
`Washington, D.C.
`Before the Honorable Bryan F. Moore
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1232
`[Mot. Dkt. No. 1232-019 (Enforcement)]
`Margaret D. Macdonald, Director
`Jeffrey T. Hsu, Supervisory Attorney
`Jennifer M. Dienes, Investigative Attorney
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street SW, Suite 401
`Washington, DC 20436
`Tel: 202-708-5408
`March 27, 2024


`Table of Contents
`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
`BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 1
`Summary of Violation Phase ...................................................................... 1
`Enforcement ................................................................................................ 3
`Complainant ............................................................................................................ 4
`Enforcement Respondents ....................................................................................... 5
`Organic Ingredients ..................................................................................... 5
`New India .................................................................................................... 5
`Bharat Bazar ................................................................................................ 5
`Coconut Hill ................................................................................................ 5
`The Asserted Trademark ......................................................................................... 6
`The Products at Issue............................................................................................... 6
`LEGAL STANDARDS ....................................................................................................... 6
`SUMMARY DETERMINATION ASSESSMENT............................................................ 7
`General Exclusion Order ......................................................................................... 7
`Importation or Sale After Issuance of the GEO ...................................................... 8
`Jurisdiction ............................................................................................................ 10
`Personal Jurisdiction ................................................................................. 10
`In Rem Jurisdiction ................................................................................... 10
`Statutory Authority .................................................................................... 10
`Trademark Infringement ....................................................................................... 11
`Legal Standard........................................................................................... 11
`Enforcement Respondents’ Unlawful Activities ....................................... 12
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`Analysis of the DuPont Factors ................................................................ 13
`REMEDY .......................................................................................................................... 18
`Cease and Desist Orders ........................................................................................ 19
`CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 20
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`Table of Authorities
`Certain Electric Skin Care Devices, Brushes and Chargers Therefor, and Kits Containing the Same,
`Inv. No. 337-TA-959, Comm’n Op. (Feb. 13, 2017) ..................................................................... 19
`Certain Footwear Products, Inv. No. 337-TA-936, Comm’n Op. (Remand) (Sept. 24, 2020) ........ 11
`Certain Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters and Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-739
`(Enforcement), Final Comm’n Determination (Dec. 2, 2013) ....................................................... 20
`Certain Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters and Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-739,
`Comm’n Op. (June 8, 2012) ........................................................................................................... 20
`Certain Mobile Telephone Handsets, Wireless Communication Devices, and Components Thereof,
`Inv. 337-TA-578, USITC Pub. No. 4132, Final Initial Determination, 2010 WL 1436458 (March
`2010) (unreviewed) .......................................................................................................................... 7
`Certain Motorized Vehicles and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1132, Comm’n Op.
`(Modification) (Jan. 4, 2021) ................................................................................................... 11, 12
`Certain Motorized Vehicles and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1132, Initial Determination
`(Nov. 21, 2019) .............................................................................................................................. 11
`Certain Mounting Apparatuses for Holding Portable Electronic Devices and Components Thereof,
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1086, Initial Determination (Dec. 11, 2018) ...................................................... 10
`Certain Pocket Lighters, Inv. No. 337-TA-1142, ID, 2020 WL 2094127 (Feb. 12, 2020) ............... 11
`Certain Pocket Lighters, Inv. No. 337-TA-1142, Initial Determination Granting Summary
`Determination of Violation, 2020 WL 2094127 (Feb. 12, 2020) ............................................ 10, 12
`Certain Video Security Equipment & Sys., Related Software, Components Thereof, & Prods.
`Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-1281, Comm’n Op. (Apr. 19, 2023) ..................................... 10
`In re E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., 476 F.2d 1357 (C.C.P.A. 1973) ............................................. 11
`Lucent Technologies, Inc. v. Gateway, 580 F.3d 1301 (Fed. Cir. 2009).............................................. 7
`Specialty Brands, Inc. v. Coffee Bean Distributors, Inc., 748 F.2d 669 (Fed. Cir. 1984) ................. 17
`Swagway, LLC v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 934 F.3d 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2019) ..................................... 11, 12
`19 U.S.C. § 1337(k)(1) ......................................................................................................................... 8
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`19 C.F.R. § 210.18(b) ........................................................................................................................... 7
`19 C.F.R. § 210.49(c) ........................................................................................................................... 7
`19 C.F.R. § 210.75(a)(4) .................................................................................................................... 19
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`On March 15, 2024, Complainant Meenaxi Enterprise Inc. (“Complainant” or “Meenaxi”)
`moved for a summary determination of violation including (1) a determination that Organic
`Ingredients Inc. d/b/a Namaste Plaza Indian Super Market (“Organic Ingredients”), New India
`Bazar Inc. d/b/a New India (“New India”), Bharat Bazar Inc. (“Bharat Bazar”), and Coconut Hill
`Inc. d/b/a Coconut Hill (“Coconut Hill”) (collectively, “Enforcement Respondents” or
`“Enforcement Defaulting Respondents”), all of which have been found in default (see Order No. 8
`(Feb. 13, 2024), unreviewed, Comm’n Notice (March 15, 2024)), have violated the general
`exclusion order (“GEO”) that issued on November 15, 2022, and (2) a recommended determination
`on appropriate enforcement measures including the issuance of cease and desist orders (“CDOs”)
`(“Mot.” or “Motion”).
`The Commission Investigative Staff (“Staff”) supports the motion for the reasons discussed
`Procedural History
`Summary of Violation Phase
`On October 29, 2020, Meenaxi filed a complaint with the Commission (“Complaint”). See
`EDIS Doc. ID 723620. A supplement to the Complaint was filed on November 10, 2020. EDIS
`Doc. ID 724586. The Complaint, as supplemented, alleged violations of 19 U.S.C. § 1337 by
`twenty-one proposed respondents, including New India, Coconut Hill, and Bharat Bazar, based on
`the sale for importation, importation, and/or sale within the United States after importation of
`certain chocolate milk powder and packaging thereof that infringe U.S. Trademark Registration No.
`4,206,026 (“the ’026 Mark”). See EDIS Doc. ID 723620. On December 1, 2020, the Commission
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`instituted the investigation and named all twenty-one respondents. See 85 Fed. Reg. 77237-8 (Dec.
`1, 2020). All respondents were found in default. See Order No. 6 (Feb. 10, 2021), unreviewed by
`Comm’n Notice (Mar. 2, 2021); Order No. 23 (May 19, 2022), unreviewed by Comm’n Notice (Jun.
`14, 2022).
`On May 24, 2021, Meenaxi moved for summary determination of violation of Section 337
`by the respondents found in default and requested a general exclusion order (“GEO”). See EDIS
`Doc. ID 743229. On December 1, 2021, an initial determination issued granting Meenaxi’s motion,
`but noting discrepancies with respect to one of the respondents, Organic Food d/b/a Namaste Plaza
`India Super Market (“Organic Food”), that called into question whether the respondent was
`properly served with the complaint, notice of investigation, and order to show cause. See Order No.
`15 at 1, n. 1. The Commission determined sua sponte to review the initial determination and
`ordered reconsideration of Order No. 6, the order to show cause, as to the aforementioned
`respondent and any other respondents who may not have been properly served. See EDIS Doc. ID
`760809. The investigation was remanded to the ALJ for further proceedings. Id.
`On remand, Meenaxi moved to amend the complaint and notice of investigation to correct
`the corporate entity name and address of Organic Food to Organic Ingredients Inc. d/b/a Namaste
`Plaza Indian Supermarket (“Organic Ingredients”), correct the address of Bharat Bazar,1 and correct
`the address for New India. EDIS Doc. ID 763824 at 7-9. Meenaxi’s motion was granted. Order
`No. 18 at 1-5 (Mar. 11, 2022), unreviewed by Comm’n Notice, 87 FR 22940 (Apr. 18, 2020).
`Remand proceedings were conducted as to Organic Ingredients and New India, both of which were
`ordered to respond to the amended complaint and notice of investigation and when they did not so
`1 Meenaxi demonstrated that Bharat Bazar had been served with all of the documents in the
`investigation despite a typographical error in its address. Order No. 18 at 4.
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`respond, they were also ordered to respond to an order to show cause why they should not be found
`in default. See Order No. 27 at 3 (Aug. 3, 2022). On May 19, 2022, an initial determination issued
`finding Organic Ingredients and New India in default (with the respondents previously found in
`default). Order No. 23 (May 19, 2022), unreviewed by Comm’n Notice (June 14, 2022).
`On June 15, 2022, Meenaxi again moved for summary determination of violation by the
`defaulting respondents and requested a GEO. See EDIS Doc. ID 773207. On August 3, 2022, a
`remand initial determination issued granting Meenaxi’s second motion for summary determination
`and finding a violation of Section 337 with respect to the ’026 Mark. See EDIS Doc. ID 776941.
`The remand initial determination also found that all of the defaulting respondents met the
`importation requirement and that Meenaxi satisfied the domestic industry requirement. Id. Further,
`the remand initial determination included the CALJ’s recommended determination on remedy and
`bonding, which recommended the issuance of a GEO with respect to the ’026 Mark. Id. On
`September 19, 2022, the Commission determined not to review the remand initial determination.
`87 Fed. Reg. 58130-1 (Sept. 23, 2022). On November 15, 2022, the Commission issued a final
`determination finding a violation, issuing a GEO prohibiting the unlicensed importation of
`chocolate milk powder and packaging thereof that infringe the ’026 Mark, and terminating the
`investigation. 87 Fed. Reg. 70864-5
`On October 9, 2023,2 Meenaxi filed an enforcement complaint with the Commission
`(“Enforcement Complaint”). See Enforcement Complaint (EDIS Doc. ID 805571). The
`Enforcement Complaint alleges violations of the GEO by Organic Ingredients, New India, Bharat
`2 The Enforcement Complaint was filed on October 9, 2023, which was a federal holiday, so the
`official EDIS received date was October 10, 2023.
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`Bazar, and Coconut Hill by the continued importation, sale for importation, advertisement,
`marketing, distribution, offers to sell, and sales of “Bournvita” products that infringe the ’026 Mark.
`Id. at ¶ 13. None of the Enforcement Respondents answered Meenaxi’s Enforcement Complaint.
`On November 9, 2023, the Commission determined to institute a formal enforcement
`proceeding as to all four Enforcement Respondents. See EDIS Doc. ID 808258 (Notice of
`Investigation “NOI”); see also Comm’n Order (Nov. 13, 2023) (EDIS Doc. ID 808290); 88 Fed.
`Reg. 78786-7 (Nov. 16, 2023).
`On December 21, 2023, Meenaxi filed a motion for an order to show cause and for entry of
`default as to the Enforcement Respondents. See EDIS Doc. ID 810827. The Staff filed a response
`supporting Meenaxi’s motion on January 2, 2024. See EDIS Doc. ID 811150. On January 10,
`2024, the ALJ issued an order for the Enforcement Respondents to show cause no later than
`February 2, 2024 as to why they should not be found in default. Order No. 6 at 3 (January 10,
`2024). On February 13, 2024, the ALJ issued an Initial Determination finding the Enforcement
`Respondents in default. Order No. 8 (February 13, 2023), unreviewed, Comm’n Notice (March 14,
`On March 15, 2024, Meenaxi filed a motion for summary determination of violation of the
`GEO and for a recommendation that the Commission issue CDOs to each of the Enforcement
`Respondents (“Motion” or “MSD”).
`Complainant Meenaxi is a New Jersey corporation with its principal place of business at 86-
`88 Executive Avenue in Edison, New Jersey. See Motion at 5. Meenaxi is “engaged in the
`creation, research and development, refinement, production, marketing, importation and sale of a
`wide variety of food products and commodities in the Unites States.” Id. Additionally, Meenaxi
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`has “the exclusive right in the United States to market and sell products covered by the ‘026 mark.”
`Enforcement Respondents
`Organic Ingredients
`Organic Ingredients has a principal place of business at 12220 World Trade Dr. #200, San
`Diego, CA 92128. Enforcement Compl. at ¶ 18. Organic Ingredients operates the website
` and also owns and/or operates retail stores, including a retail store located at
`3269 Walnut Ave., Fremont, VA 94538. Id. at ¶ 21, Exs. 5-7.
`New India
`New India has a principal place of business at 885 Yosemite Way, Milpitas, CA 95035.
`Enforcement Compl. at ¶ 22. New India operates the website and also
`owns and/or operates retail stores. Id. at ¶ 25, Exs. 10-13.
`Bharat Bazar
`Bharat Bazar has a principal place of business at 34301 Alvarado Niles Road, Union City,
`CA 94086. Enforcement Compl. at ¶ 26. Bharat Bazar operates the website
` and also owns and/or operates retail stores, including a retail store
`located at 1165 Reed Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Id. at ¶ 28, Exs. 14-17.
`Coconut Hill
`Coconut Hill has a principal place of business at 554 Murphy Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA
`94086. Enforcement Compl. at ¶ 29. Coconut Hill owns and/or operates retail stores, including a
`retail store at 554 S. Murphy Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Id. at ¶ 31, Exs. 18-20.
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`The Asserted Trademark
`The Asserted Trademark in this investigation is Trademark Registration No. 4,206,026 (“the
`’026 Mark”) for the word BOURNVITA for “beverages having a milk base; chocolate milk; dried
`milk powder; milk beverages containing fruits; milk drinks containing fruits; milk powder; milk-
`based beverages with chocolate; milk-based beverages with high milk content; nut-based milk;
`powdered milk; and strawberry milk” in International Class 29 and for “chocolate powder;
`chocolate-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages with milk; cocoa; cocoa beverages with
`milk; cocoa-based beverages; and cocoa-based condiments and seasonings for food and drink” in
`International Class 30. Enforcement Compl. at ¶ 16, Ex. 3. The ’026 Mark has been federally
`registered since September 11, 2012 and has become incontestable. Id. at ¶ 17, Ex. 3. There is no
`dispute that Meenaxi is the owner of record.
`The Products at Issue
`The General Exclusion Order that issued on November 15, 2022 identifies that products at
`issue as “chocolate milk powder in consumer-sized container with the Bournvita label” (“Accused
`Products”). See General Exclusion Order at ¶ 2 (November 15, 2022).
`During the enforcement, the Accused Products were more specifically identified as
`“chocolate flavors of the following: BournVita for Women; BournVita Inner Strength for Strength
`Every Day; BournVita Lil Champs; BournVita; BournVita Badam Booster; and BournVita 5Star
`Magic.” Joint Statement Identifying Accused Products (Jan. 24, 2024).
`The relevant standard for a grant of summary determination is set forth below. Other
`relevant legal standards (e.g., for trademark infringement) are provided in the sections specifically
`addressing those issues.
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`Commission Rule 210.18(b) provides that a summary determination may be granted “if
`pleadings and any depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the
`affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving
`party is entitled to summary determination as a matter of law.” 19 C.F.R. § 210.18(b). A party may
`rely on circumstantial evidence to prove its claim. See, e.g., Lucent Technologies, Inc. v. Gateway,
`580 F.3d 1301, 1318 (Fed. Cir. 2009); Certain Mobile Telephone Handsets, Wireless
`Communication Devices, and Components Thereof, Inv. 337-TA-578, USITC Pub. No. 4132, Final
`Initial Determination, 2010 WL 1436458 at *127 (March 2010) (unreviewed).
`General Exclusion Order
`The Commission issued a General Exclusion Order on November 15, 2022 that provides:
`Chocolate Milk Power and Packaging Thereof (as defined in paragraph 2 below)
`that infringe the Asserted Trademark are excluded from entry for consumption
`into the United States, entry for consumption from a foreign-trade zone, or
`withdrawal from a warehouse for consumption, except under license of the
`trademark owner or as provided by law until such date as the trademark has been
`abandoned, canceled, or rendered invalid or unenforceable.
`See General Exclusion Order at ¶ 1 (November 15, 2022); 87 Fed. Reg. 70864-6 (Nov. 21, 2022).
`The Chocolate Milk Powder and Packaging Thereof subject to the GEO are as follows “chocolate
`milk powder in consumer-sized contained with the Bournvita label.” Id. at ¶ 2. Commission Rule
`210.49(c) states “Exclusion orders and seizure and forfeiture orders shall be enforceable upon
`receipt of notice thereof by the Secretary of the Treasury.”3 19 C.F.R. § 210.49(c). A letter
`3 The Staff notes that U.S. Customs and Border Protection is no longer under the Secretary of the
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`transmitting the GEO to U.S. Customs and BorderProtection was sent on November 15, 2022.
`EDIS Doc. ID 784515. Accordingly, violations can only be found for acts thereafter.
`Pursuant to 19 U.S.C. § 1337(k)(1), the GEO continuesin effect until the Commission finds
`that “the conditions which led to such exclusion from entry or order no longer exist.” See 19 U.S.C.
`§ 1337(kK)(1). Additionally, on November9, 2023, Meenaxi filed a statement of continued use
`pursuant to paragraph 6 of the GEO,stating that Meenaxi “continues to use in the United States,
`and in interstate commerce, the ‘026 trademark in connection with chocolate milk powder and
`packaging thereof.” EDIS Doc. ID 808136.
`Importation or Sale After Issuance of the GEO
`Meenaxi primarily relies on evidence of importation for the Enforcement Respondents that
`wassubmitted with its Enforcement Complaint but has also offered additional evidence with respect
`to Organic Ingredients. Mot. at 10-16. In the Staffs view, the evidence, summarizedin the table
`below, showsthat the Enforcement Respondents imported and/or sold after importation chocolate
`milk powder products bearing the asserted “BOURNVITA”trademarkin violation of the GEO.
`The Staff is also of the view that the evidenceis substantial, reliable and probative regarding
`importation andsale after importation by the Enforcement Respondents.
`related to the purchase of the product.
`Organic Ingredients
`Meenaxi relies on Exhibit 6 to the Enforcement Complaint,
`whichis a receipt dated May 2, 2023 showing the purchase of
`BOURNVITAmarked chocolate milk powder products from
`Namaste Plaza‘ in Fremont, CA for $5.99 and $8.99. Thereis a
`photograph of one of the purchased products (Ex. 8 to the
`Enforcement Complaint) that shows a label with “Product of
`India,” and a declaration (Ex. 7 to the Enforcement Complaint)
`4 Meenaxi provided evidence tying Organic Ingredients to Namaste Plaza during the violation phase
`of the investigation. See Mot. at 12; Amended Complaint, Exs. 9a-9c.
`Staff's Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`New India
`Bharat Bazar
`Coconut Hill
`Meenaxi also provides export/import data from, a
`website that provides shipping information from India Customs,
`as Ex. A to its Motion. See Mot. at 11-12. Ex. A shows
`shipments of “BOURNVITA” products in August 2023 and
`January 2024 from India to Organic Ingredients in the United
`Meenaxi relies on Exhibits 11-13 to the Enforcement
`Complaint, which show the September 11, 2023 purchase of a
`BOURNVITA marked chocolate milk powder product from the
`website for $9.99. There is a declaration
`related to the purchase of the product that provides inter alia the
`date of purchase and information showing that New India owns
`and operates the website. Enforcement Compl.,
`Ex. 12, Annex. A. There are also photographs of the purchased
`product following its receipt in the US showing a label with
`“Product of India.” Id. at Ex. 12, Annex. C; Ex. 13.
`Meenaxi relies on Exhibit 15 to the Enforcement Complaint,
`which is a receipt showing the May 2, 2023 purchase of two
`BOUNVITA marked chocolate milk powder products from
`Bharat Bazar in Sunnyvale, CA for $11.98. There is a
`photograph of one of the purchased products (Ex. 17 to the
`Enforcement Complaint) that shows a label with “Product of
`India,” and a declaration (Ex. 16 to the Enforcement Complaint)
`related to the purchase of the product.
`Meenaxi relies on Exhibit 18 to the Enforcement Complaint,
`which is a receipt showing the May 2, 2023 purchase of two
`BOURNVITA marked chocolate milk powder products from
`Coconut Hill in Sunnyvale, CA for $17.98. There is a
`photograph of one of the purchased products (Ex. 20 to the
`Enforcement Complaint) that shows a label with “Product of
`India,” and a declaration (Ex. 19 to the Enforcement Complaint)
`related to the purchase of the product.
`The foregoing evidence shows that the Enforcement Respondents have been selling the
`accused products after importation into the United States.
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`Personal Jurisdiction
`The Commission has personal jurisdiction over the Enforcement Respondents, which are
`located in the United States. See Certain Pocket Lighters, Inv. No. 337-TA-1142, Initial
`Determination Granting Summary Determination of Violation, 2020 WL 2094127, at *6 (Feb. 12,
`2020). Additionally, Complainant has shown that the Enforcement Respondents were properly
`served at the correct addresses for service of process with the Enforcement Complaint, the Order to
`Show Cause, the Initial Determination finding them in default, and all other pleadings. See, e.g.,
`EDIS Doc. ID 808539, 814611.
`Although personal jurisdiction over the Enforcement Respondents has been established in
`this enforcement investigation, personal jurisdiction is not required so long as the products at issue
`are being imported, sold for importation, or sold after importation. See Certain Mounting
`Apparatuses for Holding Portable Electronic Devices and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-
`1086, Initial Determination, at 18 (Dec. 11, 2018) (EDIS Doc. ID 663879). As set forth above, the
`evidence submitted with the Enforcement Complaint and Meenaxi’s Motion establishes that the
`Enforcement Respondents sell after importation the accused products.
`In Rem Jurisdiction
`The Commission also has in rem jurisdiction over the accused products sold by the
`Enforcement Respondents, given the proof of sales after importation set forth above.
`Statutory Authority
`Finally, the Commission has statutory authority over this investigation. See Certain Video
`Security Equipment & Sys., Related Software, Components Thereof, & Prods. Containing Same,
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1281, Comm’n Op. at 9-10 (Apr. 19, 2023).
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`Trademark Infringement
`Legal Standard
`The Federal Circuit has held that to establish trademark infringement under the Lanham Act,
`one must prove “(1) it has a valid and legally protectable mark; (2) it owns the mark; and (3) the
`defendant’s use of the mark to identify goods or services causes a likelihood of confusion.”
`Converse, Inc. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 909 F.3d 1110, 1116 (Fed. Cir. 2018). For infringement
`following registration, “the Lanham Act entitles the owner of the registered mark to a presumption
`that the mark is valid…including that it has acquired secondary meaning.” Id. at 1117.
`Whether an accused product infringes an asserted trademark or trade dress depends on the
`likelihood of confusion. In determining whether there is a likelihood of confusion, the Commission
`has stated that the thirteen factors set forth in In re E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., 476 F.2d 1357
`(C.C.P.A. 1973) can be considered. See Certain Footwear Products, Inv. No. 337-TA-936,
`Comm’n Op. (Remand) at 56, n. 325 (Sept. 24, 2020); see also Motorized Vehicles, Comm’n Op.
`(Modification) at 7-8 (Jan. 4, 2021) (“Motorized Vehicles Modification”). The thirteen DuPont
`factors are:
`(1) The similarity or dissimilarity of the marks in their entireties as to appearance,
`sound, connotation and commercial impression;
`(2) The similarity or dissimilarity and nature of the goods or services as described in
`an application or registration or in connection with which a prior mark is in use;
`5 In fn. 32 the Commission stated: “The Federal Circuit has recently applied the DuPont factors
`framework to the likelihood of confusion analysis in reviewing the Commission’s infringement
`determination. See Swagway, LLC v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 934 F.3d 1332, 1338 n.2 (Fed. Cir. 2019)
`(citing In re E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., 476 F.2d 1357 (C.C.P.A. 1973)). That framework
`includes thirteen factors, many of which are similar to, or overlap with, the Restatement of Torts
`factors. Following the Swagway decision, the ALJs at the Commission have begun employing the
`DuPont factors and the Commission has approved the use of the DuPont framework. See Certain
`Pocket Lighters, Inv. No. 337-TA-1142, ID, 2020 WL 2094127, at *7, 10-13 (Feb. 12, 2020),
`unreviewed in relevant part by 82 Fed. Reg. 23528 (Apr. 28, 2020); Certain Motorized Vehicles
`and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1132, Initial Determination at 14-15 (Nov. 21, 2019),
`aff’d, Comm’n Op. at 24 (June 18, 2020).
`Staff’s Response to Meenaxi’s
`Motion for Summary Determination
`337-TA-1232 (Enf)


`(3) The similarity or dissimilarity of established, likely-to-continue trade channels;
`(4) The conditions under which and buyers to whom sales are made, i.e. “impulse”
`vs. careful, sophisticated purchasing;
`(5) The fame of the prior mark (sales, advertising, length of use);
`(6) The number and nature of similar marks in use on similar goods;
`(7) The nature and extent of any actual confusion;
`(8) The length of time during and conditions under which there has been concurrent
`use without evidence of actual confusion;
`(9) The variety of goods on which a mark is or is not used (house mark, “family”
`mark, product mark);
`(10) The market interface between applicant and the owner of a prior mark . . .;
`(11) The extent to which applicant has a right to exclude others from use of its mark
`on its goods;
`(12) The extent of potential confusion, i.e., whether de minimis or substantial; and
`(13) Any other established fact probative of the effect of use.
`Id. The DuPont factors, however, “cannot be reduced to a simple tally,” and the factors “are
`accorded different weights in different circumstances.” Swagway, LLC v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 934
`F.3d 1332, 1340 (Fed. Cir. 2019).
`During the violation phase, the following DuPont factors were addressed: similarity of
`marks, similarity of goods, similarly of trade channels, conditions of sale, right of Meenaxi to
`exclude. Order No. 15 (Initial ID) at 17-20 (see also fn. 6, listing the factors not addressed), Order
`No. 27 (Remand ID) at 10-15; Certain Pocket Lighters, Inv. No. 337-TA-1142, Initial
`Determination Granting Summary Determination of Violation, 2020 WL 2094127, at *7 (Feb. 12,
`2020) (“not all of the DuPont factors will apply in every case; only those factors which are
`supported by evidence in the record need to be considered”).
`Enforcement Respondents’ Unlawful Activities
`Meenaxi accuses the Enforcement Respondents of violating the GEO by offering for sale,
`selling, advertising, and aiding and abetting the sale and use of Cadbury’s “BOURNVITA”
`products, which allegedly infringe the ’026 Mark. Mot. at 11-16.

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