`Case 2:22-cv-02648 Document1-1 Filed 05/05/22 Page 1 of 35 PagelD: 7
`TELEPHONE (973) 509-8500
`FACSIMILE (973)509-8501
`Attorneys for Plaintiff, Michelle Ferreira
`Exhibit A
`Came To Hand: ~ 14ALE
`YU.& jd0ay
`DOCKET NO.: HUD-L-1103-22
`From The State of New Jersey To The Defendant(s) Named Above:
`Theplaintiff, named above, has filed a lawsuit against you in the Superior Court of New Jersey. The
`complaintattachedto this summonsstates the basis for this lawsuit. Ifyou dispute this complaint, you or your
`attorney mustfile a written answeror motion andproofofservice with the deputy clerk ofthe Superior Court
`in the county listed above within 35 days from the date youreceived this summons, not counting the date you
`received it. (The address of each deputy clerk of the Superior Court is provided.) If the complaintis one in
`foreclosure, then you mustfile your written answer or motion and proof of service with the Clerk of the
`Superior Court, HughesJustice Complex, P.O. Box 971, Trenton, NJ 08625-0971. A filing fee payable to the
`Treasurer, State ofNew Jersey and a completed Case Information Statement(available from the deputy clerk
`ofthe Superior Court) must accompany your answer or motion whenit is filed. You mustalso send a copy of
`your answer or motion to plaintiff's attorney whose name and address appear above,orto plaintiff, if no
`attorney is named above. A telephonecall will not protect your rights; you mustfile and serve a written
`answer or motion(with fee of $175.00 and completed Case Information Statement) ifyou wantthe court to
`hear your defense.
`Ifyou do notfile and serve a written answer or motion within 35 days, the court may enter ajudgment against
`you for the relief plaintiff demands, plus interest and costs ofsuit. Ifjudgmentis entered against you, the
`Sheriff may seize your money, wages or property to payall or part of the judgment.
`If you cannotafford an attorney, you maycall the Legal Services office in the county where you live or the
`Legal Services of New Jersey Statewide Hotline at 1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529). A list of these
`offices is provided. If you do not have an attorney andare noteligible for free legal assistance, you may
`Case 2:22-cv-02648 Document 1-1 Filed 05/05/22 Page 2 of 35 PageID: 8
`Case 2:22-cv-02648 Document 1-1 Filed 05/05/22 Page 2 of 35 PagelD: 8
`obtain a referral to an attorneybycalling one of the Lawyer Referral Services. A list of these numbersis also
`Michelle M. Smith, Esq.
`Michelle M. Smith, Esq.,
`Clerk of the Superior Court
`DATED: April 4, 2022
`Nameof Defendant to be served:
`Address of the Defendant to be served:
`11111 Richmond Avenue
`Suite 215
`Houston, TX 77082
`Phone Number:
`T:\Ferreira Michelle and Calisto Pedro\Pleadings\040422.FILED SUMS Blackhawk.doc
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`TELEPHONE(973) 509-8500
`FACSIMILE (973)509-8501
`Attorneysfor Plaintiff, Michelle Ferreira
`Plaintiff, Michelle Ferreira (“Ferreira” or “Plaintiff’), who resides at 361 Highland
`Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey, 07032, Hudson County, by way ofthis Complaint against the
`Defendants, Salvasen Health, Blackhawk Claims Services, John Does 1-10, and XYZ Corps.1-10
`(hereinafter collectively “Defendants”) hereby says:
`I. Nature of Action, Jurisdiction, and Venue
`This is an action seeking equitable and legal relief for: (1) breach of express contract; (2)
`breach of implied covenantof goodfaith and fair dealing; (3) breach of implied contract;
`(4) fraud; (5) fraudulent inducement; (6) detrimental reliance; and (7) a violation of the
`New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, N.J.S.A. 56:8 et seq.
`Under Rule 4:4-4, this court has specific jurisdiction due to Defendants’ contacts with New
`Jersey, the nature of the action and the amount in controversy. Additionally, Plaintiff has
`satisfied all prerequisites, and exhausted administrative remedies, prior to bringing these
`Venueis appropriate in thatthe illegal and improperacts which are the basis for the within
`asserted cause(s) of action occurred within the State ofNew Jersey, and the Defendantsin
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`this matter are the entities or organizations located within the State of Texas doing business
`in New Jersey undercolor of law.
`II. Parties
`Ferreira was a memberof Defendants’ health insurance plan.
`Defendant, Salvasen Health (“Salvasen”), has its corporate office located at 10713 West
`Sam Houston North, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77064.
`Defendant, Blackhawk Claims Services (“Blackhawk”), hasits corporate office located at
`11111 Richmond Avenue,Suite 215, Houston, TX 77082.
`Duringthe relevant time period, JOHN DOES1-10 are currently unknown employees who
`aided and/orabetted in the commission of conduct complained ofherein and/or whoeither
`acted within the scope of their employmentat the workplace during working hours,or, to
`the extent they went beyondthe scope of their employment, defendants ratified, embraced
`and addedto this conduct. As the parties engage in discovery,plaintiff retains the right to
`amend the Complaint to add these individual employees by name.
`During the relevant time period, XYZ Corps. 1-10 are unknown affiliated corporationsor
`entities or other corporations who haveliability for the claims set forth herein. As the
`parties engage in discovery,plaintiff retains the right to amend the Complaintto add these
`individual entities by name.
`Thus,all defendants are subject to suit underthe statutes alleged above.
`Atall times referred to in this Complaint, employees ofthe corporate defendants, whoare
`referred to herein, were acting within the scope of their employment at the workplace
`during working hours, or,
`to the extent that they were not so acting, the corporate
`defendants ratified, embraced and addedto their conduct.
`III. Factual Allegations
`Defendants are in the business of providing healthcare insurance to residents located in
`New Jersey.
`Defendants purposefully engage in business in New Jersey to provide health care coverage
`so that New Jerseyresidents can treat with medical providers in New Jersey.
`In or about April, 2020, Ferreira contacted Defendants to inquire about obtaining individual
`health insurance in New Jersey.
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`Defendants advised that they were legally authorized to provide healthcare insurance to
`New Jersey residents to cover healthcare services in New Jersey.
`Thus, Ferreira went forward with signing paperwork with Defendants to obtain healthcare
`insurance in New Jersey.
`On or about April 24, 2020, Ferreira received confirmation of coverage via a debit from
`her bank account in New Jersey from Defendants in the amount of $398.45.
`Sometimeafter April 24, 2020, Ferreira called Defendants and spoke with a customersales
`representative who confirmedthat Ferreira’s New Jersey healthcare coverage waseffective
`as of May 1, 2020.
`Defendants then sent Ferreira a New Jersey insurance card, with an effective date of May
`1, 2020.
`Defendants then began debiting Ferreira’s New Jersey account biweekly, for $105.45 and
`$168.00 alternately.
`This pattern of charges continued until October 27, 2020.
`Beginning in or around October26, 2020, based on Defendants’ representation of coverage
`in New Jersey, Ferreira began seeing medical providers in New Jersey.
`Ferreira treated with ZOV Medical from October, 2020 until May, 2021. (Exhibit “1”).
`Ferreira treated with Larry Shemen, MD,PC, in November, 2020. (Exhibit “2”).
`Ferreira treated with Brian Herschorn, MD in November, 2020. (Exhibit “3”).
`On November 30, 2020, Ferreira modified her coverage to include her spouse, Pedro
`Calisto (“Calisto”).
`From November 30, 2020 through February 26, 2021, Ferreira was debited $459.00
`Ferreira wastreated at Lenox Hill Hospital on November6, 2020. (Exhibit “4”).
`Ferreira treated with The Dermatology Group in February, 2021 and March, 2021. (Exhibit
`Ferreira treated with Barnabas Health Multispecialty in February, 2021. (Exhibit “6”).
`Calisto treated with Summit Medical Group, PA in March, 2021. (Exhibit“7”’).
`Calisto underwent surgery in August, 2021.
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`In or about June, 2021, Ferreira called Defendants, explaining that she wasreceivingbills
`from five providers whose claims were denied.
`Ferreira explained further that all the providers had verified insurance coverage prior to
`rendering services and had gotten confirmation that Ferreira and her spouse were covered.
`Defendants stated that they dropped Ferreira from their coverage in March, 2021.
`Ferreira was shocked and asked why, but Defendants refused to provide an explanation.
`Instead, Defendants offered to refund premiumsfor four months.
`Ferreira protested that she did not want to be dropped.
`Onor about July 23, 2021, Ferreira received a refund totaling $1,128.00.
`On September 29, 2021, Ferreira called and emailed Defendants asking for a summary of
`plan documents. (Exhibit “8”).
`Defendants responded on September 30, 2021, asking Ferreira to call a phone number
`Ferreira called the provided number but got no answer.
`Ferreira followed up with an email to Defendants on October 13, 2021, explaining her
`difficulty in reaching Defendantdespite using the phone number Defendant provided her
`to contact them. (Exhibit “9”).
`On or about October 15, 2021, Ferreira received information from Defendants that it
`processed a claim with an October 26, 2020 dateofservice.
`Shortly after October 15, 2021, Ferreira received information from Defendants that it
`processed a claim with a February 13, 2021 date of service.
`Noother claims were paid by Defendants.
`Ferreira has tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills for services that were
`preapproved by Defendants.
`Ferreira has had to paycertain bills out of pocket.
`Ferreira is still receiving bills for services rendered while she was supposed to have had
`coverage through Defendants.
`Further, Ferreira has been requiredto retain an attorneyto assist her in asserting her claims
`and protecting herrights.
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`Count I
`(Breach of Express Contract)
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`Defendants had various contractual obligations contained in the plan description,
`preauthorizations of services, and related documents.
`Defendants violated these and other contracts.
`The actions of Defendants giverise to the claim of breach of express contract.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damage to hercredit rating, shame, embarrassment,interruption of medicalservices,etc.
`Plaintiff has lost wages in taking time to try to resolve this matter.
`Asa direct and proximateresult of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotional distress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may have to incur expenses for medical, psychiatric,
`and/or psychological counseling and care. Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in
`the past, and they will continueinto the future.
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting Plaintiff's rights.
`(Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing)
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`The actions of Defendantsgiverise to the claim of breach of the implied covenantof good
`faith and fair dealing.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damageto hercredit rating, shame, embarrassment, interruption of medical services,etc.
`Plaintiff has lost wages in taking time to try to resolve this matter.
`Asa direct and proximate result of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotional distress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may haveto incur expenses for medical, psychiatric,
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`and/or psychological counseling and care. Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in
`the past, and they will continue into the future.
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting plaintiff's rights.
`(Breach of Implied Contract)
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`Defendants made various oral agreements and representations to Plaintiff.
`Defendants violated these and other oral representations.
`The actions of Defendants giverise to the claim of breach of implied contract.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damageto her credit rating, shame, embarrassment, interruption of medical services,etc.
`Plaintiffhas lost wages in taking timeto try to resolve this matter.
`As a direct and proximate result of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotional distress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Furthermore, Plaintiffhas suffered lost wages, a diminished ability to earn a living,
`and a diminished capacity to enjoyplaintiff's life. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may have
`to incur expenses for medical, psychiatric, and/or psychological counseling and care.
`Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in the past, and they will continue into the
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting Plaintiffs rights.
`Count IV
`(Fraudulent Inducement)
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`Defendants fraudulently advised Plaintiff that they were an authorized health care provider
`properly licensed to provide health care coverage in New Jersey.
`At the time Defendants made such fraudulent representations, Defendants were well aware
`they werefalse.
`Defendants made such fraudulentrepresentations to induce Plaintiff to pay them money.
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`Plaintiff detrimentally relied upon Defendants’ false representations and paid Defendants
`moneyfor the purpose of obtaining health care coverage.
`Plaintiff then further detrimentally relied upon Defendants’
`false and fraudulent
`representations when she subsequently sought medical treatment and provided Defendants’
`healthcare card to represent that she had healthcare insurance.
`Dueto the fact that Defendants’ representations were false, Plaintiff has been harmed by
`healthcare providers sending her collections notices and damaginghercredit rating score.
`Such damagehas occurred in the past and continuesinto the future.
`The actions of Defendantsgive rise to the claim of fraudulent inducement.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damageto hercredit rating, shame, embarrassment, interruption of medical services,etc.
`Plaintiff has lost wages in taking timetotry to resolve this matter.
`As a direct and proximate result of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotionaldistress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Furthermore, Plaintiff has suffered lost wages, a diminishedability to earn a living,
`and a diminished capacity to enjoyplaintiff's life. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may have
`to incur expenses for medical, psychiatric, and/or psychological counseling and care.
`Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in the past, and they will continue into the
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting Plaintiff's rights.
`Count V
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`Defendants fraudulently advised Plaintiff that they were an authorized health care provider
`properly licensed to provide health care coverage in New Jersey.
`At the time Defendants made such fraudulent representations, Defendants were well aware
`they werefalse.
`Defendants made such fraudulent representations to induce Plaintiff to pay them money.
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`Plaintiff detrimentally relied upon Defendants’ false representations and paid Defendants
`moneyfor the purpose of obtaining health care coverage.
`Plaintiff then further detrimentally relied upon Defendants’
`false and fraudulent
`representations whenshe subsequently sought medical treatment and provided Defendants’
`healthcare card to represent that she had healthcare insurance.
`Due to the fact that Defendants’ representations were false, Plaintiff has been harmed by
`healthcare providers sending her collections notices and damaginghercredit rating score.
`Such damagehas occurred in the past and continues into the future.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damageto her credit rating, shame, embarrassment, interruption of medical services,etc.
`Plaintiff has lost wages in taking timeto try to resolve this matter.
`As a direct and proximate result of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotional distress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Furthermore,Plaintiff has suffered lost wages, a diminished ability to earnaliving,
`and a diminished capacity to enjoy plaintiff's life. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may have
`to incur expenses for medical, psychiatric, and/or psychological counseling and care.
`Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in the past, and they will continue into the
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting Plaintiffs rights.
`(Detrimental Reliance)
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`Defendants fraudulently advised Plaintiff that they were an authorized health care provider
`properly licensed to provide health care coverage in New Jersey.
`At the time Defendants made such fraudulent representations, Defendants were well aware
`they were false.
`Defendants made such fraudulentrepresentations to induce Plaintiff to pay them money.
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`Case-2:22-cv-02648 - Document:1-1°~ Filed 05/05/22 Page T1 of 35-PagetD: 17
`Plaintiff detrimentally relied upon Defendants’ false representations and paid Defendants
`moneyfor the purpose of obtaining health care coverage.
`Plaintiff then further detrimentally relied upon Defendants’
`false and fraudulent
`representations when she subsequently sought medical treatment and provided Defendants’
`healthcare card to represent that she had healthcare insurance.
`Dueto the fact that Defendants’ representations were false, Plaintiff has been harmed by
`healthcare providers sending her collections notices and damaginghercredit rating score.
`Such damage has occurredin the past and continuesinto the future.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damageto her credit rating, shame, embarrassment, interruption of medicalservices,etc.
`Plaintiff has lost wages in taking time to try to resolve this matter.
`As a direct and proximateresult of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotionaldistress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Furthermore,Plaintiff has suffered lost wages, a diminishedability to earn a living,
`and a diminished capacity to enjoy plaintiff's life. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may have
`to incur expenses for medical, psychiatric, and/or psychological counseling and care.
`Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in the past, and they will continueinto the
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting Plaintiffs rights.
`Count VII
`(ConsumerFraudAct, N.J.S.A. 56:8 ef seq.)
`Plaintiff realleges and incorporates herein the paragraphsset forth in this Complaint.
`Defendants fraudulently advised Plaintiffthat they were an authorized health care provider
`properly licensed to provide health care coverage in New Jersey.
`At the time Defendants made such fraudulent representations, Defendants were well aware
`they werefalse.
`Defendants made such fraudulentrepresentations to induce Plaintiff to pay them money.
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`Plaintiff detrimentally relied upon Defendants’ false representations and paid Defendants
`moneyfor the purposeof obtaining health care coverage.
`Plaintiff then further detrimentally relied upon Defendants’
`false and fraudulent
`representations when she subsequently sought medical treatment and provided Defendants’
`healthcare card to represent that she had healthcare insurance.
`Dueto the fact that Defendants’ representations were false, Plaintiff has been harmed by
`healthcare providers sending her collections notices and damaging hercredit rating score.
`Such damage has occurredin the past and continuesinto the future.
`Thus, Defendants engaged in consumer fraud in that they engaged in an unconscionable
`commercial practice, deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise or misrepresentation
`in connection with the sale of goodsor services.
`Defendants sold such services, offered to sell such services, and attempted to sell such
`engaged in consumer
`fraud when they made
`an (1)
`(2) a knowing omission; or (3) a violation of specific consumer
`Defendants made an affirmative misrepresentation of fraud when they made an untrue
`statement, regardless of whether the person or business making the statement knew thatit
`was untrueat the time it is made.
`Further, Defendants engaged in a knowing omission consumer fraud when they knowingly
`concealed, suppressed or omitted a materialfact.
`The material fact Defendant omitted was the fact that they were not properly licensed to
`conduct business in New Jersey and that they were not actually providing bonafide health
`coverageto Plaintiff.
`Plaintiff suffered an ascertainable loss as noted abovethatis calculated above.
`Further, Plaintiff suffered other damages to include but not be limited to a significant
`damageto hercredit rating, shame, embarrassment, interruption of medical services, etc.
`Plaintiff has lost wages in taking time to try to resolve this matter.
`As a direct and proximateresult of the actions of defendants, Plaintiff has suffered mental
`anguish, physical discomfort, pain and suffering, shame and embarrassment, emotional
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`distress injuries, the physical manifestation of emotional distress injuries and/or physical
`injury. Furthermore, Plaintiffhas suffered lost wages, a diminishedability to earn a living,
`and a diminished capacity to enjoyplaintiff's life. Moreover, Plaintiffhas and/or may have
`to incur expenses for medical, psychiatric, and/or psychological counseling and care.
`Plaintiff's damages have been experienced in the past, and they will continue into the
`Further, Plaintiff has been required to retain an attorney to assist Plaintiff in asserting
`Plaintiff's claims and protecting Plaintiffs rights.
`Plaintiff is entitled to treble damages and attorneys’ fees and costs due to Defendants’
`violation of the New Jersey ConsumerFraud Act
`WHEREFORE,asto each and every count, Plaintiff demands judgment on each andall
`of these Counts against the Defendants jointly and severally, as follows:
`Compensatory damagesof notless than $200,000;
`Paymentofall outstanding medicalbills and claims, as well as those Plaintiff may
`receive in the future that were incurred during the relevant time period;
`Damages for humiliation, mental and emotionaldistress;
`Statutory damages,if applicable;
`Punitive damages andor liquidated damages where permitted by law;
`Attorneys’ fees and costs of suit; and
`Such other, further anddifferent relief as the Court deemsfitting, just and proper.
`Plaintiff hereby reserves the right to amend this Complaint to supplement or modify the factual
`obligations and claims contained herein, based upon information received from the Defendants,
`witnesses, experts, and others in the course of discovery in this matter.
`Plaintiff respectfully demandsa trial by jury onall issues in the within action sotriable.
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`TY HYDERALLYis hereby designatedastrial counsel on behalfof Plaintiff.
`[hereby certify that the matter in controversyis not the subject of any other action pending
`in any court or of a pending arbitration proceeding,that no other action orarbitration proceeding
`is contemplated, and that there are no other parties known to meat this time who should bejoined
`as parties to this action.
`Demand is hereby made that you disclose to the undersigned whether there are any
`insurance agreements or policies under which anyperson orfirm carrying on an insurance business
`maybeliable to satisfy all or part of a judgment which maybeenteredin the action or to indemnify
`or reimburse for payment madeto satisfy the judgment.
`If so, please attach a copyofeach,orin the alternative state, under oath and certification:
`(a) policy number; (b) name and addressofinsurer; (c) inception and expiration date; (d) names
`and addressesofall persons insured thereunder; and (¢) medical paymentlimits.
`Attorneysfor Plaintiff
`for the Firm
`April 1, 2022
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`Exhibit “1”
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`Case2:22-¢v-02648 ~Document-1=1° ° Filed 05/05/22--Page +6-0f-35- PagelD: 22 .
`ZOV Medical, PLLC
`Oksana Zbarksy M.D,
`116 East 63rd Street, Sulte 1
`New York, NY 10065
`Michelle Ferreira
`361 Highland Ave
`Kearny, NJ 07032
`tate i
`i ent
`Date: 07/22/2021
` aayOOFee
`EOF Worseas
`No Payment
`%ag seeaerae
`ste ee,aey
`Card Number:
`Expiration Date
`Security Code:
`Make all checks payable to
`Z20V Medical
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`Case 2:22-cv-02648 Document-1=1: ‘Filed 05/05/22 --Page-£7.0f 35-RagelD: 23 .
`Exhibit “2”
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`Larry Shemen, MD, PC
`Phone: 212-472-6660
`Tax ID: 133825985
`Staternent Date: 08/04/2021
`Account Number: 18152979
`Account Name: Michelle Ferreira
`Patient Acct #s: 18152979... Bill #s: 49576
`_ Addressee;
`Michelle Ferreira
`| 361 Highland Ave
`| Kearny, NJ 07032
`]American Express
`{ ] Credit Card
`) Debit
`) Discover
`] Master Card
`] Visa
`$ 7925.00 |
`Larry Shemen, MD, PC
`233 East 69th Street Suite 1D
`New York, NY 10021-5449
`Please Detach and Return the top portion ofthe bill with your paymentto insure proper credit. Retain the bottom portion for your records.
`Page: 1
`Next Appt:
`Account Name: Michelle Ferreira
`Statement Date: 08/04/2021
`" Procedure / Payment Description
`Patient Owes Diagnosis
`| Date
`Patient: Ferreira, Michelle / Prov: Shemen, Larry
`-~--> Balanca Forward
`Patient: Ferreira, Michelle / Prov: Shemen, Larry / Total Charges: 7000.00, Patient Pald: -925.00
`30118 Exc Intranasal Les; Ext Approach
`Payment: Charged to Visa
`15733 Musc Myoq/Fscq Flp H&N Pedcl
`2000.00 M95.3
`| Statement Balance
`. Current Balance Due Upon Receipt:
`’ Balance Aging:
`7925 .00
`Unapplied Payments:
`pee ————
`se —
`linens Ohaman RADY BA A900 Paak ONIbh Bien ak Onin A Bn oo BIN AANA OER AA BIN RARR THR. BRR RR AR
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`Exhibit “3”
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`Activity Listing for FERAEIRA, MICHELLE (24021485)
`Y View Optians=Close t + Gexpandal
`vClalms(Count: 3, Amount: $501.00, Balance: $401.00}
`vv Claim lafsistad
`BOS; 11/23/2020
`Rendering Providert HERSCHORN, BRIAN M.D.
`1cD Codes: 110.509 °
`Amount $165.00
`Balance: $165.00
`Status: Clalm at CAROINAL SELECT
`Pracadyro Adjusunent=BalaneaDOSReceived Nesctipion Units Charge Paymans
`Clolm at CARDINAL SELECT as of 22/20/2020
`Clalmn Totals.
`vaNting Activity
`> Statarmenc Actlulty (Nono}
`DOS; 11/10/2020
`© Clalin & 146903746,
`Rendaring Providan H