`Case 1:20-cv-03756-GBD Document 1-2 Filed 05/15/20 Page 1 of 2Case 1:20-cv-03864-GHW Document 1-2 Filed 05/18/20 Page 1 of 2
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 2 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 2 of 16
`a ow-
`n on.“
`a...» .. Mu
`in mum-m vu
`o t)
`v 5.‘
`.nvflu _~.,.v
`These are the women leading Ch'na’s wine revolution
`25% OFF
`51 I E WIDE
`m- «mm-m; mm ,._ allr:d‘, high H m:- "Austin-n! \ky, mm : qr"! r. {onllnq Inn-Ir
`wwrp’. m I-ndlrv. plmm nu m- a...“ w. (1‘ Y-"r‘uan ‘Ju‘ up.” n‘ \mm 1:1 (mm
`As the m;
`wly hapolares 10 arouse a oreerhm mg vew o! the :uggeu Helan
`coves a‘ women dressed unJeans. :ugh:_.mpeus and ccamlul new VEIIS (.chch
`410w." 1c : u! vmrs uprw ¢ .n n; the dark-(09151:, up: gape". and Lulledmg [hem «~
` a mu.
`glrru ulntu mm u». m. -x x nu.- Ihalv‘nsl Ilwpuliahl prnud ul Ihr yw .n:
` autc'lc-
`c'm- 501;.st
`us. Two" :2 me 9 .
`.sl .um‘mm Demand
`N "qua .-. [In-hidden 9e'lIo“'uIlh-cen'.r.x ("Mm Luuk‘
`mdclly mm umuhmg .1-. an m
`eye (An m, ‘x .-. 0|qu , m rmvglm- nm 3 mm- m .
`. “an... neon-h F: H... mm» .4 L...
`u..." 7.1....” .N.
`.-.. w“...
`. ".5: m
`c >;.~:-
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 3 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 3 of 16
`no. [1W .
`lwetem-‘ M
`.l ....
`...,-...4 l,
`news .
`ON causes oven 3100
`‘ -
`in mm... p.
`These are the women leading China's wine revolution
`mem .-,-.x
`vou MAV uxl
`an em
`1hr mmnvng £Un :s alvnmy hlq- In the "any“.xrn'. «y. and .- grnw. (mllnq hvrclr
`swvrp; Ihr Mun plain§ an thr mmkins oi va-mnn. mo up“: n‘ Mum-m.) m Chm.)
`‘ 3'
`§ *
`As the m=$l slam-y evapcvates to expose a DIEalhtak-ng VIEW 0! the rugged Helan
`Mowiauns. scenes oiwomen dressed m Jeans. hgm moms and com‘ul new verlscvouch
`along vows cl Vines expenly cumng we dank-comma llpe grapes and cullecnng [hem m
`Muvugln um um
`1n~ (mm,
`HI. lllhn-nllcnn
`an r...
`n, n... mm
`2‘" i" W: Y” "‘L‘
`‘ H
`»-,awm. Mu”...
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 4 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 4 of 16
`0.. If 4mm...“
` r' - umwnw A M. .--... u.‘ »., e. a; Au".-
`5.5.. _..
`‘7‘” —_—
`_.. _,. ___...
`f D
`....M um»...
`_— _.—
`These are the women leading China’s wine revolution
`“MM—minlfl‘uw {m m ,1
`an H.
`YOU "AV llKl
`_ ®
`1m cub-w
`in luau-"I lawn
`an r...
`The morning .un u. alvudy high in :he innumm m, and a grave. ('oullnq mm.
`sun-m lhr mum pawn on the oumim oi vim man, mo {urinal nr Nlngxm m Chin.‘
`mm. w... in Ms.
`h m
`H l n
`As! 9
`uslsowyevapova esla exposeab eat lat: gruewo l erugged ea
`Mounialns, scores 01 wumen dressed In ,eans. Ingm )umpels and coxovful heaa vevls crouch
`along Ions oi woes. expeldy cumng we dark-coloueq npe gzapes and cullecung [hem I"
`green plasbL eases. ll 5 lumen lime, {he mus! unponanl penud ul (he year m ml: smalr
`aulunulmus vegan a! (he gale ol the Gobi Deaeu
`NIngx-e s We Medea gem of nonmcennal Ch-na Lookmg at us malesht peaks and
`omeny vines suemung as lav as the eye can see. u u cum“ lo imagine um a Mile move
`nun m mm ann H... mm“ M. ..... . ("mm "am. up .M Home...“ in: “Nam“.
`Wmhtmeu mm...
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 5 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 5 of 16
`on u ,.
` i.
`ON ORDERS oven 3101:
`[k «mummy. 1H
`These are the women leading China’s wine revolution
` m war.
`.. ®
`in;- IVs/Hung :un , Al‘eady high In the transmcen‘. ay, and a gem-e. cool-rug ween.-
`sweeps [he mxxes>paumw [he uumuuoimman [Neuaplmi ui ngxlamchuu
`As mm mm slnm'r mawam m cxpnst .1 hmmmm \.'u-W a.‘ mo rugged Hmn
`\Awmv)in< (rnux A. firm” «mud .n .um Imhv lumrure and rm-fir‘ul nun Wk rvmnrh
`K .mwmn
`‘3» x]
`Mm Sonar, um. '-\'ork:u: man
`New 59.».
`m» (“bury
`mm," n... u...
`m. may...“ In.“
`an In
`A... um Pvumx
`""‘"‘"‘"" “”'
`’ "
`m...~r..:... “my.” i.
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 6 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 6 of 16
`IO. "Wu .
`b- "
`fir 0m
`.mvwmmms mmnlwunw
`m Wntuqun W
`These are the women leading China's wine revolution
`\Infl‘t Mon unno- cu»:-
`Thr- momma sun 5 already hlg" m the immigrant My and a fit-M6 rcmlmq hreezx-
`sweeps the sales; clams on the outfiir‘s oi VMrman the mom: 0' ngna .n China
`lslun'y n-uptyaln [a expuse a mmhukmg west nu ma rugged Mean
`min 01 wumrl durum} In sum, llg ' J.“ mu .5le (oul'ul head ml; uuuUI
`Alnng mm)! mm expevlly mumg m- cm {alum-1 up: gape» .wd Lnlleulnq [run in
`q'e‘rn plan-r (nu-x n a ha'vm‘. mm- m- mum .mpmmm pence nl Khr- yrm In . m xmal
`.mtnnnm'm'. qunzm .u rhr mm- a! 'm- 6n!)- Dt‘wll
`anumqeuu pen-H c
`Nlngxunwr'v 4m grmulnnl‘." mmlcmm lnnkd
`m rv'laglnrliula mu: nxm'
`o'm‘rly-rm-sxlrrfithv'q.15lmmlhrr‘frzanwr u mm
`25% OFF
`You “W I,“
`m. mum,
`w mm mm...
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 7 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 7 of 16
`. ”mm...“ A.
`.- m. ..
`u «w .....,_- w.“ .,. m. 1. I; . :IB..411"I~‘I
`ymsn' news~
`.m ,M.
`7, .x v...
`'\H’ w“...
`fi 9m
`These are the women leading China’s wine revolution
`man—mm .u
`‘ v wuu
`I“ .17.
`4:“ .
`.-. u ,,
`Vhr movmng mu 1 mun, hlqh m m: zummm m] m: . gmhn. (oullnq mm.
`urn-rm lhl' Prdlr“ pull“ on "w- mm‘um ol Vw Man (hr ran-m n1 Nlngxm m Chm.‘
`As (he must slomy event-laws to expose a hrealhtax-ng wew a! me rugged Hetan
`Mouf‘lalns. scores 0' women dressed In :eans. I-gnuumpers and coon'ul hear: vevls crouch
`along rows 01 wnes. enpenly among the dark-colored. npe gzapes and collecung them An
`gveen plasuc cases. n s haven urne, me most Imponanl oeucd 0! me year In my: smaly
`aulunmmus vegan at me gale cl [be com omen
`ngx‘a s the wooden gem of nonn-cmral Ch-na Lookmg at :15 maAeshc peaks aw
`ham. . .M, "mm... .. u. 9 9|”. N.” ,m ,M .. ., mud -. M MW." .M. 5 H... mm.
`& y
`' Wruqnlmlfllvr
`zn~ (chm-KY
`., w
`I hyHlGl-Mllu-I'I
`1min, m. '0 Yuk.
`An, NW mum
`, fl.
`Mapltmun In.“
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 8 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 8 of 16
`.uounHHN .+
`”WW, uewav
`n. “mu-mm p.‘
`Q 0n.
`These are the women leading China's wine revolution
`m. on", wru-ln n... n...
`4 4i.‘ mum
`The rmmmg =un < alraacy mgr m :59 trans "mt Sly. and a qw‘te
`_nlmq breeze
`sweeps the eraless D’éll‘s on the outsklits oi v “aman the tap-ta of Mngxia m Lil-He
`m 'hrmM -im\'yr. mum [- mum a blaalhuung .1” i: hevqued Hr 4n
`Howl m- ‘rmH ulvmmrn durum-mean; liq-‘1‘.“wiper-hum!(ozzl‘ulhrauvriluurmth
`alnnq mu.-
`. m expel
`‘ulllnq m- mark :ninlr: rlpr qvnpm .v‘d rnlleitvnq mm m
`(rrrr' mm um I: R inn-m lvwo zm- mm! Imnnrmnl mm m 1hr Wu» H- ~ in am."
`numnnrmm ”can a. mp am hi mr com Dunn
`mum J u. w ~ 3dr" qr"! w nnnh rr"im| Chum |oak r-:_1.1l|‘.\ mum chl'. A -:
`mm rrmn-
`n'm‘riy 'I‘P‘l". alrrzrh-«r; .u I... m .m- m tan m- n w mm .. v m Wuqmr‘ m
`man, in, m 2.4,:
`An, NW mum.
`.. h- 4...
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 9 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 9 of 16
`r‘ews ~
`mm. '7ha*q< rm nsnphy am - pm n; m- 'hp hon gvepes and ‘r $an nn a mall hul
`’~ g!“ qua try omduc'no" has made :'-3 (61x95 6‘ Pa, 'A‘xné’v Helsn C: N; -.a : prouu
`.IKUL’S LIL" year a’ld :15 w ’es we mmta: .
`mad Jrn:-ng \ng. :3 ow.
`; mm, ‘70 use
`5-,»: ,,
`,"l IC‘ HT m: E’Werrl as My
`nr; gs: :vldm am] we flax-0: 3 s a
`:. :urlnn) vw p< um]
`|I3u 'u'y "1§|\ISI cw ~n
`[adv-paw um ’Iluu-
`expentmeu and Lunhde-l n -u u rum) 9:. m,- m“:
`Q 6m
`“may. 17..."... m. m. vu.
`you MAV mu
`I ‘
`m. (v—mr,
`‘H‘n'ms sew-2H m— » «mung r-PI'J mu}. 9 w . m; man dr": ¢ ad W
`Va a-m mmmavmna “new: a: 1-: Dev 4w“ 'n an flvrfiphnna rtmhlnal on r“ :ar'fh‘
`and cw lerrav hvg" amuce. an; sunshme hours an: I-:w c'ecmnauon. wh-th svg ..
`, u new to: 0:51 on
`‘ pr'c
`.3! N v-;..a s n
`“ungu- » an»: (Mm-:1. a: ”My :0:‘Vel:r'
`,,;e mulu-
`[m 'Jm:,1 “new t mm vhf, arml'e a uni» - Inequual/
`w guou win; 3:!
`'hél the I'Iduslr I> «m and v al was! c' m > at:
`.1" Eiyul;
`wm—m 1.9m '::>llll Mm Luv-Li:
` Valliy »\" :1 llJUll! Lyman»: m4
`(Q'Nuvhuk‘fi z:-,- ”Irv mm. m. «m»
`'Clul mm we:
`Tum-warp my”. .
` “51hr pawn.” r, u \vllglxm'
`5min. t,‘ mud»,- rm,“ must...
`. u" mum, um: mu - mmiumpm.
` (hr Nr“ Wmld mun
`v.» _. uunq 'mnn m Mungl 1 m:
`(arr-(M m'h «up ”an! Mellvqr' ("- am km .--11
`mm“, mn’m ~n arm-m m.» m,
`mama! rm wr-rh rar we.» m mnm g? annrwc
`A", n“. w,
`., :m c
`‘ ‘
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 10 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 10 of 16
`nu. "W .
`‘pltk n; my rho hm atom". and {rcusmq an 3 sn— all hul
`wine" Zharg$ p- 'nsonhy ah‘
`v gh mm'uw P'C‘dm‘llrm ha; mm“ W Influnns r' m- 'xnr’y Hag" Q.” ,9 5 produf’x‘!‘
`s 03'er 50 OCU bottles per year and its “Mes are consvantlv Iawked arr-om: mm;- as Ms!
`1-: 'com 40' m‘mweMEr-l as the vines gs: older and we flu cu gets :-e..
`bang whinmzkuns he: persona Ina-may "aswst E-Jgun Tech-pea! A am new
`expendNed and Loni-dfl‘l an: n mane/.15 lly wnnr
`a ev-
`liar . Mn nm Tn um mm
`mm» a w >._|. ‘.
`n, m." men m u u.“
`In. (”my
`“mu,” In.- my...
`nu Lu, w... m an»:
`«mg. a "at. long twn dc»: red m-
`Al‘houq" [mm ha; 5mm man nroducmg '9
`‘-:al and unze'nauona erpe’ts as we best tharls w an excepnonal ccmbinamn o‘ sandy
`and ON lenou II-g'v ammo. ong sunsh
` ’Ouls an: Icw c'ec-pvlatvun. wrnch Sig
` uu per
`--a s “we producnun Icmaes on
`' J1me th' need LN wsl-CIJVS New
`J! N F
`av vanery 'mmus mmue mello' 'Vlé’ié'lé".
` cl. wuh cam-Me! wgnnr- 251m: most pc
`ma Oh. In vaz. u nun am; lo! M 1: wme aha-coway and lie .an nesmg. [he quality
`.m gum! com. in
`rm [hr “mm-,- Is um. and u m man c‘ ”In v we» .m
`‘5 war:
`255nm wuouwnem»; Mam-Inumnwm :x
` Iv umla Lvr. nu'r
`(cv'lpenulrd by ”my ‘lulunru. law .5 m: n'wwullvy w
`rrglu" 5 .114 "mg (P'filukll‘llflll'.
`'Oul wvnm m-u :u rmm un— pmumlny ul Mngxu'
` u :mn my
`.w "mlt‘lil'y' Tm nmm'um
`"m I".alvnnl'alrl"rFumnrarl
`0' ”IF New
`Ild run-1'
`w mooutlng wine In MIrIgia 5’.“ comes mrh Slg'l tcanr challenges 'v'nnea are tuned
`mm“. M'Itel to awn-m me ‘ng -: temuelaiu'es »- wr-ch can dual. to 'runus .21 degrees
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 11 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 11 of 16
`yw WK.
` r" 7h~r<gu :- ’1'.:)[vh1-1b - pm r.“ M 4m n .
` mm .md w W; an a ”.rrall mu
` u wvnr'v Ill‘ly‘ Q-
`;. nu [numh
`-~ qh um) ny mam" lmn m“ mmlr «w in
`z hnrNy
`0:0, mm“ m- M Ma m w '1'. Mr :‘nm‘n mum nrrnnn ‘1qu .11, hr'.’
`A Jng w-unnnnsmrmnna Jan-wyndquszw.. w: Van-m ram. n.-.« Ir'mm-Ivmr-r. ,1:- mr mm. qr! nldm nn:1“n nun: gm Z)~.""r‘r‘ W;n Pam-.w \n'n 'nrvm
`“pmwrm m :0 ..w a'u: n 'a‘lscfi
`4: an
`I AU... 'I-rEHs w." ; ‘m c
`I. rv—nm,
`«4 mm n... n...
`.. mm...
`1..., m» I-mlm
`‘ 1 5 0/O
`ull noun” -
`m: wwm mu 5.»
`Nun-j- a an Innc tmm dr—x rm m
`mm” W.
`-"‘a'lnn.‘ mpm: .1; r»: 923' War“ 7n an arr-puma rtmhv'mr an r‘ saw»:
`:1 lune; .
`he “('91: I: Leslmd
`.Q' N rgna S u "e ("OGUC c-
`and an, IBM?” h-gw amuse,
`:-r-g sunshrr-e hams ard :-:w c’ecvp-lanon. whlth s:g"-fi:ar-(|y
`(2., 3| vi . ’v .:.Z‘Ielsu"- “‘e Vwarlo‘ wwwlu'.
`'erh . bbe’w
`m an a" '3: ,_ I 9! new anav In! '.\" I: mne Lug-o “‘4', am] I(: van H‘ril " .
`Ihe quahlv
`u. :24 “ 'llnl [he IIIUUMI'
`zl L I' > .m:
`I: ”my JIIIJI"31
`mam” 2: yrm wmn v-qxlurwvraahll Mm
`gnu-mum 1-.
`,quJ ‘92., 4' u n v-.p.-.,|.~y \\“
`mum hr: 1m :- l-v:
`do! "
`'Oul mu». read a: new": mr prumuld', w \Lnng.
` \ N. 7|”
` .1»,
`cu: unwa, mm mun... up. a rm. pm“
`or mr hmv nld :um'
`m :-".-'Jucung Vane .u angx a >sz names mlhalg’h’wnlChallehgzs.\1'lne€
`are but ed
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 12 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 12 of 16
` v:
`nLI It
`.9 un a arrqll hul
`(h: be“ gum
`zrmg u u» lawnhy .mmn puck m; c:‘
`~ qh gummy mum..." n; ., mm m Inrlmw-x m m ‘A‘ulr'y III-L1H Qu-qm ‘ [Ilmlut
`w h-umy an a Irmnlm [vr' yr." .um w. “"1“. m :nn'ylnmly hl."1u'd amnm) \llnqxn" m2
`‘Wr hm- mom w Irrpmvr'm‘m .v. Ihr wrlr'. rm nldN and m- «ax-mam: :x-rrrw‘ gm
`71am] whnrlYknn<hevpemnna erII'm'y "nuustf-rqun -Enrhwn- 1 am mnrr
`expons'k'fid and mnrndm am n who; on my me
`Alihcug" mung 9m seven.- wne D'odu: nu; vegmv' mug. .4 ".45 lung um! um fed by
`mm! mm! mlt'flauull.‘ rtpr'h Ax I": but
`:r-r m an exleplluna' LcmnmaLun c‘ hardy
`and my Mm.- lug'v smut. 4mg nun-Jun: hum m: lcw creuumllun, whuh mg" Imanllv
`m \ wn
`om“ llun 10: .nm un
`rcduu-rhr "m: Imp mum, Avo.,—u90pmr.-q uan'
`“1mm .ur mum :
`mdg Ilh rahrv-vv x
`mm. mrl.,:ar Mrlln’ 'ru'u‘la",
`m.‘ rm, w m pm. rm- mm, lm w“ wwmr rhnvdar‘ru'y and In an unlmq, Thr quality
`‘; warm '3qu good :nmde’v‘q 1h." lhc .nrmsu- m nlw and rut mm! c‘ m w”, arr
`125‘ Ihan EC 5'l‘r)ls cla Wm: N ngxm “MES sull ‘aa m :onm !‘1' are szruzuuc Is
`cc-r'lponsaxed by Hi? I ‘ruinnr-M, lrns"w$s a—n n-‘erahry w" 0‘ (oulfi lit-:nrm I'm
`'egior 5 def mng (haractenshcs ‘Ou: w-ne; reed . em'ess the personality of A-ngxua'
`says than; ammaledwy ”e, run-é lc 'md men awn way tam-2r wan m-
`la- :"e European
`or the New wmld ants
`n m hum-u
`m :mmmmu wlnr .n blimp-.1 ml mum. wnh '.|qn.l:(.1nl (hallrv‘qn
`rwrw mmrl :n wrww "m muuc u-nmculurn ~ whurh un am: In vmnuu 27.1mm
`III. nun",
`“um... "um...
`71.. in mm.“ I
`(r AI r...
`mm, my, 1.. mm
`An, Din-V.— l‘m’n‘.
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 13 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 13 of 16
`gm .~.w:-
`wmr‘ 7mm; x c" mnpny anew. pm my m:- 2hr hm mm and team an .3 srrnll
`o >~ .ng I1-_y.\ m, Pdelll‘lmn m: made vw {mm-v, r‘ x-.- 7mm, Hr-lzr‘ -
`“4:3 prndur’ .~r
`'7 bar-W In: tonic», or yPar arm m w w. are :onsm m'wad among \Jingx a: nvs'
`r gays
`we have 'ccm fc’ Irrormmem as the VII’IPS as: older and we flavor Gets :-e .
`bang w"<JIe:lUns he! persona jcu'uey ~. SJus'. :egun lair-793'
`‘ a
`expel-2mm .rua Lom-dwl am) I:
`'yrleztg ’v- n
`00 e
`A". w... My“
`:Jw. an!) 'yunthr ham; ar1|rm r’nnrxmtmn, whlrh m—t nzlv
`vou MAY llKE
`m, an",
`yup-u... n... n...
`'mnz, w." n '34-.
`Alzhr‘uq" (HI-.1 hn'. wm w—r pvmunnn mqmr- NW,- :1 ”MIG-1r; hNn -dr~x m1 m
` Al .w1 m-mnunnn rvpr'h .v. w nru my“ 'n an rxrrrmnnn mmmnm an n‘ wan’Ty
`.m- aw Iarmfl hm .1
`'edurr: 'h9 we 1m murudm mm 99 pmw :1! N g...) s we Drodnrlvnn «c m m.
`rad wllh who"? '-a-;.wgnnn ;< m mnsl no . ar rnnery :c-nm mum merln- mrrala»,
`«w: ">9 v goud \CIHS16"‘33hellhemdusll,haew and [~31 "\osl ., 1'»?st are
`'na [>5-
`~ raz : rat nc-r anc. ic-v w> te wine (ha'
`a7 and Ita .an "2le a The quelltv ¥
` aw summe H.
`es< Ihv c; 3 an ch: When n rgrla .mes 51le M m (C-NC'BXH
`(cf'lpanaa'éd 1:1!th um ,uesr-"ess am n re'slu'y w" H (uuld Uri-{(ere we
`reglcw 5 def mng warmer-stuns 'Oul w-nz’i Ferd :u saves: me perswal 1', u' \mgx.
`'I-=-,Ila-reu-unuzueuu Iw:;,la‘."ell".1n.nl
`I. ."e iuluuean
`nyilhrgn "I:l!d1','
`0' {hr Na“ led unn
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 14 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 14 of 16
` ..........m.r..,..
`M. Anna.“ M u. ww ”may.“ ..-. ”mun-w :m. .4.v:,-..l...-.m.
`n Hermann
`WIDE-y Zhargs pMosophy about plck-ng only the best grapes and locusmg an a small mu
`0 mgh quallty produninn has made We lemmas of m: WInP’y Helgn (Mg-w s prudunlou
`o ls barely 60,000 bottles Delyeav. and its wws are consunuy linked among Ninglla's best.
`Zhang, who reckons her personal Journey "anus: begun 'tach yea, | am more
`. ‘We have room fat Imofovemenl as the vines gel older and we flew: gets beller.‘ says
`6 expellenced and confidem. and u nefleds on my wune‘
`a on.
` (
`vou luv mu
`- V, ,...
`3 5
`. rm- zm w" Yn mm
`Compensaled by the" fnlilinoss. IWNSS and mmurallry, Mm» caulo became me
`ml Illnll
`Although cm". rm mm: Wm: proauung vzglom. Mung... has lung um .dmlllul by
`local llll.’ mlanauun- "ppm as [M but, "links. M an exlzpllunal Lmflbil’lnllun 04 sunny
`and my lama: mg» almuac. lung nunahlnr hum-l. and low pmclpualmn, whlm slgmllcanlly
`rvducr :m- need Io! penrcldn Maura 90 pun-m nl qum-s wm' ploducllnn lmum un
`n-d. with rahwnfl uwlunm n ma mu“ poomm vanery {mum lnduoe mrrlul, mywlm
`mun-c, mm, pm: mm and. lm mm winr, rhivdonluy :nn lulun mlmq] Th.- quality
`5 SUFDnS‘V‘QN Quad wnhdmm mat the induslry is new and that must cl row vmes are
`‘05} than 70 years old What Nlngxli vanes snll u<k In (onlpqull'y and smxmre :3
`region‘s defimng channelisxics ‘Our wmes need lo ewress (he pelsonalnw of Nlngxia.‘
`says Zhang anmmdly. They haw to find the" own way rather than Inmate me European
`01 the New World ones'
`Yul pvoduung mm- m qum mu anh wllh algm'lKflnl dullrhgn. Vlnh m hurled
`rvrrv wlnlfl ln mm In: inn-d tunnel-lure: — Mich can drop to mmus 27 dealers
`an- (new,
`Muvug— rum-v-
`A um. Pm
`L " ”ll"
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 15 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 15 of 16
`“NM...“ .
`‘ ‘..\..»N4.
` .. - m“. .w
`x .lL'JthmII!
`zmmg. um rrckum. hm penum: Juumey mum begun ”Each yer. 2 am mm:
`nfws u
`wmer‘ lhargs o-Aosophy abum plum-g om)‘ xhe besl gvaoes and lrx'uimg on a small but
`h gr. quanty ploducuon has made we 'anmes of we wmery Helan WW 5 pvoducnm
`., bamly 50,000 bollle: per yam, and It: w ~25 ale Lonuanlly tanked among N:ngx.a's be“.
`we have mom Iov In‘Dlqumenl a: 1M: vlnz's get older and {M flaw: 921$ Dem-vi say)
`cxpenmrd 3nd ( unhde no u mum: on my wme'
`‘fl' 9"-
`MN Sriml‘. Nev. “Elihu! {loin
`Mm Socks
`vou MAV uu
`In. can-um
`um.“ mu Nut
`compensaxed by then 'rumness. IresMess aw nmetaluty Much Could bacon». the
`m n u
`Allhuuqh Chm hu Maven, mu: gxodunng veglom, quxv: M: long burn .dmwed by
`kxal and mmnauun; l-xpr'h M Im- but nmnkx m an rxtepllunn‘v rcmhmamn d “nay
`n-durr rho nNd for printidn Mom?! 90 pen-m nl quxln‘s mm produmnn kxum nn
`and dry («rm-r hnun album. kmq wmhlnr hnul'. and lmv pmnmmmn. whlrh mmmnny
`m-d. wnh (anew! Sawlqnm as me mosv popular may :omus Induoc menux must-Ian.
`mwbcc. S’WJL p-nol flour and, Im wMe WInE‘ (ha'uonnay and Im‘uan neslmgl hm uuallty
`r': mm"; ngly good :onsdemg mat the industry I5 mm and my most c' me mes are
`#255 than 20 years 040 What angxla wmes sull «ack In (onoemy MG stmuuve IS
`raglan 5 def mng mannerisms 'Uur w-nes need m owes me personaluly av N-ngxle‘
`says zhawg awmated‘y. ”(My have [0 mm men own way rather man unuale me Lulopeafl
`04 [hr New WDIILI Dnh '
`v-z prodnrinr‘ winr in qum wll mm" wnh «qnmm rhallron VII’IM arr bur‘cd
`f I
`m. m, m. u. um.
`Am Mum mica
`m... Iqu- m" ,. m —
`Case 1:20-cv-03909-LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 16 of 16
`Case 1:20-cv-03909—LJL Document 1-2 Filed 05/19/20 Page 16 of 16
`wuw Jun,
`Dphy 4mm: puk m3 (I'll-f 1hr Lye-J 9mm and «1. mm; nn 4 -.n-..n bul
` wmr-v ||r|.m Q “r . pllldm'u‘,‘
`0 My Mum hwmw...
`:m mmr- pr' mu .ma ..- w '1". ,m- :nmw -|-, ”mu-r1 mum; mm" as raw
`u-r'wrnl .n mr um um nldcl .mn z-«e 4mm: q Dr"r" uyv.
` new ‘r-mhm:
`:I'n 'nnrr
`axnl‘nrn'cfl anfl mnr‘dm nan n mun-r, rm my wmr
`O 7mm; wr'i ”\‘knm rm ponnna innmry a“ 1'
`¢ ev-
`:I’al Luv :5:
`you MAV UK:
`vu- our: mu um
`29- Cum-l7
`I Wanmm
`r. .. up. u. m, w... u. mu-
`..1...,,..» o
`In, H- u mm:
`*educe the need In! ueslrcvdes No.31: '11) [3-3 am a! N‘r‘rgua S n N: ’ oducl-on (cases on
`rad. Nllh “new: :amguur- .I) m nun-.1 pun-av “natty: Hal:"11.44:mullun‘fie'xcla".
`'n.- an a-- '4: av U! m:.- um}. um w" lrwmr [ha-awn», .mu n: -4l1| .ml "4;! we quahly
` 4 .ur
`5 up.” ugly 9mm :31". dr "'3 Jun mm "mm-,- .-. :Irw and um mm c' I've -.
`wmm my” . mu." :(kmh when!) .r-c mmmm z».
`u, urn Itrdl:3l||rl'll1lt PH,|YI‘\""I".\J"(1ll'Tl'fley \\
`mum lvrz' w m-
`'rqmr'xdrl -u u-aurmnm 'Oulwmn rerun: www.mrpm
`« Zth .v- mnlrlfiy 'r-.v-, haw n- mm m. -m wa',‘ mm an... mm..- x-o rumnmn
`0' "Ir hm Wmlr! :mrv‘
`LIJKIIES wan yg'rtmnl mailman. V-ne= are but ed
`Ye! p'c-duung 71-02 I” ngxa »
`mm an AIM. m m...
`1 :1 Am...“
`m n... 4mm Manna: