Nike+ iPodSportKitRe1rieI.n.IS.Rating | F'|3l'
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`iFod Sport Kit
`Nike + iPod Sport Kit
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`1 of 14

`Nike + iPod Sport Kit Review & Rating |
`://www. cma .com/slideshow viewer/0 3253 |=’|83417&a=183308& o=’|
`Fun ta use. Easy to set up. Excellent community features.
`2 of 14

`Nike+ iPedSpertl<itRe1rieI.n.IS.Rating | F'|3lu1ag.eem
`iPed’s Select lautten can lee difficult te find lay feel, se either lauy a Nike + Spert
`Armlaand er get an adhesiye felt patch fer the butten. Werks enly with the nane.
`With its great cemmunity features, the Nike + iPed Spert Kit adds an extra element te
`running and walking that can actually inspire and metiyate yeu mere than simply
`listening te mu sic and timing yeu rself.
`:Hwww. cma .cem.fcate e
`231} 2306 19953?B I'.}l}.as
`If yeu haye an Apple
`iPed nane htt
`:Hwww. cma .cem!article2fl} 231? 1B5?4l}1 l}l}.as
`and yeu
`enjey running, pewer—wa|king, er eyen just leng walks, listen up. Apple and Nike haye
`partnered te create the Nike + iF'ed Spert Kit [$29 list}, which censists ef a shee-
`meuntalale senser and a transmitter fer yeur iPed nane. This isn't just a preduct; it's
`a platferm that encempasses an entire line ef Nike shees and fitness apparel, as well
`as an enline tracking system and cemmunity netwerk yia nikep|us.cem. Apple and
`Nike are cashing in en superstar endersements frem the likes ef Lance Armstreng
`and Allaerte Salazar, laeth ef whem are featured preminently in seme eriginal
`training—eriented centent. And ef ceurse, part ef this cemmunity inyelyes playlists
`that help yeu greeye while yeu meye.
`@‘-Jiew All 8 Photos in Galle-
`htt zffwww. cma .I:ern.-'s|ideshew1riewer!D 3253i-1B33DBE:a-1833088: e-1
`On a recent merning run, I teek the Spert Kit fer a spin in seme l::rand—new Nike+
`shees. The Spert Kit itself censists ef a yery small 2.4-I13 Hz transmitter that plugs inte
`the iPed nane's deck cennecter and a small, flat senser that yeu slip inte yeur right
`shee underneath the seck guard. The twe pieces cemmunicate wirelessly with each
`ether; the senser sends cemple:-t wayeferm data alaeut yeur speed, which the iPed
`then translates inte distance and ether measurements. The senser isn't tetally f|at—
`it's alaeut a duarter—inch thick—and the Nike+ shees haye a special p|astic—|ined
`indented pecket underneath the seck guard that's specifically designed te held it.
`‘feu can't feel the senser at all. ‘feu can use it with ether sneakers, theugh net in
`exactly the same way. Mere en that later.
`3 of 14

`Nike + iPod Sport Kit Review & Rating |
`When I inserted the small white transmitter into my iPod nano's dock connector, a
`Nike + iPod menu suddenly appeared on the iPod nanos main screen. I went
`immediately to the Settings submenu and entered my weight (it pays to be honest
`here). Then I chose my PowerSong—a track you select that really gets you pumped
`when you‘re running out of gas, invoked automatically when you press and hold the
`Select button. The system actually talks to you in a male or female voice (your
`choice) while you're running. When you press the Select button briefly, the music
`fades into the background and the voice tells you the distance you‘ve gone, your
`current pace, and how long you‘ve been running.
`You can choose from among several types of goal—oriented workouts based on time,
`distance, or calories burned (calculated via your weight and speed), or you can
`simply do a Basic workout thatjust tracks how you‘re doing. I selected a Basic
`workout, then picked my favorite running music playlist on the next screen (though
`you can also select Shuffle Songs or None). Next, you‘re asked to walk around a bit
`so the receiver can pick up the transmitter in your shoe. Afterward you just press the
`Select button to start your workout. It is very simple, even for nontechie users.
`Iran and ran and ran, with my iPod nano tucked into a Nike+ Sport Armband. The
`Nike+ shoes were very comfortable and shockingly lightweight. One thing I noticed is
`that ifyou‘re using the nano without the armband, which has a distinct bump where
`the Select button is, you may have a tough time avoiding accidentally pressing the
`other buttons around the click wheel, which pauses your workout. lfyou don't want
`to spend the extra dough on the armband, you can simply get a piece of felt or
`Velcro with adhesive backing, cut it to the size of the Select button, and affix it to
`your nano so you can find and operate it more easily.
`At the end of my run, I hit Menu and chose to end my workout. It gave me my total
`distance traveled and calories burned, as well as my average speed in feet per
`minute (you can also set the distances and speeds to be given in the metric system).
`After a quick cooldown and stretch, I went back home and plugged my iPod nano
`into my PC.
`When I plugged the iPod in and iTunes started up, my workout data was sent
`immediately (via iTunes) to Then a window popped up asking if I want
`to visit the Web site. I clicked on Visit, and my Web browser automatically opened
`and launched After logging in with the e—mail address and password I
`had created earlier when I registered on the site—accounts are free, and it‘s a simple
`process not requiring a credit card—my most recent run came up in a cute animated
`graphic showing my distance and speed. It even marked wherein my run I had
`pressed the Select button to hear my PowerSong.
`http:/Mrww.pcmag.corn/arti cl e2fO,2B1 7,1 989319,00.asp
`4 of 14

`Nike + iPod Sport Kit Review & Rating |
`The number of ways you can sort and analyze your running data is pretty impressive,
`especially for a 1.0 software release. You can compare your own runs, set goals, and
`track your progress, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. A very strong community
`feature lets you set up challenges and virtual track meets with other
`users, and even chart the total progress of all Nike+ users around the world. Clicking
`on the Sport Music icon brings you to a page where you can select from several
`athletes such as Vince Carter (likes to cool down with R&B) and Steve Nash (loves
`hip—hop) to hear their thoughts on how music and running go together. From there,
`you can click on a button that launches the iTunes Music Store, where you can buy
`original content from Nike+ as well as various athletics—oriented playlists and
`podcasts. And of course, there's plenty of biographical and inspirational content on
`the site itself, including a special Nike+ podcast that you can subscribe to.
`The site is remarkably easy to use and supports major browsers such
`as Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. There are tons of features,
`and new ones will surely be added over time. It's a fun way to motivate yourselfto
`push your limits as much as you want to, with or without a competitive aspect. The
`hardware that makes up the Nike + iPod Sport Kit is also easy to use and requires
`minimal setup—just plug it in, enter your weight, choose your music, and run!
`The big question for many is whether the Sport Kit will work with non-Nike+ shoes.
`The sensor was designed specifically to be most accurate when it's in the center of
`your insole, but I tested it briefly with my New Balance sneakers. Rather than putting
`it underneath the sock guard, where it would have definitely been annoying under
`my foot, I simply stuck it in the top of my shoe between the laces and the shoe
`tongue. The results seem accurate enough, and you can easily calibrate the sensor
`(an option in the Settings submenu) by running a known distance and comparing it
`with your results.
`Overall, for $29, the Nike + iPod Sport Kit is well worth the price. My only wish for
`improvement is that the kit came with a little adhesive patch to put over the iPod‘s
`Select buttons for easier operation when you‘re tired and sweaty, though that‘s also
`a very easy and inexpensive DlYjob. It might also be nice if you could use the Sport
`Kit with iPods other than the nano—perhaps iPod shuffle and mini versions, since
`those are both popular exercise companions.
`Running isn‘t always fun—especially when you‘re really pushing yourse|f—but the
`Nike + iPod Sport Kit adds an extra element that can actually inspire and motivate
`you more than simply listening to music and timing yourself. And with the excellent
`community features, you may find some friends online at to challenge
`and swap musical recommendations with, too.
`5 of 14

`Nike + iPod Sport Kit Review & Rating |
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