`Ibrahim Ahmed, Esq. (NJ ID No. 265622018)
`4105 US-1 South, Suite 2
`Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852
`Tel: (732) 800-0251
`Fax: (732) 982-2147
` Email: i.ahmed@ibrahimalaw.com / admin@ibrahimalaw.com
`Attorneys for Plaintiff, Geran Smith
` Plaintiff,
` v.
` Defendants.
`GERAN SMITH (“Plaintiff” and/or “Geran”) by way of Complaint against
`AMAZON.COM SERVICES, INC, and JOHN DOES (“Defendants” and/or “Amazon”) states as
`Plaintiff, Geran Smith, is a citizen of the State of New Jersey.
`Defendant Amazon is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business
`in Seattle, Washington. Therefore, Amazon is a citizen of Delaware and Washington.
`Defendants John Does, currently unidentified, are individuals and/or entities who,
`on the basis of their direct acts or on the basis of respondeat superior, are answerable to the Plaintiff
`for the acts set forth herein.
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 2 of 13 PageID: 2
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d).
`because this action is between citizens of different states, and the matter in controversy exceeds
`the sum or value of $300,000 exclusive of interest and costs.
`Venue is appropriate in this District pursuant to 28 USC § 1391(b)(2) because a
`substantial part of the acts and omissions that gave rise to this Complaint occurred or emanated
`from this District.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Amazon.com because it specifically
`marketed, advertised, and made substantial sales in New Jersey. Further, it has sufficient Case
`minimum contacts with the State of New Jersey and purposely availed itself of the forum states’
`laws through promotion, sales, and marketing.
` 8. Plaintiff worked as an Amazon Flex driver from July 2015 through September
`9. During the time Plaintiff worked as an Amazon driver, Plaintiff signed a contract
`that stated Plaintiff would receive a minimum of $17.50 per hour and would receive 100% of
`customer tips Plaintiff received.
`10. Amazon provides delivery service of a variety of consumer goods to its customers
`on a nationwide basis, including in the State of New Jersey.
`11. Amazon contracts directly with Amazon Flex drivers in the State of New Jersey
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 3 of 13 PageID: 3
`to conduct these deliveries.
`12. Although classified as independent contractors, Amazon Flex Drivers are actually
`employees within the meaning of the New Jersey Wage Payment Law and New Jersey Wage and
`Hour Law.
`13. Amazon Flex Drivers receive unpaid training regarding how to interact with
`customers and how to handle issues they encounter while making deliveries. (see Exhibit A).
`14. Amazon Flex Drivers must follow Amazon’s instructions regarding where to make
`deliveries, orders, and which route to take.
`15. Amazon Flex Drivers can be penalized or terminated for missing scheduled shifts.
`16. Amazon Flex Drivers also must follow requirements and rules imposed on them
`by Amazon and are subject termination, based on Amazon’s discretion."
`17. Amazon Flex Drivers can be disciplined or terminated for their failure to adhere
`to Amazon’s requirements including, but not limited to, rules regarding their conduct with
`customers, their timeliness in making deliveries, their scanning of packages, and their conduct
`when picking up or returning packages to the warehouse.
`18. Amazon Flex Drivers provide their own vehicle, but are required to place an
`Amazon sign on the vehicle.
`19. Amazon Flex Drivers’ services are fully integrated with Amazons businesses.
`20. Amazon Flex Drivers are told they will be paid by the hour; however, the Amazon
`Flex Drivers are actually paid by the “block”.
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 4 of 13 PageID: 4
`21. Amazon Flex Drivers are given a predetermined amount of packages, determined
`by Amazon, and those packages are supposed to be delivered within a two hour block of time.
`22. Whether the drivers deliver the packages before the two hour block of time, or
`after the two hour block, the drivers are paid the same amount of money.
`23. During the time Plaintiff worked for Amazon, Plaintiff would arrive at the
`warehouse to pick up his packages in a timely manner.
`Plaintiff performed said duties in a timely manner.
`25. However, on numerous occasions, Amazon either failed to compensate Plaintiff
`the amount that he was due, or failed to compensate Plaintiff at all for the additional hours he
`26. Plaintiff was also told by customers on multiple occasions that they tipped Plaintiff
`27. However, Plaintiff was not given the tips by Amazon.
`28. Upon information and belief, similarly situated employees were also denied tips.
`29. Upon information and belief, similarly situated employees did not receive
`compensation for all hours worked.
`30. Plaintiff complained to Amazon about all of the problems listed in this complaint.
`31. Plaintiff and other Amazon Flex Drivers were also not compensated for necessary
`business expenses that they must pay such as gas and car maintenance.
`32. On February 2021, the class action Defendants settled with the Federal Trade
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 5 of 13 PageID: 5
`Commission (“FTC”) $61.7 Million dollars in a class action suit in order to refund amazon flex
`drivers unpaid tips. Similarly, Plaintiff is owed damages for unpaid tips. Plaintiff is demanding
`his fair share from the FTC settlement.
`33. As a result of the allegations set forth above, Plaintiff and the similar situated
`members have been “made to suffer economic and non-economic harm."
`Violation of the Wage Payment Law for Failure to Pay Minimum Wage
`34. Plaintiff hereby repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 48, as though fully set
`forth herein.
` 35. In failing to pay Plaintiff for the full amount of hours worked and failing to ensure
`that Plaintiff and other Amazon Flex Drivers who have worked in the State of New Jersey were
`paid in compliance with the New Jersey State minimum wage, after accounting for expenses they
`paid that were necessary to perform their job, Defendant failed to pay Plaintiff the minimum wage
`in violation of New Jersey’s WPL.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, on behalf of himself, demands judgment against the Defendants
`jointly, severally and in the alternative, together with due and unpaid minimum wage, liquidated
`damages, punitive damages, interest, cost of suit, attorneys’ fees, enhanced attorneys’ fees, interest
`and any other relief the Court deems equitable and just.
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 6 of 13 PageID: 6
`Failure to Pay Overtime Under the Wage and Hour Law
`36. Plaintiff hereby repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 50, as though fully set
`forth herein.
`37. Defendant has failed to pay Plaintiff and all others similarly situated time and one
`half their regular hourly rate for hours worked in excess of forty per week, in violation of the New
`Jersey Wage and Hour Law.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, on behalf of himself, demands judgment against the Defendants
`jointly, severally and in the alternative, together with due and" "unpaid overtime, liquidated
`damages, punitive damages, interest, cost of suit, attorneys’ fees, enhanced attorneys’ fees, interest
`and any other relief the Court deems equitable and just.
`Wage Theft Under the WPL
`38. Plaintiff hereby repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 52, as though fully set
`forth herein.
`39. For the reasons set forth above, Defendant has violated the New Jersey Wage
`Payment Law in failing to pay Plaintiff and all others similarly situated the agreed upon wage and
`withholding tips paid by customers.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, on behalf of himself, demands judgment against the
`Defendants jointly, severally and in the alternative, together with applicable compensatory
`damages, economic damages including unpaid wages and unpaid tips, liquidated damages,
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 7 of 13 PageID: 7
`punitive damages, cost of suit, attorneys’ fees, enhanced attorneys’ fees, interest and any other
`relief the Court deems equitable and just.
`Civil Conversion
`40. Plaintiff hereby repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 54, as though
`fully set forth herein.
`41. For the reasons set forth above, the Defendant has violated New Jersey’s
`common law civil conversion law by exercising dominion over the property of Plaintiff and all
`others similarly situated, including but not limited to, wages and tips.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against the Defendants jointly,
`severally and in the alternative, together with applicable compensatory damages, economic
`damages punitive", "damages, interest, exemplary damages, cost of suit, attorneys’ fees, enhanced
`attorneys’ fees, interest and any other relief the Court deems equitable and just."
`Dated: 1/10/2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/Ibrahim Ahmed
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 8 of 13 PageID: 8
`Please provide true copies of the communications, reports, records, notes, and
`other documents of any and all experts who have received any aspect of this case on behalf of the
`Defendants who are proposed expert witnesses on behalf of Defendants in this matter. This
`request includes, but is not limited to, true copies of any reports of tests and experiments
`conducted for this case.
`2. Provide copies of any written contract(s) or agreement (s).
`Provide a copy of any telephone tapes or other recordings regarding oral
`communications between the parties.
` Any and all expert reports on the issues of damages or liability. The reports,
`materials, items, and all other things created, examined, or reviewed with reference to the above-
`referred incident, or any and all experts who have received any aspect of this case on behalf of
`Defendants or Defendants’ attorneys and who are proposed expert witnesses on behalf of
`Defendants in this matter and who have submitted a report to either Defendants or Defendants’
`attorney. The original or copies of all articles, publications, or writings authored or co-authored
`by the expert or toward which the expert contributed in any way. A list of all research resources
`that the expert consulted or reviewed in reference to forming any opinion on the above-entitled
`cause of action. The original or an exact copy of everything provided to the expert for this case
`by anybody, especially the Defendant or the Defendant's attorney, agents, servants or assigns.
`Every tangible thing that the expert has created, constructed, or experimented with or that was
`employed in any way to assist the expert in creating or explaining any belief, opinion, testimony
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 9 of 13 PageID: 9
`or evidence that may be involved in this case. All billings, invoices, and timekeeping records for
`all fees charges or to be charged in reference to this case, also, all fee agreements, arrangements,
`or descriptions.
`Any and all statements taken of any party or witness to this suit, whether written
`or oral (if oral, set forth the names and address of the witness making such statement).
`All documents between you and any party herein that discusses or in any other
`way relates to the issues raised in this litigation regardless of whether such documents were
`initiated by you or by such other party or parties.
`All documents between you and any other person that discusses or in any other
`way related to the issues raised in this litigation regardless of whether such documents were
`initiated by you or by such other person.
`All documents generated by you that discuss or in any other way are relevant to
`the issues raised in this litigation.
`Copies of all contracts, invoices, and text messages relevant to the above-
`referenced property and said work.
`Any and all audio recordings between plaintiff and defendants.
`Transcripts of any Court Proceedings.
`Failure to provide the above within the thirty (30) day period required by Rule 4:18-1 will result
`in counsel for defendant applying to the Court for the appropriate sanctions, including but not
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 10 of 13 PageID: 10
`limited to counsel fees and costs, precluding the use of any of the requested documents, as well
`as an Order, barring Plaintiff’s demand and dismissing its complaint.
`I certify that there are no further actions pending or contemplated between the parties hereto
`regarding the subject matter of this lawsuit, nor are there any other individuals or entities whose
`joined as parties is necessary for a full and complete resolution of the matter herein.
`I certify that confidential personal identifiers have been redacted from documents now
`submitted to the Court and will be redacted from all documents submitted in the future in
`accordance with N.J. Ct. R. 1:38-7(b).
`Dated: 11/11/2020
`/s/Ibrahim Ahmed
`I certify that the matters in controversy in this action are not the subject of any other action
`pending in any other court or of a pending arbitration proceeding, and that no other action or
`arbitration proceeding is contemplated..
` /s/Ibrahim Ahmed
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 11 of 13 PageID: 11
`DATED: 11/11/2020
`I hereby certify that the within Complaint will be served upon all parties within
`the time allowed by the Rules of Court.
`I hereby certify that there are no other actions or arbitration proceedings pending
`or contemplated to be commenced, which relate to the subject matter of this litigation, and that
`no other parties should be joined
`I hereby further certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am
`aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to
` /s/Ibrahim Ahmed
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 12 of 13 PageID: 12
`Ibrahim Ahmed, Esq. (NJ ID No. 265622018)
`4105 US-1 South, Suite 2
`Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852
`Tel: (732) 800-0251
`Fax: (732) 982-2147
` Email: i.ahmed@ibrahimalaw.com / admin@ibrahimalaw.com
`Attorneys for Plaintiff, Geran Smith
` Plaintiff,
` v.
` Defendant.
`I, Ibrahim Ahmed, Esq., of full age, hereby certify as follows:
`I am an attorney at law in the State of New Jersey, and an attorney with the law
`firm of Ibrahim Ahmed Law Group, P.C., and am actively engaged in handling the above-entitled
`matter on behalf of the Plaintiffs. I am fully familiar with the facts of this matter and am making
`this certification in support of the attached Complaint.
`Exhibits “A” though “B” to Plaintiff’s verification are true copies of the originals.
`I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing
`statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.
` /s/Ibrahim Ahmed
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 13 of 13 PageID: 13
`Case 2:21-cv-12811 Document 1 Filed 06/22/21 Page 13 of 13 PageID: 13
`DATED: 1/11/2020
`DATED: 1/11/2020