Searching PA]
`Page I of I
`(11)Publication number :
`(43)Date of publication of application :09.11.1999
`11616 7/05
`M76 9/02
`B32B 5/26
`DDEI 17/00
`(21)App|ication number: 10-132':'38
`(71)Applicant : MORIUCHI KYU KK
`(22)Date of filing :
`(?2}Inventor : MATSUMOTO TAKESH1
`PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To make urine and sweat
`absorbed and to prevent bedding, clothes and surrounding
`from being stained by using a water-permeable and water-
`diffusive texture for a surface fabric, using a water-
`impermeable and sir- permeable texture by water-repellent
`finishing for a back fabric. and arranging an intermediate
`fabric having a water absorbing property and preventing the
`backflow of moisture between both fabrics.
`SOLUTION: A knit fabric or a woven fabric made of a
`water-permeable and water-diffusive texture, preferably
`polyester or other synthetic fibers, and having a proper
`expansion/shrinkage property is used for a surface fabric 1
`to be kept in direct contact with the skin. A knit fabric or a
`woven fabric made of a water—impermeab|e and air-
`permeable texture by water—repe||ent finishing, preferably
`polyester or other synthetic fibers, is used for a back fabric
`2 to be kept in contact with the mattress of bedding. A
`nonwoven fabric or a knit fabric having a water absorbing
`property and having the required thickness to prevent the
`backflow of absorbed moisture is used for an intermediate fabric 3, and preferably a nonwoven
`fabric of synthetic fibers such as polyester and a warp-knit fabric such as raschel or tricot are
`used singularly or in lamination.
`httpzffvvww l9.ipdl.ir1pit.go._ip»’PA lfresultfdetail/mairv’wnTaeyaDA4l 1309183131 .htm
`BEDGEAR 100? (part 3)
`IPR of U.S. Pat. ND. 8,402,580

`(19) E|1fiE’-H=i’Ffi‘ (J P)
`(43)é:fiB JP‘-nE11£I3(1999)11H 9 E
`A51G 7/05
`A476 9x02
`DDBM moo
`F I
`A61G 7/04
`A47G 9:02
`DDBM moo
`(22) fl1EEI
`5Fm10£r3(1998) 4H27EI
`fir:ErHI1=§&Iz2fiEI1I2 — 3 — 6
`flsfilfimfics FD ii 4 H)
`Wmfififi &$ fit
`iEfi¢$Efl§w2—a—6 mmmm
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`'|'R()U'I'MAN .‘~IAN|Jl<'.RS |,I.l’ HANK ()|<' AMI:'.Rl'L‘A
`ATLANTA GA 30308-2216 USA
`(PCT Rule —13bis. I)
`Date ofinailing
`29 APRIL 2010 (29.04.2010)
`Applicant‘s or agent's tile rctereiice
`See paragraph 2 below SI It'll-IXII-’C'l'
`International eipplicutiuii No.
`International tiling date r‘:a'.ci'_I~.-"m:J.r1rJ'r.-jw3(::'J
`I’ri<=I'it§_.' datn:ftitii’.-'ir30ii:fi»ji2earJ'
`PCT/US2009/0587 I 6
`29 SEPTEMBER 2009 (29.09.2009)
`29 SI-:P'r1‘;MIs1«;I< 2003 (29.09.2tms)
`Intcrnatic-nal Patent Classit‘1carion(IPC]-or both national classification and [PC
`IJHJB 21'/IJ(2fNlti 01);‘. D03!) I‘ I/t‘}t'J(2-flflri (H)!
`SHEEX LLC et al
`1. This opinion colitains iiiditsatioiis relating to the l'o||o\.\-'ing itcrns:
`130}: No. I
`liasis ofthe opinion
`Box No. II
`Box No. III
`NuI1—cstz|bIisl11nI:11l of opinion with regard to novelty. in\-'L:nliw.: step and indI.Isl1'iat &I|?|]JIiC£tlJil.il_\-"
`Box No. IV
`Lu:.:l-L 01' Llnitjr U1”
`Box No. V
`Box No. VI
`Reasolied statement under Rule 43bis.l{a)(i)\\-'it|1 regard to Il0\"6li}". inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citalimis and r.:.\pla111ations supporting sur..:h statI:I11I:I1l
`Certain documents cited
`Box No. VII
`Certain defects in the international application
`Box No. VIII Certain obscrvaliulis on lhn; ilitcmational application
`Ifa deinaiicl for intemalionul preliniiliary exarniiiation is I'l't{I£lt.)_ this opinion will be considered to be a written opinion ofthe
`International Prelilnilialjw Iixaniining Autliority ("II-’|-IA ") except that this does not apply where the applicant chooses an Autltorit}-'
`other than this one to he the IPEA and the E.:l'10SCI1 IPEA has Iiotificd thcInlcrn;Ilio11a|| Btlrcntl under Rule 66. lbistb) that written
`opinions ofthis International Searcliing r‘urthorit}«' will not be so considered.
`21 wrillcn opinion U-fll1cII’EA. the applicant is invitI.'L1 to submit lo the
`Ifthis opinion is. as pro\-'idI:d above. uonsidurcd to bu:
`IPEA a writteii rep|_\= togetlier. \\-'t’II:’:l't3 appropriate. with amendnnentss. betbrc the expiration ot‘3 inc-ntlis from the date ofinailing
`of l"orIn POI"-‘ISA-‘22tJ or be Fore the expiration ot‘22 months t'rorn the priority date. \\-'I'IiGhE3\-'E3l' expires later.
`For further options. sun: Form PC T.-“ISA-"320.
`3. For further details. see notes to Form PCT.-‘ISA.-"220.
`Namc and mailing address 01' the [SA-"KR
`Korean Intellectual Property ()f'fice
`Government C0n1plex—DaejeoiI. I39
`Smnsfiml‘ Sw_gu_ Dacj-cm 302
`-T-‘tit. Republic ofliorea
`Facsinaleiqo. 32-42-472-7140
`I-"Orin I’CI‘.-"ISA-"'23? (cover slicet) (Jul_\,-' 2009)
`Date of completion ofthis opinion Authorized ofliccr
`28 APRIL. 2n10(2a_r_m.201(1)
`KIM. .Tc-ng K3 oo

`International application No.
`PCTfUS2[}09f0587 I 6
`Box No.
`I Basis of this opinion
`1. With regard to the language. this opinion lias been established on the basis 01':
`X the international application in the language in which it was tiled
`, whjelt is the language of a
`l:l a translatiotl of the international application into
`translation furnislted for the purposes of international seaneh (Rules l2.3(a) and 23.1(b))
`2. E] This opinion has been established taking into aeeount the rectification of an obvious mistake authorized by or notified
`to this Authority under Rule 9] (Rule —’l3fu'.!;.l (a))
`3. With regard to any nucleotide aI1d..|"0I' amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application. this opinion has been
`established on the basis of:
`a, 21 sequence listing filed or furnislied
`El 01] paper
`D in eloelronie forin
`h. time oftiling or t'LIrnishing_
`Cl contained in the international application as tiled.
`Iiled together with the international application in electronic tbrrn.
`ftlrnishcd sLI|:I-5eqLIcntl_\-' to this Autliority for the ptlrposes of search.
`4. D In addition, in the case that more than one version or copy ofa sequence listing has been filed or furnished. the required
`statements that the inforrnation in the subsequent or additionnl copies is identical to that
`in the application as filed or does
`not go be)-'ond the appliezltion as filed. as ap]:aropI'lale_ were l1In1ished_
`5. Additional eomnicnts;
`Form PCT.-"ISA.-"237 (Box No. I)( Jul}-‘ 2009)

`International application No.
`Box No. V Reasoned statement under Rule 43lJis.1(a}(i} with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`1. Statement
`Novelty (N)
`inventive step (IS)
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`2. Citations and explanations :
`Reference is made to the following documenti
`Dli JP ‘ll-309183 A tltl0RlllCHl
`l{‘r'[.' Kill 09 November 1999
`1. Novelty and inventive Step
`1-]. Regarding claims 1-4
`for making the finished lalnri-c at
`ltllost (if
`the features of claim l are disclosed in D1 except
`inches wide. However.
`is considered to be a minor difference over
`the disclosure of D].
`merely matters of design option when the general knowledge in relevant
`field of
`the art
`Hence, no inventive step under PCT itrticle 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claim 1.
`least 90
`that are
`is used.
`features added by
`in Dlfsee claim 3). The
`is already disclnsetl
`feature of claim 2
`The adtlili-onal
`claims 3 8:
`'l are considered to be a minor difference over the disclosure of Dlisee paragraphs [0010]-
`l0(_)l3ll, which fall under
`the general knowledge of a person skilled in the art. Hence, no inventive
`step under PCT ii.1'ticle 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claims 2-4.
`1-2. Regarding claims 5-8
`least 90
`lilost of the features of claim 5 are disclosed in D1 except for making the finished fabric at
`inches wide. circular lcnitting the fabric and stitching the fabric portions together. However. making
`the finished fabric at
`inches wide
`is considered to be a minor difference over
`disclosure of D1.
`is merely matters of design option when the general knowledge in relevant
`field of
`the art
`is used. Circular lcnitting and stitching are considered to be a minor difference
`over the disclosure of Dltsee paragraphs [l)(llU]-[U(l‘l3]). which fall under
`the general knmi-‘ledge of a
`person skilled in the art. Hence. no inventive step under PCT Article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject
`matter of claim 5.
`is already disclosed in Dlfsee paragraph [O0Ul]). The features
`feature of claim 6
`The additional
`added by claims 7 Si 8 are a simple addition of cunventicinal
`technique in this field as occasion
`demands. Hence. no inveiitive step under PCT Article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claims
`1-3. Regarding claims 9-12
`least 90
`for making the bed sheet at
`lilost of
`the features of claim 9 are disclosed in D1 except
`inches wide. circular knitting the fabric. stitching the fabric portions together and heat setting
`lloirever, making the bed sheet
`inches wide
`is considered to be
`a minor
`difference over
`the disclosure of D1.
`is merely matters of design option when the general
`knowledge in relevant field of
`the art
`is used. Circular lmitting and stitching are considered to be
`a minor difference over
`the disclosure of Dltsee [Jaragraphs
`[Ofllfl]-[0Ol3]}. which fall under
`general knowledge of a person skilled in the art. Heat setting finishing without
`limitation of kinds
`the material of
`the fiber
`is a simple addition of conventional
`technique as occasion demands.
`Hence. no inventive step under PCT i‘irl.icle 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claim 9.
`Continued on Supplemental Box
`Form PCTIISA.-‘"237 (Box No. V) (July 2009)

`Irilerrialional application No.
`pCTfUS2009/0537 16
`Supplemental Box
`In case the space in any of the preceding boxes is not sufficient.
`Box 1:’
`technique in this field as occasion
`The feature atitled lay‘ claim 10 is a simple Hti(iil.i()n of t_'E)I1\-‘i-tl'Il.'lt)['I:-ii
`demands. The additional features of claims 11 & 12 are already disclosed in Dllsee paragraph l0010i-
`[0013]i. Hence. no inventive step under PCT Article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claims
`1-4. Regarding claims 13-17
`least 90 inches
`for the finished fabric at
`Most of the features of claim 13 are disclosed in 01 except
`wide and the circular knitted fabric. However.
`the finished fabric at
`90 inches wide
`considered to be a minor difference over the disclosure of D1.
`is merely matters of design option
`when the general knowledge in relevant field of the art
`is used. Circular knitted fabric is considered
`to be a minor difference over the disclosure of Dlfsee paragraphs [0010]-[0Ol3]), which fall under the
`general knowledge of a person skilled in the arL. Hence, no invenLive stcp under PCT ArLiclc 33(3)
`in the subject matter of claim 13.
`technique in this field as occasion
`The feature added by claim 15 is a simple addition of conventional
`demands. The additional
`features of claims 14,
`16 & 17 are already disclosed in Dltsee paragraph
`[001G]‘[0013]). Hence, no inventive step under PCT Article 33i3i
`is present
`in the subject matter of
`claims 14-1?.
`industrial Applicability
`The subject matter of claims 1-17 is industrially applicable meeting the requirements of Article 33(4)
`Form PC Ti'ISA«"23".r' (Supplemental Box) {Jill}-' 2009)

`(PCT Article 18 and Rules 43 and 4-1)
`Applicant's or agent's file re['ercnee
`see Form PCT.-"ISA.-‘"220
`as well as. where applicable, item 5 below.
`International application No.
`International filing date .fci'ct;iJ.—"m-(Jr:tFz«-jvear)
`(Earliest) Priorit_\.-' Date (dag.-.-‘bro:n'}':-.{t=ezrr)
`PCTfUS2009I0587 16
`29 SEPTEMBER 2009 (29.09.2009)
`29 SEPTEMBER 2003 (29.09.2003)
`SHEEX LLC et al
`This International search report has been prepared by this Intemational Searching Authority and is transmitted to the applicant according
`to Article IS. A eop_\_-' is being transmitted to the International liureau.
`This international search report consists of a total of
`I: It is also accompanied by a cop}-' ofeaoh prior art doouinent oi ted in this report.
`Basis oftlie report
`a. With regard to the language. the international search was carried out on the basis of:
`E t11e iiilernational application in the language in which it was tiled
`. which is the language ofa
`a translation of the international application into
`translation furnished for the purposes oi‘ international search (Rules l2.3~(a) and 23. l(b))
`b. E] This international search report has been established taking into account the rectification of an obvious mistake
`authorized by or notified to this Autliority under Rule 91 (Rule 43.6!n's{a)).
`e. I: Willi regard to any nucleotide|‘ amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, see Box No. I.
`El Certain claims were found unsearcltable (See Box No. II)
`El Unity of invention is Iacking(See Box No. III)
`4. With regard to the title,
`E the text is approved as submitted by the applicant.
`El the text has been established by this Authority to read as follows:
`5.}: With regard to the abstract.
`E the text is approved as submitted by the applicant.
`D the text has been established, according to Rule 38.2. by this Authority as it appears in Box No. IV. The applicant
`r11aj_«'. within one month from the date ofmailing efthis international search report. submit continents to this Atitherity.
`6. Witli regard to the drawings.
`the figure ofthe drawings to he published with the abstract is |"igure No.
`E as suggested by the applicant.
`I: as selected by this Autlicrity. because the applicant failed to suggest a figure.
`D as selected by this ALit|iarit_v_. because this Figure better characterizes the invention.
`b. |:| none of the figure is to be published with the abstract.
`Form PCT-TSA.-"210 (Lirst sheet) (llllji-' 2009)

`lntcrnntional application No.
`D043 21/1' -#2006. 01):", D03D 11'/0I9(2006.01')1'
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification s_\-‘stem followed by classification S}"t'I‘JbOlS)
`D0413 2 l.-"14’, A47G 9.-"00’, A4TG 9x'O2'. A6 lG 'a';'U-5'. B3213 5.526
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents. are included in the fields searched
`Korean utility models and applications for utility models:
`Japanese utility models and applications for utility models
`(Chinese Patents and application for patent)
`Electronic data base eonsulted during thc international search (name of data base and, whcre practicable, scarcli terms used)
`eKOMIPASS(KIPO internal)
`Citation ofdociiment. with indication. where appropriate. of the rel-ex-‘ant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`1iYU iii“ {)9 Ifiovemhe-1' 1999}
`11—3[J.Ll'191'.1 _-'31
`See paragraphs [OOUII and [O['JlU]-[OU13]
`'I'llO|'ulPiS L.
`l_|i‘3 81381779)
`See claim 1. and figures 4'-G
`()7 Ma}-' 2002
`US 5817391 A1 (R(X}Jl.2 lulOSlll£ at al . 1 06 UC taller 1998
`Sm? column 1.
`1 int: E35 — col umn .,
`lint? 19
`US 57552-11 A1 {.\la'3i.Cl30l\'.-7lLD§ ROBERT) 15 June 1998
`Ll'l(‘. who l 1: {l()I_'Ll|'|1E.'t'll.
`El Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`SP*3Gl-'31 I-‘?11EB0TlI35 Drfiiiéd d0Cl|T'|'|€l1l5'-
`document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`T-‘-" be “F P37115111-'=“' ”3]"3‘V3-‘"03
`earlier ‘1Pl91i‘3‘“i°“ 07' Pawn‘ but Publislled 0“ 01' 3113" The iT115Tl'|3li0Uf|l
`filing dim‘
`document which may throw doubts on priority c1aim(s) or which is
`‘-‘iT¢‘3 10 ¢5T5'l''h-‘-‘h 1'15 P"l"1i°3“011 dill? Of 511311011 01‘ 0Tl’I¢|‘
`’''335°'‘ (53 “l‘E'5il1'3d)
`|‘~‘1°»‘1‘1‘i|1g10 E111 I-‘Till <liSCl0S|-ITIL 1|S¢-
`document published prior to the int ematiomll filing date but
`1.l13I'l the priority date claimed
`333 Patel“ liamil.‘-" 31"1‘5'3\'-
`later document published after the intentational filing date or priority
`date and not in c()|]_flji:t wiih me application [mi cited to uiidergtaiid
`lhc principle or Illeu-ry u11dc1'1}-'i11g the invention
`". "' document of paniculzlr relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the document is taken alone
`"Y" document of particular relevance;
`the claimed invention cannot be
`uoltsiclered to involve an invelttive step when the document
`colnbined with one or more other such documents_.such combination
`hoing obvious to 3 pcrimn skilled in the art
`".55" docuinent member or‘ the saline patent family
`I=Xl'|ll3i1i0|1 0|‘ 01l'|¢|‘
`Date ofthe actual eornplction Ofthe international Search
`Dale of mailing of the international search report
`28 APRIL20m<2s-04-2010)
`Name and mailing address of the ISA.-‘KR
`29 APRIL 2010 (29.04.2010)
`Authorized nfficer
`Korean Intellectual Property Ottice
`Go\-'ernrn:.:nt Cornplex—Daejeon, 139 Seonsa—ro, Se0—
`gu. Dacjeon 302-70] . Republic of Korea
`Facsimile No. S2-42-472-7140
`KIM. .Tong K}-'oo
`T31’-‘Pl'|0'|'l'-‘ N0
`33'42'48 1'55‘)-3
`Form PCT-'1 SA-"210 (second sheet) (July 2009)

`lnforlmllion on palcnl fEllT111\_«' members
`International app1icatimI Nu.
`PC:-I-{U 520092105871 6
`Palenl documenl
`cited in S¢fll‘I(:I'I report
`Patent fellnily
`JP 11—309183 :3.
`US 6381779 E’-1
`US 6678906 B1
`1110 0309-2452111
`13. 1 1.2003
`US 5817391 A1
`US 570-5241 A1
`AU 1997-12445 B2
`EP 0787451 A2
`EP 0787451 A3
`EP 0787451 B1
`GB 2309638 A
`Form PCT.-TSA.-"210 (pzllcul [‘:u11i|_v ('II'J1'1i:.\) {JLLI}-' 2009)

`From the
`PCTKU S2009!058’}'l6
`T :
`A'|'|.AN'|'A GA 3[J3[}8—22lfi USA
`(PCT Rule 43|Jis.1)
`Date ofmetiling
`-fdfllt-"m0Hf:‘t—":V90fJ 29 APRIL 2010 (29.04.2010)
`Sec paragraph 2 below
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`Interttatiottal application No.
`International tiling date (do_v.-'iww1rfr-‘_'vear)
`29 SEPTEMBER 2009 (29.09.2009)
`International Patent Classification (IPC) or both national classification and I1-‘C
`D043 21‘/I-#2006. 01):’. D03D )‘I/00(20t.'i'6i (})‘)i
`A pplieant
`SHEEX LLC et al
`1. This opinion contains indications relating to the tollowing items:
`Box No. I
`Basis of the opinion
`PFi01'il}' dalerdcgv-"rrwntilt.-j=er!r}
`2.9 SEPTEMBER 2008 (29.09.2008)
`Box No. 11
`Box No. III
`Non-establisltment ofopinion with regard to novelty. invetttive step and industrial applicability
`I-3o.V: No. IV
`Lack ot'Lu1ity ot‘ invention
`Box No. V
`Box No. VI
`Reason-ed statement under Rule 43bis.1(a)(i) with regard to novelty. inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Certain documents cited
`LILIUw|_||_||JE| Box No. VIII Certain observatiolls on the intemational application
`Box No. VII
`Certain defects in the international application
`Ifa deniand for intemational prelimiliary examination is made. this opinion will be eonsidered to be a written opinion of the
`International PreliminaI1_.! ]",:-cantiniltg Authority ("II-’|-IA ") except that this does not apply.-' where the applicant chooses an Atlthority
`other than this one to be the IPEA and the eliosen IPEA has notified the International Bureau under Rule 66. Ibistb) that written
`opinions ofthis International Searching Attthoritjv will not be so considered.
`Ifthis opinion is. as provided above. eonsidered to be :1 written opinion of the IPEA. the ‘¢1]J]3l-IIC-‘¢1l1II:i invited to submit to the
`IPEA a written reply together. where appropri21te_. with amendments. betiore the expiration of 3 I‘ttOl‘1ll'tS from the date of mailing
`ofl"orrn POI"-‘ISA.-’22tJ or before the expiration o-F22 months i'rorn the priority date, wlticltever expires later.
`For further options. see Form PCT.-“ISA-"320.
`3. For further details, see notes to Form 1'-‘CT-‘ISA.-"220.
`Name and rnniling address 01' the ISAFKR
`Korean Intellectual Property ()f'fiee
`Governmelit Con'ip|ex—Daeieon. I39
`S¢0"5_a_1_oF S¢G_gu! Dam-cm] 302
`-701. Republic of Korea
`Fa“-_imi|e N0 32_4g_473_714[_)
`Date of completion ofthis opinion Authorized oiifieer
`38 APRIL. 201$} (23.04.2010)
`KIM. Jung K} 00
`Telephone N0.82—42—43l—5593
`Forln I’CI‘.-"ISA-"'23? (cover sheet) {Jul}-' 2009)
`00021 3

`Iiiternaliomll application No.
`Box No.
`I Basis of this opinion
`1. With regard to the language, this opinion has been established on the basis of‘:
`E the international application in the language in wliich it was filed
`, which is the language ofa
`l:l a translation ofthc international application into
`traiislatioii furnished. for the purposes of international search (Rules l2.3[a) and 23. ltbj-)
`2. El This opinion has been established tal-Ling into account the rectificatioll of an obvious mistake aI.Ithori7.ed by or notified
`to this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 436.-'.s.1(a))
`regard to any nucleotide andfor amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, this opinion has been
`established on the basis of:
`a, a sequence listing filed or funiishcd
`CI in electronic form
`h. time of tiling 0l'll.II‘I1iSl1l1"Ig
`l:l contained in the international application as filed.
`I:I tiled together with the international application in electronic form.
`furnislted SLli.'!SC£|L|¢l1tl_V to this l'\l.1ll‘IOI'il£}' for the purposes of search.
`4. El In addition. in the case that more than one version or copy‘ ofa sequence listing has been tiled or filrnished, the required
`statements that the inforrnation in the subsequent or additioanl copies is idcntical to that
`in thc application as tiled or does
`not go beyond the application as tiled, as appropriate, were t'urnished.
`5. Additional comments:
`Form PCT.-"ISA.-"237 (Box No. I)( Jul}-‘ 2009)

`Inlc rnatiunal app] icaliun No.
`PCT/U s2gi}9m53-mg
`Box No. V Reasoned statement under Rule 43bis.l(a)-(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`1. Statement
`Novelty (N)
`Invcnli v C slop (IS)
`Industrial applicahil ity (IA)
`2. Citations and explanations :
`Reference is made to the following document:
`D1: JP 11-309183 A (lI.l0RlUCl-ll
`l(l’L' Kit) 09 November 1999
`1. Novelty and Inventive Step
`1-]. Regarding claims 1-4
`Most of the features of claim 1 are disclosed in D1 except for making the finished fabric at
`inches wide.
`is considered to he a minor difference over
`the disclosure of lll,
`merely matters of design option when the general
`l-mowledge in relevant
`field of
`the art
`llence, no inventive step under PCT article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claim 1.
`least 90
`that are
`is used.
`is already disclosed in Dlfsee claim 3}. The features added by
`feature of claim 2
`The additional
`claims 3 & zl are considered to he a minor difference over the disclosure of Dl(see paragraphs [t)(lIlt)]-
`ff.JC'13l). which fall under
`the general knowledge of a person skilled in the art. Hence. no inventive
`step under PC1‘ Article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claims 2-4.
`1-2. Regarding claims 5-8
`least 90
`for making the finished fHlJl'lt_‘ at
`ltllost of the features (if claim 5 are disclosed in Ill except
`inches wide. circular lcnitting the fabric and stitching the fabric portions together. However. making
`the finished fabric at
`inches wide
`is considered to be
`a minor difference over
`disclosure of D1.
`is merely matters of design option when the general knowledge in relevant
`field of
`the art
`is used. Circular lcnitting and stitching a1'e considered to be a minor difference
`over the disclosure of Dltsee 11-aragraphs
`[ll(llU]-[fl(l‘l3]). which fall under
`the general
`lil‘l()'tt'l(-¥tlHf:P of a
`person skilled in the art. Hence. no inventive step under PCT Article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject
`matter of claim 5.
`is already disclosed in Dlfsee paragraph [OU01]l. The
`feature of claim 6
`The additional
`added by claims 7 St 8 are a simple addition of cunventicinal
`technique in this field as occasion
`demands. Hence. no inventive step under PCT Article 33(3)
`is present
`in the subject matter of claims
`1-3. Regarding claims 9-12
`least 90
`for making the bed sheet at
`ltllost of
`the features of claim 9 are disclosed in D1 except
`inches wide. circular knitting the fabric. stitching the fabric portions together‘ and heat setting
`llowever, making the bed sheet
`inches wide
`is considered to be
`a minor
`differ-enL.‘e Over
`the disclosure of D1.
`is merel,v matters of design option when the general
`knowledge in relevant field of
`the art
`is used. Circul

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