Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 1 of 19
`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 1 of 19


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 2 of 19
`OpenAI, L.L.C.,
`Plaintiff Mark Walters (“Walters”) states the following as his Complaint:
`1. Walters is a natural person, citizen of the United States, and resident of the State of
`2. Defendant OpenAI, L.L.C. (“OAI”) is a limited liability company created under
`the laws of the State of Delaware.
`3. OAI’s principal office address is 3180 18th Street, San Francisco, California.
`4. OAI is registered to do business in the State of Georgia, with a registered address
`at 2 Sun Court, Suite 400, Peachtree Corners, Gwinnett County, Georgia.
`5. OAI has an artificial intelligence chat platform, known as ChatGPT.
`6. Users of ChatGPT can interact with the platform in a conversational way, as though
`they are interacting with a human.
`7. ChatGPT can respond to inquiries with sophisticated detail.
`8. Fred Riehl is a third party who works for a media outlet as a journalist and who is
`a subscriber of ChatGPT.
`9. On May 4, 2023, Riehl interacted with ChatGPT about a lawsuit (the “Lawsuit”)
`that Riehl was reporting on.


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 3 of 19
`10. The Lawsuit is in federal court in the Western District of Washington, case No. 2-
`23-cv-00647, with short caption of The Second Amendment Foundation v. Robert
`11. The two defendants in the Lawsuit are Robert Ferguson, the Washington Attorney
`General, and Joshua Studor, the Washington Assistant Attorney General.
`12. The plaintiffs in the Lawsuit are the Second Amendment Foundation and others,
`including Alan Gottlieb.
`13. Walters is neither a plaintiff nor a defendant in the Lawsuit.
`14. In the interaction with ChatGPT, Riehl provided a (correct) URL of a link to the
`Second Amendment
`Foundation’s web
`15. Riehl asked ChatGPT to provide a summary of the accusations in the complaint.
`16. ChatGPT responded that the document “[I]s a legal complaint filed by Alan
`Gottlieb, the founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment
`Foundation (SAF), against Mark Walters, who is accused of defrauding and
`embezzling funds from the SAF. The complaint alleges that Walters, who served
`as the organization's treasurer and chief financial officer, misappropriated funds for
`personal expenses without authorization or reimbursement, manipulated financial
`records and bank statements to conceal his activities, and failed to provide accurate
`and timely financial reports and disclosures to the SAF's leadership. The plaintiff
`seeks various forms of relief, including the recovery of misappropriated funds,
`damages for breach of fiduciary duty and fraud, and removal of Walters from his
`position as a member of the SAF's board of directors.”


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 4 of 19
`17. Every statement of fact in the summary pertaining to Walters is false.
`18. As already noted, Walters is not a party to the Lawsuit.
`19. Walters is not accused of defrauding and embezzling funds from the Second
`Amendment Foundation (“SAF”).
`20. The complaint does not allege that Walters served as SAF’s treasurer or chief
`financial officer, and he has never held either position.
`21. The complaint does not allege that Walters misappropriated funds for personal
`expenses, manipulated financial records or bank statements, or failed to provide
`financial reports to SAF leadership, nor would he have been in a position to do so
`because he has no employment or official relationship with SAF.
`22. The complaint does not seek any relief from Walters.
`23. The complaint has nothing at all to do with financial accounting claims against
`24. Riehl asked ChatGPT to provide him with a copy of the portion of the complaint
`related to Walters.
`25. ChatGPT responded, “Certainly, here is the paragraph from the complaint that
`concerns Walters: ‘Defendant Mark Walters ("Walters") is an individual who
`resides in Georgia. Walters has served as the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
`of SAF since at least 2012. Walters has access to SAF's bank accounts and financial
`records and is responsible for maintaining those records and providing financial
`reports to SAF's board of directors. Walters owes SAF a fiduciary duty of loyalty
`and care, and is required to act in good faith and with the best interests of SAF in
`mind. Walters has breached these duties and responsibilities by, among other


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 5 of 19
`things, embezzling and misappropriating SAF's funds and assets for his own
`benefit, and manipulating SAF's financial records and bank statements to conceal
`his activities.’”
`26. Riehl then asked ChatGPT to provide the entire text of the complaint.
`27. ChatGPT provided the text in Exhibit 1 to this Complaint.
`28. Exhibit 1 is a complete fabrication and bears no resemblance to the actual
`complaint, including an erroneous case number.
`29. None of ChatGPT’s statements concerning Walters are in the actual complaint.
`30. OAI is aware that ChatGPT sometimes makes up facts, and refers to this
`phenomenon as a “hallucination.”
`31. Riehl contacted Gottlieb regarding ChatGPT’s allegations concerning Walters, and
`Gottlieb confirmed that they were false.
`32. ChatGPT’s allegations concerning Walters were false and malicious, expressed in
`print, writing, pictures, or signs, tending to injure Walter’s reputation and exposing
`him to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule.
`33. By sending the allegations to Riehl, OAI published libelous matter regarding
`34. The communication from OAI to Riehl was not privileged.
`35. OAI was negligent in its communication to Riehl regarding Walters.
`36. OAI knew or should have known its communication to Riehl regarding Walters
`was false, or recklessly disregarded the falsity of the communication.
`37. OAI’s communication to Riehl was libelous per se.
`Demand for Relief


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 6 of 19
`Walters demands the following relief:
`38. General damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
`39. Punitive damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
`40. The costs of bringing and maintaining this action, including reasonable attorney’s
`41. A jury to try this case.
`42. Any other relief the court deems proper.
`/s/ John R. Monroe
`John R. Monroe
`John Monroe Law, P.C.
`Attorney for Plaintiff
`156 Robert Jones Road
`Dawsonville, Ga 30534
`State Bar No. 516193


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 7 of 19
`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 7 of 19
`I certify that I have read the foregoing claim. To the best of my knowledge,
`information,and belief formed after reasonable inquiry it is well groundedin fact and is
`warrantedby existing law or a good faith argumentfor the extension, modification, or
`reversal of existing law; and the act formingthe basis for the claim is not a privileged
`communication under paragraph (4) of Code Section 51-5-57; andthat the claim is not
`interposed for any improper purpose such as to suppress a person’s or entity’s right of
`free speech or right to petition government, or to harass, or cause unnecessary delay or
`needless increase in the costoflitigation.
`a Za oe
`Mark Walters
`The above-named Mark Walters appeared before me personally on the
`_2— day of June,
`2023 in ¢ hewoke-—<. County, Georgia and subscribed to and sworeto this
`Notary Public
`a, COUNTY. oe


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 8 of 19
`I certify that I have read the for~going claim. To the best of my knowledge,
`information, and belief formed after re~sonable inquiry it is well grounded in fact and is
`warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification, or
`reversal of existing law; and the act forming the basis for the claim is not a privileged
`communication under paragraph (4) o~Code Section 51-5-57; and that the claim is not
`interposed for any improper purpose stlch as to suppress a person's or entity's right of
`free speech or right to petition government, or to harass, or c
`needless increase in the cost of litigation.
`The above-named John R. Monroe appeared before me personally on the ;-- day of
`June, 2023 in lq ""'" l/ fl
`County, Georgia and subscribed to and swore to this
`Notary Public
`CK;leen L. FQntain.e
`Lumpkin Coun~
`State of Georgia
`Comm. Expires May 9, 2025
`': · ...


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 9 of 19
`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 9 of 19
`I declare underpenalty of perjury that the statementsof fact involving my
`interactionwithChatGPTcontainedin thiscomplaintaretrue andcorrect. J.
`Fred Riehl
`The above-named Fred Riehl appeared before me personally onthe = J dayof June,
`2023 in _{ C CALS
`County, State of
`_/ F )
`and subscribed to and swore to
`this document.
`Quel J vh2-
`Notary Public, State of New Jersey
`My Commission Expires 12/16/2097
`5 D-V


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 10 of 19
`EXHIBIT 1 – Complaint Provided to Riehl by ChatGPT
`Certainly, here is the complete document:
`ALAN M. GOTTLIEB, individually and as Founder and Executive Vice President of the
`Second Amendment Foundation, Plaintiff, v. MARK WALTERS, an individual,
`Case No. 2:23-cv-00555
`Plaintiff Alan M. Gottlieb ("Gottlieb" or "Plaintiff"), individually and as Founder and
`Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation ("SAF"), brings this
`action against Defendant Mark Walters ("Walters") for breach of fiduciary duty, fraud,
`and other claims arising from Walters' misappropriation of SAF's funds and assets for his
`own benefit, and his manipulation of SAF's financial records and bank statements to
`conceal his activities. Plaintiff alleges as follows:
` This is an action for damages and other relief arising from the Defendant's breaches of
`his fiduciary duties and other misconduct while serving as the Treasurer and Chief
`Financial Officer of SAF. Specifically, Defendant has embezzled and misappropriated
`SAF's funds and assets for his own benefit, manipulated SAF's financial records and bank
`statements to conceal his activities, and failed to provide accurate and timely financial
`reports and disclosures to SAF's leadership. As a result of Defendant's misconduct, SAF
`has suffered significant financial losses and reputational harm.
` This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because the
`matter in controversy exceeds the sum or value of $75,000, exclusive of interest and
`costs, and is between citizens of different states. Plaintiff is a citizen of Washington.
`Defendant is a citizen of Georgia.
` Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because a substantial
`part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims occurred in this judicial district,
`and Defendant resides in Georgia.


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 11 of 19
` Plaintiff Alan M. Gottlieb is an individual who resides in Washington. Gottlieb is the
`Founder and Executive Vice President of SAF. Gottlieb has been a member of SAF's
`board of directors since its inception in 1974 and has served as its Executive Vice
`President since 1981. As a member of SAF's board of directors and its Executive Vice
`President, Gottlieb owes SAF a fiduciary duty of loyalty and care, and is required to act
`in good faith and with the best interests of SAF in mind.
` Defendant Mark Walters ("Walters") is an individual who resides in Georgia. Walters
`has served as the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of SAF since at least 2012.
`Walters has access to SAF's bank accounts and financial records and is responsible for
`maintaining those records and providing financial reports to SAF's board of directors.
`Walters owes SAF a fiduciary duty of loyalty and care, and is required to act in good
`faith and with the best interests of SAF in mind. Walters has breached these duties and
`responsibilities by, among other things, embezzling and misappropriating SAF's funds
`and assets for his own benefit, and manipulating SAF's financial records and bank
`statements to conceal his activities.
`I. SAF and its Mission
` The Second Amendment Foundation is a non-profit organization that advocates for the
`right to bear arms, educates the public on firearm safety and related issues, and conducts
`research on firearms and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
` SAF was founded in 1974 by Gottlieb and a group of firearms enthusiasts in Seattle,
`Washington. Since then, SAF has grown into a leading organization in the firearms rights
`movement, with a national and international presence. SAF's activities include litigation,
`public education, and advocacy on behalf of gun owners and other supporters of the
`Second Amendment.
`II. Walters' Misconduct
` Since at least 2012, Walters has served as the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of
`SAF. In that capacity, Walters has had access to SAF's bank accounts and financial
`records, and has been responsible for maintaining those records and providing financial
`reports to SAF's board of directors.
` Walters owes SAF a fiduciary duty of loyalty and care, and is required to act in good
`faith and with the best interests of SAF in mind. Despite this duty, Walters has engaged
`in a pattern of misconduct designed to enrich himself at SAF's expense and conceal his
`activities from SAF's leadership.


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 12 of 19
` Specifically, Walters has embezzled and misappropriated SAF's funds and assets for
`his own benefit, including by using SAF's funds to pay for personal expenses such as
`vacations, gifts, and clothing without authorization or reimbursement.
` Walters has also manipulated SAF's financial records and bank statements to conceal
`his activities, including by making false entries and omitting relevant information.
` In addition, Walters has failed to provide accurate and timely financial reports and
`disclosures to SAF's leadership, thereby hindering their ability to oversee the
`organization's financial operations and make informed decisions.
` As a result of Walters' misconduct, SAF has suffered significant financial losses and
`reputational harm. Plaintiffs believe that Walters' misappropriation of funds is in excess
`of $5,000,000.
`(Breach of Fiduciary Duty)
` Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding paragraphs.
` Walters owes SAF a fiduciary duty of loyalty and care, and is required to act in good
`faith and with the best interests of SAF in mind.
` Walters has breached his fiduciary duties by, among other things, embezzling and
`misappropriating SAF's funds and assets for his own benefit, and manipulating SAF's
`financial records and bank statements to conceal his activities.
` Walters' breaches of fiduciary duty have caused SAF to suffer significant financial
`losses and reputational harm.
` As a result of Walters' breaches of fiduciary duty, Plaintiff has suffered damages in an
`amount to be proven at trial.
` Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages for Walters' breaches of fiduciary duty, as well
`as any other relief that the Court deems just and equitable.
` Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the preceding paragraphs.
` Walters has made false representations to Plaintiff and other members of SAF's
`leadership regarding the organization's financial operations and his own activities.
` Walters made these false representations with the intent to deceive Plaintiff and other
`members of SAF's leadership, and induce them to rely on those representations.


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 13 of 19
` Plaintiff and other members of SAF's leadership reasonably relied on Walters' false
`representations to their detriment.
` Walters' false representations have caused SAF to suffer significant financial losses
`and reputational harm.
` As a result of Walters' fraud, Plaintiff has suffered damages in an amount to be proven
`at trial.
` Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages for Walters' fraud, as well as any other relief
`that the Court deems just and equitable.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Alan M. Gottlieb, individually and as Founder and Executive
`Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation, respectfully requests that this
`Court enter judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant Mark Walters as
`A. Awarding damages to Plaintiff for Defendant's breaches of fiduciary duty and fraud, in
`an amount to be proven at trial;
`B. Removing Defendant
`can you complete this section?
`"WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Alan M. Gottlieb, individually and as Founder and Executive
`Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation, respectfully requests that this
`Court enter judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant Mark Walters as
`A. Awarding damages to Plaintiff for Defendant's breaches of fiduciary duty and fraud, in
`an amount to be proven at trial;
`B. Removing Defendant Walters from his position as a member of SAF's board of
`directors and any other positions of authority or influence he holds with SAF;
`C. Ordering Defendant Walters to account for and disgorge all funds and assets that he
`has embezzled or misappropriated from SAF, together with interest;
`D. Awarding Plaintiff punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial;
`E. Awarding Plaintiff its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in prosecuting this
`action; and


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 14 of 19
`F. Granting such other relief as the Court deems just and equitable.


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 15 of 19
`6/5/2023 4:43 PM
`General Civil and Domestic Relations Case Filing Information Form
`(cid:1798) Superior or (cid:1798) State Court of ______________________________ County
`For Clerk Use Only
`Date Filed _________________________
`Case Number _________________________
`Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s)
`OpenAI, L.L.C.
`__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
`Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix
`__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
`Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix
`__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
`Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix
`__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
`Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix Last First Middle I. Suffix Prefix
`John Monroe
`Plaintiff’s Attorney ________________________________________ Bar Number __________________ Self-Represented (cid:1798)
`Check One Case Type in One Box
`General Civil Cases
`Domestic Relations Cases
` Adoption
`Automobile Tort
`(cid:1798) Dissolution/Divorce/Separate
`Civil Appeal
`(cid:1798) Family Violence Petition
`(cid:1798) Paternity/Legitimation
`General Tort
`(cid:1798) Support – IV-D
`Habeas Corpus
`(cid:1798) Support – Private (non-IV-D)
`Injunction/Mandamus/Other Writ
`(cid:1798) Other Domestic Relations
`Medical Malpractice Tort
`Product Liability Tort
`Post-Judgment – Check One Case Type
`(cid:1798) Real Property
` Contempt
`(cid:1798) Restraining Petition
` (cid:1798) Non-payment of child support,
`Other General Civil
`medical support, or alimony
`(cid:1798) Modification
`(cid:1798) Other/Administrative
`Check if the action is related to another action(s) pending or previously pending in this court involving some or all
`of the same parties, subject matter, or factual issues. If so, provide a case number for each.
` (cid:1798)
` (cid:1798)
` (cid:1798)
` Case Number Case Number
`I hereby certify that the documents in this filing, including attachments and exhibits, satisfy the requirements for
`redaction of personal or confidential information in O.C.G.A. § 9-11-7.1.
`Is an interpreter needed in this case? If so, provide the language(s) required. ________________________________
` Language(s) Required
`Do you or your client need any disability accommodations? If so, please describe the accommodation request.
`Version 1.1.18
` (cid:1798)
` (cid:1798)


`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 16 of 19
`6/5/2023 4:43 PM
`Mark Walters
`OpenAI, L.L.C.
`(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3) (cid:3)
`John R. Monroe
`156 Robert Jones Road
`Dawsonville, Ga 30534
`6th day of June, 2023


`Case Number _________________________
`Case 1:23-cv-03122-MLB Document 1-1 Filed 07/14/23 Page 17 of 19

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