`THERESA PITMAN, Individually and On
`Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated,
`Case No.
`Plaintiff Theresa Pitman (“Plaintiff”), individually and on behalf of all others similarly
`situated, by Plaintiff’s undersigned attorneys, for Plaintiff’s complaint against Defendants, alleges
`the following based upon personal knowledge as to Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s own acts, and
`information and belief as to all other matters, based upon, inter alia, the investigation conducted
`by and through Plaintiff’s attorneys, which included, among other things, a review of the
`Defendants’ public documents, conference calls and announcements made by Defendants, United
`States (“U.S.”) Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings, wire and press releases
`published by and regarding Immunovant, Inc. f/k/a Health Sciences Acquisitions Corporation
`(“HSAC”, “Immunovant”, or the “Company”), analysts’ reports and advisories about the
`Company, and information readily obtainable on the Internet. Plaintiff believes that substantial
`additional evidentiary support will exist for the allegations set forth herein after a reasonable
`opportunity for discovery.
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 2 of 21 PageID #: 2
`This is a federal securities class action on behalf of a class consisting of all persons
`and entities other than Defendants that purchased or otherwise acquired Immunovant securities
`between October 2, 2019 and February 1, 2021, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), seeking
`to recover damages caused by Defendants’ violations of the federal securities laws and to pursue
`remedies under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange
`Act”) and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, against the Company and certain of its top officials.
`Immunovant is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that develops
`monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. The Company is developing
`IMVT-1401, a novel fully human monoclonal antibody, which is in Phase IIa clinical trials for the
`treatment of myasthenia gravis (“MG”) and thyroid eye disease (“TED”), also known as Graves’
`ophthalmopathy. The Company has also completed initiation of Phase II clinical trials of IMVT-
`1401 for the treatment of warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (“WAIHA”).
`On September 29, 2019, HSAC, then a blank check company,1 also known as a
`special purpose acquisition company (“SPAC”), entered into an agreement with Immunovant
`Sciences Ltd. (“Legacy Immunovant”), a private biopharmaceutical company, and shareholders of
`Legacy Immunovant, to effect a merger between the two entities (the “Merger”). As a result of
`the Merger, HSAC acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Legacy Immunovant, and
`Legacy Immunovant became a wholly owned subsidiary of HSAC. Upon the closing of the
`Merger, HSAC changed its name to “Immunovant, Inc.”
`1 A blank check company is a development stage company that has no specific business plan or
`purpose or has indicated its business plan is to engage in a merger or acquisition with an
`unidentified company or companies, other entity, or person.
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 3 of 21 PageID #: 3
`Throughout the Class Period, Defendants made materially false and misleading
`statements regarding the Company’s business, operations, and compliance policies. Specifically,
`Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) HSAC had
`performed inadequate due diligence into Legacy Immunovant prior to the Merger, and/or ignored
`or failed to disclose safety issues associated with IMVT-1401; (ii) IMVT-1401 was less safe than
`the Company had led investors to believe, particularly with respect to treating TED and WAIHA;
`(iii) the foregoing foreseeably diminished IMVT-1401’s prospects for regulatory approval,
`commercial viability, and profitability; and (iv) as a result, the Company’s public statements were
`materially false and misleading at all relevant times.
`On February 2, 2021, Immunovant issued a press release “announc[ing] a voluntary
`pause of dosing in its ongoing clinical trials for IMVT-1401.” Immunovant disclosed that it “has
`become aware of a physiological signal consisting of elevated total cholesterol and LDL [low-
`density lipoproteins] levels in IMVT-1401-treated patients” and “[o]ut of an abundance of caution,
`the Company has decided to voluntarily pause dosing in ongoing clinical studies in both TED and
`in [WAIHA], in order to inform patients, investigators, and regulators as well as to modify the
`monitoring program.”
`On this news, Immunovant’s stock price fell $18.22 per share, or 42.08%, to close
`at $25.08 per share on February 2, 2021.
`As a result of Defendants’ wrongful acts and omissions, and the precipitous decline
`in the market value of the Company’s securities, Plaintiff and other Class members have suffered
`significant losses and damages.
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`The claims asserted herein arise under and pursuant to Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of
`the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78t(a)) and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the
`SEC (17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5).
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant to 28
`U.S.C. § 1331 and Section 27 of the Exchange Act.
`Venue is proper in this Judicial District pursuant to Section 27 of the Exchange Act
`(15 U.S.C. § 78aa) and 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b), as the alleged misstatements entered and the
`subsequent damages took place in this Judicial District. Pursuant to Immunovant’s most recent
`annual report on Form 10-K, as of June 29, 2020, there were 81,811,727 shares of the Company’s
`common stock outstanding. Immunovant’s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market
`(“NASDAQ”). Accordingly, there are presumably hundreds, if not thousands, of investors in
`Immunovant’s common stock located within the U.S., some of whom undoubtedly reside in this
`Judicial District.
`In connection with the acts alleged in this complaint, Defendants, directly or
`indirectly, used the means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce, including, but not limited
`to, the mails, interstate telephone communications, and the facilities of the national securities
`Plaintiff, as set forth in the attached Certification, acquired Immunovant securities
`at artificially inflated prices during the Class Period and was damaged upon the revelation of the
`alleged corrective disclosures.
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`Defendant Immunovant is a Delaware corporation with principal executive offices
`located at 320 West 37th Street, New York, New York 10018. The Company’s common stock
`trades in an efficient market on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol “IMVT.” Prior to the
`Merger, the Company (i.e., HSAC) was a Delaware corporation with principal executive offices
`located at 412 West 15th Street, Floor 9, New York, New York 10011, and its securities traded on
`the NASDAQ under the ticker symbols “HSACU,” “HSAC,” and “HSACW.”
`Defendant Peter Salzmann, M.D. (“Salzmann”) has served as the Company’s Chief
`Executive Officer (“CEO”) at all relevant times following the Merger.
`Defendant Pamela Yanchik Connealy (“Connealy”) has served as the Company’s
`Chief Financial Officer at all relevant times following the Merger.
`Defendant Roderick Wong, M.D. (“Wong”) served as the Company’s President and
`CEO at all relevant times prior to the Merger.
`Defendants Salzmann, Connealy, and Wong are sometimes referred to herein as the
`“Individual Defendants.”
`The Individual Defendants possessed the power and authority to control the
`contents of Immunovant’s SEC filings, press releases, and other market communications. The
`Individual Defendants were provided with copies of Immunovant’s SEC filings and press releases
`alleged herein to be misleading prior to or shortly after their issuance and had the ability and
`opportunity to prevent their issuance or to cause them to be corrected. Because of their positions
`with Immunovant, and their access to material information available to them but not to the public,
`the Individual Defendants knew that the adverse facts specified herein had not been disclosed to
`and were being concealed from the public, and that the positive representations being made were
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 6 of 21 PageID #: 6
`then materially false and misleading. The Individual Defendants are liable for the false statements
`and omissions pleaded herein.
`Immunovant and the Individual Defendants are collectively referred to herein as
`Immunovant is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that develops
`monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. The Company is developing
`IMVT-1401, a novel fully human monoclonal antibody, which is in Phase IIa clinical trials for the
`treatment of MG and TED, also known as Graves’ ophthalmopathy. The Company has also
`completed initiation of Phase II clinical trials of IMVT-1401 for the treatment of WAIHA.
`On September 29, 2019, HSAC, then a blank check company, or SPAC, entered
`into an agreement with Legacy Immunovant, a private biopharmaceutical company, and
`shareholders of Legacy Immunovant, to effect a merger between the two entities. As a result of
`the Merger, HSAC acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Legacy Immunovant, and
`Legacy Immunovant became a wholly owned subsidiary of HSAC. Upon the closing of the
`Merger, HSAC changed its name to “Immunovant, Inc.”
`Materially False and Misleading Statements Issued During the Class Period
`The Class Period begins on October 2, 2019, when HSAC and Legacy Immunovant
`issued a press release announcing the Merger (the “October 2019 Press Release”). That press
`release touted the prospects of IMVT-1401, stating, in relevant part, that IMVT-1401 “is the result
`of a multi-year research program . . . to engineer a highly potent anti-FcRn antibody specifically
`optimized for subcutaneous injection with a small gauge needle”; that “IMVT-1401 is currently
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 7 of 21 PageID #: 7
`being tested in a Phase 2a trial for Graves’ ophthalmopathy (potentially a first-in-class anti-FcRn),
`with top-line data expected by Q1 2020”; and that “[Legacy] Immunovant also plans to file an
`IND [investigational new drug application] for . . . [WAIHA], later this year.”
`The October 2019 Press Release also quoted Defendant Wong, who touted the
`Merger and IMVT-1401’s commercial prospects, stating, in relevant part, that HSAC is “thrilled
`to have the opportunity to partner with the team at [Legacy] Immunovant” and “believe[s] IMVT-
`1401 is a uniquely compelling asset within the FcRn drug class, which [HSAC] expect[s] will
`become a cornerstone therapy for treating many auto-antibody driven diseases.”
`Additionally, the October 2019 Press Release quoted Defendant Salzmann, who
`likewise highlighted the purported commercial prospects of both the Merger and IMVT-1401,
`stating, in relevant part, that he was “proud of the many milestones delivered by the [Legacy]
`Immunovant team this year, including . . . initiation of a broad Phase 2 program with both first-in-
`class and best-in-class potential in multiple diseases with high unmet patient need”; that
`Defendants “believe the potency of IMVT-1401 and the ability to administer IMVT-1401 as a
`simple subcutaneous injection represent important potentially differentiating features of this
`product candidate”; and that “[t]oday’s financing transaction will allow [Defendants] to continue
`to pursue [their] vision of enabling normal lives for patients with autoimmune diseases.”
`On March 30, 2020, post-Merger, Immunovant issued a press release announcing
`initial results from the treatment phase of its ongoing the ASCEND GO-1 trial—a Phase 2a study
`of IMVT-1401 in patients with TED (the “March 2020 Press Release”). That press release made
`positive statements regarding IMVT-1401’s safety observed in the ASCEND GO-1 trial, stating,
`in relevant part, that “IMVT-1401 was safe and generally well-tolerated with no serious adverse
`events (SAEs), no withdrawals due to adverse events (AEs), and no headaches”; that “[t]he safety
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 8 of 21 PageID #: 8
`and tolerability profile observed was consistent with the prior Phase 1 trial of IMVT-1401 in 99
`healthy volunteers”; and that “[a]ll AEs were mild or moderate.”
`The March 2020 Press Release also quoted Defendant Salzmann, who represented,
`in relevant part, that the ASCEND GO-1 trial’s “results provide an early proof-of-concept of the
`potential for IMVT-1401 to ultimately become a safe and effective treatment for patients suffering
`from [TED].”
`Additionally, the March 2020 Press Release quoted the ASCEND GO-1 trial’s
`principal investigator, who likewise touted IMVT-1401’s safety profile, stating, in relevant part,
`that he was “encouraged by IMVT-1401’s early results showing promising efficacy and safety
`with a subcutaneous route of administration,” and that “[e]ven in this small study population, the
`response across multiple measures is notable.”
`On June 29, 2020, Immunovant issued a press release reporting the Company’s
`financial and operating results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2020. That press release
`reiterated IMVT-1401’s safety results highlighted in the March 2020 Press Release, as well as
`additional data, all of which purportedly supported the overall safety and tolerability of IMVT-
`1401. Specifically, that press release stated, in relevant part, that the “positive clinical results from
`ASCEND GO-1 . . . reaffirmed IMVT-1401’s prior safety and pharmacodynamic findings . . . for
`patients with TED,” while noting “two recent successful studies for other drug candidates with the
`same mechanism of action” that “[c]omplement[ed] these findings.”
`Also on June 29, 2020, Immunovant filed an annual report on Form 10-K with the
`SEC, reporting the Company’s financial and operating results for the quarter and year ended March
`31, 2020 (the “2020 10-K”). The 2020 10-K also reiterated IMVT-1401’s safety observed in the
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 9 of 21 PageID #: 9
`ASCEND GO-1 trial, stating, in relevant part, that “[t]he safety and tolerability profile observed
`was consistent with the prior Phase 1 trial of IMVT-1401 in 99 healthy volunteers.”
`Appended as exhibits to the 2020 10-K were signed certifications pursuant to the
`Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, wherein Defendants Salzmann and Connealy certified that the 2020
`10-K “fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or Section 15(d) of the Exchange
`Act” and that “[t]he information contained in the [2020 10-K] fairly presents, in all material
`respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.”
`The statements referenced in ¶¶ 22-30 were materially false and misleading because
`Defendants made false and/or misleading statements, as well as failed to disclose material adverse
`facts about the Company’s business, operations, and compliance policies. Specifically,
`Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) HSAC had
`performed inadequate due diligence into Legacy Immunovant prior to the Merger, and/or ignored
`or failed to disclose safety issues with IMVT-1401; (ii) IMVT-1401 was less safe than the
`Company had led investors to believe, particularly with respect to treating TED and WAIHA; (iii)
`the foregoing foreseeably diminished IMVT-1401’s prospects for regulatory approval, commercial
`viability, and profitability; and (iv) as a result, the Company’s public statements were materially
`false and misleading at all relevant times.
`The Truth Emerges
`On February 2, 2021, Immunovant issued a press release “announc[ing] a voluntary
`pause of dosing in its ongoing clinical trials for IMVT-1401.” Specifically, that press release
`disclosed, in relevant part:
`The Company has become aware of a physiological signal consisting of elevated
`total cholesterol and LDL levels in IMVT-1401-treated patients in ASCEND GO-
`2, a Phase 2b trial in [TED]. Cholesterol levels were not measured in prior clinical
`trials of IMVT-1401 in [MG] and in healthy subjects. Out of an abundance of
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 10 of 21 PageID #: 10
`caution, the Company has decided to voluntarily pause dosing in ongoing clinical
`studies in both TED and in [WAIHA], in order to inform patients, investigators,
`and regulators as well as to modify the monitoring program.
`ASCEND GO-2 is a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in TED evaluating
`different doses, each given weekly for 12 weeks. In this study, cholesterol
`parameters are assessed at baseline, at twelve weeks, and at week 20 following
`eight weeks off drug. Based on preliminary, unblinded data from about 40 patients
`through week 12, mean LDL cholesterol at week 12 was increased by
`approximately 65% in the 680mg dose group, by approximately 40% in the 340mg
`dose group, and did not increase in the control group. Average HDL and
`triglyceride levels increased to a much lesser degree. For context, commercially
`available statins report a reduction in LDL cholesterol between 27-60%. At the
`twenty-week timepoint, average LDL levels had declined to baseline or lower in
`the 680mg dose group, in the 340mg dose group, and in the control group.
`On this news, Immunovant’s stock price fell $18.22 per share, or 42.08%, to close
`at $25.08 per share on February 2, 2021.
`As a result of Defendants’ wrongful acts and omissions, and the precipitous decline
`in the market value of the Company’s securities, Plaintiff and other Class members have suffered
`significant losses and damages.
`Plaintiff brings this action as a class action pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure 23(a) and (b)(3) on behalf of a Class, consisting of all those who purchased or otherwise
`acquired Immunovant securities during the Class Period (the “Class”); and were damaged upon
`the revelation of the alleged corrective disclosures. Excluded from the Class are Defendants
`herein, the officers and directors of the Company, at all relevant times, members of their immediate
`families and their legal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns and any entity in which
`Defendants have or had a controlling interest.
`The members of the Class are so numerous that joinder of all members is
`impracticable. Throughout the Class Period, Immunovant securities were actively traded on the
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 11 of 21 PageID #: 11
`NASDAQ. While the exact number of Class members is unknown to Plaintiff at this time and can
`be ascertained only through appropriate discovery, Plaintiff believes that there are hundreds or
`thousands of members in the proposed Class. Record owners and other members of the Class may
`be identified from records maintained by Immunovant or its transfer agent and may be notified of
`the pendency of this action by mail, using the form of notice similar to that customarily used in
`securities class actions.
`Plaintiff’s claims are typical of the claims of the members of the Class as all
`members of the Class are similarly affected by Defendants’ wrongful conduct in violation of
`federal law that is complained of herein.
`Plaintiff will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the members of the Class
`and has retained counsel competent and experienced in class and securities litigation. Plaintiff has
`no interests antagonistic to or in conflict with those of the Class.
`Common questions of law and fact exist as to all members of the Class and
`predominate over any questions solely affecting individual members of the Class. Among the
`questions of law and fact common to the Class are:
`whether the federal securities laws were violated by Defendants’ acts as alleged
`whether statements made by Defendants to the investing public during the Class
`Period misrepresented material facts about the business, operations and
`management of Immunovant;
`whether the Individual Defendants caused Immunovant to issue false and
`misleading financial statements during the Class Period;
`whether Defendants acted knowingly or recklessly in issuing false and misleading
`financial statements;
`whether the prices of Immunovant securities during the Class Period were
`artificially inflated because of the Defendants’ conduct complained of herein; and
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 12 of 21 PageID #: 12
`whether the members of the Class have sustained damages and, if so, what is the
`proper measure of damages.
`A class action is superior to all other available methods for the fair and efficient
`adjudication of this controversy since joinder of all members is impracticable. Furthermore, as the
`damages suffered by individual Class members may be relatively small, the expense and burden
`of individual litigation make it impossible for members of the Class to individually redress the
`wrongs done to them. There will be no difficulty in the management of this action as a class action.
`Plaintiff will rely, in part, upon the presumption of reliance established by the fraud-
`on-the-market doctrine in that:
`Defendants made public misrepresentations or failed to disclose material facts
`during the Class Period;
`the omissions and misrepresentations were material;
`Immunovant securities are traded in an efficient market;
`the Company’s shares were liquid and traded with moderate to heavy volume
`during the Class Period;
`the Company traded on the NASDAQ and was covered by multiple analysts;
`the misrepresentations and omissions alleged would tend to induce a reasonable
`investor to misjudge the value of the Company’s securities; and
`Plaintiff and members of the Class purchased, acquired and/or sold Immunovant
`securities between the time the Defendants failed to disclose or misrepresented
`material facts and the time the true facts were disclosed, without knowledge of
`the omitted or misrepresented facts.
`Based upon the foregoing, Plaintiff and the members of the Class are entitled to a
`presumption of reliance upon the integrity of the market.
`Alternatively, Plaintiff and the members of the Class are entitled to the presumption
`of reliance established by the Supreme Court in Affiliated Ute Citizens of the State of Utah v.
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 13 of 21 PageID #: 13
`United States, 406 U.S. 128, 92 S. Ct. 2430 (1972), as Defendants omitted material information in
`their Class Period statements in violation of a duty to disclose such information, as detailed above.
` (Violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 Promulgated Thereunder
`Against All Defendants)
`Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation contained above as if fully
`set forth herein.
`This Count is asserted against Defendants and is based upon Section 10(b) of the
`Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b), and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the SEC.
`During the Class Period, Defendants engaged in a plan, scheme, conspiracy and
`course of conduct, pursuant to which they knowingly or recklessly engaged in acts, transactions,
`practices and courses of business which operated as a fraud and deceit upon Plaintiff and the other
`members of the Class; made various untrue statements of material facts and omitted to state
`material facts necessary in order to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under
`which they were made, not misleading; and employed devices, schemes and artifices to defraud in
`connection with the purchase and sale of securities. Such scheme was intended to, and, throughout
`the Class Period, did: (i) deceive the investing public, including Plaintiff and other Class members,
`as alleged herein; (ii) artificially inflate and maintain the market price of Immunovant securities;
`and (iii) cause Plaintiff and other members of the Class to purchase or otherwise acquire
`Immunovant securities and options at artificially inflated prices. In furtherance of this unlawful
`scheme, plan and course of conduct, Defendants, and each of them, took the actions set forth
`Pursuant to the above plan, scheme, conspiracy and course of conduct, each of the
`Defendants participated directly or indirectly in the preparation and/or issuance of the quarterly
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 14 of 21 PageID #: 14
`and annual reports, SEC filings, press releases and other statements and documents described
`above, including statements made to securities analysts and the media that were designed to
`influence the market for Immunovant securities. Such reports, filings, releases and statements
`were materially false and misleading in that they failed to disclose material adverse information
`and misrepresented the truth about Immunovant’s finances and business prospects.
` By virtue of their positions at Immunovant, Defendants had actual knowledge of
`the materially false and misleading statements and material omissions alleged herein and intended
`thereby to deceive Plaintiff and the other members of the Class, or, in the alternative, Defendants
`acted with reckless disregard for the truth in that they failed or refused to ascertain and disclose
`such facts as would reveal the materially false and misleading nature of the statements made,
`although such facts were readily available to Defendants. Said acts and omissions of Defendants
`were committed willfully or with reckless disregard for the truth. In addition, each Defendant
`knew or recklessly disregarded that material facts were being misrepresented or omitted as
`described above.
`Information showing that Defendants acted knowingly or with reckless disregard
`for the truth is peculiarly within Defendants’ knowledge and control. As the senior managers
`and/or directors of Immunovant, the Individual Defendants had knowledge of the details of
`Immunovant’s internal affairs.
`The Individual Defendants are liable both directly and indirectly for the wrongs
`complained of herein. Because of their positions of control and authority, the Individual
`Defendants were able to and did, directly or indirectly, control the content of the statements of
`Immunovant. As officers and/or directors of a publicly-held company, the Individual Defendants
`had a duty to disseminate timely, accurate, and truthful information with respect to Immunovant’s
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 15 of 21 PageID #: 15
`businesses, operations, future financial condition and future prospects. As a result of the
`dissemination of the aforementioned false and misleading reports, releases and public statements,
`the market price of Immunovant securities was artificially inflated throughout the Class Period. In
`ignorance of the adverse facts concerning Immunovant’s business and financial condition which
`were concealed by Defendants, Plaintiff and the other members of the Class purchased or
`otherwise acquired Immunovant securities at artificially inflated prices and relied upon the price
`of the securities, the integrity of the market for the securities and/or upon statements disseminated
`by Defendants, and were damaged thereby.
`During the Class Period, Immunovant securities were traded on an active and
`efficient market. Plaintiff and the other members of the Class, relying on the materially false and
`misleading statements described herein, which the Defendants made, issued or caused to be
`disseminated, or relying upon the integrity of the market, purchased or otherwise acquired shares
`of Immunovant securities at prices artificially inflated by Defendants’ wrongful conduct. Had
`Plaintiff and the other members of the Class known the truth, they would not have purchased or
`otherwise acquired said securities, or would not have purchased or otherwise acquired them at the
`inflated prices that were paid. At the time of the purchases and/or acquisitions by Plaintiff and the
`Class, the true value of Immunovant securities was substantially lower than the prices paid by
`Plaintiff and the other members of the Class. The market price of Immunovant securities declined
`sharply upon public disclosure of the facts alleged herein to the injury of Plaintiff and Class
`By reason of the conduct alleged herein, Defendants knowingly or recklessly,
`directly or indirectly, have violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5
`promulgated thereunder.
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 16 of 21 PageID #: 16
`As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ wrongful conduct, Plaintiff and the
`other members of the Class suffered damages in connection with their respective purchases,
`acquisitions and sales of the Company’s securities during the Class Period, upon the disclosure
`that the Company had been disseminating misrepresented financial statements to the investing
` (Violations of Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act Against the Individual Defendants)
`Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation contained in the foregoing
`paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`During the Class Period, the Individual Defendants participated in the operation
`and management of Immunovant, and conducted and participated, directly and indirectly, in the
`conduct of Immunovant’s business affairs. Because of their senior positions, they knew the
`adverse non-public information about Immunovant’s misstatement of income and expenses and
`false financial statements.
`As officers and/or directors of a publicly owned company, the Individual
`Defendants had a duty to disseminate accurate and truthful information with respect to
`Immunovant’s financial condition and results of operations, and to correct promptly any public
`statements issued by Immunovant which had become materially false or misleading.
`Because of their positions of control and authority as senior officers, the Individual
`Defendants were able to, and did, control the contents of the various reports, press releases and
`public filings which Immunovant disseminated in the marketplace during the Class Period
`concerning Immunovant’s results of operations. Throughout the Class Period, the Individual
`Defendants exercised their power and authority to cause Immunovant to engage in the wrongful
`Case 1:21-cv-00918 Document 1 Filed 02/19/21 Page 17 of 21 PageID #: 17
`acts complained of herein. The Individual Defendants, therefore, were “controlling persons” of
`Immunovant within the meaning of Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act. In this capacity, they
`participated in the unlawful conduct alleged which artificially inflated the market price of
`Immunovant securities.
`Each of the Individual Defendants, therefore, acted as a controlling person of
`Immunovant. By reason of their senior management positions and/or being directors of