`d/b/a JARS CANNABIS and
`RAYMOND ABRO, jointly and severally,
`Case No.
`Darcie R. Brault (P43864)
`McKnight, Canzano, Smith,
`Radtke & Brault, P.C.
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`423 N. Main St., Suite 200
`Royal Oak, MI 48220
`(248) 354-9650
`Plaintiff, SHAMARA BOINES, by and through her counsel, McKnight,
`Canzano, Smith, Radtke & Brault, P.C., complains as follows against Defendants:
`Jurisdiction and Venue
`This is an action brought to redress race and gender/sexual orientation
`discrimination and harassment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
`amended (“Title VII”), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, et seq, and the Elliott-Larsen Civil
`Rights Act (“ELCRA”), MCL § 37.2101, et seq, as well as for violation of the
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.2 Filed 12/27/21 Page 2 of 22
`COVID-19 Employee Rights Act, MCL 419.401 et seq (“CERA”), and the public
`policy of the State of Michigan.
`Plaintiff BOINES is an individual, residing in the County of Oakland,
`State of Michigan.
`At all material times, Defendant JARS HOLDINGS, LLC, d/b/a JARS
`CANNABIS (“JARS”) was a domestic, for-profit corporation, conducting business
`throughout the County of Wayne and the State of Michigan.
`At all material times, Defendant RAYMOND ABRO (“ABRO”)
`conducted business throughout the County of Wayne and the State of Michigan.
`Under 28 U.S.C. § 1331, this Court has original jurisdiction to hear
`this Complaint and to adjudicate the stated claims.
`This Court has supplemental jurisdiction of the Michigan state law
`claims under 28 U.S.C. § 1367.
`Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because
`Defendant operates its facilities and because all of the events giving rise to the
`Plaintiffs’ claims occurred in this district.
`General Allegations
`BOINES is an African American female.
`JARS operates multiple marijuana dispensaries in the metropolitan
`Detroit area as part of an integrated and/or joint employer.
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.3 Filed 12/27/21 Page 3 of 22
`10. Defendant ABRO was JARS’ Chief Operating Officer and acted as
`BOINES’ direct supervisor.
`11. Marijuana dispensaries are required to be licensed by the State of
`Michigan and are regulated by the State of Michigan.
`12. Defendant ABRO hired BOINES as a legal Compliance Officer in
`March 2020.
`13. BOINES was qualified to act as Compliance Officer, with regulatory
`and licensing experience prior to her employment with JARS.
`14. At all material times, BOINES performed her job as Compliance
`Officer in a satisfactory manner.
`15. Throughout BOINES’ employment with JARS, ABRO made
`offensive racist, sexist and homophobic remarks.
`16. ABRO referred to homosexuals using discriminatory slurs, including
`17. ABRO frequently made statements indicating that he did not like
`homosexuals or anyone that was not “straight.”
`18. ABRO pushed back when BOINES sought to include language
`barring sexual orientation discrimination in the JARS Employee Handbook,
`stating, “I don’t like that lifestyle.”
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.4 Filed 12/27/21 Page 4 of 22
`19. ABRO referred to an openly gay employee as “that faggot
`20. ABRO stated, “I’m going to hire five or six of those faggot
`motherfuckers so people don’t think I’m homophobic.”
`21. ABRO constantly inquired about BOINES relationship status, in a
`transparent attempt to determine her sexual orientation.
`In April of 2020, ABRO referred to one of the African American male
`security staff as a “nigga” on a meeting over Zoom.
`23. ABRO used the N-word on his public social media.
`24. At a staff meeting including BOINES on June 19, 2020, ABRO stated,
`“Black Lives Matter ruined it for black people” all the while making eye contact
`with BOINES.
`25. ABRO commented on the skin color of BOINES’ nieces.
`26. ABRO told BOINES, “I’m not racist. I hired you, didn’t I?”
`27. ABRO also repeatedly used epithets derogatory to women.
`28. ABRO referred to Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, “stupid,”
`a “ho” and a “whore.”
`29. ABRO told BOINES he would not watch any movies which featured
`a female in charge.
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.5 Filed 12/27/21 Page 5 of 22
`30. Almost immediately after BOINES was hired, the COVID-19
`pandemic caused global disruptions in business.
`31. On March 10, 2020, the Governor of the State of Michigan issued
`Executive Order 2020-4, declaring a state of emergency in response to the COVID-
`19 pandemic.
`32. On April 1, 2020 the Governor expanded her previous Executive
`Order, declaring both a state of emergency and a state of disaster across the State
`of Michigan, in Executive Order 2020-33.
`33. The Executive Orders were based upon section 1 of article 5 of the
`Michigan Constitution of 1963; the Emergency Management Act, MCL 30.401 et
`seq (“EMA”); and the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act of 1945, MCL
`10.31 et seq.
`34. The Michigan legislature adopted a concurrent resolution to extend
`the states of emergency and disaster declared under the Emergency Management
`Act until April 30, 2020.
`35. Pursuant to the EMA and the Michigan Constitution, on March 23,
`2020, Governor Whitmer issued a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order which
`required persons to shelter in place and provided for various other requirements
`designed to limit and prevent the spread of the novel COVID19 virus, Executive
`Order 2020-21.
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.6 Filed 12/27/21 Page 6 of 22
`36. The “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order was effective March 24, 2020 and
`was extended in subsequent orders until June 1, 2020.
`37. On April 24, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-
`59, the Order continued the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order, providing narrow
`exceptions for businesses performing outdoor activities and requiring certain safety
`precautions for businesses allowed to resume outdoor business activities.
`38. On May 18, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Directive
`2020-6 that directs each state agency to enforce workplace health and safety
`standards and take enforcement actions to ensure compliance. The Directive
`required, in pertinent part, that:
`6. Retail stores that are open for in-store sales must:
`b. Establish lines to regulate entry in accordance with
`subsection (c) of this section, with markings for patrons to
`enable them to stand at least six feet apart from one another
`while waiting. Stores should also explore alternatives to lines,
`including by allowing customers to wait in their cars for a text
`message or phone call, to enable social distancing and to
`accommodate seniors and those with disabilities.
`c. Adhere to the following restrictions:
`1. For stores of less than 50,000 square feet of customer
`floor space, must limit the number of people in the
`store (including employees) to 25% of the total
`occupancy limits established by the State Fire Marshal
`or a local fire marshal. Stores of more than 50,000
`square feet must:
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.7 Filed 12/27/21 Page 7 of 22
`A. Limit the number of customers in the store at
`one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per
`1,000 square feet of customer floor space.
`d. Post signs at store entrance(s) instructing customers of their
`legal obligation to wear a face covering when inside the store.
`e. Post signs at store entrance(s) informing customers not to
`enter if they are or have recently been sick.
`11. Any business or operation that violates the rules in sections 1
`through 9 has failed to provide a place of employment that is free
`from recognized hazards that are causing, or are likely to cause, death
`or serious physical harm to an employee, within the meaning of the
`Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act, MCL 408.1011.
`39. On May 21, 2020, the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency
`(“MRA”), released an Advisory Bulletin titled “Licensed Marijuana Operations
`Under COVID-19 Executive Orders,” outlining the requirements for licensed
`facilities to operate in accordance with Executive Directive 2020-06.
`40. On June 5, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services
`(“DHHS”) released an Order pursuant to MCL 333.2253 that incorporated
`Executive Orders 2020-110, 2020-114, 2020-115.
`41. Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, BOINES observed that at
`multiple facilities, JARS was not limiting the number of customers allowed in their
`facilities, not requiring or even encouraging customers to socially distance, and not
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.8 Filed 12/27/21 Page 8 of 22
`requiring customers to wear masks to enter, all in violation of Executive Directive
`42. BOINES raised her concerns with ABRO on multiple occasions.
`43. ABRO responded that he refused to comply with the Executive Orders
`and Department of Health and Human Services Directives, as he did not believe
`the restrictions were necessary.
`44. ABRO vehemently disagreed with Governor Whitmer’s Executive
`Orders and Directives, calling the Governor “stupid,” “a ho,” and “a whore” for
`issuing them.
`45. ABRO was angry with BOINES when she raised compliance issues
`and became upset if she corrected him when he misstated the law.
`46. After BOINES reported the health violations related to COVID-19 to
`ABRO, ABRO asked BOINES not to speak at staff meetings.
`47. On July 10, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-
`147, which “require[d] any business that is open to the public to refuse entry or
`service to people who refuse to wear a face covering,” unless certain exceptions
`48. On July 15, 2020, BOINES was approached by JARS’ Head of
`Marketing, who informed BOINES that ABRO wished to post a sign at the
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.9 Filed 12/27/21 Page 9 of 22
`entrances of JARS locations in order to inform customers of their obligation to
`wear a mask, which read:
`49. Streets asked BOINES whether the sign would be in compliance with
`the Governor’s COVID-19 Executive Orders and Directives.
`50. BOINES informed Streets that she would not approve such a sign, that
`it would not be compliant with COVID-19 Executive Orders, Directives, and Rules
`and that posting such a sign could subject JARS to fines and other penalties.
`51. On July 15, 2020, BOINES reiterated to ABRO and Streets, directly,
`that the proposed signage was not approved for posting, was not compliant with
`the law and could subject JARS to fines and other penalties.
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.10 Filed 12/27/21 Page 10 of 22
`52. Also on July 15, 2020, BOINES observed that the chairs in the lobby
`of a facility were positioned to be six feet apart and that ABRO moved the chairs
`back into their original positions so that they no were no longer positioned to
`comply with the social distancing rules.
`53. On July 16, 2020, ABRO terminated BOINES’ employment with
`54. ABRO informed BOINES that JARS did not need a Compliance
`Officer and that her position was eliminated.
`55. Shortly thereafter, JARS posted on various job hiring websites that it
`was seeking to hire a Compliance Officer.
`56. BOINES filed a timely charge with the Equal Employment
`Opportunity Commission which issued a Right to Sue letter on September 28,
`Count 1: Violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Race)
`57. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 56 as though
`fully set forth herein.
`58. Title VII applies to employers “engaged in an industry affecting
`commerce who [have] fifteen or more employees for each working day in each of
`twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year, and
`includes an agent of such [an employer].” 42 U.S.C. §2000e(b).
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.11 Filed 12/27/21 Page 11 of 22
`JARS is an employer within the meaning of Title VII because it
`employs 15 or more employees or because, as an integrated and/or joint employer
`it employs 15 or more employees.
`60. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race.
`JARS violated Title VII by discriminating against Plaintiff because of
`her race by:
`Considering race in the decision to hire BOINES;
`Subjecting BOINES to derogatory comments regarding race;
`Creating a hostile work environment on the basis of race;
`Treating BOINES differently because of her race;
`Terminating BOINES; and
`Other acts of race discrimination yet to be determined.
`62. The above-described violations of Title VII were intentional or in
`reckless disregard of BOINES’ federally protected rights.
`63. As a direct and proximate result of the aforementioned violations,
`BOINES has suffered damages, including lost compensation, past and future,
`emotional distress, pain and suffering, harm to her reputation and other non-
`economic injuries, payment of attorneys’ fees and costs and other damages, yet to
`be determined.
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.12 Filed 12/27/21 Page 12 of 22
`WHEREFORE Plaintiff BOINES respectfully requests this Court enter a
`judgment in her favor and against Defendant JARS as follows:
`Economic damages based on her lost wages and fringe benefits,
`both past and future;
`Non-economic damages for injuries such as emotional distress,
`pain and suffering, harm to reputation, and other consequential
`Punitive damages;
`Attorney fees and costs;
`Interest; and
`Such other relief as may be deemed appropriate at the time of
`final judgment.
`Count 2: Violations of Michigan’s ELCRA (Race)
`64. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 63 as though
`fully set forth herein.
`65. Under Section 201(a) of ELCRA, MCL § 37.2201(a), an employer is
`a person “who has 1 or more employees, and includes an agent of that person.”
`66. Defendant JARS is an employer within the meaning of the ELCRA.
`67. Defendant ABRO is an agent of JARS and an employer within the
`meaning of the ELCRA.
`68. Section 202(1)(a) of ELCRA, MCL § 37.2202(1)(a), makes it
`unlawful for an employer to “discharge, or otherwise discriminate against an
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.13 Filed 12/27/21 Page 13 of 22
`individual with respect to employment, compensation, or a term, condition, or
`privilege of employment, because of . . . race …”
`69. Defendants discriminated against Plaintiff because of her race by:
`Considering race in the decision to hire BOINES;
`Subjecting BOINES to derogatory comments regarding race;
`Creating a hostile work environment on the basis of race;
`Treating BOINES differently because of her race;
`Terminating BOINES; and
`Other acts of race discrimination yet to be determined.
`70. As a direct and proximate result of the aforementioned violations,
`BOINES has suffered damages, including lost compensation, past and future,
`emotional distress, pain and suffering, harm to her reputation and other non-
`economic injuries, payment of attorneys’ fees and costs and other damages, yet to
`be determined.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendants JARS and
`ABRO for:
`Economic damages based on her lost wages and fringe benefits,
`both past and future;
`Non-economic damages for injuries such as emotional distress,
`pain and suffering, harm to reputation, and other consequential
`Attorney fees and costs;
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.14 Filed 12/27/21 Page 14 of 22
`Interest, and
`Such other relief as may be deemed appropriate at the time of
`final judgment.
`Count 3: Violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
`(Gender/Sexual Orientation)
`71. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 70 as fully set
`forth herein.
`JARS is an employer within the meaning of Title VII because it
`employs 15 or more employees or because, as an integrated and/or joint employer
`it employs 15 or more employees.
`73. Title VII prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual
`orientation in employment.
`JARS violated Title VII by discriminating against Plaintiff because of
`her gender by:
`Subjecting BOINES to derogatory comments regarding women
`and sexual orientation;
`Creating a hostile work environment on the basis of gender and
`sexual orientation;
`Treating BOINES differently because of her gender;
`Terminating BOINES; and
`Other acts of gender discrimination yet to be determined.
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.15 Filed 12/27/21 Page 15 of 22
`75. The above-described violations of Title VII were intentional or in
`reckless disregard of BOINES’ federally protected rights.
`76. As a direct and proximate result of the aforementioned violations,
`BOINES has suffered damages, including lost compensation, past and future,
`emotional distress, pain and suffering, harm to her reputation and other non-
`economic injuries, payment of attorneys’ fees and costs and other damages, yet to
`be determined.
`WHEREFORE Plaintiff BOINES respectfully requests this Court enter a
`judgment in her favor and against Defendant JARS as follows:
`Economic damages based on her lost wages and fringe benefits,
`both past and future;
`Non-economic damages for injuries such as emotional distress,
`pain and suffering, harm to reputation, and other consequential
`Punitive damages;
`Attorney fees and costs;
`Interest; and
`Such other relief as may be deemed appropriate at the time of
`final judgment.
`Count 4: Violations of ELCRA
`(Gender/Sexual Orientation)
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.16 Filed 12/27/21 Page 16 of 22
`77. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 76 as fully set
`forth herein.
`78. As stated above, Defendants JARS and ABRO are both employers
`within the meaning of the ELCRA.
`79. Section 202(1)(a) of ELCRA, MCL § 37.2202(1)(a), makes it
`unlawful for an employer to “discharge, or otherwise discriminate against an
`individual with respect to employment, compensation, or a term, condition, or
`privilege of employment, because of . . . sex…”
`80. Defendant violated the ELCRA by discriminating against Plaintiff
`because of her sex by:
`Subjecting BOINES to derogatory comments regarding women
`and sexual orientation;
`Creating a hostile work environment on the basis of gender and
`sexual orientation;
`Treating BOINES differently because of her gender;
`Terminating BOINES; and
`Other acts of gender discrimination yet to be determined.
`81. As a direct and proximate result of the aforementioned violations,
`BOINES has suffered damages, including lost compensation, past and future,
`emotional distress, pain and suffering, harm to her reputation and other non-
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.17 Filed 12/27/21 Page 17 of 22
`economic injuries, payment of attorneys’ fees and costs and other damages, yet to
`be determined.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendants JARS and
`ABRO for:
`a. Economic damages based on her lost wages and fringe benefits,
`both past and future;
`b. Non-economic damages for injuries such as emotional distress, pain
`and suffering, harm to reputation, and other consequential injuries;
`c. Attorney fees and costs;
`d. Interest, and
`e. Such other relief as may be deemed appropriate at the time of final
`Count 5: Violation of the CERA,
`MCL 419.401 et seq
`82. Plaintiff incorporates the preceding paragraphs 1 through 81 as though
`fully stated herein.
`83. The COVID-19 Employee Rights Act, MCL 419.401 et seq.
`(“CERA”), makes it a violation for an employer to “discharge, discipline, or
`otherwise retaliate against an employee who does any of the following: … (b)
`Opposes a violation of this act” or “(c) Reports health violations related to
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.18 Filed 12/27/21 Page 18 of 22
`84. By advising JARS that it was not in compliance with the COVID
`health regulations, BOINES both opposed violation of the CERA and reported
`health violations related to COVID-19.
`JARS terminated BOINES’ employment, because of her protected
`activity in violation of MCL 419.403(1)(b) and (c).
`86. As a direct and proximate result of the aforementioned violations,
`BOINES has suffered damages, including lost compensation, past and future,
`emotional distress, pain and suffering, harm to her reputation and other non-
`economic injuries, payment of attorneys’ fees and costs and other damages, yet to
`be determined.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendants JARS for:
`Economic damages based on her lost wages and fringe benefits,
`both past and future;
`Non-economic damages for injuries such as emotional distress,
`pain and suffering, harm to reputation, and other consequential
`Attorney fees and costs;
`Interest, and
`Such other relief as may be deemed appropriate at the time of
`final judgment.
`Count 6: Wrongful Termination in
`Violation of the Public Policy of the State of Michigan
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.19 Filed 12/27/21 Page 19 of 22
`87. Plaintiff incorporates the preceding paragraphs 1 through 86 as though
`fully stated herein.
`88. Michigan courts generally allow an employer to fire an employee for
`any reason or no reason at all. However, a reason for termination cannot violate
`public policy.
`89. A termination violates public policy if (1) the employee is discharged
`in violation of an explicit legislative statement prohibiting discharge of employees
`who act in accordance with a statutory right or duty; (2) the employee is
`discharged for the failure or refusal to violate the law in the course of employment;
`or (3) the employee is discharged for exercising a right conferred by a well-
`established legislative enactment.
`90. The Governor’s Executive Orders and authorizing laws: Section 1 of
`article 5 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963; the EMA, and the Emergency
`Powers of the Governor Act of 1945, MCL 10.31 et seq and the directives of the
`Department of Health and Human Services, all constitute the express public policy
`of the State of Michigan.
`JARS’s actions and proposed actions violated the Governor’s
`COVID-19 Executive Orders and Directives, and the directives of the Department
`of Health and Human Services, including but not limited to:
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.20 Filed 12/27/21 Page 20 of 22
`JARS failed to limit the numbers of customers allowed inside
`JARS locations, and, in doing so, failed to provide space for
`customers to socially distance.
`JARS refused to enforce mask-wearing.
`JARS proposed to post a sign stating that the business would
`assume that anyone not wearing a mask had a medical
`condition, in violation of Executive Order 2020-153.
`92. BOINES engaged in protected activity when she advised that
`Defendants were not in compliance with with the Executive Orders and State of
`Michigan Health and Human Services guidance on safeguards to protect
`Michigan’s workers from COVID-19. Specifically, she advised that:
`Defendants failed to limit occupancy sufficient to promote
`social distancing;
`Defendants failed to observe and/or enforce social distancing
`when possible;
`Defendants failed to require patrons to wear a face mask; and
`Defendants sought to post a mask notice that violated the
`Governor’s Executive Orders.
`93. Because BOINES sought compliance by complaining of non-
`compliance and requesting specific acts of compliance, refused to authorize non-
`compliant policies, and refused to approve a posting that violated the mask
`policies, Defendants took adverse action against her, including but not limited to:
`Treating her reports and requests with hostility;
`Terminating BOINES; and
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.21 Filed 12/27/21 Page 21 of 22
`Other acts of retaliation yet to be discovered.
`94. As a direct and proximate result of these adverse actions, BOINES has
`suffered damages including, but not limited to:
`Loss of wages and earning potential,
`Loss of employee benefits,
`Loss of promotional opportunities,
`Loss of professional esteem and consequent damage to
`Plaintiff’s professional career,
`Embarrassment, humiliation, inconvenience, mental anguish,
`indignity, outrage and disappointment, and
`Other damages to be determined.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendants JARS for
`whatever amount the Court or Jury determines to be fair, just, and adequate
`compensation for the injuries and damages sustained, together with interest, costs
`and attorney fees and such other relief as may be deemed appropriate at the time of
`Case 2:21-cv-13010-GCS-KGA ECF No. 1, PageID.22 Filed 12/27/21 Page 22 of 22
`final judgment.
`December 27, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Darcie R. Brault
` Darcie R. Brault (P43864)
` Attorneys for Plaintiff
` 423 N. Main St., Suite 200
` Royal Oak, MI 48067
` (248) 354-9650
` dbrault@michworkerlaw.com
`Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury.
`Dated: December 27, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Darcie R. Brault
` Darcie R. Brault (P43864)
` Attorneys for Plaintiff
` 423 N. Main St., Suite 200
` Royal Oak, MI 48067
` (248) 354-9650
` dbrault@michworkerlaw.com