
`New Collegiate
`@ film-W
`G. & C. MERRIAM‘ COMPANY, Publishers
`Patent Owner Response - Exhibit 2004
`Patent Owner Response - Exhibit 2004


`7 '
`,1;- g C1‘
`‘ G. & C. MERRIAM CO.
`comqu© I916.1925.1931.1936.1941.1949.1951. 1953. 1956. I958. I959.1960. I961. 1963. 1965
`BY 0. t C. MERRIAM C0.
`PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT 1950, Igst, 1953. 1956. 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1965
`BY G. a c. MERRIAM co.
`BY G. a c. MERRIAM co.
`COPYRIGHT © 1961, I966
`All rights reserved
`Patent Owner Response - Exhibit 2004
`Patent Owner Response - Exhibit 2004


`Front Matter
`Explanatory Notes
`Guide to Pronunciation
`Abbreviations Used in this Work
`Dictionary of the English Language
`Back Matter
`_ Vocabulary of Abbreviations
`Arbitrary Symbols and Proofreaders’ Marks I.
`Proof of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
`Biographical Names
`Pronouncing Gazetteer
`Forms of Address .
`Pronouncing Vocabulary of Common English Given Names
`Vocabulary of Rhymes .
`' Spelling
`Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada .
`' Pa'teht Ow'ne'r Res'pOhs'e -'Exhibit 2004 '
`1092 ‘
`Patent Owner Response - Exhibit 2004


` 173
`comcur-rent \-'k9r<ant, -'ka-rant\ adj [ME. fr. MP .9; L; MF, fr. L
`con-do-nadion \,kfin-d5-'n5-shan, -da-\ ti : implied pardon of an
`concurrent-, concurrens, prp. of concurrere] 1 a : CONVERGING
`offense by treating the offender as if it had not been committed
`I: : running parallel 2 : operating at the same time 3 : acting
`con-done \kan-‘d6n\ vt [L condonare to forgive, fr. com- + donare
`in conjunction 4 : exercised over the same matter or area by two
`syn see EXCUSE — con~d0n-er n
`to give — more at DONATE]
`: to pardon or overlook voluntarily
`different authorities — concurrent n — con-cur-rent-ly adv
`concurrent resolution It : a resolution passed by both houses of a
`legislative body that lacks the force of law
`con-dot \‘k'an-dor, -,do(a)r\ n [Sp condor, fr. Quechua kfinrur] : a
`very large American vulture (Vultur gryphus) of the high Andes
`con-cuss \kan-‘kes\ V: [L concussus, pp.) : to affect with concussion
`having the head and neck bare and the plumage dull black with a
`con-cus-smn \kan-‘kesh-en\ n [MF or L; MF, fr. L concussion-,
`downy white neck ruff and white patches on the wings
`cancussio, fr. concussus, pp. of cancutere to shake violently, fr.
`conodqt-tie-re \ kan-da-'tye(c)r-é,
`,kan-.da’t-é-'e(a)r-\ n, pl con-
`corn- + quatere to shake] 1 : SHAKING, AGrrATION 2 a : a smart
`dot-tle-n \-é\ [lt condottiere] 1 z a leader of a band of mercenar-
`or hard blow or collision b : a stunning, damaging, or shattering
`ies common in Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries;
`effect from such a blow; es
`: a jarring injury of the brain resulting
`also : a member of such a band 2 : a mercenary soldier
`in disturbance of cerebral unetion — con-cus-sive \-‘kas-iv\ adj
`con-duce \kon-'d(y)lis\ vi [ME conducen to conduct. fr. L conducere
`conodemn \kan-‘dem\ v! [ME condemnen, fr. 0F condemner, fr. L
`to conduct, conduce, fr. com- + ducere to lead — more at row] : to
`lead or tend to a desirable result : CONTRIBUTE
`candemnare, fr. com‘ + damnare to condemn — more at DAMN]
`1 : to declare to be wrong : CENsURE 2 a : to pronounce guilty
`syn CONDUCE, CONTRIBUTE, REDOUND mean to lead to an end.
`: CONVICT b : SENTENCE, DOOM 3 : to adjudge unfit for use or
`CONDUCE implies having a predictable tendency to further an end;
`consum tion 4 : to declare convertible to public use under the
`CONTRIBUTE suggests having an effective part in furthering an end;
`right 0 eminent domain syn see CRl'l‘lClZE — con-dem-nable
`REDOUND implies leading to an unforeseen end or state by a flowing
`back of consequences
`\-‘dem-(n)a-b_al\ adj— condemn-er or con-demn-or \-'dem-ar\ n
`con-dem-naotion \,k‘a'n—,dem-‘n5-shan, -dcm-\ n
`con-du-cive \-'d(y)ii-siv\ adj
`tending to promote or assist
`: CoNTRIBUTIvE —— conodu-cive-ness n
`BLAME 2 : the act of judicially condemning 3 : the state of being
`condemned 4 : a reason for condemning -— con-dem-na-to-ry
`icon-duct \'k'an-(.)dakt\ n [alter. of ME conduit, fr. OF, act of
`\kon-‘dem—na-,t6r-e, -,tor-\ adj
`leading, escort, fr. ML canductus, fr. L conductus, pp. of canducere]
`conodens-able also con-dens-ible \kan-‘den(t)-sc-bal\ adj : capa-
`ble of being condensed
`1 abs : ESCORT, GUIDE 2 : the act, manner, orProcess of carrying
`on : MANAGEMENT 3 : a mode or standard 0 personal behavior
`esp. as based on moral principles
`con-den-sate \'ka'n-dan-,s§t, -,den-; kan-‘den-\ n : a product of
`\ken-‘dakt\ vi
`con-den-sadion \,kan-,den-'sa-shan, -dan-\ n 1 : the act or proc-
`3 a : to convey in a channel b : to act as a medium for conveying
`ess of condensing: as a : a chemical reaction involving union be.
`4 : BEHAVE ~ vi 1 of a road or passage : to show the way : LEAD
`tween atoms in the same or different molecules often with elimina—
`2 a : to act as leader or director
`b : to have the quality of trans-
`tion of a simple molecule to form a new more complex compound of
`mitting light, heat, sound, or electricity —- con-duci-ibii-i-ty
`often greater molecular weight
`b : a reduction to a denser form
`\kan-,dck-ta-'bil-ct-é\ n — conduct-ibis \-'dak-to-bal\ adj
`(as from steam to water)
`c : compression of a written or spoken
`syn MANAGE, CONTROL, DIRECI': CONoucr implies taking respon-
`work into more concise form 2 : the quality or state of being
`sibility for the acts and achievements of a group; MANAGE implies
`3 : a product of condensing; specf/ : an abridgment
`direct handling and manipulating or maneuvering toward a desired
`of a literary work — con-den-sa-tion-al \-shnal, -shan-°l\ adj
`result; CONTROL implies a regulating or restraining in order to keep
`con-dense \kon-‘den(t)s\ vb [ME condensen, fr. MF condenser, fr.
`within bounds or on a course; DIRECT implies constant guiding and
`regulating so as to achieve smooth operation syn see in addition
`L condensare, fr. com- + densare to make dense, fr. densus dense]
`vt : to make denser or more compact; esp : to subject to condensa-
`tion ~ v1 : to undergo condensation syn see CONTRACT
`con-duc-tance \kan-‘dek-ten(t)s\ n
`: conducting
`2 a : the readiness with which a conductor transmits an e ectric
`con-densed adj : reduced to a more compact form; specif : having a
`b : the reciprocal of electrical resistance
`face that is narrower than that of a typeface not so characterized
`condensed milk n : evaporated milk with sugar added
`conoduc-tion \kan-‘dck-shan\ n 1 : the act of conducting or con-
`conodens-er \kan-‘den(t)-ser\ n 1 : one that condenses: as a : a
`veying 2 : transmission through or by means of a conductor' also
`lens or mirror used to concentrate light upon an object
`: an
`: CONDUCrIvrrv 3 : the transmission of excitation through fivmg
`and esp. nervous tissue
`apparatus in which gas or vapor is condensed 2 : CAPACrTOR
`con-duc-tive \kcn-‘dak-tiv\ ad] : having conductivity
`con-descend \,k'an-di-'send\ vi [ME condescenden, fr. MF con-
`descendre, fr. LL condescendere, fr. L com- + descendere to descend]
`con-duc-tiv-i-ty \,k'an-,dok-'tiv-at-E. kan-\ n : the quality or power
`1 a : to descend to a less formal or dignified level : srooP b : to
`of conducting or transmitting: as
`a : the reciprocal 0 electrical
`resistivity b : the quality of living matter responsible for the trans-
`syn see STOOP
`waive the privileges of rank 2 : to assume an air of superiority
`mission of and progressive reaction to stimuli
`con-de-scen-dence \-'sen-den(t)s\ n : CONDESCENSION
`con-duc-tor \kcn-‘dak-tar\ n : one that conducts: as a : GUIDE
`b : a collector of fares in a public conveyance
`c : the leader of a
`comde-scenddng adj : showing or characterized by condescension
`: PATRONIZING —- con-de-scend-ing-ly \-'sen—diu-le\ adv
`musical ensemble (1 : a substance or body capable of transmitting
`electricity, heat, or sound — con-duc-to-ri-al
`con-de.scen-sion \,k‘an-di-'sen-chon\ 7: [LL condescension-, con-
`E-al, kan-, -'tdr-\ adj — con-duc-tress \kan-‘dak-tras\ n
`descensio, fr. candescensus, pp. of condescendere] 1 : voluntary
`descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior
`con-dull \'kan-,d(y)ii-ot, -,dwit, -da-wat, -dot\ n [ME., fr. MP, lit.,
`2 : a patronizing attitude
`act of leading] 1 : a natural or artificial channel through which
`conodign \kan-‘din, 'k'an-,\ adj [ME condigne, fr. MF, fr. L can-
`water or other fluid is conveyed 2 archaic : FOUNTAIN 3 : a pipe,
`tube, or tile for protecting electric wires or cables
`dignus very worthy. fr. com- + dignus worthy — more at DECENT]
`: DESERVED, APPROPRIATE <~ punishment) — con-dign-ly adv
`con-du-pli-cate \(')kan-'d(y)ii-pli-kat\ adj [L condupllcatus, pp. of
`conduplieare to double, fr, com- + duplic-, duplex double — more at
`con-dI-ment \'k'a2n-da-mant\ 7: [M5, fr. MF, fr. L condimenmm, fr.
`condire to pickle, fr. condere to build, store up, fr. com- + -dere to
`DUPLEX] : folded lengthwise — used of leaves or petals in the bud
`— con-du-pli-ca-tion \,kan-.d(y)ii-pli-'k§-shan\ n
`put — more at Do] : something used to enhance the flavor of food;
`esp : a pungent seasoning
`con-dy-lar \‘k'an-da-lor\ adj : of or relating to a condyle
`lcon-di-tion \kcn-‘\ n [ME condlclon, fr. MF, fr. L con-
`con-dyle \'ka'n-,dfl, -d‘l\ n [F & L; F, fr. L condylus knuckle, fr.
`dician-, condicio terms of agreement, condition, fr. condicere to
`Gk kandylas] : an articular prominence on a bone; esp : one of a
`agree, fr. com- + dicere to sa , determine — more at DlCrlON]
`pair like knuckles — con-dy-loid \'kan-da-,loid\ adj
`con-dy-lo-ma \,kan.da-'l6-ma\
`fr. Gk kondylfima,
`1 a t a premise upon which the ulfillment of an agreement depends
`:sriPULA'rION [1 ob:
`c : a provision making the
`kondylos] : a warty growth on the skin or adjoining mucous mem-
`effect of a legal instrument contingent upon an uncertain event;
`brane usu. near the anus and genital organs —- comdy-lo-ma-toul
`\-'l'am-at-as. -'15m-\ adj
`also : the event itself 2 : something essential to the appearance or
`Icone \‘k6n\ n [MF
`occurrence of something else : PREREQUISITE: as a : an environ-
`or L; MF,
`fr. L
`mental requirement
`: the subordinate clause of a conditional
`conus, fr. Gk k5nas
`— more at HONE
`sentence 3 a : a restricting or modifying factor : QUALIFICATlON
`b : an unsatisfactory academic grade that may be raised by domg
`1 a : a mass 0
`additional work 4 a : a state of being.
`: social status : RANK-
`ovule-bearing or
`6 : a state of health a : a state of physical fitness or readiness for
`use epl : attendant circumstances 5 a obs : temper of mind it obs
`scales or bracts in
`:TRAIT c pl, archaic : MANNERs, WAvs syn see STATE
`trees of
`the pine
`Icondition vb comdi-tion-ing \-'dish—(a-)nin\ vi, archaic : to make
`family or in cycads
`stipulations ~ vi 1 z to agree by stipulating 2 : to make con-
`arranged usu. on a
`ditional 3 a z to put into a proper state for work or use b : AIR-
`somewhat elongat-
`CONDITION 4 : to give a grade of condition to 5 a : to adapt,
`ed axis
`b : any of
`modify, or mold to conform to an environing culture
`flower or
`modify so that an act or response previously associated with one
`fruit clusters
`stimulus becomes associated with another
`-—- con-di-tion-er
`gesting a cone
`2 a : a solid gen-
`\-'dish-(a-)nar\ n
`con-di-tion-al \kan-‘dish-nal, -on-°l\ ad] 1 : subject to, implying,
`erated by rotating
`or dependent upon a condition
`2 : expressmg, contatning, or
`implying a supposition
`3 : stating conditions (~ equations)
`about one of its legs
`4 of a reflex :CONDmONED — conditional n —_ con-di-tion-al-i-i
`— called also right
`\-,dish-o-'nal-ct-é\ n -—con-diotion-al-ly \-'dish-na-le, cn-‘l-e\a v
`circular cone
`[1 : a
`solid figure whose
`con-di-tioned ad
`2 : brought orput into a
`base is a circle or
`specified state
`: determined or established by conditioning
`con-dole \kan-‘d61\ vb [LL candolére, fr. L com- + dolere to feel
`other closed plane
`figure and whose
`pain; akin to Gk daidalos ingeniously formed] vi 1 obs : GRIEVE
`2 : to express sympathetic sorrow ~ vt, archaic : LAMENT, GRIEVE
`sides taper evenly
`con-dodence \kan-‘d6-19n(t)s,
`'k'an~da-\ n 1 : sympathy with
`another in sorrow 2 : an expression of sympathy syn see Prrv
`up to a point —bslee
`con-do-mindmm \.kan-da-'min-E-am\ n (FL, fr. L corn- + domin-
`inc, 3 big-
`0: U32; firm; cones 1a: 1 stone pine, 2 cluster
`ium domain] 1 a : joint dominion; esp : Jomt sovereignty by two
`red spruce,
`traced b a mo i
`Cone Dine, 4 sugar pine, 5 deodar
`or more nations
`: a government operating under Jomt rule
`straight line passigg 7 Santa Lucia fir, 8 Nordmann‘s fir, 9 want
`2 : a olitically dependent territory under condominium 3 : indi-
`through a fixed ver-
`tex 3 : something
`vidua ownership of a unit in a multi-unit structure (as an apart-
`ment building); also : a unit so owned
`that resembles a cone in shape: as a : one of the short sensory and
`i Joke;
`a abut,
`’ kitten;
`or further;
`a back;
`5 bake;
`H cot, cart;
`all out;
`ch chin;
`a less;
`é easy;
`g gift;
`1 trip;
`I life
`r) sing;
`6 flow-Pat” new”? sawtfitéinl;
`Ems; pliaoltisdefooi; Efih mirrzbmus;
`z]: vision
`v c
`Patent Owner Response - Exhibit 2004

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