailing edge as the blade rotates.
`These regions are depressed by 0.080 inches. The holes and
`the depressed regions are arranged such that as the blade 76
`is rotated and advanced into the frozen substance in the cup
`200 (FIG. 1), the holes 118a—c and depressed regions 120
`grate through the frozen substance much like the grating
`action of a cheese grater. It should be appreciated that the
`blade of FIG. 10A is configured such that clockwise rotation
`of this blade produces the desired grating effect. This
`arrangement also provides for easy manufacture in a stamp-
`ing operation, and maintains the mechanical strength of the
`blade so that its outside edges are not deflected upward by
`the force of the frozen substance being bored through. Other
`arrangements with differing size or shaped holes will also
`work well.
`Three waves are formed in the blade. As shown in FIGS.
`10A and 10C, each of the waves 122 includes a center crease
`124 which is elevated above the plane of the blade and side
`creases 126 which lie in the plane of the blade. The creases
`124 and 126 are approximately 1/2
`inches in length and
`extend radially from the perimeter of the blade. A distance
`along the perimeter of the blade of approximately 1/2 inch
`separates each pair of side creases 126. During high speed
`rotation of the blade, the waves 122 increase the whipping
`effect of the blade by causing an alternately high and low
`pressure zone at the blade’s edge, creating turbulent eddies
`which cause a whipping effect.
`Three pairs of cutouts 128 are formed along the perimeter
`of the blade 76, spaced 120° from each other. Each pair
`includes a first cutout which has a depressed trailing edge
`130 and a second cutout which has an elevated trailing edge
`132. During a milkshake making operation, the trailing edge
`130 is depressed to act as a grating surface to bore through
`the frozen substance at the outermost radius of the blade.
`The trailing edge 132 is elevated to act as a inverted ramped
`surface to force milkshake downward in the cup and thereby
`minimize the amount of milkshake that is driven up the
`interior walls of the cup by centrifugal force. Moreover, by
`directing milkshake ingredients above the blade, which are
`carried to the outer edge of the blade by centrifugal force, to
`then be forced downward and under the blade as the rotating
`blade moves upward, the elevated trailing edge 132 helps
`prevent the blade from carrying ingredients up and out of the
`cup as the blade is lifted from the cup.
`Operation of the frozen drink machine according to the
`present invention will next be described.
`First, cup housing 16 is pivoted to the opened condition
`shown in FIG. 9 and a cup 200 containing the frozen
`substance 204 is positioned in the cut-out 110. Cup housing
`16 is then pivoted to the closed position shown in FIG. 2.
`Next, carriage motor 32 is activated. Activation of car-
`riage motor 32 causes rotation of carriage motor shaft 36 and
`pulley 38, and through belt 39 further causes rotation of
`pulley 61 which is attached to the vertical screw drive shaft
`58, causing it to rotate. Count

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