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`instrument flying • integrationist
`tion, measurement, or control) 3 : instruments for a particular pur(cid:173)
`pose: also : a selection or arrangen\<!nt of instruments
`instrument flying 11 (1928) : navigation of an airplane by instruments
`i~~fiument landing n ( 1938) :a landing made with limited visibility by
`means of instrun1ents and by ground radio direction
`instrument panel n ( 1922) : a panel on which instruments are mounted:
`esp : DASHBOARD 2
`in.sub·or·di.nate \,in(t)-s;,-'bor-d'n-;:~t. -'b6rd-n;:>t\ adj (ca. 1828) : dis(cid:173)
`obedient to authority-- insubordinate n -
`in.suh·or.di.nate·ly adv
`in·sub.or·di·na•tion \-,b6r-d•n-'a-sh;:>n\"
`in·snb·stan•tial \ 1in(t}-s>b-'stan(t)-shgl\ adj [prob. fr. F insubstantiel. fr.
`LL insubstantialis, fr. L in· + LL substantia/is substantial] (1607) : not
`:Substantiat: as a : lacking substance or material nature b : lacking
`firmness or soliditv : FLIMSY -
`in·suJ>.stan-ti·al·i·ty \-,stan(t)·she-'a-

`in· \(,)in-'s>-f(:l·)r;:>-b:>l\ ac(j (15c): not to be endured : P.<·
`TOLERABLE (an~ bore)- in·suf.fer-able-ness n - in-suf·fer·ahly
`\-ble\ adv
`in·sUf·Ii· \,in(t)·s:r'!i·sh:ln(t)·se\ n. pi -cies (1526) l: the quali(cid:173)
`ty or state of being insufficient: as a : lack of mental or moral fitness
`: fNCOoiPETENCE (the ~ of this person for public office> b : lack of
`adequate sUpply <~of provisions) c : lack of physical power orca(cid:173)
`pacity; specif: inability of an organ or body part to function normally
`2 : something that b insufficient or falls short of expectations
`in·suf·fi·cient \,in(t)-so-'fi-sh;mt\ adj [ME. fr. MF. fr. LL insufficielfl·.
`imufficiens, fr. Lin·+ sujjlcient-. sufjiciens sufficient] (He) : not suffi(cid:173)
`cient: IN.-\DEQUATE: esp: lacking adequate pov/er. capacity, or compe·
`tence- in•,cient-ly adv
`in·suf·fla•tion \,in(t)-s;,-'fla·sh~n. in- 1s:>-'fla-\ 11 [ME insuf[lacion. fr. MF
`insufjlation. Fr. LL insufjimion-. insujJiatio. fr. insufjlare to blow upon,
`fr. L in- + su!Jiare to inflate, fr. sub· +flare to blow- more at BLO\\]
`(15c) : an act or the action of blowing on, into, or in: as a: a Christiar1
`ceremonial rite of exorcism performed by breathing on a person b
`: the act of blowing something (as a gas. powder. or vapor) into a body
`cavity -
`in·suf·flate \'in(t)-s"·,fliit, in-'s~-,llat\ I'! -
`\-,fla-tor\ n
`in•sn.Jant \'in(t)·so-l;,nt\ 11 (ca. 1929) chiefly Brit : TNSULATION 2
`in•sU•lar \'in(t)-su-l"r, -syu .. 'in-sh:>-l:>r\ adj [LL insularis. fr. L insula is(cid:173)
`land} (1611) 1 a: of, relating to, or constituting an island b: dwelling
`or situated on an island<~ residents> 2 : characteristic of an isolated
`people: esp : being, having, or reflecting a nanow provincial viewpoint
`3 : of or relating to an island of cells or tissue -
`in•SU•lar·ism \·l;>-1ri(cid:173)
`z:>m\ n -
`in·su•lar·i·lY \,in(t)-si.I-'lar-;>-te, -syu-, ,in-sh:l-'lar-\ n - m(cid:173)
`su.Jar.Jy \ 1in(t)-su-l;,r-le. -syli-. 'in-sh:>·\ adv
`in•su.Jate \'in(t)·s:>- 1Hit\ vt -lat·ed; -Iat•ing [L insula] (ca. 1741) : to
`place in a detached situation : ISOLATE: esp : to separate from conduct(cid:173)
`ing bodies by means of nonconductors so as to prevent transfer of elec(cid:173)
`tricity, heat, or sound
`in•sU·la•tion \ 1in(t)-S:l·.Ola-shom\ 11 (1798) 1 a : the action of insulating
`b : the state of being insulated 2 : material usee! in insulating
`in•sn.Ja.tor \'in(t)·s:l·,la-t:>r\ n (1801): one that insulates: as a: a mate(cid:173)
`rial that is a poor conductor (as of electricity or heat) -
`SEMICONDUCTOR b: a device made of an electrical insulating materi(cid:173)
`al and used for separating or supporting conductors
`in·su.Jin \'in(t)-s(:l-)l~n\ n [NL insuia islet (of Langerhans). fr. L, island]
`(1914) :a protein pancreatic hormone secreted by the islets of Langer(cid:173)
`huns that is essential esp. for the metabolism of carbohydrates and is
`used in the treatment and control of diabetes mellitus
`insulin-dependent diabetes n (1980): TYPE I DI.->.BETES
`insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 11 (1980) : 1YPE 1 DIABETES -
`abbr. IDDi\i
`insulin shock n (1925) : hypoglycemia associated with the presence of
`excessive insulin in the system and characterized by progi·essive devel(cid:173)
`opment of coma
`'in·sult \in-'s'llt\ vb [MF or L; MF insulter. fr. L insult are. lit., to spring
`upon, fr. in- + saltare to leap - more at SALTATION] vi (1540) archaic
`: to behave with pride or arrogance : VAUNT .-. vt : to treat with inso(cid:173)
`lence, Indignity, or contempt :AFFRONT: also : to affect offensively or
`damagingly <doggerel that ~s the reader's intelligence) syn see OF(cid:173)
`in· n -
`ln·sult·ing·ly \in-'s;,l-tin-le\ adv
`'in·sult \'in-,s;,lt\ n (1671) 1 : a gross indignity 2 : injury to the body
`or one of its parts; also : something that causes or has a potential for
`causing such insult <pollution and other environmental ~s>
`in·su•per•a•hle \(,)in-'sii-p(<>·)r;,-b:>l\ adj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L iTZ(cid:173)
`superabilis, fr. inv + su.perare to surmount, fr. super over - more at
`OVER] (14c) : incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over,
`or solved<~ difficulties)- in•SU•per·a·bly \-ble\ adv
`in·sup•port·able \,in(t)-s;>·'por-t<>-b"l, -'par-\ adj [MF or LL; lVIF, fr. LL
`insupportabilis, fr. L in- + supportare to su·pport] (ca. 1530) : not sup·
`portable: a : more than can be endured<~ pain) b : impossible to
`justify<~ charges)- in·snp•port.ably \-ble\ adv
`in·sUp•press·ible \,in(t)-s;>-'pre-s;>-b;ol\ ad} (1610) : IRREPRESSIBLE
`ln•sur•ahle \in-'shur-;>-b<>l\ adj (1810) : that may be insured -
`ahil·i·ty \-,shur-<>·'bi-1<>-te\ n
`'in·sur·ance \in-'shur-:ln(t)s also 'in-,\" (1651) 1 a : the business of in(cid:173)
`suring persons or property b : coverage by contract whereby one par(cid:173)
`ty undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by a spec(cid:173)
`ified contingency or peril c : the sum for which something is insured
`2 : a means of guaranteeing protection or safety (the contract is your
`,...., against price changes)
`'insurance adj (1954) : being a score that adds to a team's lead and
`makes it impossible for the opposing team to tie the game with its nex.t
`score<~ run)
`in•sure \in-'shur\ vb in·sured; in·sUr•ing [ME, to assure, prob. alter, of
`assuren] vt (1635) 1 : to provide or obtain insurance on or for 2 : to
`make certain esp. by taking necessary measures and precautions ......, vi
`: to contract to give or take insurance syn see ENSURE
`insured n (1681) : a person whose life or property is insured
`in· \in-'shur-;,r\ 11 (1654) : one that insures; specif: an insurance
`in·snr.gence \in-'s:>r-i:>n(t)s\ n (1847) : an act or the action of being in(cid:173)
`intaglio la
`i~·sur~gen~cy \-j~n~t)~se\ n. p~ ~cies ( 1803~ 1 : ~he quality or s
`1ng insurgent; specJf; a condtt~on of revolt _agatnst 1'\ governrhtat~
`less than an orgamzed revolutiOn and that 1s not recognized e
`encv 2 : 1:-<SURGENCE
`1iu· \·j:>nt\ 11 [L insurgent-. insurgens. prp. of in<I<ro
`up, fr. in-+ surgere to rise- more at SURGE] (1765) 1 : a ~ere to
`revolts against civil authority or an established governrn~ersnn "t\:<=
`rebel not recognized as a belligerent 2 : one who acts cont nt: e.1p '•oo
`rary tQ: a
`.,policies and d_edsion:i of. o_ne':;. o\vn po~i~ical par~Y.
`·msurgent aclj p81-l) : nsmg 111 oppos1t1on to c1v11 authority
`or est
`hshed leadership : REUELUOL:S- ln• c/Cll·
`i':'•Sllr•mount•able \,in(t}·s<>r·'mailn-t::>·b~l\ adj ( 169[)) : incapab
`1ng surmounted: P.'<SUPER.'IBLE (~problems)- lll·sur.m
`\-ble\ ad•·
`fi!S~lrrecftO. rr. lllSUrgere} ( l~c) : an act Ol' 111S[ClflCC Of rcvo{ti ll"rectfoll~
`i':'•SUr•re~·tion >in(t)·s~·'re~·shon\ n [ME .. fr. MF. fr. LL ins,
`c.-tv1l authonty or an established governrnent syu .;;ee RE.BEng as_aj11:
`in·su_r·re~·\-shndL -sh;-n~l.\ adj -
`in:sur•rec.tion. Lt1o~ ~
`ary \.,0
`,ner-e\ ad; or n - m.sur·re<:·tion•tst \-sh\:>-)mst\ 11
`in.sus•cep·ti·_ble \,in(t)-s";'s~p;t:rb"l\ adj ( 1,603) : rwt susceptibl
`flattecy)- m·SUS•cep•ti·htl•t•tY \-,sep-t:>· bt-l.o-tc\ n -
`in•st c ("'- 1.,
`bly \,in(t)-s;,-'sep-t;,-ble\ aclv
`in.tact \in-'takt\ aclj [ME inwcte. fr. L illlacrus. fc. in- +tact
`tangere to touch - mor~ ~t T-I.'<GE:"T] t15c) 1 : llntouche""· Pp. or
`anythtng rhat harms or d1mmoshes: E:-ITIRE. t.:.'ll;o-.lJURED 2 ~<sp. b1.
`body or its parts : having no relevant componenl removed or J a fil·;,i~
`a : physically \irginal b : not castrated sylt see PERFECT _:ittoyi:U:
`ness \-'tak(t}-n<>s\ n
`in-ta~glio \in-'tal¥(,)y6. -'tal-: -1ta-gte-,6. ·'ttl-\
`11. pi -glios [It. fr. inmgliare to engrave. cut,
`fr. ML illfaliare. fr. L in· + LL taliare to cut
`- more at TAILOR] (1644) 1 a : an engrav(cid:173)
`ing or incised figure in stone or other hnrd
`material depressed below the surface so that
`an impression from the design vields an im(cid:173)
`age in relief b : the art or process of execut·
`ing intaglios c : printing {as in die stmnping
`and gravure) done from a plate in which the
`image is sunk below the surface 2 : some(cid:173)
`thing (as a gem) carved in intaglio
`1 : an opening
`in·take \'in-,tak\ n (15c)
`through which fluid enters an enclosure 2
`a: a taking in b ( 1): the amount taken in (2): something (a; energo,)
`taken m : !NP!JT

`'in-tan•gi•hle \(,)in-'tan-j;,-b;,l\ 11dj [For ML: F. fr. ML immogibi/is fr L
`in· + 'f-L.f<!Tigibi/is tai}gibJ.e] (1?'\0) : n~t tangibJe : Th!PALP-\BLE .:_in,
`tan•gl•htl·!•ty \-,tan-p-'bt-l'l·te\ 11 - m•tnn•gi•hle·ness \-'tan-j0 •0,o.
`n;,s\ n -
`in.tan·gi·bly \-ble\ adv
`'intangible 11 (1914) : something intangible; spec((: an asset (as good.
`will) that is not corporeal
`in•tar•sia \in-'tiir-se-"\ 11 [G. modif. of It imarsio] (1867) 1: a mosok
`usu. of wood fitted into a support: also : the art or process of makin,
`such a mosaic 2 :a colored design knitted on both sides of a fabrich;
`in a :;weater)
`in•te•ger \'in-ti-j,r\ 11 [L. adj .. whole. entire - more at ENTIRE] (l571i
`1 : any of the natural numbers. the negatives of these numbers. orzer'.l
`2 : a CDinplete entity
`in•te•gra·hle \'in-ti-gr;,-b"l\ adj (ca. 1741) : capable of being integrale<l
`( ~ functions) -
`in·te.gra•hil·i•ty \,in-ti-gr;>-'bi-le-te\ 11
`1in-te.gral \'in~ti-gr;}l (usu so in tnathetnaiics): in· 1 te~gr~l also ~'tC- ali!J
`+'in-tr<>-g<>l\ adj (1551) 1 a: essential to completeness: cONSTrruEm
`(2) : relating to or conce~ned "'r(cid:173)
`<an~ part of the curriculum) b (I) : being, containing, or relating_!?
`one or more mathematical integers
`mathematical integrals or integration c : formed as a unit With ano< j
`er part <a sent with ~ headrest) 2 : compo5ed of integral parts .1
`: lacking nothing essential : ENTIRE -
`in.te•gral·i·l'Y \,in-t;>·'gra·lo-t,,
`in·te.gral·IY \ 1in-ti·gr;,·le; in-'te-gr"- also -'tii·\ adv
`11 -
`'lntegraln (ca. 1741): the result of a mathematical integration-com·
`integral calculus n (ca. 1741) : a branch of mathematics concern,,.
`with the theory ancl applications (as in the determillation of length~~~!·'
`eas, and volumes, and in the solution of differential equattons) 0 1
`grals and integration
`. . ti'""
`integral domain 11 (1937) : n mathematical dng in which rnultiphc,;irh
`is commutative, which has a multiplicative identity element, a(n~~ in"·
`contains no pair of nonzero elements whose product is zero t 1
`gers under the operations of addition and multiplication form"'
`gral domain)
`in·te•grand \'in-t::J-,grand\ n [L integrandus. gerundive of mte!!'
`(1897) : a mathematical expression to be integrated
`in•te·gr!'te. \'in-t:l·,,grat\ vb -grat.ed; •grat•ing [L integm_flls, PP· r bllf•J
`grare, tr. mtegr-, mteger] vt (1638) 1 : to form, coordmate! 0egrJ"I'''
`into a functioning or unified whole : lJNITE 2 : to find the lilt b:"
`(as a function or equation) 3 a : to unite with something r~d brii'!
`incorporate into a larger unit 4 a : to end the segregation ° 25eoW
`into equal membership in society or an organization b : D
`il .sP'''; '
`GATE <......., school districts) ,....., vi : to become integrated
`Integrated adj (1922) 1 : marked by the unified control_of ~ ... ·o~ ''
`of industrial production from raw materials through dtshtrl 30
`finished products <~companies) <~ production) 2 : c ar
`by integration and esp. racial integration (an~ society)<"""
`integrated circuit n (1962) : a tiny complex of electroni.c co f
`and their connections that is produced in or on a small slice 0
`integrated circuitry n
`or •'' . '
`(as silicon) -
`in·te•gra·tion \,in-t;,-'grii-sh:m\ n (1620) 1 : the act or proces~etro~;;
`stance of integrating: as a : incorporation as equals into S 0~00ord\0,
`organization of individuals of different groups (as races) . b · r wiU1ti''
`tion of mental processes into a normal effective persona!Ity ~ (uii' 1j;i
`individual's environment 2 a : the operation of findin!l differ<~
`whose differential is known b : the operation of solving a
`s if1, ;-\L
`in.te•gra•tiOn·ist \·sh(:>-)nist\ n (1951) :a person who beldl~ve
`cates, or practices social integration -integrationist a 7


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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`American Heritage dictionary.
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`I. Morris,
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`ISBN 0-395-32943-4
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`msnumentatJOn j mtegrny
`~te or quality of being instrumental. 2. ,;,gency; means.
`3t !\ subsid!ary branc~. as of a government. by means of
`:hich functiOns or pohc1es are earned out.
`"'.stru•rnen·ta·tion (ln'str~·men-ta'sh;~n) n. 1. The apphca:
`Jn n ar use of instruments. 2. a. The study and practtce or
`0 ~.111ging musa: for instruments. b. The arrangement or or·
`::~;stration resulting from such pra<:tice. 3. Th~ study. de(cid:173)
`~d!opmenl. and man.ufacture of tnstrun1COl:). a:; tor sc1enttflc
`,e 4. Instrumentailty.
`. 0St(L/!11ent panef n. A mounted array of ln:Hruments used
`rn ~perate a machine.
`. t~'sub·or·dl·nate ([n's;,-b?r'dn-it) ad;. Not subn11Ssive to
`'~uthori l)·: has a hts~vn· oj u~subordmace helun•wr -In' sub·
`(di·na'tlon n -In sub•or'd!•nate·ly .adv.
`0 Synonyms: msuborduwte. rehelltoLL'i. nwruwus, fucrrou}·.
`,-etfHJo<c> These adjectives are applied to persons or their
`. cuons and mean 1n opposinon to. and usually 111 de france
`~~ e::;tablJshed authonty. fnsubordinure 1mplies failure to
`re~ogntz~ or accept the _authont} of a superior. Rebellrot<>'
`ilnplies open detmnce ol 1uthonty to whtch one IS subject.
`Haonmu. a still 5trong~r term. pertmns to upnstng agarnst
`iawful Juthority. especial!:- that of a naval or military com·
`mnnJ. Facnous describes \\··hat promotes d!VJ.SIVCne.s.s. dts(cid:173)
`·enswn. or disunity within a group or organiznuon.
`sf]c/IIlOUS tlpplies principally to the Stirring up of resistance
`~Rainst a government.
`in~sub·stan:tlal ~in's;,b-stan'sh~l) adj. 1.1;-acking subs_t.ulce
`or real1t:.: rmagmary. 2. a. Not f1rm: fltms]. b. Dehcare:
`fine. -in'sub·stan'ti•al'i-ty (-shi!-al'i·ti!) n.
`wsuf·fer·a·ble (ln-siif'<'r·d·b<'l. ·sUf'rd·) ad;. Incapable of
`petng endured; intolerable. -ln•sut'fer·a·ble·ness n. -In·
`9ut'fer·a·bly ad>'.
`in·suHI·clen·cy (in's~·fish'"n-si!) n .. pl. -cies. 1. The quality
`or state of being insufficient. 2. Something insufficient.
`ln•suf·fi·cient (in's"·fish'~nt) ad;. Not sufficient:
`equate. -ln'sut-fl'clent•ly ad.-.
`·flat·ed. ·llat·lng .
`in·suf•flate (in's~·fliit'. in-sUf'lat') 1r. v
`. flates. 1. To blow or breathe rnto or on. 2. To treat medi(cid:173)
`callY by- blowing a powder. gas. or vapor rnto a bodily cav(cid:173)
`itY. ·[LLat. tnsujflare, msuf!lai· Lat. 111-, em + lat. sufjlare.
`to inflate.} -ln'sut-lla'tor n.
`ln·su1·11a·tion (in'SJ·f15'sh~n) n. 1. The act or an instance of
`insufflaung. 2. Eccles. A ritual act of breathing on baptis(cid:173)
`mal water or upon one being baptized.
`ln•su·lar (in's~·lJr. ins'yJ-J adj. 1. Of. pertaming to. or con(cid:173)
`stituting an rsland. 2. a. CharacteristiC or suggestive of the
`isolated life of an island. b. Circumscribed and detached In
`outlook and experience. 3. Anal. Designating 1solated tissue
`or an island of tissue. [LLat. insular1s < Lat. msula, island.]
`-in'su·lar·lsm. Jn'su·lar'l·ty ( -lar'l-teJ n. -ln'su·lar•ly ad,•.
`insular sclerosis 11. Multiple sclerosis.
`ln·su·late (in's"·liit'. lns'VJ·) 1r. v. -lat·ed. -Ia l-ing. -rates.
`1. To cause to be in a detached or Isolated position. 2. Phys·
`res. To prevent the passage of heat or electricity or sound
`into or out of. esp. by interposition of an appropriate insu(cid:173)
`lator. [ < LLat. insulaws. made into an island < Lat. tnsula.
`in•su·la·tion (in'sJ-la'sh~n. ins'y<'- l 11. 1. The oct of insulat(cid:173)
`ing or the state of bemg Insulated. 2. Material used in insu(cid:173)
`in·su·la·tor (fn's~·lii't~r. ins'y~-l n. 1. A material that insu(cid:173)
`lates. esp. a nonconductor of sound, heat. or electriCity. 2 . .'\
`device that insulates.
`ln•su·lln (in's:>-lin) 11. 1. A polypeptide hormone secreted by
`the islands of Langerhans and functioning to regulate car(cid:173)
`bohydmte metabolism by controlling blood glucose levels.
`2. A preparation derived from the pancreas of the pig or the
`ox for use in the medical treatment of diabetes. [NLat. 111-
`su/a. islet (of Langerhans) < Lat.. island + ·IN.]
`insulin shock 11. Hypoglycemia resulting from excessive in(cid:173)
`sulin tn the blood. ·
`ln·sul\ (in-sult') v. -sult•ed, -sult·ing. -suits. -rr 1. a. To
`speak to or treat in an insolent or contemptuous way b. To
`cause damage or offense to: a speech thai insu/ied rhe mtellt·
`gence of the aud1e11ce. 2. Obs. To make an attack upon.
`-·-mlr. Obs. To behave arrogantly. --11 (ln'sult'). 1. An of(cid:173)
`fensive action or remark. 2. Med. An injury. irritation. or
`trauma. [OFr. lltsulier, to triumph over < Lat. msultare. to
`revile : 111-, on + sa/tare, to dance, freq. of salrre, to j ump.j
`-ln·su!t'er n. -ln•su!l'lng•ly ad••.
`ln·su·per·a•ble (in-soo'p"r·~-b~l) adj. Incapable of being
`overcome; insurmountable: an i11superable barrier. -ln-su·.
`per·a•bll'l•ty, ln•su'per•a·ble•ness 11. -ln•su'per•a•b!y adv.
`ln·sup·port·a·ble (in·s~·por't::~-b;:.l, -por'-) adj. 1. Unbear(cid:173)
`able; intolerable. 2. Lacking grounds or defense: unjustifi(cid:173)
`able: an
`tns<ipportable clarm. -ln'sup·port'a•ble•ness n.
`-ln'sup·port'a•bly adv.
`ln·sup·press·i·ble (ln'sa-pres'a·b;,l) adj. Irrepressible. -In'·
`sup·press'l•bly ad~·.
`ln·sur·ance (in-sho-or';,ns) n. 1. a. The act, business. or sys(cid:173)
`tem of insuring. b. The state of being insured. c. A means of
`be1~g insured. 2. a. Coverage by a contract binding a party
`to tndemnify another against specified loss in return for
`premiums paid. b. The sum for which such a contract in(cid:173)
`sures something. c. The periodical premium paid for this
`elf circum(cid:173)
`·sured. -sur·lng. -sures. ·-lr 1, To
`ln·sure (in-shoor') ,._
`cover with 1nsurancc. 2. To make sure. ~erta1n. or secure.
`-mrr To buy or sell msurance. --·See Usage nL)te at as-
`sure. {ME ensuren. to a;;sure < OFr. enseurer. perh var. of
`assurer. to assure. -see A.SSt:RE.l -in•sur·a·bWi·ty n -in·
`sur'a•ble a<IJ.
`ln~sured ("'brd') n One c~1vt:!rcU o~, in:c;ur~IIKr...~
`in•sur·er (in-shd0r 1 0r) n. On~ that insure:::.. t;Sp. an under(cid:173)
`in 4 sur-gence (in-sUr'Jvn~l n Uprismg: rt:voll.
`in·sur·gen·cy tin-sur'pn·s~J n 1. The qualn:-
`stance:: of hemg msurgent. 2. lnsurgem.:~
`in·sur·gent (in· . ..;tir'Jdnt) [u{1 R1s1ng m rev •. ~!! ag;un.'d end
`authority or a govt!rnmcnt 1n pl)\\er
`--·11. 1. On~ '>Vht1 re(cid:173)
`volts J.gatnst civil authur11;. 2. -\ rncmht:r df a poli!H.:al
`puny whv r~bels aga1nst tt:- kaLh:r-;htp. [L.u. ll/5urg-::.·ns. Ill
`sw:?,ent·. pr.pan nf rnsurgen;, lt..\ n::-t: up m. ( mten.:'J'/1:.")
`sur~ere, to rise.] -in·sur'genHy w/r
`lncapahk c>i'
`in•sur·mount·a·ble's;>r-m<llllt't;J-n;JI' ad;.
`being surmounted: Insuperable :n.·wrmowrrahle odd\· -in·(cid:173)
`sur·mount'a•bly u,b·
`in~sur-rec·tlon On's;)·rek'sh.)n) ,, .-\n act or tn.s;;mct! of npr.:n
`revolt against civil authunt~" 1.)1' a c.·onslltute:d governm~nt
`[[\.fE lllSUrr~cum <OFr. < Lat. /llSUfrt!L'({I} <. tnsurgere. tons~
`up. -see tNSl1ROENT.} -in'sur·rec'tion·aJ wlj. -in'sur-rec'(cid:173)
`Uon·ar·y culj. & 11. -in'sur·rec'tion·ism 11 -in sur·rec'tion•
`ist n.
`;-.;,ll susceptibk.
`in·sus·cep·ti·ble (fn's~·scp't;>-b;>IJ ad;
`-in~sus·cep'ti•bil'i·ty n. ~in'sus·cep'ti·bly
`ln•lact (in-takt') ad; 1. Not impa1rcd rn anv wa\ 2. Havrng
`all parts: whl1le. f~fE mtactt· < Lac 1ntaous : rn·. n1.)l
`wctc.s, p.part. of Iangen!. to touch J -in·tact~ness 11
`in·ta·glio (in-tiil'yo. -tiil'·) 11 .. pl. ·g!ios. 1. a."', figure or
`des1gn incised beneath thr;. .surface of hard n"\l::!taf or stone.
`b. The an or pn:)(,:t:~s of t;arving a Je~ign tn th1~ manner
`2. A gemstone carved in intaglil). 3. Printmg doni! \\'Hh a
`plate bearing an image in intaglio. 4. A dk IIKi$ed sn as tt1
`produce a design in relief. {[tal.< unaf{!uzre. to engrave: tn~.
`in(< Lat.) .,. raglwr<!. to ~ut < VLat. •talliitre.-see T-\t-
`in·take (in'tak') 11. 1. An opening b; wh1ch a fluiJ IS aclmit·
`ted into a conlatner or conduit. 2. a. The act of tukin2. m.
`b. Somdhtng. esp. energy. takt:n tn.
`in·tan·gi•ble (ln-tan'j;:~-b~l) ad;. 1. Incapable of being per(cid:173)
`ceived by the senses. 2. of being realized or de(cid:173)
`fined. -11. Something intangtble. esp. an asset that cannot
`be perceived by the senses. -ln·tan'gl·bll'l·ty, ln•tan'gi•ble·
`ness n. -ln·tan'gi•bly adv.
`in·lar·si·a (in·liir'se-;>) 11. 1, ."', mosatc worked m wood.
`2. The art or practice of makmg intarsia. fila I. uuarHn <
`wrsra. inlaid mosaic work < Ar raryt j
`ln•te•ger (In'ti·J~r} 11. 1 .. ->. member of the set oi poSitive
`whole numbers (I. 2. 3.
`). negatr<'e whole number;; (-I.
`-2. -3 .... J. and zero (0). 2 .. ·\complete unn or entity.[<
`Lat.. whole. complete.]
`in·!e·gra·ble !_in'tl-gr;J·bJI 1 a<{/. Capable of bcrng rntegrated
`-ln'te·gra·bil'l-ty 11.
`in·te·gral (fn'ti-gr;>l. in-teg'r;,IJ adr 1. Essentral or necessar\
`for con1pleteness: ~on:>tituent i. Posst:ssing everything c_;_
`sential: entire. 3. (in'ti-gr~l). Math. a. Expressed or express(cid:173)
`ible as or in terms of mtegers. b.!J as or 1nvolvu1g
`integrals. - I I 1. A complete unn: whole. 2.
`Math. a. A definite
`integral. b. An
`[LLat. rmegrafis, making up a whole < Lat. integer. ~om­
`plete.J -ln'te•grai'Hy n. -in'te·graHy ad•·.
`integral calculus 11. The mathematical study of integrati<>n.
`the properties of rntegrals. and their applications.
`integral domain n. A cummutau<·e ring with unity havtng
`no proper di\'isor.s of zero. that is. having no nonzero de-
`ments a, h such that ll'b ·=: 0. where 0 is the addiuve Iden-
`ln•te·grand (in'ti·gr:'ind'J n A funct10n or e4uation t<> be
`integrated.[< Lat. imegrandus. gerund. L)f m1egrare, to inte(cid:173)
`ln•te·grant (in'tf·gr;>nt) aclj. Integral
`ln·le•grate (in'ti·grat') ,.
`·grat·ed. -grat·lng, -grates. -lr
`1. To make into a whole by bringing all parts together:
`unify. 2. To JOin with something else: unrte. 3. To open to
`people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction: de(cid:173)
`segregate. 4. Mmh. a. To calculate the integral of. b. To
`perform integration upon. 5. To bring about the integration
`of (personality traits). -mrr. To become Integrated or un(cid:173)
`dergo integration. [Lat. tmegrare. tntegrar-. w make whole<
`i!lleger, complete. J -ln'te·gra'tlve u<{j.
`Integrated circuit 11. A tiny wafer of substrate material
`upon which is etched or imprinted a complex of electronic
`components and their Interconnections. -integrated cir~
`cultry n.
`in•te•gra•!lon (in'ti-gra'sh~n) 11. 1. a. An act or the process
`of integrating. b. The state of becommg integrated. c. De(cid:173)
`segregation. 2. The organization of organ1c. psychologtcal.
`or social trans and tendencies of a personality into a harmo(cid:173)
`nious whole. -fn'te·gra'tion·ist n
`in·le•gra•tor (In'ti-gra't::~r) n. 1. One that Integrates. 2. An
`instrument for mechanically calculating definite integrals.
`in·leg•ri·ty (in-teg'ri-te) n. 1. Rigtd adherence to a code or
`P pop I r roar Is sauce Ish ship. dish I t tight I th thin, path I th th1s, bathe I u cut I ur urge I v vah·e I w With/ y yes I z zebra. size I
`zh vision I ~ about. Item, edible. gallop, ctrcus I re Fr. feu, Ger. schon I ii Fr. tu. Ger tiber I KH Ger. ich. Scot. loch/ N Fr. bon.
`instrument panel
`: ,(
`. ' '
`nth-century fl.l.
`Etru~can gern




`Words are included in this Dictionary on the basis o£ their usage.
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`Illustrations azimuthal equidistant projection and sinusoidal
`projection ·f; 1986 by The A.merican Congress on Surveying and
`ISBN 0-395-96214-5
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`·webster's II ne·w college dictionary.
`ialk. paper)
`ISBN 0-395-70869-9
`I. English language - Dictionaries.
`Riverside University dictionary
`423- dc20
`I. Webster's II new
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`. ofl ro. 2.. To place (a person! in. the care of an institution.
`. stio/0 -.w'tion·al·i·za'tion n.
`ilJ. :11'- ,tl t :In-striilu'; v. ·struct•ed, ;-struct•ing, -structs.
`, ":~c 1cten < Lat. instmctus. p.part. ot mstruere, to prepare : m-,
`illf'"~ ifl5tr': 9 w build.] - vt. 1. To iumish w-ith knowledge: TL>~.CH. 2..
`; j.'
`ol!' otf'Je""'
`ders to : DIRECT. -vi. To serve as an msrructor.
`~give or tion :in-srriik' sh2n: n. 1. The act, practice, or profession
`, .~~·-,.,.,.. 2.. a. Imparted knowledge. b. An acquired or imparted
`i"i iJ!S~~;kdge : usso:-<. 3. Computer Sci. A machine code tellin.g
`· 4 . •
`. __ ,__
`it<W u ter to pe:rtorm a partlcW<U oper~t1on.. . otte:::r lllstructions.
`: coWPu ricJ.ti¥edirectwn : ORDER. -lll·struc 1tion·al adr
`~ Jtl(ho tilre in-st!'1k' tlv· adj. Conveying knowledge or data: E"'-
`ill'~~G- -~-~~'~ve·ly ad>'_ -in·s~c'?v~·ne~s n.
`.to:r :m-st:nik tdr. n. 1. A person who ID>tru~ts . TL\CHER.
`: ... stfllcc·'dernic ran..lz below assistant professor. b. A person holding
`-\11 a.~
`z_.:J.' r· k. -in·struc 1tor•ship n.
`well J ·a:ent tin' str;J-m;Jnt, n. [ME < Lat. mstnnnenrum. tool <
`~.stfll' ro prepare. -see INSTRUCT.] 1. A means by which some(cid:173)
`i!l~ere~c~oroplished : AGE::-<CY. 2.. a. One used to accomplish some
`~ 15 b. A person used o~ conrroll~d by another : DUPE. 3. A utensil
`JlgtpOSe·roenr. 4. A device tor recording or measunng, esp. such a de(cid:173)
`~iJll'ctioning as part of a control ~ter:7. 5. A device for prod~cing
`i!Ce. 6 A kaal document. - vt. '.-mem ) -ment•ed, -ment•lllg,
`• •1. To equip with instruments. 2. To address a legal docu-
`· . f

`•JP~ 3. To a.rrange :.mus1c> or peuormance.
`illenttO-.Jllen•tal (m'str;J-men 1 tL adj. 1. Serving as a means or
`it·~ p!l'!JDiE;>iTAI.. 2. Of, relating to, or ~one with an instrum~m
`~~- 3. performed on or wntten _tor a mus1cal mstrument. 4. Ot or
`a gra.mmattcal case typtcally used to express means, agen(cid:173)
`- n. 1. The instrumental case. 2.. A word in
`-in' stru•men'tal·ly adv.
`·ism iJ.n'str;rmen'd-fz'=J n. A pragmatic the(cid:173)
`are instruments that ftmction as guides of action, their
`determined by the success of the action .
`•• -nleJJ.>t.<S.L"-'-~'" (in-strJ·men'd-'ist) n. 1. A person who plays
`;norrnmPnt. 2.. A student or advocate of instrumentalism.
`(m'stra-men-til 1He) n .. pl. -ties. 1. The
`instrumental. 2. Means : agency.
`.... neiPW<'""'u'u. (in'sm-men-tii 1sh2n) n. 1. Application or
`and practice of a.rranging music for in(cid:173)
`AJJrangerneJo.t or orchestration resulting from such prac(cid:173)
`de;rel<Jprnerlt, and manufacture of instruments, as for
`· 4. Instrumentality.
`panel n. A mounted array of instruments for operat-
`JPUJ.•.u.- ...... (in' sg-bOr' dn-it) adf. Not submissive to au(cid:173)
`DISOBEDlcE.."'iT <insubordinate behavior> -in' sub-or' di·
`'di·nate•ly adv.
`(in' S;Jb-stim-'shaL adi. 1. Lacking reality or sub-
`2. a. Not solid: FLL¥1SY.

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