Case 2:20-cv-00031-BMM-JTJ Document 1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 12
` John Meyer, MT Bar # 11206
`Cottonwood Environmental Law Center
`P.O. Box 412 Bozeman, MT 59771
`(406) 546-0149 | Phone
`Counsel for Plaintiff
` Civil Action No. _________
`official capacity as Regional
`Forester of Region One of the
`U.S. Forest Service; MARY
`ERICKSON, in her official
`capacity as Forest Supervisor of
`the Custer Gallatin National
`FOREST SERVICE, an agency
`of the U.S. Department of


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`1. Climate change is the most existential threat facing humanity.
`2. This case challenges the Forest Service’s failure to supplement its National
`Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) analysis for the 1987 Custer Gallatin
`National Forest Plan in light of new information and changed circumstances
`regarding climate change and forest management in the Wildland Urban
`Interface (“WUI”).
`3. Plaintiff Cottonwood Environmental Law Center (“Cottonwood”) also
`challenges the approval of the Bozeman Municipal Watershed and North
`Bridger Forest Health Projects under the 1987 Forest Plan without first
`supplementing the NEPA analysis.
`4. The 1987 Forest Plan is in the process of being revised to address climate
`5. According to the Purpose and Need for the Revised 1987 Forest Plan,
`“[d]irection guided by new information and science is needed to address
`impacts reasonably expected to occur as a result of climate change.” FEIS Ch.
`1 p. 5.
`6. In 2017, researchers from universities across the western United States,
`including Montana State University, determined that “roughly 1% of US Forest
`Service treatments experience wildfire each year, on average . . . suggesting that
`most treatments have little influence on wildfire.” Tania Schoennagel, Adapt to


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`More Wildfire in Western North American Forests as Climate Changes, PROCEEDINGS
`OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, April 17, 2017, 114 (18) 4582, 4586.
`7. The Forest Service cited the 2017 National Acadedy of Sciences (“NAS”)
`article in the Final EIS for the Revised 1987 Forest Plan, stating, “[policies that
`foster adaptive resilience in the wildland-urban interface are needed.
`(Schoennagel et al. 2017).” FEIS Ch. 1 p. 295.
`8. According to the 2017 NAS article, “[h]ome loss to wildfire is a local event,
`dependent on structural fuels (e.g., building material) and nearby vegetative
`fuels.” Schoennagel, Adapt to More Wildfire in Western North American Forests as
`Climate Changes, 4582 at 4587.
`9. To support this statement, the article cites to a scientific paper published in the
`Journal of Forestry by Jack Cohen, a scientist for the U.S. Forest Service’s Rocky
`Mountain Research Station in Missoula, Montana. Cohen JD (2000) Preventing
`disaster: Home ignitability in the wildland-urban interface, J FOR 98(3):15–21.
`10. According to the Forest Service study, “[t]he key to reducing W-UI fire losses
`is to reduce home ignitability. . . The home and its surrounding 40 meters
`determine home ignitability. . .” Cohen JD (2000) Preventing disaster: Home
`ignitability in the wildland-urban interface, J FOR 98(3):15, 20.
`11. The Forest Service did not consider or analyze these concepts when it prepared
`the 1987 Forest Plan, but it did discuss them in the Final Environmental


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`Impact Statement for the Revised 1987 Forest Plan, which has still not been
`finalized with a Record of Decision.
`12. The Forest Service’s failure to determine whether the 2017 NAS article is
`significant new information that triggered the need to prepare supplemental
`NEPA for the 1987 Forest Plan is a violation of NEPA.
`13. The Forest Service’s failure to prepare supplemental NEPA is arbitrary and
`capricious in light of the fact that the agency stated the 1987 Forest Plan was
`being revised to include management direction that considers climate change
`and the Environmental Impact Statement for the revised Forest Plan cites the
`2017 NAS study.
`14. The Forest Service’s approval of the BMW and North Bridger Forest Health
`Projects under the 1987 Forest Plan without first supplementing the NEPA
`analysis is a violation of NEPA.
`15. Even if a site-specific EIS is completed, “[e]ffects may occur and/or continue
`without appropriate management direction at broad scales.”” Salix v. U.S. Forest
`Serv., 944 F. Supp. 2d 984, 991 (D. Mont. 2013) (aff’d by Cottonwood Envt’l Law
`Ctr. v. U.S. Forest Serv., 789 F.3d 1075 (9th Cir. 2015).
`16. On June 9, 2020, Cottonwood sent Defendant Forest Supervisor Mary
`Erickson a letter asking the Forest Service to supplement the NEPA analysis
`for the BMW project because of new information and changed circumstances.


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`17. Defendant Forest Supervisor Mary Erickson states in the BMW Record of
`Decision that her “decision to implement Alternative 6 represents a balance
`between the purpose of the project, an evaluation of short term and long term
`risks, and resources to be protected.” ROD p. 23.
`18. According to the EIS, “[t]he issue is the long term tradeoff of risking severe
`wildfire and associated high sediment increase risk compared to the activities of
`this proposal.” Ch. 3-31 (emphasis added).
`19. The Record of Decision states, “[t]he Bozeman Municipal Watershed project is
`designed to strategically modify vegetative fuel conditions using thinning and
`prescribed fire to lower the risk of severe, extensive wildfires in the Bozeman
`Municipal Watershed, thereby reducing the risk of excess sediment and ash
`reaching the municipal water treatment plant.” (5).
`20. Cottonwood secured an internal email from the Forest Service’s hydrologist via
`a Freedom of Information Act request that states the analysis in the EIS is
`“probably an over estimation of potential sediment reduction since the
`wildfires would burn outside of BMW treatment boundaries and not all areas
`within treatment areas would be subjected to wildfire.”
`21. The Forest Service’s internal email states the “[b]ottom line is that the BMW
`project, if fully implemented, could result in a modest reduction in sediment
`yields. . .”


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`22. Cottonwood sent a letter to Supervisor Erickson asking the Forest Service to
`supplement the BMW analysis to account for the fact that the analysis
`overestimated the amount of sediment that would be reduced by logging in the
`23. Cottonwood also asked the Forest Service to supplement the NEPA analysis
`for the BMW project to account for a changed circumstance—the City of
`Bozeman specifically upgraded its water treatment plant to address large fires
`and sediment. “The plant was designed with a forest fire in mind and the
`potential constituents of the runoff.” (Miller Email).
`24. The EIS never discloses how much sediment the upgraded water treatment
`plant can handle.
`25. The EIS for the BMW project does not analyze whether the upgraded
`treatment plant can handle the “modest” sediment increase that could enter the
`watershed if the area is not logged.
`26. The public had no way to meaningfully comment on whether the BMW
`project, which overestimated sediment reductions, was necessary to protect the
`city’s water supply, given the City of Bozeman has upgraded its water and
`sewer treatment plant.
`27. The Forest Service violated NEPA by failing to prepare supplemental NEPA


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`28. The Bozeman Municipal Watershed project, which was approved under the
`1987 Custer Gallatin Forest Plan, should be enjoined until the Forest Service
`completes supplemental NEPA analysis.
`29. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331
`(federal question), 28 U.S.C. §2201 (Declaratory Judgment Act), 28 U.S.C.
`§361(mandamus), 5 U.S.C. §§ 701-706, et. seq (Administrative Procedure Act),
`and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.
`30. The federal government has waived sovereign immunity and the court has
`jurisdiction to hear this action pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 701-706.
`31. An actual controversy exists between Plaintiffs and Defendants. Plaintiffs'
`members use and enjoy the Gallatin National Forest, including the Project
`areas, for hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, photography, horseback riding and
`engaging in other vocational, scientific, spiritual, and recreational activities.
`32. Plaintiffs' members, including Glenn Monahan, Nancy Schultz, Christina
`Deweese, Nancy Ostlie, Phil Knight, Clint Nagel, George Wuerthner, Peter
`Harned, Joanna Vollrath, and Steve Catir intend to continue to use and enjoy
`the Project areas frequently and on an ongoing basis in the future.
`33. Logging the BMW and North Bridger Forest Health Projects will cause
`irreparable harm to Cottonwood members’ aesthetic, recreational, scientific,
`spiritual, conservation, and educational interests. These are actual and concrete


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`injuries caused by Defendants' failure to comply with mandatory duties under
`NEPA and the APA. The requested relief would redress these injuries and this
`Court has the authority to grant Plaintiffs' requested relief.
`34. Venue is proper in the United States District Court for the District of Montana
`pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(e). Plaintiffs are located in Bozeman and within
`the Butte Division of the United States District Court for the District of
`Montana. Defendant Erickson is the Forest Supervisor of the Custer Gallatin
`National Forest. Her office is located within the Butte Division of the United
`States District Court for the District of Montana. Venue is also proper under
`Rule 3.2 of the Local Rules of Procedure of the United States District Court for
`the District of Montana.
`35. Plaintiff Cottonwood Environmental Law Center is a conservation
`organization and group of free-thinking rabble-rousers dedicated to protecting
`the people, forests, water and wildlife in the West. Cottonwood is based in
`Bozeman, Montana. Cottonwood members have visited the Project areas for
`years and have aesthetic, recreational, spiritual, scientific, and conservation
`interests in the Custer Gallatin National Forest, including the Bozeman
`Municipal Watershed Project area and North Bridger Forest Health Project


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`area. Cottonwood members have suffered and will continue to experience
`concrete injuries to their aesthetic, conservation, scientific, spiritual, and
`recreational values because the Defendants have not supplemented the NEPA
`analysis for the Custer Gallatin National Forest Plan, Bozeman Municipal
`Watershed Project, and North Bridger Forest Health Project or determined
`whether supplemental NEPA analysis is necessary in light of significant new
`information or circumstances.
`36. Defendant Leanne Marten is the Regional Forester of Region One of the U.S.
`Forest Service. Defendant Marten is being sued in her official capacity.
`37. Defendant Mary Erickson is the Forest Supervisor of the Custer Gallatin
`National Forest. Defendant Erickson is being sued in her official capacity.
`38. Defendant United States Forest Service (“Forest Service”) is an administrative
`agency within the United States Department of Agriculture, entrusted with the
`management of our National Forests.
`39. NEPA is the “basic national charter for the protection of the environment.”
`40 C.F.R. §1500.1(a).
`40. NEPA procedures must ensure that environmental information is available to
`public officials and citizens before decisions are made and before actions are
`taken. 40 C.F.R. §1500.1(b).


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`41. NEPA requires agencies to supplement “either draft or final environmental
`impact statements if [t]here are significant new circumstances or information
`relevant to environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its
`impacts.” 40 C.F.R. § 1502.9.
`42. The Record of Decision for the Gallatin National Forest Plan was signed by
`Northern Region Regional Forester James C. Overbay on September 23, 1987.
`Leanne Marten is the current Northern Region Regional Forester.
`43. The Forest Service issued a ROD for the Custer Gallatin Forest Plan on
`September 23, 1987, issued a ROD for the BMW Project on November 29,
`2011, and issued a Decision Memo for the North Bridger Forest Health Project
`on August 27, 2018.
`44. The BMW Project implemented a “site specific Forest Plan Amendment for
`visual quality.” (ROD page 7).
`45. Forest Supervisor Mary Erickson approved the BMW Project on November
`29, 2011.
`46. Forest Supervisor Mary Erickson approved the North Bridger Forest Health
`Project on August 27, 2018.


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`47. This court enjoined the BMW Project on June 25, 2013 and the injunction was
`lifted on April 20, 2020. All. for Wild Rockies & Native Ecosystems Council v.
`Marten, CV 12-55-DLC, 2020 WL 1915128 (D. Mont. Apr. 20, 2020).
`48. Alliance for the Wild Rockies challenged the North Bridger timber sale on June
`3, 2019. The District Court for the District of Montana denied Alliance’s
`motion to enjoin the North Bridger Forest Health Project on June 3, 2020. All.
`for the Wild Rockies v. Marten, CV 19-102-M-DWM, 2020 WL 2949866 (D. Mont.
`June 3, 2020).
`49. Cottonwood sent a letter to the Forest Service on June 9, 2020, requesting that
`the agency supplement its NEPA analysis for the BMW Project. On June 17,
`2020, the Forest Service responded that it would not supplement NEPA
`analysis for the BMW Project.
`The Forest Service violated NEPA by failing to prepare supplemental
`NEPA analysis for the 1987 Forest Plan, the BMW project, and North
`Bridger Forest Health project.
`50. Plaintiff incorporates all prior paragraphs.
`51. The Forest Service violated NEPA by failing to prepare supplemental NEPA
`analysis for the 1987 Custer Gallatin National Forest Plan in light of new science
`regarding climate change and the Wildland Urban Interface.


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`52. The Forest Service violated NEPA by approving the North Bridger Forest
`Health and Bozeman Municipal Watershed Projects under the 1987 Forest
`Plan, which does not address new information or changed circumstances,
`including climate change and the Wildland Urban Interface.
`53. The Forest Service violated NEPA by failing to supplement the analysis for the
`BMW project in light of new information and changed circumstances, which
`would have disclosed to the public the amount of sediment the new treatment
`plant can handle, and allowed the public to comment on whether the timber
`sale is necessary given the original analysis overestimated the amount of
`sediment that would be reduced with the project.
`For all the above-stated reasons, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court:
`A. Declare that the Forest Service violated the law;
`B. Enjoin implementation of the Projects;
`C. Order the Forest Service to prepare supplemental NEPA for the 1987 Forest Plan,
`BMW and North Bridger Forest Health projects.
`C. Award Plaintiffs their costs, expenses, expert witness fees, and reasonable attorney
`fees under the EAJA; and
`D. Grant Plaintiff such further relief as may be just, proper, and equitable.
`Respectfully submitted this 21st Day of July, 2020.
`/s/ John Meyer
`Attorney for Plaintiff

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