O R 56;GiNAle 1:20-cr---00015PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20; Page 1 of 15%?WW"— "
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`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 1 of 15
`, :1
`"#10 93 (Rev. 12/11) Appearance Bond i
`1 ‘.
`UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT“rt Fl1""53711111_0 9mm
`for the
`Southern District of New York
`19 MAG 10987
`) )
`United States of America
`7 )
`Defendant’s Agreement
`(defendant), agree to follow eve1y orde1 of this mud, or any
`courtthat considersthis case, and I further agiee that this bond may be forfeited if i fail:
`( I ) to appeai f01 court proceedings;
`) if convicted, to surrender to serve a sentence that the court may impose; or
`) to comply with all conditions set forth in the Order Setting Conditions of Release.
`) (1) This is a personal recognizance bond.
`( El ) (2) This is an unsecured bond of $
`Type of Bond
`) (3) This is a secured bond of $
`, secured by:
`, in cash deposited with the court.
`(b) the agreement of the defendant and each surety to forfeit the following cash or other property
`(describe the cash or other property, including claims on it —snch as a lien, mortgage, or [can — and attach proofof
`ownership and value):
`If this bondIS secured by real property,documents to piotect the secured interest may be flied of recoid.
`( El )
`(C) a bail bond with a solvent surety (attach a copy ofthe bail bond, or describe it and identifii the surety):
`Forfeiture or Release of the Bond
`Forfeiture ofthe Bond. This appearance bond may be forfeited if the defendant does not comply with the above
`agreement. The court may immediately order the amount of the bond surrendered to the United States, including the
`security for the bond, if the defendant does not compiy with the agreement. At the request of the United States, the court
`may order a judgment of forfeiture against the defendant and each surety for the entire amount of the bond, including
`interest and costs.


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 2 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 2 of 15
`Page 2
`A0 98 (Rev, 12“ 1) Appearance Bond
`Release'ofrhe Bond. The court may order this appearance’bOnd ended at any time. This bond will be satisfied and the
`security will be released when either: (1) the defendant is found not guilty on all charges, or (2) the defendant reponzs to
`serve a sentence.
`Ownership ofthe Property. 1, the defendant w and each surety — declare under penalty of perjury that:
`all owners of the property securing this appearance bond are included on the bond;
`the property is not subject to claims, except as described above; and
`I will not sell the property, allow further claims to be made against it, or do anything to reduce its value
`while this appearance bond is in effect.
`I, the defendant -— and each surety e have read this appearance bond and have either read all the conditions of
`release set by the court or had them explained to me.
`I agree to this Appearance Bond.
`1, the defendant — and each surety —— declare under penalty of perjury that this; information is t1; 3- (See 28 U.S.C.§ 1746.)
`Date: Ekgigfii
`gerefi'ndant'S signatirre
`firefly/prepay owaer —— 'P-OW‘i' EVW
`SuretMoroperty owner —
`Surety/properly owner — 5464-“ W Sttrew/property ot-mer —
`Surety/property owner *
`Surely/property owner w
`’ US! 15' Signature
`{kgi4“ WWI


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 3 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 3 of 15
`A0 98 (Rev. 12!] I) Appearance Bond
`Page 2
`Release afrhe Bond. The com": may order this appearance bond ended at any time. This bond will be satisfied and the
`security will be released when either: {1) the defendant is found not guilty on all charges, or (2) the defendant reports to
`serve a sentence.
`I, the defendant - and each surety — declare under penalty of perjury that:
`Ownership ofthe Property.
`all owners of the propefly securing this appearance bond are included on the bond;
`the property is not subject to claims, except as described above; and
`i will not Sell the property, allow futther claims to be made against it, or do anythingtc reduce its value
`while this appearance bond is in effect.
`I, the defendant -— and each surety - have read this appearance bond and lame either read all the conditions of
`'iclease set by the com or had then; explained to me.
`I agree to this Appearance Bond.
`1, the defendantn and each surety «...-declare underpenalty of perjury thattliis infonnation is Itllfi-
`($.95. 28.'U-..3-.C-§ 1.7.462) ...
`Defindam ‘s signature
`Snrenv’properly owner -
`Sttreryl’prnperty owner -
`Steely/property owner —~
`Surely/properly owner -
`Signature afCler/t or Deputy Clerk
`AUS»! it Signature


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 4 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 4 of 15
`A0 98 (Rev. ill“) Appearance Bond
`earance bond ended at any time. This bond will be satisfied and the
`Rated“ ofthe Bond‘ The court may order this app
`guilty on ail charges, or (2) the defendant reports to
`security will be released when either: (i) the defendant is found not
`serve a sentence.
`Ownership ofrhe Property. 1, the defendant —- and each surety — deciare under penalty of perjury that:
`all owners of the property securing this appearance bond are included on the bond;
`the property is not subject to claims, except as described above; and
`I wiii not sell the property, allow further ciairns to be made against it, or do anything to reduce its value
`while this appearance bond is in effect.
`l, the defendant - and each surety ~— have read this appearance bond and have either read all the conditions of
`release set by the court or had them explained to me.
`I agree to this Appearance Bond.
`I, the defendant — and each surety — declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true. (See 28 U.S.C.§ 1746.)
`Defendant is signature
`{fared/property owner - ‘P-OW‘f
`Surety/primers) owner -
`Emery/property owner — 54 W Surety/prepay owner-
`Srrrery/propero: ow er
`Surely/property owner —-
`Signature ofClerk or Deputy Clerk
`A USA '.r Signature


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 5 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 5 of 15
`A0 199A (Rev. 12/! I) Order Setting Chuditions of Release
`Page 1 ofW
`_ Pages
`for the
`District of New York
`United States of America
`Case No.
`19 MAG £0987
`IT IS ORDERED that the defendant’s release is subject to these conditions:
`(1) The defendant must not violate federal, state, or local law while on release.
`(2) The defendant must cooperate in the collection of a DNA sample if it is authorized by 42 U.S.C. § 141 35a.
`(3) The defendant must advise the court or the pretrial services office or supervising officer in writing before making
`any change of residence or telephone number.
`(4) The defendant must appear in court as required and, if convicted, must surrender as directed to serve a sentence that
`the court may impose.
`The defendant must appear at:
`._ _ ..
`‘ Date and Time
`If blank, defendant will be notified of next appearance.
`(5) The defendant must Sign an Appearance Bond, if ordered.


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 6 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 6 of 15
`A0 199B (Rev. 12/11) Additional Conditions of Release
`Page _ of _ Pages
`IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant’s release is subject to the conditions marked below:
`The defendant is placed in the custody of:
`Person or organization
`Address (only ifabove is an organization)
` Tel No.
`City and state
`who agrees to (a) supervise the defendant, (b) use every effort to assure the defendant’s ppearance at all court ploceedlngs and (c) notify_the court
`immediately if the defendant violates a condition of release or is no longer1n the custodian s custody.
`Signed: 7
`,. ... _. _
`The defendant must:
`_W ,
`W _
`submit to supervision by and repmt for supervision to the
`telephone number
`, no later than
`(b) continue or actively seek employment.
`( E3 )
`(c) continue or start an education program.
`( D )
`________ ,
`(d) surrender any passport to:
`( K )
`((e) not obtain apassport or other international travel document.
`abide by the following restrictions on personal association, residence, or travel:
`(g) 52633311"cafiiaéimaii WEE? directly, {tint any person whois or may be a victim orwitness in the investigationor prosecution,
`( El
`( El
`( E )
`( E )
`(h) gctmmcdical or psychlatuct1eatmcnt
`return to custody each
`or the following purposes:
`o’clock after béifi'g‘iéigased at
`o'ciodiéia‘r employment, schooling,
`(j) maintain residence at a halfway house or community corrections center, as the pretrial services office or supervising officer considers
`k) not possess a firearm, destructive device, 01' other weapon.
`1) not use alcohol (
`) at all (
`[:I ) excessively.
`(m) not use or unlawfully possess a narcotic drug or other controlled substances defined in 21 U.S.C. § 802, unless prescribed by a licensed
`medical practitioner.
`(n) submit to testing for a prohibited substance if r'equi1ed by the pretrial services office or supervising officer. Testing may be used with
`random frequency and may include urine testing, the wearing of a sweat patch, a remote alcohol testing system, and/or any fo1m of
`prohibited substance screening or testing. The defendant must not obstr,uct attempt to obstruct, or tamper with the efficiency and
`accuracy of prohibited substance screening or testing.
`(o) participate in a program of inpatient or outpatient substance abuse therapy and counseling if directed by the pretrial services office or
`supervising officer.
`(p) participate in one of the following location restriction programs and comply with its requirements as directed.
`( [:l )
`(i) Curfew. You are restricted to your residence every day ( El ) from
`_____m to
`directed by the pretrial services office or supervising officer; or
`(IE ) (ii) Home Detention. You are restricted to your residence at all times except for employment; education; religious services;
`medical, substance abuse, or mental health treatment; attorney visits; court appearances; court-ordered obligations; or other
`activities approved in advance by the pretrial services office or supervising officer; or
`(Cl ) (iii) Home Incarceration. You are restricted to 24-hour-a-day lock-down at your residence except for medical necessities and
`court appearances or other activities specifically approved by the coun.
`(q) submit to location monitoring as directed by the pretrial services office or supervising officer and comply with all of the program
`requirements and instructions provided.
`(CI ) You must pay all or part of the cost of the program based on your ability to pay as determined by the pretrial services office or
`supervising officer.
`, or ( El ) as
`( El
`report as soon as possible, to the pretrial services office or supervising officer, every contact with law enforcement personnel, including
`arrests, questioning, or traffic stops.


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 7 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 7 of 15
`( i3 )
`(S) 1. $1 million personal recognizance bond, secured by (I) the residence of the Defendant’s parents, Dr. Robert
`Griffith and Dr. Susan Griffith, located at 10885 Landers Drive, Northport, AL 35473; and (2) the residence of
`Defendant’s sister, Joy Lewis, located at
`7112 Black Rock Court, Columbia, MD 21046. Dr. Robert Griffith, Dr. Susan Griffith, and Joy Lewis are to assist
`the Government in obtaining documents it deems necessary to make these properties security for the bond. The
`bond shall not be considered secured until such time as the property has been assessed by the Government and has
`been made security for the bond. Defendant shall not be released until the conditions set forth in the paragraph are
`2. Strict Pretrial Supervision;
`3. Home detention with electronic and GPS monitoring at Defendants’ parents’ residence, located at 10885 Landers
`Drive, Northport, AL 35473 (“the Residence”);
`4. Home assessment of the Residence. Defendant shall not be released until the conditions set forth in the paragraph
`are met;
`5. Defense counsel and the Government are to meet and confer about securing the cryptocurrency hard drives
`located at the Defendant’s apartment in Singapore, subject to the laws of Singapore. Defendant is to ensure that all
`individuals who have access to his apartment in Singapore are aware that these drives are not to be accessed,
`touched, or tampered with in any way until they are secured based upon the agreement between defense counsel
`and the Government.
`6. Defendant is to participate in mental health treatment and evaluation as directed by Pretrial Services;
`7. Defendant is to participate in drug treatment and testing as directed by Pretrial Services;
`8. Defendant’s travel is restricted to the Northern District of Alabama, the Southern District of New York
`(“SDNY”), and the Eastern District of New York (“EDNY” and together with SDNY, the “New York Districts”).
`Further, Defendant shall only be permitted to travel to the New York Districts to (a) appear at the Thurgood
`Marshall United States Courthouse at 40 Centre Street, New York, New York and the Daniel Patrick Moynihan
`United States Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York for court appearances or as directed by his
`Pretrial Services Officer; or (b) meet with his counsel, Brian Klein, of Baker Marquart LLP and/or Sean Buckley of
`Kobre & Kim, and/or any other representatives of the aforementioned firms, at the New York office of Kobre &
`Kim located at 800 Third Ave., New York, New York 10022. Defendant shall provide notice to and obtain approval
`from Pretrial Services for all such travel. To the extent the Government deems it necessary, in connection with all
`visits to and from the New York Districts, Defendant shall be accompanied to the airport by an agent of the Federal
`Bureau of Investigation or other investigative agency designated by the Government, who shall ensure that he
`boards his flight;
`9. Within the Northern District of Alabama, Defendant shall be permitted to leave the Residence for all purposes
`ordinarily permitted for a person in home detention, as well as to obtain state— or municipality-issued identification
`documents. Defendant shall provide notice to and obtain approval from Pretrial Services for all such departures
`from the Residence;
`10. Defendant is to surrender all of his travel documents to Pretrial Services, including his Passport ID Card. Upon
`release, and in accordance with Condition No. 9, Defendant is to commence efforts to obtain a state- or
`municipality-issued identification card that will enable him to travel by air. Until Defendant obtains an alternate
`form of identification, Pretrial Services will facilitate his travel to the New York Districts for the purposes
`authorized in Condition No. 8 by providing Defendant with his Passport ID Card no more than one day prior to his
`flight, which he will surrender to Pretrial Services upon his initial arrival in the SDNY, and retrieve his Passport ll)
`Card from Pretrial Services for his trip back to Alabama. Defendant shall within a day of returning to the Northern
`District of Alabama return his Passport ID Card to Pretrial Services in the Northern District of Alabama.
`11. Defendant is not to relocate from the Residence without prior approval of Pretrial Services;
`12. Defendant shall not possess or use any smartphone or any cellular telephone with internet access capability;
`13. Defendant will be allowed to have a computer in the Residence, which will be loaded with a monitoring software.
`Defendant is not to use any computer or other internet-capable device that does not contain such software;
`14. Defendant’s internet activity will be limited to communicating with his counsel by e~maiL Defendant is not to
`access the internet for any other purposes, and is specifically prohibited from accessing any of his cryptocurrency
`accounts and from accessing the darkweb;
`15. Defendant is not to communicate with or contact any of the witnesses and victims set forth in a list to be
`provided by the Government.


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 8 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 8 of 15
`Page _.__...__-..
`A0 199C (Rev. 09/08) Advice of Penalties
`19 MAG I0987
`Violating any of the foregoing conditions of reiease may result in the immediate issuance of a warrant for your arrest, a
`revocation of your release, an order of detention, a forfeiture of any bond, and a prosecution for contempt of court and could result in
`imprisonment, a fine, or both.
`While on reiease, if you commit a federal felony offense the punishment is an additional prison term of not more than ten
`and for a federal misdemeanor offense the punishment is an additional prison term of not more than one year. This sentence will be
`consecutive (i. a, in addition to) to any other sentence you receive.
`It is a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison, and a $250,000 fine, or both, to: obstruct a criminal investigation;
`tamper with a witness, victim, or informant; retaliate or attempt to retaliate against a witness, victim, or informant; or intimidate or
`attempt to intimidate a witness, victim, juror,
`informant, or officer of the court. The penalties for tampering, retaliation, or
`intimidation are significantly more serious if they involve a killing or attempted killing.
`If, afier release, you knowingly fail to appear as the conditions of release require, or to surrender to serve a sentence,
`you may be prosecuted for failing to appear or surrender and additional punishment may be imposed. If you are convicted of:
`(i) an offense punishable by death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a term of fifieen years or more , you will be fined
`not more than $250,000 or imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both;
`(2) an offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of five years or more, but less than fifteen years —- you will be fined not
`more than $250,000 01' imprisoned for not more than five years, or both;
`(3) any other felony — you will be fined not more than $250,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both;
`(4) a misdemeanor — you will be fined not more than $100,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
`A term of imprisonment imposed for failure to appear or surrender will be consecutive to any other sentence you receive.
`addition, a failure to appear or surrender may result in the forfeiture of any bond posted.
`Acknowledgment of the Defendant
`I promise to obey all
`I acknowledge that I am the defendant in this case and that i am aware of the conditions of release.
`conditions of release, to appear as directed, and surrender to serve any sentence imposed.
`I am aware of the penalties and sanctions
`set forth above.
`City and State
`Directions to the United States Marshal
`) The defendant is ORDERED released after processing.
`) The United States marshal is ORDERED to keep the defendant in custody until notified by the clerk or judge that the
`defendant has posted bond and/or complied with all other conditions for release.
`If stiil in custody, the defendant must be
`produced before the appropriate judge at the time and place specified.
`Judicia/ Oflicer ’s Si'gndture
`A USA a Signarurf


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 9 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 9 of 15
`\Ao 199C (Rev. 09/03) Advice of Penalties of 4_ Pages Page
`Southern District of New “York
`The Brenx
`Eastern District. of New York
`Brooklyn (rims County]
`Queens [Queens County]
`Staten Island [NICI‘ImGIlu county}
`Lem: Island [Nassau 5: Suffolk]
` E


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 10 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr—00015—PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 10 of 15
`S??:Efl___flD_I_S_Tf{____?__Eqijg_______________ X
`19 Mag. 10987
`_______________________________________ X
`VERNON S. BRODERICK, United States District Judge:
`Before me is the Defendant's appeal of the denial of his
`bail application by Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses on December
`26, 2019.
`I heard the appeal on December 30, 2019.
`Accordingly, it is hereby:
`ORDERED that the Clerk of Court is directed to unseal this
`case and enter all documents in connection with this Complaint
`on the electronic docket.
`IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that for the reasons stated on the
`record on December 30,
`the Defendant's appeal is GRANTED.
`I set
`forth below the entirety of Defendant’s bail conditions:
`A $1 million personal recognizance bond, secured by
`the residence of the Defendant's parents, Dr.
`Robert Griffith and Dr. Susan Griffith,
`located at
`10885 Landers Drive, Northport, AL 35473; and (2}
`residence of Defendant's Sister, Joy Lewis,
`located at


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 11 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 11 of 15
`7112 Black Rock Court, Columbia, MD 21046. Dr. Robert
`Griffith, Dr. Susan Griffith, and Joy Lewis are to
`assist the Government in obtaining documents it deems
`necessary to make these properties security for the
`The bond shall not be considered secured until
`Such time as the property has been assessed by the
`Government and has been made security for the bond.
`Defendant shall not be released until the conditions
`set forth in the paragraph are met;
`Strict Pretrial Supervision;
`Home detention with electronic and GPS monitoring at
`Defendants' parents' residence,
`located at 10885
`Landers Drive, Northport, AL 35473 (“the Residence");
`Home assessment of the Residence. Defendant shall not
`be released until the conditions set forth in the
`paragraph are met;
`Defense counsel and the Government are to meet and
`confer about securing the cryptocurrency hard drives
`located at the Defendant’s apartment in Singapore,
`subject to the laws of Singapore. Defendant is to
`ensure that all individuals who have access to his
`apartment in Singapore are aware that these drives are
`not to be accessed,
`touched, or tampered with in any


` i
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 12 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 12 of 15
`way until they are secured based upon the agreement
`between defense counsel and the Government.
`Defendant is to participate in mental health treatment
`and evaluation as directed by Pretrial Services;
`Defendant is to participate in drug treatment and
`testing as directed by Pretrial Services;
`Defendant’s travel is restricted to the Northern
`District of Alabama,
`the Southern District of New York
`(“SDNY”), and the Eastern District of New York (“EDNY”
`and together with SDNY,
`the “New York Districts”).
`Further, Defendant shall only be permitted to travel
`to the New York Districts to (a) appear at the
`Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse at 40
`Centre Street, New York, New York and the Daniel
`Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse at 500 Pearl
`Street, New York, New York for court appearances or as
`directed by his Pretrial Services Officer; or (b) meet
`with his counsel, Brian Klein, of Baker Marquart LLP
`and/or Sean Buckley of Kobre & Kim, and/or any other
`representatives of the aforementioned firms, at the
`New York office of Kobre & Kim located at 800 Third
`Ave., New York, New York 10022. Defendant shall
`provide notice to and obtain approval from Pretrial
`Services for all such travel.
`To the extent the


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 13 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 13 of 15
`Government deems it necessary,
`in connection with all
`visits to and from the New York Districts, Defendant
`shall be accompanied to the airport by an agent of the
`Federal Bureau of Investigation or other investigative
`agency designated by the Government, who shall ensure
`that he boards his flight;
`Within the Northern District of Alabama, Defendant
`shall be permitted to leave the Residence for all
`purposes ordinarily permitted for a perSOn in home
`detention, as well as to obtain state— or
`municipalitywissued identification documents.
`Defendant shall provide notice to and obtain approval
`from Pretrial Services for all such departures from
`the Residence;
`Defendant is to surrender all of his travel documents
`to Pretrial Services,
`including his Passport ID Card.
`Upon release, and in accordance with Condition No. 9,
`Defendant is to commence efforts to obtain a state— or
`municipality—issued identification card that will
`enable him to travel by air. Until Defendant obtains
`an alternate form of identification, Pretrial Services
`will facilitate his travel to the New York Districts
`for the purposes authorized in Condition No.
`8 by
`providing Defendant with his Passport
`ID Card no more


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 14 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 14 of 15
`than one day prior to his flight, which he will
`surrender to Pretrial Services upon his initial
`arrival in the SDNY, and retrieve his Passport
`ID Card
`from Pretrial Services for his trip back to Alabama.
`Defendant shall within a day of returning to the
`Northern District of Alabama return his Passport
`Card to Pretrial Services in the Northern District of
`Defendant is not to relocate from the Residence
`without prior approval of Pretrial Services;
`Defendant shall not possess or use any smartphone or
`any cellular telephone with internet access
`Defendant will be allowed to have a computer in the
`Residence, which will be loaded with a monitoring
`software. Defendant is not to use any computer or
`other internet—capable device that does not contain
`such software;
`Defendant’s internet activity will be limited to
`communicating with his counsel by e—mail. Defendant
`is not to access the internet for any other purposes,
`and is specifically prohibited from accessing any of
`his cryptocurrency accounts and from accessing the


`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 15 of 15
`Case 1:20-cr-00015-PKC Document 15 Filed 01/09/20 Page 15 of 15
`15. Defendant is not to communicate with or contact any of
`the witnesses and victims set forth in a list to be
`provided by the Government.
`New York, New York
`January 2, 2020
`United States District Judge PARTI

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