`Comes now the Plaintiff and for cause of action states:
`1. Plaintiff, Gordon Garrison,
`real estate in
` Emmet County,
`2. Defendant, New Fashion Pork LLP, owns and operates a
`confined animal feeding operation adjacent to Mr. Garrison’s
`property in Emmet County,
`Iowa. This confined animal feeding
`operation is permitted to hold 4,400 head of hogs weighing
`55 pounds or more and up to 8800 hogs
`if they weigh less
`than 55 pounds.
`BWT Holdings LLLC is a subsidiary of New Fashion
`Pork LLP.
`BWT Holdings owns
`the land where the waste from
`confinement operation referred to in the preceding
`paragraph is applied to crop fields.
`4. The aforementioned animal
`feeding operation began
`operation on or about January I, 20l6.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 1 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW—MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 1 of 16
`5. The aforementioned animal
`feeding operation is in
`violation of
`law in
`a.The Defendants have violated and continue to violate
`Section 7002(a)
`the Resource Conservation and
`Recovery Act
`(RCRA) by contributing to the past and
`hazardous waste in such a manner that may present an
`imminent and substantial endangerment
`to health and
`42 U.S.C.
`§ 6972(a). Plaintiff
`further alleges that
`the Defendants employ improper
`manure management practices
`solid waste
`in violation of
`Section 4005(a) of RCRA. 42 U.S.C. § 6945(a).
`b.The manure management plan submitted for the above
`operation allows a nitrogen application rate of 232
`Iowa Code
`§ 459.312(10)(f)
`that a manure management plan provide for methods,
`structures, or practices to prevent or diminish soil
`and potential
`surface water pollution.
`manure management plan in this case does not comply
`with this requirement. Therefore,
`the Defendants are
`in violation of Iowa law.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 2 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 2 of 16
`C.The Defendants’ confinement feeding operation is in
`violation of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251
`by discharging pollutants
`into surface
`waters and groundwater without a National Pollutant
`Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
`Ci.The Defendants’
`are in violation. of
`law and
`discharging manure
`from their confinement
`feeding operation
`at times other than periods of manure disposal.
`land on which manure
`from the Defendants’
`feeding' operation is being' applied is
`highly erodible land and does not comply with the
`conservation plan required by the Natural Resource
`Conservation Service (NRCS).
`f.The construction and operation of
`the Defendants’
`feeding operation is
`in violation of
`Iowa drainage law.
`g.The operation of Defendants’
`affecting the
`Plaintiff’s use and enjoyment of his property.
`h.The operation of Defendants’
`Plaintiff’s property.
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`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 3 of 16
`6. This Court has
`jurisdiction over
`this action by
`virtue of 28 U.S.C.
`§ l33l because it arises under federal
`statutes. Venue
`is proper
`in this Court pursuant
`to 28
`l39l because
`the parties
`are present
`in the
`Northern District of
`Iowa Western Division and the events
`constituting the Plaintiff’s cause of action occur
`This Court has pendent jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s claims
`brought under Iowa state law. 28 U.S.C. § l367(a).
`7. Section 7002(a)(l)(B) of RCRA,
`42 U.S.C.
`§ 6972(a)
`(l)(B), provides that citizens may commence a citizen suit
`“any person,”
`“including any past
`or present
`generator, past or present
`transporter, or past or present
`owner or operator of
`or disposal
`facility who has contributed or who is contributing to the
`transportation, or disposal of any solid or hazardous waste
`which may present an imminent and substantial endangerment
`to health or
`the environment.” A notice pursuant
`to 42
`U.S.C. 6972(b)(2)(A) was served on the Defendants. A copy of
`the notice is hereto attached.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 4 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 4 of 16
`8. Section lOO2(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. § 690l(b), states
`that “disposal of solid waste
`in or on the land
`without careful planning and management can present a danger
`to human health and the environment;” and that “open dumping
`is particularly harmful
`to health,
`contaminates drinking
`from underground and surface supplies,
`and pollutes
`the air and the land .
`9. As required by statute,
`the Environmental Protection
`Agency (EPA) has promulgated criteria under RCRA,
`42 U.S.C.
`§ 6907(a)(3), defining solid waste management practices that
`constitute open dumping. See, 42 U.S.C. § 6944(a);
`4O C.F.R.
`Parts 257 and 258. These regulations outline certain solid
`practices which,
`if violated,
`reasonable probability of adverse effects on health or the
`environment. 40 C.F.R. § 257.3.
`10. The purpose of RCRA is “to promote the protection
`of health and the environment.” RCRA seeks
`to accomplish
`this by “prohibiting future open dumping on the land and
`facilities which do not pose a danger to the environment or
` to health .
`.” 42 U.S.C. § 6902(a).
`11. Section 4005(a) of RCRA prohibits “any solid waste
`management practice or disposal of solid waste .
`. which
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 5 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 5 of 16
`constitutes the open dumping of solid waste
`.” 42
`U.S.C. § 6945(a).
`12. Under § 1004(3) of RCRA,
`42 U.S.C.
`§ 6903(3), “The
`‘disposal’ means
`the discharge, deposit,
`waste .
`into or on any land or water so that such solid
`waste or hazardous waste or
`any constituent
`thereof may
`emitted into the air
`discharged into any waters,
`including ground—waters.”
`13. RCRA defines “solid waste” as “any garbage, refuse,
`from a waste
`treatment plant
`and other
`discarded material,
`including solid,
`semisolid, or
`contained gaseous material resulting from .
`. agricultural
`operations .
`.” 42 U.S.C. § 6903(27)(emphasis added).
`14. EPA criteria for solid waste disposal practices
`prohibit the contamination of any underground drinking water
`source beyond the solid waste boundary of a disposal site.
`15. An “underground drinking water source” includes (1)
`an aquifer supplying drinking water _or human consumption or
`(2) any aquifer in which the groundwater contains less than
`10,000 milligrams per liter of
`total dissolved solids.
`C.F.R. § 257.3—4(c)(4).
`16. “Contaminate” an underground drinking water source
`to cause the groundwater concentration of
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 6 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 6 of 16
`substance to exceed its corresponding maximum contaminant
`level specified in .Appendix I
`'to 40 C.F.R. Part 257, or
`cause an increase in the concentration of
`where the existing concentration already exceeds the maximum
`contaminant level in Appendix I.
`In the Defendants’ confinement
`feeding operation
`the manure from the hogs
`is collected in a pit below the
`confinement structure. The pit is then emptied once or twice
`a year and the waste is applied to crop fields as designated
`in the Defendants’ manure management plan.
`18. The application of the manure from the Defendants’
`confinement feeding operation on the crop fields pursuant to
`the manure management plan exceeds accepted agronomic rates.
`The excessive application of manure on the crop fields has
`and will cause manure nutrients,
`including but not
`to nitrates and phosphorus,
`that are not
`taken up by the
`crop to be discharged to groundwater and surface water. This
`renders the manure incapable of serving its intended purpose
`as a fertilizer.
`19. The October 2016 application of hog manure by the
`Defendants was based on
`the Defendants’
`sampling. This
`sample nutrient analysis showed only 2.4% solids. This
`not representative of what would be expected at
`a similar
`operation. This allowed the Defendants to justify a higher
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 7 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 7 of 16
`application rate. The Plaintiff alleges that
`this resulted
`in over application and subsequent discharges of pollutants
`to his property.
`The Defendants
`in violation of
`459.3l2(l0)(b) because that section requires accurate manure
`The October
`2016 manure application by
`took place when
`saturated field conditions
`existed and
`resulted in discharges
`to the Plaintiff’s
`2l. Manure that has been over-applied by the Defendants
`on fields and permitted to discharge into groundwater and
`surface water
`“discarded material”
`from an
`“agricultural operation,” and is therefore a “solid waste”
`under § 1004(27) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. § 6903(27).
`22. The solid waste from the Defendants’ operation as
`described above has caused solid waste to be discharged to
`the Plaintiff’s property and has caused an imminent
`23. Defendants’
`feeding operation
`constitutes an “open dump” under RCRA § 1004(14),
`42 U.S.C.
`§ 6903(14). Any waste management practice that constitutes
`the open dumping of solid waste is prohibited.
`42 U.S.C.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 8 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 8 of 16
`6945. Defendants’
`in violation of
`prohibition against open dumping.
`24. Plaintiff’s interests are harmed and will continue
`to be
`harmed by the above-described violations of RCRA
`unless the Court grants the relief sought herein.
`25. The Clean Water Act
`(CWA) was created by Congress
`to protect
`the quality of the country’s water resources. To
`achieve its objectives the CWA relies on the NPDES permit
`program that controls water pollution by regulating “point
`sources” that discharge pollutants.
`26. Concentrated animal
`feeding operations
`the Defendants’
`specifically designated in the CWA. as point
`U.S.C. § l362(l4).
`27. The stated objective of the CWA is to “restore and
`maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of
`the Nation’s waters” by,
`among other things, achieving the
`goal of “eliminat[ing]
`“the discharge of pollutants into
`the navigable waters.” 33 U.S.C. § 125l(a).
`28. Under
`the CWA and implementing regulations,
`discharge of a pollutant by any person is prohibited, except
`in compliance with other sections of the CWA,
`including 33
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 9 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 9 of 16
`1342, which governs activities subject
`to the
`issuance of NPDES permits.
`29. A “pollutant” is defined to include,
`“among other
`things .
`industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste.”
`33 U.S.C. § 1362(6).
`30. The “discharge of a pollutant” is defined as
`addition of any pollutant to navigable waters from any point
`source.” 33 U.S.C. § 1362(12).
`31. The Defendants, by owning and operating their CAFO,
`application of manure
`discharged and will continue to discharge pollutants
`waters on the Plaintiff’s property without an NPDES permit.
`32. Under
`the CWA citizens suit provision a civil
`action may be maintained against
`the Defendants
`by the
`Plaintiff. 33 U.S.C. § l365. A notice, pursuant to 33 U.S.C.
`§ l365(b)(l)(A), was served on the Defendants. A copy of the
`notice is hereto attached.
`33. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 459.312 the Defendants were
`required to submit
`to the Iowa DNR a manure management plan
`specifying the manure application rate on the crop fields.
`Iowa Code § 459.312(10)(f)
`requires that a manure
`for methods,
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 10 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 10 of 16
`practices 'to prevent
`or‘ diminish. soil
`loss and potential
`surface water pollution.
`35. The Defendants’ manure management plan allows a
`nitrogen application rate of 232 pounds/acre. This does not
`into account
`lack of
`NRCS designed and
`maintained grass waterways
`to limit
`erosion on highly
`the use of outdated guidelines
`application of nitrogen, and that there is no restriction on
`the manner and method 0: field drainage.
` .E
`36. Because the De_endants’ manure management plan does
`not provide for consideration of the site specific issues on
`the Defendant’s disposal
`the Defendants
`violation of Iowa law.
`37. As
`a proximate cause of
`the overapplication of
`on the Defendants’ application fields pursuant
`their manure management
`discharged to the Plaintiffs’ property.
`38. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 455B.lll a civil action may
`be maintained against
`the Defendants by the Plaintiff for
`violating any provision of Chapter 459 of the Iowa Code or
`adopted pursuant
`to that
`A notice,
`to § 455B.lll(2), was served on the Defendants. A
`copy of the notice is hereto attached.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 11 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073—CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 11 of 16
`39. Emission of
`the air
`inside the Defendants’
`confinement structure is discharged continuously into the
`ambient outside air
`through an
`array of
`40. The air being discharged to the outside is laced
`with chemicals, bacteria,
`and other pollutants excreted by
`the animals inside the structure.
`Iowa Code § 459.3ll(l) and 567 IAC § 65.2(3) state
`that manure must be controlled by
`retaining it
`in the
`structure until
`applied to the
`Iowa Code § 459.102(39) defines manure as “animal
`43. Based on the foregoing definition 0_ manure and the
`that manure
`retained in the
`structure until it is applied to the crop fields,
`the air
`emissions from the structure containing pollutants excreted
`by the animals place the Defendants
`in 'violation of
`statute and regulation.
`44. The
`illegal discharge of manure
`through air
`emissions from the confinement structure adversely impacts
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 12 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 12 of 16
`the Plaintiff’s health.
`the use and. enjoyment of his
`45. Pursuant
`to Iowa Code § 455B.11 a civil action may
`be maintained against
`the Defendants by the Plaintiff for
`violating any provision of Chapter 459 of the Iowa Code or
`adopted pursuant
`to that
`A notice,
`to § 455B.lll(2), was served on the Defendants. A
`copy of the notice is hereto attached.
`46. The waste from the Defendants’ confinement feeding
`operation is being applied to fields on highly erodible land
`owned by BWT Holdings.
`47. The Federal Farm Bill
`requires farm operators who
`farm highly erodible land to sign and submit
`a Form 1026
`-hat certifies that
`the operator has a conservation plan and
`is following it.
`48. The Form 1026 signed and submitted by BWT Holdings
`for 2015 and following years state that BWT Holdings has a
`conservation plan and is complying with it.
`In fact,
`BWT Holdings is not complying with its
`conservation plan. The conservation plan calls for 7.7 acres
`of grass waterways
`to avoid erosion of
`the soil
`and to
`filter runoff
`from the fields. These waterways are either
`non—existent or nonfunctional.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 13 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 13 of 16
`50. Based on the foregoing, BWT is in violation of its
`conservation plan for highly erodible land and submitted a
`false Form lO26.
`51. As a proximate result of the foregoing violations
`by BWT, pollution from the waste applied to the land from
`the Defendants’ confinement operation is being discharged to
`the Plaintiff’s property.
`52. Under
`Iowa drainage law,
`liability exists if the
`manner or method of drainage on to the land of another is
`substantially changed and actual damage results.
`The manner or method of drainage
`from the
`Defendants’ manure application fields to the Plaintiff’s
`property has been substantially changed by allowing the
`of manure
`onto Plaintiff’s
`property and causing damage to the Plaintiff’s property.
`54. The manner and method of discharge has been changed
`by pattern tiling, conducted by the Defendants in the Spring
`of 20l7. This
`increases the total yearly discharges. The
`pattern tiling removed water from an adjacent watershed and
`deposits that water into the Plaintiff’s watershed, which is
`a violation of Iowa drainage law.
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 14 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv—03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 14 of 16
`55. The operation of
`the Defendants’
`operation creates odor that interferes with the Plaintiffs’
`use and enjoyment of his property.
`In addition, runoff of waste and pollution from the
`on Defendants’
`Plaintiff’s property interferes with the Plaintiff’s use and
`enjoyment of his property.
`57. Based
`the Defendant’s
`created a nuisance that interferes with the Plaintiff’s use
`and enjoyment of his property.
`58. Plaintiff has obtained the necessary mediation
`59. The waste running off of
`the Defendants’ manure
`application fields enters the Plaintiff’s property, causing
`damage to Plaintiff’s property.
`60. The waste running off onto the Plaintiff’s property
`constitutes a trespass.
`the Plaintiff requests the following relief:
`A. A declaratory judgment
`the Defendants’ animal
`regulations as described above;
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 15 of 16
`Case 3:18-cv-03073-CJW-MAR Document 1 Filed 12/20/18 Page 15 of 16
`injunction prohibiting the Defendants
`engaging in the practices described above
`cause or
`allow pollution to impact
`the Plaintiff and his property,
`and his use and enjoyment of his property;
`C. An award of fair and reasonable damages caused by
`the nuisance as alleged herein;
`D. An award of attorney fees and expenses as authorized
`by law, and the costs of this action; and
`E. Such other and further relief as
`the Court deems
`just and equitable.
`Law Offices of Wallace L. Taylor
`4403 lSt Ave. S.E., Suite 402
`Iowa 52402
`Cedar Rapids,
`e—mail: wtaylorlaw@aol.com
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