Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 1 of 19 PageID #: 71
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 1 of 19 PageID #: 71


`( 12 ) United States Patent
`( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,532,709 B2
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`* Jan . 14 , 2020
`( * ) Notice :
`( 71 )
`( 73 )
`Applicant : Safe Driving Technologies , LLC ,
`Suffern , NY ( US )
`( 72 ) Inventor : Mouhamad A Naboulsi , West
`Bloomfield , MI ( US )
`Assignee : Safe Driving Technologies , LLC ,
`Suffern , NY ( US )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis
`claimer .
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 16 / 140,786
`Sep. 25 , 2018
`( 22 )
`Filed :
`( 65 )
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2019/0031124 A1 Jan. 31 , 2019
`Related U.S. Application Data
`( 60 ) Continuation of application No. 15 / 657,777 , filed on
`Jul . 24 , 2017 , now Pat . No. 10,081,317 , which is a
`( Continued )
`( 51 ) Int . Cl .
`BOOR 16/023
`BOOR 11/02
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( Continued )
`( 52 ) U.S. CI .
`B60R 16/0232 ( 2013.01 ) ; B60Q 9/00
`CPC ...
`( 2013.01 ) ; B60Q 9/008 ( 2013.01 ) ; B6OR
`11/0264 ( 2013.01 ) ; BOR 16/023 ( 2013.01 ) ;
`GO6F 37017 ( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 370227
`( 2013.01 ) ; G06F 17/00 ( 2013.01 ) ; G08B
`21/06 ( 2013.01 ) ; H04M 1/6083 ( 2013.01 ) ;
`H04M 1/6091 ( 2013.01 ) ;
`( Continued )
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history .
`References Cited
`6,393,301 B1
`5/2002 Oda
`6,690,940 B1
`2/2004 Brown et al .
`6,973,333 B1 * 12/2005 O'Neil
`( 56 )
`H04W 48/04
`340 / 425.5
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Richard M Camby
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm
`- FisherBroyles LLP ;
`Richard M. Lehrer
`( 57 )
`According to one aspect of one embodiment of the present
`invention , a safety control system for using applications in
`vehicles , includes , a communication device having at least
`one of an input accessible from within the vehicle and an
`output communicated within the vehicle , at least one sensor
`operable to sense at least one condition related to vehicle
`operation , and data about distraction features of a running
`application , to and a controller communicated with the
`sensor and the communication device to selectively suppress
`at least one of said input and said output in response to a
`sensed parameter of said at least one condition being outside
`of a threshold . When an input is suppressed , the driver is
`prevented from accessing or inputting information into the
`communication device . When an output is suppressed , com
`munication between the device and the driver of a vehicle is
`suppressed to , among other things , avoid distracting the
`driver during certain driving situations or conditions relating
`to the driver , vehicle and / or environment .
`16 Claims , 4 Drawing Sheets
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 2 of 19 PageID #: 72
`Xotiretkin 50W
`... DOWY WYKWOODYxgo . Outres
`22. W
`- min
`* Wow
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`US 10,532,709 B2
`Page 2
`( 51 )
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation of application No. 15 / 352,206 , filed on
`Nov. 15 , 2016 , now Pat . No. 9,713,994 , which is a
`continuation of application No. 14 / 661,598 , filed on
`Mar. 18 , 2015 , now Pat . No. 9,524,034 , which is a
`continuation of application No. 13 / 663,085 , filed on
`Oct. 29 , 2012 , now Pat . No. 9,047,170 , which is a
`division of application No. 10 / 838,708 , filed on May
`4 , 2004 , now Pat . No. 8,301,108 .
`Int . Ci .
`G08B 21/06
`G06F 17/00
`B60Q 9/00
`GO6F 3/01
`G06F 3/02
`H04M 1/60
`H04M 1/725
`BOOR 11/00
`( 52 ) U.S. Cl .
`H04M 1/72577 ( 2013.01 ) ; B6OK 2350/906
`( 2013.01 ) ; BOOK 2370/195 ( 2019.05 ) ; B6OR
`2011/001 ( 2013.01 ) ; B60W 2520/105
`( 2013.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2019.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 3 of 19 PageID #: 73


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14 , 2020
`Sheet 1 of 4
`US 10,532,709 B2
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`Figure 1

`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 4 of 19 PageID #: 74
`Figure 2


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14 , 2020
`Sheet 2 of 4
`US 10,532,709 B2
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 5 of 19 PageID #: 75
`Figure 3


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14 , 2020
`Sheet 3 of 4
`US 10,532,709 B2
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 6 of 19 PageID #: 76
`Figure 4


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 14 , 2020
`Sheet 4 of 4
`US 10,532,709 B2
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`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 8 of 19 PageID #: 78
`US 10,532,709 B2
`ing at high speed , negotiating a turn , braking , reverse
`driving , or a stress condition on the part of the driver , that
`could increase the possibility of an accident should the
`driver be distracted by activation of the telephone or other
`5 signal or device . This inherent risk is also dependent on the
`driving purpose as well , for example , the risk in driving a
`The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent
`police cruiser is inherently riskier than in driving a sedan ,
`application Ser . No. 15 / 657,777 which was filed Jul . 24 ,
`and driving a delivery van has different risk than driving the
`2017 , which claims the benefit of priority from U.S. patent
`family van .
`application Ser . No. 15 / 352,206 which was filed Nov. 15 ,
`Herbert et al . , U.S. Pat . No. 6,188,315 and Brown , U.S.
`2016 , which claims the benefit of priority from U.S. patent
`Pat . No. 6,353,778 , disclose systems for avoiding preset
`application Ser . No. 14 / 661,598 filed Mar. 18 , 2015 , which
`potentially dangerous conditions while operating a vehicle
`claims the benefit of priority from U.S. patent application
`having a vehicle telephone , but the systems described in
`Ser . No. 13 /
`, 085 which was filed Oct. 29 , 2012 , which
`those patents are of relatively limited application , and do not
`claims the benefit of priority from U.S. patent application
`Ser . No. 10 / 838,708 which was filed May 4 , 2004 , which 15 provide for avoiding dangerous conditions or to managing
`claims the benefit of priority from U.S. patent application
`risk and individualizing the warnings to individual driving
`Ser . No. 10 / 287,299 , filed Nov. 4 , 2002 , which claims the
`skills or application and to combinations of events and
`benefit of priority from U.S. patent application Ser . No.
`environmental conditions .
`10 / 279,447 , filed Oct. 24 , 2002 , Provisional Application No.
`60 / 336,293 filed Oct. 24 , 2001 , and Provisional Application 20
`No. 60 / 390,877 filed Jun . 21 , 2002 , the contents of which are
`An object of at least some presently preferred embodi
`each incorporated herein by reference .
`ments of the present invention is to provide a safety control
`system for vehicles tending to reduce the possibility of
`25 accidents in one or more of the above respects . Another
`The present invention relates to the field of telematics ,
`object of at least some presently preferred embodiments of
`the invention is to provide a method of reducing or avoiding
`namely to the field of integrating information , communica
`tion , computing and entertainment technologies into
`driver distraction during potentially dangerous conditions
`vehicles for civilian or military use . The invention particu
`encountered while operating a vehicle .
`larly relates to safety control systems for vehicles to reduce 30
`According to one aspect of one embodiment of the present
`driver distraction , avoiding potentially dangerous conditions
`invention , a safety control system for vehicles , includes , a
`tending to produce accidents .
`communication device having at least one of an input
`accessible from within the vehicle and an output commu
`nicated within the vehicle , at least one sensor operable to
`35 sense at least one condition related to vehicle operation , and
`a controller communicated with the sensor and the commu
`One potentially dangerous condition is the use of a
`nication device to selectively suppress at least one of said
`vehicle telephone by the vehicle driver while driving the
`vehicle . The use of telematics in general and particularly
`input and said output in response to a sensed parameter of
`cellular telephones by drivers while driving has been found
`said at least one condition being outside of a threshold .
`to increase the possibility of an accident since such a 40 When an input is suppressed , the driver is prevented from
`telephone not only diverts the driver's attention from driv
`accessing or inputting information into the communication
`ing , but also generally requires the use of at least one of the
`device . When an output is suppressed , communication
`driver's hands and distract the driver's eyes from the road
`between the device and the driver of a vehicle is suppressed
`and traffic . In fact , many states and countries have enacted
`to , among other things , avoid distracting the driver during
`legislation requiring that telephones used in vehicles by 45 certain driving situations or conditions .
`drivers while driving must be of the “ hands free ” type and
`According to one aspect of one embodiment of the present
`usually telematics equipment carries a warning to educate
`invention , there is provided a safety control system for
`and discourage the driver about the risk of using these
`vehicles including a telephone or other input or output
`devices while driving . However , such legislation is difficult
`device and one or more sensors for sensing instantaneous
`to enforce and education is not usually effective in assuring 50 driver stimuli and / or a potentially dangerous condition and
`driver compliance . Moreover , even where the vehicle is
`for automatically disabling or suppressing the telephone or
`equipped with a " hands free ” telephone , drivers nevertheless
`other input or output device when sensing such stimuli and
`still frequently use one hand for holding or dialing the
`condition . In one form , the sensors include two sensors
`telephone . When one hand is occupied by holding a tele
`mounted on a steering member to provide an indication of
`phone , the danger of causing an accident in an emergency 55 the presence of the driver's hands on the vehicle steering
`situation is increased because of the additional reaction time
`member , and effective to suspend use of the telephone or
`required to properly grip the steering wheel with both hands .
`other input / output device when the two hands of the driver
`Similar danger exists when the driver attempts to control
`are not sensed as present on the steering member while the
`audio and video equipment , e.g. Radio , Music CD , DVD ,
`vehicle is in motion . This system is modular , dynamic ,
`Books on tape etc. , or when the driver attempts to change 60 interactive , and adaptive to each individualized user . In one
`environmental controls like adjusting the heat or air condi
`implementation , the invention employs a method for auto
`tioning , or other vehicle settings .
`mated machine prioritizing to provide assistance to the
`There are other potentially dangerous conditions and
`driver and optimize the functionality of telematics features
`inherent risks in driving that depends on the driving act
`accessibility by arranging them according to a user's needs
`itself , such as rapidly accelerating or decelerating , excessive 65 and preferences based on usage frequency of individual
`maneuvering , merging to or exiting a freeway , passing ,
`features and / or application or as customized individually by
`changing lanes , changing gears , depressing the clutch , driv
`the user preferences , skills and events . In another embodi


`US 10,532,709 B2
`vehicle , excessive maneuv euvering , and / or an unduly high
`ment , sensors on a steering member are used to measure
`velocity of the vehicle , any one of which conditions , or
`changes in driver physiology . Other methods can be used for
`combination of conditions , may also be effective to disable
`sensing driver physiology , e.g. via infrared detection , cam
`era and image / color recognition etc.
`the operation of the telephone , computer , or other potentially
`Smart Speaker : Incoming calls are routed to a speaker that 5 distracting equipment , display or indicator within the
`reflects and bounce sounds of front windshield at driver
`vehicle .
`Look Ahead , Eye Level . Or simulate such action so that a
`According to still further optional features in the preferred
`driver focuses or has his / her attention directed toward the
`embodiment of the invention described below , at least one of
`windshield just like he would do if he is carrying a conver- 10 the sensors on the steering member also senses a physiologi
`cal condition of the driver and disables the input / output
`sation with another person .
`According to further aspects in the described preferred
`devices when a predetermined physiological condition is
`sensed . For example , the physiological conditions sensed
`embodiment , the steering member is a steering wheel , and
`the sensors include two sensors on opposite sides of the
`could be a predetermined gripping force applied by a hand
`steering wheel located to sense the presence of the driver's 15 of the driver while gripping the steering wheel , or a prede
`hands on the steering wheel . Preferably , the two sensors are
`termined pulse rate , temperature , blood pressure , blood
`located approximately on or between the “ two ” and “ ten ”
`oxygen level , and / or skin conductivity of the driver . Such
`and the " three ” and “ nine ” clock positions of the steering
`physiological conditions may indicate a stress condition of
`the driver and , when sensed , can lead to disabling or
`wheel .
`It will thus be seen that such a system , requiring both
`suppressing operation of the input / output devices to avoid
`aggravating the stressed condition .
`hands to be on the steering wheel in order for the driver to
`operate the input / output devices , not only requires the
`The system may also sense a drowsiness condition of the
`vehicle to be equipped with a “ hands free ” interface for the
`vehicle operator . For example , the system may include a
`input / output devices , or a system that can be used as such 25 steering direction sensor that actuates a drowsiness alarm
`with an adapter or when docked to the system gateway , but
`when sensing a failure to change the steering direction
`also enforces the use of the “ hands free ” feature by sensing
`within a predetermined time , distance interval while
`that the driver actually has both hands placed on the steering
`accounting for vehicle speed in indicating a possible drowsi
`member before the input / output devices can be operated
`ness condition in the driver . Additionally , such sensor when
`accessed or displayed to the driver . Disabling the operation
`monitored with respect to changes over time will indicate
`of the device would preferably include not only disabling
`jerk reaction , which indicates that the driver was not paying
`making outgoing and receiving incoming telephone calls ,
`attention and the system will temporarily suspend all tele
`but also disabling the signal ( typically audible tones , vibra
`matics to give the driver a chance to recover . Another
`tions , or visible light ) of an incoming call , fax , e - mail , the 35 application for such a sensor is the monitoring of an OFF
`display of non - urgent vehicle status or warning indicators ,
`Zero angle for an extended period of time / distance which
`since such signals , indicators or displays can distract the
`can indicate a blind curve or hard curve , and again , here the
`driver . Such distractions are problematic at times and con
`system will temporarily suspend the telematics and / or input /
`ditions wherein operation of the vehicle requires more than
`output devices from interacting with the driver , and vice
`usual driver attention and interaction , or when other distrac
`versa , until normal driving functions are restored .
`According to another aspect of the present invention ,
`tions are already present for the driver .
`According to further features in the described preferred
`there is provided a method of avoiding potentially dangerous
`embodiment , the vehicle may also include a computer or the
`conditions while operating a vehicle having an input / output
`driver may also use a portable multi - function telematics 45 device and a steering mechanism including a steering mem
`device in the vehicle allowing access to the Internet or other
`ber to be manipulated by the driver , comprising : providing
`network for transmitting and / or receiving faxes or e - mail or
`the steering member with two sensors for sensing the
`browsing the web or accessing a WAN , with the sensors also
`presence on the steering member of the two hands of the
`disabling driver initiated access to such devices when the
`driver ; and disabling the input / output device when the two
`two hands of the driver are not sensed on the steering
`sensors fail to sense the presence on the steering member of
`both hands of the driver while the vehicle is in motion .
`member while the vehicle is in motion .
`In most cases , the steering member would be a steering
`According to further features in the described preferred
`wheel as presently included in conventional vehicles . How
`embodiment , the input / output devices may also be disabled
`ever , in certain applications the steering member could be a 55 when the vehicle is traveling in the reverse direction , or is
`joystick , or other type of steering member . In such case , the
`being braked , or is within a predetermined proximity of
`sensors are placed in areas a driver is recommended or
`another vehicle , or is traveling at a high velocity , acceler
`required to grip the steering member to safely control the
`ating , decelerating , merging onto or exiting a freeway ,
`passing , changing lanes , changing gears , depressing the
`vehicle .
`According to further optional features in the preferred
`clutch , or a driver is occupied using other accessories in the
`vehicle or otherwise distracted . Since a high degree of
`embodiment of the invention described below , the sensors
`may further include devices for sensing vehicle acceleration ,
`attention of the driver is required under all the foregoing
`deceleration , merging onto or exiting a freeway , passing ,
`conditions , operation of the vehicle telephone , for example ,
`changing lanes , changing gears , depressing the clutch , a 65 even the ringing signal of an incoming telephone call , could
`reverse - drive condition of the vehicle , the braking of the
`be highly distracting to the driver and is therefore disabled
`vehicle , the undue proximity of the vehicle to another
`to avoid the possibility of increasing the risk of an accident .
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 9 of 19 PageID #: 79


`US 10,532,709 B2
`controls like temperature settings , or interacting ( e.g. input
`To assure that the driver and the vehicle as well as on
`ting or receiving output ) with other telematics such as
`board communication devices as described above are work
`e - mail , radio , CD , DVD , navigation system , incoming page
`ing harmoniously together , one presently preferred embodi
`or the like . In such cases , the vehicle telephone , other
`ment of the system includes the following
`The Driving Systems , ( Man , Machine , Environment , 5 telematics and / or other input / output devices are suppressed
`and no incoming or outgoing signals are allowed to distract
`Regulation , and History )
`the driver . In case the driver is the party initiating the
`Man : the driver , the passengers , the pedestrians , soci
`telematics , a visual indicator and audio feedback can be
`ety ;
`activated to indicate to the driver that telematics is disabled ,
`Machine : the car , the telematics , the infrastructure ;
`Environment : the driving environment ( in the car and 10 supply reason therefore , and even recommend driving modi
`fication to enable telematics . Another condition sensed by
`outside the car and the infrastructure used )
`History : the personal driving experience , the equipment
`the system is undue stress in the driver , as indicated by the
`sensed pulse rate , temperature , blood pressure , skin conduc
`maintenance history
`Regulation : the existing laws and common safe driving
`tivity ( e.g. perspiration ) , loud voice ( s ) or stressful sounds in
`etiquette into , society and the infrastructure regula- 15 the cabin , such as baby crying , dog barking etc. , any
`combination of one or more of which conditions would also
`tion .
`disable incoming telematics . A further condition sensed by
`All of these elements will be harmonized by the system as
`the system is the possibility of drowsiness on the part of the
`it isolates the drivers from non driving related distractions
`driver , in which case an audio alarm would be activated to
`and helps them comply with driving related laws and
`20 alert the driver to this condition . Examples without limita
`etiquette via reminders and passive assistance .
`tion of other alarms to overcome driver drowsiness include
`Further features and advantages of at least some of the
`vibration in the seat , changing HVAC temperature settings
`embodiments or implementations of the invention will be
`and blower speed to extremes , change of seat position , radio
`apparent from the description below .
`volume or station , CD - track etc. The system will restore
`25 operation of the input / output devices when conditions are
`normalized and will notify driver of all missed activities .
`Vehicle 2 illustrated in FIG . 1 is a conventional vehicle
`These and other objects , features and advantages of the
`including a steering mechanism , generally designated 3 ,
`present invention will be apparent from the following
`detailed description of the preferred embodiments and best
`having a steering wheel 4 , a propulsion device such as a
`mode , appended claims and accompanying drawings in 30 motor or engine 5 for driving the vehicle via a transmission
`or other torque converting means schematically indicated 6 ,
`which :
`FIG . 1 schematically illustrates one form of a safety
`an acceleration pedal 7 , and a braking pedal 8 for controlling
`the vehicle . Vehicle 2 further includes one or more visual
`control system for vehicles constructed in accordance with
`indicator and audio alarms 9 , e.g. mounted within the
`the present invention ;
`FIG . 2 is an enlarged view illustrating the steering wheel 35 forward - look ahead viewing or hearing by the driver .
`in the vehicle of FIG . 1 and the sensors mounted thereon ;
`FIG . 1 further schematically illustrates a cellular tele
`FIG . 3 is a block diagram illustrating the main compo
`phone 10 within the vehicle , and a computer 11 or other
`multifunction telematic device allowing access to the Inter
`nents in the system of FIG . 1 ;
`FIG . 4 is a flowchart illustrating the operation of the
`net for transmitting and / or receiving faxes or e - mail , WAN
`40 and Web access , or other input / output device . Other input /
`system of FIG . 1 ; and
`FIG . 5 is a block diagram illustrating the nature and the
`output devices include vehicle fault / warning lights ( battery ,
`flow of signals and algorithms used in one presently pre
`temperature , washer fluid , etc. ) or other signal or alarm
`ferred embodiment of the system of the present invention .
`( open door , low fuel level , seat belt monitor , etc. ) . Vehicle 2
`illustrated in FIG . 1 may also include many other compo
`45 nents conventionally provided on vehicles at the present
`time or to be provided in the future .
`The safety control system included in vehicle 2 illustrated
`in FIG . 1 includes a plurality of sensors for sensing various
`FIG . 1 schematically illustrates a vehicle , generally des
`conditions with respect to the vehicle driver , the vehicle
`ignated 2 , equipped with a control system for sensing a
`variety of risk factors and potentially dangerous conditions 50 itself and / or the environment . These signals are collected via
`and for automatically executing various responses when
`direct tapping to existing or added sensors or via vehicle bus
`sensing such conditions in order to avoid hazardous situa
`and user specified values . These include sensors S1 and S2
`tions tending to increase the possibility of an accident . One
`applied to the steering wheel 4 of the vehicle ; sensor S3
`response is the disabling or suppression of one or more input
`applied to the steering mechanism 3 of the vehicle to sense
`or output devices to avoid interaction between the devices 55 changes in the steering direction and / or actuation of the
`and the driver in certain situations and conditions . Another
`turning indicator . The turning signal indicator switch / lever
`response includes providing a signal to or requiring the
`can also act as a blind spot collision avoidance actuator .
`driver to take some action to increase driver alertness and / or
`When a driver actuates the turn signal indicator by moving
`the turning signal lever in advance of making a turn ,
`awareness .
`One example of a hazardous situation avoided by the 60 subsequent momentary pull up or momentary push down on
`the lever will move the corresponding mirror further out to
`control system illustrated in FIG . 1 i the use of the vehicle
`telephone in certain situations wherein a making of a tele
`scan the vehicle blind spot .
`phone call by the vehicle driver , or the receiving of an
`Other sensors may include sensor S4 sensing the condi
`incoming call , particularly the ringing of such a call , may
`tion of the gas pedal 7 and / or vehicle speed or acceleration ;
`distract the driver and increase the possibility of an accident 65 sensor S5 sensing the condition of the braking pedal 8 ; and
`when the driver is in a high - risk driving situation . Similar
`sensor S6 sensing the condition of the transmission or other
`increased risk can result from the driver changing vehicle
`type torque converter 6 .
`Case 1:21-cv-00064-UNA Document 1-3 Filed 01/21/21 Page 10 of 19 PageID #: 80


`US 10,532,709 B2
`telephone / telematics system that can be used as such with an
`Also schematically illustrated in FIG . 1 are sensors S7 and
`adapter or when docked to the system gateway , as required
`S8 carried to sense the proximity of the vehicle with respect
`by - many laws to avoid accidents , but also the driver is
`to another vehicle ; sensor S9 sensing darkness or alterna
`permitted to use the telephone only in a “ hands free ”
`tively sensing the activation of the headlight ; and sensor S10
`sensing weather conditions rain , sleet , snow , ice , tempera- 5 manner , thereby precluding the driver from
`gripping a
`ture and / or sensing the activation of the front or rear wipers
`telephone to operate it even though the telephone or the
`or headlight wipers .
`telematics system may have a “ hands free ” capability . While
`As will be described more particularly below , the fore
`the presently preferred implementation requires actuation of
`going sensors ( or signals ) are generally effective only when
`both sensors S1 and S2 , the system could be modified to
`the vehicle is moving to sense their respective conditions 10 permit use with only one sensor . This will permit use by
`and to execute certain control functions in order to decrease
`drivers having only one hand . Requiring presence of at least
`the possibility of an accident . One important control func
`one hand on the steering member 3 reduces the likelihood of
`tion is to disable an incoming call from ringing the telephone
`unintended system activation such as may occur , for
`10 , and the computer or other telematics portable or built in
`example , with voice activated systems that can be activated
`11 from accessing the Internet or announcing incoming 15 by any sound within a given range or frequency .
`signals , e.g. page , e - mail etc. , and to indicate same by
`In addition , by providing sensor S1 and / or sensor S2 with
`actuating a visual indicator and an audio feedback if a driver
`the capability of sensing a physiological condition of the
`attempts to initiate telematics during an unsafe or a high risk
`driver while gripping the steering wheel , other conditions
`condition , and may direct a driver to alternative driving habit
`can be sensed to disable the telephone for further reducing
`to gain access to telematics . The system may also suppress 20 the possibility of an accident . For example , the gripping
`delivery of unnecessary external signals such as certain
`force applied by one or both hands of the driver may indicate
`vehicle warning lights or alarms , the system will restore
`a stress condition of the driver . A stressed condition may be
`function of the input / output devices when conditions are
`also indicated by the sensed pulse rate , temperature and / or
`normalized and will notify driver of all missed activities . In
`electrical skin conductivity ( the latter indicating perspira
`some cases , such as where a drowsiness condition is sensed , 25 tion ) of the driver . If a stress condition is sensed , the
`an audio alarm 9 is actuated . Other possible alarms to
`telephone 10 is disabled so as to decrease the possibility that
`overcome driver drowsiness would include vibration in the
`the ringing noise of an incoming telephone call will so
`seat , changing HVAC temperature settings and blower speed
`distract the stressed driver as to create a hazardous condi
`tion , or that the making of an outgoing call by the driver will
`to extremes , etc.
`FIG . 2 more particularly illustrates the sensors S1 , S2 30 be so distracting to the stressed driver as to create a
`mounted on the steering wheel 4. As shown in FIG . 2 , the
`hazardous condition . Whereas as a matter of standard all
`two sensors are mounted on or between the " two " and " ten "
`alarms are designed to attract attention , e.g. buzzers , ringers ,
`and the " three ” and “ nine ” clock positions of the steering
`flashing lights , etc. , all of these alarms are muted by the
`wheel 4 ; the “ two ” and “ ten ” positions are considered to be
`gateway and the gateway will communicate all alarms and
`the most preferred ones for the two hands of the driver in 35 notification to the driver via driver selected method , e.g.
`order to manipulate the steering wheel , but other positions
`visual , audio or both .
`could be employed , such as “ nine and fifteen ” , which
`The provision of a grip sensor on the steering wheel also
`provide more clearance for activated airbags . The two
`enables the system to sense drowsiness or dozing of the
`sensors S1 , S2 thus sense the proper positioning of the two
`driver , as in U.S. Pat . No. 4,485,375 , incorporated herein by
`40 reference . Thus , if the gripping force sensed by sensor Si
`hands of the driver on the steering wheel 4 .
`The two sensors S1 , S2 , which may be attached to or
`and / or sensor S2 drops while the vehicle is in motion , this
`embedded in the steering wheel , may b

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