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`EX. 1042-1

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`Library of Congress Catotoying-in-Publication Data
`The American heritage dictionary of the English language.
`— 3rd ed.
`ISBN 0-395-44895-6
`1. English 1anguage—Dictionaries.
`423- dc2O
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`EX. 1042-2

` ..
`siiflix u'l'
`bed "
`11 is :1 ll<‘l‘l‘l)\\'lI1f_‘, of l-‘iciich cui:i‘lii>c. "lyiiig down: a
`Biiili uCi.‘0l‘dll‘ig in the
`iiam.biiiri ad;
`sibcciticatiiins oi the biiy.-er.
`1. One that btiys grinds or sun-.
`cus-tom-er il»ii'i.v.'in~Ii'i:ii') n
`liiji'i7‘Hl(l.l Aii
`ll.1tll\."iCll'lill with v.-h-iiii niie must deal:
`rough ciixmriicr.
`(US -tom - house (l<i'i.-1 from-huiisli also cus -lumsv house
`(-taniz-) ii. Alilir. :.h., C.H. A govt-i'nini-nt:il
`ivlieic C’\iS1lllTi.‘s are cull:-uteri and 5lll.]'l$ are L'l(‘&.ilT‘L‘l for t'l'll(‘l‘lll{.l oi-
`lenviiig the i-miiitiy.
`-ized, -iz-ing, -iz-es. To
`cus-tom-ize lki'.i.~'.'tn-miz’) n.i-.
`make or alter tu inclividiial ni' pvisciiiiil spi-cifii'iitinn.s‘
`t‘a7l —i:us'Iom-i-zwtion i-1»:-.'i'sliaiii
`ll. —rusftom z’er Ti.
`l\"[:i1‘l.€ accorcling in lbi:
`cus-Iom-made |lcEis'l.niii—ni;'id'i Gil}.
`spccificaiiiins of an tI"iCl.1\"lClLi‘.ll plll'(Il1'i‘i5El'.
`\':iri:iiit of custom-
`cus-toms-house ikusftainzvliiiiis’) n.
`ClJS10l‘I'lS union ii. An iiilcrniitiiiniil association organized to
`(‘lll'l’1ll1al£' customs i'esti'iction5 on gniids exchanged between meni-
`her niitions and ti: establish a uniform tarill policy to\v‘.ii'il non-
`membcr nations
`O CU1
`1. To penetrate with a
`cut, cut-ling, cuts. —i:r.
`Sharp edge: strike a narrow opening in. 2. To separate into parts
`with or as if with a sharp-edged instruirienl: sever: ia! clntli with
`.s‘cissiJr.~i. 3. Tu sever the edges or ends of: shorten: cut mie's hair.
`4. To reap. li;.ii'\'e‘st: cut grairi. 5. Tu fell by Sfltklllg. hew. 6. To
`have in ni-w tnuth) griiw through the gums. 7. To fciri-ii or shape
`by severing or incising‘ ii doll that lL'LLS' rat from paper. 8.1:. To
`fiirin by p(‘l‘IL‘l.l'EilIlDg. probing. or digging: cut 1!. trench. b. To
`exhibit the appearance or give the iinprcssicin iii: (‘ins (I fine figuri-
`on the dance floor. 9. To separate fruni a main body, detach: cut
`a lirribfroni a tree. 10. Tu discharge from a group or number; had
`to cut three players from the team. 11. To pass through or across:
`cross: a sailboat cutting the water. 12. Games To divide (a deck
`of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shiiffle or in exposing
`a card at ranclorii. 13. To reduce the siziu extent. or diiration of;
`curtail or shorten‘ cut a payroll; cm ii budget," cut the cooking time
`in half.
`14. To lessun the sticngth of: dilute: cut tt!l1lSl€l’y with
`distilled water.
`15. To dissolve by breaking down the fat of:
`Soup cuts grease.
`I6. Tn injure the frelings of; hurt keenly. 17.
`Tu refuse to speak tu or recognize; snub. She cut me dead at the
`party. 18. To tail to attend pLLl’plJSCly2 cut 11 class.
`19. Informal.
`To cease; stop: cut the noise; cut an eiigine. 20. Sports. To strike
`(a ball) so that it spins in a rcverse direction. 21.u. To perform:
`cut at caper. b. To make out and issue: cut 21 check to Cf)lT!l'E1‘£lL‘2l
`i;-Ipensus. 22. Slang. To be able tn manage; handle successfully:
`HE coiilrlrft cut the long hours unyn-tare. 23. To strip filming (a
`movie scene). 24.a. To record a performance on (a phonograph
`record nr other medium). h. To make a recording of. 25. To edit
`(film 0|‘ reciJi'ding tape). —intr.
`I. To make an incision or a sep-
`aratiun: Cut along the dotted line. 2. To allow incisinn or sov-
`ering. Butter cuts easily. 3. To function as a Sl1El'|’J-E(‘lgedlI'lSll‘|l-
`4. To grow thi-uiigh the gums. Used of teeth.
`5. To
`penetrate iniuriously. 6. Ta change clireciion abruptly: Cut tn the
`left at the next intersectioii. 7. To go directly and alien hastily:
`cut across Ll field. 8. Gl'llllE’.'\‘. To divide a pack oi cards into two
`parts, especially in mdcr to make a chance decision or selection.
`9. To make an abrupt change of iinage or sound, as in filming: cut
`from one shot to another. -—i:ut 11. 1. The act Lil cutting 2. The
`result oi cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp
`edge. 3. A part that has bi-i-n cut lrciin a main body‘. (1 cut of beef;
`ri cut of irlntli.
`1!. A passage made by digging or probing. 5. The
`Elimlr.ial.10l'1 or removal of a piIl'TZ ci cut in ll .Spi3(’I’.'l1. 6. A reduc-
`tinn: ri cut in si;ili:ii'y, 7. The style in which a garment 13 cut: a suit
`of trndirimial cut. 8. In[m' A portion of profits or i>:.irnings: a
`share. 9. A wounding remark; an l|".lS\Ill.. 10. An unexcused ab-
`sence, as from scl-iiiiil or a class
`11. A step in ii scale nf value ur
`quality‘. dEgl'L‘L'7 n cit:
`I‘ll)(Jt‘£‘ the Lll‘e¥‘rl_(lt!
`12. Priiitivig. n. An
`engraved bliick or pliild’. b. A print made from siich a block.
`Sports. A ::ti-ukc that causes a ball to spin in a reverse dire:-ii‘nn.
`14. Baseball. A swing of a bat. 15. Games. Tlltl act of dividing a
`iiizrl-c of carrls into two parts. as heliirii rivaling. Ha. (liic til the
`objects ii.~:«=cl in drawing lots
`17. An i.ilJl'\.ipLCl1(tl'lgi.‘ of iinzipu iir
`souiiil. as between slants in ii film. 18. A l’Yl[!Vl€
`ill a 11WE‘l'l stage
`in its (‘(l:liI‘ig‘llp}ll'Ul‘i”Cl1lll’I1'R('ll.L‘li[fUl' dis-triliiiiinri. 19. A single
`5('lEClli:!l of riiusic fiuiii ii 1’t?L‘fllTlll1g, c.~'pi'L‘i:.ill_v ii
`lll'i(Bllt)_.'.._’l'E,ipl1 re-
`L‘t1l‘Llll’lg. —phrasai' verbs. cut back. 1. Tu shorten by cutting.
`prune. 2. To l‘[.’(l\lL‘l’_' 0| (l(:i:r(-_-asu: rut biirli‘ pmcliicitinii. tul down.
`1. To kill UL‘
`.<ll'll-(E down. 2. To alter by removing extra nr ad-
`ditional fittings‘ ci-it duimi
`ci car for Tl1t'!'l11g.
`3. Tu reduce the
`amciiint taken or used‘ cutting down on OflP'SiT1fal€l’ of rich funds.
`cut in.
`1. To nievc into a line l1l|3EO}Z'lt‘ or things out of tiii-ii. 2.
`To inlcrrupt‘ During Ilir dcbiite my nppaiiciir kept‘ cutting in
`To inte-i'1'iipt El danciiii; couple in (}I'(l[‘T to dance with one of them.
`4. Tu connect or l)&‘CI)l"|'|L‘ cnnnectecl into an t-.lecti'ical circuit
`Tu mix in with or as ll with cutting rriutiiins: l'll(’(lSl£TE‘ out the flntir
`min’ USP ii pair of kr.-ii-es m cut the short:-riiiig iii. 6. To l.l'l(’ll1dC,
`(‘specially among thus!‘ profiling cut DH.
`1. Tu separate lriim
`others: isolate. 2. To stop suclriciily;
`iscuritiiiuc. 3. Tu shut off.
`bar. 4. To interrupt the course or pa.siige of: The infielder cut off
`the tli T011‘ to the iilutc. 5. Tu interriipl oi‘ break the linr- of cum-
`municatinn of: 'l"lu= tcleplioric opcrritiir cut as iif_.l'. 6. To disinher-
`it: cut their hi=iJ's tiff iirirliiiiit [1 rent. cut out. 1. T0 I'Cl't'iI’)\.'i-.‘ by iii‘
`as if by cutting. 2. Tu form or shape by or as if by cutting. 3. Tu
`take the place of; supplant. 4. To suit or fit by l"lil1l.ll'C' I'm nut cut
`to be a hero
`5. To assign beforehand or by necessity; pre—
`1. A innit fish (.Eli"0\'il}-C
`_ pl. cusk U1‘ cusks.
`cusk ii.-i‘~.;i',;i
`lll‘(1.\JIlPl of Nurth Alliinlii: coastal \Vati~i‘,~: that is related to the curl.
`2. Sec burbol.
`[Pi-uhalnly altemiinii ul iiisk. a kind nf cmlfish,
`perhaps frnni
`.\'ni'\\'i=gi:iii diiilecial
`\.iai'i;iiit of l\'0i‘\i'cgiaii
`;(1r_5-L gm;-_ fl-um old Niiisc rliiirsl.-r Slit’ Iers— in .-’i.ppcnrlix|
`cusk eel
`.-‘my iii sci\‘ri':il l2Uttuiri—i‘l\\'ellmg. 1'-i:lllliI'. C|iir‘fl_\ mu»
`l‘lhI’ tislies of the faiiiily tlpliidiidrlc.
`2. zlriiitoiiiy u. A
`CUSP ll-tiispl
`1. A p:.)l.l‘.[ or piiiiiteri eiirl
`p-iiii:r'-tl i.ii' ii’-iiiirliil pi'i:ic«'tiiiii mi the t'll\'\\']l‘lg surface of a tcmtli
`b. A tii-.iiii_-;iil.ii‘ fiild mi flap iii a l‘-L’.ll"l
`\"ill.\.'L‘. 3.
`l\'ilil£ll£’lTi(li'lt’.5' A
`point at wiiii-h a ciii'\'c ci usses itself anti at \A'l1LL‘l1l.l'lE two t.‘ll'1gt‘l‘ll:'
`to the CHITL’ cuiiiciilr. 4. Ari-lu'ter.‘izi'.'. The point of 'l|'llL'l‘.\‘ECl.iUl'l
`of him) urnaiiiciiinl arcs ur L'tl1'\IL'5. siicli as the I'f1|'tL‘l' points of a
`."l:~'El'(HlUHly. Either pniiii «ii a cresceiit moon. 6. A
`ti'ansitinrial point Ul‘ time. as between two EiStl‘0lDgiC(3l. signs.
`{Latin ciispis, point ]
`cus-pale (li-iCls’'| ulsiicus-pal-ad [—pai’tltl.) ml}. 1. Haviilg
`a cusp. 2. Shiiped like a cusp.
`[From Latin cuspis,
`cus-pid (kusfpidl
`vi. Sec canine (sense 2)
`cuspid-, puintl
`cus-pi-date (ki'i5’pl-daT.’] also nus-pi-dial-ed I-da'tlcll adj.
`1. Having a cusp. 2. Bialugy. Tc-rminatiiig in or tipped with zi
`sharp. firm paint: ri cuspidilri.’ leaf iipc.r.
`[Latin cuspidtitiis, past
`participle oi cii.sp[drii'e,
`to make pciiiitcd. friirii Cuspis. riispid-,
`point |
`cus-pi-cla-tion (}:t'tS'pl-Clé'Sl'ian)
`iiun with cusps.
`cus-pi-dor iiui.-.rpi-am-r. -iie.i'i n. A spittmm
`(rum Cltspllfl to spit. from Latin cdnspiwrc.
`tci spit iarpoii
`intensive prizfl; sec COM» + spucre,
`to spit]
`cuss [lius) lnfui-riml. imr. & tT.t‘. cussed, cuss-Eng, cuss-as.
`curse nr curse at. —:uss n. 1. A curse. 2. An ucld nr perverse
`[Alteration of CURSE]
`1. Perversc: stubborn
`cuss-ed (lvtI'1:i’id) adj.
`Cursed. —cuss'ad-ly-ailr. —cuss|'ed-ness n.
`cus-turd (l-iI.”is'l.)i'd)
`ri. A dish consisting of milk, eggs, flavor-
`ing, and sometimes sugar, boiled or baked uiitii set.
`[Middle Eng-
`lish crustcidi-, custard. a pie with a crust. probably from Old Pru-
`vencal crui.-stado. See Cli0US'l‘Ai.)l:l.] —i:usftard-y adj.
`custard apple 71.
`1. Any uf several tropical American trees of
`the genus Annmm, especially A. reticulum, having large, nearly
`heart-shaped 0Cl'll3lE3 fruits with white to yelliiwish flash. 2. The
`fruit Ul any of these trees Also called biil,liJck's heart.
`[So called
`because its pulp resembles oustai'd.1
`Cus-ter ikusltari. George Armstrong. l839~lil’i6. American
`soldier. A brigadicr gcneial at age 23, he was killed and his trunps
`annihilated by Siuux and Cheyenne warriors led by Sitting Bull
`and Crazy HUTSE at Little Bighorn
`1. Of nrrclating to the work
`ikiii-st6'cl‘c'--al) adj.
`of guarding or maintaining:
`the ciistodial duties of (1 security
`2.u. Having custody, especially of a Child‘. "children
`iuhcse custodial parent has rcmu rricd" (American Demographics).
`b. Of or relating to child custody. ctuitndial households. 3.
`Marked by care and supervision rather than efforts to cure; cus-
`todial xrecirnieiir of tcrriiiiia! patients.
`1. Orin that; has cliiii-ge of
`cus-Io-di-an (ki‘i—stc'iFdé-an)
`snmetliing. a caretaker; the custodimt ofa minor child‘s estate; the
`custodian of an absimree landlord's property.
`2. A janitor:
`iriirkud niiiliis as cusi'.im'ian of (I high school. —cus-lo’di-an-
`ship’ ii.
`1. The act or right of
`cus-to-dy (kusrto-dc] n.,
`guarding. especially such a right griinted by a court. an adult who
`u‘[.I.$‘ given cuslciily of the child. 2. Care. supcrvisioii, and control
`exerted by one in <:hai-go Sen Synoriyms at (are. 3. The state of
`being detzitiicd or ll('lfl under guard, especially by the police: foul.‘
`the rrihlm-ii $tlSpf‘(‘! into ciistody.
`[Middle Englisli custndie, from
`Latin ('l.lSlU(Iit‘l, from ciisiiis.
`i.isrni1~, gii.ircl.]
`1. A pi':ictii'c full<'ii.i.'ed by people of a
`§li}l”llLL'|l-'iI'g'.1l‘F)t.lp Flt‘ l‘«"gllil:
`2. A lialiiluiil ].)1'-'Il‘llt'{' of a pcrsun TPl_l]
`ciisrrini at rt-riding ll. lirrlc hepare .‘:‘li‘t‘,L‘ Sat‘ S_i'nniiiyi'ns at hubll. 3.
`Lllui. A (IlIl‘i‘iJllt)l‘l ii-ailiiiuii U1‘ Lisagi: SU lung cstablisliccl that it lit».
`the [iJi‘ci- oi‘ inilidity uf l.iw 4.0.
`lliibliuzil p1lll”Dll.'.l§,{£’, as (if a
`b. llnhiiiial custiiniors: patmns. 5. customs. (iismi
`sing. i-erlil. u. A duty iii" tax imposed on lll‘ip0l'lt‘fl and, less mm-
`l‘£‘i<.ll'll_\-', EXpnl‘ll‘(l goods
`b. The goveriiriierital agency aiithorized
`to ciillect ll‘i(:'Si: diitics
`C. The pi‘oi'er.lui'i- for inspecting gnmls Lind
`baggage i-nu-ring, a cuuritry
`6. T'I'1l)lllt‘. SE.'l"\'lL'(.'. or rent paid by a
`feudal tenant in a
`lord. —:ustom ciclj
`1. Mario tn 01‘Cl9t‘. 2.
`‘Specializiiig in the inul-ting rir selling iii
`l'naClL‘~I(l-l‘iI'(l|.‘1‘ grinds:
`custom iriilur.
`lltli dlu English ciisriimc, from Old French (‘(1.54
`limit. from Latin rr'ni.iiiéti'iclr3. C./iii.
`étfiriiri-, fiiim rfiiisiii5ri.i.s‘. past
`p‘.Jl"llt‘lpl[‘ Elf
`(‘llli.\‘T-l(:.S‘(.'l‘l'(', tn ncc
`Inm cr>m—. iiitcnsii-e pret.: soc
`[(1 l'lt_'Ci’)DlL' ac Ll:li3lil€El:
`sue s[w]e- in Appelia
`Subject to tariffs:
`cos-tom-ca-ble (liiiis’t.3~in.i-ball my
`timialzle imports.
`I. Commonly przicticed.
`cus-torn-cir-y (kits-’la~mET'('l {id}.
`used, U1’ encountered; usual. See S_‘,'1"l(lll_\.'|T1S at usual. 2. Based on
`Custom nr tradition rather than written law or cuntract. —-cus'-
`tum-urii-ly (—in-.'ir's-lei ucli:
`-—cus'fom-ur'i-ness TL
`George Armstrong
`Photographed by
`Mathew Brady
` —
`5: put
`01 buy
`5 pay
`mi out
`iii‘ cure
`(T0 Limk
`a father
`0?) boot
`E put
`it cut
`E bi:
`i‘.ir urge
`1 pit
`lh thin
`i pic
`Hi this
`ll‘ pier
`hw which
`0 put
`zh Vlslun
`6 ice
`a about, item
`6 pair
`0 regionalism
`Sm.-ss Iriai-ks:
`' [primary];
`’ (st-cnndary), as in
`dictionary ldlklsha-néi"é)
`EX. 1042-3

`- M rt/‘>m'.‘. in urlle. set‘ skribh- 111
`Sui! . :ul)-
`1--'*'‘l1 Mi‘-*'\"'lil¢'i'i‘
`.»\ppw11:,l!\,] —sub'scri|-Her H‘
`,_q11;l;1t‘.;_- vim: an icr 111'
`A l1,«
`\\r1!lv11 d1i'el‘tl_\' ll«*nt‘.1llt
`I-1’ mx ! In mi slrL§l1'lx'
`l‘-uluw '.1 lt-tlvr
`111‘ 11I|ml;n 4-subscript
`n l.
`.-crzpzm, pri::t
`[JEll"ll\‘i|«iL‘ Hf
`.~~\:'l‘«‘11w I
`sub-scrip-lion 1.1.91».
`l nirlr-1
`..t_ x‘...
`..l-.....1-..»..1 1.
`.*.u rpl.1'u-
`.»'t-. :05 l-I ptri .;z1'.d1n’;,.
`-if .'a)lt\‘l:-.- all
`f.11ll1, £i|‘InHl'l:lihi(‘li
`in tin .~1,'1m1;; ml 011.:
`‘.~ 11..1:11e
`3.n. 'l'ltr= :';tI\'i'1u ml tttulteg. {mitt .~:a1!_:':.-lulu;
`I). A Slilsl
`an 1.:i.~‘x:tl
`line .\11_‘l111\;,-' ml
`:!I‘.'.‘ .-: n.‘1t*.1:-
`in 3 dut-11111-‘rat
`S.~r1'.«-il:.1*.L1 .s'11l1sc'til‘.c-Ll
`[:1 {lull
`fL‘\)II‘. Latin 5:.
`t‘-n'm—. Sl.:ll'tt'--
`ll'|1I)g\\‘1'1ill'|‘l tttniu-1111-.'.Il1. ft min E«‘l:lI.\t‘l'l'p[1'ls, p11:-:1 p.-.11'11L-1pll- of {Hill-
`.-:nl):~c1'1lw .‘_‘>L-:1
`.<|'t'.SL'tlIh§..j —suh-scripflive ml}.
`—:ub-scripftive-Iy mix-.
`‘I. Snntethntg
`sub-sa-quence [.-=1'1b'sl-kavfi11e', —kw.tnsl
`that is :illi.).':t.‘(J_llBI1l} :1 sequel. 2.
`’i‘i1<= Lu 1 ur quality f!il1(‘l|)|.I5Lll1~
`.Warl1:‘n1l:.‘t1‘.\' A sequc-nrrie that Is rnn—
`tamed in another sequt~:1c'
`I-‘nil-twing in tinn-
`sub-se-quem (sink)-'51-kn.'fint’, —kwrant) adj.
`nr nrder, mrceetltrtg.
`ll\‘ijf'illlL' EI1[_._{iiSl‘.,
`from Old Frvnelt. from
`Latin sub.ieqm"11s,
`\'ul>.:equrnr—. pr wnt parlnliplv of swim-qui.
`mllow cl1::ie after : Sllih, rln.-;e after‘: we .~_'.1'11— -1
`SULIITF, tn full-tug
`see sak"-‘ in Appt:11vl:x.]
`-—subIse-quenl'|y a.(l1-.
`15 nf L‘cult1g-
`SUIZPSEFE [:='t‘1l'1l:;i1'-") n
`Etsuluggf. A sccu11(i.—11‘_y 5
`teal Cummllmties bcgit-tntng alter .\_'ll(‘(‘L‘S:uWI'l has been 1nLvrruptI-rl
`by fire. grazing. agrimiture, nr uttnthnr rlest1‘L|Ci.1uL‘ agent.
`sub-serve (sal)—s1"u'vfl rm.
`-served,-serv-ing. «serves. Tu
`Serve in promote (an end), be useful In.
`[Latm .mbsu1-:'tt'e : sub-,
`sub— + serzliro, to serve; see 5!-‘ll\’F.]
`1. Sul.m|'dir|:.lI0 in ca-
`sub-ser-vi-em [sab—st'1r'vé-ant.) mi].
`pacity U1 fnnvt1un. 2. Ol’)SE'qLlt[Il1.-1,.SE!‘\a'1l£‘. 3. Useful as a means
`or an ll'l5t1'll.!'flEl:ll; serving 1:1 prmnute an end.
`[Latin suhsr'rt1ir‘71s,
`subservient-, present participle of subserfire,
`tn subsvrve See
`-—sub-sevvi-ems, sub-serlvi-en-cy :1, —sub-
`sarlvi-anl-iy adv.
`SUb'Sh8“ lsf1bfsl1él')
`shell of an atnm.
`1. An herb having it woody lower
`sub-shrub (sfibfshmlnl) rt.
`stem 2. A low :.'l1rul1; an undersltrltb.
`1. To
`sub-side lsah—sicl') mm.
`-sid-ed, -std-ing, -sides.
`sink to a luwer111'n-:1'1n.'1l level. 2.
`'1‘r9::u1l: nr settlt: clown, as mm
`a sofa. 3. Tu sink to the bultom, as .1 sedantt-nt, 4. To l)El'DlIl(‘
`less agitated ur zn-Em-; abate. See Synonynts at decrease.
`:~'ul1.tir1r1-v 1
`sul1—, subm 1 sfriara,
`tn settle, see sed- in Appondix.]
`—sub-sifdence (mil:-sidfns sfibfsi-dns) 1-1.
`SUb'Sid'i'0I"Y (sab-slcl-Ve
`K‘) cuij.
`1. Sewing tn assist or
`supplmnenl; uu.\'1l1u1y 2. Surrtttrlary 11-1 impurtunre; sulm1‘tl1n.‘11e\
`3. Of, relating‘ to, 01‘ of the nature m’ a suL1.-ndy. --subsidiary 71.,
`pl. -ur-ias.
`I. one that 1.~: subsidraty t11:Inuthet'. 2. Asltbsidiary
`3. Muaic. A [lit-.‘F|'l€
`suburmnate to a mum theme ur
`ILHMII Si1‘ll.\‘l(illll'll1J.'J from _<mb:,-z'd1um._. suppurL Sm: swa-
`SIl\Y.] —sub-sid'i-a:-Ii-ly (-.‘§rla-1(3) adv,
`iCl|'Y C6"
`11. A plant epinlunlal cell that is assnctatrd
`with guard cells and differs n1nrpl1r:it1t{1r-ally {mm lnln--1‘ 1-p1cler1n.'1l
`Cells. Also [‘rlllL‘C.l
`ll(‘('l"i.*!(ll'_l/ evil.
`subsidiary company :1. A :>u1n|Jamy liuvmg mnre than lmlf
`oi ‘L15 strsclc ownul by anutlmr t:r1mp.'m_v.
`sub-si-dize (sL‘1hI.=i—d1z') Mar
`«fixed, -dix-ing, -dix.-es.
`Tu 35515? or suppurt with 21 sulxstdy
`1. Tu 3l'L'Ln‘€
`n£l»_yt;1':n1l111g a SUl’JSiCl_\‘. —sub'si-di-zaftiun (—di—'
`lshan) n.
`—5ubf5i-diz'ar 11
`sub-si-dy tsttbfsirdé) 7.1. pl. -dies.
`.ted by 2: gm‘:-1'1'.111ent
`:1 pr-t'>:u11 or g1':.11p in supp:-t‘l uf an
`1T.J".- 1-
`.‘.tsl1I‘it1y_1I1ll1E)‘ him miert-1.t SP0 5 'nrn1_\'nt:.
`l1l bonus. 2.
`l=‘m:111ri:1l 5
`‘ mm: pivwn by
`11.: pv1'.\m1 1.>1'2n\=—
`in ‘.111.-1:.-,=1
`.1-1 t_y rpmu-1 Ly §—_'1Eimw:l
`[am unrisl.
` in [".11i1.
`l\ 1°;‘mr Lu!
`: M411.
`in-h‘.1’.Ll, L1§.‘l't<'rtlllZ
`-sisred, —sist-ing,
`suds. —i'rz!r. La.
`in l'.*€}aiI—-tnL.'. 5:1
`.111;_vm:~ at be. 2. Tu 111;r:11i.t1n lm-;
`.wlms.'m.lmzL1r1:-1 nzcrtl a
`day 3- '1‘-« bu l1'J3Z‘=Im-lly‘ (‘I'l|‘1|‘(‘l\’L\i!lP. — £1.
`'11: maint;.1in 01' .<uppu1'L
`\\'itl1 [J11-x l.1'lUl].\
`1.‘. mtppnrt
`; sub; 51:!» t 52'-
`tn .<.‘t.mrl, sen st('z- 111 Appes:
`x} —~5ul.a-sis!-Fer 11,
`5Ub'5i5'1el1C9 !<:;l3—\t.~;Ir-fins!
`I The wt (:1 :~' Hf .\\.li'I
`Il‘l;!. 2. A 111--11115 of
`l'li‘lH 1=<]',¢<
`lv n1.aar1sha1‘:-l_\.= .<uff1t‘ie11t
`ll) m;.11‘.l."'1:
`l1l--. Sen .1 mm’
`:11 livelihood. 3. Ss:11t1etl‘.1:1;_g that
`has real or
`I‘.\; _~;te11x-e
`4. Tlattvloygr. 1-]_vpn:;t.,.,
`-sub-sis-Went: U.
`ii1_\ or m‘
`lrsrl of math ltencatla [ht
`tup.»:1‘.i.. — subsoil ft‘ 1‘
`-soiled, —sail~ing, -sails.
`'I»» plan:
`turn up the snhsz l of ——-subfst-.iI'er n
`5Uh'50'k3|" (an
`ll-41‘) mi}.
`.H1lu:,1tt—,('1 r_i|1'n,-ti_\ bcnuulli Im-
`l..m'.‘uled hv;l\reen tlw 1.: npn
`SUI-'|‘50fl'iC (ml)-Sfinlikt ad;
`1. Of less than dLiEillJlL: fl":-quun»
`2. Ha\"
`.spe1:d ll'.*~.‘1 than that of s:nuuI,l H1 3 (l(5§il-{[‘;Hl£‘[l
`A set rumamed within a .-set,
`11. One nr l1"|lIl‘P nrb1t::l.~; U1 the electron
`suhsp. Hill)!
`-ized, -iz-ing,
`run 1'
`sub-spe-cictl-ize (.1:l1’.1-a-.—‘af.1—ltg']
`41-85. T0 h£':\'I'
`|1t11'.s:1«= ..
`.~'.ai\.-1111: vmilx
`.uu'ym_1r. —Sub-spelriqf-isl
`_l1f.u lies)
`:1 —sub~
`spe’cic1|-i-zullion I-apuelu’.1—l.—1_’»l1.I11]
`-ties. A 11.111’:-\-.
`sub-spe-rial-fy l.~.L1l1',apv—.h’;+!-In'1
`I°:rld:>i.s'1ti1l_\-‘ E>l‘\\'l!l'l\ \«'Etl11Ii it ~1:(:‘(‘}.|ll_‘-'.
`:..~}>(-1i1;1.'11<' Ailxnml-ill’
`gm subspecies. A
`sub-spe-cies «.-r:n'.~;:-'>'-=l.n.« -awn :1,
`1..n ._“.t1z<x:.11.n.11.< >11: -at w
`l1.:z.~ul nn gr
`Z.~ll'!l‘Ll?.-vl‘, ——sub’spe-cifiic
`2. 5...:,1-11111:
`SUb‘SifigB (sill
`J! Tin: {-511 H!
`Iuw lht,‘ s1.1;gc,- on \\‘ll1I‘i|
`:aIt;1c*humr1l.<mc> held 111 place.
`5Ub‘£1Dl1C8 lallillalflllfii H, La.
`hut wltich h.q_~. mug, am] ..(-_
`:~|7ilk‘l". nmttrr. b. A nmte ml 11f:.p‘.1rl1x'ul‘.nI' km-l mt enn
`sitmtinn. 2.c|. l-“.s;:e11t1z1lnmure:e encv
`b. (}ls1;|1(=.n-t_ 3, Tmn
`wlmh 1:; solid and pI‘aLYlCa1l in character, quality. or l]'T]})0l'1a!iCL“
`:1 plan uithmtl .\‘ulJs1‘u71('P, 4.
`l1r1u_i_v: Air lids‘ lzrrly sun.
`smrtcc. 5.
`[.)0.‘i$E‘S:iiDl1S‘, gunclx; wealth: (I permn of sub-
`[Middle Englmh. f
`um Old Fronclt. from Latin .‘r'l£iJ5‘lI171Crtl.
`frmn subsrclrlx. sulastunt-, p:
`"em participle n-1‘sub.rfflr.=,
`l0_l')t" pr:~~
`‘ sub-, suh~ .* swim, to stand; 599 sIfi- in Appr*mii.\;.]
`SYNONYMS: sululrrnn-, burclmt. core, gist, pull, purport. Thl‘
`eemt.-I mr-nnmg ,~:l-1-ared b_\_
`lheae nuuns is “the usscnt-.31 import nr
`s1g!1‘:f1ca1I1t'eUlsnttwiltiizg spnktsn or wrnteli“: the ;\'i,Ll’I.\‘ll!'lL‘l‘ uflmr
`the i)ili‘Ei(‘J'l {if the Prt?sia'Eur‘s sjwcrh,‘ tlu’ rm‘? nf nu
`:Irtit'Ie'.‘ the gin‘.(1frl1.>pm£errtl‘m"Stlrglnuettt‘;tilt‘ pit}: (mil nmrrutr
`nfmr essay.‘ the })l{l‘_lJ{7l"l af :2 doeutnertt.
`substance abuse rt, Excessive use of addl(‘[:l\‘|-.‘ SLlbSlkIn<‘PS.
`especially ulnnlml and n‘.1rmm' drugs. Also called ('hen1i('ul' ghast-
`—-substance abuser 1:,
`substance P 11. A Si'l0l‘1-Cl‘l.'.ii1'I polypeptide that functions as a
`ncttmtrantsmitlel‘ espevially in thv imn.\'r:1iss:lt':n of pain impulses
`from peripheral rpceptnrs to the central nervous system.
`sub-stun-dctrd (sfth-sténldard) adj.
`I. Failing to meet u
`s1ar1dard; below startdard. 1. Lirzg-uis:t‘c5_
`ct. 0:‘, relating tu_ or
`indicating a pattern of linguistic usage that dues nut mnfonn lu
`that of the prestige gmup in :1 speech community or to that af the
`standard lang,Ltage. b. Nut 11: accord with notions of guud Eng-
`lish; nonstandard. Sec Usage Note at nonstandard.
`sub-stun-Ii-a ge-lat-i-no-su [sab-st5nfshé—a )a—l:§t‘n—
`6'59) 71. A narrow, clcn.~;t:. vertical band uf gclatmous gray matter
`ftIl'm1l‘lg the :11
`11 part of the plus:
`column of the spinal uurcl
`and servmg to integrate the sensory . muh that give new In the
`sensatiuns nf hnat and pam [New Latin sttbstunria ge'Iarinc’:.=m :
`Latin stlhstattfin, substurten + New L.'Ji.1l'l g(.'lflfl1llJ.5‘lJ.'S, gt-lahnn .1]
`sub-stun-tiul (gab-stanlshall adj.
`I. 01'. rel:1iingtu,urh:.1v1ng
`substance; material. 2. True or real; not imaginary. 3. Snliclly
`built; slrnng. 4. Ample, suslatnrng: a srzlwsmntml bre:t}t‘fc:.\'l, 5.
`Cnnsiderablr: in importance, value. dr-zgree, :Imn1mt.or extent: won
`by El substantial margin.
`fi. P11.-tsussing wealth or property; well-
`to—du —subsranlin| n
`‘I. An ossentml. Often‘: used in the plural.
`2. A solid thmg. Often used in the plural.
`|M1ddle English rub-
`smvirlf--l. from Old FrL'nL'h substantial. from Latin snh.s'tunti:1’lis.
`fmm .wbstrm1z'u, sulratanee. See s1=11sT.aNCE.]
`nlli-Iy (—.ul1f'>—:tlFI—té), sub-stanltiul-ness
`-sub-stnnlliul-ly (l(il‘.
`subsfctnticl ni-gra (nifgra. niglra} n. A layer‘ of Iargv. pig-
`mented nprvv cells m the mcrserntcphalon that produce- (‘l[)[JaI1lil’l£'f
`and wh«1.<r— {ll':iilL1(flil)D as nsu utalecl with P'un'l-c1nsnr1'_~: Lll5EEl$(-
`|Nr-w Latin : Latin Slll)_\‘I:'!Tl!ltl, Sl/ll)5lL1nL'\f
`l..'.tt‘tn nl_:;r':z, feminine
`of H1992’, bl-sn‘k.]
`-at-ad, -at-ing,
`sub-Stan-ti-ate (:::1l')A.~;'l€t11".sl1(5.-iii’)
`1. To .<u1ppurt with pron.‘ or et1(‘iL'enL1-. verify: sr1l1.VIl17liiI1ll'
`an ar'r*u:~'arzrm Sm‘ S_vnnnyn1s at confirm. 2.n. Tu gtvenmtt-1-ml
`b. Tn In;
`;c- firm ur sulid. 3. 'l‘c>g1ve sul1st:mrv
`ta: niuko I'u.‘z1l or mzlual
`[I»'e\\' Latin .s‘ul1.s*r:1ntzdr.-,
`tram mutt auh.-.murm. ml::.~.1.1nc::-.
`v >:111.s-1‘,\:<\a:j —suh-
`slnnwivuftinrt n
`l.-Malt ml}. G:'u1rmLm' Oi
`l\‘t ~suh’s1an<tiNul-Iy llfil.
`5Ub'5iGn-HVB {sI’|l1's1.111 itv) mt}. Altbr. 5., 5b., suhsi.
`Snzlmtantial, cu1t.<‘.1Ller".Il1lt-
`in uxtstenrc r11 fum-
`iinn; nut S|Ii‘1I1l‘{iil};-lit
`3. Nut iltlagittaly; actual; real. 4. 01'
`TPiLt|llL[.’ tn the esrsvxnre ur huh. utxrm essenti:
`. 5‘lJl3SI(1'IlFlUP infor-
`1-narum, 5. Halvmg a rmlul l1
`firm. 6. (Era-vmmr. I-“.1<pressin;1
`(it".~.Lg.{i1'.tl1t1g.4 [‘Xi.<lE|:l\'e, for e,.:m1plo, lhn \«'e1'l'1 tn be. 7. Grant-
`mm llestgnaring :3 nmm s-1‘ mum equi\.'alL'nl. --substantive 11
`Klhbr s. 5b., subst.
`l'7rnmmm- A \I.(-rd or grnup nf worr'ls funru
`a noun.
`clvpvndvltl, [mm (lid French‘ 511|J:.t;11ttlve
`fmin Lute I.t1l1n sub-
`frnm I...-tzn rul1.-nnrrm, mhsinlzcn. Soc 1.=I'b.<“.‘.\\I«_‘t']
`—su|}'sIurI-tive-Iy lldi’ —sub'sicm-titre-nes: n.
`substantive right
`:1. A inusia 111,-ltI,:uLi1 .1:.l11't: or i1l»=rt 1,1. an-11
`as cnnst1t11t1r1g part nf the carrier‘ nf sncaety and (‘OY151CiEl‘l'
`pr-ndutt of anti nnl =.\1':)n;(l11‘.atc in the bad of hl1:nz1n i‘..=.\'
`(w.'1b1:t.'i’.~;l.en) n. A 51.1
`1a1_v or hranrh stu-
`tron. as of a post office or an clvctric uultty
`sub-stit-u-en! (.~:nl1—.-xt1'rl.lrTn-.;nt)
`71. An alnm. :1 r.'.rln‘;.I. 01' a
`group stlbnitutned for r.nnll1e1'
`in ii chetnical cmttpmlnd
`:7 put
`:1 pay
`fir run-
`a lutl1ur
`117: boul
`4'‘ pet
`e be
`L11‘ urge
`th llnn
`1’ pit
`1 Pin‘
`hv; \\‘h1cl'1
`ll pier
`zh vtsirm
`(1 pm1'1 toe
`4 al:.: 1!. Item.
`t’: paw
`0 1'(—1E{:u1ull,-am,
`(s<‘curmia1w_-‘l. as in
`Iiictinmnry iiillilslt.)-1t£—1"eI
`EX. 1042-4

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