`Before The Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-1199
`Public Version of
`Motion Number 1199-002
`Pursuant to 19 C.F.R. §§ 210.14(b)(1) and 210.15, Complainants move to amend the
`Complaint and Notice of Investigation to assert infringement of claim 3 of U.S. Patent No.
`9,930,915 (“the ’915 patent”). As set forth in detail in the attached Memorandum of Points and
`Authorities, good cause exists pursuant to 19 C.F.R. § 210.14(b)(1) to make this amendment.
` Pursuant to Ground Rule 5.1, counsel for Complainants certifies that it provided notice
`of this motion to Respondents and Commission Investigative Staff (“Staff”) at least two business
`days prior to filing this motion. The Parties and Staff met and conferred on June 7, 2020
`regarding the substance of this motion, as well as in email correspondence thereafter, but were
`unable to reach a resolution. Complainants understand that Respondents and Staff will state their
`positions after reviewing the papers filed.
`Accordingly, Complainants respectfully request that the Administrative Law Judge issue
`an Initial Determination granting this Motion.
` Dated: July 13, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ David M. Maiorana
`David M. Maiorana
`Ryan B. McCrum
`Kenneth S. Luchesi
`901 Lakeside Avenue
`Cleveland, OH 44114
`Tel: (216) 586-3939
`Fax: (216) 579-0212
`Email: dmaiorana@jonesday.com
`Email: rbmccrum@jonesday.com
`Email: kluchesi@jonesday.com
`Stephanie E. Parker
`1420 Peachtree Street, N.E.
`Suite 800
`Atlanta, GA 30309
`Tel: (404) 521-3939
`Fax: (404) 581-8330
`Email: separker@jonesday.com
`Anthony M. Insogna
`4655 Executive Drive
`Suite 1500
`San Diego, CA 92121
`Tel: (858) 314-1200
`Fax: (844) 345-3178
`Email: aminsogna@jonesday.com
`John J. Normile
`250 Vesey Street
`New York, NY 10281
`Tel: (212) 326-3939
`Fax: (212) 755-7306
`Email: jjnormile@jonesday.com
`Counsel for Complainants
`RAI Strategic Holdings, Inc.,
`R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company, and
`R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
`Before The Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-1199
`Pursuant to 19 C.F.R. §§ 210.14(b)(1) and 210.15, Complainants hereby submit this
`memorandum of points and authorities in support of their motion to amend the Complaint and
`Notice Investigation to assert claim 3 of U.S. Patent No. 9,930,915 (“the ’915 patent”).
`Good cause exists for allowing Complainants to assert infringement of dependent claim 3
`of the ’915 patent in this Investigation. That claim is already at issue in this Investigation as
`Complainants rely on it for purposes of establishing a domestic industry, and Respondents have
`served invalidity contentions challenging the validity of claim 3. Furthermore, Complainants
`already assert infringement of claims 1, 2, and 5 of the ’915 patent against Respondents, and
`claim 3 would add only a single additional limitation. Moreover, each product Complainants
`seek to accuse of infringing claim 3 is already accused of infringing claims 1, 2, and 5.
`Accordingly, adding claim 3 would not require any modification to the scope of discovery, and it
`is in the public interest to include all of these claims in a single proceeding.
`In addition, Complainants have not delayed in seeking leave to assert claim 3. The
`information giving rise to the assertion of claim 3 could not reasonably have been obtained
`before filing suit. In particular, Complainants conducted a reasonable pre-suit investigation of
`the IQOS® system with respect to claim 1, from which claim 3 depends. That investigation
`included purchases, tear downs, and analyses of the IQOS® system based upon information and
`materials in the public domain. The necessary information to confirm infringement of claim 3,
`however, became available only through the course of discovery, in the form of confidential
`documents produced by Respondents. Respondents did not provide those documents until June
`12, 2020, as part of a production that contained nearly two million pages. Complainants began
`their review of those documents immediately, and have filed this motion as quickly as
`Meanwhile, particularly in light of claim 3’s close relationship to the claims already
`asserted, the requested amendment does not prejudice Respondents. In fact, Complainants have
`included claim 3 in their initial infringement contentions, and Respondents have already
`challenged the validity of claim 3 in their initial invalidity contentions, as well in a separate inter
`partes review (IPR) petition, further making clear that permitting Complainants to assert this
`claim does not prejudice Respondents in any respect and will not present issues requiring any
`procedural schedule changes.
`Accordingly, for all of these reasons, leave to amend the Complaint and Notice of
`Institution of Investigation to permit assertion of claim 3 of the ’915 patent should be granted.
`The Complaint in this Investigation was filed on April 9, 2020. As to the ’915 patent, the
`Complaint asserts infringement of claims 1, 2, and 5, and it included claim 3 in the domestic
`industry analysis. See Complaint ¶¶ 2, 120 & Ex. 44. The Commission issued the Notice of
`Investigation on May 11, 2020.
`On June 12, 2020, as part of the discovery in this Investigation, Respondents produced
`nearly two million pages of documents. Those documents included information—not publicly
`available—demonstrating Respondents’
`infringement of claim 3 of
`the ’915 patent.
`Accordingly, on July 2, 2020, in light of their review of those documents, Complainants
`informed Respondents of their intent to assert infringement of claim 3 in this Investigation.
`Consistent with that intent, Complainants included claim 3 with the initial infringement
`contentions they served that same day. Respondents’ initial non-infringement contentions are
`not due until July 23, 2020, and the parties do not exchange claim terms for construction until
`July 27, 2020.
`Meanwhile, on June 12, 2020—the same day they produced documents revealing their
`infringement of claim 3—Respondents filed an IPR petition challenging the validity of the ’915
`patent, including claim 3. See Philip Morris Products, S.A. v. RAI Strategic Holdings, Inc., No.
`IPR2020-01094 (petition filed by Respondent Philip Morris Products, S.A. on June 12, 2020, and
`identifying itself and additional Respondents Philip Morris International, Inc., Altria Client
`Services LLC, and Philip Morris USA as real parties-in-interest, and further noting that the final
`Respondent Altria Group, Inc. has agreed to estoppel arising from the IPR). In their petition,
`Respondents raise various arguments and asserted alleged prior art references challenging the
`validity of ’915 claim 3. And on July 2, 2020, Respondents served their initial invalidity
`contentions in this Investigation, which included contentions directed at claim 3 of the ’915
`On July 7, 2020, Complainants, Respondents, and Commission Investigative Staff
`(“Staff”) conferred regarding Complainants’ intent to seek leave to assert claim 3 in this
`Investigation. After further email correspondence, the Parties have been unable to reach a
`resolution. Complainants understand that Respondents and Staff will state their positions after
`reviewing the papers filed.
`Commission Rule 210.14(b)(1) provides that, “[a]fter an investigation has been instituted,
`the complaint or notice of investigation may be amended only by leave of the Commission for
`good cause shown and upon such conditions as are necessary to avoid prejudicing the public
`interest and the rights of the parties to the investigation.” 19 C.F.R. § 210.14(b)(1). “Generally,
`good cause exists for amending a complaint after institution when new information is obtained
`during discovery that was not known to a complainant prior to institution.” Certain Laser Bar
`Code Scanners and Scan Engines, Components Thereof and Products Containing Same, Inv. No.
`337-TA-551, Order No. 9 at 3 (Mar. 22, 2006); see also, e.g., Certain NOR and NAND Flash
`Memory Devices and Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-560, Order No. 4, 2006 WL
`3775915, at *2 & n.4 (Apr. 25, 2006) (same). Although not the circumstances present here,
`ALJs have granted leave to amend even where “some question remains as to whether [a
`Complainant] could have identified [infringement of additional claims] in its original
`Complaint.” Certain Semiconductor Chips With DRAM Circuitry, and Modules and Products
`Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-819, Order No. 7 at 2 (May 10, 2012); see also Certain
`Reduced Ignition Proclivity Cigarette Paper Wrappers and Products Containing Same, Inv. No.
`337-TA-756, Order No. 5 at 3 (Mar. 22, 2011) (granting leave to amend even though there was
`some question as to whether that Complainant could have named at least some of the proposed
`Respondents in its original Complaint).
`Moreover, requests to amend are routinely granted where the proposed additional claim
`or claims “only implicate a few additional limitations and are directed to the same accused
`products that were identified in the complaint. . . In these circumstances, the prejudice to
`[Respondent] is minimal, and the public interest is served by the inclusion of all relevant claims
`in the investigation.” Certain LED Lighting Devices, LED Power Supplies, & Components
`Thereof (“LED Lighting Devices”), Inv. No. 337-TA-1081, Order No. 29 at 3 (Feb. 26, 2018);
`Certain Semiconductor Chips with DRAM Circuitry, and Modules and Products Containing
`Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-819, Order No. 7 at 2 (May 10, 2012) (“While some question remains as
`to whether [Complainant] could have identified these dependent claims in its original Complaint,
`the Administrative Law Judge nevertheless finds that the public interest will be served by the
`inclusion of all relevant claims in a single investigation and for that reason good cause exists for
`the proposed amendments.”).
`Good cause and the lack of prejudice to Respondents warrant allowing Complainants to
`assert infringement of claim 3 of the ’915 patent.
`Good Cause Exists to Add Claim 3 of the ’915 Patent.
`Good cause supports this motion, for at least five reasons.
`First, the motion seeks to allow Complainants to assert only a single dependent claim
`from a currently asserted patent, and that claim is closely tied to the current scope of this
`Investigation. Specifically, claim 3 of the ’915 patent depends from claim 1—one of three
`claims of the ’915 patent already asserted in this Investigation. Claim 1 is directed to a reusable
`control unit for a smoking article comprising: (a) a receiving end for receiving an engaging end
`of the disposable smoking article and having an electrical energy source; and (b) a control unit
`section that houses a power source, a switching component, and a flow regulating component.
`Claim 3 adds only a single limitation. Claim 3 recites in full: “The reusable control unit of
`claim 1, wherein the electrical energy source includes a capacitor.” Because claim 1 is already
`asserted against Respondents, allowing assertion of claim 3 would not add undue technical
`complexity to the case. Moreover, claim 3 is already at issue in the case for purposes of
`domestic industry. See Complaint ¶ 120 & Ex. 44. Accordingly, it is efficient and in the public
`interest to allow assertion of this single patent claim, with its single additional limitation, for
`purposes of Complainants’ infringement claims.
`Second, the product that infringes claim 3 is the IQOS® system that is already accused in
`this Investigation of infringing ’915 claim 1 as well as other dependent claims (claims 2 and 5).
`Thus, the amendment does not expand the scope of discovery, the infringing products, or the
`accused products in the Notice of Institution of Investigation. See Not. Of Inv. ¶ 2 (identifying
`“electric tobacco heating device systems and the associated tobacco sticks sold for use with the
`device systems” as a category of accused product).
`Third, Complainants did not have sufficient pre-suit information to assert claim 3 in the
`original Complaint, despite their reasonable pre-suit investigations. Prior to filing suit,
`Complainants performed investigations that did not confirm infringement of claim 3 of the ’915
`patent. Therefore, in an abundance of caution, Complainants did not assert infringement of that
`in the Complaint. It was not until during discovery that Complainants received the information,
`produced and marked by Respondents as Confidential Business Information, that confirmed
`infringement of claim 3. In particular, Respondents produced the necessary information—
`regarding the inclusion of
` in the electrical energy source—in a non-public circuit
`Fourth, for the same reasons, this motion could not have reasonably been brought earlier
`in this Investigation. Respondents did not produce the key documents confirming infringement
`of claim 3 until June 12, 2020. Thus, Complainants were unable to bring these allegations
`forward at an earlier point in time. See Certain Light Emitting Diodes & Prod. Containing
`Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-512, Order No. 13, 2004 WL 2606111 at *1 (Oct. 19, 2004); Certain
`Nor & Nand Flash Memory Devices & Prod. Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-560, Order No.
`4, 2006 WL 3775915 at *2 (Apr. 25, 2006) (granting leave to amend where Complainant had
`obtained new information that it did not have at the time the original Complaint was filed
`regarding the additional asserted claims and products). Complainants did not lie in wait or
`otherwise delay the timing of this motion by any means, and instead are promptly seeking
`Fifth, “the public interest will be served by the inclusion of all relevant claims in a single
`investigation and for that reason good cause exists for the proposed amendments.” Certain
`Semiconductor Chips With DRAM Circuitry, and Modules and Products Containing Same, Inv.
`No. 337-TA-819, Order No. 7 at 2 (May 10, 2012); see also LED Lighting Devices, Inv. No.
`337-TA-1081, Order No. 29 at 4 (Feb. 26, 2018) (allowing amendment to add a claim because
`“the public interest is served by the inclusion of all relevant claims in the investigation”).
`Certain Reduced Ignition Proclivity Cigarette Paper Wrappers and Products Containing Same,
`Inv. No. 337-TA-756, Order No. 5 at 2 (Mar. 22, 2011) (granting leave to amend where
`discovery “confirmed [Complainant’s] suspicions” about new respondents, over respondents’
`objections that Complainant already knew the relevant information pre-filing).
`Respondents Will Not Be Prejudiced.
`Respondents will not be prejudiced if claim 3 is asserted.
`To start, claim 3’s significant overlap with other claims already asserted in this
`Investigation minimizes or eliminates any risk of prejudice. In LED Lighting Devices, where the
`three newly asserted claims only “implicate[d] a few additional limitations and [were] directed to
`the same accused products,” the Administrative Law Judge found that any prejudice was
`“minimal, and the public interest [was] served by the inclusion of all relevant claims in the
`investigation.” LED Lighting Devices, Inv. No. 337-TA-1081, Order No. 29 at 4 (Feb. 26,
`2018). Here, there is even less risk of prejudice, because Complainants seek to assert only one
`claim, and that claim adds only a single limitation to the Investigation.
`In addition, Complainants are filing this motion early in the Investigation, and thus no
`changes to the procedural schedule are required. Indeed, Respondents’ non-infringement
`contentions are not due until July 23, 2020, and the parties do not exchange claim terms for
`construction until July 27, 2020. Meanwhile, Complainants have already included claim 3 in
`their infringement contentions, which they provided July 2, 2020. And Respondents have
`already challenged the invalidity of claim 3 in their initial invalidity contentions provided on that
`same date, as well as in a separately filed IPR petition challenging the validity of the ’915 patent.
`See Philip Morris Products, S.A. v. RAI Strategic Holdings, Inc., No. IPR2020-01094 (petition
`filed by Respondent Philip Morris Products, S.A. on June 12, 2020, and identifying itself and
`additional Respondents Philip Morris International, Inc., Altria Client Services LLC, and Philip
`Morris USA as real parties-in-interest, and further noting that the final Respondent Altria Group,
`Inc. has agreed to estoppel arising from the IPR). Thus, the granting of this motion does not
`prejudice Respondents in the present Investigation.
`Because good cause, including the public interest and the lack of prejudice to
`Respondents, warrants the requested amendment, Complainants’ Motion for Leave to File
`Amended Complaint should be granted, and Complainants request that the Administrative Law
`Judge issue an Initial Determination permitting the request amendment to the complaint and
`Notice of Investigation.
`Dated: July 13, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ David M. Maiorana
`David M. Maiorana
`Ryan B. McCrum
`Kenneth S. Luchesi
`901 Lakeside Avenue
`Cleveland, OH 44114
`Tel: (216) 586-3939
`Fax: (216) 579-0212
`Email: dmaiorana@jonesday.com
`Email: kluchesi@jonesday.com
`Email: rbmccrum@jonesday.com
`Stephanie E. Parker
`1420 Peachtree Street, N.E.
`Suite 800
`Atlanta, GA 30309
`Tel: (404) 521-3939
`Fax: (404) 581-8330
`Email: separker@jonesday.com
`Anthony M. Insogna
`4655 Executive Drive
`Suite 1500
`San Diego, CA 92121
`Tel: (858) 314-1200
`Fax: (844) 345-3178
`Email: aminsogna@jonesday.com
`John J. Normile
`250 Vesey Street
`New York, NY 10281
`Tel: (212) 326-3939
`Fax: (212) 755-7306
`Email: jjnormile@jonesday.com
`Counsel for Complainants
`RAI Strategic Holdings, Inc.,
`R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company, and
`R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
`The Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street S.W.
`Washington, DC 20436
`Sarah Sladic, Esq.
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street S.W., Room 401
`Washington, DC 20436
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
` Via Electronic Mail
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
` Via Electronic Mail
`I hereby certify that on July 13, 2020 unless otherwise indicated, one copy of the
`foregoing was filed/served on the following:
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street S.W., Room 112
`Washington, DC 20436
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
` Via Electronic Mail - EDIS
`Counsel for Respondents Altria Client Services LLC; Altria Group, Inc.; Philip Morris USA,
`Inc.; Philip Morris Products SA; Philip Morris International Inc.
`Maximilian A. Grant
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
`555 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 1000
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
`Washington, DC 20004
` Via Electronic Mail
`/s/ Diane L. Hughes
`Diane L. Hughes
`The Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street S.W.
`Washington, DC 20436
`Sarah Sladic, Esq.
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street S.W., Room 401
`Washington, DC 20436
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
` Via Electronic Mail
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
` Via Electronic Mail
`I hereby certify that on July 20, 2020 unless otherwise indicated, one copy of the
`foregoing was filed/served on the following:
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street S.W., Room 112
`Washington, DC 20436
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
` Via Electronic Mail - EDIS
`Counsel for Respondents Altria Client Services LLC; Altria Group, Inc.; Philip Morris USA,
`Inc.; Philip Morris Products SA; Philip Morris International Inc.
`Maximilian A. Grant
` Via U.S. Mail
` Via Hand Delivery
`555 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 1000
` Via Overnight Courier
` Via Facsimile
`Washington, DC 20004
` Via Electronic Mail
`/s/ Diane L. Hughes
`Diane L. Hughes