`No.: 1:21-cv-
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
`Plaintiff, MILTON WILLIAMS, on behalf of himself and all other
`persons similarly situated, asserts the following claims against Defendant, PLANT
`Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who requires
`screen-reading software to read website content using his computer. Plaintiff uses the
`terms “blind” or “visually-impaired” to refer to all people with visual impairments who
`meet the legal definition of blindness in that they have a visual acuity with correction of
`less than or equal to 20 x 200. Some blind people who meet their definition have limited
`vision. Others have no vision.
`In a September 25, 2018 letter to U.S. House of Representative Ted Budd,
`U.S. Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd confirmed that
`public accommodations must make the websites they own, operate, or control equally
`accessible to individuals with disabilities. Assistant Attorney General Boyd’s letter
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 2 of 29
`The Department [of Justice] first articulated its interpretation that
`the ADA applies to public accommodations’ websites over 20
`years ago. This interpretation is consistent with the ADA’s title III
`the goods, services, privileges, or activities
`provided by places of public accommodation be equally accessible
`to people with disabilities.1
`Based on a 2010 U.S. Census Bureau report, approximately 8.1 million
`people in the United States are visually-impaired, including 2.0 million who are blind,
`and according to the American Foundation for the Blind’s 2015 report, approximately
`400,000 visually-impaired persons live in the State of New York.
`Plaintiff brings his civil
`rights action against PLANT DELIGHTS
`NURSERY, INCORPORATED, (“Defendant” or “Plant Delights”) for its failure to
`design, construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible to and
`independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired people.
`Defendant’s denial of full and equal access to its website, and therefore denial of its
`products and services offered thereby,
`is a violation of Plaintiff’s rights under the
`Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).
`Because Defendant’s website,
`is not equally accessible to blind and
`“Website” or “Defendant’s website”),
`visually-impaired consumers, it violates the ADA. Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction
`to cause a change in Defendant’s corporate policies, practices, and procedures so that
`1 See Letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd, U.S. Department of
`Justice, to Congressman Ted Budd, U.S. House of Representatives (Sept. 25, 2018)
`(available at
`(last accessed July 13, 2020).
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 3 of 29
`Defendant’s website will become and remain accessible to blind and visually-impaired
`By failing to make its Website available in a manner compatible with
`computer screen reader programs, Defendant deprives blind and visually-impaired
`individuals the benefits of its online goods, content, and services—all benefits it affords
`nondisabled individuals—thereby increasing the sense of isolation and stigma among
`those persons that Title III was meant to redress.
`This discrimination is particularly acute during the current COVID-19
`global pandemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”),
`Americans living with disabilities are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19
`therefore, are recommended to shelter in place throughout the duration of the
`pandemic.2 This underscores the importance of access to online retailers, such as
`Defendant, for this especially vulnerable population.
`The COVID-19 pandemic is particularly dangerous
`for disabled
`individuals.3 The overwhelming burden on hospitals is leading to a worry that the
`emergency services will ration treatment. Disabled individuals are in fear that their
`2 See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (2019), available at
`complications.html (last accessed July 13, 2020) (“Based on currently available information and clinical
`expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at
`higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.”).
` 3
` See The New York Times, ‘It’s Hit Our Front Door’: Homes for the Disabled See a Surge of
`Covid-19 (2020), available at
`=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur (last accessed July 13, 2020) (“As of Monday, 1,100 of the 140,000
`developmentally disabled people monitored by the state had tested positive for the virus, state
`officials said. One hundred five had died — a rate far higher than in the general population”).
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 4 of 29
`diminished capacity to communicate will affect their treatment.4 Public health experts
`expect social distancing to extend through 2022, and with uncertainty surrounding
`businesses transitioning back to normal operations, the importance of accessible online
`services has been heightened. During these unprecedented times, disabled individuals
`risk losing their jobs, experiencing difficulty acquiring goods and services like health
`care, and not having the information they need to stay safe.5
`The Court has subject-matter jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C.
`§ 1331 and 42 U.S.C. § 12181, as Plaintiff’s claims arise under Title III of the ADA, 42
`U.S.C. § 12181, et seq., and 28 U.S.C. § 1332.
`The Court has supplemental jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1367 over
`Plaintiff’s New York State Human Rights Law, N.Y. Exec. Law Article 15,
`(“NYSHRL”) and New York City Human Rights Law, N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 8-101 et
`seq., (“NYCHRL”) claims.
`Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §1391(b)(1) and (2)
`because Defendant conducts and continues to conduct a substantial and significant
`amount of business in this District, Defendant is subject to personal jurisdiction in this
`District, and a substantial portion of the conduct complained of herein occurred in this
`4 See The Atlantic, Americans With Disabilities Are Terrified (2020), available at
`atment/609355/ (last accessed July 13, 2020) (explaining that disabled individuals are inherently
`more susceptible to the virus, leading to complications in hospital in which the individuals are
`unable to effectively communicate with doctors while intubated).
`5 See Slate, The Inaccessible Internet 2020, available at
`https://slate.com/technology/2020/05/disabled-digital-accessibility-pandemic.html (last accessed
`July 13, 2020).
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 5 of 29
`Defendant is subject to personal jurisdiction in this District. Defendant has
`been and is committing the acts or omissions alleged herein in the Southern District of
`New York that caused injury and violated rights the ADA prescribes to Plaintiff and to
`other blind and other visually-impaired consumers. A substantial part of the acts and
`omissions giving rise to Plaintiff’s claims occurred in this District: on several separate
`occasions, Plaintiff has been denied the full use and enjoyment of the facilities, goods,
`and services of Defendant’s Website while attempting to access the website from his
`home in New York County. These access barriers that Plaintiff encountered have caused
`a denial of Plaintiff’s full and equal access multiple times in the past, and now deter
`Plaintiff on a regular basis from visiting Defendant’s Website. This includes, Plaintiff
`attempting to obtain information about Defendant’s online retail merchandise.
`Defendant participates in New York’s economic life by clearly performing
`business over the Internet. Through its Website, Defendant entered into contracts for the
`sale of its products and services with residents of New York. These online sales contracts
`involve, and require, Defendant’s knowing and repeated transmission of computer files
`over the Internet. See Reed v. 1-800-Flowers.com, Inc., 327 F. Supp. 3d 539 (E.D.N.Y.
`2018) (exercising personal jurisdiction over forum plaintiff’s website accessibility claims
`against out-of-forum website operator); Andrews v. Blick Art Materials, LLC, 286 F.
`Supp. 3d 365 (E.D.N.Y. 2017).
`The Court is empowered to issue a declaratory judgment under 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 2201 and 2202.
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 6 of 29
`Plaintiff, MILTON WILLIAMS, at all relevant times, is a resident of New
`York, New York.
`Plaintiff is a blind, visually-impaired handicapped person and a member of
`member of a protected class of individuals under the ADA, under 42 U.S.C. §
`12102(1)-(2), and the regulations implementing the ADA set forth at 28 CFR §§ 36.101
`et seq., the NYSHRL and NYCHRL.
`was, at all relevant
`times herein, a North Carolina Domestic Corporation with its
`principal executive office located at 9241 Sauls Road, Raleigh, NC 27603. Defendant
`operates the Plant Delights online retail store as well as the Plant Delights website and
`advertises, markets, and operates in the State of New York and throughout the United
`the Plant Delights online retail store across the United States. This online retail store
`constitutes a place of public accommodation. Defendant’s Website provides consumers
`with access to an array of goods including information about purchasing plants, flowers
`and other products available online for purchase, and to ascertain information relating to
`pricing, shipping, ordering merchandise and return and privacy policies.
`Defendant’s online retail store is a place of public accommodation within
`the definition of Title III of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. § 12181(7). Defendant’s Website is a
`service, privilege, or advantage of Defendant’s online retail stores.
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 7 of 29
`The Internet has become a significant source of information, a portal, and
`a tool for conducting business, doing everyday activities such as shopping, learning,
`researching, as well as many other activities for sighted, blind and
`visually-impaired persons alike.
`In today’s tech-savvy world, blind and visually-impaired people have the
`ability to access websites using keyboards in conjunction with screen access software that
`vocalizes the visual information found on a computer screen or displays the content on a
`refreshable Braille display. This technology is known as screen-reading software.
`Screen-reading software is currently the only method a blind or visually-impaired person
`may independently utilize in order to access the internet. Unless websites are designed to
`be read by screen-reading software, blind and visually-impaired persons are unable to
`fully access websites, and the information, products, and services contained thereon.
`Blind and visually-impaired users of Windows operating system-enabled
`computers and devices have several screen reading software programs available to them.
`Some of these programs are available for purchase and other programs are available
`without the user having to purchase the program separately. Job Access With Speech,
`otherwise known as “JAWS” is currently the most popular, separately purchased and
`downloaded screen-reading software program available for a Windows computer.
`For screen-reading software to function, the information on a website must
`be capable of being rendered into text. If the website content is not capable of being
`rendered into text, the blind or visually-impaired user is unable to access the same
`content available to sighted users.
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 8 of 29
`The international website standards organization, the World Wide Web
`Consortium, known throughout the world as W3C, has published version 2.0 of the Web
`Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG 2.0”). WCAG 2.0 are well-established
`guidelines for making websites accessible to blind and visually-impaired persons. These
`guidelines are universally followed by most large business entities and government
`agencies to ensure their websites are accessible.
`Non-compliant websites pose common access barriers to blind and
`visually-impaired persons. Common barriers encountered by blind and visually-impaired
`persons include, but are not limited to, the following:
`A text equivalent for every non-text element is not provided;
`Title frames with text are not provided for identification and
`Equivalent text is not provided when using scripts;
`Forms with the same information and functionality as for sighted
`persons are not provided;
`Information about
`the meaning and structure of content is not
`conveyed by more than the visual presentation of content;
`Text cannot be resized without assistive technology up to 200%
`without losing content or functionality;
`adjust or disable it;
`If the content enforces a time limit, the user is not able to extend,
`Web pages do not have titles that describe the topic or purpose;
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 9 of 29
`The purpose of each link cannot be determined from the link text
`alone or from the link text and its programmatically determined link context;
`operation where the keyboard focus indicator is discernible;
`The default human language of each web page cannot be
`programmatically determined;
`One or more keyboard operable user interface lacks a mode of
`When a component receives focus, it may initiate a change in
`interface component may
`Changing the setting of a user
`the component;
`Labels or instructions are not provided when content requires user
`automatically cause a change of context where the user has not been advised before using
`input, which include captcha prompts that require the user to verify that he or she is not a
`In content which is implemented by using markup languages,
`elements do not have complete start and end tags, elements are not nested according to
`their specifications, elements may contain duplicate attributes and/or any IDs are not
`Inaccessible Portable Document Format (PDFs); and,
`The name and role of all User Interface elements cannot be
`programmatically determined;
`that can be set by the user cannot be
`programmatically set; and/or notification of changes to these items is not available to user
`agents, including assistive technology.
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 10 of 29
`Defendant’s Barriers on Its Website
`https://www.plantdelights.com/, to the public. The website offers features which should
`allow all consumers to access the goods and services offered by the Defendant and which
`Defendant ensures delivery of such goods throughout the United States including New
`York State. The goods and services offered by Defendant include, but are not limited to,
`the following, which allow consumers to: purchase plants, flowers and other products
`available online for purchase, and to ascertain information relating to pricing, shipping,
`ordering merchandise and return and privacy policies.
`It is, upon information and belief, Defendant’s policy and practice to deny
`Plaintiff, along with other blind or visually-impaired users, access to Defendant’s
`website, and to therefore specifically deny the goods and services that are offered
`thereby. Due to Defendant’s failure and refusal to remove access barriers to its website,
`Plaintiff and visually-impaired persons have been and are still being denied equal access
`to Defendant’s numerous goods, services and benefits offered to the public through the
`Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person, who cannot use a
`computer without
`the assistance of screen-reading software. Plaintiff is, however, a
`proficient JAWS screen-reader user and uses it to access the Internet. Plaintiff has visited
`the Website on separate occasions using the JAWS screen-reader.
`During Plaintiff’s visits to the Website, the last occurring in December,
`2020, in an attempt to purchase a product from the Defendant, the Plaintiff encountered
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 11 of 29
`multiple access barriers that denied Plaintiff a shopping experience similar to that of a
`sighted person and full and equal access to the goods and services offered to the public
`and made available to the public; and that denied Plaintiff the full enjoyment of the
`goods, and services of the Website by being unable to purchase plants, flowers and other
`products available online for purchase, and to ascertain information relating to pricing,
`shipping, ordering merchandise and return and privacy policies.
`31. While attempting to navigate the Website, Plaintiff encountered multiple
`accessibility barriers for blind or visually-impaired persons that include, but are not
`limited to, the following:
`Lack of Alternative Text (“alt-text”), or a text equivalent. Alt-text
`is an invisible code embedded beneath a graphical image on a website. Web accessibility
`requires that alt-text be coded with each picture so that screen-reading software can speak
`the alt-text where a sighted user sees pictures, which includes captcha prompts. Alt-text
`does not change the visual presentation, but instead a text box shows when the keyboard
`moves over the picture. The lack of alt-text on these graphics prevents screen readers
`from accurately vocalizing a description of the graphics. As a result, Defendant’s
`visually-impaired customers are unable to determine what is on the website, browse, or
`make any purchases;
`Empty Links That Contain No Text causing the function or
`purpose of the link to not be presented to the user. They can introduce confusion for
`keyboard and screen-reader users;
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 12 of 29
`Redundant Links where adjacent links go to the same URL address
`which results in additional navigation and repetition for keyboard and screen-reader
`users; and
`Linked Images Missing Alt-text, which causes problems if an
`image within a link contains no text and that image does not provide alt-text. A screen
`reader then has no content to present the user as to the function of the link, including
`information contained in PDFs.
`32. Many pages on the Website also contain the same title elements. This
`is a problem for the visually-impaired because the screen reader fails to distinguish
`one page from another. In order to fix this problem, Defendant must change the title
`elements for each page.
`The Website also contained a host of broken links, which is a
`hyperlink to a non-existent or empty webpage. For the visually-impaired this is
`especially paralyzing due to the inability to navigate or otherwise determine where
`one is on the website once a broken link is encountered. For example, upon coming
`across a link of interest, Plaintiff was redirected to an error page. However, the
`screen-reader failed to communicate that the link was broken. As a result, Plaintiff
`could not get back to his original search.
`Defendant Must Remove Barriers To Its Website
`to the
`inaccessibility of Defendant’s Website, blind and
`visually-impaired customers such as Plaintiff, who need screen-readers, cannot fully and
`equally use or enjoy the goods, and services Defendant offers to the public on its
`Website. The access barriers Plaintiff encountered have caused a denial of Plaintiff’s full
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 13 of 29
`and equal access in the past, and now deter Plaintiff on a regular basis from accessing the
`These access barriers on Defendant’s Website have deterred Plaintiff from
`to sighted individuals because:
`individuals do, preventing Plaintiff from using the Website to purchase items and to view
`the items.
`If the Website was equally accessible to all, Plaintiff could independently
`navigate the Website and complete a desired transaction as sighted individuals do.
`visiting Defendant’s Website and enjoying it equal
`Plaintiff was unable to use and enjoy the Website in the same manner as sighted
`Through his attempts to use the Website, Plaintiff has actual knowledge of
`the access barriers that make these services inaccessible and independently unusable by
`blind and visually-impaired persons.
`Because simple compliance with the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines would
`provide Plaintiff and other visually-impaired consumers with equal access to the Website,
`Plaintiff alleges that Defendant has engaged in acts of intentional discrimination,
`including but not limited to the following policies or practices:
`Constructing and maintaining a website that is inaccessible to
`visually-impaired individuals, including Plaintiff;
`Failure to construct and maintain a website that is not sufficiently
`intuitive so as to be equally accessible to visually-impaired individuals,
`Plaintiff; and,
`Case 1:21-cv-00858 Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 14 of 29
`Failing to take actions to correct these access barriers in the face of