WC 2010!03 7082
`‘Fig. 4
`BEDGEAR 1008 (part 9)
`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 8,402,580

`(l9) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International B1u'caL1
`(43) International Publication Date
`1 April 2010 (01.04.2010) (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2010/037082 A3
`International Patent Classificatio-1|:
`D043 2?/14' [3U[)6.l']l]
`D030 If/tIl'E}(3[)(Jfi.[i1)
`International Applicafiun Number:
`PCT.-’Ut33[)[)9."[l587 l 6
`International Filing Date:
`29 September 3009 (29.09.2009)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`6]r'lUl ,0-49
`39 Septeinber 2008 (29.09.2008)
`Applicant (fit? aft’ desigitnted States c=.rc'€pt' US): SHEEX
`L-LC [USFUS]; 169 Captain Lowman Road, Cliapin, SC‘
`29036 [US].
`Inventors; and
`Inventors.-‘Applicants ffoi‘ US omft=): WALVIUS, Susan.
`Katherine [USKUS]; I69 Captaiii Luwrnan Road, Chalpin,
`SC 29030
`[\'liche]]e.. Nlarie
`[USIUS]; 169 Captain I_UW'l'l'l.i:l.11 Road, Chopin, SC 39036
`2%.; Trotilinan Sanders
`Agent: SCHNEIDER. Ryan.
`LLP, Bank of America Plaza, -600 Pcachtroe Street, NE,
`Suite 5300, Atlanta, GA 30308-2216 (US).
`Desigtlated States fttniess aI.I':e.r1.vt's'e .i'J?.t1".t'C'£T.t'C’C!',‘,i'rh)iP' einistfv
`kind afnarioncri p.rn.rec.'i'mt at-'m'i'afJl'£): Alf, AG, AL, AM,
`AU, AT, AU, AZ, BA, HI}, HU, HI], HR, I3“-’, HY, HZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG. MK, MN, MW, MX,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RC), RS, RU, SC. SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM. ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT,
`TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW'.
`Designated States i_'um’ess oritenvisc iirdicwrred. for eve.~_1=
`fried qfregionnt’ _prorccrfon ctmfinbfe}: ARIPO {BW, GH,
`GM, KP, LS. MW, MZ, ‘NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ. UG, ZM,
`ZW), Iitlrasialt {AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, Ml), RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`1-viii: i'ii.rr:.='m1r.'.i'o-imils'earc'Pi report (Art. 21(3))
`bqirre the e.r_zu‘rart'on of the mm’ firm"! fiwr ameiidirrg the
`ct’m'ms' and to be repubiis-!rt.>a’ in Have (.’I’(.’i’:|'!
`:3-f'r<?t:'t?i}t9i of"
`nmertdmen ts (Rule 48. 2 Ht),1
`,’Com‘i'ntred on next‘ page!
`(54) Title: FABRIC SYSTEM
`.. .

`(57) Abstract: Bedding material "including :1 tlrst fabric section manutac-
`tured fmm pcrfonnancc fabric and having a first and second side; and, a
`second fabric section attached to the first side of the first fabric section.
`Additionally, a. third fabric sectiml cam be attached to the second side Ul'.‘ll'.It:
`first fabric section. The first fabric section can be attached to the second
`fabric section through a [Iallock slilch. The iirst fabric section can include
`at first zone and a second zone wherein the first zone colilains diflierenl per-
`formanee properties from the second zone and the first zone can liave ther-
`mal or moisture wicking properties.

`WO 2010/037082 A3 ||||||||||||||||||I||||||||I|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||I|WO 2010/037082 A3 ||||||||||||||||||I||||||||I|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||I|
`(88) Date of puhlicatiun 0f the international search report:(88) Date of puhlicatiun 0f the international search report:
`8 J L11); 20108 J L11); 2010

`IntI.'1'nalional application No.
`PCTfUS2009r'0587 1 6
`D043 21/.l'4(2t}l'06.0t')i, D03D I 1'/00(2006.0.l')i
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Mi nirnum documentation searclied (classiticatioli system followed I33-' classification symbols)
`|Jt)4l-3 '2 l .*'l4', A47G '3).-"{ltJ', A-’lT(i 9.-'-02f. A616 7505: B32l;3 5.~"2Fa
`Doounientatioli searched other than Ininilnum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields: searched
`Korean utility models and applications for utility models
`Japanese utility models and applications for utility models
`(Chinese Patents and application for patent)
`Electronic data basc constlltcd during. thc international scarch (nainc of data basc and. whcrc practicablc. scarch lcrms uscd)
`I:KOMTASS(KH’O intcrnali
`Category “‘
`Citation o['doctIn'tent. with indication. where appropriate. of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`l{Y[.' KID 09 .\lovt=.-mljer
`JP l 1-30.‘-J l 83 A (MOTH [_'CHl
`See [::arag1‘aphs W001] and l0010l-l0013l
`(Tl-l0l'tlPSOl\': THOl.l.-IS L.) 0'? lulay 2002
`US 5381779 Bl
`See claim 1 and figures 4-6
`US 38l.73Sl.l
`See column 1.
`(ROCK: MOSHE t!L al.l 06 C'L.‘l.{Jl){_‘t‘ 1993
`line 66 - column 3.
`line 19
`(}:lPtCl.}0l\'.1'tLDZ l{£l~t'l'l 16 June 1995
`US 5765241 1'-ltl
`See the whole document
`Pl A"
`El Further documents are listed in the continuation ofF!ox C‘.
`Special categories of cited docttments:
`doctunent defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`to be of partictllur rt:lt:vant:::
`earlier applicatioli or patent hut published on or ztfler the irrteniational
`filing date
`clocument which Inay tlircw doubts on priority c|aim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of citation or other
`special reason (as specified)
`document referring to an oral disclosure. use,
`r2!x'l'IllJl‘li0t'1 or other
`document published prior to the international filing date but
`than the priority date claimed
`E See patent l'amil_v annex.
`later do-.:un1c1it published alter the ilitcmalioual filing date or priority
`date and not
`in conflict with the application but cited to tlnderstand
`the principle or Il1¢t)l'_\-' underl}-'ing the invention
`document of paniculzir relevance; the claimed itwention cannot be
`considered novel or caruiot be colisidered to iiwc-lve an iiwemive
`step ‘Wilt-_‘I1
`the d()t_‘lI1TIi!I'Jl is taken alom-:
`document of panicular relevance;
`the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document
`conibined with one or more other such dccuInents.s=11ch cornbiltaticli
`l1-eing obviotls to :1 person skilled in the art.
`document member of the same patent faniil}-'
`Date of the actual completion ofthc international search 23 APRIL 3010 (38.04.2010)
`Name and mailing address of the ISA.-‘KR
`Date of mailing ofthe international Search report
`29 APRIL 2010 (29.04.2010)
`Authorized officer
`Korean Intellectual Property (.}t'flc.e
`Govcrnmcnt Coniplcx-Dacjcon. l39 Sconsa-ro. Sco-
`gu, Dacjcon 302-70-J . Republic ot‘Korca
`Faoshnflelio. 32-42-472.7140
`KIM, Jc-ng Kyoo
`Tclcphonc No.
`82-42-48 [-5593
`Form PCT.-‘ISA.-"2 1U (second sheet) (.lI.Il}" 2009)

`Informatic-n an patent t‘a111i]3' members
`|nternat1'0na] app|icat1'on No.
`PCT{U S2009£05871 6
`Patent d:)cur11cI1t
`cited in search repon
`JP 11-309183 A
`US 6381779 81
`US 6678906 81
`1110 0309-24529-.1
`13. 11 .2003
`US 5817391 A1
`06. 10. 1998
`US 5765241 A1
`AU 1997-12445 B2
`EP 0787451 A2
`EP 0787451 A3
`EP 0787451 81
`GB 2309638 A
`08.08. 1997
`13.10. 1999
`Form PCT.-"ISA.'210 (parent 1‘ami|_\-' annex) (July 2009)

`(l9) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International B1u'caL1
`(43) International Publication Date
`1 April 2010 (01.04.2010) (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2010/037082 A2
`International Patent Classificatio-1|:
`D043 2?/14' [2U[)6.l']l]
`D030 If/tIl'E}(3[)(Jfi.[i1)
`International Applicafiun Number:
`PCT.-’Ut33[)[)9."[l587 l 6
`International Filing Date:
`29 September 3009 (29.09.2009)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`6]r'lUl ,0-49
`29 Septeinber 2008 (29.09.2008)
`Applicant (fit? aft’ desigiinted States c=.rc'€pt' US): SHEEX
`L-LC [USFUS]; 169 Captain Lowman Road, Cliapin, SC‘
`29036 [US].
`Inventors; and
`Inventors.-‘Applicants ffoi‘ US omft=): WALVIUS, Susan.
`Katherine [USKUS]; I69 Captaiii Lowrnan Road, Chopin,
`SC 29030
`[\'liche]]e.. Nlarie
`[USIUS]; 169 Captain I_UW'l'l'l.i:l.11 Road, Chopin, SC 39036
`2%.; Trotilinan Sanders
`Agent: SCHNEIDER. Ryan.
`LLP, Bank of America Plaza, -600 Pcachtroe Street, NE,
`Suite 5200, Atlanta, GA 30308-2216 (US).
`Desigtlated States fttniess aI.I':e.i‘1.vt's'e .i'J?.t1".t'C'£T.t'C’C!',‘,i'rh)iP' einistfv
`kind afnarioncri p.rn.rec.'i'mt at-'m'i'afJi'£): Alf, AG, AL, AM,
`AU, AT, AU, AZ, BA, HI}, HU, HI], HR, I3“-’, HY, HZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG. MK, MN, MW, MX,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RC), RS, RU, SC. SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM. ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT,
`TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW'.
`Designated States i_'um’ess oritenvisc iirdicwrred. for eve.~_1=
`fried qfregionnt’ _prorccrfon omfinbfe}: ARIPO {BW, GH,
`GM, KP, LS. MW, MZ, ‘NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ. UG, ZM,
`ZW), Iitlrasialt {AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, Ml), RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`wititotit interirrrtionaf s'erir'ci: report and to be repubffshetf
`upon receipt Qflhrtt report (Rim? 4r5'.2|{’g,i')
`(54) Title: FABRIC SYSTEM
`.. .

`(57) Abstract: Bedding material "including :1 tlrst fabric section manutac-
`tured fmin pcrfonnancc fabric and having a first and second side; and, a
`second fabric section attached to the first side of the first fabric section.
`Additionally, a. third fabric sectiml cam be attached to the second side Ul'.‘ll'.It:
`first fabric section. The first fabric section can be attached to the second
`fabric section through a [Iallock slilch. The iirst fabric section can include
`at first zone and a second zone wherein the first zone colilains diflierenl per-
`formanee properties from the second zone and the first zone can have ther-
`mal or moisture wicking properties.

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CT;'US2D09f058'i'l 6
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to fabric systems, and more specifically to bed
`coverings constructed of high gauge circular knitted fabrics that accommodate and maintain
`optimum thermal conditions for sleep, which in turn can lead to faster sleep initiation and deeper,
`more restorative sleep.
`Description of Related Art
`Sleep p1'ob1ems in the United -States are remarkably widespread, affecting roughly three
`out of four American adults, according to research by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF).
`Consequently, a great deal of attention has been paid to the circumstances surrounding poor
`sleep, along with strategies for how to improve it.
`The implications are not merely academic. Sleep — not only the right amount of it but
`also the right quality — impacts not just day—to—day perfonnance, but also “the overall quality of
`our lives,’ according to the NSF. Addressing the causes of poor quality sleep, therefore, has
`ramifications for millions.
`Though many factors contribute to sleep quality, the sleep environment itself plays a
`critical role, and sleep researchers routinely highlight temperature as one of the most important
`components in creating an environment for optimal sleep. As advised by the University of
`Maryland Medical Center, “a cool (not cold) bedroom is often the most conducive to sleep.” The
`National Sleep Foundation further notes that “temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit and
`below 54 degrees will disrupt sleep," with 65 degrees being the ideal sleep temperature for most
`individuals, according to the NSF.
`A lower environmental
`temperature is not
`the only thermal factor associated with
`improved sleep. Researchers have noted a nightly drop in body temperature among healthy,
`normal adults during sleep. This natural cycle, when inhibited or not functioning properly, can
`disrupt sleep and delay sleep onset, according to medical researchers at Cornell University.
`Conversely, the researchers noted, a rapid decline in body temperature not only accelerates sleep
`onset but also “may facilitate an entry into the deeper stages of sleep.”

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CTlUS2D09f058":'l 6
`Therefore, maintaining an appropriately cool sleep environment and accommodating the
`body’s natural tendency to cool itself at night should be a top priority for individuals interested in
`optimizing their sleep quality. Performance fabrics crafted into bedding applications would be
`uniquely capable of promoting cool, comfortable — and therefore better — sleep, as these
`advanced fabrics maximize breathability and heat transfer. Peiformance fabrics are made for a
`variety of end—use applications, and can provide multiple functional qualities, such as moisture
`management, UV protection, anti—microbial, thermo—regu1ation, and windfwater resistance.
`There has been a long felt need in several industries to provide improved bedding to help
`individuals get better sleep. Such improved bedding would include beneficial wicking among
`other properties. For example, in marine, boating and recreational vehicle applications, bedding
`should resist moisture, fit odd—shaped mattresses and beds, and reduce mildew. Particularly with
`watercraft, there is a need to protect bedding, and specifically sheets, from moisture and mildew
`An additional problem with bedding, notjust with marine and recreational vehicles, is the
`sticky, wet feeling that can occur when the bedding sheets are wet due to body sweat,
`environmental moisture, or other bodily fluids.
`In particular, when bedding is used during hot
`weather, or is continuously used for a long time by a person suffering from an illness, problems
`can arise in that the conventional bed sheet of cotton fiber or the like cannot sufficiently absorb
`the moisture. All of these issues lead to poor sleep.
`To date, performance fabric bedding products are not known. There are width limitations
`in the manufacturing of high gauge circular knit fabrics, because the finished width of bedding
`fabrics are dictated by the machine used in its construction. At present, performance fabrics are
`manufactured with a maximum width of under 90 inches wide, given present manufacturing and
`technical limitations, along with the inability of alternate manufacturing processes to produce a
`fabric with identical performance attributes. Yet, normal bed sheet panels can be 102 by 91
`inches or larger. Thus, perfonnance fabrics cannot yet be used for bed sheets.
`Some conventional solutions for the above issues that hinder a good night’s sleep include
`United States Patent 4,648,186, which discloses an absorbent wood pulp cellulose fiber that is
`provided in a variety of sizes and is placed under a mattress. The wood pulp is water absorbent
`and acts to capture moisture to prevent such moisture fi‘om being retained by the bedding or the

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CTlUS2D09f058":'l 6
`bedding sheets. However,
`this proposed solution does not interact with the bedding or the
`bedding sheets, but merely acts as a sponge for moisture that is in proximity to the target bedding.
`United States Patent 5,092,088 discloses a sheet—like mat comprised of a mat cover, the
`inside of which is divided into a plurality of bag—like spaces, and a d1'yin g agent packed into a
`bag and contained in the bag-like spaces in such a manner that the drying agent cannot fall out of
`the bag-like spaces. A magnesium sulfate. a high polymer absorbent, a silica gel or the like can
`be used as the drying agent. As can be seen, this proposed solution to moisture in bedding is
`cumbersome and chemically-based.
`In the athletic apparel
`industry, moisture wicking fabric has been used to construct
`athletic apparel.
`For example, United States Patent 5,636,380 discloses a base fabric of
`CoolmaxQ high moisture evaporation fabric having one or more insulating panels of ThermaxB
`or TherrnastatQ hollow core fiber fabric having moisture wicking capability and applied to the
`inner side of the garment for skin contact at selected areas of the body where muscle protection
`is desired. However, this application cannot be applied to bedding sheets due to the limitations
`of the size of the performance fabrics manufactured. Further, performance fabric such as this
`type cannot be easily stitched together as the denier is so fine that stitching this fabric results in
`the stitching simply falling apart.
`Circular knitting is typically used for athletic apparel, The process includes circularly
`knitting yarns into fabrics. Circular knitting is a form of weft knitting where the knitting needles
`are organized into a circular knitting bed. A cylinder rotates and interacts with a cam to move
`the needles reciprocally for knitting action. The yarns to be knitted are fed from packages to a
`carrier plate that directs the yarn strands to the needles. The circular fabric emerges from the
`knitting needles in a tubular form through the center of the cylinder. This process is described in
`United States Patent 7,117,695. However, the machinery presently available for this method of
`manufacture can only produce a fabric with a maximum width of approximately 90 inches.
`this process has not been known to manufacture sheets, since sheets can have
`dimensions of 91 inches by 102 inches or greater.
`Further, the machinery that is used for bedding is very different than for athletic wear.
`For example, bedding manufacturing equipment is not equipped to sew flatlock stitching or to
`provide circular knitting. Bed sheets typically are knit using a process known as warp knitting, a

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CTlUS2D09f058":'l 6
`process capable of producing finished fabrics in the widths required for bedding. This method,
`however, cannot be employed to produce high-quality performance fabrics. Warp knitting is not
`capable of reproducing these fabrics’
`tine tactile qualities nor their ornni-direction stretch
`properties, for example.
`Circular knitting must be employed to produce a perfontnance fabric that retains these
`fabric’s full range of benefits and advantages. However,
`in order to produce a fabric of the
`proper width for bedding applications, a circular knit machine of at least 48 inches in diameter
`would be necessary. Manufacturing limitations
`therefore preclude the construction of
`performance fabrics at proper widths for bedding. The industry is unsure if it could actually knit
`and then finish performance fabrics at these large sizes, even if the machinery were readily
`Further, athletic sewing factories a1'e typically not equipped to sew and handle large
`pieces of fabrics so that equipment limitations do not allow for the manufacture of bedding
`What is needed, therefore, is a bedding system that utilizes performance fabrics and their
`beneficial properties__ the design of which acknowledges and addresses limitations in the
`manufacture of these fabrics.
`is to such a system that the present invention is primarily
`di rec ted.
`Briefly described, in preferred form, the present invention is a high gauge circular knit
`fabric for use in bedding. and a method for manufacturing such bedding. The bedding fabric has
`superior performance properties, while allowing for manufacture by machinery presently
`available and in use.
`ln order to achieve a finished width of the size needed to create sheet—sized
`performance fabric, a high gauge circular knit machine of at least 48 inches in diameter is
`necessary. And while warp knitting machines are available that can produce wider fabrics, this
`method will not provide a fabric with the tactile qualities required, nor provide a fabric with
`omni—directional stretch.
`In an exemplary embodiment, the present invention is a method of making a finished
`fabric comprising at least two discrete perfonnance fabric portions, and joining at least two

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`PCT;'US2D09!058":'l 6
`discrete performance fabric portions to form the finished fabric.
`Forming the at least two
`discrete performance fabric portions can comprise knitting at least two discrete performance
`fabric portions, and more preferably, circular knitting at least two discrete performance fabric
`portions. Joining the at least two discrete performance fabric portions to form the finished fabric
`can comprise stitching at least two discrete performance fabric portions together to form the
`finished fabric.
`The at
`two discrete performance fabric portions can have different
`Fabric characteristics as used herein include, among other things, moisture
`management, UV protection, anti—microbial,
`thermo—regulation, wind resistance and water
`The finished fabric can be used in, among other applications, residential settings, or in
`marine, boating and recreational vehicle environments.
`The present sheets offer enhanced drape and comfort compared to traditional cotton
`bedding, and are as fine as silk, yet provide the benefits of high elasticity and recovery along
`with superior breathability, body-heat
`transport, and moisture management as compared to
`traditional cotton bedding.
`Conventional fitted sheets can bunch and slide on standard mattress sizes. Furthermore,
`if the fitted bed sheets do not fit properly, they do not provide a smooth surface to lie on. The
`present invention overcomes these issues.
`The present high gauge circular knit fabrics stretch to fit and offer superior recovery on
`the mattress allowing the fabric to conform to fit the mattress without popping off the corners of
`the mattress or billowing. The performance fabric can include spandex, offers a better fit than
`conventional bedding products, can accommodate larger or smaller mattress sizes with a single
`size sheet, and can conform to mattresses with various odd dimensions.
`Spandex — or elastane — is a synthetic fiber known for its exceptional elasticity.
`It is
`stronger and more durable than rubber, its major non—synthetic competitor.
`lt is a polyurethane-
`polyurea copolymer that was invented by DuPont. “Spandex” is a generic name, and an anagram
`of the word “expands.”
`“Spandex"’ is the preferred name in North America; elsewhere it
`00081 1

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CTlUS2D09f058":'l 6
`referred to as “elastane.’ The most famous brand name associated with spandex is Lycra, a
`trademark of Invista.
`The present high gauge circular knit fabric offers durability in reduced pilling and pulling
`when compaied to other knit
`technologies. and offer reduced wrinkles and enhanced color
`In a preferred embodiment. the present pe1'forn1ance fabric can allow for a one—size fitted
`sheet that can actually fit two different size mattresses. For example, the full fitted sheet of the
`present invention can fit on both the full and queen size bed. The twin fitted sheet of the present
`invention will also fit an XL twin.
`In a boating application, the present
`invention can be
`produced to fit almost every custom boat mattress.
`Testing of the present
`invention conducted at
`the North Carolina State University
`(NCSU) Center for Research on Textile Protection and Comfort confirms that
`the present
`performance fabrics provide a cooler sleeping environment than cotton. Performance bedding
`was tested side-by-side with commeicially available cotton bed sheets in a series of procedures
`designed to measure each product’s heat- and moisture-transport properties, as well as
`warmfcool-to-touch thermal transport capabilities.
`Across all
`the present performance fabrics in bedding outperformed cotton.
`demonstrating the performance fabric’s superiority in establishing and maintaining thermal
`comfort during sleep. This advantage is evident to users from the very onset, as NCSU testing
`indicates that, on average, performance bedding of the present invention offers improved heat
`transfer upon initial contact with the skin, resulting in a cooler-to-the-touch feeling.
`During sleep, high gauge circular knit performance bedding of the present invention
`helps to maintain thermal comfort by trapping less body heat and breathing better than cotton.
`Testing has demonstrated that performance bedding made out of performance fabrics transfers
`heat away from the body up to two times more effectively than cotton. This is critically
`important not only for sustained comfort during sleep, but also in terms of enabling the body to
`cool itself as rapidly as possible to facilitate sleep onset.
`In addition to trapping less heat,
`performance bedding breathes better than cotton — up to 50% better, giving performance bedding
`a strong advantage in terms of ventilation and heat and moisture transfer.

`W0 20] I]!03 T082
`l’CT;'US2D09'f058":'l 6
`The performance advantage over cotton holds true for simulated dry and wet skin
`conditions, confirming that certain performance fabrics in bedding are better suited than cotton at
`managing moisture (_e.g., sweat) to maintain thermal comfort.
`In addition to wicking moisture
`away from the skin through capillary action,
`the performance fabric’s advanced breathability
`fu1'ther enables heat and moisture transfer through evaporative cooling. As a result, the user is
`kept cooler, drier and more comfortable than with cotton.
`The present performance bedding holds a distinct advantage over cotton in enabling,
`accommodating and maintaining optimum thermal conditions for sleep, which in turn can lead to
`faster sleep initiation and deeper, more restorative sleep.
`These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become
`more apparent upon reading the following specification in conjunction with the accompanying
`Fig. 1 illustrates a preferred embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 2 illustrates another preferred embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 3 illustrates a further preferred embodiment of the present invention.
`Fig. 4 illustrates another preferred embodiment of the present invention.
`Although preferred embodiments of the invention are explained in detail, it is to be
`understood that other embodiments are contemplated. Accordingly, it is not intended that the
`invention is limited in its scope to the details of construction and arrangement of components set
`forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other
`embodiments and of being practiced or carried out in various ways. Also, in describing the
`preferred embodiments, specific terminology will be resorted to for the sake of clarity.
`It must also be noted that, as used in the specification and the appended claims, the
`singular forms “a,
`an” and “the” include plural referents unless the context clearly dictates
`For example, reference to a sheet or portion is intended also to include the

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CTlUS2D09f058":'l 6
`manufacturing of a plurality of sheets or portions. References to a sheet containing “a”
`constituent is intended to include other constituents in addition to the one named.
`Also, in describing the preferred embodiments, terminology will be resorted to for the
`sake of clarity.
`It is intended that each term contemplates its broadest meaning as understood by
`those skilled in the art and includes all technical equivalents which operate in a similar manner to
`accomplish a similar purpose.
`Ranges may be expressed herein as f1'om “about" or “approximately” one particular value
`andfor to “about” or “approximately” another particular value. When such a range is expressed,
`another embodiment includes from the one particular value andfor to the other particular value.
`By “comprising” or “containing” or "including" is meant
`that at
`the named
`compound, element, particle, or method step is present in the composition or article or method,
`but does not exclude the presence of other compounds, materials, panicles, method steps, even if
`the other such compounds, material, particles, method steps have the same function as what is
`is also to be understood that the mention of one or more method steps does not
`preclude the presence of additional method steps or intervening method steps between those
`steps expressly identified. Similarly, it is also to be understood that the mention of one or more
`components in a fabric or system does not preclude the presence of additional components or
`intervening components between those components expressly identified.
`Referring now in detail to the drawing figures, wherein like reference numerals represent
`like parts throughout the several views. the present invention of Figs. 1 and 4 provides a sheet
`10 shown having dimensions of 102 inches in length and 91 inches in width. The material is
`manufactured f1'om performance fabric, which can include, for example. varying amounts of one
`or more of Lycra, Coolmax, Thermax and Thermastat.
`In a preferred embodiment. the fabric is
`treated so that the fabric has antimicrobial properties. By using circular-knit performance fabric,
`the fabric is able to provide elasticity in all four directions. This property allows for the sheet to
`tit extraordinary mattress, cushion and bedding shapes, as well as providing better fits for
`traditional rectangular sheets. By using performance fabrics, the sheet has elastic properties that
`allow stretching in the directions shown as 30.
`In addition, by using circular-knit performance

`W0 201l].r'l]3?'l]82
`l’CTlUS2D09f058":'l 6
`fabric, the resulting bedding retains an exceptionally fine tactile quality critical for providing
`maximum levels of enhanced comfort.
`An alternative to circular knitting is non—circular knitting — for example, warp knitting.
`This method can achieve widths greater than circular knitting. Industrial warp knit machines. for
`example, can produce tricote warp knit fabrics up to 130-140 inches in width. Circular knitting,
`however, is less expensive, as it requires less set-up time. Circular knitting also provides greater
`multidirectional stretch.
`In order to provide a sheet that exceeds the maximum dimensions of fabric that can be
`produced by available circular knitting machines, flat lock stitching 12 is used to join a plurality
`of portions resulting in a sheet that is 91 inches wide (as shown).
`In an exemplary embodiment,
`piping 11 can be included in close proximity to the stitching. The stitching can be the same color
`as the fabric of the sheet portions, or different color(s). The piping can be 3.34 inch straight
`piping without a cord or other filler.
`In one preferred embodiment, the stitching is 16 stitches per
`inch. Piping 11 can be included at one end of the sheet and can be the same or a different color
`as the sheet fabric.
`For a fitted sheet, the sheet can include an elastic portion surrounding the edge of the
`fitted shee

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