(I2) lN'l'l-'ZRNA'I'IUNAI, APPLI C.-lt'l‘I()N PUBLISHED IJNDER TH E PA.'[‘|'IN']‘ C.()()PER.=\'I'ION 'I"REA'l'Y (I-'(_‘.'l')
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`international Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`17 August 2006 (17.08.2006)
`International Patent Classification:
`C086 IS/J2 (200t‘i.t) l)
`Ctt8G tttttitt (2!)-(1601::
`C986 13/48 (2006.01)
`C086 ISI76 (2006.01)
`B323 27.438 (2006.01)
`3328 27/t2 (200610! ')
`H.323 27.!-ttt {2[J0(i.01i
`C09,] 175/00 (2006.01)
`C09,] ?/02 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`international Filing Date:
`ll) February 2[)[l['i (l{i_tl2.2(lUf‘i}
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`I [£056,067
`ll February 2005 (1 1.012005")
`I9 Cictohcl‘ 3005 (I9. I 0.3005")
`13 December 2005 [i3.|2.2ti(l5)
`(71) Applicant [for at‘! designated States except US}: lN\-'ISTA
`[CI-IILIS]; Talstrasse 80.
`CH—8001 Zurich t_f_‘.Hi.
`lnv-e:n tors; and
`L-IU, Hang
`[for US ratify}:
`|UStUS]; I74 Abner Lane, Waynesbom, VA 23930 (US).
`CDVELLI, Carmen, A. [US/US'[; 2302 Century Lane,
`Chadtis llorci, PA 1931'.’ (US). FARl\r1ER, Douglas, K.
`[USfl.lS]', 4998 Heritage Woods Drive. Greensboro. NC
`’2TI"4-(17 (US).
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2006/086715 A3
`Agent: FURR, Robert, 13., JR; Three Lillie Fails Centre,
`2801 Center-tiiie Road, Wilmington. DE 19808 (US).
`Designated Statcs funJ'es.r othetwise? tttdtcnted. for €i—'€.?'_\’
`ktrtd ofnattottal protection avat't'ab!e): A13, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ. BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO. CR. CU. CZ, DE. DK. DM. DZ. EC, EE. EG, ES. Fl,
`GB. (313, (iii. (ill, GM. HR. HU. ID‘. il., IN, IS, JP. KH,
`KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, K7,, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV.
`LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US,
`UZ. VC. VN. YU. ZA. ZM,
`Designated Slates (orders: otherwise indicated. for £?V£!t"_\’
`kind of regiorutl pmtectfrm available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM. Kli. LS, MW, MZ. NA. SD. Si... SK. 'l'7.. UG. ZM,
`KW}. Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ. TM].
`European {AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`FR, GB, GR, [-11], IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
`GN, GQ, GW. ML, MR. NE. SN, TD. TGi-.
`with frtterrtrtticttzrti awtrutt report
`the.’ €!,JEpt:t'|£li'.i(JtI
`(if the time (Emit for amettdfttg that
`c.‘tat'm.s' mm‘ to be ti-r,-ittt:vtt.i.'t:r-rtt tn the mmttt of mwtpt of
`Date of publication of the international scare]: report:
`30 November 2006
`For tw0—t'ertte?r(:m.1'e?.t and other (:19!) reviatioru. refer to the "Guid-
`ttmze Nrttmr on -Ccm':.'.:i' and Abt'7reI?iattctm"' uppectrtrtg at the begin-
`ning nj"p=.*cti.*tt regular t'.1'.it:e of the PCT Gazette.
`1 ‘la
`Apply Film
`to Fabric
`second fabric
`Heat Sdor
`(57) Abstract: An article comprising an adhesive, :1 stretch member and a substrate wherein the aidhesivt: is used to attach lhi: stretch
`member to the fabric in a folded hem arrangement. The adhesive can be a tape made from an aqueous polyurethane dispersion and
`the stretch member can he a .~;pans.1ex fiber.
`BEDGEAR 1008 (part 3)
`IPR of US. Pat. No. 8,402,580

`International application No
`A I
`According to irterrtaiionel Pele-nt Cieeeiiicatim {IP43} or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation aaamhad {classification syslorn Followed by classification symbols}
`COBB B323 C090 A410
`Docurnenieilor searched oiherihan minimum documentation to lhe exienl. that such ciocurnenie ere lncuded in the iielda searched
`E|BCU'Ol'IID data U939 Dfififiullfii during INS international search {name Of G513 D353 and, W|'|'E|'B DIEGTICBI. 5BB|'|5h terms U565]
` EPO—Internai, MP1 Data, PAJ
`Citation OT docurnani. with Indication. where apprcipliaie. of iha naisvani. passages
`F'tElei.ia"ii ic-claim ND.
`ZENECA INC) 29 Aprii 1987 (1937-04-29)
`exampies 2,3
`? October 1999 (1999—1D—D?}
`ciaim 1; exampie 1
`iines 10-27; exampie 12
`22 March 1989 (1989-03-22)
`page 3,
`exampie B
`INDUSTRIES PLC) 23 June 2004 (2004-06-23)
` _;__
` SEE patent lernily ai"iI'IE)(.
`El Further documents are listed in the continuation oi Box G.
`' Eipecial uaieganas oi cited documents :
`ldf“ lh
`.;:.i;=.::.ii°i:iei:§.i::i:, a"'s"°*
`e€Ii|1r|1ercid;ohoEume nt but published on or after the intamaiicinai
`WIC iecte oes
`eoano er
`"L" do-trig nI11e.nI Thigh ma iigflflfiftggugllliiltligiagéifilglgl €|af|m(5}lhDl‘
`=*=W Mother S-M-‘==' "W" ‘as sre'='*'-ad)
`"0' document ‘eferring to an oral disdosure. use, exhibition or
`flihai‘ means
`"P" document published prior to Iha international iiiing data but
`Eater than the priority date maimed
`Dale of the actuai I.;ornpIiaticin of the intemailonal Search
`"T' Iaterdpdument published aiterthe international iii
`1 but
`or pnoriiir date and not in ooniiici with the applloat
`our-cow unaew-name
`.1‘. document of particular ralevanca: mg maimed Emenmn
`cannot be DD|'ISIdEI'8d novel 0: ca nnot be considered Io
`in valve an invianiive step when the document is iaicen alone
`“3.?.i.'iL‘iriEe°'a§fi‘;‘..“i’e”l§éi‘E3?=i3£i%§'§'i‘‘2m '££§'1iE2r. ihe
`do-cum-anti: combined with one or more other such donu-
`menis. such combination being obvious to a personekllled
`"'1 “'9 3”-
`'5.’ document member oi the same patent family
`Date of mailing of the iniemationai search report
`Ai.ithoi'izEid ufliicer
`24 August 2006
`Name and mailing address at the ISM
`European Patent Ofli-oe. PB. SE18 Patentiaan 2
`NL — 2250 HV Ftiiewijii
`Tel. (+31-—‘i'0} 340-2040. Tx. 31 651 epo nl,
`FEIEC [-+3-1-70} 340-3016
`Fi::rrn PC‘|'.iiSA:‘E1i:I [aemné duet] {J-pri| 2005}

` Intern etianal :: ppiiuafion No
`Ciatlon or docurnenl.w|Ih|nd1i:e.tiOn, whsra apprupliate. OI the relevant passages
`Ftelevarrt to claim NO.
`PELLACAN) 2 September 2004 (2004-09-02)
`US 3 560 292 A (0TTO BUTTER)
`2 February 1971 (1971-02-02)
`figure 3
`coiumn 2, Iines 51-59
`cgiumn 2,
`lines 34-36
`exampie 1
`US 3 828 367 A (BOURGEOIS A,FR}
`13 August 19?4 (1974-08-13)
`figure 2
`cO1umn 5,
`co1umn 4,
`lines 42-44
`iines 39-43
`EP 0 ?08 163 A (TOY0 CLOTH C0.. LTD; TOYO
`24 April 1996 (1996-04-24)
`c1a1m 1; figure 2
` US 2005/022920 A1 (F0wLER RICK)
`3 February 2005 (2005-02-03)
`paragraphs [0052] - [0056]; figure 2
`EP 1 604 807 A (MACPI S.P.A. PRESSING
`DIVISION) 14 December 2005 (2005-12-14)
`paragraph [0020]; figures 23,34
`EP 1 609 832 A (VAN DE UELDE NV)
`28 December 2005 (2005-12-23)
`ciaim 1; figure 1
`W0 2004/098333 A (BHA TECHNOLOGIES,
`18 November 2004 (2004-11-18)
`page 12, Tine 30 — page 13,
`line 26;
`figure 2
`US 2002/160259 A1 (KINN LARRY L ET AL}
`31 0ctOber 2002 (2002-10-31)
`paragraphs [0038],
`[0039]; exampie 2;
`tab1e 1
` X
`US 6 018 819 A (KING ET AL)
`1 February 2000 (2000-02-01)
`coiumn 4, Tine 44 — column 5, Tine 1;
`figure 10
` US 6 245 695 B1 (MARUO KATSUYA ET AL)
`12 June 2001 (2001-06-12)
`cO1umn 21,
`iines 65-67; ciaim 7
`Futrn FCT}I$.1m1u.[oontinuaI|on of eomnd shunt! (Apr! 2005}

`lniu-national applicauon No
`Dltatinn oi documer-I, with |ndT-catlc-H. MIBVB EPPFOPFEIB. OM11: ralava nt passages
`Heleva nl to claim No.
`EP 1 619 013 A (Mt TECH eanur,
`25 January 2006 (2006-01-25}
`paragraphs [G034],
`[0052]; figure 1;
`tab1e 1
`28 May 1958 (1953-05-28)
`c1a1m 1
`8 Apr11 2009 (2004-04-03)
`paragraph [D072]
` 90
`us 5 833 320 A (KANEKO ET AL)
`10 November 1998 (1998-11-10)
`c1a1ms 18,19; figures 28,29
` US 2001/B15141 A1 (ANDERSON D. N)
`23 August 2001 (2oo1~ue—23)
`paragraph [D009]; c1a1m 1; Figure 1
`. U5 Z004/122411 Al
`M} 24 June 2004 (2005-06-24)
`paragraph [fl0633; figure 5
`Fa N11 PCTJ'ISPa.|'21O ll'.'::In‘tinua1i|:rn of second sheet] (I-'«|:r|I 9005)

`International application No.
`Clairne Noa.:
`because they relate to pests C1‘ the lntemationai Appliifitltin that do not comply -.'u'iti'i the prescribed requirements to such
`at extent that no nieanlngtul lriteinatierial Search can he carried cult specifically:
`3. El Claim Nos;
`because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in aczordance with the eecenc and third sentences of Flute B_al(a]_
`B0): [II Observations where unity of invention is lacking {Continuation of item 3 ciffirat eheet)
`This lnternatir:nalSeari:hing Authority iound multiple huenticins in this international application, as fuliuws:
`2 |
`As all searchable clain-is could be searched without effort justifying an aciditional foe, this fluuthorily did not invite pay-m ent
`see additional sheet
`eearchable CIfi.i1'|13.
`:55 all required additional eealnh fees were timely paid 3)‘ the ap|:i|ii'.:ant.. this Interriaiionai Search F-lepnrt covers el
`of any additional ‘lee.
`' As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the a-pplicanl, Lhis International Search Report
`covers only those claims for which fees were paid. specifically clalrre Ne:-3.:
`No required edditicinel enari:h fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently: this International Search Fieport is
`restricted to the inveritjon first mentioned in the claims; It is covered by claims Nae-.:
`D The adijiiicn-net search tees were accompanied by the ap;:Ii'.:ant’s protest.
` Remark an Protest
`No protest accompanied the peyi-rent rrr adriitinnal search fees.
`FLtu'il‘l PCTIISAIE1 0 {continuation of first eheet I233 iderluarir 2004]
`Box II Observations where certain claims were found unseerchabie (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet}
`This international Search Fleporthas not been established in respect of certain claims underfiirllcle 17(2)(al for the tollawing reasons:
`1- El Claims Nos.:
`because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority. riamely:

`This International Searching Authority found multiple (groups of)
`inventions in this international application, as follows:
`1. claims: 1-63,81-35,39
`lnternaiional Application No. PCT/USEUU 5 f0 04 B94
`Prepolymer prepared from a polyol (al, a mixture of 2,4’ and
`in a ratio of 55:35 ~ 35:65 (h) and a diol
`comprising a carboxylic acid group (C). The prepolymer is
`solvent—free (claims 1-11). Process for makin
`prepolymer comprising combining components (a -(c) in a
`solvent-free system (claims 12-16), a-solvent~free aqueous
`polyurethane dispersion comprising said prepolymer and a
`monofunctional dialkyl amine compound ieliclaims 17-23),
`process for making a solvent—free aqueous polyurethane
`dispersion comprising said prepolymer (claims 29-32),
`shaped article derived From said so1vent—free aqueous
`dispersion (claims 33—35,59—65,81—85,39), an article
`comprising said shaped article (claims 36,37,40—5U), a
`garment comprising said article (claims 38,39,51,52),
`article comprising a substrate coated with said aqueous
`dispersion (claims E3,55,56,66-68),
`the process for forming
`the article of claim 53 (claim 54), a garment comprising the
`molded article comprising a substrate coated with said
`aqueous dispersion (claims 57,53).
` 2. claims: 59-80
`An article comprising an adhesive, a stretch member and a
`substrate, wherein the adhesive is used to attach the
`stretch member to the substrate in a folded hem arrangement
`(claim 69—?4), a method of making the article of claim 69
`(claims 75,76) and a garment comprising the article of claim
`69 (claims 7?—8U).
`3. claims:
`A laminate comprising an article and a substrate
`characterized by parameters (AATCC~150—2DU]. ASTN E96-U0,
`ASTM d73?—96)(claims so-as).
`4. claim: 90
`An article comprising a shaped article wherein the article
`has a modulus and a length, said modulus varies along the
`length of the article (claim 90).

`Ininrmallun on patent tamlnr members
`lntarrsatronal application No
`Patent documeni
`cited in steam report
`Patent famfly
`0 0
` 08-08-2000
`_______,..___,.__,. _._.._.._________.-«-_...-—-._.____.__....—._-.u_._—._. _______-__.—....
`EP 1431321
`_._________ __ _ _ ______.___....__ ________....._._. _...__._ __.___.__ —...j.....__....._______ .—._—-—..-.
`EP 0220000
`____ ______,,_ __,_.,_.,________ __...____....._..__..._____ _ ____._._.__...—_._
`00 9950329
`__.-..._.__.-.__ _______.. ....___ __ ..-_._¢.-———— — ——————— — —————
`EF 0308115
`00 2004074343
`A 04-11-2005
`,__,________,_ __ __ _ ,_,_____ _.,_....._______ ____________._______
`Farm PC'|'.'IS.A..f21U[pg|;gn[!gmil5.I annauq (Apr? 2005]
`A A

`Information on patant Iamily members
`lntematianal applicuiion Na
`Patent tamily
`I Patenl document
`ranted in search report
`US 3560292
`1610765 A1
`1552413 A
`1198367 A
`—-.....____ ___________. ..——_..—.———....._____ __j _______——..-..-.....—.———»-.____._._ ___ _.__._..... ...______ _
`2146808 A]
`2112075 A5
`1356603 A
`2040295 A
`812023] A
`_ __ _____._.._,_ .___ __...__... _......____ ____ _j __ ______ ___ _,_,_.,.___ __________ ___________________,_
`—————.—..—.— ____ ______ ___._______....__._....—.._ __ __________——.-...___ _________.___.._..____ __
`1706297 A
`2005274460 A1
`EP 1609832
`1016032 A3
`N0 2004098333
`2534755 A1
`1791338 A
`1622475 A2
`2004216332 A1
`—— ——--—_-.-_________..__........j_____________.... ___ ____..__..._._T__..._..._______ ____ _......__.._
`_______ ——— ———-1.-......._.__ ____ _ _ ___.___——...._.____ ___ ______..._ ._._T_._.......___ _ j__ ____
`————————-— ——— ————— ———— ———-——.— — ———m_-.._________ ___._ ——_...__ __ ____ ____——-..._.....______
`___ __ ___.....__.:____j.........___________ __.__........_.... ________ ____ __._.:____ ._....____ __ _ __
`— ——— ————————-—a-o-a-— n-.-...._______ _______———...... ______ ____ __.._.._.._._.___...__ .._._______ _____
`____ ..._—-..___ ___________.._............_.__________ ____ ______....._ _.___ ___________._..._._____
`_ ____ _ __ _.._ __._ __ T_____ ———————. —.—..———————.——————..-.-..- ..-...-____-___—————.——.......______
`US 2001015141
`6257133 51
`2003270586 A1
`U5 2004122411
`1578326 A1
`FA05005B36 A
`2004060235 A1
`_____ __———.—____ ______ __.._.._.___.....__.._._____.__ ___....,._.,_.._.._,,.....,...__ __.,,,__,___ _ _____ _ ___ .. ._.__ ._
`Fon'n F'CT!l5N210 malant 1arnIy arnex} [Anni 2EIn»5I

`(19) Vvorltl Intellectual Property
`Inlemzitionzil Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`25 September 2014 (25.09.2014)
`(10) International Publication Number
`W0 2014/150901 Al
`Internatlonal Patent Classification:
`A-17G 9.-192 [200-6.01)
`Internatlonal Application Number:
`PCT:US20 14f024493
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language;
`Publication Language:
`12 March 2014 (12.03.2014)
`Priority Data:
`15 Marc]: 2013 ( l5.D3.2013)
`Applicant: SI-IBEX, INC. [USIUS]; 109 Oak Park Drive.
`lrmo. Smith Car-oliiia 39%} [US].
`]fi9 Captain L-owiiiaii
`Inventors: WAl.\’lUS, Susan;
`Road, Cliapiii, Soutli Caroliiia 29053
`(US). MAR-
`CINIAK. Mlclielle;
`I_.atltIl$l0l]e C irele. Irino, South
`Carolina 29063 {US}.
`Agent: GERRATANA, Frank L.; Fisli & Richardson
`P.C.. I-‘.0. Box I023, Minneapolis. Minnesota 5544-Ll—l(l'_’2
`llesigriated States .g'um‘u:‘.-rs orireiwilre i'irdi'c'areci', _fi‘)l‘ every.‘
`kind qfmrfiomii’ pmrecri'rm at-m'.I'ci.‘J.i’e)'. Ali, AG, AL, AM,
`A0, AT, AU, AZ, BA, HIS, BU, |3]I., HN, HR, INN, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ. DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC‘, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`Kz, LA, LL‘, LK, LR, Ls, LT, LU, LY, MA, MI), Ml-L,
`MG, MK, MN. MW, Mx. MY, Mz, NA. M5, NI. NO, Nz.
`OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, R0, RS, RU, RW, SA,
`SC‘, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, U(_i, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM,
`Designated States {iiiifess o:'}:erw:'.s"i:* indicated. for ewzn
`kind Qf regionrri proiecwiorr avaiirrbfej: ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM], EI,Lt'opeaii (AL, AT, BE, BG. CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TC'1).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to appffcanlit c2nti'i'i!'emen.f to appi'__v_f'3r and be granted a
`palm: (Rain? 4‘. I_7(i'i',i)
`as to the appticaiitfc sziiritiement to ctrii'm the priority of the
`erifiier rippi'ir:'(it.i'oi°i (Ride 4'. i’ 7(ii'i))
`win’: inrerncirfcmrii‘ 5-erritf: .t‘(.’ptlJ‘J' if/i‘r:. 21 (3,1J
`bcffim.’ the exp£rai£o.=r of the time limit fill‘ ameaicfiiig the
`claims mid to be n.=pnbi‘i‘.s-kw’ in the ewmr of?-‘ece:‘pr of
`amendments r’Rui'c' 43.3f}i))
` 1
`A :'cI.o|ulionriI3- l('|}'L‘Tl|'If_j, 5.5-stein
`of integrated sleep orodiicts that
`are dcsigeied to regaliaic body
`tciiipciatilic and prmidc your
`('rp?.i1|1LII]'|l1-lJ_._‘,itt'*-S slccrl
`(57) Abstract: A first item ofsleepwear -or bedding is to be used as part ofa sleep system and a second item ofsleepvi-‘ear or bedding
`is to he used with the Iirst item as part 0f the sleep systein. At least one Liftlie Iirst item and sectiiid item cmnprises £1 perliinnanee
`fabric. The first item dissipates iiinisttire auid lieal l'r(1ii1 a body of at user I_i‘L‘JlTl iui inside of the first item to an outside of the first item.
`0 The second item dissipates moisture and heat that has been dissipated by the first item.

`W0 2014.-"150901
`This description relates to bedding and sleepwear.
`The quality ofthe experience of being in bed (for example, sleeping) is affected
`by the nature ofthe sleepwear being worn and of the bedding on the bed.
`Typical sleepwear is designed to be fashionable and constructed of materials
`(for example, cotton or blends ofcotton) that look good, wear well, can be cleaned
`easily, and feel good against the skin.
`Typical bedding also is designed to be fashionable and is made of materials that
`look good, wear well, and can be cleaned easily. Some items ofbedding, such as bed
`sheets and pillow cases are also made of materials that feel good against the skin. Other
`items of bedding, such as mattress pads, gel pads, blankets, comforters, and duvets are
`designed to exhibit other properties, such as softness, size, loft, warmth, shape, and
`a primary function of sleepwear and bedding, novel bed sheets and pillowcases
`marketed by SHEEX, Inc, of Irmo, South, Carolina, are made of performance fabrics
`that are designed to do a better job of keeping the user cool, breathing, wicking
`moisture, and stretching .
`In general, in an aspect, a combination includes first item of sleepwear or
`bedding to be used as part ofa sleep system and a second item of sleepwear or bedding
`to be used with the first item as part ofthe sleep system. At least one ofthe first item
`and second item comprises a performance fabric. The first item dissipates moisture and
`heat from a body ofa user from an inside ofthe first item to an outside of the first item.
`The second item dissipates moisture and heat that has been dissipated by the first item.

`W0 20 14;‘15090 1
`Implementations may include one or more of the following features. Both the
`first item and the second item comprise performance fabrics. The performance fabric
`comprises a knitted fabric. The performance fabric comprises a man-made fiber. The
`performance fabric comprises a gauge of at least the gauge values referred to in the
`patent applications incorporated above. At least one of the first item and second item
`comprises an item of sleepwear, and the item of sleepwear is close—fitting. At least one
`of the first item and second item is to be in contact with the user's skin. The item that is
`in contact with the user's skin comprises an item of sleepwear. The first item is in
`contact with skin of the user, and the second item is in contact with the first item. The
`item comprises sleepwear that is sized and shaped for a female user. The item
`comprises sleepwear that is sized and shaped for a male user.
`The item comprises a bed sheet. The item comprises a pillow case. The item
`comprises a blanket. The item comprises a comforter. The item comprises a duvet
`cover. The item comprises a blanket. The item comprises a gel topper. The item
`comprises a mattress pad. The item comprises a mattress pad topper. The item
`comprises a pillow.
`The item comprises a V-neck tee. The item comprises a cami adjustable tank.
`The item comprises a sleep bra. The item comprises a racer back tank. The item
`comprises a Capri pant. The item comprises a boxer short. The item comprises a boy
`short. The item comprises a gym sleep short. The item comprises a fold over pant. The
`item comprises at least one of a cap sleeve tunic. nightie, romper. sleep Henley, hooded
`robe, donble strap tank, V-neck sleep tank dress, V-neck sleep dress, perfect tank, yoke
`legging, drawstring pants, pajama shorts with tiered hem, pocket tee and short pajama
`short set, and long sleeve cover up. The item comprises at least one of a tank, a
`eolorblock tee, sleeveless v-tee, v-tee, hoody, Henley, paneled long sleeve cover up,
`long robe, long pant, long short, boxer, paneled boxer short, drawstring short,
`drawstring pant, and boxer brief.
`The item of sleepwear comprises fashion-related elements. The item of
`sleepwear comprises compression elements. The item of sleepwear comprises mesh
`elements. At least one ofthe items Comprises a base item. At least one ofthe items
`Comprises a top item. The first item and the second item comprise items of sleepwear
`that are layered one on the other. The first item and the second item comprise items of
`00021 1

`W0 2l]14.r"l509lJ1
`bedding that are layered one on the other. There is a third item of sleepwear or bedding;
`one of the items comprises a base item of bedding, one of the items comprises an item
`of sleepwear, and one of the items comprises a top item of bedding.
`Three is also packaging to contain both the first item in the second item. The
`packaging comprises information about the use of the first item in the second item in a
`sleep system. The first item and the second item are displayed in close proximity to one
`In general, in an aspect, an item of sleepwear is close fitting and comprises a
`knitted performance fabric.
`Implementations may include one or more ofthe following features. The item
`of sleepwear comprises stitched together pieces of the knitted performance fabric. The
`item of sleepwear comprises fashion elements. The item is to be in contact with the
`user's skin. The item is sized and shaped for a female user. The item is sized and shaped
`for a male user.
`The item comprises a V-neck tee. The item comprises a eami adjustable tank.
`The item comprises a sleep bra. The item comprises a racer back tank. The item
`comprises a Capri pant. The item comprises a boxer short. The item comprises a boy
`short. The item comprises a gym sleep short. The item comprises a fold over pant. The
`item comprises at least one of a cap sleeve tunic, nightie, romper, sleep Henley, hooded
`robe, double strap tank, V-neck sleep tank dress, V—necl~: sleep dress, perfect tank, yoke
`legging, drawstring pants, pajama shorts with tiered hem, pocket tee and short pajama
`short set, and long sleeve cover up. The item comprises at least one of a tank, a
`colorblock tee, sleeveless v-tee, v-tee, hoody, Henley, paneled long sleeve cover up,
`long robe, long pant, long short, boxer, paneled boxer short, drawstring short,
`drawstring pant, and boxer brief. The item comprises compression elements. The item
`comprises mesh elements. The item comprises sleeve pieces. The item comprises
`The item is a bedding item that comprises at least two joined pieces of a
`performance fabric. The performance fabric comprises a knit fabric. The item is a
`sleepwear item that comprises piecesjoinecl by flat lock seaming. The item is a
`sleepwear item that comprises piecesjoinecl by flat seaming. The item is a sleepwear
`item that comprises flat lock hems. The item is a sleepwear item that comprises mesh

`W0 20 14;‘15090 1
`PC T.-'U S2l]'1~U|] 24493
`inserts. The item is a sleepwear item that comprises a logo. The item is a sleepwear
`item that comprises logo elastic trim. The item is a sleepwear item that comprises color
`block designs.
`In general, in an aspect, a combination includes first item of sleepwear or
`bedding to be used as part of a sleep system and a second item of sleepwear or bedding
`to be used with the first item as part of‘ the sleep system. At least one of the first item
`and second item comprises a performance fabric, and a retail package holds both the
`first item and the second item for sale at retail.
`In general, in an aspect, a combination includes a retail display device on which
`are displayed a first item of sleepwear or bedding to be used as part ofa sleep system
`and a second item of sleepwear or bedding to be used with the first item as part of the
`sleep system. An informational device informs a purchaser that the first item and the
`second item are to be used together as part of the sleep system.
`In general, in an aspect, heat and moisture are dissipated from a body of a
`person who is in bed by dissipating heat and moisture from the person's skin through a
`close-fitting sleepwear item made of a performance knit fabric of at least xxx gauge and
`dissipating the heat and moisture from outside the sleepwear through a bedding item
`made of a performance knit fabric of at least the gauge values referred to in the patent
`applications incorporated above.
`These and other aspects, features, and implementations, and combinations of
`them can be expresses as methods, apparatus, systems. components, means and steps
`for performing functions, and in other ways.
`Other features and advantages will be apparent from the following description
`and from the claims.
`Figure 1 is a schematic exploded perspective side view ofa sleep system
`Figure 2 is an illustration ofa sleep system environment.
`Figures 3A — 46 are front and back views of sleepwear.
`Figure 47 is a pattern for a sleepwear garment.
`Figure 48 is a pattern for a performance fitted sheet.

`W0 20 14;‘15090 1
`PC T.-'U S2l]'1~U|] 24493
`Figure 49 is a pattern for a performance top sheet.
`Figure 50 is a pattern For a performance pillowcase.
`Figure 51 is a perspective view of a retail package.
`Figure 52 is a perspective view of a retail display stand.
`Here we describe ways of designing, patterning, constructing, and marketing
`individual items of bedding, individual items of sleepwear, and Combinations of items
`of bedding and items of‘ sleepwear, in a way that intends them to be used and to work
`together as what we call a system. The system achieves particular functional and
`environmental effects to make being in bed can be made more pleasant, restful,
`comfortable, and satisfying. Among other things, by the selection of fabrics, patterns,
`and other characteristics of the items of bedding and sleepwear, the combinations of
`bedding and sleepwear items in the system can achieve controlled thermal, breathing,
`and wieking qualities. The qualities help to regulate body temperature and moisture to
`promote deeper and more restorative sleep, for example. The system can yield a total,
`personalized system that offers good feel, fit, temperature control, breathability,
`moisture transport, and durability.
`We use the terms sleep, or sleeping, or sleep system sometimes for convenience
`to refer broadly to any kind of activity associated with being in bed, whether active or
`sedentary, including, resting, reading, talking, sleeping, convalescing, and others.
`In some implementations, the system involves using a combination of unique
`breathable performance fabric bedding with breathable performance fabric sleepwear
`constructed of a high-gauge circular-knit performance fabric. In these implementations,
`this fabric provides performance attributes that are beneficial to the user, including
`breathability, moisture transport, and heat transfer. The unique construction of the
`performance fabrics enables the movement of air, heat and moisture

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