` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`Page 1
` A L A R M . C O M , I N C O R P O R A T E D
` P e t i t i o n e r ,
` v .
` V I V I N T , I N C O R P O R A T E D
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` C a s e s : I P R 2 0 1 5 - 0 2 0 0 3
` I P R 2 0 1 5 - 0 2 0 0 4
` I P R 2 0 1 5 - 0 1 9 9 7
` I P R 2 0 1 5 - 0 1 9 9 5
` T E L E P H O N E C O N F E R E N C E
` B e f o r e : C H A R L E S B O U D R E A U , P T A B J U D G E
` J A M E S A R P I N , P T A B J U D G E
` M I C H A E L Z E C H E R , P T A B J U D G E
` D a t e : W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 1 6
` T i m e : 1 1 : 0 0 a . m .
`R e p o r t e d b y : R y a n K . B l a c k , R P R
` V e r i t e x t L e g a l S o l u t i o n s
` M i d - A t l a n t i c R e g i o n
` 1 2 5 0 E y e S t r e e t N W - S u i t e 1 2 0 1
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Vivint 2004
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
` v. Vivint
`7 8
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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`Page 2
` S T E R N E K E S S L E R G O L D S T E I N & F O X P . L . L . C .
` B Y : R O B E R T G . S T E R N E , E S Q U I R E
` J A S O N D . E I S E N B E R G , E S Q U I R E
` J O S E P H E . M U T S C H E L K N A U S , E S Q U I R E
` 1 1 0 0 N e w Y o r k A v e n u e , N W
` S u i t e 1 6 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` 2 0 2 . 3 7 1 . 2 6 0 0
` r s t e r n e @ s k g f . c o m
` j a s o n e @ s k g f . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g P a t e n t O w n e r V i v i n t , I n c .
` S U G H R U E M I O N , P L L C
` B Y : B R I A N K . S H E L T O N , E S Q U I R E
` 2 1 0 0 P e n n s y l v a n i a A v e n u e N W
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 3 7
` 2 0 2 . 2 9 3 . 7 0 6 0
` b s h e l t o n @ s u g h r u e . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g P e t i t i o n e r A l a r m . c o m , I n c .
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`A P P E A R A N C E S ( C o n t ' d ) :
`Page 3
` C R A V A T H , S W A I N E & M O O R E L L P
` B Y : T E E N A - A N N V . S A N K O O R I K A L , E S Q U I R E
` 8 2 5 8 t h A v e n u e
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 1 9
` 2 1 2 . 4 7 4 . 1 0 0 0
` t s a n k o o r i k a l @ c r a v a t h . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g P e t i t i o n e r A l a r m . c o m , I n c .
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`Page 4
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Good morning.
`This is Judge Charles Boudreau, and I have
`Judges James Arpin and Michael Zecher on the
`line with me.
` Do we have counsel for
` MR. SHELTON: Yes, Your Honor. This
`is Brian Shelton for petitioner. And I'm also
`joined by co-counsel Teena Sankoorikal.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Thank you.
` And do we also have counsel for
`Vivint, Incorporated?
` MR. STERNE: Yes, Your Honor. This is
`Robert Sterne for patent owner Vivint. And do
`you want me to identify who's on the call from
`our side?
` We have a court reporter, Your Honor.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Yes, please.
` MR. STERNE: We have Jason
`Eisenberg, my partner. Also, my partner Joseph
`Mutschelknaus on the call. And we have the
`court reporter. And with your consent, we will,
`of course, provide a transcript of the call for
`the record.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Yes. Please do.
`Thank you.
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`Page 5
` All right. Thank you.
` We received Mr. Mandir's message
`regarding procedures that would be followed by
`the Patent Office for processing patent owner's
`request for Certificate of Correction. And we
`-- at the outset, I'd like to mention that,
`under 37 CFR 42.3, the Board takes exclusive
`jurisdiction over any involved application of
`patent during a proceeding. And so, going
`forward, patent owner shouldn't file any papers,
`including any requests, to any department
`outside of the PTAB while the case
`is pending before the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board. And, indeed, under 37 CFR 1.323, if a
`request for a Certificate of Correction relates
`to a patent involved in any trial before the
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board, the request must
`comply with the requirements of this section and
`be accompanied by a motion in addition to the
`request itself.
` MR. STERNE: Your Honor, this is
`Robert Sterne speaking. We will absolutely
`address why we did what we did and why we did
`not come to the Board first, because we're very
`aware of what you just cited to us. But I would
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`Page 6
`like to make clear at the beginning of the call
`that we request that this discussion today be
`limited to the Certificate of Correction issue
`before us and not be used as a backdoor to
`expand the discussion to the preliminary
`responses or to the petitions. Because our
`position, Your Honor, is the sole issue here is
`the propriety of the filing of the Certificates
`of Correction, and nothing more or less.
` MR. SHELTON: Your Honor, this is
`Brian Shelton for the petitioner. I mean,
`our concern here is that these Certificates
`of Correction were filed, and there was,
`previously, an effort by the patent owner
`to notify the Board and request a call.
`But they withdrew that request, and then
`they proceeded to file these Certificates of
`Correction, and the first time we see them is
`in the preliminary response. So our concern is
`that there has been some change to the claim
`language and we're not given an opportunity to
`address that.
` So to that extent, I think it does
`involve some discussion of the preliminary
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`Page 7
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: This is Judge
`Boudreau. Before we go down that road too far,
`let me just find out from petitioner whether you
`would agree that these are typographical,
`clerical or errors of a minor nature, such
`that we may go ahead and enter the Certificate
`of Correction?
` MR. SHELTON: Not in all cases, Your
`Honor. I mean, there are instances where terms
`are being removed from the claim language, where
`terms are being materially changed.
` In our view, these are not the
`sort of minor typographical changes that are
`contemplated for a Certification of Correction.
`That's the issue that we have with this. We
`looked at the claims as they were written on the
`face of the patent when we applied our prior
`art, and now there have been some material
`changes, in our view. And we're not sure how
`the Court would like to address that, but we
`would like the opportunity to do so.
` MR. STERNE: Your Honor, --
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Granted, these are
`not just spelling mistakes, for instance, but
`from our preliminary review of the Certificates
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`Page 8
`of Correction, it appears that they were
`correcting antecedent basis issues and the like.
` Are there particular corrections that
`you are pointing to, Mr. Shelton?
` MR. SHELTON: Yes, Your Honor. One of
`them would be in IPR2015-2003, which would be
`the '654 patent, Claims 16 and 24, the claim,
`as written, was a server message generator and
`communication, and that has been changed to,
`removed by the generator. And we had
`interpreted the claim one way, and they've come
`in with a different interpretation. And so the
`concern we have is, now that we've filed a
`petition addressing, again, as the claim was
`written, and then we tried to comprehend what
`the claim should properly mean, but they've come
`in with a different interpretation, and so now
`the record's unclear.
` I mean, that's one example. But there
`are other instances of, for example, on the one
`'123 patent, which is the IPR2015-1995. They've
`changed the message where it used to read, a
`single message profile, has now been changed
`to, message profile. Again, we applied our
`understanding of a single message profile in our
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`Page 9
`application of prior art. And there are other
`instances. There's another instance where, for
`example, the limitation of a table was changed
`to a memory.
` So our concern, primarily, is that
`the record at this point is unclear. And if
`the Board would allow us to, we would like the
`opportunity to make a submission stating our
`position as to how the art we applied meets the
`language that they're trying to change.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Would patent owner
`have any objection to Mr. Shelton's request?
` MR. STERNE: Yes, we do, Your Honor.
`I mean, that's exactly what I said at the
`beginning of this conversation. This is
`backdoor, used to change the petition that
`they filed.
` I mean, look, let's start at the
`beginning. First of all, I would like to
`address the Board's concern, which I think is
`appropriate. Of course, whether I think it's
`appropriate or not is irrelevant to the Board.
`But our position, Your Honor, is we were very
`careful in what we did here. We're only dealing
`with typographical and clerical changes, of
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`Page 10
`which, by the way, petitioner was aware of
`in their petition, because they raised it.
` Now, I want to bring to the Board's
`attention why we did not come to you first,
`and --
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Wait. Because,
`Mr. Sterne, you opened the door here by failing
`to follow our procedures.
` MR. STERNE: Well, Your Honor, in
`all due respect, I would disagree. We carefully
`reviewed other panel decisions here, as well as
`the statute. And I would like to point out
`three panel decisions that we think are relevant
` The first one is International Flavors
`& Fragrances versus ZoomEssence, Inc., which is
`IPR2015-01418, and, Your Honors, in Paper Number
`8 at Page 3, which is an October 21, 2015,
`ruling from the Board, quote, therefore,
`the grant and issuance of the Certificate of
`Correction; i.e., outside of the declared
`interference for instituted trial, does not
`require a motion to the Board. And there the
`panel cited, as you did, 37 CFR, Section 1.323,
`in its entirety.
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`Page 11
` And in a second case, Your Honors,
`in Pharmacosmos A/S versus Luitpold
`Pharmaceuticals, which is IPR2015-01490, Paper
`Number 8 at Pages 2 to 3, of October 14th of
`last year, 2015, there is a discussion
`authorizing for request for a Certificate of
`Correction and granting a motion for the
`request, without questioning whether the motion
`is necessary when trial has not been instituted.
` And here what is going on is, trial
`has not been instituted, as these cases point
`out, and, therefore, the Certificate of
`Correction is not within the jurisdiction,
`according to these other panels, of the Board
`until the trial institution decision is made.
` I give you another example: ASML
`Netherlands B.V. versus Energetiq Technology,
`Inc., which is IPR2015-01375 at Paper 11, Pages
`1 to 2, on October 14th, 2015. There the Board
`interpreted an authorization for a request for
`Certificate of Correction, and, again, it dealt
`with the issue of the fact that trial had not
`been instituted.
` So we did not want to burden this
`Board with this issue, because, as we said
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`Page 12
`earlier, these only go to typographical and
`clerical errors. The reality here --
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: In each of those
`cases, Mr. Sterne, the patent owner did come to
`the Board first, didn't they?
` MR. STERNE: Yes, they did, Your
`Honor. But in those cases, the Board pointed
`out that it was not a trial yet, and, therefore,
`there was no need for this permission to be
`granted, because --
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: But we do have
`jurisdiction under Section 42.3, even before any
`trial is granted.
` MR. STERNE: So the trial has not been
`instituted here. So, therefore, if you look at
`37.323, it specifically -- I mean, excuse me,
`37 CFR 1.322, it says, if a request relates to
`a patent involved in a trial before the Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board, the request must comply
`with the requirements of this section and be
`accompanied by a motion under 42.20 of this
` So what we're saying is, under
`37 CFR, Section 42.2, it defines a trial to mean
`a contested case instituted by the Board based
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`Page 13
`on a petition. So our interpretation of these
`panel decisions, Your Honor, is that until
`a trial is instituted, this Certificate of
`Correction is outside of the Board's concern.
`Because the Patent Office has the necessary
`provisions in their rules that specifically say
`that the Certificate of Correction will not be
`granted and not be issued if the claim scope is
`changed by the Certificate of Correction.
` The last thing we are trying to do
`here is change claim scope. We just want to
`remove these typographical and clerical errors
`from the claim, because these claims are
`in litigation, and we, for very appropriate
`reasons, must deal with these issues, but we
`want to deal with these issues now before the
`trial is instituted, if it is instituted.
` So, again, we're not trying to do
`anything improper. We're not trying to burden
`the Board with needless work. We were using
`the provisions in the Office Rules, as we
`interpreted them and as supported by other
`panels. So we would submit, Your Honors,
`that we've done nothing wrong by filing these
`Certificate of Corrections, and, that, as I said
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`Page 14
`before, the protection for the process lies
`in the fact that if they are not granted and
`issued, because they have expanded the scope of
`the claims, then everything has been taken care
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Well, let us hear
`from petitioner's counsel.
` MR. SHELTON: Your Honor, first I want
`to address that we're not asking to supplement
`anything in our petition. We're not looking to
`bring in new prior art or expand the arguments.
`We simply want the opportunity to address the
`change in the claim language that patent owner
`has introduced to explain why the art we have
`applied would cover that change. And, again,
`we disagree with the patent owner's
`characterization of these changes as being minor
`typographical corrections. They have changed
`the scope. They've taken terms out of the
`claim. They've changed claim terms from
`singular to plural. They've made changes. And
`we simply want to preserve the integrity of the
`record and have the opportunity to have our
`position on how these changes affect the art
`being applied.
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`Page 15
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: All right. Thank
`you, Mr. Shelton. I'm going to just put you on
`hold for a minute.
` MR. SHELTON: Thanks.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: I'm going to confer
`with the panel.
` (Brief pause in proceeding.)
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Okay. This is Judge
` At the outset, Mr. Sterne, we
`believe that you're incorrect in your reading.
`Section 42.3 states that the Board may exercise
`exclusive jurisdiction within the Office over
`every involved application and patent during the
`proceeding, as the Board may order. And Section
`42.3 defines proceedings to include a proceeding
`meaning a trial or preliminary proceedings, and
`preliminary proceedings begins with the filing
`of the petition for instituting trial.
` And so we are going to authorize
`the petitioner to file a sur-reply, no longer
`than five pages, limited to the issue of
`consideration of the Certificate of Correction.
`And, in the meantime, the request for
`Certificate of Correction will be stayed within
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`Page 16
`the office pending our decision. We conclude
`that if the changes that are proposed are minor,
`then there should be no effect on petition.
`If they're not minor, they may affect the
`consideration of the petition, and, as
`petitioner here is likely aware, Inter Partes
`Review may be based only on patentability
`challenges under Sections 102 and 103, not
`Section 112. So to the extent that petitions
`raise the indefiniteness arguments here, that is
`not a proper basis for request for Inter Partes
`Review. And if we determine that we can't
`construe a particular claim so as to determine
`what's not anticipated or obvious, then we'll
`need to consider what that would prevent us from
` MR. STERNE: Your Honor, may I make a
`request of the Board for clarification or for
` So, again, to go back to your point
`about 42.3, again, we are looking at other panel
`decisions. And, Your Honor, I would suggest
`that there is ambiguity here on whether the
`Board assumes jurisdiction over this issue prior
`to institution of trial. So it would be helpful
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`Page 17
`for all of us for there to be some discussion
`at the Board level on this issue, because it's
`not as clear as, perhaps, you think it is based
`on our research.
` So, you know, I -- I -- again, I
`wanted to -- you know, I just wanted to bring
`to your attention one more case in this regard,
`which is the ZoomEssence case, which is
`IPR2015-01418, and, particularly, Paper Number
`8, Page 3, on October 21 of this past year. I
`would like you to consider that after the call.
` Secondly, with regard to the sur-reply
`that petitioner has skillfully obtained, again,
`no problem there, but we would suggest to the
`Board that it only be limited to the language of
`the Certificate and not be allowed to go beyond
`that. And, also, the Board should be aware
`that, in the petition, a lot of these clerical
`error issues were raised by the petitioner in
`their petition. They're aware of these. And
`the point is, they've already addressed these in
`their petitions. It should not -- the sur-reply
`should not be a vehicle to expand the petition.
` So those are the cautions that we
`would like to propose to the Board about the
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`Page 18
`scope of this sur-reply, not just the issue
`about 112, but also about re-litigating issues
`that have already been presented in the
` We did not, Your Honor, address any of
`these issues in our POPR. I mean, that was not
`the basis of our POPR. We were not arguing
`these claims in the POPR. So, again, we don't
`think this should be used as a backdoor
`to expand the record in terms of the second
` MR. SHELTON: Your Honor, speaking
`for petitioner, we do not intend to go beyond
`the specific corrections when we present our
`discussion in the sur-reply. That's all we've
`asked to address, and that's all we intend to.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Thank you. And we
`will make that clear in our order that the
`petitioner isn't to go beyond the scope of the
`Certificate of Correction.
` MR. SHELTON: Your Honor, one other
`question. Now, these four patents that we're
`talking about today, there are other petitions
`that we identified in our e-mail to the Board
`that I believe patent owner has yet to file
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`Page 19
`their preliminary response, but certainly we'll
`have the same issues come up. So our question
`would be, how would the Board like us to proceed
`with those? Should we file the same sur-reply
`in those proceedings, as well?
` That's the question we have for the
`other patents for which no preliminary response
`has been filed yet.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Yes, that sounds
` MR. SHELTON: Okay.
` MR. STERNE: Your Honor,
`clarification: If they are being permitted
`to file a five-page sur-reply, do we get a
`five-page response to that?
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Nothing is authorized
`at this point, other than the five-page
` MR. STERNE: Well, how do we defend
`our side, then?
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Well, you've already
`had your opportunity to present your position in
`your preliminary response.
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`Page 20
` Mr. Sterne, I'd also ask you, in any
`of those decisions that you cited earlier, were
`any of those precedential? Were any of those
`binding on the Board?
` MR. STERNE: No, Your Honor. As we
`all know, there's very, very few of those to
`date on this. And there's been no precedential
`decisions on this point of law, to date, that
`we're aware of. And we did some pretty
`intensive research on this subject.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: All right. Thank
` MR. SHELTON: Lastly, one point from
`petitioner, Your Honor. In terms of timing,
`when would the Board want the petitioner to
`submit the sur-reply?
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: Within seven days.
`One week.
` MR. SHELTON: Okay.
` JUDGE BOUDREAU: All right. Thank you
` MR. SHELTON: Thank you.
` (Proceeding concluded -- 11:28 a.m.)
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` C E R T I F I C A T E
`Page 21
` I do hereby certify that the aforesaid
`testimony was taken before me, pursuant to
`notice, at the time and place indicated; that
`said deponent was by me duly sworn to tell the
`truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
`truth; that the testimony of said deponent was
`correctly recorded in machine shorthand by me
`and thereafter transcribed under my supervision
`with computer-aided transcription; that the
`deposition is a true and correct record of the
`testimony given by the witness; and that I am
`neither of counsel nor kin to any party in said
`action, nor interested in the outcome thereof.
` WITNESS my hand and official seal this
`26th day of January 2016.
` <%Signature%>
` Ryan K. Black
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`2 3


`[& - changed]
`& 2:3 3:3 10:16
`1 11:19
`1.322 12:17
`1.323 5:14 10:24
`10019 3:6
`102 16:8
`103 16:8
`11 11:18
`1100 2:7
`112 16:9 18:2
`11:00 1:20
`11:28 20:23
`1201 1:23
`123 8:21
`1250 1:23
`14th 11:4,19
`16 8:7
`1600 2:8
`2 11:4,19
`20005 1:24 2:9
`20037 2:18
`2015 10:18 11:5,19
`2016 1:19 21:18
`202.293.7060 2:19
`202.371.2600 2:10
`21 10:18 17:10
`2100 2:17
`212.474.1000 3:7
`24 8:7
`26th 21:18
`27 1:19
`3 10:18 11:4 17:10
`37 5:7,14 10:24
`37.323 12:16
`42.2 12:24
`42.20 12:21
`42.3 5:7 12:12 15:12
`15:16 16:21
`654 8:7
`8 10:18 11:4 17:10
`825 3:5
`8th 3:5
`a.m. 1:20 20:23
`absolutely 5:22
`accompanied 5:19
`action 21:15
`addition 5:19
`address 5:23 6:22
`7:20 9:20 14:9,12
`addressed 17:21
`addressing 8:14
`affect 14:24 16:4
`aforesaid 21:3
`agree 7:4
`ahead 7:6
`aided 21:11
` 1:5 2:21
`3:9 4:5
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`allowed 17:16
`ambiguity 16:23
`ann 3:4
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`anticipated 16:14
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`applied 7:17 8:24
`9:9 14:15,25
`appropriate 9:21,22
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`art 7:18 9:1,9 14:11
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`asking 14:9
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`authorizing 11:6
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`16:6 17:17,20 20:9
`b.v. 11:17
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`based 12:25 16:7
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`beginning 6:1 9:15
`begins 15:18
`believe 15:11 18:25
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`black 1:21 21:21
`board 1:3 5:7,14,17
`5:24 6:15 9:7,22
`10:19,23 11:14,19
`11:25 12:5,7,19,25
`13:20 15:12,15
`16:18,24 17:2,15,17
`17:25 18:24 19:3
`Page 1
`board's 9:20 10:3
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`4:9,17,24 7:1,2,23
`9:11 10:6 12:3,11
`14:6 15:1,5,8,9
`18:17 19:9,16,18,23
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`c 2:1 3:1 21:1,1
`call 4:14,20,22 6:1
`6:15 17:11
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`careful 9:24
`carefully 10:10
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`cases 1:12 7:8 11:11
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`6:3 7:6 10:20 11:6
`11:12,21 13:3,7,9
`13:25 15:23,25
`17:16 18:20
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`6:17 7:25
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`certify 21:3
`cfr 5:7,14 10:24
`challenges 16:8
`change 6:20 9:10,16
`13:11 14:13,15
`changed 7:11 8:9,22
`8:23 9:3 13:9 14:18
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`[changes - incorporated]
`changes 7:13,19
`9:25 14:17,21,24
`charles 1:17 4:2
`cited 5:25 10:24
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`8:11,14,16 13:8,11
`13:13 14:13,20,20
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`13:13 14:4 18:8
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`clear 6:1 17:3 18:18
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`12:2 13:12 17:18
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`10:4 12:4 19:2
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`concluded 20:23
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`6:3,9,13,18 7:7,14
`8:1 10:21 11:7,13
`11:21 13:4,7,9
`15:23,25 18:20
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`13:25 14:18 18:14
`correctly 21:9
`counsel 4:5,8,10
`14:7 21:14
`course 4:22 9:21
`court 4:16,21 7:20
`cover 14:15
`cravath 3:3
` 3:8
`d 2:5
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`f 21:1
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`18:25 19:4,14
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`Page 2
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`5:21 6:7,10 7:9,22
`8:5 9:13,23 10:9
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`16:17,22 18:5,12,21
`19:12 20:5,14
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`i.e. 10:21
`identified 18:24
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`improper 13:19
`include 15:16
`including 5:11
`incorporated 1:5,9
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`[incorrect - partner]
`incorrect 15:11
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`indicated 21:5
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`10:17 17:9
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`ipr2015-01995 1:13
`ipr2015-01997 1:13
`ipr2015-02003 1:12
`ipr2015-02004 1:12
`ipr2015-1995 8:21
`ipr2015-2003 8:6
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`11:22,25 15:22
`16:24 17:2 18:1
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`17:19 18:2,6 19:2
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`joseph 2:6 4:19
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`4:2,9,17,24 7:1,1,23
`9:11 10:6 12:3,11
`14:6 15:1,5,8,8
`18:17 19:9,16,18,23
`judges 4:3
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`11:13 12:12 15:13
`k 1:21 2:16 21:21
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`9:10 14:13 17:15
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`12:24 18:6
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`11:7,8 12:21
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`Page 3
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`11:19 17:10
`office 1:1 5:4 13:5
`13:21 15:13 16:1
`official 21:17
`okay 15:8 19:11
`opened 10:7

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