`Prepared by Prulcn'ur limud Almclcla. Uniwrsily nf' Al.maximums/Durhmmlb
`A Systems Approach
`EMC Exhibit 1030
`EMC V. Intellectual Ventures




`The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking
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`Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 3 e
`Larry L. Peterson and Bruce 5. Davie
`Network Architecture, Analysis, and Design, 2e
`James D. McCabe
`MPLS Network Management: MIBs, Tools, and Techniques
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`Walter Ciciora, James Farmer, and David Large
`Switching in IP Networks: IP Switching, Tag Switching, and Related Technologies
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`Larry L. Peterson 86 Bruce S. Davie
`A Systems Approach
`M ’4®
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`B O S T O N
`L O N D O N
`O X F 0 R D
`P A R | S
`S A N D | E G O
`S A N F R A N C | S C0
`S | N G A P O R E
`S Y D N E Y


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`3 Packet Switching
`This is sometimes called the packet per sec—
`ond (pps) rate. (This number is representa—
`tive of what is achievable on today’s high—
`end PCs.) If the average packet is short, say,
`64 bytes, this would imply
`Defining Throughput
`It turns out to be difficult to de-
`fine precisely the throughput of a
`switch. Intuitively, we might think
`Throughput = pps X (BitsPerPacket)
`that if a switch has 71 inputs that
`= 256 x 106
`is, a throughput of 256 Mbps—
`substantially below the range that users are
`demanding from their networks today. Bear
`in mind that this 256 Mbps would be shared
`by all users connected to the switch, just as
`the 10 Mbps of an Ethernet is shared among
`all users connected to the shared medium.
`Thus, for example, a 10—port switch with
`this aggregate throughput would only be
`able to cope with an average data rate of
`25.6 Mbps on each port.
`To address this problem, hardware de—
`signers have come up with a large array
`of switch designs that reduce the amount
`of contention and provide high aggregate
`throughput. Note that some contention is
`unavoidable: If every input has data to send
`to a single output, then they cannot all send
`it at once. However, if data destined for dif—
`ferent outputs is arriving at different inputs,
`a well—designed switch will be able to move
`data from inputs to outputs in parallel, thus
`increasing the aggregate throughput.
`3.4. 1 Ports
`Most switches look conceptually similar to
`the one shown in Figure 3.28. They con—
`sist of a number of input ports and output
`ports and a fabric. There is usually at least
`each support a link speed of s,- , then
`the throughput would just be the
`sum of all the 5,. This is actually
`the best possible throughput that
`such a switch could provide, but
`in practice almost no real switch
`can guarantee that level of perfor-
`mance. One reason for this is sim-
`ple to understand. Suppose that, for
`some period of time, all the traf-
`fic arriving at the switch needed
`to be sent to the same output. As
`long as the bandwidth of that out-
`put is less than the sum of the input
`bandwidths, then some of the traf-
`fic will need to be either buffered
`or dropped. With this particular
`traffic pattern,
`the switch could
`not provide a sustained through-
`put higher than the link speed of
`that one output. However, a switch
`might be able to handle traffic ar-
`riving at the full link speed on all
`inputs if it is distributed across all
`the outputs evenly; this would be
`considered optimal.
`that affects
`the performance of switches is the
`the size of packets arriving on the
`inputs. For an ATM switch,
`is normally not an issue because


`3.4 Implementation and Performance
`all “packets” (cells) are the same
`length. But for Ethernet switches
`or IP routers, packets of widely
`varying sizes are possible. Some of
`the operations that a switch must
`perform have a constant overhead
`per packet, so a switch is likely
`to perform differently depending
`on whether all arriving packets are
`very short, very long, or mixed.
`For this reason, routers or switches
`that forward variable-length pack-
`ets are often characterized by a
`packet per second (pps) rate as well
`as a throughput in bits per second.
`The pps rate is usually measured
`with minimum-sized packets.
`The first thing to notice about
`this discussion is that the through-
`put of the switch is a function of the
`traffic to which it is subjected. One
`of the things that switch designers
`spend a lot of their time doing is
`trying to come up with traffic mod-
`els that approximate the behavior
`of real data traffic. It turns out that
`it is extremely difficult to achieve
`accurate models. A traffic model at-
`tempts to answer several important
`questions: (1) When do packets ar-
`rive? (2) What outputs are they des-
`tined for? And (3) how big are they?
`Traffic modeling is a well-
`established science that has been
`extremely successful in the world of
`telephony, enabling telephone com-
`panies to engineer their networks
`one control processor in charge of the whole
`switch that communicates with the ports
`either directly or, as shown here, Via the
`switch fabric. The ports communicate with
`the outside world. They may contain fiber
`optic receivers and lasers, buffers to hold
`packets that are waiting to be switched or
`transmitted, and often a significant amount
`of other circuitry that enables the switch
`to function. The fabric has a very simple
`and well—defined job: When presented with
`a packet, deliver it to the right output port.
`One of the jobs of the ports, then, is to
`deal with the complexity of the real world
`in such a way that the fabric can do its
`relatively simple job. For example, suppose
`that this switch is supporting a Virtual cir—
`cuit model of communication. In general,
`the Virtual circuit mapping tables described
`in Section 3.1.2 are located in the ports.
`The ports maintain lists of Virtual circuit
`identifiers that are currently in use, with
`information about what output a packet
`should be sent out on for each VCI and
`how the VCI needs to be remapped to ensure
`uniqueness on the outgoing link. Similarly,
`the ports of an Ethernet switch store tables
`that map between Ethernet addresses and
`output ports (bridge forwarding tables as
`described in Section 3.2). In general, when
`a packet is handed from an input port to
`the fabric, the port has figured out where
`the packet needs to go, and either the port
`sets up the fabric accordingly by comm—
`unicating some control information to it, or
`it attaches enough information to the packet
`itself (e.g., an output port number) to al—
`low the fabric to do its job automatically.
`Fabrics that switch packets by looking only


`3 Packet Switching
`at the information in the packet are referred
`to as ‘self—routing,’ since they require no
`external control to route packets. An ex—
`ample of a self—routing fabric is discussed
`The input port is the first place to
`look for performance bottlenecks. The in—
`put port has to receive a steady stream of
`packets, analyze information in the header
`of each one to determine which output port
`(or ports) the packet must be sent to, and
`pass the packet on to the fabric. The type of
`header analysis that it performs can range
`from a simple table lookup on a VCI to
`complex matching algorithms that examine
`many fields in the header. This is the type of
`operation that sometimes becomes a prob—
`lem when the average packet size is very
`small. For example, 64—byte packets arriv—
`ing on a port connected to an 0048 link
`have to process packets at a rate of
`2.48 x 109 + (64 x 8): 4.83 x 106 pps
`In other words, when small packets are
`arriving as fast as possible on this link (the
`worst—case scenario that most ports are
`engineered to handle), the input port has
`approximately 200 nanoseconds to process
`each packet.
`Another key function of ports is
`buffering. Observe that buffering can hap—
`pen in either
`the input or the output
`port; it can also happen within the fab—
`ric (sometimes called internal buffering).
`Simple input buffering has
`some seri—
`ous limitations. Consider an input buffer
`to carry expected loads quite effi-
`ciently. This is partly because the
`way people use the phone network
`does not change that much over
`time: The frequency with which
`calls are placed, the amount of time
`taken for a call, and the tendency of
`everyone to make calls on Mother’s
`Day have stayed fairly constant for
`many years.4 By contrast, the rapid
`evolution of computer communi-
`cations, where a new application
`like Napster can change the traffic
`almost overnight, has
`made effective modeling of com—
`puter networks much more diffi-
`cult. Nevertheless, there are some
`excellent books and articles on the
`subject that we list at the end of the
`To give you a sense of the range
`of throughputs that designers need
`to be concerned about, a high-end
`router used in the Internet at the
`time of writing might support 10
`OC—192 links for a throughput of
`approximately 100 Gbps. A 100-
`Gbps switch, if called upon to han-
`dle a steady stream of 64-byte pack-
`ets, would need a packet per second
`rate of
`100 x 109 + (64 x 8)
`= 195 X 106 pps
`4This statement has recently become less true with the advent of fax machines and modem connections to
`the Internet.


`3.4 Implementation and Performance
`Figure 3.28 A 4 )< 4 switch.
`Port 1
`Port 2
`Figure 3.29 Simple illustration of head-of—Iine blocking.
`implemented as a FIFO. As packets arrive at the switch, they are placed in the input
`buffer. The switch then tries to forward the packets at the front of each FIFO to their
`appropriate output port. However, if the packets at the front of several different input
`ports are destined for the same output port at the same time, then only one of them
`can be forwarded;5 the rest must stay in their input buffers.
`The drawback of this feature is that those packets left at the front of the input
`buffer prevent other packets further back in the buffer from getting a chance to go
`to their chosen outputs, even though there may be no contention for those outputs.
`This phenomenon is called head-of-line blocking. A simple example of head-of-line
`blocking is given in Figure 3.29, where we see a packet destined for port 1 blocked
`behind a packet contending for port 2. It can be shown that when traffic is uni-
`formly distributed among outputs, head-of-line blocking limits the throughput of an
`5 For a simple input-buffered switch, exactly one packet at a time can be sent to a given output port. It is possible
`to design switches that can forward more than one packet to the same output at once, at a cost of higher switch
`complexity, but there is always some upper limit on the number.


`3 Packet Switching
`input—buffered switch to 59% of the theoretical maximum (which is the sum of the
`link bandwidths for the switch). Thus, the majority of switches use either pure out—
`put buffering or a mixture of internal and output buffering. Those that do rely on
`input buffers use sophisticated buffer management schemes to avoid head—of—line
`Buffers actually perform a more complex task than just holding onto packets
`that are waiting to be transmitted. Buffers are the main source of delay in a switch,
`and also the place where packets are most likely to get dropped due to lack of space
`to store them. The buffers therefore are the main place where the quality of service
`characteristics of a switch are determined. For example, if a certain packet has been
`sent along a VG that has a guaranteed delay, it cannot afford to sit in a buffer for very
`long. This means that the buffers, in general, must be managed using packet scheduling
`and discard algorithms that meet a wide range of QoS requirements. We talk more
`about these issues in Chapter 6.
`3.4.2 Fabrics
`While there has been an abundance of impressive research conducted on the design
`of efficient and scalable fabrics, it is sufficient for our purposes here to understand
`only the high—level properties of a switch fabric. A switch fabric should be able to
`move packets from input ports to output ports with minimal delay and in a way that
`meets the throughput goals of the switch. That usually means that fabrics display
`some degree of parallelism. A high—performance fabric with n ports can often move
`one packet from each of its 11 ports to one of the output ports at the same time. A
`sample of fabric types includes the following:
`I Shared-bus: This is the type of “fabric” found in a conventional workstation
`used as a switch, as described above. Because the bus bandwidth determines
`the throughput of the switch, high—performance switches usually have spe—
`cially designed busses rather than the standard busses found in PCs.
`I Shared-memory: In a shared—memory switch, packets are written into a mem—
`ory location by an input port and then read from memory by the output ports.
`Here it is the memory bandwidth that determines switch throughput, so wide
`and fast memory is typically used in this sort of design. A shared—memory
`switch is similar in principle to the shared—bus switch, except it usually uses a
`specially designed, high—speed memory bus rather than an I/O bus.
`I Crossbar: A crossbar switch is a matrix of pathways that can be configured
`to connect any input port to any output port. Figure 3.30 shows a 4 x 4


`3.4 Implementation and Performance
`Figure 3.30 A 4 x 4 crossbar switch.
`crossbar switch. The main problem with crossbars is that, in their simplest
`form, they require each output port to be able to accept packets from all inputs
`at once, implying that each port would have a memory bandwidth equal to the
`total switch throughput. In reality, more complex designs are typically used
`to address this issue (see, for example, the Knockout switch and McKeown’s
`virtual output—buffered approach in the “Further Reading” section at the end
`of the chapter).
`I Self-routing: As noted above, self—routing fabrics rely on some information
`in the packet header to direct each packet to its correct output. Usually, a
`special “self—routing header” is appended to the packet by the input port af—
`ter it has determined which output the packet needs to go to, as illustrated
`in Figure 3.31; this extra header is removed before the packet leaves the
`switch. Self—routing fabrics are often built from large numbers of very sim—
`ple 2 x 2 switching elements interconnected in regular patterns, such as the
`banyan switching fabric shown in Figure 3.32. For some examples of self—
`routing fabric designs, see the “Further Reading” section at the end of this
`Self—routing fabrics are among the most scalable approaches to fabric design, and
`there has been a wealth of research on the topic, some of which is listed in the “Further
`Reading” section. Many self—routing fabrics resemble the one shown in Figure 3.32,


`3 Packet Switching
`Original packet
`Figure 3.31 A self-routing header is applied to a packet at input to enable the fabric to
`send the packet to the correct output, where it is removed. (a) Packet arrives at input
`port. (b) Input port attaches self-routing header to direct packet to correct output. (c)
`Self-routing header is removed at output port before packet leaves switch.
`consisting of regularly interconnected 2 X 2 switching elements. For example, the 2 x 2
`switches in the banyan network perform a simple task: They look at 1 bit in each self-
`routing header and route packets toward the upper output if it is 0 or toward the
`lower output if it is 1. Obviously, if two packets arrive at a banyan element at the


`3.4 Implementation and Performance
`110 111
`Figure 3.32 Routing packets through a banyan network. The 3-bit numbers represent
`values in the self-routing headers of four arriving packets.
`same time and both have the bit set to the same value, then they want to be routed
`to the same output and a collision will occur. Either preventing or dealing with these
`collisions is a main challenge for self—routing switch design. The banyan network is a
`clever arrangement of 2 X 2 switching elements that routes all packets to the correct
`output without collisions if the packets are presented in ascending order.
`We can see how this works in an example, as shown in Figure 3.32, where the
`self—routing header contains the output port number encoded in binary. The switch
`elements in the first column look at the most significant bit of the output port number
`and route packets to the top if that bit is a 0 or the bottom if it is a 1. Switch elements
`in the second column look at the second bit in the header, and those in the last column
`look at the least significant bit. You can see from this example that the packets are
`routed to the correct destination port without collisions. Notice how the top outputs
`from the first column of switches all lead to the top half of the network, thus getting
`packets with port numbers 0—3 into the right half of the network. The next column
`gets packets to the right quarter of the network, and the final column gets them to the
`right output port. The clever part is the way switches are arranged to avoid collisions.
`Part of the arrangement includes the “perfect shuffle” wiring pattern at the start of
`the network. To build a complete switch fabric around a banyan network would require
`additional components to sort packets before they are presented to the banyan. The
`Batcher—banyan switch design is a notable example of such an approach. The Batcher
`network, which is also built from a regular interconnection of 2 X 2 switching elements,


`3 Packet Switching
`sorts packets into descending order. On leaving the Batcher network, the packets are
`then ready to be directed to the correct output, with no risk of collisions, by the banyan
`One of the interesting things about switch design is the wide range of different
`types of switches that can be built using the same basic technology. For example,
`the Ethernet switches and ATM switches discussed in this chapter, as well as Internet
`routers discussed in the neXt chapter, are all built using designs such as those outlined
`in this section.
`3.5 Summary
`This chapter has started to look at some of the issues involved in building large scalable
`networks by using switches, rather than just links, to interconnect hosts. There are
`several different ways to decide how to switch packets; the two main ones are the
`datagram (connectionless) model and the virtual circuit (connection—oriented) model.
`An important application of switching is the interconnection of shared—media
`LANs. LAN switches, or bridges, use techniques such as source address learning to
`improve forwarding efficiency and spanning tree algorithms to avoid looping. These
`switches are extensively used in data centers, campuses, and corporate networks.
`The most widespread uses of virtual circuit switching are in Frame Relay and
`ATM switches. ATM introduces some particular challenges through the use of cells,
`short fixed—length packets. The availability of relatively high—throughput ATM switches
`has contributed to the acceptance of the technology, although it has certainly not swept
`all other technologies aside as some predicted. One of the main uses of ATM today is
`to interconnect widely separated sites in corporate networks.
`Independent of the specifics of the switching technology, switches need to forward
`packets from inputs to outputs at a high rate, and in some circumstances, switches
`need to grow to a large size to accommodate hundreds or thousands of ports. Building
`switches that both scale and offer high performance at acceptable cost is complicated
`by the problem of contention, and as a consequence, switches often employ special—
`purpose hardware rather than being built from general—purpose workstations.
`In addition to the issues of contention discussed here, we observe that the related
`problem of congestion has come up throughout this chapter. We will postpone our
`discussion of congestion control until Chapter 6, after we have seen more of the
`network architecture. We do this because it is impossible to fully appreciate congestion
`(both the problem and how it to address it) without understanding both what happens
`inside the network (the topic of this and the neXt chapter) and what happens at the
`edges of the network (the topic of Chapter 5).


`Further Reading
`ATM was originally envisioned by
`many of its proponents as the foun-
`dation for the “Broadband Integrated
`Services Digital Network,” and it was
`predicted in some quarters that ATM
`would displace all other networking
`O P E N I S S U E
`The Future of ATM
`technologies. Hosts would acquire
`ATM adaptors instead of Ethernet ports, enabling “ATM to the desktop.” Phone
`companies everywhere would deploy ATM, and as the technology that supports all
`media types—voice, video, and data—it would remove the need for any other type of
`It is now apparent that this scenario is unlikely to play out. The success of Eth-
`ernet switches in particular has killed off the ATM-to-the-desktop movement. Gigabit
`Ethernet and 10-Gigabit Ethernet technologies have successfully addressed the need
`for high-speed connections to servers where ATM might once have been used. In fact,
`we now hear ATM referred to as a “legacy protocol,” a term that was much used in
`the heyday of ATM to refer to older protocols.
`Another factor that has limited the acceptance of ATM has been the success of
`the Internet. It is now a fact of life that consumers are willing to pay for Internet
`access, and that means selling a service that delivers IP packets. While ATM can be
`used to help deliver that service (as it is in many DSL networks, for example), simply
`selling ATM connections to consumers does not meet their data networking needs. The
`notable exception is corporate customers looking to interconnect many sites, where
`an ATM VC may be just the right thing to economically replace a leased line. In fact,
`this is the primary niche for ATM today—it is used (in conjunction with Frame Relay)
`to provide wide area virtual circuit services to corporate networking customers.
`The future of ATM therefore seems to hinge on the future of wide area virtual
`circuit-based services. These services are unlikely to go away any time soon, but ATM’s
`role is to some extent being challenged by newer technologies, such as encrypted IP
`tunnels and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). Both of these technologies will
`be described in the next chapter.
`The seminal paper on bridges, in particular the spanning tree algorithm, is the article
`by Perlman below. There is a wealth of survey papers on ATM; the article by Turner,
`an ATM pioneer, is one of the earliest to propose the use of a cell-based network for
`integrated services. The third paper describes the Sunshine switch and is especially


`statistical multiplexing: Demand—based multiplexing of multiple data sources over a
`shared link or channel.
`stop—and—wait: A reliable transmission algorithm in which the sender transmits a
`packet and waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next packet. Compare
`with sliding window and concurrent logical channels. See also ARQ.
`STS: Synchronous Transport Signal. The prefix for various rates of SONET transmis—
`sion. For example, STS—1 refers to the SONET standard for 51.84—Mbps transmission.
`subnetting: The use of a single IP network address to denote multiple physical net—
`works. Routers within the subnetwork use a subnet mask to discover the physical
`network to which a packet should be forwarded. Subnetting effectively introduces a
`third level to the two—level hierarchical IP address.
`SunRPC: Remote procedure call protocol developed by Sun Microsystems. SunRPC
`is used to support NFS. See also ONC.
`switch: A network node that forwards packets from inputs to outputs based on header
`information in each packet. Differs from a router mainly in that it typically does not
`interconnect networks of different types.
`switching fabric: The component of a switch that directs packets from their inputs to
`the correct outputs.
`T1: A standard telephone carrier service equal to 24 ISDN circuits, or 1.544 Mbps.
`Also called D51.
`T3: A standard telephone carrier service equal to 24 T1 circuits, or 44.736 Mbps.
`Also called D53.
`TCP: Transmission Control Protocol. Connection—oriented transport protocol of the
`Internet architecture. TCP provides a reliable, byte—stream delivery service.
`Telnet: Remote terminal protocol of the Internet architecture. Telnet allows you to
`interact with a remote system as if your terminal is directly connected to that machine.
`throughput: The observed rate at which data is sent through a channel. The term is
`often used interchangeably with bandwidth.

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