Case 1:20-cv-01677-UNA Document 1 Filed 12/10/20 Page 1 of 22 PageID #: 1
` C.A. No. _________
`Plaintiffs Sebela Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Perrigo New York, Inc. for their Complaint
`against Defendant TruPharma, LLC hereby state and allege as follows:
`Plaintiff Sebela is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware
`with a principal place of business in Roswell, Georgia.
`Plaintiff Perrigo is organized under the laws of the state of Delaware with a
`principal place of business in Allegan, Michigan.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant TruPharma is a limited liability company
`organized under the laws of Delaware with an address of 4100 West Kennedy Boulevard, Suite
`220, Tampa, FL, 33609.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma is a privately owned pharmaceutical
`company, whose products are advertised and marketed through all major distribution channels in
`the United States.


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`Upon information and belief, Doe TruPharma is other persons or entities involved
`in the false and misleading activities alleged herein.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the claims asserted herein pursuant
`to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1332, and 1338, and 15 U.S.C. §§ 1116 and 1121, as this case arises under
`the Lanham Act. This Court also has supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiffs’ state and
`common law claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367.
`At all times relevant to this lawsuit, TruPharma, and one or more of its agents,
`have been engaged in the business of advertising, promoting, marketing, distributing, and/or
`selling, within the State of Delaware and in interstate commerce throughout the United States,
`the products which are the subject of this Complaint, namely, a hydrocortisone acetate 2.5% and
`pramoxine hydrochloride 1% cream that is marketed under NDC Code 52817-0817-01
`(hereinafter, “TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product”).
`TruPharma is subject to personal jurisdiction in Delaware because, upon
`information and belief, Defendant TruPharma is incorporated in Delaware; TruPharma transacts
`business and/or advertise or contract to supply services or things in this State; TruPharma has
`caused tortious injury in Delaware by an act or omission committed in Delaware; TruPharma has
`caused tortious injury in Delaware by an act or omission outside Delaware; TruPharma has
`caused tortious injury to a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware.
`Venue is proper in this judicial District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because
`TruPharma is incorporated in Delaware and subject to personal jurisdiction in this District.


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`Sebela’s Products
`Sebela is in the business of marketing, promoting, distributing, and selling
`authorized prescription pharmaceutical products in the gastroenterology and dermatology fields,
`including certain hydrocortisone acetate and pramoxine hydrochloride products formerly owned
`by Ferndale Laboratories, Inc. (later reorganized as Ferndale Pharma Group, Inc.) (“Ferndale”).
` From at least the 1970s, Ferndale developed, manufactured, and marketed a line
`of prescription products containing varying dosages of hydrocortisone acetate and pramoxine
`hydrochloride in cream, lotion, or ointment form (collectively, the “HCA/Pram Products”),
`which are currently marketed under the trademarks and trade names “PRAMOSONE”
`The PRAMOSONE and ANALPRAM prescription products have been
`continuously on the market for over 30 years and are topical corticosteroids with anti-
`inflammatory, antipruritic, and vasoconstrictive qualities and are available only by prescription.
`In the 1970s, Ferndale submitted and received Food and Drug Administration
`(“FDA”) approval of several ANDAs for a number of hydrocortisone acetate and pramoxine
`hydrochloride products, including the HCA/Pram Products.
`On July 1, 1988, the FDA published in the Federal Register a Notice of
`Opportunity for a Hearing (“NOOH”) regarding the regulatory status of fixed combination drug
`products that contain hydrocortisone acetate and pramoxine hydrochloride, which included
`Ferndale’s HCA/Pram Products. (53 Fed. Reg. 25013 (July 1, 1988)).
`Under the NOOH, the FDA required the ANDA holders to submit clinical
`evidence within 60 days of the NOOH showing that genuine and material issues of fact exist


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`about the effectiveness of the drug that require an administrative hearing for resolution.
`In response to the 1988 FDA notice, Ferndale submitted a timely hearing request
`for the HCA/Pram Products. This request for hearing was affirmed by Ferndale Laboratories,
`Inc., on January 3, 2011. (77 Fed. Reg. 43337 (July 24, 2012)).
`As recently as 2017, FDA confirmed that the HCA/Pram Products are subject to
`the NOOH proceedings.
`In 2013, Sebela acquired the right to sell and promote the HCA/Pram Products in
`the United States. Sebela has marketed, promoted, and/or sold the HCA/Pram Products since
`that time, and has derived income and revenue therefrom. Ferndale continues to act as the
`manufacturer of these products.
`In addition to product rights, Sebela acquired all of Ferndale’s regulatory rights
`and history concerning the HCA/Pram Products, including historical correspondence between
`Ferndale and the FDA.
`Having acquired these product rights in 2013, Sebela, either directly or as FDA
`agent for the ANDA owner, received and asserts the same exclusive legal rights to a hearing and
`other regulatory procedures under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), and
`which assertion has been affirmed by the FDA.
`One of the HCA/Pram Products marketed by Sebela is hydrocortisone acetate
`2.5% pramoxine hydrochloride 1% cream, which is marketed under the PRAMOSONE and
`ANALPRAM trademarks and trade names (hereinafter, “PRAMOSONE Cream”).
`PRAMOSONE Cream is a topical preparation containing hydrocortisone acetate
`2.5% w/w and pramoxine hydrochloride 1% w/w in a hydrophilic cream base containing stearic
`acid, cetyl alcohol, Aquaphor®, isopropyl palmitate, polyoxyl 40 stearate, propylene glycol,


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`potassium sorbate, sorbic acid, triethanolamine lauryl sulfate, and purified water.
`Sebela has expended significant resources in the marketing and selling its
`prescription products in compliance with existing laws and regulations and derives economic
`benefits, including revenue and profits, through sales of PRAMOSONE Cream.
`Sebela enjoys a strong reputation and has developed substantial goodwill among
`suppliers, medical professionals, pharmacists, wholesalers, regulators, consumers and others in
`connection with PRAMOSONE Cream, which is manufactured in accordance with current good
`manufacturing practices (“cGMP”).
`Sebela maintains contractual relationships with pharmaceutical manufacturers,
`pharmaceutical drug databases, insurers, wholesalers, distributors, and/or suppliers in order to
`make and sell PRAMOSONE Cream. These contractual relationships result in economic
`benefits to Sebela, and will continue to do so in the future. These contractual relationships are
`standard for the industry.
`Perrigo’s Authorized Cream
`Perrigo is in the business of marketing, promoting, distributing, and selling
`authorized prescription pharmaceutical products in the gastroenterology and dermatology fields,
`including certain hydrocortisone acetate and pramoxine hydrochloride products.
`27. With Sebela’s authorization, Perrigo markets a hydrocortisone acetate 2.5%
`pramoxine hydrochloride 1% cream (“Perrigo’s authorized cream”).
`Perrigo enjoys a strong reputation and has developed substantial goodwill among
`suppliers, medical professionals, pharmacists, wholesalers, regulators, consumers and others in
`connection with Perrigo’s authorized cream, which is manufactured in accordance with current
`good manufacturing practices (“cGMP”).


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`Perrigo maintains contractual relationships with pharmaceutical manufacturers,
`pharmaceutical drug databases, insurers, wholesalers, distributors, and/or suppliers in order to
`make and sell Perrigo’s authorized cream. These contractual relationships result in economic
`benefits to Perrigo, and will continue to do so in the future. These contractual relationships are
`standard for the industry.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma is exploiting Plaintiffs’ success by
`falsely marketing TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product as an unauthorized “generic”
`version of Sebela’s PRAMOSONE Cream.
`C. TruPharma Advertises and Markets TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product as a Generic Substitute for PRAMOSONE Cream
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma, directly and by implication, has
`represented and continue to represent to wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies, and other
`members of the pharmaceutical industry that TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is a
`“generic” equivalent of Sebela’s PRAMOSONE Cream and substitutable therefore.
`TruPharma represents itself as having “critical experience in pharmaceutical
`development, manufacturing, patent challenges, and all aspects of generic product sales and
`marketing.” TruPharma further promotes its generic products through its “proven track record
`of building niche product portfolios and getting difficult products FDA-approved and into the
`market.” Exhibit 1.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma advertises and promote TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product as a “generic” version of PRAMOSONE Cream to
`wholesalers, distributors, insurance companies, pharmacies and other members of the
`pharmaceutical industry.
`TruPharma has advertised TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product on the


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`pharmaceutical database, MediSpan Price Rx Pro, as early as October 21, 2020.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma advertises and promotes TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product as a “generic equivalent” of PRAMOSONE Cream on
`pharmaceutical drug databases and price lists (hereinafter, the “Drug Databases”). For example,
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product appears as follows:
`The Drug Databases are specialized marketing channels which are used
`nationwide by manufacturers to advertise and promote their products.
`The Drug Databases are used by wholesalers, pharmacies, pharmacists, insurers,
`health care professionals, and others in the pharmaceutical industry to evaluate medications that
`are currently on the market and determine whether “generic” versions of brand-name products
`are available.
`Upon information and belief, based upon the representations of TruPharma to the
`Drug Databases, TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product has been or will be listed and
`“linked” on the Drug Databases as an equivalent product to Sebela’s PRAMOSONE cream and
`Perrigo’s authorized cream.
`The listing and “linking” of products on the Drug Databases is used by
`pharmacies, pharmacists, wholesalers, pharmaceutical buyers, and insurance companies and
`others to determine whether there are any generic substitutes available for a particular brand


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`Based upon the listing and linking of the products in the Drug Databases, these
`relevant market players believe that the linked pharmaceutical products are FDA-approved
`generic equivalents that are automatically substitutable for the brand name product.
`Upon information and belief, based upon TruPharma’s representations, relevant
`market players, including wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies, pharmacists, insurers and others,
`are being deceived into believing that the TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product has
`been reviewed or approved by the FDA as a generic equivalent of Sebela’s PRAMOSONE
`Upon information and belief, through its marketing of TruPharma’s Unauthorized
`HCA/Pram Product, TruPharma is also representing, expressly or impliedly, that TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is properly substitutable for Sebela’s PRAMOSONE Cream
`and Perrigo’s authorized cream, and/or properly automatically substitutable for Sebela’s
`PRAMOSONE Cream and Perrigo’s authorized cream at the pharmacy level.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma’s false and misleading representations
`have deceived wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies, pharmacists, insurers and others in the
`industry into believing that TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product has been reviewed
`or approved by the FDA as a generic equivalent of PRAMOSONE Cream and that it is
`automatically substitutable therefore, causing Plaintiffs monetary and other harm as further
`detailed below.
`D. TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is not a Generic Equivalent of
`or Automatically Substitutable for PRAMOSONE Cream
`Notwithstanding TruPharma’s advertising and promotional efforts, TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is a new product that has not been approved by the FDA and is
`not a “generic equivalent” of Sebela’s PRAMOSONE Cream, nor is it substitutable therefor.


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`True generic drugs are “therapeutically equivalent” to their branded rivals.
`“Therapeutically equivalent” drugs must be both “pharmaceutically equivalent” (that is, they
`have identical active ingredients, strength, and dosage form) and “bioequivalent” (that is, the
`bioavailability--the rate and extent to which the active ingredients are absorbed by the body--is
`the same).
`To market a drug as a “generic,” the drug manufacturer or distributor must also
`submit an application to the FDA summarizing the testing it has performed to establish
`therapeutic equivalence between the referenced drug and the generic version of the drug.
`The majority of states, including Delaware, prohibit generic substitution of a drug
`for a prescribed brand-name drug unless the substitute is therapeutically equivalent to the
`prescribed drug.
`Delaware defines “generic substitution” as “a drug that is the same active
`ingredient, equivalent in strength to the strength written on the prescription and which is
`classified as being therapeutically equivalent to another drug in the latest edition or supplement
`of the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic
`Equivalence Evaluations, sometimes referred to as the ‘Orange Book.’” 24 Del. C. § 2502(32).
`Notwithstanding TruPharma’s marketing, TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product is not a generic equivalent of or substitutable for PRAMOSONE Cream.
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product has not been reviewed or
`approved by the FDA as a “generic” of PRAMOSONE Cream or any other product.
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product has not been reviewed or
`approved by the FDA as a therapeutic equivalent of PRAMOSONE Cream or any other product.
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is not listed as therapeutically


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`equivalent to PRAMOSONE Cream in the Orange Book.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is
`not therapeutically equivalent to the PRAMOSONE Cream product.
`information and belief, TruPharma has not
`tested TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product for therapeutic equivalence to PRAMOSONE Cream.
`Additionally, upon information and belief, TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product is an unapproved product which TruPharma did not market prior to 2019.
`Unlike Sebela, TruPharma is not a party to the NOOH administrative process for
`HCA/Pram Products, which has been in place since 1988.
`TruPharma’s marketing efforts have misled consumers into believing that
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is generic to and substitutable for PRAMOSONE
`Cream and Perrigo’s authorized cream, when in fact it is not.
`As a result of TruPharma’s false and misleading representations about
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product, Plaintiffs’ goodwill is being harmed and will
`continue to be harmed and Plaintiffs will suffer eroding sales of their authorized HCA/Pram
`Upon information and belief, as a result of TruPharma’s false and misleading
`representations about its product, TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product will be
`improperly substituted by pharmacists who receive prescriptions written for PRAMOSONE
`Cream or Perrigo’s authorized cream.
`Additionally, Plaintiffs do not and cannot control the safety, effectiveness, or
`quality of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product.
`Doctors and patients who suffer bad or disappointing experiences such as denial


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`of coverage for PRAMOSONE Cream or Perrigo’s authorized cream, or suffer adverse reactions
`with TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product, are likely to attribute such negative
`experiences to Plaintiffs and PRAMOSONE Cream or Perrigo’s authorized cream, thereby
`further harming PRAMOSONE Cream or Perrigo’s authorized cream sales and Plaintiffs’
`E. The Resulting Harm to Plaintiffs
`information and belief, TruPharma’s
`representations about
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product deceive members of the pharmaceutical industry
`into believing that it is generically equivalent to and substitutable for PRAMOSONE Cream and
`Perrigo’s authorized cream, when in fact it is not.
`63. Wholesalers, pharmacies, pharmacists, insurers, health care professionals, and
`others in the pharmaceutical industry are likely to be deceived and, upon information and belief
`are actually being deceived, by TruPharma’s false and misleading representations about
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma knows that their marketing of
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product is likely to deceive and is actually deceiving
`drug wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies, pharmacists, and others in the industry about the
`nature, characteristics, and qualities of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product and will
`cause improper refusal of insurance coverage for PRAMOSONE Cream and Perrigo’s authorized
`cream, loss of formulary listing or reduced formulary coverage for PRAMOSONE Cream and
`Perrigo’s authorized cream, and improper substitution of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product for PRAMOSONE Cream and Perrigo’s authorized cream.


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`Upon information and belief, TruPharma has not only engaged in the false
`advertising and marketing of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product, but have also done
`so willfully.
`Through these and other false and misleading representations, TruPharma has and
`will continue to cause harm to the reputation and goodwill that Sebela and Ferndale have
`developed over thirty (30) years in the industry and, have caused and will continue to cause
`Plaintiffs to lose both revenue and market share.
`False Advertising Under the Lanham Act – 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re-allege the allegations contained in the preceding
`paragraphs of this Complaint as though set forth fully herein.
`Upon information and belief, in the course of advertising and marketing the
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product, TruPharma has used, in interstate commerce and
`in commercial advertising, false and misleading representations of fact that misrepresent the true
`nature, characteristics, and potential health risks of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma has made false or misleading
`representations of fact about its product, including that TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product is a generic equivalent to and substitutable for PRAMOSONE Cream and Perrigo’s
`authorized cream.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma’s representations about TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product to members of the pharmaceutical industry constitute
`commercial advertising or promotion.


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`TruPharma’s misrepresentations about TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product relate to inherent qualities or characteristics of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`TruPharma’s false and misleading representations are material in that they are
`likely to influence the purchasing decisions of wholesalers, third-party payors, pharmacists,
`health care professionals, insurers, and others in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as patients
`who use Plaintiffs’ products.
`TruPharma’s representations about TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product have deceived and/or have the tendency to deceive a substantial segment of its intended
`Upon information and belief, but for TruPharma’s false and misleading
`statements, wholesalers, third-party payors, pharmacists, health care professionals, patients,
`insurers, and others in the pharmaceutical industry would not list, purchase, distribute, prescribe,
`cover, or use TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma’s actions have been willful and
`Among other things, since at least November 2020, TruPharma has been aware of
`Sebela’s position that TruPharma’s advertising and marketing of TruPharma’s Unauthorized
`HCA/Pram Product will be false and misleading. Despite this knowledge, TruPharma has
`proceeded to advertise and market TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product to members
`of the pharmaceutical industry in a manner that is likely to confuse and mislead.
`As a direct and proximate result of TruPharma’s actions, Plaintiffs have and will
`continue to suffer damage to their business, reputation, goodwill, and the loss of sales, profits,


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`and customers.
`TruPharma’s actions as alleged herein have caused, are causing, and will continue
`to cause irreparable and inherently unquantifiable injury and harm to Plaintiffs’ business,
`reputation, and goodwill, unless enjoined by this Court.
`Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1116, Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary and permanent
`injunctive relief to TruPharma’s continuing acts.
`Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117, Plaintiffs are entitled to recover treble damages
`sustained by TruPharma’s actions, an accounting for profits realized by TruPharma, and the costs
`of this action.
`In addition, as this is an exceptional case pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a),
`Plaintiffs are entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees.
`Contributory False Advertising under the Lanham Act - 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re-allege the allegations contained in the preceding
`paragraphs of this Complaint as though set forth fully herein.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma is knowingly inducing or causing,
`and/or materially participating in, the false and misleading advertising and promotion of
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product by Drug Databases, wholesalers, pharmacies,
`insurers, and/or other members of the pharmaceutical industry to advertise and promote
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product as an FDA-approved “generic” product that is
`generically equivalent to and substitutable for PRAMOSONE Cream and Perrigo’s authorized
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma knew and/or intended to participate in


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`the false advertising of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product by Drug Databases,
`wholesalers, pharmacies, insurers, and/or other members of the pharmaceutical industry.
`TruPharma actively and materially furthered such false and misleading
`advertising and promotion of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product by expressly or
`impliedly representing that TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product was equivalent to
`and/or substitutable for the PRAMOSONE Cream and Perrigo’s authorized cream and, upon
`information and belief, by listing the product with the Drug Databases.
`Such false and misleading representations about TruPharma’s Unauthorized
`HCA/Pram Product by Drug Databases, wholesalers, pharmacies, insurers, and/or other members
`of the pharmaceutical industry have actually deceived or have the tendency to deceive a
`substantial segment of their audience as to the nature, quality, and characteristics of TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product.
`Such false and misleading representations about TruPharma’s Unauthorized
`HCA/Pram Product by Drug Databases, wholesalers, pharmacies, insurers, and/or other members
`of the pharmaceutical industry are material and likely to influence the purchasing decisions of
`wholesalers, third-party payors, pharmacists, health care professionals, insurers, and others in the
`pharmaceutical industry, as well as patients who use Plaintiffs’ products.
`Upon information and belief, these false or misleading representations were and
`are made in interstate commerce.
`Upon information and belief, TruPharma’s actions have been willful and
`As a direct and proximate result of TruPharma’s conduct, Plaintiffs have suffered
`damages, which includes a loss of reputation, sales, profits and customers.


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`Defendant actions as alleged herein have caused, are causing, and will continue to
`cause irreparable and inherently unquantifiable injury and harm to Plaintiffs’ business,
`reputation, and goodwill, unless TruPharma’s unlawful conduct is enjoined by this Court.
`Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1116, Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary and permanent
`injunctive relief to TruPharma’s continuing acts.
`Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117, Plaintiffs are entitled to recover treble damages
`sustained by TruPharma’s actions, an accounting for profits realized by TruPharma, and the costs
`of this action.
`In addition, as this is an exceptional case pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a),
`Plaintiffs are entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees.
`Unfair Competition Under the Lanham Act – 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re-allege the allegations contained in the preceding
`paragraphs of this Complaint as though set forth fully herein.
`By virtue of TruPharma’s false or misleading representations, as detailed above,
`TruPharma is also liable for unfair competition under the Lanham Act.
`TruPharma’s false and/or misleading representations of fact are likely to cause
`confusion or mistake or to deceive as to TruPharma’s affiliation, connection or association with
`Sebela and/or the FDA.
`TruPharma’s false and/or misleading representations of fact are also likely to
`cause confusion or mistake or to deceive as to the origin, sponsorship, or approval of
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product and/or TruPharma’s commercial activities by
`Sebela and/or the FDA.


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`Additionally, consumers,
`including purchasers, wholesalers, distributors,
`prescribers, insurers, and pharmacists, may be deceived into believing that TruPharma’s
`Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product has been approved or authorized by Sebela and/or the FDA.
`100. Moreover, Sebela has become uniquely associated with PRAMOSONE Cream,
`which association is being unlawfully appropriated and impaired by Defendant.
`101. Plaintiffs are likely to and has been damaged by TruPharma’s conduct, as detailed
`herein. Plaintiffs are entitled to damages for TruPharma’s unfair competition, an accounting of
`profits and recovery of Plaintiffs’ costs of this action.
`102. Because some of the damage to Plaintiffs’ reputation and the reputation of their
`products cannot be adequately compensated by monetary damages, and TruPharma’s conduct is
`causing irreparable and inherently unquantifiable injury and harm to Plaintiffs’ business,
`reputation, and goodwill, Plaintiffs are entitled to temporary, preliminary, and permanent
`injunctive relief, enjoining TruPharma from further unfair competition, including without
`limitation, removing the false and misleading listings for TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram
`Product from the Drug Databases.
`103. Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117, Plaintiffs are entitled to recover treble damages
`sustained by TruPharma’s actions, an accounting for profits realized by TruPharma, and the costs
`of this action.
`In addition, as this is an exceptional case pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a),
`Plaintiffs are entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees.
`Violation of the Delaware Deceptive Trade Practices Act
`105. Plaintiffs repeat and re-allege the allegations contained in the preceding


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`paragraphs of this Complaint as though set forth fully herein.
`106. 6 Del. C. § 2533 provides a private right of action to enforce the provisions of 6
`Del C. § 2532.
`In the course of its business, TruPharma has engaged and continue to engage in
`deceptive trade practices in violation of 6 Del. C. § 2532(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), (7), (9), and (12) by
`and through their false and misleading representations of fact and conduct with respect to
`TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product.
`108. Upon information and belief, TruPharma has willfully engaged in these actions
`knowing them to be deceptive.
`109. By reason of TruPharma’s actions, Plaintiffs have and will continue to suffer
`damage to their business, reputation, and goodwill and the loss of sales and profits.
`110. Pursuant to 6 Del. C. § 2533, Plaintiffs are entitled to injunctive relief, treble
`damages, and reasonable attorney’s fees.
`Common Law Unfair Competition
`111. Plaintiffs repeat and re-allege the allegations contained in the preceding
`paragraphs as though set forth fully herein.
`112. TruPharma has intentionally and maliciously made false statements and material
`omissions in its marketing and sale of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product.
`113. Through these actions, as described above, TruPharma has wrongfully interfered
`with Plaintiffs’ reasonable business expectancies concerning PRAMOSONE Cream and
`Perrigo’s authorized cream, including expected sales.
`114. By reason of TruPharma’s actions, Plaintiffs have and will continue to suffer


`Case 1:20-cv-01677-UNA Document 1 Filed 12/10/20 Page 19 of 22 PageID #: 19
`damage to their business, reputation, and goodwill and the loss of sales and profits.
`115. Plaintiffs are entitled to damages for TruPharma’s unfair competition, an
`accounting of profits made on sales of TruPharma’s Unauthorized HCA/Pram Product an

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