Exhibit 2008Exhibit 2008
`Exhibit 2008

`Lexical and ]
`Noah Webst:
`Explanatory l
`A Concise G
`Style Guide
`Problems in I
`Clichés .
`Redundant E:
`Students’ Gu
`Business Let‘
`Forms of Adx
`A New Dicti
`Geographic 1‘
`Foreign Wore
`Table of Mea
`Signs and Syi
`Words that are believed to be registered trademarks have
`been checked with authoritative sources. No investigation
`has been made of common-law trademark rights in any
`. word, because such investigation is impracticable. Words
`that are known to have current registrations are shown with
`an initial capital and are also identified as trademarks. The
`inclusion of any word in this Dictionary is not, however, an
`expression of the Publisher's opinion as to whether or not it
`is subject to proprietary rights. Indeed, no definition in this
`Dictionary is to be regarded as affecting the validity of any
`Copyright © 1984, 1988 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's II new Riverside university dictionary.
`1. Riverside Pub-
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`lishing Company.
`11. Title: Webster's two new Riverside
`university dictionary.
`111. Title: Webster's 2 new River-
`side university dictionary.
`ISBN: 0-395-33957-X (thumb index, trade edition)
`(high school edition)
`Manufactured in the United States of America

`better! 0 bibliolatry
`Bha-ga-vad-Gi~ta (bii'ga-v.’id—ge’ta) n. [Skt. bhagavad—gz'td, song of
`the blessed one (Krishna).] A sacred Hindu text that is part of the
`Mahabharata, an ancient Sanskrit epic.
`bhang also bang (bang) n. [Hindi bhring < Skt. bha1iga'.] 1. The
`hemp plant. 2. Any of several narcotics made from the dried flowers
`and leaves of hemp.
`Bhu-tan-ese (boTr’t:>-nez’, -1165’) n., pl. Bhutanese. 1. A native or
`inhabitant of Bhutan. 2. The Sino-Tibetan language of Bhutan. ——adi.
`Of or characteristic of Bhutan, its people, or their culture and lan-
`bi-1 or bin- pref. [Lat. < bis, twice] 1. a. Two <bi‘form> b. Both
`<biriaural) c. Both sides, parts, or directions <b1'concavc)
`2. a. Occurring at intervals of two <bicentennial) b. Occurring
`twice during < biweekly) 3. :1. Containing twice the proportion of
`a specified chemical element or group necessary for stability < bicar-
`bonate) b. Containing two chemical atoms, radicals, or groups <bi-
`bi-1 pref. var. of 1310-.
`Bi symbol for BISMUTH.
`bi~a'ly (be-5'1e) n., pl. -1315. [After Bialystok, Poland] A round, flat
`baked roll with onion flakes on top.
`bi-an-nu-al (bi-an‘yo‘o-al) adj. Happening twice each year:SEMIAN-
`NUAL. --bi-an’nu-al-ly adv.
`bitas (bi’as) n.
`[OFr. biais, oblique.] 1. A line cutting diagonally
`across the grain of fabric. 2. a. An inclination or preference, esp. one
`that interferes with impartial judgment: PREIUDICE. b. A specified
`instance of this. 3. a. An irregularity or weight in a ball that causes it
`to swerve, as in lawn bowling. b. The tendency of such a ball to
`swerve. 4. The fixed voltage applied to an electrode. —vt. -used,
`-as-ing, -as-es or -assed, -as-sing, -as-ses. 1. To cause to have a
`prejudiced view. 2. To apply a small voltage to (a grid).
`meaning : an inclination for or against that inhibits impartial judg-
`ment <a decision influenced by personal bias)
`bi-ath'lon (bi-ath'lsn, -ion’) n.
`[BI- + Gk. athlon, contest] An
`athletic competition that combines cross-country skiing and rifle
`bi'ax'i'al (bi-:Ik’sé-al) adj’. Having two axes. —bi-ax'i-al-ly adv.
`bib (bib) n. [Prob. < ME bibberi, to drink, perh. < Lat. bibere] 1. A
`napkin tied under the chin and worn, esp. by young children, to
`protect the clothing while eating. 2. The part of an apron or overalls
`covering the chest. —v. bibbed, bib-hing, bibs. —Vt. To drink:
`imbibe. —vi. To indulge in drinking:TIPPLE.
`bib and tucker n. Informal. Clothing.
`bibb (bib) n. [Alteration of 13113.] 1. A bracket supporting the tres-
`tletrees on a ship's mast. 2.. A bibcock.
`bib-ber (bib’ar) n. [< 315.] A tippler.
`Bibb lettuce (bib) :1. [After lack Bibb, 19th-cent. American vege-
`table grower] A lettuce forming a small, loose head and having ten-
`der, dark—green leaves.
`bib-cock (bIb’k6k’) n. A faucet with a nozzle that bends down-
`bitbe-lot (bé’b:»lo’, be-bio’) n. [Fr. < OFr. beubelet, from a redup. of
`be], beautiful < Lat. bellus, handsome] A small ornamental object:
`Bi-ble (bi’bal) 11. [ME < OFr. < Med. Lat. biblia < Gk., pl. of biblion,
`book < biblos, papyrus < Bublos, a Phoenician port] 1. a. The sacred
`book of Christianity, including both the Old Testament and the New
`Testament. b. The Old Testament, the sacred book of Iudaism. c. A
`specific copy of a Bible <their own Bible) 11 A book or collection
`of writings comprising the sacred text of a religion. 2. bible. A book
`held to be authoritative in its field <the bible of Japanese cooking)
`Bible Belt r1. Sections of the United States, esp. in the South and
`Middle West, where Protestant fundamentalism prevails.
`bilrli-cal also Bilrli-cal (bib’li-kal) adi. [Med. Lat. biblicus <
`biblia, Bible.] 1. Of, relating to, or contained in the Bible. 2.. Being in
`keeping with the nature of the Bible, esp.: a. Suggestive of the people
`or times depicted in the Bible. 1). Suggestive of the prose or narrative
`style of the King lames Bible. —Bib’li-cal-ly adv.
`Bib-li-cist (bIb’lI-sist) II. 1. An expert on the Bible. 2. A literal in-
`terpreter of the Bible. -Bib'li-cism n.
`biblio— pref.
`[< Gk. biblion, book. —sec BIBLE] Book <bi'b1r'o-
`bib'l.i-o°£i1m (bIb’lE-6-film’) n. Microfilm used esp. to photograph
`book pages.
`bib~l.i-0g'ra-pher (bib’lé-6g’ro-far) n. 1. An expert in the descrip-
`tion and cataloguing of printed matter. 2. A compiler of a bibliogra-
`phy or bibliographies.
`bib-li-og-ta-phy (bIb’le-og’ra-fe) 21., p1. -phies. 1. as A list of the
`works of a specific author or publisher. b.A list of writings on a
`single subject. 2. Description and identification of the editions, dates
`of issue, authorship, and typography of written material, as books.
`(-9-gr§f'l-kol), bih’Ii-o~graph’ic (-Ik) adi.
`—bib’li-o-grnplfi-cal-ly adv.
`bib-li-ol-a-try (bib’le-ol'a—tre) n. 1. Excessive reverence for a literal
`interpretation of the Bible. 2. Extreme devotion to books. —bib’li-
`ol’a-ter n. —-bib‘Li-ol’a-trons adi.
`-INE.] A sweet crystalline *
`nd other plants and uscd
`En’) n. [Lat beta, beet +
`)1, found in sugar beets a
`I Vt. -took
`-taking, -takes.
`(‘talk’); '1-8k'€n.
`alf) to go or
`move. 2. Archaic. To c
`ommit: A1=i=I.rr;
`tty-acid catabo
`ion (bz’i’ta-ok’sI-da’shan, be’-) n. Fa
`I-carbon fragrn
`ents are removed successively from ~
`)f the chain.
`2 A high-sp
`eed electron or positron, esp. one given V
`earn of beta particles, esp. of electrons.
`‘' (b5"9‘1’l\55P'¥91'. b5'-) 11. A site in the autonomic
`at is activated b
`y or strongly reacts to adrenergic
`1116, by generati
`rig inhibitory action.
`_ beta wave 21. The second most common
`. in clectroencephalograms of the adult brain hav-
`um 18 to 30 cycles per second and associatcdlwith
`bet-terl (bet’ar) 22. vat. of BETTOR.
`bet-ter-ment (bét’9r-merit) n. 1. An improvement. 2. An im-
`provement that repairs real property and adds to its value.
`bet-ter-off (bét’ar-of’, -of’) adj. Being in a better or more prosper-
`ous condition.
`bet'tor also better (bét’or) n. One who bets.
`_ be-tween (bi-twén’) prep.
`[MB betwene < 013 betweonum]
`1. a. In the interval or position separating < between the build-
`ings)<between Thanksgiving and Christmas) 1). Intermediate to,
`as in quantity, amount, or degree <rneasures between four and five
`feet) 2. Connecting spatially <a route between Dallas and Fort
`Worth) 3. a. By the combined effect or effort of <Betwecri the sun
`and wind,
`the wash dried.) b. In the combined ownership of
`<They had a controlling interest between them.) 4. As measured
`against. —Used often to express a reciprocal relationship <choose
`between swimming and tennis) ——between you and me. In
`strictest confidence. -in between. In an intermediate situation.
`-be-tween’ adv.
`be-tween-times (bi-twén’timz’) adv. At or during pauses.
`betwixt (bi-twlkst’) adv. & prep.
`[ME < OE betwyx.] Archaic.
`Between. —-betwixt and between. In an intermediate position.
`Ben-lah (byoo’la) n. 1. The land of Israel in the Old Testament.
`2.The land of peace in Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress.
`bev-a-tron (bév’a-tron’) n.
`[B(ILLION) + E(LEC'1‘RON) + V(OL'l‘S)
`+ -TRoN.] Physics. A proton synchrotron.
`bev-el (bév’al) n. [OFr. *bevel < baif, open-mouthed < bayer,
`gape] 1. The angle or inclination of a surface or line that meets
`another at any angle but 90“. 2. A rule having an adjustable arm used
`to draw or measure angles or to fix a surface at an angle. ——V. -eled,
`-el-ing, -els or -elled, -el-ling, -els. -——vt. To cut at an inclination
`that forms an angle other than a right angle. —-vi. To be inclined :
`bevel gear 12. Either of a pair of gears having teeth surfaces cut so
`that the gear shafts are not parallel.
`bev-ertage (bév’ar-ij, bév’rij) 11. [ME beverage < OFr. bevrage <
`beivre, to drink < Lat. b1'ber.] A liquid for drinking, usu. excluding
`bev-y (bév’e) n., pl. -ies. [ME] 1. A group of birds or animals, esp.
`larks or quail :1~'LOCK. 2. A group : assemblage.
`betwail (bi-wal’) Vt. -wailed, -wail-ing, -wnils. 1. To express sor-
`row or regret over. 2.. To cry about. --be-wail'er n.
`be-ware (bi-war’) V. -waxed, -wru-ing, -wares. [ME be ware : be,
`imper. of been, to be + ware, on one’s guard (< OE w¢er).] -——Vt. To
`be cautious of. —-vi". To be cautious.
`be~whis-kered (bi-hwis’kord, -wis’-) adj. Having whiskers.
`be-wil-der (bi-wi1’dor) Vt. -dered, -der-ins, -ders. 1. To befuddle
`or confuse, esp. with a variety of conflicting situations, objects, or
`statements. 2.To cause to lose one’s bearings. —be-wil’dex-ed-ly
`adv. —-be-wil’dered-ness 11. —be-wil’de1~ing-ly adv. —-be-wil’-
`demnen I1.
`be-witch (bi-wich') Vt. -witched, -witch-ing, -witch-es. [ME
`y + wicchen, to enchant < OE wiccian <
`bewicchen : be-, thoroughl
`Wicca, witch and wicce, wizard] To place under one’s power by or as
`if by magic : captivate totally. --be-wit-ch’er~y n. -—be-witching
`adj. --be-witchfiing-ly adv.
`be-witch-ment (bi-wich’mant) n, 1. The act of bewitching or the
`state of being bewitched. 2. A spell that bewitches.
`be-may (bi-ra') Vt. -wrnyed, -wray-ing, -wrnya. [ME bewreien :
`be-, thoroughly + wreien,
`to accuse < OE wregan.] Archaic. To
`disclose, esp. unintentionally: BETRAY.
`' bey (ha) 11. [Turk.] 1. A provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire.
`.Z.A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis. 3.A Turkish title of
`honor and respect.
`be-yond (be-ond’, bi-yond’) prep. [ME < OE begeondan] 1. On the
`far side of : PAST. 2. Later than. 3. Past the understanding, reach, or
`scope of <cruc1ty beyond words) 4. To a degree or amount greater
`than <rich beyond my wildest hopes) 5. In addition to <sought
`nothing beyond bread and shelter) -be-yond’ adv.
`bez-ant (béz’arit, be-25m’) [ME besant < OFr. < Lat. Byzantius, of
`, Bynintium] 1. A gold coin issued in Byzantium : sorrous. 2. A flat
`disk used as an architectural decoration.
`bowel (bEz’al) n. [Orig. unknown.] 1. A slanting surface or bevel on
`the edge of a cutting tool. 2.. The upper, faceted portion of a cut gem
`above the girdle. 3. A groove or flange that holds a beveled edge, as of
`a watch crystal or a gem.
`beuzique (be-zek’) n. [Fr. besique] A card game similar to pinochle
`that is played with a deck of 64 cards.
`7 be-zoar (be’zor’, -zor’) 11. [ME bezear < OFr. bezar < Ar. bdzahr <
`Pars. paid-zahr 2 pad, protecting against + zahr, poison.] A hard gas-
`tric or intestinal mass found chiefly in ruminants and once regarded
`as a magical antidote to poison.
`B-girl (be’gflrl’) n. [B(AR) + GIRL] A woman who works in a bar
`and encourages customers to spend money freely.
`011 Out
`th this
`Y young
`fir urge
`1'1 cut
`th thin
`zh vision
`9 about,
`-trén’, be’—) 11. A fixed~radius magnetic induction '
`"capable of acceleratin
`g electrons to energies rang-
`lion to a few hundred
`million electron volts.
`Port. < Mala
`yalam Vett1'1a.] A climbing Asiatic
`ose leaves are chewed with the betel nut and
`lc of southeastern Asia.
`t’l-jtfinz’, bet’l
`-jcez’) 11. [Fr. Bételgeuse, prob. < Ar
`ht-red intrin
`sic variable sta
`r, 527 light-years from
`llation Orion.
`"te1'1111t (b5t’l-nut’) n. The seed of the fruit of
`palm tree, Areca catechu of tropical Asia, with
`id__orange or scarlet fruit
`war’) :1. [Fr.
`: béte, beast +
`noire, black] one
`or to be avoided.
`3:t11_r.] The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
`‘. [Heb. bétll
`'51, house of
`God] 1. A holy or
`chapel for sailors.
`k’) V. -thought
`(-thot’), -think-ins, -thinks.
`Iedeacarr] —vt. 1. Archaic. To reflect on:
`Emmd (oneself) : REMEMBER. —Vr'. Archaic. To
`<3: V11 -tid-ed. -tid-in_g. -tides. [ME betiden :
`ien, to happen < OE tidarr] To happen to or to
`adv. [ME] 1. In good time :EARLY. 2.Archaic.
`‘L ‘_“9°9 (‘[520 [P1 < béte._foolish < béte, beast
`estra.] 1. Foolishness : stupidity. 2. A foolish or
`1) Vt -kened. -_ke'n-lug, -kens. [ME beto1<e-
`+ toknen. to signify < OE tacniarr] To be or
`.. pl. -nies. [ME betone < OFr. betoine < Lat.
`7301183. an ancient Iberian tribe.] 1. A plant of
`p. S. offrcrnalrs. having a reddish-purple flower
`p2. of BETAJLE.
`[ME betrayen :
`-tr-wed. -traying, -trays.
`Yen. to betray < OFr. trair < Lat. ttadee. —see
`tl traitor to or commit treason against. 2. To
`confidence. 3. To make known accidentally
`'1g guilt) 4. To reveal : indicate. 5. To lead
`'tmy’n1 r1. -be-tr-ay'er n.
`-troth’). Vt. -trothed, -truth-ing, -n-cam,
`in relation to + trouthe, troth.] To promise to
`ial, -tro’thal) rr. 1. An act of betrothing or the .
`d. 2. A mutual promise to marry.
`d’. -trotht’) n. A person to whom one is en-
`M13 < OE betera.] 1. Greater in excellence or
`lore useful, desirable or su
`itable. 3. Larger :
`Healthier than be-
`it of the artist's work) 4.
`re excellent way. 2. a. To a greater degree or
`advantage or use. 3. More <better than a
`atter to mean ”more,” as in They live better
`fn, is considered by many to be unacceptable
`»omething better. 2. A superior, as in position
`-ere-31. -cer-ing, -ters. —Vt. 1. To improve
`in hfe) 2. To surpass: exceed. ——vi. To be-
`ii father
`e be
`hw which
`6 pet
`oi noise
`o paw, for
`6 toe
`07, wok

` intertribal 0 intrados

`rtes an instruction into a ma
`1. To make timid : FRIGHTEN. 2. To inhibit or discourage by or as if
`tti-bal (in’tar-tri’bal) adj. Existing between tribes.
`by threats. —-in-tim'i-dn'tion n. —-in-t.i.m’i-dn'tor ri.
`trop-i-cal (in’tar-ti6p’i-kal) adj. 1. Located between or in
`roceeding to the next one.
`:i.n°'tion (in-tingl<’sh:in) n. [LLat. intinctia, a dipping in < Lat.
`topics. 2. Of or relating to the tropics.
`adj. Interpretative.
`intingere, to dip in : in-, in + tingere, to moisteri.] The administra-
`--4 twine (in’tar-twin’) Vt. & Vi.
`ypa-1er’é) adj. Situated or occ -
`tion of the Eucharist by dipping the host into the wine and offering
`ea. To join by twining together. --in'tex~twine'ment D.
`both simultaneously to the communicant.
`(Iri’tar-twist’) Vt. & Vi.
`-twist-ed, -twist-ing,
`1) 11., pl. -numa or -113 (-119) ll ,
`in-tine (in’téri’) n. [G. < Lat.1'r1tus, within.] The inner wall layer of
`. To intertwine.
`t e acce
`kins.“ 1‘ “.:.2::2‘:‘ '
`a spore or pollen grain.
`ban (In’tor-ur’ban) adj. Relating to or connecting urban
`in-tit-ule (in-tich’6Eil) Vt. -uled, -ul-ing, -ules. [OFr. intituler <
`~» (interurban transportation)
`)!fel.§1I('l: liréual functions of 9011!”:
`LLat. intitulare : Lat. in-, in + Lat. titulus, title.] Chiefly Brit. To
`rvtll (in’tsr-val) n. [MEir1terVal1e < OFr. < Lat. intervallum :
`.uity. —i.n’tex'-res’n31 0'17-
`give a designation or title to (e.g., a legislative act).
`-, between + vallum, rampart] 1. A space between objects,
`J31:-ed, -lntvins. -latet '7'
`in-to (iri’t<fi>) prep. [ME < OE : in, in + to, to.] 1. To the inside or
`ls, or units. 2. The pause between two specified instants, events,
`To come into mutual relatio ’
`interior of. 2. To the activity or occupation of <went into medi-
`.3. Math. :1. Aset containing all the numbers between a pair
`re-Iirtion-ship’ H-
`cine) 3. To the condition or form of <fall into ruin) 4. So as to be
`tvtn numbers. 1). Such a set including the endpoints. e. such a
`rbgng (In-tér'o-hing’) n.
`in or be included in <enter into an association) 5. To a point
`mtincluding the endpoints. d. Aline segment representing such
`inters’ slang) exclamation pgm
`within the limits of a period of time or extent of space <carried over
`~ e.A set of numbers greater than or less than a given number
`end a simultaneous questlo
`into the following month) 6. Against <ran into a waH> 7. In the
`excluding or including the given number. 4. Chiefly Brit. An
` ,t. _g,t.ed, .gac-ins, -811?”-
`direction of : TOWARD <look into the future) 8. Informal. Inter-
`' ‘ssion. 5. Difference in pitch between two musical tones.
`_ested in or involved with <into jogging this year)
`+ to an to ask]
`_ ervale (in’tor-val’) 12.
`[Obs. intervale, alteration of INTER-
`1n~tol‘er‘a-ble (in-t6l’ar—o-bal) adj. 1. That cannot be tolerated :
`31 to for
`}Regional. A tract of low-lying land, esp. along a river.
`- bfitween d
`UNBEARABLE <i'nto1eIab1e pain) 2. Extravagant: inordinate. --i.n-
`°‘,1:ia 1‘? _m‘ _
`er-vene (l'n’tor~vén’) Vi. -vened, -ven-ing, -vcneo. [Lat. 1'n-
`351- To Sen
`30! 11-
`tol’er-a-bil’i'ty, in-tol'er-a-ble-ness n. —-in-tol'er—a~bly adv.
`—i“"°"”°'3" °n ‘
`an 2 : inter-, between + veuirc, to come.] 1. To enter or occur
`inrtol-errant (in-tol’ar-ant) adj. Not tolerant, esp.: a. Unwilling to
`anuniiecessary condition or characteristic. 2. To appear, come, or
`question mark-
`tolerate differences in opinions or beliefs, esp.
`religious beliefs.
`letween two things. 3. To occur or fall between two periods or
`fiv) adj. L Of the nature of _q
`1). Unable or unwilling to endure <ir1tolerant of changes) —in-
`of time. 4. To come in or between so as to modify or hinder
`—-n. 1. A word or form used t0
`tol’er-ance n. -in-tol’er-nnt-ly adv.
`rveaed in an argument) 5. To interfere, usu. through force or
`pression or sentence. -111’ 4
`in-to-nate (in’t:+nzit') Vt. -nut-ed, -nnt-ing, -nntes. 1. To intone.
`{of force, in the affairs of another nation. 6. Law. To enter into
`2. To utter with a particular tone of voice.
`as a third party for the protection of an alleged interest. -in’-
`more, -tore) adj. Imerrogati
`in-to-na-tion (ln’t9-n5’shan, -to-) 11. 1. a. The act of intoning.
`was 11. —in’terven'tion (-Vén’Sh9n) I1.
`tion, as to a witness, DSIL -'1!
`b. An intoned utterance. 2. A manner of producing or uttering
`II. The policy 01’
`rven-tion'ism (ln’t9r-VEn'Sh9-I1lZ'9m)
`ri.-ly adv.
`tones, esp. with regard to accuracy of pitch. 3. a. The use of pitch as
`. v ’
`of intervening in the affairs of another sovereign state.
`-rum‘-‘ed. -1'“P‘='in3I ‘my
`an element of meaning in language. l). A use of
`ical of a
`’terven’ti(u1-ist 11.
`speaker 0; dgalea, _..inIm.nar¢1.,n.,,1 adj
`_“1t3"1'“g"'°d < L‘: £32155 m"j,
`rverte-bral (in’tar-vflr’to-brol,
`-vur-re’-) adj. Located be-
`in-tone (In-ton’) V. -toned, -toning, -tones. [ME entoneu < OFr.
`Wet" Fmleen f L To impede o
`' V5"°b“‘°- "1n_’t=1“VeI’t¢='hra1'1Y ad‘/.
`cntonet < Med. Lat. intonare : Lat. im, in + Lat. tonus, tone.) —vt.
`°‘ °.°nunu1ty?:t'-ion or discoumg
`‘4 I‘-Itebrlll dlflk IL A 5130-'14 disk Of fibf0C3Iti138e locatfid
`1. To recite in a singing or chanting voice. 2. To utter in a monotone.
`mk m on tahtlitasto s the executi
`. " §dl°lDi“E Vi“-1't'3bf-'16 Of the Spinal C0111mD-
`—-Vi. To speak with a singing tone or with a given intonation. —in-
`iflglglgfggxam of Ell]-lgher Pd
`PVICW (l1'1't91"VY5b')
`[FL emrevue < e11tT5V1-1» P-P2111 Of
`it, to see : entre~, between (< Lat. inter-) + Voir, to see < Lat.
`in tog-,0 (in tam) adv‘ [Lat] Tommy ; mm-e1y_
`]1. A formal face~to-face meeting, esp. one arranged for evalu~
`the qualifications of an applicant, as for,emp1c_>vm_cnt- L a_- A in-tox-i-cant (in-t6k’si-kant) n. Something that intoxicates, esp.
`) n. 1. One that interrupts.‘ 2- _
`rsation, as one conducted by a reporter, in Wl]lCh information
`an alcohouc beverage.,~_ 1m0,dCating_
`mg or closing an electric t_:u’c11,1,
`‘-ska-las’til<) 055- 0*‘-Cumng‘
`fitltexl from another. I). Ari account or reproduction of such a
`in.tox.i.cate (;n_t5kr5i.k5tI) Vg _¢“.ed, _c,,t.;_ng, _¢,,¢es_ [Mai
`tron. —v. -triewcd, -view_-ins, _-views. *Vt- T0 $31“ an
`Lat. iritoxicare, intoxicat-, to poison : Lat. in-, in + Lat. toxicum,
`ools <interschola.sti'c sports?-
`W f1’°m- "‘V1~ T0 ha“? ‘"1 1m91'Vl5W- "‘in"51"Vi°W‘°°' IL
`poison. ——-see TOXIC] 1. To bring about, esp. by the effect of ingested
`& adj. [Lat] Between or among
`°W'*‘—1' 11~
`alcohol, any of a series of progressively deteriorating states ranging
`-sect-ed, -aectdns: '5¢°“". '
`V05 (In'*9‘ ‘'5 V53 I V’ ') ‘ldlv [Lat-] Between I-‘vmg P5"3°“5
`from exhilaration to stupefaction. 2. To excite or stimulate <"a man
`“’lV°5 a“[3Td5>,
`whom life iritoxicates, who has no need of wine" ——Ana'is Nin)
`)CCW6CXl + secure, to Gift] ~‘
`vo-cal-ic (in tor-vo-kal’ik) adj. Immediately preceded and
`3_—l-0 poison __in,t°x,i_cn.flon n_ _m,tox,i,cn,tive ad,-_ _in_
`form an intersection Wltl1.“"
`My 3 V°w°l'
`tox’i-ca’tor n.
`161’, 2.To form an intersection
`5u3 F 3"‘ P Er’ru N3 3 E
`“he (l“'t°"V51"l) Vt 5‘ "1' "7°1V°d' 'V°‘V'i“3' 'V°lv°“'
`i.n1:r:1- pref. [LIat. < Lat. intra. ‘vithin.] Within <intraocular)
`in-tra-artte-ti-a1 ’
`-t‘r"- 1
`d’. W'th'
`'-). A place where things: 35 5“
`‘ cave (in’t:ir-wév’) V. -wove (-WGV’), -wovven (-w6’v9ri),
`arte,fi_81_1y adV_
`(m rs gr I e 3 ) H I
`1 m ‘ma cry
`1” In
`t or locus of points comliliog
`set every member of W C
`M5’ 'w"‘“'°".”.}Vt‘. 1’ T° .w°aV° mgethe" 2‘ To blend W in-tra-a~tom-ic (lI1'tI9~9-t6m'il<) adj. Within an atom.
`"yen sets.
`‘Nm‘MD" -"1'
`° "“""W“‘e'
`in-tra-car'di~ac (in’tra-l<2ir’de-ak’) adj. Within a heart chamber.
`tnte(in-tés’tz’it’ -tit) adj. [ME< OFr.intestat<Lat.intcsta-
`V I
`ran) 11. The period between ,
`‘ not + mmém tesmm] L Having made no legal win.
`in tra car-ti lagu nous (in tra kar’tl aj o—n9s) adj. Within carti
`_ j
`-2.1 adj’.
`‘l’5P°5°dé°f by " legal Wm‘ ‘Tn’ one who ‘hes mte5mte' —m in-tra-cel-Iirlar (in’tra-sél’yo-lar) adj. Within a cell or cells. -—in'-
`knixilnttgifsetlgial llltlividual.
` rnal (in-tés’ta-nol) adj. Of, relating to, or constituting the
`‘°Y("9‘5 lD-
`’5h5().a1) adj. 1. Occurring be _
`tru-cel’1u-litr-ly adv.
`steristics intermediate betwe
`e. -in-tea'ti-nal-ly adv.
`On the inner surface of a rib or ribs.
`in-tra-cos-tal (ir1’tra-l<6s’tl) adj. [IN'I'RA- + Lat. costa, rib + -A.L.]
`female. ._i.n'ter~aex'u-
`~- :11 fortitude n. Courage : perseverance.
`in°tJ:a-cra-ni-:11 (in’tr:;-kra’n<':-91) adj. Within the skull. —in’tr9.-
`4 e (in-tés’tin) ii. [Lat intestinum < intcstiiius, internal <
`c .1, .gpn¢-ins. -8
`crn’ni~a1-ly adv.
`“X‘el1;|I1‘~1lSThe P°m°n of the ahmemary canal from the stom
`,,‘f;,,T°:‘L, e(in’tar-sp§§'). An
`iirtrac-ta-ble (in-trak’to-bal) adj. 1. Difficult to govern or manage
`Plufinl (.5p§'sh?l) adj.
`(m_fl'H61,) V. Vat’ of m_mRALL_
`:0BS‘1'1NA‘1'E. Z. Difficult to manipulate or mold. 3. Difficult to ease,
`ii-sif’ik) adj. Arising between
`N e (imhrfinl) V. Wm of ENTHRONE‘
`remedy, or cure <an intractable virus) —-in-ti-ae'ta-1u.1'i-ty, m-
`H’) Vt -BP¢“¢“r '°1’°‘°'m" '—'
`" (lift:-ma) n., pl. -nine (-me’) or -mas. [NLat. < Lat, fem.
`“"‘°'““’1°'“°” 3' “i"'“"°'“'b17 ad“
`:rsed : inter. between + spar-ill.-is
`in-tta-cu-ta-nc-ous (in’tro-kyo‘o-t5’ne-as) adj. Within the skin.
`ves7pmc‘if§“3v‘Z.ll']o?§“fy$£§§§§°$§§§§f l‘Zl.°2?fe?yb°§. §‘i.'§?$
`nscmer among °‘h°’ ‘h‘“;‘*"’*
`.-in’tr=-cu-tn'ne'°“s'1v W .
`stributed at intervals. —in tat‘!
`in-tra-day (in’tra-d5’) adj. Occurring in the course of a single day.
`-,1-upefoion (-spfir’zh9I1; '51“ .
`-dermal (in’tra-dfifmal) adj. Within the dermis of the
`-cy (in’t:+mo-sé) n., pl. -cies. The state of being intimate. m “'3
`ldi. Relating to, existing betwetn
`tel ' ’to-
`rt. of intimate, to
`_ ,
`d‘. LLat. intimatus,
`<i‘ntcrstate commerce) --v.-IL
`11 lggrkeglig :1o7Se[aSsocimOn acqugipzrmncel or fammap
`in-trwdos (in’trs-dos , -do , -in-tra’d5s’, —d5s ) n., pl. -dos (-doz’) or
`ting U.S. cities or states.
`amaze understanding of foreign diplomacy> L Relating —dos-cs (~d6s’i_Z) [Fr.
`: intra-. withil} (< Lat.) + dos. back < Lat.
`':;r) adj. Among 01’ be"-W93“
`mtedstic of omens deepest “mm 3_ Essential : funda_
`dotsum] The inner curve of an zirchitecniral arch.
`1., PL ’“d'°”. ('sfi'§:z’;B-sItz°)‘s[F
`'LMarked by privacy and inforiiiality <an intimate café)
`En. I-1 > ‘f.3 E
`115: P-P3“ °f "Items e '
`persOnal:PRIVA’I‘E. b. Of or having sexual relations. -11. A
`but —1n’ti'n1ate-lv adv. —in’ti'mate-neon I1.
`51'5mm'ré° S
`In’ta-mfit’ Vt. -mat-e
`-mates. LLat.
`3 0! P3
`3'9” adj‘ Of’ ‘O50!
`intifiiate-, to i)iiake knownd’< Lat. intizlius,
`.ct of in _
`_unicate indirectly or subtly:HINT. 2. To announce : Pro-
`iased on 11'l(€1'STh
`ti-mnt’er I1. —-i.n’ti-1-nn’tion n.
`éks 0119‘) F‘ 1'.
`° 3
`’ -date (in-tIm’i-dat’) Vt. -«lat-ed, -dirt-ing, -dates. [Med.
`1- Something ““”“’°"e“'
`Ilare,1'ntimidat- : Lat.1‘n- (intensive) + timidus, timid.]
`th thin
`th this
`11 cut
`ur urge
`y young
`0 DEW; £01’


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