William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`Case IPR2016—OO45
`Patent Owner
`Patent 6,233,518
`Taken at
`446 Main Street
`Worcester, Massachusetts
`Thursday, July 14, 2016
`8:04 — 10:22 a.m.
`Deborah Leonard Lovejoy
`Registered Professional Reporter
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI
`Lee 2013 1
`l£e2m3 1

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`Representing the Petitioner:
`Two Embarcadero Center, 28th Floor
`San Francisco, California 94111-3823
`(415) 984-8959
`FAX (415) 984-8701
`3200 RBC Plaza
`60 South Sixth Street
`Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
`(612) 766-2048
`Representing the Patent Owner:
`3251 Old Lee Highway, Suite 404
`Fairfax, Virginia 22030
`(703) 745-5495
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`I N D E X
`Case IPR2016—00045
`Patent 6,233,518
`Cross—Examination by Mr. Novick .
`Direct Examination by Mr. Almeling .
`. ..
`. ..
`Exhibit 2010, Patent Owner's Amended Notice of
`Deposition of Dr. William Michalson .
`. ..
`Exhibit 2011, 10/28/13 Declaration of
`Dr. William R. Michalson Concerning Claim
`re '518 patent, submitted in
`USDC Eastern District of Virginia .
`. ..
`Exhibit 2012, 10/12/15 Declaration of
`Dr. William Michalson on Lee patent
`6,233,518 .
`. ..
`Dr. Michalson's 10/12/15 declaration was
`redesignated Google Exhibit 1003,
`in line
`with its original designation .
`. ..
`Exhibit 2012, 5/15/01 Lee patent 6,233,518 B1
`(subsequently referred to as Google 1001).
`Exhibit 1004, 5/17/94 Sone patent 5,313,200...
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`(Exhibit 2010, Patent Owner's Amended
`Notice of Deposition of Dr. William
`Michalson, marked)
`MR. NOVICK: Would you swear the
`witness, please.
`WILLIAM MICHALSON, Ph.D., Deponent, having
`first been duly sworn, deposes and states as
`Dr. Michalson, how do you pronounce
`your name?
`MR. ALMELING: Counsel, before we
`begin, perhaps we should do appearances?
`If you want to.
`MR. ALMELING: David Almeling, of
`O'Melveny & Myers, on behalf of Google,
`With me from Fish & Richardson is Rick
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`MR. NOVICK: And for the patent
`owner, Harold Novick and Sean Lee, of
`Novick, Kim & Lee.
`Thank you, counsel.
`MR. NOVICK: Okay.
`A pleasure.
`(By Mr. Novick) Would you please
`show the witness Exhibit No. 10.
`And, Doctor, you're familiar with
`that? This is the notice of the deposition;
`that's why you're here.
`Yes, that's what it appears to be.
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Off—record discussion)
`On the record.
`(By Mr. Novick) Doctor, we're taking
`this deposition pursuant to an IPR instituted by
`Google to test the validity of patents that my
`client is the patent owner of. You're aware of
`Okay. There are two patents involved
`and there are two IPR's involved.
`The procedure
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`that your attorney and I discussed is we were
`going to have two separate depositions. And we're
`trying to compress them into one day if we can.
`Which is why we started at eight o'clock.
`Is that
`all right with you?
`That's fine.
`Okay. We may go a little late,
`don't know, but we'll see. And if we have to
`postpone, why, with your counsel's consent, we'll
`postpone. Okay?
`All right.
`I ask, always, a few
`initial questions, just to get the record
`straight. Your counsel's advised I should use
`gentler language.
`As far as your health and mental
`state, do you have any impairments?
`So you're wide awake and clear
`At the moment, yes.
`Okay. All right.
`I will be asking a
`number of questions. After my question, just
`pause for a second,
`to give your counsel time to
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`object should they do so.
`I know you've been
`through many depositions, but as I mentioned,
`like to put on the record a few things.
`The main
`thing, most important thing to me, is if you don't
`understand the question, please tell me that.
`I'll reask it or I'll have the reporter repeat it.
`But it's very important that you understand the
`Is that clear?
`Okay. All right, first --
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record for a
`(Off—record discussion)
`On the record.
`(By Mr. Novick) Doctor,
`the first
`set of questions I'm going to be asking you relate
`to your experience in this case and your
`remuneration in this case.
`You've been hired by Google as an
`expert; is that correct?
`That's correct.
`And they've paid you; is that
`That's correct.
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`Do they owe you any money for your
`testimony so far?
`I believe they're current.
`I have
`not submitted an invoice for --
`How long have you been working for
`I'm sorry.
`I withdraw that question.
`With respect to the IPR matters and
`the patent matters,
`including the
`litigation that you were involved in, how long
`have you been working for Google in this case?
`I would have to go back to my records
`to be precise. My recollection is these reports
`were submitted —— or these declarations were
`submitted sometime in October of last year.
`probably, you know, during the summer, June,
`July—ish, of last year.
`Okay. May I suggest, sir, that it
`was before then because you also executed
`declaration for the Virginia district court case.
`MR. ALMELING: Objection,
`That was not on behalf of Google.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`I see. Okay.
`let me rephrase my question. With respect to
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`these patents how long have you been working as an
`expert involving the two patents in the case? And
`the first one is 6,233,518.
`So how long have you
`been working on that particular patent as an
`I'm not sure I fully understand your
`Okay. According to the records that
`we have, you executed declaration with respect to
`a district court case in the District of Virginia.
`And that was, I believe,
`in '14.
`That sounds correct.
`Okay. Before then did you work at
`all on these patents?
`I believe the first time that I did
`any work associated with the —— with these, with
`any of these patents was that case between Porto
`and I believe it was Cellco Partnership back in
`2014 time frame. That would be the Eastern
`District of Virginia,
`I believe it was.
`Yes, sir. Eastern District of
`Virginia. Okay.
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Off—record discussion)
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`(Exhibit 2011, 10/28/13 Declaration
`of Dr. William R. Michalson Concerning Claim
`re ‘S18 patent, submitted in
`USDC Eastern District of Virginia case of
`Porto v. Cellco, marked)
`(By Mr. Novick) Okay,
`I show you
`what has been marked as Deposition Exhibit 2011.
`Would you please review it.
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`Is that your signature on the last
`I only have nine pages. Apparently,
`a 49—page document.
`I don't have a signature on
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Off—record discussion)
`On the record.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`So, Doctor, this
`declaration was signed by you in 2014; is that
`Two objections. One,
`inadmissible hearsay.
`Two, authentication.
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`The document that was provided was a
`nine—page document, which appears to be of
`39 pages according to the Pacer entry on the
`The signature page was not on the
`document; it was added to the document from
`another copy and therefore cannot be
`Subject to those objections, you can
`MR. NOVICK: Would you repeat the
`(Record was read back)
`(By Mr. Novick) What date did you
`sign the declaration?
`This page that we added to
`Exhibit 2011 is dated October 28, 2013.
`To be clear, my
`objection applies to all questions regarding
`this document.
`Subject to that, please
`(By Mr. Novick) Doctor, did you
`refer to this document in your declaration for
`this case; do you recall?
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`I don't recall.
`I may have.
`All right.
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Exhibit 2012, 10/12/15 Declaration
`of Dr. William Michalson on Lee patent
`6,233,518, marked)
`MR. NOVICK: Back on the record.
`(By Mr. Novick) Doctor, I show you
`what's been marked as Exhibit 2012.
`Do you
`recognize that exhibit?
`Would you turn to the last page, sir,
`and see if that's your signature?
`It is.
`Okay. As way of explanation with
`respect to Exhibit 11, your counsel is correct
`that the pages after,
`I believe, 10 were deleted,
`because that was just, basically, your CV. That's
`just for your information.
`No questions asked.
`As far as this declaration is
`concerned, when did you prepare it? Oh, I'm
`sorry. As far as the declaration of Exhibit 2012,
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`when did you prepare it?
`Well, obviously, before the day I
`signed it, which is October of 12th of 2015.
`would have to go back and look at my records to
`find out when, exactly,
`I started work on this.
`Can you approximate?
`Certainly earlier than October, but I
`don't —— I don't recall.
`Do you know how long you spent
`preparing that declaration?
`MR. ALMELING: Counsel, before we
`continue, we've been referring to this
`exhibit by a 2000 number.
`It was already
`marked as Google 1003.
`To avoid confusion
`of having two exhibits that are the same
`document, perhaps we should refer to this as
`the designated Google 1003.
`MR. NOVICK: Well, off the record.
`(Off—record discussion, during which
`the Exhibit 2012 sticker was removed from
`Dr. Michalson's declaration on the ‘S18
`patent and parties agreed to instead refer
`to the document as Google Exhibit 1003.)
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`MR. NOVICK: Back on the record.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`Do you recall,
`Doctor, how long you spent preparing the
`declaration, Exhibit 1003?
`I don't have any recollection of how
`much time I spent with this.
`Would it have been months?
`It was probably several hours,
`spanning months.
`When you wrote your declaration --
`well, 1003, did you use any of the information
`from your previous declaration, which is
`Exhibit 2007 -- or 2011,
`from the Eastern
`(Reviewing document)
`I don't believe
`I specifically used any of the information from
`Exhibit 2011, although since that predates my
`involvement with the Google case,
`there are
`certainly certain sections of my background, and
`things like that,
`that I would expect to be very
`As far as your declaration 1003 goes,
`where did you get the material to prepare that?
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`Copies of patents, for example, or references?
`From a variety of places.
`I've been
`working in this general area for a very long time,
`so some material may have come from my personal
`Some of the material may have come
`through web searches.
`Some of the material I may
`have been —— may have been advised to me by
`attorneys. There's a variety of sources that, you
`the patents and prior art, and things of
`that nature,
`come from.
`But didn't the attorneys give you the
`references for you to consider?
`I, frankly, don't recall that
`I can speak generically,
`in that in
`most of the cases that I work with,
`I provide some
`of the art and attorneys provide some of the art.
`* Q.
`Do you recall in this particular
`case, with respect to patent 6,233,518, whether
`you did any validity searches on your own?
`Can you repeat that question again,
`MR. NOVICK: Repeat the question.
`(Record was read back)
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`I think the answer to that is, yes,
`had some previous experience with the ‘S18 patent,
`so I would have had a record of that art and I
`would have advised the attorneys that, yes, I'd
`worked with this patent previously and here is at
`least some of the art that I had used previously.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`Do you recall the
`name of the attorneys you were working with, with
`respect to Exhibit 2011?
`With respect to Exhibit 2011, I'll
`recognize the names.
`One of them was Floyd
`Chapman. He's the attorney I worked with most
`Do you know what firm he was with?
`Again, I'll recognize the name.
`you have a copy of my --
`Fish & Richardson?
`No, he was not Fish & Richardson.
`you have a copy of my CV,
`I can probably get the
`information from that.
`There may be some
`record confusion. Were you referring to the
`EDVA declaration or the IPR declaration?
`The IPR declaration.
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`We're off the record.
`Oh, do you want to be on the record
`for this?
`MR. ALMELING: Yes, please.
`Your question,
`I believe, was
`specifically related to 2011.
`(By Mr. Novick) Correct.
`Yeah, that's not the IPR declaration.
`I correct my question to
`refer to your declaration, Exhibit No. 10003 --
`And the question was, do you recall
`the name of the attorney you worked with.
`I worked for —— Exhibit 1003,
`worked most closely with Mike Hawkins and Rick
`Besinius, of Fish & Richardson.
`In preparing your declaration, how
`many of the words were yours and how many were
`When I prepare a declaration or an
`expert report of this nature,
`I usually start with
`a template and start beginning filling in that
`template, and it becomes a combined effort between
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`myself and the attorneys:
`You know, I'll submit a
`draft, they'll submit corrections, and it's an
`iterative process.
`By the end of the day,
`I would
`say it's probability a 50-50 split, although it's
`going to be scattered throughout. Many of these
`things are cut—and—paste and modify the
`So exactly who typed how many words I
`have no way of knowing. But I would say,
`in terms
`of the volume of the documents,
`I probably am
`responsible for about half and they're probably
`responsible for about half. And I would, of
`review it several times,
`to ensure that
`it's cohesive and that it's saying what I want it
`to say.
`Therefore, all the words in 1003 you
`will accept as being your own opinions.
`At the end of the day, it's my
`I endorsed it,
`I signed it, and this is
`my opinion.
`Do you recall how much you
`were paid,
`in total, for preparing Exhibit 1003?
`looking at my invoices, I'd
`have no way of guessing at this point.
`Do you know how much your hourly rate
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`It has changed since I started
`working on this matter.
`I will take a guess that
`it was about 450 an hour, but I'd have to check my
`records to see what that going rate is currently.
`I haven't submitted an invoice since —— since this
`October report.
`Before today's deposition, how much
`time have you prepared to get ready for the
`deposition? Specifically the deposition.
`I would say approximately thirty
`And will you please tell me how you
`spent those thirty hours.
`Reviewing my declarations,
`the petitioner's papers,
`reviewing the response,
`reviewing the Board's decision to institute, and
`reviewing some of the art that's cited in the
`patents. Or the —— yeah, that's cited in my
`By "art" you mean references, patent
`Correct. Well, patent —— I don't
`believe they're all —— Yeah,
`I guess they are all
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`patent references, yes.
`You have a few Japanese --
`-- applications.
`Now, that time spent,
`the thirty
`hours, would be for both patents, is that correct,
`that are involved in the IPR,
`the one we're having
`a deposition about now, plus the other one, which
`is -- plus patent 6,532,413 for the case
`That's correct. Approximately thirty
`hours for the two of them.
`Did you happen to divide your time
`between them? Or just do them -- Rephrase the
`Did you divide your time between
`I kept records separately for each
`patent, yes.
`And what is your rate today?
`My rate for new matters is $525 an
`I'm honoring the original rate that I
`specified for this matter, back when I specified
`it, which I ——
`I would have to check to verify,
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`but I think it's around 450.
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Off—record discussion)
`On the record.
`Would you please mark this as Patent
`Owner's Exhibit 2012.
`(Exhibit 2012, 5/15/01 Lee patent
`6,233,518 B1, marked; a document previously
`marked Google 1001,
`later referred to as
`such herein)
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Off—record discussion)
`(By Mr. Novick) Doctor, I show you
`an exhibit that's been marked 2012. Would you
`please identify that.
`(Reviewing document)
`This is a copy
`of the ‘S18 patent.
`And have you seen this patent before?
`Have you studied this patent?
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`All right.
`I direct your attention
`to page 47 and,
`in particular, claim 45. Would
`you please read that.
`I don't have page numbers on the
`It should be on the bottom, shouldn't
`Last page, sir.
`I'm looking at claim 45.
`All right, would you please read
`claim 45 to yourself?
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`All right.
`In your declaration
`before the Eastern District, Exhibit 2011, at page
`22 -- at paragraph 22, will you please read that.
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`To reiterate,
`I have a
`standing hearsay and authentication
`objection to all questions regarding
`Exhibit 2011.
`Please continue.
`MR. NOVICK: Would you please read
`aloud to the reporter paragraph 22.
`Paragraph 22 of Exhibit 20ll,
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`which is my claim construction declaration in the
`Eastern District of Virginia, reads, "I disagree
`with Plaintiff's assertion. Unless shape and
`position information is included in the image
`vector entity,
`the claimed invention would be
`inoperable to produce a display of traffic
`In particular, Figure l7 is in the
`only disclosure in the specification showing a
`display of traffic information. Absent shape and
`position information,
`the user device would not be
`able to generate the image shown in Figure 17
`because the user device would be unable to produce
`a display representing 'real' entities such as
`roads and traffic."
`And I'd like to note that in that
`second sentence the "is in the only" is in fact
`the way it's written, although that's very
`(By Mr. Novick)
`Thank you.
`Then you
`are saying, am I correct,
`from your verbal
`statement, that shape and position information is
`important in order for the invention of the '518
`patent to operate.
`MR. ALMELING: Objection,
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`In the context of the litigation and
`the claims considered in Eastern District of
`then that's certainly true relative to
`this claim construction declaration.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`Is that still your
`I would have to take a look at the --
`I'd have to review the material that I used in
`Eastern District of Texas.
`I believe the claims
`are different,
`so I don't know if this is
`I have opined on this in my
`declaration relative to the instant matter. But
`whether or not the same analysis applies between
`the Eastern District and the IPR,
`I can't answer
`that without
`looking and reviewing the Eastern
`District case.
`In claim 45 does it not claim
`shape and position statements?
`(Reviewing document) Well, claim 45
`requires a shape—designating statement and a
`position—designating statement.
`Thank you.
`In your opinion today, would those
`two elements be necessary for the operation of the
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`present invention?
`MR. ALMELING: Objection,
`Additionally, objection to scope.
`(Reviewing documents)
`Can you repeat
`that question again, please.
`MR. NOVICK: Reread the question.
`(Record was read back)
`And by "present invention," you mean
`the invention that's specified by claim 45.
`(By Mr. Novick) Correct,
`invention as specified by claim 45.
`Same objections.
`(Reviewing document) Well,
`paragraph 18 of my declaration, which is
`Exhibit 1003,
`I state that "Claims 45 and 46
`recite an ‘image vector entity'" and that "I
`interpret this term,
`in accordance with the
`broadest reasonable interpretation standard,
`mean 'a data structure including at least shape
`and position information for a real entity.'"
`(By Mr. Novick) And your answer
`therefore would be, as far as the operation of the
`those two factors would be necessary?
`To satisfy those claim elements, you
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`would have to have at least shape and position
`information for a real entity.
`* Q.
`Okay. Looking at the invalidity
`arguments against claim 45, would a single
`reference or a combination of references have to
`have a shape—designating statement and a position-
`designating statement?
`(Reviewing document)
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Pause in proceedings)
`MR. NOVICK: Would you please —— back
`on the record —— read the previous question.
`(Record was read back)
`In my analysis for the references
`that I cited,
`I found both —— either alone or in
`combination, both a shape—designating statement
`and a position—designating statement.
`* Q.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`In your opinion,
`is there a difference between "shape-
`designating statement" and "shape information"?
`Do you have something specific you're
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`MR. NOVICK: Off the record.
`(Off—record discussion)
`MR. NOVICK: Back on.
`And can you repeat that question?
`MR. NOVICK: All right, would you
`read the question.
`(Record was read back)
`In stating "shape information," you
`appear to be referring to paragraph 22 of
`Exhibit 2011, which is my Eastern District of
`Virginia claim construction declaration relating
`to a different claim. And as I said previously,
`would need to review the Eastern District case
`much more fully to determine if I'm using those
`terms synonymously.
`It appears from paragraph 22 on this
`different matter that "information" may be being
`used to describe the data, but I would have to
`review that matter. And I'd also have to
`determine whether the claim at issue in the
`Eastern District of Virginia was similar enough to
`the claims in the instant matter.
`MR. ALMELING: Note that off the
`record counsel pointed the witness,
`in the
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`context of this question,
`to Exhibit 2011,
`paragraph 22, which was not noted on the
`record and I think should be.
`Please continue.
`(By Mr. Novick)
`I direct your
`attention again to Exhibit 2013, which is the '518
`patent, and claim 45 of that.
`I don't have an Exhibit 2013.
`Oh, 2012. Sorry.
`I have 2012, which is the '518
`Is the terminology "shape
`information" in claim 45?
`(Reviewing document)
`I don't see the
`phrase "shape information" used in claim 45.
`Similar question with respect to
`"position information":
`Is that in claim 45?
`I don't see the phrase "position
`information" in claim 45.
`In your position as an expert, would
`you say that the terminology of "shape
`information" and "shape-designating statement" are
`the same?
`This is, obviously, a hypothetical
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`question because it's void of context. And I
`think that, depending on context,
`they may or may
`not be synonymous.
`I don't think they're
`necessarily the same thing.
`Okay. Doctor, I direct your
`attention to paragraph 19 of your declaration,
`Exhibit 1003.
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`Do you interpret an attribute-
`designating statement as, quote, "an indication of
`an attribute for the real entity represented by an
`image vector entity"?
`That's, actually, a typo that I
`identified when I reviewed this declaration.
`appears as if it's a cut—and—paste error that
`occurred when I was contemplating the various
`claim interpretations that were floating around.
`I would strike the parenthetical example "traffic
`state" and I would strike "real entity (e.g.,
`represented by."
`So I think that should
`read "an indication of an attribute for the image
`vector entity."
`I apologize for that confusion.
`And again turning to claim 45 of
`Google Exhibit 1001, is the term "attribute-
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`designated statement" in the claim?
`(Reviewing document)
`designating statement" is in the claim.
`And I direct your attention,
`the same
`to page 19 and Figure D, as in "delta,"
`I have no page numbers,
`so if
`you'd refer to figure numbers or --
`Figure 11D.
`—— column numbers,
`that would be
`I have llD.
`All right. And 11D indicates what,
`in your opinion?
`11D is labeled "Attribute (for
`example, color)" and it's two side—by—side boxes
`one of them labeled "ADC" which is "attribute-
`designating command," and another one labeled "C"
`which is annotated as "color."
`* Q.
`In your opinion, would attribute
`therefore have to have the two different parts, a
`command and a contents?
`(Reviewing document)
`To assist the witness, I refer you to
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`column 11,
`lines 45 through 54.
`Thank you.
`(Reviewing document)
`Could you repeat the question, please?
`MR. NOVICK: Repeat the question.
`(Record was read back)
`Given the question,
`I'm not sure
`exactly what you're asking.
`11D is referring
`not ——
`If you look at the text in columns 11 --
`or column 11, 46 through 54,
`they're describing
`Figure 11D in terms of describing an attribute-
`designating statement, and they say it's
`preferably composed of two parts. But they also
`say that "Preferably,
`the ADC can be used as a
`delimiter which discriminates between TVIVEs."
`it looks like it does not, necessarily, have to
`have —— an attribute—designating statement does
`not necessarily have to have two parts.
`same reference, Google 1001,
`I refer you to column 2,
`lines twenty -- looks
`like 25 through 29. Would you read that, please.
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`All right. Does that not support the
`argument that an attribute-designating statement
`has two parts, an attribute-designating command
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`and an attribute value?
`Well, that's consistent with the
`first part of the paragraph,
`from lines 46 through
`54 of paragraph 11.
`That does not go to the alternate,
`where the ADC is being used as a delimiter.
`Also, I direct your attention, sir,
`to column 3 of reference 1001,
`lines 5 through 8,
`I guess. And would you read that.
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`All right. Would you consider that a
`definition of "attribute-designating statement"?
`Well, column 3 ——
`If I go to the top
`of column 3, on line 1,
`this is describing one of
`the preferred embodiments of the invention. And
`in this particular embodiment,
`the attribute-
`designating statement is identified as being
`composed of an attribute—designating command and
`an attribute value.
`I refer you, sir -- Thank you.
`refer you sir,
`to paragraph 19 of your
`declaration, Google 1003, and particularly on page
`13 thereof.
`Springfield, MA Worcester, MA Boston, MA Providence, RI

`William Michalson PhD ‘S18
`July 14, 2016
`(Reviewing document) Okay.
`In paragraph 19 of your
`declaration, you say that the broadest reasonable
`interpretation, according to what you've been
`informed, is based

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