`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Reynolds et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,550,870 B2
`Jun. 23, 2009
`4,322,842 A
`4,349,879 A
`4,517,562 A
`3/1982 Martinez ................... .. 370/11
`9/1982 Peddie et a1. ..
`..... .. 364/492
`5/1985 Martinez ..... ..
`.. 340/825.07
`(75) Inventors: Charles H. Reynolds, Gilroy, CA (US); Ron L. Silorio Pittsburg CA (Us) ’ ’
`’ ’ i 4,769,555 A
`igsklilétlz't q 9/1988 Pequet et al. ....... .. '
`(73) AsslgneeZ Cyber swltehmgi Inc-i San Jose’ CA
`4,899,129 A
`4,918,562 A
`5,384,490 A
`2/1990 MacFadyen et al. ..
`4/1990 Pulizzi et al. ............ .. 36l/86
`1/1995 Swartz, Ji.
`( * ) Notlce:
`Subject to any dlsclalmer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U30 1546’) by 575 days~
`5,424,903 A
`6/1995 SChrelber .................. .. 361/166
`(21) App1.N6.: 10/625,837
`(22) Filed:
`Jul. 22, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2004/0064198 A1
`APr- 1, 2004
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/431,333,
`?led on May 6, 2003, now abandoned.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/378,342, ?led on May
`6, 2002-
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H02] 3/14
`G05B 11/01
`(52) US. Cl. ......................... .. 307/32; 307/31; 700/286;
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. 700/22,
`700/286’ 297; 307/31, 32
`See application ?le for Complete Search history
`References Clted
`0660 486 Al
`Marway Products, Inc., Stand And Custom Power Products for
`Single and Three Phase Power, World Wide Web at http://www.
`, 2 pages; Jan. 9, 1997; Copyright by
`Sel-Tronics, Inc.
`Primary ExamineriAlbert W Pa1ad1n1
`Assistant ExamineriHal 1 Kaplan
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm4Quine Intellectual Property
`Law Group; Stephen J. LeBlanc
`Methods and/or systems for power monitoring and/or poWer
`cycling management provide a variety of different remote
`interfacing and Provide individual Current monitoring for
`each output in a power supply strip. In various implementa
`tions, the invention can be incorporated into a power supply
`strip for a network device rack thereby providing compact
`controllable and monitorable power for multiple network
`4,090,088 A
`5/1978 McMahon et al. .......... .. 307/38
`12 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets
`R145 Ethernet
`R111 Pl‘liii'il
`R145 Serial
`H10": DM
`8 D'I'MF
`Rzhbillii?b Microcontroiier & Memnly
`Sensor Signal
`Switch/Circuit Bankers
`AC Outlels
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 1 of 36


`US 7,550,870 B2
`Page 2
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`9/1995 Pulizzi e161. ............. .. 364/492
`4/ 1996 Nguyen
`5/1996 Pomatto ................... .. 364/492
`4/1997 Marcoux ............. .. 340/825.69
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`6/1997 H1ldebrand et al.
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`2001/0010032 A1
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`.... .. 702/62
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`1/2003 Y1ng ................... .. 340/625.69
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`07036559 A
`Mfljorpowerwm,formallyZZZéP POWenMPD1Q0R$eries;W9rld
`W1de Web at]
`html’ 2 Pages’ Mar‘ 9’ ZOOLCOPynghtZZZAP POWFHCOI‘PMUQH'
`Marway Power Systems; Products; MPD 100R Ser1es; World W1de
`W b t h ,//
`nu d
`dloo h l 3
`e a ttp. pro ucts mp
`r. tm ,
`Apr‘ 19, 2003; Copyright Marway Power Systems‘
`Marway POWer Systems; Company Info; Application notes; World
`Wide Web at, 3 pages,
`Mar, 3, 2001; cepyright Marway Power Systems~
`“01 Systems; World W1de Web at httPWWWW'PmPWeSt'COHV
`pproduct.htm, 3 pages, Jan. 18, 2000.
`PuliZZi Engineering, Inc. Power Distribution, Control, and Remote
`Reboot Systems; Dual-Input Auto Switching Systems; World Wide
`Web at, lpage; Feb. 11,2001;
`Copyright PuliZZi Engineering, Inc.
`PuliZZi Engineering, Inc. Power Distribution, Control, and Remote
`Reboot sYstfems; Three Phase Power Controllers; Worldwlde Web at
`, 3 pages; Feb. 11, 2001;
`Copyright PuliZZi Engineering, Inc.
`PuliZZi Engineering, Inc. Power Distribution, Control, and Remote
`Reboot Systems; Remote Power Control/ Power monitoring Panels/;
`World Wide Web at httpr//pn1iZZieon?prodnets/rephnnl, 1 page;
`$5? 17/152091; Cf>PYriIght EUHZZiSPgiFLGGYiHgéHQ l
`d R
`lZZl n 1neer1n , nc. ower 1str1 ut1on, ontro , an
`Reboot sygtems; lftelligent Power Controllers; World Wide Web at
`httpI//pu1iZZi‘COnVprOductS/ipC‘html, 2 pages; Feb‘ 11, 2001; Copy_
`right PuliZZi Engineering, Inc.
`PuliZZi Engineering, Inc. Power Distribution, Control, and Remote
`Reboot Systems; New UL Listed Power Distribution Units; World
`Wide Web at httpz//, 2 pages;
`Apr. 8, 2001; Copyright PuliZZi Engineering, Inc.
`* cited by examiner
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 2 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 1 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`FIG. 1
`FIG. 2
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 3 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 2 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`Ethernet port
`[310 (
`\ Q
`5:] 306
`:04 F
`1,, (3060mm L000
`PCl/ [SA card
`Serial port
`PC/ equipment
`Power Supply
`/ 3303
`E 330
`FIG. 3
`Mother Board
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 4 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 3 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`PC/ equipment
`Power Supply
`Ethernet port
`[410 (412
`Serial port
`'1 \
`Q I
`/CPU 408 0/408
`404"" 4-0‘; -------------
`@ [:1
`426 CI
`CPU __/ E
`Mother Board
`FIG. 4
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 5 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 4 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`Main Menu:
`OFF 88.90 ........ ..
`ON EMU O ....... ..
`OFF 86.09 ........ ..
`OFF OUOR ........ ..
`OFF ONTO ........ ..
`OFF OMR ........ ..
`OFF 86.88 ........ ..
`OFF EMU ........ ..
`" Edit Outlet States
`1 - Uiew Logs
`2 - Settings
`3 - Log Out,
`FIG. 5
`5 — Time/‘Date
`1 — Network Settings
`2 - Phone Settings
`3 - Email Settings
`4 — Manage Users
`Settings Help:
`Use arrow keys to select a setting categorgI and press Enter.
`Press Backspace to return to Main Menu.
`FIG. 6
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 6 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 5 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`SETTINGS-NETNORK (These settings will not take effect until after reboot)
`[a] Enable DHCP
`: 192.168.881.088
`Subnet Mask
`2 192.1ss.oo1-oo1
`: 192.168.961.831
`: domaimcom
`Using: 192.1G8.B.2
`IREBOOT. . .1
`Network Settings Help:
`HHRNING: Rehooting may temporarily affect: outlet states. He sure attached
`Devices are powered off before rebooting.
`To use the web interface on the DURLCO?-S. Network Settings must be
`properly configured. For more information on each setting. consult your
`manua .
`Press Backspace to return to Settings ?enu.
`FIG. 8
`Hour: 83
`Minute: 26
`Month: 9
`Day: 4
`Year: 2602
`Time/Date Help:
`The time and date are used for outlet scheduling and logging purposes.
`Press Backspace to return to Settings Hanu
`[B] Enable Phone Interface
`[ 1 ?llon Calls with no caller ID information.
`FIG. 7
`lPhone Settings Help:
`The Phone Interface allows a caller to control the SPS-S .
`To log into the phone interface, a caller must enter the Phone PIN.
`Once logged in. a caller can change/query the states of all outlets.
`Caller ID information is usually used for logging purposes. By choosing
`the appropriate option above. calls without Caller II) can he rejected for
`security reasons.
`Press Backspace to return to Settings Henu.
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 7 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 6 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`[?] Send email when log buffer is full
`Email Server :
`Email Qddress : administrator?
`From ?ddress : DUQLCOM-B?donain .com
`: BU?LCOI1-8 Log Dump
`Email Settings Help:
`The DURLCOI'FB can dump logs to email when the log buffer becomes full.
`Fill out the information above to have logs emailed to 900.
`Press Backspace to return to Settings Menu.
`2 - run
`3 - god
`4 - (EMPTY)
`5 - test
`6 — (EMPTY)
`‘P - thenneandenly
`8 - (EMPTY)
`FIG. 10
`13 - {EMPTY}
`11 — {EMPTY}
`12 - (EMPTY)
`13 - (EMP'H')
`14 - {EMPTY}
`15 — {EMPTY}
`16 — {EMPTY}
`Illsers Help:
`Use arrow keys to select a user.
`Press Enter to modify user.
`Press Delete to delete user.
`Press Backspace to return to Settings Henu.
`FIG. 11
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 8 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 7 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`Usernanei onset Rios
`Passnoed= W
`Retype Password! WW
`hdoinistnaton: [x1
`can modify these outlets (hdninistratoes can modify hLh outlets):
`ix] ix] [x] [x] i 1 {x1 [ 1 ix]
`r u
`nsoon noon
`iiodiiy User Help:
`You MUST choose iShUE USER] for user settings changes to apply.
`. Use anion keys to navigate.
`Paess Enter to change setting.
`Press Backspace to cancel and return to Settings Menu.
`FIG. 12
`L955 M 5m
`9:20 ear-1a Thu 10/31/2002
`1 Q 2!!
`Se r
`2 Q 9.! 9E
`Com Sever 1
`4 ' Q!
`Com Server 2
`5 t 0
`Darwin Server
`6 Q Q! E M 00A
`7 6 g!
`Accougting 1
`8 . g5
`Room camera
`Total (15A
`FIG. 13
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 9 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 8 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`E Enable Scheduling for Outlet: 1
`New schedule;
`“Mew , at l! = Save Schedule Options m; every
`x . Sunday 1200 AM. -Tum 0mm ON
`FIG. 14
`Outlet Label: W
`I Enable Low Current Alerts
`Low CurrPnl: (Amps):
`Low Grace Period?na):
`I Enable High Current Alerts
`High Current (Amps):
`High Grace i'eriodljms):
`ave PmPemF-‘Fr ,
`FIG. 15
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 10 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 9 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`ME 19$
`USER?c 51121155.
`<131>0ct 31 20:49:32 RcbRick-s turned outlet (5') 7 off frum 63.201.59
`{13000: 31 20:19:30 RcbRicka, turned 000191‘. (a) 5 off from 63.201.59
`<131>0ct 31 20:19:30 RobRicks curned 00:12: (a) 3 off from 63.201.59
`{1313012 31 20:19:29 RubRicka turned autism) 1 off frmn 63.201.59
`(131)00': 31 20:18:08 adminl turned 00112.0(!) 9 cm from
`<131>0ct 31 20:18:06 adminl turned outle?s) 3 on from
`(139001‘. 31 20:18:05 adminl turned outlaw) 2 on from
`<131>0ct 31 20:18:01 1110101 131211120 0011a; (a) 1 an from 63 .201.59.21
`<131>0ct 31 20:17:19 admiral tamed nucleus) 1 off from 613.201.1112
`{11171001 31 20:17:11 adminl turned 00111015} 3 off 1101161201092
`(1313001; 31 20:17:93 adminl turned 0111110115} 2 011 ire-1m‘
`<131>0ca 31 20:17:12 admiral turned 6110181315] 1 csff £10m'
`FIG. 16
`4. <empty>
`Ou?ef Permissions
`Administrator I 1 3 4 5 6 7 8
`0 O O G O O i O
`o o 0 0 0 0 0 Q @ Delete
`m Delete
`FIG. 17
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 11 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 10 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`Ron Silurio
`5i User is administrator
`User may modify these outlets:
`(administrators can modify all autlets regardless of these settings)
`Save User i
`FIG. 18
`W Enable SNMP
`i Use concatenated UsemameBzPassword as Communities
`(Communities 1 8: 2 belaw will be ignoed)
`Community I; z; p blis
`FIG. 24
`.r "
`write access
`Community pm utva-
`? write access
`Trap HOS, mi
`(Leave biank to disable traps)
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 12 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 11 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`I Require con?rmation to change outlets from web page.
`Outlets page reiresh rate in seconds {1-999}: m
`FIG. 25
`8:46 PM Q ‘t'hu 10131/2002
`Thu, 31 Oct 2002 0 8:46 PM
`Time Zone: GMT- 08:00
`Daylight Savings: Enabled
`NTP: Disabhd
`NTP Server 1:
`NTP Server 2: my.NTP.server
`MAC Address: 00—D9-E6-D0'O1-17
`DHCP: Disabied
`Subnet Mask:
`DNS: 198.144.1922
`H051: DUALCOM~8~ 1
`Dcmain: ???.com
`198.144.195. 11D
`Syslog Server:
`Logging Facility: 15
`Logging Levei: 6
`Email Logs: Don't dump logs to emai! when buffer is full
`SMTP Server: smtp.???.com
`To: administrator@???.com
`From: 0UALCOM—8@???.c0m
`Subject: OUALCOM-B Log Dump
`FIG. 19
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 13 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 12 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`Subnet Mask: Gateway:
`1- .
`DH 5:
`TF4“: OM
`[It :3 r1 cel
`Note: Network settings won't take affect until you reboot.
`Save and Reboot
`Warning: If 1you choose "Save and Reboot“, ?rst power
`down all attached devices as rebooting will temporarily
`affect outlet states.
`FIG. 20
`E Enable Interface
`I Alilow callers with no caller ID.
`FIG. 21
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 14 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 13 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`H Dump legato email when buffer is full.
`SMTP Server:
`admin @du m am: -:| m
`TFiIEI C1 til-E5 Log [10 m p
`H DCHP Enabled
`Subnet Mask:
`Host :
`255.5255. M
`192.1581 .1
`DUALCOM-8-1 Ill
`dumainco m
`Note: Network settings won‘t take affect until you
`Save and Reboot
`Warning: If you choose "Save and Reboot", first
`power down all attached devices as rebooting will
`temporarily affect outlet states.
`FIG. 23
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 15 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 14 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`RJH Phone
`R345 Se?ai
`l 5
`Surge Protector
`j |
`l i
`Phone DAA
`81 DTMF
`Rabblti??? Micmcmtro'iier 81 Memory
`Sensor Signal
`Caad‘ition lng
`SwltcWCimuit Bmakers
`AC Outlets
`AC inlet
`FIG. 26
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 16 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 15 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`=_ ; a = z m a M
`, a
`N M 0
`w I
`k u H. .
`m _ (.5 ,
`I“ u
`M L N
`m, N 22 N a 5
`5?? mm» .522 .,
`_ 2522? a; o
`llcsa. : 123% ET ; h
`11% a 3.2% 83 z . @
`EM“ 2.: , - - _ 8: Q (5:5 ,=
`. z 32% 8: a , u
`m. J I w 25
`H 5 5% N 0 g ...
`TEE; é: u
`... g E: w k
`Ii 0
`a c _. H 2 .
`Snags 8; , .
`Ill IFI "I 88 — m “
`wl 5 =52: an .7 z k
`NH. 22% 23 = , 5.. EM
`Q“ E 5 L w >2
`, 0:: u ,
`_ _ W
`H5 _
`a z , M g
`E. , |_| 22.55
`<Q= E N
`FIG. 27
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 17 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 16 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`FIG. 28A
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 18 of 36


`US. Patent
`Jun. 23, 2009
`Sheet 17 0f 17
`US 7,550,870 B2
`3 VretLout
`FIG. 28B
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 19 of 36


`US 7,550,870 B2
`This application is a continuation-in-part of US. patent
`application Ser. No. 10/431,333 ?led 6 May 2003 Which
`claims priority from provisional patent application 60/378,
`342, ?led 6 May 2002 and incorporated herein by reference.
`Pursuant to 37 CPR. l.7l(e), Applicants note that a por
`tion of this disclosure contains material that is subject to and
`for Which is claimed copyright protection (such as, but not
`limited to, source code listings, screen shots, user interfaces,
`or user instructions, or any other aspects of this submission
`for Which copyright protection is or may be available in any
`jurisdiction). The copyright oWner has no objection to the
`facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document or
`patent disclosure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark
`O?ice patent ?le or records. All other rights are reserved, and
`all other reproduction, distribution, creation of derivative
`Works based on the contents, public display, and public per
`formance of the application or any part thereof are prohibited
`by applicable copyright laW.
`This invention relates to electronic circuits. More particu
`larly, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for
`intelligent poWer supply devices and/or methods that can be
`used for poWer supply control and/or monitoring in various
`information and/ or netWork appliances.
`Early in the development of modem networking equipment
`such as routers, it Was realiZed that at times a particular piece
`of netWork equipment might hang or “crash.” In such
`instances, a human operator often had to intervene by travel
`ing to the location of the equipment and rebooting or poWer
`cycling the equipment in order to get that particular piece of
`equipment Working. PoWer cycling and information about
`consumed poWer are also of interest in a number of computer
`equipment and other equipment settings.
`A number of proposals and techniques exist for performing
`various types of “poWer management” in computer systems,
`such as various APX (Automated PoWer Exchange) poWer
`management schemes. These techniques are generally char
`acteriZed by ?xed operating modes, such as suspend, sleep,
`hibernate, etc. and either no communication or limited com
`munication With other poWer management components. Fur
`thermore, computer equipment generally includes one or
`more “poWer management” schemes, but these also are of
`limited functionality.
`The discussion of any Work, publications, sales, or activity
`anyWhere in this submission, including in any documents
`submitted With this application, shall not be taken as an
`admission that any such Work constitutes prior art. The dis
`cussion of any activity, Work, or publication herein is not an
`admission that such activity, Work, or publication existed or
`Was knoWn in any particular jurisdiction.
`The present invention relates to a method and/or system
`and/or apparatus for providing neW capabilities in poWer
`supply and/ or poWer cycling management, particularly use of
`such techniques integrated Within an information and/or net
`Work appliance. In speci?c embodiments, the invention
`involves a method and/or system and/or apparatus for
`remotely managing and monitoring poWer supply and/or con
`sumption over one or more interfaces including, for example,
`a telephone interface and/or a netWork-based (e.g., HTTP,
`SNMP) interface and/or a serial interface. In further embodi
`ments, the invention involves one or more methods that may
`be implemented in and/or using a data handling device or
`system, such as a computer or other information enabled
`device. In further embodiments, the invention involves meth
`ods and/or systems for poWer management over a communi
`cation netWork and/ or telephone netWork.
`Various strategies have been proposed for performing
`remote poWer sWitching and/ or management and/ or perform
`ing intelligent scheduling for poWer cycling. According to
`speci?c embodiments, the present invention is involved With
`methods and/or systems and/or devices that can be used
`together or independently to monitor and/ or control poWer in
`different netWork and/or information appliances. In speci?c
`embodiments, the present invention can be understood as
`involving neW methods related to poWer management of
`information appliances.
`An internal smart poWer supply and/ or monitor according
`to speci?c embodiments of the invention further includes one
`or more novel features such as: individual current monitoring
`of poWer outputs; user adjustable stagger starting and/ or out
`put poWer scheduling; and optional menu driven interfaces.
`The invention and various speci?c aspects and embodi
`ments Will be better understood With reference to the folloW
`ing draWings and detailed descriptions. For purposes of clar
`ity, this discussion refers to devices, methods, and concepts in
`terms of speci?c examples. HoWever, the invention and
`aspects thereof may have applications to a variety of types of
`devices and systems. It is therefore intended that the invention
`not be limited except as provided in the attached claims and
`Furthermore, it is Well knoWn in the art that logic systems
`and methods such as described herein can include a variety of
`different components and different functions in a modular
`fashion. Different embodiments of the invention can include
`different mixtures of elements and functions and may group
`various functions as parts of various elements. For purposes
`of clarity, the invention is described in terms of systems that
`include many different innovative components and innova
`tive combinations of innovative components and knoWn com
`ponents. No inference should be taken to limit the invention to
`combinations containing all of the innovative components
`listed in any illustrative embodiment in this speci?cation.
`In some of the draWings and detailed descriptions beloW,
`the present invention is described in terms of the important
`independent embodiment of an apparatus or system operating
`on or With access to a digital data netWork. This should not be
`taken to limit the invention, Which, using the teachings pro
`vided herein, can be applied to other situations, such as cable
`television netWorks, Wireless netWorks, etc. Furthermore, in
`some aspects, the present invention is described in terms of
`client/server systems. A number of computing systems and
`computing architectures are described in the art as client/
`server art. For the purposes of this description, client/server
`should be understood to include any architecture or con?gu
`ration Wherein an element acting as a client accesses a remote
`and/or separate program or device that is providing the
`desired service (e.g., a server).
`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
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`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 27 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 28 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 29 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 30 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 31 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 32 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 33 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 34 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 35 of 36


`Petitioners’ Exhibit 1001
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 7,550,870
`Page 36 of 36

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